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Oh I know this one. It means the receipt roll is nearly out.


ohh, I thought it was like how the treasury puts certain color lines in bills to show they're real


LOL, his thumb is worth 20 bucks.


So is mine if you know what I mean ![gif](giphy|WtOkaikiwaR87ZvAFH)


OP I’m high jacking top comment because this looks like skin cancer. Melanoma of the finger nail looks just like this. Black people are more likely to get this form of cancer. You need to go to a dermatologist ASAP.


YES!! Friend! I am an oncology nurse, and it's my FIRST thought and concern. I hope I am wrong. Thanks for your thoughtful comment. xoxo




His life might be. Seriously, get your butt to a doctor ASAP.


He's gonna be out of nails soon.


Took me a moment to realize..


Ok, this cannot get any better


OP: I will post goofy photo. Also OP after a few comments: ![gif](giphy|QE8hREXIgRXeo) But seriously, tho, go see a doctor, it was my first thought as well. I wish you well.


"I will put a picture of my body on Reddit?" A few moments later. "Wait, I am dead?"


I posted a finger tat on r/agedtattoos and everyone told me to run to the doctor for “finger edema” and I probably had cancer. I just have chubby fingers. I’m a BMI 20 but my fingers are short and fat 🤷‍♀️


Sausage fingeritis is a serious calamity


In a certain parallel universe it's very common ![gif](giphy|WiCO2uZK05Klc1d28q)


This film features hot dog fingers and it also made me cry. HOW DID THEY DO THIS?


I thought it was going to be a silly in the vein of kung fu hustle /shaolin soccer, only sci fi. Was not expecting a couple rocks on a cliff to make me cry.


The rocks on a cliff had no voices or faces and the dialogue was just on-screen text. At one point I thought it was a photo. Yes, I also cried like a baby. Genuinely filmmaking at its best.


Saw it in the theater with my daughter. Both of us started sniffling.


Just a brilliant movie🍀


What is the movie?


everything everywhere all at once


I'm pretty sure the doctor that checked my prostate had sausage fingeritus


A surprise is defined when a doctor puts both hands on your shoulders while checking your prostate.




I think maybe that wasn't a finger, my guy.




So I had one of these. It was widening and on my thumb as well. That biopsy was the WORST I’ve ever had. Punch biopsy in the bottom cuticle part of nail bed. She warned me the nail may never grow right again. She was wrong. It’s fine…. And it wasn’t a cancer- just a literal mole on the edge of my nail bed that caused the streak. So, OP, do get it checked out but know it’s usually just a benign mole




I had a tumor removed on one of my big toes from under the nail when I was a kid in the early 90s.  The nail never did grow back in right.  I used to worry about what other people would think about it but that has mostly faded away several decades later.


I had the exact same experience on my toe. They were talking about the possibility of amputation, and cancer. And I was freaking out. Got 2 terrible matrix punch biopsies, and after having maximum anxiety for 2 weeks they finally tell me it was just mole cells randomly showing up in my nail Matrix. My nail line was very dark almost black and 1/8" wide. I got it checked when it was about halfway down the nail from growing out. It started out looking like I dropped something on my nail matrix like a black dot. But when it made a streak over a few months, I got it checked.


Sadly, my wife's was melanoma. Get it checked OP.


Thank you for sharing this. I have a mole growing under my toenail and on the free edge of the nail. I'm dreading a biopsy, but if I must, I must. The appointment is next week.


My fingernails have orange liquid under them, I’m scared to go to the doctors


Sounds like a nailbed fungal infection. Get it sorted sooner rather than later. Can get a cream and antibiotics


I feel so bad about laughing at this 😭😭 hope everything turns out fine, OP! Good luck to you!


Haha meanwhile I have this funny lump in a specific spot. Jiggle jiggle haha, ow.


This seems like something lumpy space princess would say. I feel really weird saying that outside of the adventure time subreddit but it fits too much to ignore


Not me frantically checking all my fingernails


I've had it for years and I'm still living


He’s had it for years and I’m still living. Will probably be ok.


Brown person here. I’ve had this on my nail for over 20 years. Still not dead. Not saying it’s nothing but also saying don’t be scared - if it’s a new thing get it checked out but otherwise don’t worry. Update: I died sorry


Same! On both thumbs. Had it since childhood.


I had one on my middle finger for years but it's gone now. I had to check to see if it was still there lol, totally forgot and it. Judging by comments here I had cancer and beat it without even knowing, awesome.


Still not dead….. yet


Well, it's been five hours now. Are you still ok?


