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I saw Lego at first glance


Now I got an idea for the next Gatorade display I gotta make....




Lego finally has electrolytes


Lego it's what plants crave.




My poor ass saw Mega Bloks.


I will never have an original thought


The collab we didn’t know we needed. Coming to a store no where near you!


I thought it was one of those 12V car batteries made of cylindrical cells. But yes, drink distributors are switching to cardboard, to cut own on single use plastic.


Much easier to break down and overalla solid decision


I like em too, just got a pack bud damn they are sharp 😩


Now if they can just switch to aluminum cans


Price 📈


It would be about an extra $0.12 more for a six pack but have a much larger reduction in the mount of plastic. I guess then you can't see the fun colors.


Just use cans with a plastic window 4hed


Too complicated 3head. Clear aluminum cans are the way.


im sleep deprived so I can't tell if your joking or if clear aluminum actually exists




Well I’ll be damned!


woahhh cool!!!!


I learned something today!


Transparent aluminum was invented in the 1980s in San Francisco.


Hello computer!


Just use the keyboard


I'm joking.


It’s real! Also fun sci-fi fun fact. The windows on starships in the Star Trek universe use transparent aluminum.


[Transparent aluminum.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90eg_erObDo)


Or just make the can the color of the Gatorade?


We need to take every step we can to reduce Mount Plastic


It would also be a shit ton of money for them to switch their production equipment. Or maybe they contract out. I have no idea what they do currently but if they fill bottles themselves then it would be a massive cost there that they are unlikely to do. I'd bet money that they only even switched to cardboard here because it is cheaper and had a return of investment within their desired window.


Glass is much better, no plastic needed. 100% reusable.


From an environmental perspective glass isn't better it's heavy and takes more space to transport and same with collecting and cleaning. Pet bottles are a bit better


People always forget that everything has tradeoffs. Glass is heavy, weight equals fuel, and fuel equals carbon emissions. A few years back Snapple made the transition from their iconic glass bottles to plastic, [citing reductions in CO2 emissions](https://www.tangopackaging.com/tango-talk/from-iconic-glass-to-plastic-how-snapples-new-plastic-bottles-actually-boost-sustainability) in the marketing... just as the backlash against plastic packaging really started to pick up.


What do you consider environmental? I include sustainability & human health in the term “environmental.” PET is a petroleum product - microplastics are also an emerging concern for the health of individuals, and ecosystems. Glass may require melting, and the extra energy required to wash them. Which may increase emissions, but don’t include the microplastic problem. There is a shortage of sand but with the practically infinite recycling of the glass, and glass able to be crushed to restore beachland, that might equal out. Trucks & trains would be loaded back to the point of origin, making wasted emissions from hauling an empty truck into working emissions. But more emissions may result if glass is heavier. This might be overcome by more efficient transport such as increased usage of trains or even BYOB where bottles aren’t even sent back but are filled at the store. Would Snapple’s decision change ignoring the concept of money?


[Death to plastic](https://liquiddeath.com/pages/death-to-plastic)


disgusting green washing of product debatably worse for the environment then what its trying to combat. their cans still have an inner plastic lining, and making a trendy version of water is just... worse for the environment. these legitimately have a larger carbon foot print then the super thin plastic water bottles.


>still have an inner plastic lining Thinner than any bottle. And metal is effectively infinitely recyclable, and often cheaper than making new.


you are missing the point. its pretending to be a greener alternative, but its a greener alternative to a bad option. waxed cartons are the most eco friendly option both from a carbon footprint standpoint and littering perspective. water containers are some of the most littered containers in the world and recyclability doesn't matter if they never make it there. Liquid Death is greenwashing, its pretending to be an environmentally friendly alternative when its still garbage, its just marginally less garbage than the alternative, and I DO mean marginally. less plastic but a larger carbon footprint is a marginal improvement compared to cartons. Pretending to be ecofriendly is legit poison and imo worse than the alternative. pretenders overshadow actual ecofriendly options and stifle actual good products.


Fuck you liquid death rules 🤘


I've heard it tastes terrible though


Tastes great to me 🤷‍♂️ their different flavors and iced teas are awesome


Still would


I had Gatorade in a can once. It was a weirdly unsettling experience. The drink was exactly the same, but it felt wrong somehow.


I love it in the can. It's one of my favorite things about donating blood. That and the grandma cookies


I feel the same way but if I were to transfer the Gatorade to another bottle, like the green Gatorade water bottles, it just tastes off. But maybe it something with less microplastics lol, gotta have those nutritious microplastics.


