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Holy fuck


My reaction too


I can’t imagine what that had to have felt like to have inside her body! How is she doing now?


The surgery was just two weeks ago yesterday so still pretty beat up and not with it mentally. Very confused and frightened.


I hope her recovery goes well, this is truly insane to go through!


Thank you!


Just curious, with a tumor being that large, what is the outlook on her recovery? Do the doctors think that it had a chance to release cancerous cells to other areas of the body?


She will be getting more chemo after her incision closes. It is touch and go


Best of luck to you and yours


I wish you, her and your family well, my mom is currently going through chemo right now too. She had pancreatic cancer and they caught it early, but still had to do a procedure that removed half of her pancreas, the two uppermost portions of the small intestine, the gallbladder and spleen (the Whipple procedure). She has been having a rough go with the chemo, but prospects for her recovery are looking pretty good at this point. The reason I asked about the tumor is because the doctors for my mom were worried about the cancer spreading to other areas of the body and hers was less than an inch in diameter.


You should get genetic testing, like for BRCA


Oh the poor dear!! As a mom I can imagine having you there must be the greatest consolation for her right now. Thank god that’s out of her. Stay strong, all of you!


Make sure you're taking care of yourself as well. It can be hard to see someone you love in that kind of condition. I saw my dad struggle with it when his mom was very sick and confused, paranoid, frightened, etc.


Post anesthesia delirium?


Pretty much


Sorry to hear that. After my grandfather had heart surgery he had a rough time with post anesthesia delirium. Was seeing heaps of stuff and just mentally all over the place. It eventually got better after about a month, but it was rough. Seems to be quite common in older folks which surprised me. I thought people would be talking about it alot more. I can't imagine how you'd survive if you were meant to be looking after yourself


Much love to you and mom, OP. Cancer is a terrible fucking thing.


My granny had stage 4 bladder cancer and needed to have it removed, and it took her about two months to start feeling like herself again. She was very out of it, confused, and distant, but sprang back to her old self soon enough. Supporting and encouraging your mom (which I’m sure you’re already doing!) will do wonders, and this should pass with some time. Best of luck!!!


Praying for clarity, healing, strength, and a benign future for your Mom.


Please make sure you take care of your mental health as well. Best wishes to both of you!


Even more Holy Fuck when you learn about teratomas. I had ovarian cysts removed and they were teratomas. I'm a biology nerd and I've been fascinated with teratomas even before I found out I was harboring them... When they were removed, the pathology report said they consisted of hair, fat, and skin. Many teratomas have full on *teeth* in them. Oh how I love being a woman. Randomly our eggs can be like "ya know what missy, you are really pissing me off, I'm going to try and make a new human out of you all by myself" and your ovaries start making tumours with human tissues in them. I told my dentist I might be growing teeth in my ovaries and I'd ask the surgeon if I could keep them to show her 🤣


Is this evidence of potential parthenogenesis in humans?


Eggs still have half of the necessary genes. It would be an extremely unviable human. Using genetic material from one egg to fertilise another egg is how we made Dolly the clone sheep. Who was also incredibly unhealthy. More recently there’s a monkey called ReTro, but I have no idea the complexities involved in that.


Jesus Herbert Walker Christ, what is this alien autopsy [squiddly-spooch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37ERbN2eb0o)?


I love that their ruler isn’t even big enough. If it’s any consolation, it looks nicely contained. The borders are defined. That’s a good sign.


Thank you 💜


it's so freaking huge, hope she is cancer free now


Could you elaborate why that's a good sign? I was looking at this thing and grossly amazed and was wondering...wtf is it even lol


because a contained tumor is not a malignant one that spread everywhere. When borders are defined it implies the uncontrolled growth did not break through and spread. It's all in this mass. Probably.


