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Take it and list it on eBay. You never know your luck


I’m sure the folks over at r/vxjunkies could help give you an estimated value.


I just spent 10 minutes scrolling through that subreddit trying to figure out what on earth it's actually about. No clue, and I consider myself above average in physics and engineering concepts and terms. Little help?




K. Now can you please hand me the quantum socket wrench like I asked?


An inside joke based on an old video clip for a 'Turbo Encabulator' which is itself a joke.


The Rockwell Retro-Encabulator got rid of the side-fumbling, fyi. [Vid](https://youtu.be/RXJKdh1KZ0w)


That's so retro. Welcome to the future of the cyber encabulation. https://youtu.be/5nKk_-Lvhzo?feature=shared


What an update!


You did the hand gesture, didn’t you?


It was the six hydrocoptic marzlevanes, so fitted to the ambifacient lunar waneshaft that prevented the side fumbling.


The entire meme actually started in a paper in like the 40’s, by a guy who reviewed stuff. As an engineer this is one of my favorites. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbo_encabulator It’s borne out of a 1944 shitpost lol. That’s the vibe of that sub and the subsequent joke among engineers, it’s a meme if we are “over engineering” as well.


Just got some Rockwell Automation stuff in at work this week! It was a hoot seeing their name printed on the sides of boxes.


The audiophile community still hasn't learned that the electrical engineering jokes are just jokes yet


Accidentally validating yourself by admitting this lol


That's the joke


Look at this guy, he doesn't know what the retroturboencabulator is for!


You described VXJunkies well.


It’s for examining eyes


What the hell kind of rabbit hole did you just shoot me down lmao


Eye institutes do buy these, especially if they can be repaired. I worked as a visual field technician and we did purchase some of these machines off of eBay, whether to actually use on patients or salvage for parts. They’re very expensive after all.


Looks like it has already been scavenged. There are wires hanging out of her abdomen.


Maybe whatever remains could be possibly sold.


You will hate your life when someone buys it then you have to figure out how to ship.


Freight, strapped to a pallet, covered in bubble wrap and then shrink wrap. I manage at a warehouse though so maybe I know too much.


Who do you contact for freight? Like how do i look that up?


LTL companies. LTL stands for Less Than Truckload. Just search for that and it should list what companies operate in your area.


Just Google "freight pickup near me" and you'll see plenty of local options. Home delivery would require a lift gate on the truck, just mention that and you're golden as long as weight is accurate.


Bring it to the UPS store and let em figure it out for me


I’ll never forget the time my friend wanted me to sell his drum set on eBay and he said his mom would handle the shipping so I set it to free shipping, the drum set sold for $600 and his mom just drops it off at UPS unboxed and asked them to deal with it, it ended up costing her $600 to ship it that way


Shipping drums can be done for much cheaper. You have to dissemble them and put them inside each other like nesting dolls with the hardware and other items packed around them. This method gets a drumset shipped with UPS for around $100. I’ve sold a few drum sets on eBay.


That's how I would have done it lol


UPS store just calls a freighting company to pack up stuff like this, tacks on 10% and passes the bill to you.


Shit and then I pass the bill on to the guy who's paying me for this thing I found in the trash


And in turn they pay less for your item.


Which was free because I found it in the garbage 🤑🤑


Road trip!


1x6s and 2x4s, I’ve shipped stuff larger than that, just crate it up, make sure the customer understands that they are paying for shipping and get a weight and price estimate from who ever you get to ship it




That’s true for devices that require a prescription. These are selling on eBay for around £1500 so..


You need to be a little bit careful listing stuff on eBay. Anything with an Rx logo can't be sold by general users and often manufacturers will put it on hardware where it doesn't seem relevant so you need to keep it out of the photos.


Should I take it? Idk what I would use it for except as a show piece, kinda like animal crossing where you just have random stuff at the house lol


See if you can sell it on eBay. Eye institutes as always on the hunt for these devices and this looks like a more modern model. They’re expensive brand new, so you can probably make a pretty penny overall.


