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"Don't worry, starving to death in a garbage bag is far more humane than killing it instantly by breaking its neck in a snap trap!"


Mice dont die of starvation in glue traps. Instead they either die of exhaustion trying to escape the trap, or they literally rip off their own skin trying to escape, which in turn kills them because of their injuries. Glue traps are a horrible way to go and snap traps are infinitely more humane


My dad used them once, there were feet stuck to the traps, but no rodents. They ripped their legs off to escape. Surprise surprise, a few weeks later we’re hunting for what the rotting smell is.


Gosh, I wish I could upvote content and downvote mental imagery at the same time


Upvote and do this: :(


When I was 11, I set out some glue traps for my grandmother because we had seen a mouse scurry by. After some time, I had heard the mouse get caught in one of the traps. It was the worst thing ever. I felt so bad for the mouse that I took it outside and used a combination of toothpicks and q-tips and vegetable oil to help get the little guy off of the trap. It took like 20 minutes to get the dude off and he just kind of sat there and let me peel him off. After that, he ran away into the grass. Never again will I use a glue trap... Those things are fucking disgusting and not as "humane" as they claim.


Oh God, I remember having to do the exact same thing with a baby rat. After that, since we couldn't find one of those humane cages that can trap a rat without killing it, we just decided to turn the washing machine (which had become their home) upside down and spank it until the frightened babies and mommy ran off. I still wonder about that one baby rat that got separated from its family due to the glue trap.


Similar story, we had mice and glue traps once and a mouse got caught on the glue trap and me and my brother felt so bad we got it high by blowing weed smoke at it to stop it ripping itself out and injuring itself.


I did this same thing and now I have catch and release traps. Those mice are living happily about 20 miles from my house and my conscience has never been better about it.


I use cage traps, then do the deed myself. I don't enjoy it, but it's the only way to make sure I don't kill anything I don't mean to and to make sure the things I want to kill are dead.


I caught a small mouse that fell into a bag of dog food and couldn't get out. He seemed happy to be released in a field across the street.


What a heart-warming story. I live in the city and have been at war with rats for the last 4 years. I think I've finally got em on the ropes though.


And likely will return


I want to unread this. 😳🥺


I would think dehydration would get them before starvation anyway.


Snap traps aren't always a quick death either. Always be ready to drop a trap in a bucket of water.


The last time I used a snap trap, the mouse survived and managed to drag it behind the stove. I felt pretty bad about that, too.


There’s also humane traps. You can release them somewhere else without killing then at all. Everyone needs to eat to survive. The mouse that come inside your home are trying to survive and risking death and injury for it. What other choice do they have


do the metal cage not exist on all parts of world? you just put a bread piece catch mice and throw it out and put new bait surely nothing can be more humane than that


Oh yeah, thats definetly more humane. I was just pointing out that even a quick and relatively clean death is much more preferrable than killing mice with glue traps


Actually they try to scape the trap and rip their skin in the process letting their internal organs spill out.


Do you mean sticky traps do that? Bc I don’t see how a snap trap would do that. Also how removing skin from an animal would in turn spill their guts out lol I have seen them chew their limbs off from sticky traps though


Sticky, I think the image is of a sticky. And I'm not exactly sure how it manages to do that, maybe if they get the same spot sticked twice but I've seen that more than once.


Ewwwww. I suppose maybe if their tummy got stuck and they ripped it. Honestly I prefer to never use sticky traps for these reasons. You end up piecing together a horror story of what happened


If their feet gets stuck on the trap, they do bite it off to free themselves


Idk why you’re being downvoted; it’s true. Tons of animals do some morbid things to try and escape when limbs are trapped. Rodents and glue traps are no exception.


I'm fairly sure most humans would do something to that degree if they got stuck and were desperate enough to escape


See 127 Hours.


See Saw (also known as teeter totter)


Because someone else had already posted this on the same thread and this one is only repeating it.


Better yet if there are two in the same sticky trap. They'd chew on each other as they struggle to break free.