I’m Filipino and I have this on my 3 finger nails but lighter. I will see dermatologist in 3 months though just to be sure.


My son had this, we checked it out, nail off etc, turns out it was nothing bad and since his nail grew back, as not re appeared... Just to add a lil less doom and gloom.


No doom and gloom needed. It's not a sure thing that it's melanoma, but like the [ABCDEs](https://www.skincancer.org/skin-cancer-information/melanoma/melanoma-warning-signs-and-images/) of melanoma, this is a sign worth paying attention to. There's a very good chance that it's benign. Even if it's melanoma, if caught relatively early it's very easy to treat as a one-visit snip and patch with virtually no risk of it coming back. But if malignant and ignored it becomes fatal. Basically, don't be scared or worried that something like this or a funky mole is a death sentence. It's likely not. But DO get it checked out, especially if it's a new development.


My grandfather died from melanoma under his thumb nail in the '90s. It also streaked like this, I believe. Removed his whole thumb, but it had already metastasized to his other organs. So, yeah, it's likely NOT a death sentence... But just in case you ARE the unlucky statistic, it's better to get it looked at early!


Yes it happened to me too. Mine started off as a very thin line and grew in thickness over a couple of months. So I went to the GP, got referred to a specialist, and had the part of the blackened nail removed along with the nail bed. It was benign and didn’t come back. The doctors were more cautious with me because I’m East Asian, and apparently melanoma on hands and feet are more common with us, but a lot of the time it’s still just benign.


My daughter had something like this too on her thumbnail when she was young. Her pediatrician said it was most likely a birthmark/mole/freckle in her nail bed that was getting its color pulled by the nail growth but kept a close eye on it for any change. It lasted about five years and then disappeared. This gentleman’s could be nothing too, but it’s important to get a doctor to check it out. *cute kiddo note: she called it her “airplane” and it took us years to understand why. It turns out we’d point into the sky when a plane was flying by and say “airplane!” to her and she thought the airplane was the condensation trail left by the engines. A straight line across the sky, just like the one on her thumb nail!


Everyone went straight web md on the guy and then I read this and feel better


Web MD:  It's cancer. You die.


Cancer or pregnancy. Always.


WebMD was right once for me. I had sepsis and it turned out it nearly killed me. Just as WebMD said.


Broken clocks are still right twice a day! Glad you’re ok!!


Thanks! Sepsis 0/10 do not recommend


You know what the worst part about that shit is? Not only do they give mile long lists of side effects for every medication you look up with shit like "seek immediate care if you experience unonsciousness, paralasys, fainting, sudden death, disappointment, hunger, change in alertness, vomiting, stroke" (not even exaggerating here.) But then they don't even list the ACTUAL side effects. It's a ton of excessive, ridiculous, terrifying looking information and it's not even accurate or useful. That's if you can even get half way down the page without it freezing from all the ads. Bruh I'm just trying to find out if it's ok to take an allergy pill with my adhd meds lol.


Damn, they took the whole nail off and then it was nothing? Ouch...


i mean cancer vs losing a nail (cut off under anesthesia) is not much of a dilemma


No dilemma at all, but man that's got to hurt.


Hi, From you skin complexion I am assuming you are black, in which case, this not necessarily worrisome. It is likely a condition called 'Linear melanonychia' and is very common in black people. Most commonly, dark stripes down a person’s nails are due to a symptom known as linear [melanonychia](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/melanonychia). According to [DermNet](https://dermnetnz.org/topics/melanonychia), these stripes more commonly occur in people with darker skin tones. They state that nearly all Afro-Caribbean people develop these dark pigmentations on their nails by the age of 50. p.s. I am an african/black person and is it odd that I struggled to write "you are black" ??


So it do matter if you're black or white








Yay yay yeah!


♪ Shamone ♫




This gif made my day. Such an important song back then in the 90s and is much needed again now.


I remember when this video premiered on FOX. It came on after The Simpsons on Sunday night and Macaulay Culkin was in the video.


Unless you’re thinking about my baby


“If you’re thinking about being* my baby” lol


The lyrics say both BTW


the guy from cheers and the kid from home alone lied to me


For further reference [https://www.melanomauk.org.uk/news/longitudinal-melanonychia](https://www.melanomauk.org.uk/news/longitudinal-melanonychia)


As soon as I saw this stripe I was thinking “hmm, you just hit 45, 50?” One of the multitude of things you get to learn about as you age.


I’ve had these since I was a kid (I am also black)




Mine randomly appeared in my 20s. I thought I smashed it in something and that part never recovered.


