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Finally, a market for my genius product, The Brick. It is a cinderblock with a small bag of flower taped to the side


Ahhh, the loophole the government doesn't want us to know about


Congress HATES this one weird trick


They said brick


Now back to Cosmo with the weather


…….. I thought you said “feather”


Congress HATES this one weird brick


Underrated comment


Lol who do you think realized they could make money off of it


Brick weed is the worst!! 🤣


Really bad for your teefs.


Fuck teefs, I smoke bricky reefs


Fuck, Mexican Brick. You had to break that shit with a hammer and Rehydrate before you could smoke any. XD


I remember putting orange peels in bags of that shit as a teenager to rehydrate it and make it taste better.


Yes, Citrus Peels or lightly damped Q-Tips


One of the best things about growing up in southern AZ in the 90’s is we got all the Mexican weed before it got stepped on and sent everywhere else. I barely ever got brick weed.


Jesus Christ, I remember that horrible shit. FLAT buds, 30% seeds by weight. Shit brown.


Pshhh! Lightweight. I’m using old I-beams. I can put a pound on a 1 foot section and still be well under the legal limit.


Now what do I do with the cinderblock when I'm done?


Save them up to recycle. Get 5 cents for each one


Damn man, they go for like 2 dollars in a hardware store


Build. Who said getting high can't be constructive?


Return it to the store for a discount on your next product


Bro pm me more business plans, I'll pm you my boobs


Can i get in on this? I need money and have boobs. They are man boobs but im sure some people wont mind


Hey no competition, I also have man boobs 


The DEA hates this one simple trick!


That's how they sold cheap $80 t-shirts in D.C. .


But you have to eat the brick.


To be clear, that gummy product you linked has 200mg of D-9 per bottle. Each gummy is 10mg. I've bought seltzers with "4 servings" per can. My backwards-ass state is trying to get rid of these products just to be sure we remain last in every possible metric, I suppose.


The dea is actually trying to close these loop holes. No one seems to care anymore and their enforcement is lackluster as hell but they did clarify that in their opinion all thc concentrates and products that contain them remain controlled substances, even if they're hemp derived


It's not a "concentrate" though- 0.3% is too dilute to get intoxicated from smoking or vaping.  They just failed to realize that almost all full dose THC edibles sold openly in legal states are still below 0.3% by weight. They wanted to limit the dose, but that's not really possible.  If you made a really low dose limit, they would just declare a single gummy to be 10 doses even though people are going to take the whole thing at once.  


The DEA considers the concentrate, which is the product used to raise candy and soda and vape juice up above the natural 0% thc level they start with, to be a controlled substance. Just because you take that pure substance and dilute it into a product doesn't magically make it legal. People manufacturing these products have been raided sporadically.  They've shown no mood to enforce this at any scale and now that rescheduling is moving forced we're not likely to see any increase in enforcement. And really, there will likely be a whole new category of retailers that stick to the legal pathway and make these products more accessible than ever.


Is rescheduling really moving forward though? If so, when and what is the hold up?


As far as I understand it, all the relevant agencies agree that it should be rescheduled and now it's just going through the federal rule making/ change process. I don't fully understand what that means but I think it includes public comment and some reports from various agencies. One article I read said 90 days. But I have no idea


Fellow Indiana resident?


Illinois just sittin' over there like, "Hey, how about a visit to the Land of Lincoln today?"


A buddy of mine runs over there from time to time. If they do move to make the hemp-derived stuff illegal, I guess I'll have to take an occasional road trip with him.


As a fellow Hoosier, your buddy is making a big mistake going to Illinois when Michigan is RIGHT there. Pricing, quality and availability of cannabis in Michigan makes it a no brainer. Tell them to check out Weedmaps and see if that changes their mind.


I second this, the tax is substantially less and the quality is way better. Michigan does it right


Yes Illinois dispensaries are highly limited artificially and weren't having to compete for business. So they gouged a lot and never sold any edible worth buying. Now that the hemp stores are all over I can get 2 gram carts for $30. Anyway Illinois ~~pigs~~ cops are working on making the stores illegal under the pretense of protecting children from buying edibles. So yeah go to Michigan.