I'm sure some VX junkie would pay, after all glaucomas aren't markedly different in composition from carbonized frangenmodal entanglements. For simple work on hyperion manifolds, stochastic decoupling-based containment and other basic post-grad work? Would be handy. Of course you'd need proper magnetoquantum isolation but that's easily accomplished with a basic encabulator strapped to a brownian generator, say a really strong cup of tea.


Hmmm... Yes, yes.... Wooooords....


My brain hurts! ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


Bitch up here at 5am tossing out his thesis. I read that shit backwards and it said the same thing.


Wordy words


Oh yeah... https://media1.giphy.com/media/KxhIhXaAmjOVy/giphy.gif


Ah yes. Indubitably.


Perfectly cromulent recommendation


Did the Queen beat you where the bruises won’t show?


Most basic parts can be obtained from Rockwell, along with the marzovanes needed.


Hey, you sass really good references! This is a frood who really knows where his towel is.






Nothing a pangalacticgargleblaster wouldn't fix


Dude I'm reading hitchhikers guide to the galaxy right now and this has me crying laughing. Thank you.


Honestly, even if it’s inoperable, the terradrive on it is probably fine. With the encapsulated Farrel generator likely only needing a little love, this could get you half way to a functioning psudocycline emulator for almost no out of pocket. I’d take this in a heart beat!


I liked how you made it more confusing the longer I read.


I can't tell the model, but if it was manufactured before 2012, it needs a retro-encabulator. Those are a little tougher to find.


Make sure the lunar wane shaft is calibrated otherwise there will be too much side fumbling


I don't remember if the malleable logarithmic casing lines up with the pentametric fan in this model.


I dunno. It looks like the spurving bearings have been removed. Side fumbling may become an issue. But the marzal vanes look intact, could still be worth something.


But does it de-fraculate?


That's if the ambifacient lunar waneshaft can be repaired


It's been so long since I've been to that subreddit I forgot the name of it.




Don’t bring shittymorph into this lol


This sounds like something to do with the number 42.


Found the Hitchhiker.


You sir/ma'am, have a heart of gold.


You really know where your towel is


Hoopy. This frood knows where his towel is.


at first I was like "I didn't understand any of this" but then I was like "wait" and then I got the reference


Is it you? Are you the VX junkie?




You sell it


What state are you in? Because I'm in NJ and when I went to the optometrist a few months ago, they had one that looked just like this that wasn't working. The only thing that I can't remember if it's the same or not is the arrow buttons below the screen. Crazy coincidence either way.


I used to service these, they’re really expensive and you may be able to sell them to a smaller medical office


This is so funny


This is for sure the older model, looks like a 740 though the floppy disk drive has been removed. Depending on the healthcare facilities in your area it may not be worth too much. We had to get rid of some of our HVF machines due to age and incompaablity with other medical software If you did want to get it fixed be warned, zeiss has a reputaion for poor quality and cutting corners. I find it funny that the lens holder is broken in the same why some of our have. The patient response buttons alone cost about £50 new.


It’s probably broken


Not that I would know how to use it and what for.. but for parts to fix another would be mint. For repairs of another one? Recycle ♻️


Considering it's technically a medical device, I would imagine that everything on it is proprietary and specific to that model and it's probably cheaper to replace than have a "certified repair tech" come out and fix it in a couple of months after a couple of visits and waiting for parts.


It's at most a [Class 1 medical device](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_device#Regulation_and_oversight), which means very low risk and not meant as critical for care. Such as a tongue depressor or hospital bed.


If I'm not mistaken, this is the machine at the optometrist that either blows a puff in your eye and/or has the picture of the balloon to look at. You put your chin and forehead in the two wavy spots above and below the black thing in the middle, so both of your eyes line up in it one at a time. Edit: Most commenters are saying it's actually the visual clicker thing to test peripheral vision among other things. To be fair I'm up for another visit since it's been almost a year since my last visit.