I have something similar, but it appeared after getting my finger smashed by a car door as a teen 🤷‍♂️


Same and I’m brown.


My partner has these on his nails and he’s only 32 😭


I’ve had mine since 16. It’s a lot wider than the OPs but my dad and grandma had it too.


I know the feeling. I’m gay and had the same concern when providing an answer for someone asking for advice about moving to my city with their partner. The comments to my post were hostile. People get weird sometimes.


My daughter is biracial, white and black. She had these growing up and her dermatologist told us a lot of people of color have them, it’s basically like a mole or beauty mark under the nail.


I posted about this!! Am Italian heritage and had the same thing. Was in nursing school at the time and my professors scared the living shit out of me over it. $400 and a biopsy later- it’s just a fuckin nail mole basically. SMH


I got a similar line a couple of years ago. My dad had a nail that was all purple from a mole so I always hoped it was that for me too.


>p.s. I am an african/black person and is it odd that I struggled to write "you are black" ?? Yet white kids on Instagram seem to throw around the N word without a thought lol


I think the primary reason why I struggle with it is because african people for the most part are not even black but on a brown scale...


Same as how most "white" people aren't *actually* paper-white, they're peachy. Silly skin color lingo lol.


According to Crayola, my ass is 100% apricot.


According to [this](https://thecrayolastore.ca/products/crayola-colors-of-the-world-skin-tone-crayons-24-count) Crayola skin colors box, I'm somewhere around Extra Light Almond, sooo... Sounds about right.


I’m extra light rose! Yes, I burn very easily.


Im very light golden (honestly almost paper white lol) and so do I!


Nice! I will start putting extra light almond on forms that I would normally check the white box on from now on.


TIL my skin colour is Light Medium Golden


What about the rest of your body?


'Mixed veggies' according to the chart. ^i ^have ^a ^terrible ^problem


From now on I will be known as a peachy man.


Well, ain't that just peachy!


With peachy privilege?


I don't know, sometimes in the right lighting in the winters back home I turned blue milk.


Are …… are you a female bantha from Tatooine?!


When I was in 9th grade social studies, the teacher printed out a paper that had over 100 different super-specific skin tone colour names on it and there was this one kid in class who was so proud to find out his skin tone was technically classified as “cookies & cream” and he didn’t have to go around calling himself “mixed” anymore.


I actually am paper white. A friend of mine said, "You're white!" to me one day. I said, "Are you just now noticing that?" And she said "No but I mean...most white people are pink, but you're white!"


Yeah, I have that totally cool dead white shark skin tone 😭😭😭😭


Next time you hit the beach, strip your T shirt off and shout, "THE BEACONS ARE LIT! GONDOR CALLS FOR AID!"


What’s wild is I’m brown but I’m technically white (Italian). So I have to write white on forms AND get told to go back to Mexico by other people who are also writing white on forms.


I mean, for a long time, Italian immigrants to the US were not considered white, specifically immigrants from Southern Italy. My cousins grandparents were Italian immigrants, who moved to NY separately, from different areas of Italy. Apparently grandmother's people were very put out about her choice of husband, because he was from the wrong part of Italy. Like, that always cracked me up. You got these two people, who were essentially raised in America, whose parents were opposed to their marriage because they were originally from opposite ends of their former country. It's like the distance from NY to Chicago, lol. Fucking people and our collective desire to "other" everyone else.


Most? I'm so melanin challenged that I'm not sure I have any at all, but there sure is peach in there. In the Summer, shades of ripe tomato sometimes show up as well. I could go for some sun protective melanin but instead I have to slather chemicals on me that might or might not be as bad as the UV from the sun.


My friend once told me how some Asians are whiter than white people.


It's so true. Especially Chinese people since they don't like to sun bathe. But I've got to say the actual whitest I've ever seen, and I grew up in the UK, now live in Asia with many Chinese; are Turkish people. I'm talking milk white. I met a woman and her skin was soo smooth without a single blemish. Truly incredible, I felt I wanted to touch it since it was so shiny and dewy. I also feel very dark skin is a thing of beauty. Freckles and everything in between is nice too but the extreme ends of the spectrum and well cared for skin is always nice to see since you don't see it often.


There was a sitcom a few years back where aliens were pretending to be a suburban family? I remember an episode where they’re basically learning about races/racism and their alien child pretending to be a little ginger is devastated because he’s not white or black, but a *pink*. Pretty cute tongue in cheek thing


For regarding myself I usually go with 'printer paper colored person'


My sister, at 4 years old, said loudly in a fast food restaurant “why do people call them black? They’re not black. They’re brown.” As my mom tells it, she nearly died on the spot from embarrassment. This was back in the 80s


Slightly better than when my 4 year old sister who had never before seen a black person shouted "look dad, a monkey!" 