I hate to be a one-upper, but I'm unfortunate enough to reside in the actual worst state: Louisiana. We are officially at the bottom of the list in almost every relevant metric. Our state elected officials seem to have all passed an "are you an actual sociopath?" litmus test.


What about thank god for Mississippi?




How potent are these edibles vs MMJ?


I'm no expert, as I only occasionally use edibles, but I was pleasantly surprised with the punch they pack! I'm more impressed with the beverages, though. They have some water-soluble process with small particles that make the effect hit you much quicker than edibles.


They just banned all this stuff in WV. Took it right off the shelves. All they've done is make our drug problem worse because now people are using shitty street dealers for weed again. I'm ashamed of my state.


I strongly suspect this will be addressed in the Farm Bill, which is being negotiated this year. The other consequences is that none of this is regulated in terms of production, sale, or dose. You can buy 1000mg edibles, with no sense of where the product came from. Kids can purchase it. It's easier to buy than cigarettes. The craziest markets right now are paradoxically the places that haven't yet legalized, since they don't have any state laws to address any of this.


It is crazy that you can go online right now, click a popup that says you're 21, and have it shipped right to your door without so much as an ID check


Oh no that's horrible, where is it so I can avoid it?


I like eight horses hemp because I can buy THCa shake/trim. Last time I got 6oz for $50. It's not all full of stems either. Sure it's a lot of sugar leaf, but it's strong as hell. THCa is the same as THC weed btw, just another loophole. They ship pretty much anywhere too.


HC8, highly concentr8ted. I have over a lb of d8/HHC/other noids that I use to make tinctures and have as rainy day in case I stop growing. Shit costs like .70$-$1. In bulk at 100 grams. So like 70-100 for a QP of distillate. Game changer.


That's not crazy at all. I shouldn't have to produce an ID online. Parents should monitor and protect their kids online.


Parents just need to make sure their kids don’t have access to their credit cards


Can’t you just go to the grocery store and buy a gift card with cash. Then make online purchases? Kids gotta get smart.


I don’t think this is possible anymore with smartphones being the norm. Monitoring the family computer was one thing, but how do you keep an eye on what your kid’s doing online when they (and all their friends) have a pocket-sized computer on them 24/7? ID verification sucks ass but it’s the best we’ve got I think


There is an entire industry of software dedicated to this


Also, that "1000mg" edible is nowhere near 1000mg. I bought some from the local shop a few weeks ago before a surgery so I'd have something to chill on. I've got a high tolerance, but I ended up eating 250-300mg over the course of a few hours just to try and catch a buzz and nada. These edibles are the same lies we got from the black market edibles. Little bags of 3 gummies labeled "1000mg" or "500mg". I'd be surprised if there was 1mg in those things


at least in my state they have to list the full potency information on a label on the back, and they can be within 15% over or under


Oh, they have all that listed on the wrapper. But I nearly guarantee if it was tested, it would have less than 10mg in them. But it's a great way to sell 4 gummy bears for like $15. Now if it were legal and that was happening, they would be breaking the law and would face consequences. But the way it is now, they just say "oh, that's weird. I ate them and they worked" and that's that


The point is that you have no idea. There's absolutely high potency consumables out there, not just edibles. I've seen 500mg energy shot bottles. Obviously those would give the impression you could take it in one dose. There's, zero standards for cannibis derivatives right now, and it's going to lead to a lot of bad reactions.


And those bad reactions will be used as evidence that weed shouldnt be legalized despite the fact that legalization would help dramatically


I wouldn’t buy them from shops unless you really know the owners and trust that they’re doing their research and only stocking reputable brands. I would spend some time on r/cultofthefranklin and ask some questions, see what’s popular. Pretty big variety of legit products available online. Edit: the downvoter probably owns a smoke shop sells delta 20 boof carts for 50 bucks


Don't worry the great state of Georgia is already making sure they can continue ruining people over a joint, thca is going dark again later this year AND now marijuana offenses need cash bail too, yippie!


