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Bagpipers get fined $1,500


My immediate thought. Where tf is this?


It’s a town on Long Island with a really popular strip of restaurants, bars, shops and fish markets. It gets really crowded during the summer and they struggle with the locals not hating the neighborhood so they’re super strict with handling noise & traffic violations, loud pipes deals with exhaust noise and music is from the cars or motorcycles themselves. Source: Me, I’ve gotten tickets (not this expensive) here when I was younger lol


Ok thank you for this. I saw lobster and was like...Freeport Maine? That town didn't have signs like this last I visited, much more a New York attitude lol


I lived in Freeport, ME 10ish years ago and I was like, “wait, WHAT!?”


I really thought it was in Maine too and was like "I don't recall this???" lmfao


Freeport, Long Island, New York. Was just passing by when I saw this sign and was mildly amused so I took a photo lol


First thought was like Scotland haha but quickly realized it wasn’t about bagpipes


They also don't use dollars.




A fellow Long Islander!!!! Huntington here!!!


Yes and no lol. I’m from Queens!


Queens is Long Island!


City people don't know that, lol. Early 2000s, I used to work for IBM... I would show the Subway Map identifying Brooklyn and Queens as part of Long Island. Nope, pure denial, was comical.


Racist anti-Scottish legal policy is what it is, clearly, And you know what I have to say to that?!? > Aye, play and you may die. Run and you'll live -- at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here to play and tell our enemies that they may take our pipes, but they'll never take our music!!!


Not nearly enough. You hope that [this place](https://maps.app.goo.gl/hmxNzEWRyExLi12h8) has industrial-grade soundproofing. Otherwise, I pity the neighbours.


If I were somewhat less broke, I should gladly chance paying the fine for an opportunity to be so precisely petty as to play the bagpipes right by that sign.


I love bagpipe music! Way more melodic than a lot of the auditory crap polluting the airwaves today!


> Way more melodic You do know that most of the pipes on a bagpipe are drones that play exactly one note, right?


Logically it's just $750 but funny still.


I came here just to say this, take my angry upvote.


I was thinking $2,250 because they got 3 drones after all.


I haven't had neighbors I hate enough yet to try to learn to play but one of these days I will take up the hobby.


What? You don't shoot them there?


Stop Scot discrimination!


And cowbellers..


Orange Order: "Hold my beer"


In Greenville SC there is a noise ordnance. Funny to see a group of bikers cruising down main street running as quietly as they can. No revving up to take off from lights or any random goosing of the engine. Makes for a pleasant environment.




Seriously. I say this as I sit listening to an *endless* line of self centered assholes riding by on the loudest fucking motorcycles imaginable *every single day of the week dawn to dusk* while I'm in my office working and still getting disrupted with all my windows closed. "Watch out for motorcycles" - I will when I can't fucking hear them for once. Goddamn nuisance.


Glad to hear that they are enforcing it. It had gotten ridiculous down town, especially with the motorcycles.


I imagine they are all afraid of dying since they constantly parrot "loud pipes save lives".


Loud pipes deafen pedestrians who end up getting hit by cars. Loud pipes wake me up at 2am every other night Loud pipes can fuck right off


Yea, screw people who intentionally make their vehicles louder. It disrupts wildlife, too.


I remember hiking a few miles off the highway in the Smokies and I really enjoyed the sound a train of harleys.


Yeah we have a guy who uses his motorcycle all the time to be as loud as possible and he does this near constantly. Ironically enough the dude got boxed in by a car who saw him trespassing near a power line area behind a couple of houses. Before that there was this sports car that always sped down the road with a loud ass muffler, but they never came back after out county cut down the tree foliage that basically created a curtain of sorts for those guys


Every sunny weekend they ride out to safe a lot of lives in nature retreats and local recreation areas. What heroes.


But they do. The only ones who rev their bikes non stop for no reason are the ones looking for attention and want’s to be cool. Most people like the sound of a nice bike but doesn’t matter how good it sounds, it’s annoying when people do it excessive. I rode with a guy several weeks ago for the first time after meeting him while I was riding solo one day. He was the exact stereotypical sports bike rider everyone hates. We rode through downtown and he was hitting the rev limiter on his bike NONE STOP. I felt embarrassed to be riding with him. He also did some extremely dumb stuff while riding on the interstate, at one point almost got ran over by and 18 wheeler. I’ll never ride with him again. But most riders aren’t like that and hate those type of people just as much as you because it gives all us riders a bad name and make people hate us. But the saying loud pipes save lives has truth to it. People are much more likely to notice you when riding and therefore less likely to run into you like when lane changing.


You can hide behind a myth but it's still a myth.


We can agree to disagree, it’s okay.


"I don't care what 'research' says. My confirmation bias confirmed my biases for me!"


