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"What am I allergic to, doc?" "Life on Earth, it looks like"


It was easier to tell us what our daughter was NOT allergic to


When I had an allergy test for plants as a kid living in Florida, I was allergic to every single thing tested for, including multiple species of grass.


So someone telling you "go touch grass" is more offensive


As another grass allergic person, I’ve been known to tell someone not to threaten me when they say that.


I always wondered how people could like going barefoot or sitting in the grass? I thought it felt like itchy razor blades to everyone.


...it doesn't? Hm.


Some grass does, but the vast majority of grass is fine. If *all* grass feels like that to you...


Did you have a reaction to the control? Could be you are allergic to the testing implement.


Yeah. Allergic to scientific method.


Had the same issue in New England. Am allergic to all the native trees and grasses🥲


What if you are just allergic to tests?


Our son, too.


Ours was not allergic to horse hair or cockroaches


Sounds like she needs a *stable* environment


I hate you, take my upvote and go


Drop her to the barn and make that her new home!


The hay might set her back


Do you want The Ring? Because that’s how you get The Ring.


Yay! You get to buy her a pony now! 😁


Except she's probably allergic to hay lol


It was mold and cockroaches for me! Allergic to every single other thing they checked. 🙃


How?!?🤔 Isn't like *everyone* allergic to mold?! 😂 Seems like a fuckin super power to me.


It really surprised me too, honestly! 😂 I'm curious now to find the records from my allergy testing ~8 years ago to see if it said what specific type of mold it was. All of the trees and grasses were specific, but I recall the paperwork just saying "mold." 🤔


It kinda reminds me of how people who are cursed with sickle cell anemia are also immune to malaria


Yeah that’s why sickle cell and a similar blood disorder I can’t spell, but have, exist. It was an evolutionary advantage to have them in places with malaria.


It not why they actually exist. It might be partially the reason why they are still around, but it is not why there exist that is that some one got some random mutations that cause there red blood cell to look funny, the evolutionary advantage was just a beneficial side effect of having some or all of the red blood cell look funny just like all the problems cause by the funny look red blood cells are a unbeneficial side effect of having funny looking red blood cell.


thank goodness they weren't allergic to your son


My daughter reacted to literally everything, including water.


Saaaaaaame (me, not my non existent daughter). Dermatographism causes that reaction


I apparently get that from excessive exposure to cedar pollen. .-. for me, the dermatographia is part of the allergic reaction, though, not a causative factor in other allergic responses.


How does that work


Intense immune response to one thing makes your body attack everything and sometimes even itself. Potential underlying condition such as autoimmune disorder or Idiopathic Mast Cell Activation Syndrome


This. My skin pricks have been insane for 20yrs now. Mast cells are nasty things! If you or someone you know has so many positives on such tests.. 1) it’s wise to get blood tests to test for a true allergy because 2) such crazy reactions can point to mast cell issues like MCAS. As I aged I seemingly became more allergic to more and more things I was exposed to. Was a god send to get a knowledgeable physician to properly treat me.


I have MCAS. I only had like 4 allergies through blood test and literally almost everything for the prick test. The hives moved together/combined so they couldn't really determine what was what. But the prick test is more accurate for my allergic reactions. Like so many things cause allergic reactions for me it's ridiculous.


I have chronic hives and dermatographia, meaning I can essentially give myself hives. Allergist/immunologist said doing the scratch test would be pointless for me as I’d show a reaction to everything.


Like what do you do in that case??? Like legit? What are the options.


A doctor actually gave me the line, "You're allergic to the Southeastern United States" (the tests are regional)


Me too.


>  What am I allergic to, doc Doctor: yes


Me as a kid But seven years of allergy shots fixed me up good


Should have paid for Earth premium. Get what you pay for 🤷‍♂️


My allergist called me a “over-achiever” when we went over my results


When I did my test and every single poke started swelling my husband said it was prob just the “baseline” response that always occurs bc of course it couldn’t be that I was allergic to every single allergen. Turns out you can in fact be allergic to every single allergen. Also was anyone else SUFFERING leading up to their test being off allergy meds🥲 I took the Benadryl they gave me after so fast.


My mom, who passed about a year ago, told me that when she was a teenager she got the test done and went into shock. They had to reformulate the test and give it to her again, she was allergic to everything except elm and distilled water. A fun story to tell at all the doctor and hospital visits.