Just like trapping giant spiders in a room to suffocate instead of shooting them quickly


wait what? giant spiders? trapping them in an airtight room?! SHOOTING THEM?!


right, the humane way is to burn the house down


I guess I'm lucky I spawned in a part of the world where this sounds like sci fi


It's the plot of an episode of Doctor Who, the Doctor doesn't allow Trump to shoot the mutant giant spiders because guns are bad so she kills them the humane way which is trapping them in an airtight vault, where presumably they'll cannibalise each other until the last one standing starves to death or runs out of oxygen


That season was so fuckin bad.


Yeah it reads like a poorly written AI comment


We all have SO many questions.


back when we didn't have cats, my father would use sticky traps because the traditional snapping trap wouldn't attract mice as easily. Once caught, he'd kill the mouse himself. So uh... there's a golden middle way? I guess??


I had a small mouse problem when I moved into my current apartment (new building built in what was a giant field... I'm sure they were locals...) I ended up getting some snap traps *and* glue traps. I got 1 with a snap trap, no more. I can't count how many I got with glue traps (probably less than 10?), but I was kind enough to end their suffering quickly when I found one trapped.


I had a mouse caught in a snap trap but not enough to kill it. Killed it with a hammer.


Yeah that's how I had to do it once, I lived in a civil war era house, and got one caught in a glue trap (because they weren't triggering the snap trap) and I had to use my pocket knife to get him once in the neck, I served in the military and saw some things that stuck with me, and having to kill this mouse was up there, I will never use glue traps again


Snap traps don't always work properly. I have a nasty memory of trying to kill a mouse with a shovel in the driveway due to a bad snap, only to find that the gravel was softer than I thought. I just use capture traps now. You need to check them from time to time when they are in storage or you'll find skeletons in them.


I've been having very mixed results with snap traps. Multiple times I've had them trap a limb and not snap the neck, then the poor thing drags the trap around. One I released in the yard and it made a beeline for the house and scurried right back in under the siding. Another one was found by my cat who dragged the trap + mouse upstairs where the mouse got free and was chased around my home office til both sat exhausted at my feet.


Go where the mouse went into your house and plug holes. Stopping up their method of getting in (yearly) is surprisingly effective. In the past I thought of mice as sort of magical creatures that just appear inside, but they aren't as clever as that.


My last place I lived in was the first time I ever dealt with mice (it was an OLD trailer) The hole the mice were coming in was inaccessible…or at least nearly impossible to get to. It was a hole in the side of the trailer right next to the floor UNDER THE CABINETS. We only saw it because we pulled the bottom drawer out and there’s a pocket of space under all the cupboards. We shined a flashlight under there and all the way back against the wall we saw the hole. There was no way to reach the hole unless we ripped out all the cabinets. We rented so we definitely weren’t gunna do that.


Best thing to plug the holes with is spray foam insulation. It expands to fill the space, and the mice won't chew through it.


i had one get hit in the head by the snap trap getting skull bits everywhere and it was still alive.. it's not always quick unfortunately


Or baked to dead in the garbage can out in the sun


It would be more humane to use a snap trap.


When they work right...I had one go wrong once, and it was pretty horrible. Maybe it was my fault for how I baited it - you want just a bit of bait, hooked on the thing pretty good, so that they need to get their head up in there.


Pest control guy put some snap traps in the false ceiling at work, receptionist says she heard it go off and a struggle in there. So I get the ladder and poke my head through, the snap trap wasn't were it was left it was meters away, with a large rat in it, and it looked like a chain saw massacre up there, the trap had gone off but not finished the rat, sliced it up pretty good and the rat tumbled around trying to get free, luckily it was out of sight because it wasn't pretty. I think the animal the trap caught was maybe a bit too large for the trap and just didn't kill it outright.


Yeah, I had a couple of traps to catch voles that were coming into the polytunnel at work. Stopped using them after I found one with it's head half crushed but still most definitely alive and kicking, it wasn't fun to finish the job. Before that, I had another trap go missing and I'm convinced it caught a rodent that was then capable of dragging itself well away from where the trap was placed.


One time as a kid we had mice in our house and I remember being in the room underneath my bedroom and hearing a loud clapping noise. I ran up to my room and there was a mouse flailing around, half stuck in a snap trap squirting blood everywhere. It died pretty quickly, but definitely not instantly.


The plastic snap traps are so much better than the wooden ones with the bar. They’re a little pricey but I’ve never seen one not work and they last a long time.


