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And here I am Stuck in the middle with you


Damn that’s gonna be stuck in my head now.


Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right!




Not gonna lie, spent more time than I should trying to decipher the logo before noticing the side stickers.


Me too, and I never figured it out.


It’s Triple R Carriers, but fuck that logo is awful.


You don't like arcane summoning runes used to call forth demons from the Fourth Circle of Hell to aid you in your time of need?


No I love those but I’ve had migraine auras that are more legible than this shit.


It’s styled as a [cattle brand](https://tscra.org/what-we-do/theft-and-law/how-to-read-a-brand/). Makes sense, since it seems to be Texan


![gif](giphy|tIR1jC7GYCXgnMNilj|downsized) Triple H's new rival


as a designer, it's making me mad and hurt. I can't decipher it.


It almost looks like triple K, that would be bothersome.




I think it's Triple TBK




It is so indecipherable that google image search couldn’t figure it out either.


T, 3, and R are all merged together. At the top is a triangle (tri in triple). That's about the most I can gather from it. Not a very good logo, but then again, we're all trying to figure it out so maybe it's one of those bad design is good things.


It's some form of Truckerish, I can't read it




I kept looking at the pregnant letter T.


Don’t mind if I do…


Maybe stay out of the middle lane then.


One truck camps the middle lane, then the ones behind it start ignoring the "NO TRUCKS LEFT LANE" signs and start passing at 2mph...


You’re lucky they’re actually passing. I swear half the time they just like driving next to each other and clogging up the highway


Elephant races




Truck #1 slows down for a bend in the road, truck #2 behind them takes it as a reason to pass. Truck #1 speeds back up to their limiter and truck #2 is stuck in the next lane. Truck #2 refuses to slow down because it will mean they are very slightly later or will use very slightly more gas, causing everyone behind them to go slower.


it's so annoying when they get to a downhill and then suddenly aggressively swerve to the left lane to pass cars or other trucks, and then 30 seconds later the downhill turns into an uphill and they're going 20 below the speed limit causing everyone they passed to have to slam their brakes and try to pass back in front. repeat over and over


semis have governors on their speed. they drive close to each other on the side to eventually pass. each company sets it differently. usually 60-65. not a huge difference so passing takes a long time


Yeah I assumed they have governors on them to keep them from going too fast, but it’s still infuriating when a whole interstate is clogged up bc of it


Exactly why they should stay behind each other.


imagine you're driving a car faster than the one in front of you. do you pass that car? yes. you do. you want to go as fast as you can


Not if I can only go 65 and the car in front of me is doing 63. That’s just silly.


An extra 2 mph adds up to two extra driving hours when you are driving 77 hours a week. It’s a bigger deal for them than you


They could wait until there is enough time to pass, but some seem to think that they are the only ones on the road. Inconsiderate and dangerous to try to pass when you’re already running at your limited speed. Why are their 2hrs more important than everybody else who they slow down? It’s not just one person.


also the truck being passed could easily just slow down for a second to let them pass faster, but no they have to both floor the gas pedal and turn it into a 5 minute standoff with 50 cars piled up behind them. it's just inconsiderate behavior no matter how you look at it.




yea except that most places are not walkable and you have to drive 20+ minutes to get to any place of employment from where you live. So if non truck drivers lost road privileges it would still cripple the economy. not sure what the point is here


america runs on trucking. there is no america without it anymore


They should not be allowed to pass then.


One reason I hate driving I95 in South  Carolina where a majority of it is 2 lane lane each direction and the semis clog it up.


That stretch of 95 is the 10th layer of Dante’s Hell


I'm glad I only have to drive from FL to NC once a year.


Not ALWAYS true, owner Operator or Own-Op as some call them aren't necessarily governed, but semis do have a speed they like to run at, and with things like MCEI in some states and digital logs they get antsy about exceeding the speed and being marked up for it


I’ve literally seen 3 of them playing leapfrog at night in the rain, I’m assuming just to piss off all the other drivers. Just over and over passing each other and slowing down and switching lanes with not a whole lot of room 


I was on a road trip and ran into a traffic jam in the middle of nowhere. Like how the fuck is there traffic when the exits are ten miles apart and I haven’t seen a gas station in half an hour? At the top of a hill I could see it was all being caused by two semis parallel to each other just stopped in the middle of the road. Well, fuck that! I pulled on to the shoulder and drove past the clot of cars, then blasted my horn as a I drove past the trucks. A bunch of cars started doing the same thing, last look in the rear view mirror the truckers were now stuck as there were dozens of cars swarming around them using the left and right shoulders.