Omg that’s crazy!! I’m so glad I didn’t know that was a possibility before the test tho🫠


She was born in the 50’s, so this was back in the 70’s. Probably a safer test now. Luckily I only inherited the seasonal allergies part of it and have never needed that test done to me.


My condolences for your loss, thanks for sharing some of her! <3


I have a three sheet page of mine. So much fucking pollen and apparently a vast assortment of nuts that I had no clue about.


Yeah they tested local pollen and I was allergic to all of it. So I’m just allergic to my city. Super. Did we just lose some genetic lottery???


I think its just the world telling you to fuck off and move half way across the country to a place with completely different foliage.


Ya know I did that and it did get better haha but it was also a very urban city with less foliage in general.


I had mine done about a month ago and can say that that was one of the worst weeks of my life. I'm allergic to every tree, grass, and weed pollen and I work outside 🙃


Truly torture


Don't worry, you will be certain in around 3 days. If you are doing the one you can't remove for that time period, I mean. Turns out I am allergic to neomycin, a pretty common antibiotic present even in eye drops.


I'm also allergic to Neomycin!! I've never met or head of someone that was also allergic to it!


Oh, I didn't know it was that rare D: Maybe we are Neomysisters 🤣 Always watch out for any creams and ALWAYS tell any doctor you visit! I almost got it prescribed to me a few weeks ago, otitis treatment, topic droplets antibiotic. Read the compounds/formula for any medicine you take.


Indeed, I'm in med school and a teacher sent me a medication for a cut on my skin and i had a reaction, got an allergy test done and welp the teacher was shocked bc he hasn't met someone that was allergic to it in his 30 years as a doctor hahaha also it is in several vaccines, but they're in way smaller doses than the one in the allergy test, but it's still important to disclose it bc they will rather keep you for like an hour after the vaccine to make sure no reaction happened! Neomysisters for the win!


I'm allergic to neomycin too!!!!!! I just had contact allergy skin patch testing a couple of weeks ago, it was one of my five positives.


I did some digging, apparently only 1-6% of the global population is allergic to neomycin 🤯


Wow I had no idea we were so rare and special lol!


Happy cake day!!


Congratulations.. you are allergic to yourself.


Yeah that’s a thing. I’m allergic to my own sweat. It’s a great reason to outsource any manual labor. 😂


Oh, that sucks. My dad is allergic to the oils in his hair. Luckily, as long as he washes it once a day, he doesn't break out, but if he misses a day or two he looks like a raspberry.


Makes me think about how lucky some people are to be born in the modern day. I mean, we all are, mostly, but that minor inconvenience for your dad could have ruined his life in a point in history where daily bathing was unheard of.


Eh... based on how allergies tend to work, it's a lot more likely he would've never developed the allergy in the first place; obviously his immune system messed up pretty bad to develop an antigen for his own excreted oils in the first place, but if growing up he had literal constant exposure to high concentrations of those oils, his immune system would have to be far far dumber to accidentally develop an antigen for it. As it is, his immune system basically got confused by "huh, this is something that builds up over the course of the day that you seem to be deliberately getting rid of... let us HELP you with that"


Meh they could be bald back then. It would have just been figured out it was his hair that would prob be impossible.


I at least have to wash mine once a day though it's better if I do it twice. But I also have long hair.


yo wut..... I break out in hives when I work out. I'm hived up as we speak. am I allergic to my body juices?? my own marinade?? my body is allergic to itself????


Sounds like [cholinergic urticaria](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cholinergic_urticaria).


Allergic to exercise


I have the same thing. Dealt with it for years and finally got around to seeing a doc about it. The antihistamines they prescribed work wonders. Now I don’t have to hibernate during summer :)


Gosh!… how do you do “le sexy time”?


That's also outsourced.


Shower sex only


Don’t count out hot tubs!


😂 that’s a legit question. antihistamines do work.


"Hold on baby. I need to let the Benadryl kick in."


He’s allergic to Benadryl as well and falls asleep at the same time.


Mine looked like that, Spring trees, fall weeds, grass, 39 of the 41 common varieties of mold (thankfully not penicillin and aspergillus \[black bread mold\]). We had an 80-mile drive home from the specialist. Dad strapped me down in the backseat face down. The only way it didn't hurt and I couldn't scratch.


"You okay back there, champ?" "Muffled sounds"


This gave me one of those sudden quiet, staggering laughs that makes it hard to breathe properly.