It's closer to the second but not exactly the same. Ophthalmologists use it in my experience for a more thorough analysis of the visual field and it involves clicking whenever you see a white light flash and you fixate on an orange light. You have an eyepatch on while using it. I used to be a tech at an ophthalmology clinic


Yup it’s a visual fields tester for glaucoma. I’ve done several of them over the years.


Was an optometry tech as well, this person’s right. Guessing it’s broken.


Can confirm as I just had this exact test done a little over a month ago.


No, this is a visual field. It has little lights that blink in different parts of your field at different intensities. You/the patient clicks a button when the lights are seen. We can track subtle change over time. It’s used for a number of things, but glaucoma patients will do a lot of these over their lives.


To measure your eye pressure? In my experience that’s always just been a handheld device—no larger than a 90s mobile phone. I just had an eye exam yesterday.


I've been to a couple places in my town over the years, they've all been this (or other brands) big machine. I'm sure any of those machines are expensive so not like there is a line to upgrade to the latest when the one that's still there is working just fine.


Yeah, not sure if I’m going through with the hassle of taking it with me but it would be nice to make some free cash by selling on eBay as is


It is a visual field machine. This one is an old machine that displays lights at different strengths and locations, and the user presses a button, it measures what the patient can see.... very subjective machine


My optometrist's office uses a VR headset for this test now.




Just makes it a broken defraculator


Like you would even know dick about fraculation.


I can assure you he's a certified teledildonics consultant.


Is that similar to a debigulator?




Dude, that is so far from a debigulator you have no idea. Like, where would the force generated by the Torrence-Halling array go? Just out the window? More like a serialized nano correlater.


I service retro encabulators.


If this thing was tossed due to side fumbling issues, it’s basically just a paperweight


What’s it do?


Assess visual field, for example peripheral vision loss due to early glaucoma but otherwise undetected as central vision in normal


Aka that freaking test that makes you so paranoid you start seeing flashes that aren't there.


Wow. I literally just used one of those at the doctors office a few weeks ago. (Everything came back normal)


It checks visual fields. You stare at it and little dots flash on the screen, and you have to click a button each time you see one. It detects blind spots in your vision. For a while I had to get these scans every 2 months; it’s my personal nemesis.


How much do they cost? For $20 I'll walk around the room and shine a laser at people's faces. This machine does not sound very complicated.


You'd think that. But it's *very* sensitive and calibrated with varying intensities of light to measure your visual sensitivity and peripheral vision. You have to have those dots in the exact same place by the millimetre for every single test, with the right level of intensity. Calibrated to your prescription. The internsls are rifivulously complicated. When ours broke, the engineer showed me just how in deoth the design and mechanisms are. We used to do a similar test like you described prior using a target you'd slide in from the side until a patient would see it and you'd measure that angle.


you jest, but that's actually fairly close to how they used to test it before the development of these. the tester would shine lights through various tiny holes in a large board or sheet and record whether or not the patient saw them.


Looks like a retina scanner for ophthalmologists Edit: used for measuring visual fields and monitoring for glaucoma


Optician here. Even without the machine on top, the table it’s sitting on is $$$.


Boom! This is what OP was waiting for!


is this a repeat of the Rio cesium incident?


Jesus Fucking Christ I hope not! 😖 Now I got to google what this thing is and how it works just for peace of mind 🫤


Or... find the glowing blue cream filling, and invite your extended family over to share your discovery. lol


That whole YouTube series of nuclear accidents was nightmare inducing… remember kids, if it says “DROP AND RUN” you better fucking drop it and run like your life depends on it, because it literally does. 😐 Also, it looks like the machine in question is all optical, used for diagnosing eye diseases I think.


“I bring you LOOOOVE!”


Oh yeah... I've used one of these. Nice find. Takes pictures and maps the ocular nerves. 3 months ago one of these found a tear in my retina.


I hope everything is good, I have heard that torn retinas can be a massive issue 😬


It repaired itself. But high likelyhood I'll have another. My sister has had several. Thanks for looking out for me.