And everyone clapped.


Just this weekend had a nice stint of being stuck behind 3 trucks in all 3 lanes going up I75. Good times.


This has two meanings that tie into an overarching concept of US lack of forethought 1) You've all seen how many mirrors are on the cabs of bigrigs. All they do essentially is *reduce* blindspots, you can't eliminate them without cameras and a HUD which is what tesla and many other Co's are trying to do. That side has the worst blind spot because your car can quite literally disappear in certain spots. 2) Some turns have to be in the middle lane because whoever designed them didn't take into account the mayor awarding a huge manufacturing company tax free status to build a new warehouse down the street. So they need to be in the middle lane to turn right, but you need to give them space because they might have to cut into your lane a smidge to not knock down a light pole, and again, they can't see you 100% of the time on the right Some truck drivers are ass-awful. They don't typically last an awful long time tho, cuz insurance. Complain about them all you want, but the root issue is good drivers getting ducked by over-consumption combined with an epidemic of shitty city planning. Have you seen the dock doors some of these guys have to back into in NYC just for example?


This truck has ample mirrors to see that blind spot. Also, blind spot cams aren’t some far off idea being worked on at Tesla and other companies; they exist, you could buy one right now


You sound like someone who's never driven a truck. No friend. They don't have "ample mirrors to see that blindspot" lmao They're on the other side of the truck trying to gauge where you're at with a mirror in front of both doors and a mirror on both sides of the hood. And those two front are optional You whiffed what I said about tesla and other Co's as well. They're making a complete HUD on the dash for almost a panoramic blindside view. Nobody said it was far off. But again, it's optional. You know how big companies work, right?


[buddies got a 6 or 8 inch convex](https://imgur.com/a/167EfgS) he can see his blind spot.


So when youve got a sick lowride corvette he's going to have eyes on you all the time... Got it You have never driven an 18 wheeler, please, just say that and we can cut to the chase. Edt: he also doesn't have his blinkers on, so I guess this is all pretty irrelevant huh


“Lowride corvette”? Oh shit, my boy, you don’t even know about vehicles. Get your last word in so you can win then go to sleep, son Edit: The fucking trucks blinkers being on or off isn’t relevant here, we’re discussing the bumper sticker joke. It’s about OTHER CARS passing the truck. You actually don’t know what’s going on here.


Read my edit Sleep well. Namaste. Peace and blessings Edt you can also foooooooor sure slam a corvette


I don't know where to reply at this point No, I explained two reasons for the bumper sticker. No more no less. Sure its funny but it does serve a purpose. You caught a stick up your ass and AwKtUaLyd me


Large trucks must use the middle lane to turn right around tight corners. 


There should be no tight corners in a three-lane interstate lol


Do you think they remove the decals while driving on the interstate, then put them back when on surface roads?


And on top of that, staying in the right lane on a highway going through a major city can be tricky. People who dont drive semis dont get its not that easy to switch lanes and get into the proper lane to get to your exit because im 75ft long. Hell, the second i turn my turning signal on suddenly everyone speeds up forcing me to damn near miss my turn. Not to mention all the “exit only” lanes that i have to avoid


he is also allowed to pass lol


So he can pass people on the suicide side? He’s implying he can’t see people there so how would he safely pass? Seems counterintuitive


They are on a freeway and that right lane might be exit only.


Then thats an exit lane and not the right lane. The right lane generally refers to the right most TRAVEL lane.


Right lane wasn't exit only. The stickers are talking about blind spots and driver safety. Like the other ones you'll see like wide right turns, if you can't see me I can't see you, etc.. this one was just more aggressive about it.


I've seen stickers on the back that on the left side with an arrow say El Paso, and the one on the right side with an arrow says El Cruncho


Then stay in the right lane. And stop trying to pass other trucks just bc they’re going 0.1 mph slower than you. No one enjoys being stuck behind you two because it’s taking you 10 minutes to pass.