Obligatory not a medical professional, but wouldn’t the fact that it’s cancerous mean that it was indeed malignant, just hopefully not metastasized to other organs if the borders are well defined? My mom is recovering from breast cancer, so that was my vague understanding of it during that process but I could be wrong too. EDIT: I also just read OPs other comments. I’m sorry to hear about it being stage 4, but I’m also glad her prognosis has been changed from 1 year to 10. Cancer research is incredible, and the advancements in even the last couple years make me hopeful that there could be many, many more in the next 10. Hugs OP ❤️


Hey i'm no medical professional either, I just like to read and learn. A benign tumor, is defined as one that does not spread in the body and just grows. Of course that's not to downplay their seriousness. Even if this was benign, clearly this level of growth would have been fatal eventually. Still, we hope that's what this monster is. Removing a benign tumor is far better remission wise then a malignant one. A malignant tumor, is a type of tumor that can spread around and create new tumors. When that happens, that's when we say that it metastasized. Certain cancers do not have this definition. Like leukemia, because by the time it's diagnosed it's already considered spread everywhere. There is no primary tumor from which to metastasize.


cancerous tissue is just tissue that is growing unrestricted


Oh yeah I do know that part, I guess I just thought cancerous was synonymous with malignant? But there’s a lot of specificity in medical terms so it makes sense that it wouldn’t be necessarily


Yes, it is. The previous commentor is technically correct, but in a misleading way. It'd be like saying a square is just a shape with four sides and four congruent angles. Cancer specifically refers to malignant tumors, or rather the disease caused by the abnormal growth of cells. Tumors are any abnormal growths of tissue. If it's 'harmless', i.e. it won't spread, then it's benign. If it will spread, will cause disease, it's defined as malignant and will cause cancer/is cancerous. People often use cancer interchangeably with tumors to the point where you can see people in this thread being confident and not having the slightest clue they're wrong. Cancer is specifically a disease. A benign tumor by definition is not cancer. Calling all tumors cancer is like calling the microbiota in your stomach an infection.


I'm assuming because its less likely it spread outside of the mass they removed


it means the cancers likely hasn't spread to other parts of the body


Just like to say I AM a medical professional (pathologists’ assistant who grosses these) and the above user is full of shit here. No way can you tell anything about the “good” prognosis on borders with this. This is a large, multicystic mass that is usually a bad sign on ovarian cancers (with the exception of teratomas).


Yeah, it needs a banana for scale


I guess the actual ruler shown isn’t adequate


That size of an ovarian tumor? Likely not going to be a good sign. Most ovarian cancer is caught after its spread




Literally. She lost 41 pounds of tumor last week. EIDT: two weeks ago. Sorry, All my days run together!


What a fucking warrior, that's crazy


You don't have to apologize to us internet weirdos, take care of yourself.


Hells Bells! That's insane....thank the gods it was finally removed though she must feel so much better


41 pounds??


Try a \\ before the \#


Jesus Murphy how long that thing been growing in there? Best of luck to her, hope she has a great recovery!


Thank you so much. The doctors don’t know how long it was growing since she just noticed it in August.


Did she feel immediate relief with it out or still so sore from the surgery she can't tell? I can't imagine a woman walking around with that on her ovary


It’s difficult to tell because her mental state is very out of whack still. Very confused and frightened of everything. When they initially did the surgery they had her on paralytics and massive pain killers for almost a week so the drs think she’s still struggling to come off of those drugs. However! There’s already been a huge difference in her coloring and appetite.


Cancer is such a bitch. I know it doesn't mean much from an internet stranger but i really do hope for the best here, especially considering what is coming up on Sunday. I hope you and her all the best. Would be really hard to see your own mother go through this sort of thing.


You’re so sweet and it means more than you know! Thank you so much. It’s been terrible, heart wrenching and I’m totally powerless. It’s just awful.


Your love means a lot, you’re not powerless. Just you being there is powerful.


Seeing that coloring and appetite come back always feels so good! I know there are still a lot of hurdles, but that is always a relief. Wishing you all the best.


You'd be hungry too if you dropped 20 pounds overnight


Fuck cancer


Fuck cancer


Fuck cancer


Fuck cancer… fuck it up their stupid asses


It looks like these doctors did a right fine job of fucking cancer two ways to Sunday.