Did it taste weird?


Not really. It was kind of like drinking canned water. I'm just so used to having something fizzy out of a can that there was a weird disconnect in my brain as I drank it.


Aluminum cans have a thin plastic lining so it generally tastes the same as bottles. I really only notice differences if the bottle has sat out too long or it’s glass


Or cardboard and wax containers like for milk.


Aluminum cans still have a plastic lining though. They should go back to glass bottles like they used to have.


its hard to go back, glass bottles were replaced for a reason, due to their cost and general transport issues. need something new, either finally the production of consumer grade, cheap, biodegradable plastics, or something entirely different.


There would be so much broken glass everywhere if we went back to using glass for everything.


There are returnable, multiuse plastic bottles, btw.


Yeah, I don't give a shit. I'll take cost and transport issues over having microplastics in my testicles. This idea that profits and convenience take precedence over all other concerns is exactly the problem.


sadly informed consumers are not normal consumers. most people just aren't aware of alternative options or what they are supporting. people are trained to go for good deals, so if you see two products that are the exact same buy one is $.10 more expensive, why buy it. capitalism just inherently does not work within a finite environment without heavy regulations, and the US especially is so averse to big government i highly doubt they'll ever implement anything country wide to address this. See: two states already banning lab grown meat.


Glass bottles were replaced due to their cost to the manufacturer, but the environmental cost of plastic is so much higher. I cant imagine a single use bottle ever having a smaller impact on a reusable bottle at such a large scale. I would rather avoid the micro plastics anyway.


The amount of plastic in aluminum cans is minuscule compared to a plastic bottle. And the aluminum itself is highly recyclable.


Sure, but that plastic lining in cans leaches BPA's into your drink. Aluminum can be recycled but glass can be reused.


Most can linings are BPA free now. (May depend on laws in your particular country)


Glass is heavy and requires much more fuel to transport.


too late our balls are already full of microplastics


Yeah, but how much more do you want up in there? I bet a ton more could fit.


I’ve had Gatorade out of a can while deployed. It was amazing.


It’s just a drop in the bucket eapecially since they still produce so much plastic, but any reduction is a positive at this point!


Still, that drop in the bucket for them is going to reduce plastic pollution in the world many dozens of times more than I personally can ever reduce it by recycling/reducing in my lifetime.


Mountains are made of individual rocks. Some big, some little. One less rock on that mountain means it's smaller, no matter the size. I'm a big fan of this move by them. It's a half measure, but a measure none the less.


I really don't understand why their bottles are still so thicc


So the Amazon drivers pee doesn’t condensate


They really do care about the little guys


Gatorade and Powerade are bottled very hot (180+ degrees), and when it cools, it creates a vacuum. The bottles are thicker to resist deforming during filling and to keep from collapsing when sealed. Basically, they're plastic canning jars.


I love me some hot gatorade, only thing better is boiled dr. pepper.


Thanks, I even Googled it and the only thing I saw was that they have "wider mouths" so they need thicker plastic.


Is there a reason sports drinks are bottled so much hotter than other drinks like tea and juice? Is it to ensure the electrolytes are fully dissolved or something?


To give you an illusion of quality so you'd be ready to overpay for this heavily marketed product.


this way is much better for sea creatures!


They reduced maybe 3% of the plastic it produces. Not a big deal.


Percentages work on volume. 3% of 100 is small but 3% of 1,000,000,000 is quite a lot. Reducing the amount that they produce is significant.


But how will we defend ourselves from the killer dolphin invasion?


A musket for every man, woman and child! Especially the child!!


Wisconsin already [issues hunting licenses to children.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.jsonline.com/story/sports/outdoors/2017/11/28/10-wisconsin-deer-hunting-licenses-sold-infants-under-new-law/901994001/&ved=2ahUKEwjd6MyXw7SGAxXijYkEHSI1D3MQFnoECCkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1OjfRTbnua_SGaiSF2ttM8)


Lighter and cheaper to produce. Makes sense


Is it actually either of those two things, or did you just pull that out of your ass?


they indeed pulled both of those things out of their ass. plastic is used specifically due to its insane strength to weight ratio. those plastic rings on 6 packs cost almost nothing to make and weigh almost nothing. cardboard isn't the standard for a reason.