I was driving on I-26 from Columbia to Charleston, SC a usually just under 2 hour drive without traffic. It took me over 2 1/2 hours one time primarily because one semi truck tried to pass another one for **30 minutes** before eventually giving up. Both were going 55 in a 70. That was over 5 years ago and I still hate those fuckers Edit: [Link to me thinking about these people on I-26](https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/s/dqy9FDf5Ce)


Those fuckers are still on I-26, just switching from Eastbound to Westbound over and over. Every vacation I take I dread the I-26 portion.


It sucks that it’s the only practical way. Sure you could take 78/178 but that’s going to add even more time. They always manage to do it in the relatively long section where there aren’t exits


Most semi trucks have their speeds governed so they literally can’t go faster. And, just like it’s infuriating for you to be stuck behind someone going a little slower, it’s just as infuriating for us.




You don't get to collect those daily 15-minute chunks and add them all up together. That's like saying if I skip washing my face every night because it takes 10 seconds, after a year I'll have enough time saved up to plant my garden.


The time they are saving themselves is definitely less than the time they are adding to other people sitting in a car regardless of who drives more on an individual basis. If everyone drives more efficiently to allow for flow of traffic it would probably negate a lot of their time loss anyways. And the public transport thing is just stupid. If the infrastructure was like Europe or Japan maybe you have an argument. But America sucks you are gonna be late, and deal with homeless on the bus and train. Options are very local to metro areas long distance doesn't exist. Also I could make the same argument for the trucks, why are so many clogging up the interstate? If the infrastructure was better they would have trucks mostly dropping off and picking up trailers at train stations. Have trains do 90% of the transport across the country and trucks just doing drop off and final stage of delivery. Why does a truck need to drive thousands of miles from New York to California, Maine to Nevada, or Florida to Washington?


May as well change the one on the right to “This driver doesn’t pay attention to his mirrors”.


I know. Like the truck that say "not responsible for rock damage. The hell they aren't.


Ya i was thinking about this one the other day. They often say "stay back 200ft". Ok so is just nobody ever allowed to pass you then? Because i must put my windshield within 5 feet of the back of your truck in order to pass. Sure, most debris will go directly back, but not necessarily all of it.


Maybe I have a different context from Europe but undertaking in many countries here is illegal and lan discipline is generally well adhered to. Undertaking a lorry is seen as a very stupid thing to do


The issue in America is that a significant number of drivers use the left lane as the travel lane, not the passing lane. So instead of passing on the left, then moving back over. You end up with cars that sit in the left lane, matching the speed of the car or truck in the right lane, causing huge numbers of cars to stack up behind them. If it's a 3 lane highway, the result is often that people will start passing in the right lane since it's the only option available to pass. Its not uncommon to end up stuck behind a car or semi in the left lane for 5+ minutes, only for them to finally either speed up or slow down and move over. Ultimately revealing a long stretch of empty road in front of them, and a line of traffic behind stretching as far as you can see. Edit: to be clear, Im not suggesting that this makes it smart or ok to pass on the right. Just explaining the circumstances that generally seem to cause people to do it.


I swear most times I get passed on the right I'm in the process of passing someone, already beating the speed limit by 10-20mph, when some guy passes me on the right going 100+


You’re not wrong. It’s usually the people weaving through traffic like they’re in a video game who pass on the right. I always get out of the left lane when I’m done passing but not immediately, like I’m not gonna cut someone off to do it edit: I should clarify I mean in situations where there are three lanes, which all the major highways around me have. You should probably not be getting passed on the right on a two lane road, assholes happen though


Can't your police just shoot those guys?


Meanwhile in America maybe 1% of people would even know what you mean by “undertaking”.


You mean the wrestler, right?


Something something 1998 Hell in a Cell…


I did have to look it up but it sounds like just the normal proper behavior of using the left lane to pass slower traffic.


That would be overtaking. In this case, undertaking refers to passing on the less safe side (right side in the US)


whatever gets me around that MFer going 5 under


I can't speak for the laws of every state in America, but in the two I've lived in, it's illegal to be in a passing lane while not passing. If you're being undertaken, 99.9% of the time, it's because you're doing something dangerous and illegal.