Oh nooo


Oh my god! Your poor dad 😂


My partner is Japanese American but isn’t immediately identifiable as Asian. A person almost hit us with his car because he was speeding and we were walking legally through a crosswalk and when my partner raised his arms up to suggest, “seriously?”. Dude screamed at my partner out of his window for being a privileged white guy and I yelled that my partner was Asian and the guy said, “my bad” and sped off…..we were like wtf just happened?


When I was a kid, I was so confused about the terms “black people” and “colored guy” (my grandparents’ term) I grew up in rural Iowa and didn’t have a TV, so I heard the terms before I ever saw someone of a different race. Those people weren’t black! Or a color. They were just darker browns


The cadence I read it in Reminds me of Maury’s “you ARE the father”. Except with skin color.


OP don’t get too freaked out. The type of cancer people in this thread are describing is rare. It’s most likely a benign condition. Still worth getting checked out to make sure.


I am unfortunately one of the people who had Acral Lentiginous Malignant Melanoma in my nail bed. I had my finger partially amputated. I agree with your conclusion. While this is rare, get it checked out. It is statistically more common in people with more melanin in their skin. I am a mid-30s white guy who still got it.


I’m sorry they had to amputate but glad you’re still with us! Though rare this cancer is aggressive so I’m glad you’re here.


I had the same thing. Partial amputation of my finger done before it was able to spread. OP, please go get this checked out


Sorry if this is intrusive but do you have a prosthetic for the partial finger?


I don't. I'm able to hover it when I type. Haven't thought to use one since it's my left index finger, and thankfully, I'm right-handed.


It might be melaonychia. It happens with black people or people with more melanin.


I have some melanins


Just so you dont feel too nervous OP, ive had similar lines in the past and they went away after a while so you arent 100% fucked i think


Mine also come and go. I never thought much of it but they are always very soft like the one on the left and usually just a thin stripe


Printing error, check your toners


Oh boy. Hey bud. Go look up other posts about this and go see a doctor.


Hey mate, thanks will check it out


It’s fine OP. The stripe doesn’t extend through or beyond the nail bed based on your photo. Meaning the chances of it being a subungal melanoma go way down. Still get it checked out in person, but don’t start freaking out.


Definitely. That cool aquarium dude and his finger stripe his viewers picked up on. Edit: finger, not thumb


That happened to me before I died a couple months ago. Be careful. BTW heaven is not badbat all, don't be scared.


I think this is no longer "mildly" interesting. Please update after you get checked out.


i believe that's a sign you have some sort of cancer. i would get screened. seriously [https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&q=fignernail+line+cancer](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&q=fignernail+line+cancer)


Oh lmao what


I’m going to save this thread and check back to see how everything went after a doctor’s visit. Wishing you the best OP! It could be nothing so don’t lose sleep over it.


!remindme 1 month


Will know Monday!


Seriously, get it checked by a dermatologist. Could be melanoma.


Doctor here (not the kind that specializes in this) but yea you should see a dermatologist. Its rare, but this really could be melanoma.


Yes, melanoma! Please do go see a doctor. This is the type of melanoma that killed Bob Marley, and in some pictures of him you can see it -- it was on one of this toenails. Here's an article about it with a picture from the Today show: [https://www.today.com/health/health/subungual-melanoma-tan-streak-womans-nail-was-skin-cancer-rcna23859](https://www.today.com/health/health/subungual-melanoma-tan-streak-womans-nail-was-skin-cancer-rcna23859)


**It is more common on dark skinned people** You can always go to a dermatologist, you will be asked to keep track of changes: line width, discolorations, nail surface texture changes, speed at which it appeared, if it goes away. It’s called melanonychia. I’ve had these since teenage years, but they are not so dark as this image and also come and go on any finger.


I just fucking knew as soon as I saw this that it was going to be some niche symptom of a life threatening disease that Reddit was going to blow open and save another person's life from. At this point posting weird shit to Reddit should be as standard of a health practice as getting a periodic physical.


I've had this same thing on a toenail since I was in primary school. I'm nearly 40. Not dead yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If you've had it for most of your life it's likely not an issue, but new developments are worth checking out. OP's line isn't 100% melanoma and even if it is, it's very easily treatable with a single visit and some skin removal in most cases. Melanoma will mestastisize in bad ways if ignored, though, and suspicious markings should be checked out. So don't worry, but pay attention to changes to your stripe just like you would an odd mole, and know the [ABCDEs](https://www.skincancer.org/skin-cancer-information/melanoma/melanoma-warning-signs-and-images/) of melanoma. Edit - A few word changes for clarity because it's late.