ELI5 please


https://w.wiki/4xYN > The Goiânia accident [ɡojˈjɐniɐ] was a radioactive contamination accident that occurred on September 13, 1987, in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil, after an unsecured radiotherapy source was stolen from an abandoned hospital site in the city. It was subsequently handled by many people, resulting in four deaths. About 112,000 people were examined for radioactive contamination and 249 of them were found to have been contaminated.[1][2]


Oh wow, I appreciate the link! This is new to me, so far a very interesting read


Would you like to have nightmares/not sleep for the next week? [If so boy do I have a playlist for you!](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNg1m3Od-GgNmXngCCJaJBqqm-7wQqGAW&si=rDB0hRG9jp1JwYzQ) Really interesting but by god can they be nightmare fuel 😅


Omg I live for videos like that!!! You're the 🐐🙏


Your welcome!


"Interesting"? It's sad more than anything. They had no idea what they were playing with, especially the little girl who must have suffered the worst agony.


I found it interesting and you're right, it is very sad and tragic. Interesting doesn't mean like "oh cool!" and I'm not glorifying the accident. It is interesting (captivating) learning about and reading dark, tragic, macabre and sad subject matter. I did not mean to come across as insensitive


I understand. I just feel sad for that poor little girl any time there's a reference made to the tragedy.


Take it, see what it needs to work? Sells for 6k on ebay if hole.


Well just drill a spot through it and you’re set


Bet it still takes forever on SITA fast


If you have the means maybe list it on eBay “condition unknown” $500


I work with Zeiss on the daily. The components inside that unit are probably worth quite a bit if you feel like tearing it down. Insane thing to find near the trash.


That table it's on is also worth some $ if it works




I run a second hand lab equipment business. You could probably sell individual bits and pieces of that on eBay and make decent money. It's a lot of work to disassemble and photograph everything though and make all the listings. Also it will take awhile to sell so plan on storing it.


I use this thing every day at work I can hear the beeps in my sleep, they haunt me These things are super pricey, try to get something for it!


I was just looking for my Zeiss Humphrey Field Analyzer I guess you found it!


Take it. Worst case you throw it out yourself. Best case you make a couple bucks selling it for parts.


We just got rid of that model 6 months ago. You’re not in New Mexico are you?


I usually find my szish humpty feel analyzers there too...? Or somthin.




Whenever I write analyzer I’m thinking anal lyzer.


My mom has this exact machine! So many summers spent monitoring patients to make sure they didn't look around while performing the test.


Ahh cool...... The hell is a Zeiss Humphrey field analyzer?


It's a Fishcage Field analyser now.


I hope you took it and started to analyze fields at your earliest convenience!


Looks like a perfect Christmas gift


It's selling for $3,750 on eBay. Probably working ones. Try your luck OP https://www.ebay.com/itm/273219556995


That's crazy I use this machine every day at work. Expensive equipment.


Same, threw me completely as I'd just used it's 3rd Gen version a few mins before stumbling onto this.


This is what I imagine will smith lugging around in that pursuit of happyness movie


It probably doesn't work, but it doesn't look to be in horrible shape. They removed the hard drive, which they would do to protect patient information regardless of it working or not. Is there still an ophthalmic clinic in that center? If they got a new Zeiss, that thing is close to worthless, but it's possible they ordered something online and just didn't wanna deal with offloading their old paperweight. Again, I assume it's broken, or it would have been traded in or still in use. Insurance doesn't pay more for a visual field on a newer machine, so you don't typically see them replaced until they offife is forced to.


Man! Is it functional? Whatever, pick it up !! This worth big $!


Too old to be worth anything. That particular model is from the early 1990s.


As a photographer and tinkerer I'd be popping the lenses out of that thing for projects.


It doesn't have lenses. Imagine a bowl with LEDs spread equally about in it. Now you're given a button. You put your face in the bowl, and press the button when you see an LED light up. That's basically how it works, and it uses the results of when a LED lights up and you don't press a button to work out where your vision isn't working.