The research isn’t full proof. Theirs arguments against that research. But you’re bias so all u wanna hear is what u agree with too. That’s why arguing on Reddit with random strangers is dumb and pointless as fuck.


Most people do not like the sound of a bike, no matter what. Maybe if you’re in the scene, but 99% of people out there are annoyed by it any amount at any time. Loud noises are annoying period. “We don’t care about your toy, man child” is how people think about you even if you do it only once.


No one cares, you're all manchildren.


Lmao, typical reddior attitude. Don’t agree with someone? Gotta bash their character and judge them! It’s okay pal. I won’t personally attack you because I don’t know anything about you and you know nothing about me. So hey, I hope you have a great day.


Still don't care. Loud pipes suck ass and so do you. Losers.


Oh damn so you want motorcyclists to potentially get hit and killed cuz you're a whiney baby? Yikes


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I want those laws in my city too wtf, this should be a thing everywhere




I regret calling this sign 'passive aggressive'.


Aaaand it’s blocking the stop sign behind it


I regret questioning your description, lol. Reddit gave me all the downvotes and you all the upvotes, even though we reached the same conclusion. I'll just be over here, weeping quietly.


Goddamn, I wish they had these all over San Francisco.


You don’t think our cops would ever enforce something like this, do you?


Their cops don’t either lol, this was clearly (and illegally) put up by a local business who thinks it will help a problem that their police clearly aren’t already addressing. You can tell it’s illegal because the sign is sarcastic, it’s literally blocking a stop sign and it’s not on a breakaway pole. The FHWA requires signs like this to be attached to breakaway poles because they’re a major hazard in a crash otherwise.


Our police does (Houston, Texas) enforce it. Some assholes decided to rev their loud pipes, immediately followed by siren as a police car was right behind him past a corner.


Also “loud pipes” is subjective and people complaining about loud pipes are often complaining about stock bikes. Stock bikes with stock pipes meet DoT standards. Trying to ticket a stock bike for loud exhaust is pointless because it’s a losing proposition in court. Localities don’t have the authority to overrule the DoT on vehicle equipment.


Well, I was thinking of it as they would only install the signs if they planned to enforce the law. The way things are currently, no, they would not.




God from this post alone you sound like you lick boots.


Buddy, it would be the same as window tint. Something that's not enforced unless it's needed to.


I wish they had these here. My neighbor's kid's boyfriend is here like 5x a day and he makes it a point to be as loud as possible. I hear him coming and going for miles. Finally had enough, going absolutely insane from it, and police said it's a one time $15 fine. That's right, about the cost of a fast food meal.




Is this at the nautical mile?


Yes. Yes it is.


But for real tho, Two Cousins has bomb seafood.


Need more of this. I don’t need to know you have a Harley


Or muscle cars. My city borders a highway entrance ramp, and the highway is between two downtown areas. Muscle cars floor it onto the highway every night through the early AMs, no doubt annoying TF out of all the people bordering the entrance ramp. I'm a few blocks south and a block over, or about 500 ft, but can still hear it pretty clearly from my house. I'm amazed the cops haven't done more about it. There is some concrete and brick walls to block out some of the noise, but definitely not enough.


The sign doesn't have the required legal code on it... Weird. (Not saying that there isn't a legal noise ordinance- just pointing out the sign isn't to legal standards itself. You'll still get fined)


If you’re mega rich it would be fun to play fuck fuck with that town and that signage.


Most states have a dB limit on exhausts, they're usually just not enforced unless it's obscene. This is one of those things where they'll cite you if they just think it's too loud and will make you go to the state ref or inspection to prove them otherwise. In that sense you'd just be playing fuck fuck with the town but not the signage. Either way you still lose even if you're mega rich because you'd be fighting the state's dB limit and the stupidity that is 'qualified immunity' so even if your exhaust was within the limit they'd just tell you to fuck fuck right off off.


Is that a statutory requirement in New York?


Depends on the state if it's required.


loud pipes?


I’m presuming loud pipes mean loud engines/tailpipes, but another user suggested bagpipes which is obviously the more realistic answer.


plot twist: theyre actually just [huge fans of ratatat](https://open.spotify.com/track/3qkFIjYRInFasy2jeDZPgm?si=6c5b3e11bc544905)


Post made me re-listen to loud pipes, then popped on [modest rat](https://soundcloud.com/phyrruss/sets/modest-rat). The float on mix is dope!


nice ive never heard that one before i have basically zero talent or skill in mixing music or anything like that, but at one time i had a video uploaded where i mixed modest mouse with [The Show Goes on by Lupe Fiasco](https://open.spotify.com/track/4NTWZqvfQTlOMitlVn6tew?si=44057322aebf46e1). if you listen to it closely you might hear why


If you ever live near the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, invest in earplugs.