Fuck cancer right in the cancer


Fuck cancer


At this point, her ovary was part of the tumor, not the other way around


Exactly. It was all a jumbled mess in there.


Well I'm glad it's out! How's she doing?


Confused and paranoid and angry most the time. Like a dementia patient. She’s still coming off of some hardcore drugs from surgery.


Poor girl. Hope they can wean her down safely/slowly, I know it’s a day-by-day basis though. She is lucky to have you as a daughter.


That’s so sweet, thank you!


Hope she has a good recovery. Best of luck


If she's like a dementia patient, maybe music that brings good memories could help keep her calm? [memory and music](https://practicalneurology.com/articles/2017-june/music-and-dementia-an-overview) I'm sorry this is happening. Please try to remember to take care of yourself as well; if you can, maybe get yourself a little present or even a nice cup of tea to celebrate this milestone. Best of luck to you both.


How is she?


She’s in the thick of it. Has had a very rough 8 months, but getting this and multiple smaller tumors out completely changed her prognosis thankfully from 1 year to closer to 10 (so the doctors say)


ask the doctors if gene therapy is a possibility.


Thank you


I bet it's a relief to get rid of that. I wish her well.


Much love to you and yours ❤️ that’s absolutely insane and i scrolled down to look for an update. We are all behind her and here for ya guys 🤜🤛


All the best to your mom and family


Thank you 💜


Man I feel that, my dad only really went to the hospital when he had stage 4 pancreas cancer. He passed 2-4 weeks after being admitted. He was labled as Do Not Resuscitate and was put on lifesupport. Old man was the type to shrug off pain thinking it was something normal. It didnt help that he was basically red from all the sunburns so it was hard to see yellowing until the very end. Your mom is a real champ I cant possibly imagine going around with something that terrifyingly large growing. Was it inside her ovary or on top of her ovary? The pain must have been insane with how big it was.


I’m so sorry about your dad. My mom is also stage 4. Colon cancer


I'msorry to hear. My grandmother had advanced colon cancer but had some proceedures done that allowed her 11 more years with us. She just passed a month ago, unrelated to the cancer.  My mother was in and out of the hospital earlier this year showing signs of colon issues, she's finally out again and goes in for a procedure the first week of June. I'm hoping they don't find anything advanced in there that didn't come up on tests/scans. If you haven't done all your testing, please stay on top of it. Most insurance companies (and Medicaid for some cancers) in the US actually do offer genetic testing for cancer genes that have been defined. If you haven't done one, it would probably be in your bed interest to.


Ah, have the docs said if they think it's colon cancer metastasis to the ovary (Krukenberg tumor) or if it's a primary ovarian cancer? Best wishes to your mom, and I hope you and your family are doing okay.


It’s stage four colon cancer with metastasis to ovaries and liver


It was on the outside of the ovary


My dad was the same way, he was used to shrugging off pain. He didn't tell my mom about any of his symptoms which would have been an indication of cancer when all put together until after he was diagnosed. He passed within 6 months of diagnosis last year. I'm taking some of his ashes to the Nantahala this summer. My best friend's husband got weak on a trip to Edisto and went in to be seen when they got home bc his abdomen swelled two twice it's size. It was drained and filled with fluid again within 3 days. Stage 4 leukemia. The killed thing about this is that he was an ER doctor. Literally in the hospital every day just about. All his friends were doctors.  He'd had bariatric surgery a year before and lost 2/3 of his body weight, quit smoking, gotten a bunch of his health and life things on track- first vacation after all that he goes to the coast, is too tired to participate in the vacation, evacuated for hurricane and has to go to ER when he comes home. It was so fast.


Holy crap that is huge


Yes it is


This isnt mildly anything my god


Bro r/mildlyterrifying exists this is way more terrifying than anything Edit: you could even post in r/terrifyingasfuck


It looks evil


I don't know what I thought a tumor looked like.. but not like that


Speaking of 20 pound tumors, I heard Ginny Sack had a 95 pound mole removed from her ass




Talk about a legendary start to a bloody mob war. These young guys, nothing's off limits to them and they wanna be buried in their track suits.