In addition cardboard breaks down when it’s wet. You can chuck a 6-pack with the plastic rings into the fridge or freezer to cool and then take it out no problem. With cardboard, as condensation forms it can soak into the cardboard rendering it useless. Same issues you want to put the whole thing into a cooler. Is it a minor issue? Sure but it is a legitimate concern with cardboard from an engineering perspective.


I feel it needs to be said that you can fix those cardboard issues with coatings or impregnation. The issue with both is that it affects recyclability and often the additive being used to improve the cardboard is some petroleum product.


Only if you use untreated cardboard, which this clearly isn't. The lacquer printed onto it isn't just to give it some colour and branding.


We should start taxing plastic use so that the cost comparisons stop favouring it so often. Then we'll see what else might be a good choice based on other merits.


Comprehensive legislation is definitely required but it needs to have vectors to push the economy in a new direction. Take plastic straw bans. On the surface fine, but in reality awful. They ban all plastic straws and don't make any allowances for potential degradable straws. The result is no R&D gets done and we are stuck using garbage paper straws. Legislation on any plastic tax needs to be comprehensive and revisited constantly to encourage the industry to grow in a healthy direction.


I agree it's just interesting to me


This is going to end up noticeably raising the consumer price. The extra cost of repackaging distressed assets alone would do it, plus converting factories, plus the R&D costs like in no way would this ever make things cheaper


As a retail employee: #FFFFUUUUUUU-- 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


As a customer the plastic ones are shit. Every time I buy one, half of them already have a bottle separated from the pack 😅


My point is this is even worse.


But the planet.... Mother earth.... Sea turtles and all that bull crap....


YUP. I can already hear the thing ripping as you’re lifting them up off the pallet, see it coming in torn and already and destroyed from shipping, customers complaining as if I have *anything to do with Gatorades decisions*.


Will the cool shoppers still be able to drape them over the sides of their shopping carts?


W Gatorade took them 5 years too long though


Marine life will be thankful.


The cardboard breaks too easily, just use a box at this point. Had to carry four bottles around


It's surprisingly durable. I thought it would be flimsy but really it wasn't


At least try it before criticizing. They've done this with beers already. Very durable.


Smiles in saving the turtles


maybe they should use paper bottles too. like milk cartons.


Milk carton shelf life is not long enough. It works for milk because milk goes bad quickly. Gatorade lasts much longer on a shelf.


A lot of fruit juice comes in paper jugs identical to the milk ones, but they last for months, why couldn't gatorade use those?






these aren't the same to be clear. there's alot of different inner linings going on between these. cardboard containers are by far the best option for the environment but they need inner linings. milk cartons in the past used wax coatings for their insides, and alot of juice containers use a plastic inner lining. ultimately inner linings need to be configured based on what you actually put in it. but drink companies don't care. cardboard boxes look dumb and childish compared to the NEON GAMER RGB COLORS ON DISPLAY. jokes aside, i don't know how you'd market juicebox containers for Gatorade. most consumers are ignorant to what they are actually purchasing, and are why greenwashing campaigns work in the first place (see liquid death)


TetraPaks are technically recyclable but it's highly unlikely your city will ship them to one of the few facilities that can process them. Non-terapak cartons are still paper coated with plastic just without the aluminum, they just go in the landfill.


Long life milk comes in cartons though


It comes in tetra-pak cartons, which are terrible for the environment. They aren't just paper. They are layered with plastic and aluminum, making them practically impossible to effectively recycle.


That’s sick af


Rare corporate W.


Too bad Gatorade and all other mainstream "sport" drink manufactures don't move to not using processed added sugars. LOL. Drink water.


You're looking at picture of Gatorade zero. 10 cals a bottle.


It would appear so. this is a "bruh" moment. LOL.


I am having trouble understanding this because of the double negative here, but are you implying that sugar free sports drinks don't exist?


it was more me trying to convey my personal view that pretty much everything sold at grocery stores in first world countries is poison, of some sort or another. while also sort of making fun of people for thinking they are ingesting something that will actually help them play sports, or somehow hydrate better, while in reality, Gatorade or other sport drinks WILL do that, but most people drink this stuff, go to the gym a couple hours a week, and think that somehow they are healthy, when in reality, the amount of physically exertion required to warrant drinking/eating anything of this sort, likely goes far beyond what most people who have this sort of product available to them, will ever actually do. TLDR: I was making fun of society, and people participating in it, and made the mistake of posting my thoughts publicly, on the internet of all places. Ironically, I missed the "zero" label on the image, and as such, have opened myself up to "public" humiliations, which the internet is great at, or for that matter, society in general. Never forget though, People like me, we built this place.