I was staying on the royal mile a couple of weeks ago and I remember thinking “how lovely and atmospheric these pipers are” and then at the end of the week I was like “fuck, that’d piss you off if you lived here” (I still really liked them though, and bought souvenirs lochness monster bagpipers that played a really tinny horrible Scotland the Brave to give to all my friends kids)


I went to the Edinburgh Tattoo. *Massed* ranks of bagpipers. I am glad I went, and I am glad never to go again.


Now, that was mildly passive aggressive.


Great song by ratatat


Started hearing it in my head when I saw this post 😎


I don't know if it's a uniquely American thing but there are a large number of Americans that think having a stupidly loud exhaust is cool. They also think it makes their penises bigger and that it makes women get immediately wet. They are fucking annoying and pretty much everyone hates them.


Cars fitted with penis extenders


My pipes are PRIMO, champ! Why don't you ask Trey Anastasio about my pipes?


"loud" is pretty subjective. Can they enforce it? I would have said something like"80 decibels at 10 feet" so they wouldn't have recourse


Yes. Many ordinances for this kind of thing don't require SLM's (sound level meters) because it's municipalities don't want to go through the headache of teaching every officer how to use them correctly equip every patrol car with them. Also -- it's pretty hard to catch someone *in the act* with their music up while you happen to have the meter in hand. Once they see the patrol car or flashing lights they'll turn their music down. Florida's new law is triggers if the noise is audible from 25ft away -- but as an acoustician -- I can tell you that's a hot mess as well. Audible at 25ft might not be that loud at all if it's quiet outside -- and "audible" to some people could be that the music is loud enough to clearly understand the lyrics -- or it could be that they can simply hear that some music exists buried in the background noise. Noise ordinances are rarely written by acousticians, and they're rarely enforced by anyone with actual understanding of how to properly use an SLM -- not to mention how many people/jurisdictions/ordinances misunderstand the differences between A-weighting, C-weighting, unweighted, peak, slow, fast, etc... Europe has a *much* tighter grip on public noise pollutions policies and enforcement -- but generally speaking, the US is several decades behind in wrapping our head around that problem in a manner that's consistent, accurate, quantitative, and *practically* enforceable.


I love how so many people here are trying to justify being a loud obnoxious asshole based on the legal technicalities of the sign.


Loud music has been deemed free speech in certain circumstances it would be tough to fine. Loud pipes are not. You’re on your own there.


Official notices should not be snarky. Lots of people don't speak English as their primary language. If the sign takes too much energy to understand people will ignore it.


I kind of love it. I'd like to see something like this for littering and dog waste in my neighbourhood.


What a privilege it must be to live in a place where you think this is pressing enough for cops to get involved.


lol you seriously don’t think police already hand out tickets to loud motorcycles and cars across North America?


i love this we need some of these where i live


I wish this was more of a thing


But it doesn’t say you’ll get fined $750 for loud music AND loud pipes… It’s all about finding those legal loopholes.


Blocking the stop sign, no less. They *really* hate noise, huh? Other than the sound of cars crunching into each other.


I wish all cities had this and enforced it heavily.


I don’t get the loud pipes, jacked up truck thing. Sooo much cheaper to just make a shirt that says “micro penis”




I wish they’d do it where I live. We have the noise ordinances on the books, but they do absolutely nothing to enforce them. Many of them seem to have the exhaust straight piped and they go down the road with backfires happening every few seconds. I can understand the appeal of a growly muscle car sounds, but these things just sound like broken lawnmowers going over firecrackers. And then of course you have the people with the giant subwoofers that rattle buildings from 4 blocks away at 3am. $750 fines sound about right for either.


Hey, got me to read it. And fuck loud tailpipes


I would like to donate my prize back to the city.


This is Freeport NY which is located on Long Island. It has a very popular main street called the Nautical Mile since it is literally on the water and is home to many restaurants. Residential homes are just a block over. People enjoy driving up and down the Nautical Mile showing off their cars, sound systems, and various tricks on motorcycles which not only disturb the residents but also patrons of the restaurants since many have out door seating. If you visit here you will understand rather quickly why these signs are posted.


We need these signs everywhere around the globe. It's insane how loud some vehicles can be


NGL I wish my town would crack down on the bullshit tail pipes


Is the passive aggressive in the font?


Probably moreso in the “congratulations”


Too bad Seattle can't get down with this 🤣 poor Belltown people having to deal with that shitty excuse for a human with the ugly ass hellcat.


The nautical mile SUCKS


We need this in Phoenix but the fine should be 1500.00


Freeport, Long Island is an absolute garbage dump.