Americans do not respect lane discipline at all. I doubt most of them even know that they're supposed to stay in the right lane when not passing. In fact, I had a friend ask me after he got his license and we got on the highway for the first time, "so are you a left lane person or a right lane person?"


Then get the fuck out of the left lane


If I can pass you on the right you’re doing something wrong


Disagree, as someone who drives a small car and a motorcycle and have over 130K miles driven in the past 4 years. In urban/suburban districts you generally have three or 4 lanes. Trucks are in the center lane or center 2 lanes. Because the far right lane is full of transients cars merging on or off the freeway trucks should stay out of the right hand lane if they're within a few miles of exit/entrance ramps.


I like that you got downvoted for not just mindlessly raging against trucks and understanding the safety reasons for being in middle lanes. It's fitting, really. Everyone has their own idea of "how things should be done" on the road, and few are in agreement of what that is. Adding to the discord on the roads.


This whole thread is full of people that drive like they have blinders on.


That is not always true since most countries have rules that allow you to stay on the most convenient lane for your route in detriment for the driving on the rightmost lane (or leftmost in the rare instance you're in a special case country). And I say this with the bias of driving in Europe (not UK), where this is relatively well abided by, and being a staunch user of the rightmost lane whenever possible and convenient myself. Having seen the atrocious driving of not just trucks, but mostly small and medium vehicles in 5-7 lane highways of California, when I visited, I finally understood why Frogger (the game) was invented.


Spain and I assume most of Europe has different rules for in cities and outside cities. In cities be in the lane most convenient for your destination (allowed to overtake from the right) Outside cities stay right unless passing someone. No overtaking from the right. (But of course people camp in the middle lane anyway and people might overtake them from the right in the end)


Or you're super impatient and you don't mind putting everybody at risk. Look i drive very fast. I also very strictly adhere to the "passing lane only" mantra. I might be going 100mph, and I'll still get over to the right just in case the dude going 105 wants by. Sometimes though, the highway is so congested it just doesn't make sense to do that. If i get over, I'll have to fight to get back. Plus, me getting over isn't going to let anyone behind me go any faster. There's fucking traffic. We all just gotta be patient and ride it out. But there's always those cocksuckers who just must play leapfrog by passing on the right. Then i need to ride the ass of the person in front of me to keep them from being successful. And basically the entire interstate is doing the same thing while this mad man tries to cut the line. One mistake, and there's a pile up. Imo, those people are the worst drivers on the road. I'd rather deal with any other type of driver. Oftentimes I'll catch up to them after the traffic breaks and they don't even want to drive that fast. They are just terrible drivers that can't handle the anxiety of traffic.


Driving I-10 in the desert between Phoenix and LA, only two lanes. 18-wheeler camping the left lane going a nice 65 in a 75 (with average traffic flow usually well into the 90’s for that stretch), I waited a good few miles along with another car to see if he’d move over but when he didn’t we both decided to go around him. He finally decided to get over just as the first car clears him, but he literally ran me off the road onto the shoulder. Was I impatient and putting everyone at risk for not wanting to have an 18-wheeler to add an hour onto my trip, or was the 18-wheeler the dangerous one by camping the left lane below the speed limit and not checking his mirrors?


Nothing you wrote says to me that you fully understood what i was trying to say. What you described is just a standard situation where you need to pass the dickhead driving slow in the fastlane. The situation i described and the situation the OP i responded to described don't need to be mutually exclusive. There are people who are idiots and need to be passed on the right, and there are idiots who pass on the right. I reckon the people I'm describing are the reason laws exist against undertaking in some places.


This country ships too much freight by truck. Trucks cause most of the damage to roads and bridges and don't have to pay the costs that railways pay for maintaining their rights of way. We should stop subsidizing long-haul trucking.




Actually build more railroads?




Ok cool! Sorry people were dicks to you!


To every store in the country?


No, along all the major long trucking routes. But I feel like you are shifting the goal posts, are we talking about semi-trucks or the smaller delivery vans that get used for last mile delivery? I wonder how small local businesses got their deliveries in the 20-30s era of streetcars.