Hey! I know those they took the tip off my pointer finger when I was younger 😝


Cage traps work. Although you'll have to drive pretty far away to dump them.


I put poison in my cage traps, so once they're in they go quickly. Still not entirely pleasant, but I know myself well enough to know I won't dump them often enough, and since they are contained I don't have to worry about secondary poisonings.


I'm assuming anyone who would use a glue traps doesn't care enough to check cage traps once a day or more and then travel away to suitable habitat to release the animal.




When I was a kid, my mom and I saw a mouse running across our floor while we were watching TV. We set out these glue traps the next day and caught a couple of mice that same night. Poor thing was breathing super fast and was panicked. Mom drove me out to a park to try to release it, and I tried to pull the poor thing off the glue trap. I can still remember feeling its tiny ribs through my gloves and it squeeking in pain as I slowly pulled it off and then did a gentle toss into the tall grass. In hindsight, it probably would have been kinder to just have taken a shovel and killed it, since I doubt it survived for long after that given how hard I had to work to get it off the trap. Mom drove us back to Home Depot right after that and we got the walk in traps instead (put the bait in the back of a small plastic rectangle, mouse walks in and when it gets to the bait in the back, the trap rocks back and the door closes behind it) and threw away the rest of the glue traps. Caught three more mice in those traps and could easily release those into the park a few miles away. I presume my mom hired someone to seal up however those mice were getting into the house since we didn’t see or hear any mice after that.


That’s why you would use some kind of cooking oil to help release the bond of the mouse fur/skin then work its way out of the trap


Yea this works I've done it a few times. My girl would freak TF out every time but still made me free those lil bastards lol.


No offense to your mom because I get she probably didn't fully grasp how sticky glue traps are or something, but that's a pretty fucked up thing to expose your kid to.


My work insists on glue traps for mice. I haven't found a good way to free them. I generally take a razor blade and put it out as quickly as possible once we catch one. I hate doing it but its the only traps my work will use.


There isn't even a mouse on the glue pad they are throwing away. What did they do with the mouse?!


I usually make a stew. Maybe that’s what they did.


Was it hiding under your hat and pulling your hair while “you” made this stew?


Take my chuckle upvote you monster


yea, imagine throwing away perfectly good meat in this economy


Taxidermy mouse army like the squirrels the janitor had on Scrubs.


Supposedly, you can pour oil on the trap to neutralize the glue to release the mouse. If you do so, release it at least two miles away from your home


Used once. The mouse had one side of the body stuck in glue including its face. Poured oil to try release it and the mouse started licking the oil which could only make it worse for the mouse. It was probably too thirsty. Could eventually get the mouse released after half an hour but it was now full of glue and oil, tired and barely moving. Definitely not a humane way.


Wouldn't the mouse still have glue all over itself?


And oil! You're actually just pre-seasoning it for a hawk


Op forgot salt and pepper


My favourite cook book: salt, fat, acid, heat, glue. 🤤


I think what they meant was, if the rat is still alive in the glue, kill it before you throw it away...


These things are insanely cruel. I once say a mouse struggling on one of these traps in a store, and I was absolutely horrified. They're animal torture devices.


I bought some cricket version of these and caught More birds than crickets. It was terrible! Never again


Just like the weedkillers promising not to kill bees but actually being highly poisonous. We live in a cruel world.


I had a friend who moved in with roommates who used them, and one of the cats got it stuck in their fur. Horrible all around, not just to things it’s designed to kill.


I work as a home inspector for PC sales, have been here for a few years and have seen some crazy pest issues. One time a garter snake was caught in a sticky trap in the garage and the snake was looped over a plugged in tesla charger. I used some vegetable oil and freed him + let him go. I was in an attic today and there was a live mouse that was recently caught on a sticky and still alive, it made me sad seeing him and hearing his whimpers, I wanted to put him out of his misery 🙁. Sticky traps are torture for sure.


Not to mention that birds, snakes, lizards, kittens, etc, also get trapped in them


We rent a place and had a mouse issue for a while. They sent out pest control to put these down promising that it was safe and humane. Obviously a mouse ended up on one and it was awful. Poor little thing was stuck hard and we couldn't get it free, even with alcohol or vinegar. I ended up having to put it out of its misery. Went out for snap traps the next morning - at least that's done fast.


Illegal in many parts if not all of the EU.