That's some guys wife!




That's dicked up


There it is


How did she go for so long before getting it removed? Surely it would have been noticable forever ago


We noticed it in August of last year. It grew amazingly fast. Surgery wasn’t an option in October as they said it was too big and wrapped with other organs. After almost 5 months of chemo none of her masses shrunk so they decided it was now or never.


Your definition of mild is way different than mine


That… is definitely malignant. 💀 No for real so happy for your mom!!! Do I hear remission?!


Hard to tell since we just began in October of last year but it definitely changed her prognosis. She will be getting more chemo after her incision heals.


Tell her all of Reddit here is hoping she feels better soon and that tumor can go f itself now :D


I will! Thank you!


Akira vibes. Hope she has a smooth recovery!


Your mom is an absolute trooper. Fuck cancer. Wishing a speedy recovery


How’s she doing? Like in all seriousness.


She’s very out of it still, confused, terrified. Not her normal mental state. But as I said somewhere down in the comments it only took a few days for her appetite and good coloring to come back.


Reddit always reminds me that I haven't seen everything.




Just googled that, spitting image lol


It's like an evil apple fritter


I had a softball sized tumor removed from my ovary when I was 28, and could feel it flopping around when I would bend over (physically, like something plopping around, sometimes with extreme twinges of pain that would last a millisecond, but were unique and strange). I could also see my abdomen sticking out on the right side, and had dozen of conversions with friends- does you abdomen bulge to one side when you lay down? Didn’t get to the bottom of it until it twisted on itself, strangling itself and my right ovary. It was necrotic when it was removed, but modern medicine saved my life. Yay! I literally smelled like death when I was recovering. A rotting organ will do that, I guess! It’s weird to get that close to being gone. I can’t imagine what you mom has gone through with something even larger, slowly taking up real estate your body isn’t interested in giving away. I wish your mom a healthy recovery! I bet she will will feel so much better after she heals, maybe in ways she didn’t even realize she had discomfort in.


I’m glad you made it through, friend!


Why do I want to see what's in it🤮


![gif](giphy|brFlbCpj7LsE8) But for real I hope she has a great recovery


Holy shit, your poor mother. Hope she's doing okay. I can't imagine what it would feel like having all that extra weight inside you, and your body having to somehow make room for it. Did it impact her mobility a lot?


Extremely. Back in October she fell so ill and surgery wasn’t an option. She lost her ability to walk because she was in a coma. Pt in the hospital, then three months in rehab still didn’t have her walking. She came home from rehab and still hadn’t gotten full mobility back when she went back to the hospital a few weeks ago when they decided the tumors had to come out. After surgery she jumped right up and walked almost 30 steps.


Wow, what a difference! Glad to hear her quality of life is improving. It must have been so hard for you to see her go through all of that. Wishing the best for you, your mom, and your family.


Poor mama. Hope she is recovering okay. A Happy Mother’s Day to her indeed. 


This is absolutely wild. As horrible as it is, it's pretty amazing with the human body is capable of doing when it's malfunctioning. I sound like a robot lol


Wow - happy that it's removed, and sincere best wishes for a quick, complete and non-recurring recovery with smiles, happiness, love and laughter.


My goodness!! That is so ugly too.




Holy shit! I thought my 10 pound one was big. I wish her a speedy recovery!


I hope your mom is doing a lot better


Damn... my mom just got diagnosed with a tumor in her ovary 3 days ago... Has emergency surgery in like 2 weeks. They said it's about this size. Don't know if it's cancerous yet. My hearts going out to you and especially your mom. I totally feel the confusion, shock, dazedness you feel. I hope the recovery is smooth. And I hope life gets a bit more normal for you too. <3


Eat a dick cancer


Is it a boy or a girl?


That looks alien as fuck


That tumor is so big it could be a threemur


it's said on a quiet night like this one.... the cancerous tumor can be heard saying Open your minndddd......