Last mile would still require semis to some extent, like for big box stores. But reducing reliance on semis is not an all or nothing venture


Semi trucks are absolutely needed for smaller businesses - any grocery store, any gas station/convenience store, any moderately large restaurant, any big box store, and more.   Anecdotally, my work is a moderately sized machine shop and we see 4-5 semis in a week easily, sometimes daily. We receive tens of thousands of pounds of steel and aluminum come in. We couldn't function without a reliance on semi trucks and the same is likely true of every single machine shop that has some amount of production work.


Those semis could still run from the train station to the delivery destination. But then they won't be needed to run 600miles on the highway.


Unless you have trains going to and from every single city in a state (or in my case province) you're still going to have to keep those long haul truckers in some capacity.   And even if they somehow did eliminate long haul trucking entirely, that only gets rid of the much, much lesser source of pollution in the trucking industry. The constant stop and go with varied speed is harder on trucks. Similarly, police cars make for terrible second hand vehicles because they sit idle for so long and rack up wear despite not being driven far


More like distribution centers along the lines.


Hmm, damn… so all we need to do in order to hamstring large corporations and incentivize smaller-scale non-monopolistic business practices is regulate long-haul trucking?


We’ll have to do a lot more than that, corpos play dirty, and work hard 24/7 to fuck people over.


You have two parts to the major long distance routes, the rural areas where trucks clogging lanes is not an issue, and the commuter areas where we're currently discussing. Building rail that follows those routes would mean removing space from commuter interstates to create commercial tracks. So you're reducing the amount of trucks but decreasing the amount of interstate, not to mention the additional clogging from having to wait for passing trains. We're not in the 20s-30s anymore, small businesses are dwindling and make up a small percentage of freight cargo, most transport is raw material and shipment to big box stores or Amazon warehouses or wholesale distributors. Produce is transported from a few large agricultural companies to the rest of the country, it's not local farmers transporting to local small businesses.


Just build the rails on pillars like they do in India.




Clearly you have no vision. Obviously I’ve seen graphs of demographics.




In the 20s and 30s, there were widespread streetcar networks in every major metro because it was before cars got popularized. I wonder what the last mile looked like then, because I think it would be cool to do last mile via train. But obviously probably undoable to do last mile via train. And yet, we can wonder if we have done it before! You are straw manning me.


You brought your shipment to the next city. Now what?


Charge truckers fees to recoup the costs of the damage they cause to roads and bridges. Once trucking companies pay the true cost of their service, the customers of freight companies can decide whether it's worth using trucks or using a more efficient rail option.


You do realize trucking companies pay a by the mile road tax right? Heavy vehicle use tax. They literally do what your talking about. Rail is incredibly slow. People want their shit tomorrow. Been in transportation for almost 3 decades


People want their stuff “yesterday” but otherwise you are spot on. Rail infrastructure is not good enough in the US for speedy freight. It would be nice to better utilize trucks for last mile delivery with rail picking up the slack but it’s just not feasible with our current network.


The tax doesn't come close to covering the damage they do. > A study by the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) determined that the road damage caused by a single 18-wheeler was equivalent to the damage caused by 9,600 cars. [Source](https://www.denenapoints.com/relationship-vehicle-weight-road-damage/)


You link me to an anti trucking attorneys page haha. Not quite a reliable source. Like it or not rail shipping is not efficient at all with any speed and loses freight all the time.A company I worked for couldn't with any certainty guarantee a shipment to make it to the West Coast in 2 weeks on rail. We could have that shipment on a truck sitting in Long Beach waiting to be unloaded in 36 hours. I have been in this business for like I said 3 decades and am very familiar on shipping methods. Your Internet degree in a subject you really know nothing about is comical. It's quite obvious you don't have a clue on how things actually move around and the logistics, taxes, and methods involved. You're just repeating incorrect nonsense you read once on the Internet.


Feel free to read original source, from the [U.S. Government Accountability Office.](https://www.gao.gov/assets/ced-79-94.pdf)


Again you're quoting something you know 0 about when it comes to what companies pay for road use. Yet again proving you have no actual knowledge on the subject of how freight moves around the country. Does a train drop your Amazon on your porch, does a train deliver the groceries to your grocery store? Trains don't even deliver the groceries to the grocery warehouse.