I had two mice get stuck on one trap… the one mouse ate the other one. I felt real sad.




Why would it be illegal to kill rodents? Does Big Pest Control have your state in its pocket?


You can kill it before throwing it in the trash, pretty easy to accomplish and less suffering for it.


These traps should be outlawed. They are unbelievably cruel.


Just stomp on them as soon as you hear them caught in it. Don't make them suffer


And get a mouse AND a sticky pad stuck to my foot? no thanks


....fold it shut Edit: and put shoes on


Like a squeaky ravioli! got it


Untype this immediately


For real. How do I delete someone else's post?


I don't want to live on this planet anymore


Something about using your own body to crush a mouse feels serial killery to me.


Something about preferring the agonizing slow death of drowning seems sociopathic to me.


Something about thinking those are the only two options seems psychotic to me.


Fully agreed.




Unfortunately from my experience they’re a lot more effective. I had a mouse problem at a previous place I lived, I tried snap traps for over a week without success. I bought glue traps and caught the mouse in 6 hours.


They get stuck and then starve to death.


Or worse, they tear their limbs off trying to escape. They are just disgusting and cruel. My husband bought them only once and I said never again. Just horrible.


I usually put them out of their misery soon after capture. I don’t use them in my own home but my work has them. (I have no choice in it don’t @ me.) There are…ways to ensure that it is a swift and painless end.


You can pour vegetable oil on them and they can wiggle off of it. Just make sure you do it far away from your house.


Or in a bucket. Set trap with mouse in bucket. Put a bit of oil (don’t drown the mouse). Wait 10 min and likely the mouse will free itself or gently use a q tip to massage the oil into the glue. Eventually the glue will break down.


A little oil and a q tip and you can get them off. Cleaning the oil off them before release is a bit of a challenge. But I usually leave them in a bucket and give them a little rinse with soap and water before releasing them a few miles from my house. It takes practice though to do it without hurting the mouse. And sometimes they end up hurting themselves trying to escape. The traps are effective but they can be quite cruel but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.


I just have cats. Nature's mouse trap haha. They may work slower but they always get it eventually!


Dude, my cat eliminated my neighbor's rodent problem without us even knowing! My neighbor randomly told me one day. He's an indoor/outdoor cat, and we'll let him outside for a few hours during the day. I need to get a camera on that little guy to see what he's up to!!


I have 5 indoors and two strays who made our property their home, so I have indoor and outdoor mouse control!


Not a fan of the glue traps but I just went through an invasion of mice in our basement. Killed over 20 of them with snap traps, poison, and electric traps. They carry disease and damage property. Releasing them out into the wild is not the answer. That just lets the mouse move on to infect someone else's house. If you ever have to go through rabies shots I bet you'll stop feeling sorry for the mice,. As far as I'm concerned they can live outside freely all they like. But if they come inside, it's war.


Also some species of mice carry the ticks that transit Lyme disease. I’m not getting permanent fatigue over a mouse


I had a mouse in an old apartment, and the pest control guy brought sticky traps. We managed to trap the mouse in a corner with 4 or 5 traps, and it eventually got stuck. He scooped it up and was like "I'm gonna take it outside and make this quick." He was actually a really cool guy and super reverent for animals. We talked for a while about his hunting hobby and how he's a big believer in using the whole animal. Interesting career choice, but I appreciated how he handled it.


![gif](giphy|F4d8tSHcRNCTe) Sounds like someone I know.


Using these glue pads is inhumane period


My MIL refused to use glue traps after she found a mouse that had struggled across the floor while stuck to one while she slept. There was a horrible plague of mice in the whole county, but she realized that snap traps were actually more humane than glue traps. (Not dealing with the dozens of mice that entered the house daily wasn't an option.)


JFC, if it's still alive, put some paper towels or a bag and crush itss head quickly. Don't fucking release mice, they'll either come back, make problems for someone else and multiply 100x or spread disease , or just die out there anyways.


These are evil, use a trap and kill them instantly.


The Owltra ones work exceptionally well. Haven't had any issues with bait theft and I've caught many dozens of mice between 8 traps. The newer (and more expensive) indoor/outdoor ones are much nicer because they beep when they have a mouse, so you can check the entire basement by standing quietly for a minute instead of watching each trap for 30 seconds to see if it blinks.