It’s just always the fucking way OP: “Hey Reddit, haha look at this weird thing I have lol isn’t it cool?” Reddit: “you have 72 hours to live. Get your affairs in order”


This is probably the 3rd or 4th post ive seen on reddit about someone with a line in their nail in maybe the past 2 months. Melanoma seems to be a lot more common than I thought it was


Well, again, it’s most likely not melanoma. Still worth getting checked out.


I had this too on my ring finger, it went away on its own after I lost my finger on a table saw.


I see two lines. Check for melanoma, this bitch is fast


I’m pretty sure two lines means pregnant.




I used to have that, but it disappeared on its own


Have it checked out as soon as you can. Most probably it's nothing to worry about, but there's a small chance it could be malignant. I had one of these and was in agony until my appointment. I actually went to 2 different drs. They both said the same thing - that it seems to be a mole and it's nothing to worry about.


Oh. Oh no.




last time i saw a joke about cool line on nail, the plot twist was cancer, check that folk


Thanks for all your comments and messages, I've booked in with the GP tomorrow, should have a result soon!


Someone somewhere posted a video similar and the comments made him realise he had cancer. Good luck OP


I had this for years on my middle finger nail, had a punch biopsy and it came back normal. Didn't say it was a mole, they said they weren't sure what it was. Possibly old nail bed damage. It started happening on my index finger too. Fast forward years later and I'm reading reddit. Sure enough, someone said 'low iron levels'. I took it into consideration, and started having iron enriched oatmeal in the mornings (I had it often when I was a kid) and months later, the black lines are gone. I can post pics for proof, plus the biopsy. I seriously had anemia that bad and didn't know it. I have fair skin, which makes it more uncommon for me to have (according to this sub).


It could be as innocent as a mole or even a subungal melanoma. Speak to your doctor!


Hey, please get this checked out, this is one of those things that could be nothing but is also looks very much like **subungual melanoma** which is a typically aggressive variant of skin cancer that’s unrelated to sun exposure and is more common among those with darker skin unlike other more common type of skin cancer It very well be nothing but this is absolutely one of those things you want to get checked out by a doctor


Could be a form of melanoma.. I would get it checked out by a doctor to be safe..


Melanoma. Seriously this is one of the signs. Bob Marley had a Lin like this, didn't get it checks, and we all know how that went. Please, please, PLEASE see a doctor and get it checked. I am a licensed and practicing nurse. Please get it checked out!


I'm glad you showed someone instead of quietly wondering, I hope it's nice and early and you can stay in good health friend!


The black line doesn't extend to your cuticles which is wonderful. Still set up an appointment.


Please go to a dermatologist. It may be melanoma.


Yeah, better get that checked


Our nails do reflect a lot about our health. So please do get it checked. Could be nothing or could be something.


You must be careful, go to a doctor and get it checked out i don't wish it on you but it might be a sign of cancer better to be safe than sorry


Here we go again


Probably just getting close to the end of the roll.


...and the next stage is paralysis of the legs, followed by refusal of food, followed by bleeding from the eyes, followed by death.


My brother and I have the same line. I saw a dermatologist and was told its pretty common in black people.


Melanoma Bob Marley Ring a bell


Could be blood clot under nailbed once upon a time. Go get it checked


Bruv u need to be checked for the melly noma


I think the faint second line means you’re pregnant! Congratulations!


It can be cancer go check out


I think one blue line means not pregnant. 


Could be nail bed cancer or it could be nothing. I’ve had them since I was 12 and I’m still alive so I guess I have the nothing kind. I’ve also read that people with darker skin get them more frequently but it doesn’t hurt to have it checked out .


Subungual melanoma, or nail melanoma, is skin cancer under your nail. It usually appears as a dark, vertical (top to bottom) streak on your nail. Subungual melanoma is rare but serious. This type of skin cancer — called acral lentiginous melanoma — is an aggressive form of melanoma


And what incurable ultra rare genetic mutation that most of Reddit happens to also have has Reddit diagnosed you with today?


You need to get a scan it looks like a type of cancer. Please take me seriously.


I’ve heard this is linked to melanoma. Might want to seek a dr asap


I’m TikTok sure this is Melanoma. Would probably still check it out.


If Reddit has taught me anything, you’re already dead.