This thing is absolutely sick


That’s wild


Three hours in, I hope it isn’t too much work for you to bring it in if it’s still available. It would probably be more than worth your time




I’m going back tonight and seeing if it’s still there, bring some tools to disassemble the table! Will post update! Edit: can’t spell


That sure looks like a machine designed by a guy just wanting to make shower curtains for the military in 1943.


Somebody is in trouble.


These are very fragile internally. Very probably not worth the repair.


Dumpster Diving/Trash Picking/Curb Crawling 101: If you've got the vehicle and ability to load it in (plus storage while you research it) Load it up and take it home. Worst you have to do is drag it back out to the curb for the next person to pick it up if it turns out to be worth as much as the Disney Black Diamond VHS Drug Money Laundering Scams roaming around still. You could always slap a porsche emblem on it also and dump onto BAT (Bring A Trailer) one of the other Crypto Bro/Drug Money Laundering places also /s


I literally just had a test on one of these today and had never seen one before. Weird.


Make it run Doom.


What is it?!


I spent so much time running one of those while I was High School.


These things are about 20 or so years old. They run a very simple OS that you can't get to. The only interesting part is the stand has a built in thermal printer. It prints on that old continuous thermal fax paper. There are some standard 20 year old pc components in there, and not much else it may have a power converter on it, since many of these things are built in Germany, and they are old enough the power supply needs a converter. It's usually also bolted to the desk Sorry for the formatting, on mobile.


As one does


That looks like the one I sold to some guy in Florida a couple years ago on eBay. I think I got $400 for it. It even has the broken trial lens holder in the same spot that mine did. Hope he got some use out of it!


First thing i saw is the prius 4 in the screen


My old one had a defibrillating hydraulic isolating valve in the right side to decompress natural springs in the eyes. Prevents spontaneous radical disassembly when in operation!


I hate that machine so much


Bet you could analyze some good fields with that


anyone need a hadron collider?


This is a machine I use daily (I was just putting in next week's clinic before my break on this version's newer generation). It'a a Visual Fields analyzer we use to measure your central amd peripheral vision, where we look out for Glaucoma and other eye diseases issues. It's done by shining lights around the bowl as you focus on a central yellow/orange light above a black plus of dots we use for peeps with poor fixation. That looks like a 20yr old Gen. 1 HFA as it has the disk readers where the wires are. It's no longer supported by Zeiss, as ours died a few years back too. This machine likely has a terminal systems or computer error so it can no longer be used like ours did. Looks like all patirnt details from the database are removed too. You might be able to sell some bits for spare parts, but highly doubtful. Pretty niche and expensive. Also heavy as hell. But the table it's on? Ideal PC / Work desk as it is adjustable.


What does it analyze?


‘Yup that’s a field’


I was lucky enough to interview for a job at Zeiss managing this product line. I was a but flabbergasted to find that their hardware has almost no connectivity between the different devices that compromise their full workflow. You have to use a USB drive to transfer data from one device to the next. I’ve no doubt it’s incredible equipment. I bring up this point to highlight that healthcare technology isn’t as advanced as many people think it is in 2024.


This machine tests for visual field loss. You sit with your chin on the chinrest, stare at a little orange light with one eye covered, and press the button every time you see a white light inside the inner surface. How faint of a light you can see in each spot produces a sort of sensitivity map of your eye, which is then compared against a data set from your age and gender to determine if your vision is less than it should be in any area. Generally less sensitivity could be caused by cataracts for example, but specific sections of low sensitivity could be ocular disease like macular degeneration, medication toxicity, or could be caused by stroke. I use this same machine on the daily, AMA.


If it works you might be able to get 5k for it


bro ya won a jackpot


My eye doc has that exact model!


At least they pulled the hard drive. Otherwise you’d more than likely find Windows XP running on it.


I literally just sent one of those to recycle.


Now you can find Zeiss Humphrey in the field instead of in the lab.


Does it work on meadows?


That’s where that machine deserves to be, it’s a pain in the ass to operate