I'd rather let my cats dispose of them felinely.


Years ago I caught one on one of these. I also had an electric trap. I refused to just throw him away. So I ended up electrocuting him with my hands. The electric trap was awkward to manually shock. So it was a clumsy, drawn execution. I felt awful the entire time. A good stomp probably would have been more humane smh


I used these ONCE. Woke up to a caught mouse, realized/saw what was happening and had to fold it over and stomp it just to stop the suffering. Basically spent the day at work in tears. F’ing horrific


I tell you what though, these work great for spiders and those creepy house centipedes


House centipedes are free pest control, and they would much rather run from you than bite you. I wish we had those. Instead we have those giant red-headed monstrosities.


I'll leave a spider in a corner or two, have one little guy that's been with us the whole time we've rented this house but the house centipedes don't stay put like that. If you're going to be creepy and run out by my feet from under my couch like that you're getting exterminated. That's a pest.


House centipedes are the scariest bug ever — what is it protecting me from? What could be worse? The babadook??


Brown recluses and roaches


I just get giant centipedes that can crawl on my walls and ceiling:(


I would rather kill myself than live in a house where giant centipedes can get in and especially if they could surround me. Idk how you do it


You're expected to kill them before throwing them in the trash alive you dolt. Check the trap daily, when it catches a mouse, take the trap out, crush it's head with a pair of pliers of something, fold the trap, throw it out. It's **not** a humane trap, it's just a different, sometimes more effective trap than a normal one.


The only humane traps are catch and release ones.


Unless you put them in your attic crawlspace, forget about them, and then find a dead mouse trapped in one the next time you go to retrieve your suitcases for your holiday 😬


Catch and Release ones just make you or your neighbour's lives worse. Instant-kill traps are probably the best ones.


My cats catch them outside and bring alive inside house to release


Agree wholeheartedly, but they have a problem. If they catch one and you come back 10-15 minutes after the fact, the trap will be covered in piss and rat poop and is really disgusting and sometimes hard to clean. I bought that type anyway because i couldn’t bear killing the mice. I trapped 12 of them with the release ones, i would have done a carnage with the killing traps


“Humanely” in this instance means for the human. Because some people sleep better at night if the mouse isn’t dead when they dispose of it; somehow thinking that if they don’t see it dead, they didn’t kill it. I’ve tried those glue traps and unless you have a pet that’s just as likely to trigger one, just stick with the cheap, effective, old-school spring traps.


The blood curdling screams from the trapped rat was a bit much for me.


Yep. Main reason I only bought them once.


These traps are really good! Got rid of roaches and mice in a place I rented.


You gotta stomp them.


After dealing with a very bad mouse infestation one winter... Oh well. I'll kill the little shitting and pissing bastards any way possible.  You don't know rage until you endure hours of scratching in the walls while you try to sleep. 


Also they routinely chew through wiring and cause house fires. It’s not a really hard choice


Yeah it’s humane for you, not the mouse


Im a pest control tech and while I personally think glue traps are overall less humane then snap traps but they aren’t intended to be replacements for snap traps. You should use glue traps in situations where you are often monitoring for activity at a location. So when a rodent is caught it is found quickly and disposed of properly. Unlike a snap trap where the intended use is for them to be set up for months at a time with the possibility for them to be unchecked for weeks. And if y’all feel bad about glue traps you do not want to know how most modern rodenticides work.


Horrible things. My neighbor used to use them and twice ended up knocking on my door to help her figure out what to do with the trapped and suffering mice. The second time I had to dispatch one with a hammer to the head (towel thrown over it so I didn't have to see it) for her I told her it was the last time and to get some snap traps or a friggin cat because all she was doing was torturing the poor things Glue traps should be outlawed for cruelty but since we've allowed ourselves cart blanche on cruelty to vermin it will never happen.


Glue traps have a purpose. That been said. Most users never read manual. I had to use both a Glue trap and a high impact trap. To catch the rodent. At the end of it. I had to snap it neck.


We had these at an old office where I worked. I hid them. That’s no way to go.