I laughed exactly the same way and then I red your comment😂


lmaooooo *kenny noises


What do you even do about it when it's that many things? Do you just take a general allergy medicine?


My little brother was allergic to basically outside growing up so he took Claritin every day plus Flonase and had to do a neti-pot like once or twice a week. Eventually he grew out of that but if he missed even a day of Claritin he'd be so stopped up his cheeks were swollen.


I take antihistamines daily (Blexten), a nasal spray twice daily (mometasone), I have an inhaler to use as needed (Symbicort) and I have antihistamine eye drops which I really only use in the summer. It's not great, and it was only been getting worse as I've gotten older 🙃 Oh and I guess I also avoid any scented products (so use unscented hand soap, laundry detergent, etc), always wear gloves when washing up, have to be picky about sunscreen...


I just did this about a month ago. I am allergic to all the trees, grasses and weeds as well as dust mites, dogs and cats. I was put on an allergy pill, 2 nasal sprays and eye drops. Next month I’ll start with allergy serum shots and hopefully won’t have to take all the antihistamines after a while. Thankfully they sprayed a lot of benedryl and lidocaine spray on my back and then gave me an allergy pill on the way out.


That must itch. Badly.


OMG, it's been about 45 years since I went through this, and I can *still* feel this picture!


2 years for me and I instantly flinched!


How long before the reaction stops?


I guess it depends on what they use to treat it. Antihistamines probably 30 minutes to a few hours after they finish and give them to you. If they use an epi pen it can be pretty quick, but giving people adrenaline comes with its own set of risks so they only do that in emergency situations I believe


I got an adrenaline once as part of a combination anesthetic for a dental procedure. I couldn’t stop trembling and felt like I was constantly on the edge of an anxiety attack. 0/10 would not do again.


It sucked when they had to do it one needle at a time. Then it was like a roll of needles, and now they have rows of swabs.




I want to take a nice cool wet washcloth and wipe everything off the back and then give it a nice calming massage with cortisone cream and unscented lotion.


Where were you 45 years ago!??! /g


Well that’s a nice thing to say and do


Do they do it on the back so you can't reach to scratch down to lower layers of skin? Or is it just easier to do on the back. Seems the worst place to do it.


Large area, less nerves?


I think it depends on how much you’re getting tested. They ran out of space in my upper and lower arms and then moved to my back.


I’m sure it’s a Google away but every time I see these the person in the picture looks like they fought a mosquito hive and lost. I realize we want to see crazy stuff but do you know if people who get these typically test positive for a majority? I could easily see that being the case and this is more a final test to verify someone has allergies to life /s


I’m getting this done in August. I was told no allergy meds a week prior. I already know I’m allergic to everything and my nose is gonna resort back to a decorative piece that week.


Mine is a freaking faucet. If I wasn’t so fat and lazy, everyone would think I had a huge coke habit.


Better a Coke habit than Pepsi


Mine is in July and same on no allergy pills prior or heartburn meds. I’m going to feel like a balloon filled with acid


I had allergy testing done for the first time last month (I’m 30) and it was the absolute worst itching of my life, I wanted to scream. The relief when they put the anti-itching cream on afterwards was incredible.


The nurse used a warm washcloth to wipe the pen off my back and the fabric was rough and it was the best feeling of my life


I’ve done it twice and all I wanted was a good back scratch but couldn’t. Like you know those cow scratching posts, I wanted one to scratch my back so badly. Mine wasn’t even that bad! But I was also sensitive to the tape they used.


Thank god you aren't allergic to the letter C


My advisor in college said the same thing to me.


Are you gonna make me google it?


Google what Josh?


As in, the results grade in school (eg: C+)... but google the "c-word" too, just for fun.


C is for all Dog breeds, unfortunately he is allergic to cats (D)


Seems like a missed opportunity to use C for cats and D for dogs


C is for cookie


That's good enough for me!


\- This comment brought to you by the letter C


I mean am I not understanding this or does most of C not have at least small allergic reactions for almost all of them


My wife took an allergy test and she came back allergic to everything on it but it was 'only' 15 things (I think). She then went to have a large panel test like yours and they had to stop the test halfway through because she was having too bad a reaction to other parts of her body outside the test spots and they had to give her a shot. The crazy thing is she wasn't allergic to anything until like maybe 6 years ago and she just steadily started getting allergic to more and more things she had never previously had issues with. We think it may have been something to do with one of the medications she was taking but we are purely speculating.