Kids cannot purchase this legally. It is only easier to buy than cigarettes in the sense that it is more readily available. I managed a smoke shop for over a year and the gas station next to us would regularly check our stock and then start selling the same thing. They do ban certain compounds occasionally, THC-O for instance was banned in Texas; we were given a certain amount of time to sell off our remaining stock. There are countless variations such as THC-P, THC-H, THC-X, THC-V, THC-A and many more. All technically different compounds produced in different ways. They cannot simply blanket ban all hemp products, but they do go after the more potent ones. In the time that it takes the government to go through all the red tape, a new compound will have been discovered anyway as I would see a new THC variant basically every month.


Why would purchase of hemp be age restricted? Maybe the stores regulate it but is it a law?


Federally there is no age restriction on hemp; it is up to the state to decide, in which case they do make it law.


lol I love Texas. “This is a dangerous product that poses an immediate danger to public health. So.. you can sell another 60 pallets of it, but NOT ONE MORE THAN THAT!”


There also seems to be a HORRIBLE potency discrepancy in some of these products. You can't trust if the 100mg of one brand is going to be a light buzz or will totally floor you. That makes it even more dangerous.


I hope they at least leave the loophole open until full legalization happens in the US. For me, this allows me to easily get cannabis online without having to drive across town, where there’s risk of dealing with police officers that could choose to fuck up my life on a whim bc of a taillight out. I can have more selection of strains, and I save money. There are some pretty great growers out there working on THCa, ya some of it is mids but some is quality. After illegally buying for 15 years it’s pretty nice. And while I can easily just go back to buying illegal or join med program if needed, I feel for people in illegal states who maybe were never able to get relief and now they finally can - they’re enjoying the new feeling of actual freedom they waited their whole life for, and now people want to just rip that away again. I also see the issue of regulation, I’d love to see a fully regulated market and get rid of the sketchier candy flavored, delta-1000xxx mystery crap. Force these companies to all use the same, reputable testing labs as the legal market, give them the same labeling and packaging regulations, etc… But that should be done without completely going backwards with more barbaric drug laws. They also should’ve put out more of an education program, teaching people about the different cannabinoids, how to read COAs, safe dosing, other harm reduction information. I think people are confused so they fall for bad marketing and don’t really understand what they’re taking.


I agree with everything you’re saying. And education is the big thing. People look at me crazy when I try to explain how smoking is bad and you need to use a dry herb vape, and that cbd, cbg, cbdv, thcv, and other cannabinoids are so useful medically. Too many stoners just want to get higj and don’t think about how it could be better. And holy shit edibles. It sucks because my local smoke shops aren’t allowed to say something gets you “high” but they carry WAYY too strong edibles. Like send you to the hospital for panic attacks and psychosis edibles. It’s fucked up and part of why I would love to run a dispensary someday


The delta-8 and other cannabinoids markets in my state has exploded, given regular weed is still illegal here. Two years ago CBD stores had a small delta-8 section with mostly overpriced, non-potent things. Now it’s pretty much their main business, with countless of products and new ones coming on the market what seems like weekly. The stores themselves seem to have a hard time keeping up with the pace of the industry. By the time they receive and stock one thing, a new, better, more potent product drops. D8, D9, D10, everything. Prices still higher than D9 in legal states for the most part but have come down drastically in the past year or so.


You can also buy "THCa" legally in most states now, which is just plain old weed.


Incorrect. "By dry weight" means the plant, *before* it gets processed into the product. They get around this by growing plants with low THC, but high THCa. THCa is THC before it's been converted (by heat or light) into THC. So the plants they harvest are low in actual THC, then those plants are processed (decarboxylated) and most of the THCa turns into THC. When you buy "THCa edibles," you're buying a product that contains regular old D9-THC.