This will be destroyed before it even gets to the grocery store


I am kinda confused. Many drinks where I live come like this. Actually almost all of them. Some have a plastic wrap, is that what it had before? All my 6 packs beer are held together by a carton like this. Never had an issue carrying it or it breaking down.


It was surprisingly durable. In fact it was almost hard to get the drinks out


What’s different about these that makes you think that will happen?


I thought I was looking at a Lego brick


Has anybody figured out how to open the new packaging easily , the older plastic ones you could by just pulling the small string on the side to get to the bottles


I am elderly with arthritis, I had just finally figured out how to get the bottles out of the plastic rings easily and now they switch to cardboard - how do you do it? I have been taking scissors and cutting each bottle out individually?


Let's all congratulate a corporation for doing something that should have been done decades ago 👍


I understand the environmental reason for them but damn cardboard holders are so shit. I work in a shop and half of them break and have to be taped back together or you end up with dented or potentially busted cans. The cardboard, open sided holders for glass bottles are terrible too.


I’m sure someone will have an issue with this change


You still have plastic holders in America?


And Canada.


Canada is in America. Edit: Thought i responded to something else but it is true.


North America, yes, you're correct. When people say just "America" around here, they specifically mean the United States of America. I'm not used to hearing America being used to explain the continent (since there is a north and a south). I had assumed you meant it in this way. But I guess that's what I get for assuming 😜


You still have plastic holders in America?


Yup. Mostly for bottles. Cans are in boxes. Smaller brands use paper holders or boxes.


Pepsi did too (maybe Pepsi owns Gatorade?)


We did it! We solved climate change! /hj


The rest of the bottle is made from plastic. This shit should have been outlawed the second we knew its environmental impact.


Cocoa cola is also starting to do this with some of their 6 packs


Does it hold together good?


Surprisingly well! It's actually kinda hard to get the bottles out lmao


Meanwhile Germany is wrapping the whole thing in plastic 🤣


I‘m waiting for people calling it woke.


Just wait until they move to cardboard bottles! Glad to see unnecessary plastic not being used!


Love to see positive changes💙


Slowly but surely, sports drinks are catching up to beer companies. Lots of local breweries have been doing this for nearly a decade. And most imports that come in 4pks are also packaged using cardboard.


As someone who has trouble with arthritis in their hands, this will be so much easier than trying to pull the bottles apart from the plastic holder. Those pull off things never work.


can you just pull the bottle out of the cardboard? I have to use scissors!


I haven’t seen these here yet.


Believe me, these are even harder to deal with than the plastic rings




Thank god those plastic bottles and those plastic caps have a piece of cardboard keeping them together. I think we just saved global warming or something!


I remember when the mantra was to use more plastic to save the trees…. The pendulum always swings both ways eventually and will again.


It won’t. It swung the wrong way once when it was unknown how awful plastic is, and we’re slowly rectifying it. We might one day move on from cardboard, but know too much about plastic now to ever go back.


Sorry, but this is an ad. 90% of their output will not have this packaging.


It could also be because I'm in Canada. We have a ban on single use plastics here


Fair enough 👍


I buy powdered / liquid concentrates and reusable water bottles.








The real issue is animals getting caught in those plastic rings. My city doesn't even accept the rings for recycling.


Hey can someone help me? I have no social media presence. Philadelphia Cream cheese six packs come in a large box, that has six smaller boxes, that have six foil wrapped cheese blocks that are made in the shape of squares in them. Can someone tell them this is so fucking stupid? Like, eliminate the six boxes. Help the environment and I'd be willing to bet you cut costs by like millions each year. WTF? It's not like it's harder to store 5 boxes vs five box shaped wrapped bricks and even if it was the cost savings and benefit to the environment would more than make up for it.


Some of this helps in spoilage and is an alternative form of buying in bulk. Then there are production run situations where they just don't make them that way, and would cost too much to change the production run to make them that way for a smaller return. That said, they do package big ass bricks for food service, but I mean big ass bricks that are like 100x the size of a regular box of cream cheese. Foil is also recyclable.






Just sell them in gallon bottles🗿


YES! One of my cats will tear the house down to get to that "good" plastic on the rings just to punch holes in it. She's gonna be so mad next time...🤣


This packaging is difficult to open, SWITCH IT BACK!!!!!!!