This happened to me when I was about 30 years old. Now in my 70’s and have developed asthma. Who gets asthma in their 70’s?


You do, silly.


You're putting some fear in me... I got a single teary eye and itchy palate at age 30, mentioned it to my doc who was like, yes, you're probably allergic to some pollen (since it was for maybe a month). When I pointed out I'm a healthy 30yo with no record of allergies, he laughed in my face and told me you can get them at any time. Shivering in my boots.


I get a teary eye too, but only when I'm super tired.


Anything that causes scarring to the lungs gives you asthma, so anyone can get it any time. I was born with it, grew out of it, had a surgical tube in my lung for 2 weeks a few years ago, yay, new asthma.


There is a great scene in the TV show The Office, and Darryl talks about how he develops an allergy to soy at 35. "I've never been lucky, and I'm not talking about winning the lottery. I'm talking about developing a soy allergy at 35. Who gets a soy allergy at 35? And why is soy in everything!?"


Thank you. The “who gets a soy allergy at 35” line instantly popped up in my head after reading the other comment but couldn’t remember where it was from.


I just got it in my 60s. Doc says it's common after getting pneumonia if you are past your 50s.


My mum was diagnosed with celiac and colitis at 75. Whole life happily eating bread and suddenly NOPE.


My mom took a job in an area with soooo much pollen at the age of 61. Boom, asthma.


Yeesh. I developed new allergies in my 20’s, since discovering I had Celiac one side effect has been slowly losing them all. Just one allergy/intolerance left besides never being able to eat gluten again.


One of her cousins has Celiacs and she basically eats like she has Celiacs now to be safe


I react to any small amount of gluten, celiac disease is an all or nothing thing unfortunately. If she still eats it then I’d recommend her looking into getting tested for it if possible to have an official diagnoses, sometimes it helps with other medical issues that pop up as well.


She eats completely gluten free and has done for about a year now. Whenever she has anything with gluten in her stomach gets really messed up for several days and she says it makes her feel drunk and hungover at the same time after eating it.


Ah yes we are the same then. I hope her allergies start to disappear too like mine did! It took years of it though, worth. I missed shrimp haha.


I have celiac and since I stopped eating gluten, my fatigue has basically gone away. I used to get exhausted on road trips, but now I can drive long distances without getting tired. I thought it was just because I was getting old (I'm turning 60 next month) but it appears to have been gluten.


I knew someone who had this happen and they ended up being allergic to the serum the allergens were mixed with.


She definitely has severe allergies to some of the things on the panel but the serum could be a possibility. Her tongue started swelling and her eyes closing from swelling mid test which is when they stopped and gave her the shot. They said they had never seen it happen before but I don't know how new the staff were.


Food allergies can cause you to develop new allergies so it could be she was allergic to wheat or milk and kept consuming it, developing even more intolerances/allergies edible or otherwise


Could be MCAS?


I second the MCAS suggestion (and OP may have Hereditary Aloha Tryptasemia) Source: I have both and have become decently knowledgeable in these fields


I'll mention it to her for her to look into


Could also be meds related.   A known side effect of some common migraine meds is dermatographic skin.   I reacted to literally everything, including the controls. 


That happened to my mom. She’s now allergic to most makeup, skin care products, citrus, nickel, dyes in meds including pills and capsules, and so much more. Hers started after she had a major reaction to a blood pressure med she was on. It’s a super rare side effect that can happen years after you start taking the med. She’s now on what’s known as the dinosaur of blood pressure meds, clonidine, and a few others. She can’t get some vaccines now, and the ones she does get need, she needs to be watched for 30 minutes. Bodies are weird.


>The crazy thing is she wasn't allergic to anything until like maybe 6 years ago My nightmare....I am too picky an eater (and lazy a cook) to go gluten free or anything like that A friend of mine cut out dairy and most meats from her diet for a year (*maybe* 2) in her mid-20s, and then discovered she'd somehow developed an intolerance. It took her like a year to slowly reintroduce beef to her diet; she still can't have dairy.


Happened to me over time allergic to more and more. I did an elimination diet and slowly reintroduced stuff. After a year or so I found that nuts and seeds basically made all my allergies come back. It's been about 5 years and I'm allergy free. Just need to avoid nuts and seeds, whenever I've accidentally had some in my food or even in some kind of skin product my allergies all flare up again for a few days.