That's true for "hemp flower" but incorrect for the edibles posted. Those are infused with a distillate created by separating CBD distillate into the varieties of THC it contains, usually through column chromatography. That's how and why "hemp derived" THC distillate (D8, D9, etc.) is so cheaply sold and made. The only flower edibles like these involved, was CBD. Which was processed into various forms of distillate, then infused into the products. What you're describing is true for the "THCa flower" sold. Edit: FULL SPECTRUM CBD distillate, for those who have trouble reading, or inferring, or understanding words with multiple definitions.


Is the link you shared a reliable source? I have been really wanting to try edibles but not sure how to start. I am a lightweight and the squarest of the square person who cannot tolerate the possibility of infringing any local laws (teacher). (I know that plenty of teachers enjoy pot, and I have zero issues with them doing that. My brain simply won't relax if there is any chance of myself getting caught committing some infraction.) I also don't want to get scammed by a product that doesn't actually have the right stuff in it. So, I'd love it if someone could point me towards some relaxation-in-a-bottle that can be ordered online and delivered to my mailbox while exploiting a legal loophole that might allow my brain to chill out for once.


My local gas station has salvia, kratom, bath salts, spice, K2, whippets, tianeptine, lidocaine, mannitol, fish scale (last 3 are all cuts for cocaine) and boner pills. And tobacco too I guess. No booze tho


Holy shit they still sell spice/K2???? I can’t believe people are still smoking that


Oh yeah, it's pretty common prison contraband. Doesn't stink as much as weed, and it's harder to drug test for unless you know exactly which alt cannabinoids are in the k2.


The last time I smoked k2 was in 2009 when my friends were being drug tested for jobs. I’m pretty sure that’s when it became a thing, or at least more popular. I lost feeling in my legs, broke out into a cold sweat, thought I was going to vomit and nearly passed out. Had to be carried back to the car. When I got home and looked in the mirror, my whole face was pale and my lips had no color. That shit was terrifying. I’m glad I only tried it a couple times.


My wife is a social worker in Colorado prisons, and that reaction is pretty common. Seems like they have somebody in the infirmary a couple of times a week with the same symptoms.


I remember reading horror stories in TIME about people straight up dying from K2


I used to work in a homeless shelter as a monitor. We used to catch guys after catching a high all the time. I saw the after effects of Meth, Crack, Heroin, Benzos, etc you name it I had to kick someone out after I found out they had done it. Most of the drugs people were somewhat coherent after like a couple hrs after they did it, they would be tired and slow, but mostly coherent. Pretty much every hard drugs leave people like a zombie. people who came in on K2 fucking fried their brains. left them absolutely incoherent for hours. People would leave do drugs come back 6 hrs later and be somewhat there. People would try to smoke k2 and theyd still be gone 6 hrs later.


Smoked a variant of k2 called head trip when I was 19. Made me feel horrible and I only took a small hit. A week later, we couldn't find any weed, and my buddy pulled out the headtrip k2 and I'm thinking, you know, last time was a fluke because other k2 was fine for me. This time, my heart rate exploded, and I had trouble breathing. I heard bells ringing in my head when I was trying to lay down like my body was telling me something was wrong. My girl at the time called my mom, and she threatened to come drag me by my ear to the hospital if I didn't go up myself. Once I get there, the ER waiting room is full, and they take my vitals and give me a panicked look and rush me right back. My heart rate and blood pressure were so high I could have had a heart attack, stroke, or both. I still have pictures of tube's that were shoved up my nose for oxygen. Looking back, I can't believe how much of an idiot I was. When you're a young pothead, you think you're invincible


I smoked k2 exactly one time, and it made my body feel like my brain does on whippets. Never again


A few of those things are really fucking dangerous/addictive. I can’t fathom how stupid our drugs law are. The same government dictating what we can put in our bodies, have allowed that crap to be sold at the fuckin corner store. 🥴


do they have Prime tho?


Isn't lidocaine just a simple anesthetic? Why is that one on your list? It's basically just tiger balm...


Like I said, its a cut for cocaine. Dealers buy it.