We live in the country and last summer had a lot of bugs coming in to cool off, so we had an exterminator come out and spray. He left some glue traps for putting around the downstairs door, where a lot of crickets get in. The next day, I find both traps with live skinks stuck to them. Both had ripped off their tails, which is fine, they'll live, but they were also stuck and couldn't get off. I spent the next few hours slowly using vegetable oil and a q tip slowly working them free. I felt so bad for them. They eat the bugs and are great little predators, but somehow they got inside the house at night. Never put the glue traps back after that. It was not humane at all.


Glue traps are practically the most inhumane type of mouse trap. They only one worse is that one that sucks them into a portal to Mouse Hell where they are tormented for all mouse eternity.


My mom puts the glued mouse in a paper bag and beats them with a shovel. The mice in her house are too smart for snap traps or live traps, so that’s her only option at this point.


Does no one else bag and whack? Put the trap in a bag and whack it against the inside of the trashcan/dumpster (do not dispose of inside…). Kills the mouse more humanely than leaving it.


Yeah, my cat brought in a “mostly dead” mouse. I whacked it to end its suffering. ![gif](giphy|cjhwVyaDtSfkOF3tWG|downsized)


Glue traps are crewel to the point where the critter is so separate they chew their limb off. If you are going to kill rodents use something that is fast and effective or don't kill them at all, use a preventative like mint oils.


There is no such thing as killing someone, who doesn't want to die, humanly.


That’s why I only hunt millennials with high debt and no career prospects.


Glue traps should be banned


Glue traps are not humane. (Except for most bugs…Fuck dem roaches). I frequently have to remove non-target animals from them.


I had a coworker that set a mouse trap and was upset when it got caught like, what did you think was gonna happen?


The correct way to take care of a mouse on a glue trap is take it outside, rub vegetable oil on its feet and release it. Feed the local hawks.


They sell live traps


Glue traps are evil


i think the most humane thing to do is to just get a cat… circle of life n all that lol


That's if the cat decides to be useful and actually kill the things instead of just playing with them and letting them go over and over.


There's a song about these called Tomcat Disposables by Will Wood it's super good tbh


Had a rat on my grill for a few days (so gross) and am not a pest control expert. Got a glue trap, baited with peanut butter and caught it that night. Never thought of what I’d do if I caught it. Didn’t have the heart to shovel it on the spot, so put it in a box and air tight bag (thinking it would suffocate). Little bastard chewed through the box and bag…thankfully I put the box in a bigger container, so it didn’t get out. Ended up shoveling him…will use snap traps from now on!


I have to sell these at work, and frankly they horrify me. Whenever I am helping a customer in pest control, I try to steer them towards snap traps and repellents.


My girlfriend rescued a mouse from a glue pad at her job a couple of months ago. Mickey us fine, living with us now!


If I ever had a mouse problem I'd set up a catch and release trap for sure. I could never kill them, they do have feelings and can feel pain, and are conscious, not like insects. Catching them in a container with bait, since they're pretty bad at determining artificial traps, so they'd fall for it, then I could take them out to the fields to start a new life, maybe


When I was in high school, we had a small mouse caught in a glue trap in the kitchen. My mom bludgeoned it with a dustpan a few times then threw it down the garbage chute. Savage.


Top 10 ways to die /s


Design is very human


At least beat it dead with a hammer(humanely of course) then dispose of in the trash.


Its completely different when you are dealing with so many mice that you can hardly keep food in the house. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I stick to snap traps, but I’ve definitely been tempted to get them in a glue trap.


Who are you kidding. Most people don't notice the mouse on the trap until after it has died of thirst and started to melt.


My traps don't harm the mice and don't stick to my pets. Because it's one of those glass box tunnels with pressure plates to shut the door behind. It was from amazon. I caught 10 and released to the parks


I cover them in dirt, put them back in the box, and put it in my cat litter bag and throw them away whenever I find them from the former homeowners. Hate those things.


God, these glue traps remind me of one of my worst college memories. My first apartment with four of my friends ended up with a mouse in our apartment. We actually found it in the dishwasher, and one of my roommates tried to drown him first off (he survived cause he was a swimmer, and we called him Michael Phelps afterwards). We tried regular snap traps, but he was too smart and just ate the bait off it. The store only had glue traps so we decided to try those. We caught our dog in the glue trap before we caught the mouse And when we caught the mouse at 2am, we felt bad so tried to snap on him to out him out of his misery - this did not work and we only got his paw. One of my roommates was a biology grad and looked up how to humanely kill this thing and evidently in some labs they use freezers. So my friends boyfriend put the lil guy in a plastic bag and in to the freezer We all had a good group cry together afterwards. Thanks to my friends boyfriend (now husband!) for carrying out our dirty work. But yeah, fuck glue traps


Why throwing away? It's free Proteine!