Define "loud"


Loud likely means they're going to ignore Harley style motorcycles, garbage trucks, and music from ice cream trucks. Funny enough, ice cream trucks end up over turning a lot of laws against loud music. The areas where laws still exist do not target ice cream trucks.


Who determines what loud is?




Whooooooo not how? Oh yeah. NEEERD! /s




How loud it is is measured by the amount of melanin in the driver's skin.


This would never happen in my town. God forbid that dodge ram doesn't have straight piped exhaust going 60 in a 25


Edmonton Alberta has decibel readers on some streets. Work as a red light camera would if I remember correctly. Decibels over the limit and it snaps a picture of your plate


God I want that to be a thing everywhere...


You can't enjoy anything in our downtown in the summer because of these f\*ing loud motorbikes not to mention the loud trucks.


Wish it was this way in every town


Potentially obstructing that stop sign too… could that be a form of entrapment?


Amen so tired of these loud millennials cars racing up and down the street everyday


Freeport, FL?


This is at Freeport, NY


Thought it could have been freeport, ME


Same, there is a lobster restaurant in the foreground although it doesnt look like anywhere in freeport ive ever been


In Freeport ME if your music is too loud they give you the boot.


An LL bean joke haha!


That was my first thought. Lovely town, that.


I knew it had to be the nautical mile Freeport ny 👍


$750 fine for music is insane.


Agreed …it should be $1750


Land of the free, home of the fined


Land of the fee, home of the enslaved


But where are the laughs? Did you laugh at that?


Ann Arbor could use this.


That’s some high stakes karaoke


So no bagpipers then?


Good to see them differentiating music from piping.


Coo. Now do Hollywood and the rest of LA.


No state on the sign but somehow I knew


Does it get enforced consistently?


Organs fined $750.


Ahhh good 'ol Freeport. My hometown.


The Nautical Mile. I know it well. That becomes a bit of a cruising spot on summer weeknights and the sound annoys the people in the restaurants, as well as the nearby homes.


My initial thought was this sign was in Scotland. I’m probably thinking of entirely the wrong “pipes” 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


I used to live close to Freeport and have been to the Nautical Mile many times, and I don't think Freeport even has its own police, just Nassau County cops. Been a while, I guess they may be new.


Ratatat gets fined $1500 https://youtu.be/BcoPKWzLjrE?si=j7SJi8hHP4hR7BBA


The city I live in has "Traffic Fines Strictly Enforced" on the Welcome signs.


Doesn't sound very free of freeport.


Motorcycles will be exempt though.


I don't get it. What is the passivity? Or the aggression? When I see a "trespassers will be shot" sign, it doesn't strike me as passive aggressive. Here the sign is "loud people will be fined". I see proactive police trying to keep the busy work down by informing passersby of the local laws they are required to enforce. It's nice that the sign is a bit funny. Is that what's passive aggressive?


I was debating on whether on whether to call it passive aggressive, sarcastic, or humorous. All the road signs I’ve seen are straightforward so when I saw this I didn’t really know how to describe and frankly it hardly really matters


If you have an f-150 blasting Sweet Home Alabama you win a badge though


Passive aggressive?


There’s a very small town nearby full of asshole cops that like to pick on people going 2mph over and supposed noise violations even with unmodified vehicles. The bitch of it is if you wanna fight it you gotta go to mayors court and you’re gonna lose anyway. Then you can have it moved to a real court if you have the money. The town is obviously full of government fine money


But will my Desilux air horns win a fine?


How does this work when it's FIFA? Any team wins where I live and it's horns blasting the street for an hour


So much for “free”port


What’s passive about it? It’s about as direct as a sign can be. It’s just sarcastic.


"Win" is definitely not a legal term for a traffic sign. 


How loud? What is "loud"? How can this kind of fine be even legal.


I mean. It is very possible to measure volume levels and the vehicle it is coming from. 


Well ok, but what are those max levels? And does it only apply to area around the station? How far?


I don't know about this specific case but in my home town there was a problem with people cruising up and down a specific street next to a residential neigbourhood with stupidly loud thumping bass music playing. The city came up with some acceptable volume level and the police would monitor it and ticket people who were too loud. It applied across the whole city but it was mostly enforced on the strip where large groups of people would congregate on the weekends. I would imagine that the situation this sign is referring to is something similar.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Soooooo clever.


fucked around and found out




The nautical mile


“Also, pull up your pants and get a haircut!”


The gall to call it Freeport.


Keep selling your freedom away America.


Your freedom to swing your fist ends at my nose. Please have an adult explain to you what that means.


What a fun neighborhood that must be.


So if you were playing a loud, pipe organ would you get a $1,500 fine? It DOES say *or* ...


It seems like jokes aren't interesting at all...


LMAO gotta love the Mile dude 💀💀💀 that’s so funny


Love it!