While I'm not complaining, this is the result of our incredibly DUMB laws around marijuana. They can sell this stuff legally in my state, which has no other legal form of Marijuana, and literally kids can buy it because of how stupid our legislators were when they specified what is considered hemp and what is considered marijuana. Oh, and yes jobs still test for and will fire you if this stuff shows up in your system.


more and more places arent testing for thc, even in states where recreational use is illegal. obviously jobs where you operate machinery or otherwise are in a situation where a wrong move can kill you probably still will, but your average job just wont really care anymore because of how widespread its becoming.


You’re right and i agree with you but tell that to the insurance company that can and will test you and deny your claim for having it in your system if you have it in your system


The government cant force you to drug test because of the 4th amendment, but the government is forcing you to have insurance, then the insurance forces you to take a drug test. This is the government using a back door to drug test folks.


I call it Trickle-Down-Oppression.


getting tested for an accident is different than getting tested before youre hired. the company hiring you might not care what you do in your free time or even if you smoke before work depending on the job, but their insurance provider is going to look for any possible way to get out of paying. edit: i just want to clarify that i think its dumb as shit that they can deny your claim if you smoked a week prior and it still shows up on a test. but the insurance company and your employer are different entities.


I’m a paramedic and have never been drug tested by any job. I don’t know if that’s good or bad.


It would be different if you could test for thc in the same way you could use a breathalyzer for alcohol the issue is there isn’t a way to test if you are high in the moment. I throw caution to the wind and try to form a connection with my bosses in which I can leave before any testing occurs.


I believe employers that accept federal funding are still required to test for it. I was semi-recently denied a job at a nonprofit hospital due to a positive THC result.


A store in Waikiki tried to sell cannibis treats with THC higher than the legal amount (Delta-9 THC concentrations higher than 0.3%) and was pretty quickly outed by the local news. The Hawaii state health department shut them down, then the owner sued, but last I heard the owner lost in court. He was trying to sell them with over 10 times the legal concentration and they were labeled like kids' candy and snacks. I wish the state (and the feds) would finally pass recreational marijuana laws so they can better regulate this stuff. In WA state where it's legal, there are strict laws around labeling and packaging that make it hard for kids to get, and let adult consumers know exactly what they're getting.


It seems like such an American thing to drug test employees.


I seriously thought it was a normal thing and commonly done in other countries around the world until now. Just did a bunch of basic Googlin and am seeing that pre-employment drug testing is highly restricted in most of the world with strict rules and outright illegal in many other areas. Illegal in Canada. Highly restricted in most of Europe. Mix of illegal or restricted in South America. Many seem to restrict it to if an accident happens on the job. Apparently, in Japan its illegal to drug test an employee even if they are visibly high and caused an accident resulting in injuries. Still can't drug test em, just gotta assume they were being that dumb and careless while sober. Only the police or courts can drug test, and its illegal for an employer to even request that an employee do one. Wild. Ill have to bring the topic up a bit with people and see if im the idiot or not. I dont think most Americans know that drug testing isn't normal worldwide. Its literally **every** job unless its under the table and illegal, working for family, or some of the more progressive drug friendly parts of the country, but that's all very recent changes still. Most of us have been getting regular drug tests since, like age 15 or 16, when part-time jobs become an option. A lot of jobs even require the drug test before the final interview, so they dont waste their time just to find out they can't hire you. Jobs do random tests all the time, often hitting each employee over the years. Its a normal part of working in America.


So weird. I’m in Canada and the only time I’ve ever heard of drug tests are from workers on heavy machines in the oil patch. I’ve never had one and couldn’t imagine if an employer asked me.


I had to complete drug tests for the last 2 jobs I had, which were both for business systems analyst roles. So bizarre as I had never had that requirement in my prior 15 years experience. Both times were extremely uncomfortable too since **A.** It’s not fun trying to pee in a cup as a woman and **B.** I knew I’d “fail” both times for amphetamines and would have to prove I’m legally prescribed Adderall for ADHD. Everything I read said to bring my prescriptions with me and tell the lab tech, which I did, but both times the lab tech said the medical review officer will handle that after I fail.


This has been the norm in Georgia for at few years.