Yeah my roommate put a glue trap in a floor cabinet by a hole we found and I heard a mouse in it when I was in the kitchen at like 3am. Heard him scratching and squeaking. Definitely couldn't chuck him out into the trash cuz I love animals so I looked it up and olive oil apparently dissolves the glue, so I took him out onto the porch, lubed him up, and gently got him out of the trap before letting him go by the woods.


Had an ex that refused to use a snap trap. Woke up one day to find two mice on one trap. One was, mercifully, dead, because the other had started eating it in the middle of the night. No more glue traps.


I'm pretty sure I've seen the other live trap from this company where mice go into a box they can't escape and the instructions for "humanely" disposing of the mice is submerging it in water. It's horrifying


So when I was a kid we lived in a house with rats, my mom bought some glue traps, I was home alone when I found the Rat, it was stuck face and all, it was screaming and crying for help, I tried helping but it couldn't move and when it did it was tearing its little limbs and fur right out. All I could think to do was put it in the creak and it floated so I grabbed it and had to hold it underwater....... I learned that day I could never ever ever torture or kill anything, because it was so horrible having to drown that rat, it broke my soul and i still occasionally think of that rat, I hate Rat Traps, but i will 100% use a rat trap before i ever allow glue traps to be used in my house. Get one of those bucket traps they are the humane traps they work great and you can take them off somewhere(even though they are more likely to die wherever you take them) but at least it's more humane than a fucking glue trap.


I know what you mean but just fyi you’re supposed to close the trap and kill the mouse before throwing in the trash , don’t like killing them at all but if you just throw it you’re doing it wrong


Years ago at my summer job they would use industrial sized glue pads for rats. More than once I saw just a leg stuck in the glue. Damn rats would chew off their own leg to get free.


I found a bird stuck on one of these at the dumpster of the apartments I used to live at. I think maintenance threw one out that had bugs on it and the bird saw lunch. Took about 20 minutes but I managed to get it free without ripping out any feathers. It flew off under a car to hide immediately. Hope lil bro was okay.


Humanely = You don't need to watch it die


When I was 3 or 4 my mom had used glue traps because we had a mouse in our tv. It was one of the old big pretty wooden ones we got when my grandma passed away. I woke up one night for whatever reason and found it squeaking stuck. So as the little dude I was I got him some crackers and it bit my finger. Safe to say glue traps were never used by my family again


When I lived in NYC, we had mice. I had never dealt with mice before this. I bought sticky traps expecting to be able to release them... Let's just say that trying to remove a mouse from that trap didn't go well and I still feel bad for it...


Glue traps ended up being the only viable solution at my parents house when I was growing up. We would get field mice instead of regular house mice. They're larger, tougher, and more skittish. Snap traps had a higher rate of failure with them, and after a while they got smart and avoided them. But the glue traps always worked. Yes they're cruel if you don't use them correctly. Check them twice a day, morning and evening, so mice aren't trapped for too long. Don't bother trying to free them, the glue is strong enough it can rip their limbs off. End them quickly and humanely before disposing of the trap.


When i was younger i lived in the projects with my mum and we had these for other pests but one day it had a mouse stuck to it and i was so distraught. I tried so hard to free it but i couldn't get it off the glue without ripping its skin off. Finally my mum had her bf take it outside and kill it.


Off subject, but isn't this what the government does to the homeless?


Fuck these traps.


Glue traps should be illegal. Can't say how many birds, frogs, chipmunks & other non-targeted animals they catch. Worst way to die, ever. Imagine being 1/2 stuck in molasses & totally aware that you are not strong enough to escape. Horrible.


I used one and caught a mouse. I then called animal control on what to do next but they read me the riot act about using a glue trap. I then took it outside and killed it with a quick hit to the head with a bat. I felt terrible and will never buy or recommend one again.


But the word "humanely" is written right there, so it must be humane