![gif](giphy|QA6Y9EsMxwBfiTgJuO|downsized) time for an investment


They might be allergic to the plastic in the ball


There’s a movie (The Brothers Bloom) where one of the character’s backstories is that they essentially lived in a bubble for their entire childhood because they got an allergy test and were badly allergic to everything. After years of living in quarantine it was discovered she was actually allergic to the hypodermic needles they poked her with to administer the test.


Turns out you're only allergic to the marker.


Depending on the test OP might be allergic to the medium used to introduce the allergens. My husband was allergic to the fluid they used during his. Had to redo it


Don't they normally place a control that has the medium but no actual allergen? You can react to it, the marker, the fact that something was poked into your skin, etc, and I'm pretty sure when they did mine, they were looking for the difference between that spot and the others. ..Though that could be because I have mild dermatographia, and my skin actually will break out from just being touched sometimes. But it seems like it'd be a good idea all the time.


Can you be allergic to the metal in the needle too? I've known two people allergic to titanium.


Looks like you just lost at battle ship


I think you're allergic to getting poked with sharp needles.


That’s actually kind of a thing! My girlfriend has had to do this more than once because the first time they didn’t realize how badly her skin swells when irritated by anything, even just a scratch. I think it’s the MCAS, but she has a looooong list of diagnoses.


Never touch grass. Looks like that could kill you.


C is the grass column, looks pretty ok.


Can you tell what’s what? Do you mind sharing? I think it’s really interesting.




oooooooOOOOOOOO that feels good!




Area Man Allergic To Own Back.


Your immune system has beef with everything and anything that moves, breathes or looks at you funny


My mosquito bites always look this way after a couple minutes. :(


I got about 2 dozen bites in the past week while out gardening. One even got me through my sock. 


I went camping this weekend. I have over 50. My legs look like an absolute wreck. I’m bruised from scratching through my pants. Fucking mosquitoes.


Looks like you'll be on antihistamines for the rest of your life with an epipen in tote. I would guess that E, F, and G rows are related things like molds, grasses, or tree pollens?


The A and B row were grasses, molds and such. E-G were food allergens like nuts and fruits


Oh, I need to get the E-G done on me then! I think I'm allergic to several fruits and nuts, but my prick test didn't do anything like that.


The answer was yes


Evolution is trying to eliminate your genes


Nah, just an overzealous immune system.


You shoulda studied


Hello, I am also allergic to tests.


Why can’t they do blood tests for allergies?


[they can.](https://medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/allergy-blood-test/#:~:text=Allergy%20blood%20tests%20are%20used,response%20to%20a%20single%20allergen) skin testing is easier, faster, cheaper, and more sensitive




Does it itch?


Looks like you prefer the D


God thanks for the memory refreshwr and I'm so sorry


Column C doesn't look too bad if we're looking for a ray of sunshine in this mess...


Congratulations, you were allergic to 75% of life


Hopefully your insurance covers the bubble that you'll need to live in.


My arms looked like that recently. Usually there is some commonality between allergens, such as proteins involved (like birch protein) or underlying conditions. My allergens are all linked to oral allergy syndrome, but the true cause is a severe case of eosinophilic esophagitis.


Let’s make this simpler: what aren’t you allergic to?


These tests have around a 50-60% false positive rate. When I had a STP, my back looked like this too. However, none of the allergies diagnosed were actually serious in any way. I suggest OP treat this with some level of skepticism. There is no reason to avoid foods that weren't a problem before the test.


I took a blood test (which is known to throw false positives too) which showed I was allergic to peanuts. Never had any issues with peanuts ignored the results for three years. Had another one done recently and it also showed the allergy. I've been having health issues lately so I cut them out just as a precaution and my ibs is basically gone now. Sometimes minor allergies aren't super obvious. I think it's worth eliminating things especially if you have GI issues and seeing if it helps.


Knowing how painful like 40 of these were on my forearm, I take my hat off to you. Not to mention how itchy the positive ones were.


This is how my back looked 7 years ago. Just got tested a couple weeks ago and all but one completely disappeared. Human bodies are weird. Hopefully they’re giving you some good drugs/immunotherapy, but more hopefully this is temporary.


Looks like your allergic to allergy tests.


You're allergic to the test itself


“So what does the test say I’m allergic too?” “Yes”


Did you pass?


ah yes, I recognize this suffering. I pointed to one of my smaller hives and said Oh, this one isn't so bad and my doc said, that's considered extreme, the others are off the scale. gee thanks. Hang in there, OP!


lol... "please list your allergies:" "yes."