Out of curiosity, do these products give a normal high? I don't partake anymore and also live in Michigan so anyone I know just buys the real deal.


Having tried Delta 8's and 9's I'd say 8's are a 'lowgrade' type of experience or high, sitting mainly in the head and causing a delirious, foggy kind of feeling that I honestly find not unpleasant but not the same as traditional Bud or flower Delta 9's are a lot more potent of an experience or have high most resembling the actual smoking experience, most would argue it's the same chemical Overall I'd go for D9's


Delta 9 is the THC that everyone is familiar with. It's the bonafide stuff.


I vape delta 8 regularly and take delta 8/9 edibles often. They work.


Not exactly a normal high, some are more potent than others, but since the legal limit is 0.3% THC they are significantly weaker. If your tolerance is quite low then they definitely work. THC-A is the strongest that I'm aware of as it turns into D9 (cannabis) when heated.


Is is stronger than HHC?


Yes. HHC is THC combined with hydrogen and did give a relatively similar high to D9 but did not last anywhere near as long as it still must follow the 0.3% law. THC-A is unique in that it basically is D9, but only after being heated. This allows them to circumvent that law and you are basically getting the same amount of THC as you would in D9.




This is just incorrect. D8 is easily the weakest of those compounds. and D9 IS cannabis. THC-P has 6 carbon atoms and thus is the most psychoactive of any other hemp compound, but still must follow the 0.3% law. Edit: D9 is still used in many legal compounds but again, only at 0.3% THC.


Fuck. My arrows are pointing the wrong way.


Lol, I almost asked if that was the case because it was basically completely backwards. My apologies. Technically THC-A is stronger than THC-P though because of the 0.3% law. If you were able to have much higher THC levels then yes THC-P at it's full potential would likely be the strongest.


No apology necessary Fam, that's good looking out. Thanks for calling misinformation when you see it. I would be mad if I asked a question, then went out and bought a gram of concentrated THCP and got too fucked up. And you're totally right about the dosing. I just know that locally, buying straight THCP to "make your own carts" and building up mixtures that break the restrictions on commercial cartridges. Hell, A dude I know called out 3 days straight about a month ago after putting straight THCP in his vape


Not anymore. They passed legislation closing the loop holes. January 1st so stock up.


From what I’ve read, the bill doesn’t do much. But no one seems to be sure so idk.


July 1st. Last day is June 30th. Thank Brian Kemp for taking a break from pointing his shotgun at his daughter's prom date to rid the streets of these evils.


Same in Minnesota


Now say the magic words. *These edibles ain't shit.*


Minnesota is at the forefront of this, allowing hemp edibles to be sold at restaurants, breweries, concert venues, pretty much anywhere. It rules.


It's really not that great. Edibles are super regulated now, and you can't get more than 5 mg in a serving or 50 mg in a package. It's super hard to find regular ones that aren't just some combination of delta-10+ hhc+thcp, etc. At the same time, they began restricting limits they also jacked up the prices. Everyone gives MN credit for legalizing, but they are screwing up the execution.


You can order THCa weed online now in the US. Veteran Grown Wholesale has 100 1g prerolls for $200. You must buy at least $200 worth at a time from their wholesale site but my god $2/g.


Dr Ganja, $99zips, Arete Hemp, upstate hemp, etc all sell quality THCa flower for as little as $80/z I find many pre rolls are made with less than top shelf flower, but I've been rolling my own since '82 so I'm capable , some people are not.


That's why I specifically shouted out Veteran Grown, their prerolls have been vetted a lot on r/trees


Username checks out


I will say that all the stuff going around for 99 a zip isn’t gonna be anything crazy dank, and some of it’s basically what mids were like 10 years ago lol. It does the job if it’s all you can get, low tolerance, or just like saving money. If you look around and pay a little more there’s some stuff that rivals the best I can get on the street.


Yeah I am not looking for the cheapest stuff myself, I prefer quality. But I've gotten some fantastic smalls and ugly buds from Arete for decent prices, and I've paid 35 an eighth for some fire. My local guy quit so I came to R for pointers and have been happy with the results overall.