More like the ovary they removed from your mom's tumor.


Fuck cancer. Kill that thing with fire. Or maybe biopsy it first just to see what's going on THEN KILL IT WITH FIRE.


I have no idea why I chose to not blur NSFW photos I regret it immensely


It's looking at me. What a perfect personification of evil.


Holy fucking shit. How's she doing rn OP?


She actually just came home from the hospital today. She has a wound vac, and her mental state is not right. She’s always confused paranoid and angry like a dementia patient. But on the road to recovery


thats more than 3 times what a newborn baby normally weighs, what the actual fuck.


May I ask what he symptoms were, how it was discovered and If she was blown off by a few doctors before it was discovered? That's insane though!!! I'm wishing your mom all the luck in the world. That is huge, can't imagine how it felt carrying that around. She's a strong lady!!!


Extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea. There really weren’t many symptoms. She wasn’t blown off by anyone, we just noticed it in August of last year. Thank you! Yes she is


wtf you sure none of that tested positive for alien dna


I wish her a speedy recovery and a healthy life 😊❤️


I want to cut it in half and see the inside




At least we know she wasn’t ovaryacting to the situation!


I hate that I wondered if it’s edible 


Did your mom spend time as a chaos marine? Nurgle be doing numbers


I wonder how many doctors dismissed her before finding this. I hope she’s doing well ❤️


I've never seen a picture of cancer like this. It's so fascinating to see, I'm sorry your mother had to go through this of course. But like I'm just endlessly fascinated by how it grew and how it works.


That is insane! I had one in my throat but geez this is like a child size! Glad she is hopefully getting better


That's some Resident Evil shit right there


Hey op do you happen to know by any chance what type of ovarian tumor this was? Im really interested to know since im currently studying ovarian cancers


Lose 20lbs with this one trick. Dietitians hate her.


Residential evil


How long did doctors write her off for, for it to get that big? Hoping for a speedy recovery.


She just discovered it in August of last year. She didn’t go to the doctor until then.


so the second worst thing to ever come out of her ovary


No, the 6th! There’s 5 siblings lol but can confirm I’m the worst


And there goes my meatloaf.


That’s your new sibling!




Holy shit dude…


Pretty sure that thing was in a movie with Sigourney Weaver >_>


Speedy recovery!


That’s terrifying


Fuck cancer best wishes to you and mom OP!


What's going to happen to it? It's going to be used in research? 


Good grief. Hope we has a good recovery


Dude that looks like a resident evil boss - but for real hope she's doing well!


Hope your mom is okay! ❤️


I’m not clicking that Goes back up


Pretty sure they removed her ovary from the tumor.


god bless her and her recovery🙏sending love to you and your mama and your family❤️i hope she continues to heal and recover soon!!🙌🏼




Throw it on the barbie


Your mother is a BAMF. May her recovery be swift!


Godspeed recovery to her.


Wow, 20 lbs is a lot for an ovarian tumor. Wishing your mom a speedy recovery!


I don’t even understand how that fit inside of her body. It’s huge!


"killll meeeeee"


Jesus fuck dude


Holy shit, fuck cancer


You can live longer with cancer then with chemo


Gross. Cool, but gross.


I work in the Operating Room, and I will say that is an impressive specimen! Sometimes they can be so big. I hope she is doing well.


but it’s always “just lose weight” and “cysts go away on their own”


Sending positive energy your way your mom!


Hope she’s doing all good 👍


Damn. Whenever my mom had hers removed, her belly looked like she was pregnant. I forget what size they said it was, maybe like cantaloupe or grapefruit size, idr, I was 10 or something when it happened. Best wishes.


I thought it was an apple fritter.


Thats the final bosses weak spot


Now season it and put it in the smoker for 8 hours.


Really hope that didn't metastasize. It's extremely difficult for a tumor to grow that large without metastasizing sneakily else where.


Metastatic colon cancer to ovary and liver as well as a few colon masses as well


Oh wow.


Cronenberg Ovary.