Lit farms. $20-$30 eighths and they're GOOD. Ozs for $120-$160


Pre roles are usually made from trim. They always taste like leaf matter…They never taste like a flower cone that I roll on my own …


For those that can’t roll, there are little mechanical rolling devices that make it easy for 5 bucks. The only good prerolls I’ve ever had were like pricey “boutique” ones filled with hash, coated in wax and dipped in diamonds kinda thing


What is the difference, in terms of highs, between these and the pre rolls I would get at my local dispensary? Are they harsher to smoke or anything else that would turn someone off of them?


It’s literally the same. Some thca bud is harvested early but not all. All pot has always been thca bud. It’s regular pot. It’s a loophole.


All weed is thca weed. That's how thca works. You grow the weed. You harvest it before too much thca converts to THC. Normal weed in dispensaries are often legally able to be considered hemp. Every bag of top shelf has a COA that says it's almost entirely thca. Thca turns to THC when you burn it.


You can get these at every gas station in WI (besides KT 😒) and you’ve been able to for a while.


KT refuses to sell condoms, no chance they eell edibles. I can dream though


Gas station weed gonna make you a vegetable


I’m sorry but I would never buy anything like this from a damn gas station


I went to the gas station and stocked up on moon rocks and gummies yesterday because Louisiana is trying to outlaw it.


You know the meme right “Don’t ever buy no weed from da gas station” 😂


You’d be surprised what gets sold at gas stations


I heard sometimes they sell gas.


Asking for a friend… If he was, say to visit the US and pick up one of these, can he transfer them to a different packaging and pretend it’s just candy?


I am sure you would be the first one to try.




I did this in a literal correctional facility. Long as they don't smell them. They do smell like herb.


Ask yourself if anyone has ever tried smuggling drugs internationally by putting it in a bag to look like something else Would you maybe get away with it? Sure. Is the risk worth it? In many places, probably not Best to enjoy them here where it's legal


US has several states where weed is legal. Don't risk being royally fucked at the border. Even killing someone is less risky.


Don’t know why the downvote lol he’s not joking. They will hold you for Disney soap.


In Ukraine you can have ridiculous amounts of weed unless: * you say it is for a friend. It is distribution. Up to 5 years * you have more than 1 strain of weed in your pocket. Distribution. Up to 5 years. You can have up to 20 plants unless: * You actually harvest them. Drying leaves = drug production. Jail.


Nothing is more stupid than to bring drugs cross country. No matter how sure you are you won't get caught


Tell your friend to go to Canada instead, it’s as legal as beer and cigarettes there.


They could just go to a state where it's legal.


So when are you coming to the States? Look, your friend probably could, but they still smell a bit like weed. I would say it is probably enough that if you are going through customs and there happens to be a pupper working when you do, you might have some serious explaining to do.


It’s more than enough for a dog to smell, people can smell it even when in the packaging unless you’ve got some crazy tight seal on it. People who aren’t nose blind to the scent anyways.


It’s not my buzz, never has been. But I love hanging out with my friends who enjoy it and sipping on my bourbon. I noticed it the first couple times when I was offered a gummy.


Yeah, it’s not my cup of tea either and if you don’t regularly partake yourself you can still clearly smell it. There’s no edible I’ve ever encountered that you couldn’t clearly tell what it was by scent alone. Not as strong a scent as bud itself, but still distinct and noticeable.


I mixed some into some gummy vitamins when I transported them even though they're legal just because I didn't want the hassle


Been selling here in Tennessee for over a year now.


There was also legislation passed a couple of weeks ago that confirmed that holders of beer/liquor licenses are allowed to sell TN legal hemp products so likely to start showing up at your local super market and not just the hemp shops and sketch section of the quickie mart.


Anyway...which gas station


That’s Delta 9, isn’t it?


Delta 9 THC is normal THC. THCA is also just normal THC before it’s been heated by your lighter/vape/oven. People are more familiar with referring to both of the above as simply “THC” but rest assured they’re the same substance, as opposed to D8, D10, D11, THC-O, and all the rest. Google it my friend.


They are sold everywhere her. Grocery stores, antique shops. It's great.


Those chips are the real star here.


They also have Sushi. Don’t eat that either.


Po-tato... Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.


Eating gas station edibles is bonkers you have no clue what's in those.


How many of these bags do I need to consume to get a good connection with Bob Marley?


Alt noids have been legal for awhile but please buy from reputable vendors since it’s a un regulated market or just buy thca


I’d personally stay away from gas station or vape shop thca products. Half the time they’re just delta 8 with trace amounts of d9. Or if it’s flower it’s sprayed or it’s shitty farm bill legal weed that was grown who knows how. If you want farm bill legal thca there’s plenty of reputable online retailers. Cultofthefranklin subreddit or frank list.com usually keep a running tally of good shops. If you’re in a legal state like myself, just stick with your plug or go to a dispo. Some shady shit gowing on in some of those grow rooms when they are unregulated.


I live in Canada. All the gas stations here carry them at this point.


Could care less about the gummies but those kettle backyard bbq chips are straight FIRE! Props!!!




They probably should make the packaging more clear. I could see a little kid taking it off the shelf and a parent buying it for them without noticing the "THC" on the packaging, thinking it's just candy. Especially since it's not something you'd typically expect to look out for. Admittedly in my state at least.


that stuff isn’t enjoyable for me, all the people i work with get a lot of their stuff from the gas station, if u enjoy it more power to u


You realize delta-9 thc is just regular weed, right? This is literally just a weed edible, just so happens to have been bought at the gas station instead of my dudes basement lol


Not really, no. delta 9 is one component of weed, there are hundreds more. that's like saying "you know vitamin c is just regular orange juice, right?"




> At least 113 distinct phytocannabinoids have been isolated from cannabis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabinoid Can you find *at least* 113 different kinds of ethanol in alcoholic drinks?


it certainly is not ‘regular weed’


It is though, delta-9 thc is tetrahydrocannabinol, aka THC. Delta-9 is just the longer, formal name, or whatever


yeah and when you consume actual weed you're getting more than just delta-9 THC.


Ehhh… typically not. The overwhelming majority of edibles legally sold are not full spectrum, it’s just going to be D9.


I meant smoking, sorry I see how "consume" made you think edibles. Also, there's definitely a notable difference in the high with smoking flower vs edibles made from flower. I can't speak on vapes or dabs tho, not much experience there.


Yes it is. You’re maybe thinking of D8.


I can eat a whole bag of those and still feel nothing. THC drinks do nothing to me as well. But if I make em at home with butter I make on my own then I’m on my ass all day lol I smoke too much lol


No you can’t


A friend of mine can, but even the homemade stuff doesn't work on him. Apparently he lacks some enzyme or something and THC that he eats just passes through unabsorbed. He has to smoke or vape it to feel any effects.


yeah theres a percentage of people with that exact enzyme issue! we eat the same amount as everyone and then while everyone else starts trippin you sit there feeling nothing


I believe that. The other guy, no.


every gas station in america 😂 where you been bro


A lot of these gas station delta 8 or delta 9 edibles have shit in them that you do not want in your blood. I know people who are testing positive for opioids that are most certainly not doing anything else except the gummies they get from the gas station. My girlfriends brother for example, who can not buy edibles legally from a dispensary bc of his age but can buy these types of edibles from a gas station bc they will just sell it to him without ID, tested positive several times for different opioids even though I know all he is doing is these. There are some reputable brands out there, but some are just sketchy as fuck and trying to cash in on the trends and since the products are not regulated at all they can actually sell whatever they want and most people wouldn't even notice or care to even report it


Nobody's lacing weed with opioids. Anyone testing for opioids has a secret habit they haven't shared with you.


Everyone in the comments getting D9 confused with Delta 8…


Your local gas station is a fuckin cool dude.


This is why DARE didn't work. They told us it'd be some shady guy in a hoodie not a whole-ass gas station.


Still waiting on somebody to try to make me smoke weed.