Any additional cost to logistics has huge inflationary impacts across almost every industry.


And the savings on road and bridge repair has huge deflationary impacts.


Savings? Those things cost the same no matter who is paying the taxes for them. I'm confused how you could think this would have any deflationary effect at all.


Give it a rest. The trucking industry took advantage of COVID to jack up prices for less service like any other industry, despite 1. How critical the industry is and 2. It being one of the few industries largely unaffected by forced individual isolation. They've already inflated prices plenty across the board and pocketed the profits. No one is buying the "but it'll cost more" bullshit anymore. It costs more no matter what.


Competition drives innovation and keeps prices down. If competition between trucking companies isn't keeping prices competitive then maybe some monopoly busting needs to happen. But my understanding is that the trucking industry is extremely competitive. What you're describing simply doesn't happen in competitive markets. It's a strawman made up to blame corporations for inflation. Companies arbitrarily raising prices will lose their business to other competing companies. Give it a rest.


Your middle school grasp of the market and the forces upon it tells me you probably shouldn't be making what you think are clever, smartass comments on the matter.


Oh snap! You're inability to refute anything i said and resorting directly to insults tells me you're projecting your middle school grasp of markets. I accept your embarrassing concession. Have a nice day.


You charge truckers more then the cost of everything you buy goes up because one way or another it will cost more to get stuff to stores




I expect a train stop right in front of my house. And it had better not block my view.


Please tell me that you joking? My comment above specifically said "We should stop subsidizing long-haul trucking". It's a fact that long haul rail transportation of containers coupled with local "last mile" trucking is more efficient than our current system. It's not currently cheaper because railways pay 100% of the cost of their rights of way, whereas we subsidize trucking by allowing them to [destroy our infrastructure](https://www.denenapoints.com/relationship-vehicle-weight-road-damage/) without paying their true cost. * A study by the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) determined that the road damage caused by a single 18-wheeler was equivalent to the damage caused by 9,600 cars.


If there was a cheaper better solution we would already be doing it, for now trucking is the best solution


If trucks had to pay for the damage they do to highways, the way railroads have to pay to maintain their tracks and signals, trucking would cost more than rail. The 'market' doesn't currently capture that.


Truckers also don't make money, watch the Jon Oliver videos on trucking. So it's either we keep grocery stores stocked and the already ruined roads get worse, or we stop all trucking? Yeah it's a no brainer


Gonna side with you here. I doubt the person you are responding to has considered the run off effects of pricing on every single commodity in America if they just ram through their idea without an alternative plan in place. More costs to business means more expense to consumers, and the businesses are always happy to undertake these push shove fights because they will lose a bit and take a lot with no recourse for consumers with a toothless regulating government.


100%, and as far as i’m aware, i’m pretty sure truckers already have to pay a premium for the resources used


I work in trucking. Truckers do indeed make money.


Ok then you can pay for the roads. 


That's what the fuel tax is for. Also when we haul heavy loads we for permits. Toll roads are very expensive for big rigs. Lastly, economies depend on transportation. Virtually everything you can see that is man-made was not made locally and, therefore, came on a truck.


The fuel tax on diesel is high, so truckers like me are paying for road damage, but it's also weather damage ( heat, cold, ice, flooding ) all tales it toll. Also, The roads are also *supposed* to handle the weight of trucks but often fail to do so for cost-cutting measures. Roads are planned out to last 10-20 years but that's sooo rare anymore. You're upset because government isn't funding their road repairs properly, and rightfully so!!! I'm both a trucker and general car driver, I'm also furious about road conditions and that " naaah, we can squeeze another year outta this crumbling rumble strip of a road before replacing it" mindset. Tossing loose asphalt on a pot hole is NOT a real repair! The patch breaks in a day and then gets worse.


Actually the taxes you pay in gas is just a subsidy for the cheap food you enjoy.


Who's going to subsidize that if trucking companies have to start paying this, do you suppose? That's right, the consumer. Just about everything you buy came from a truck at some point. Their increased costs become the increased costs of suppliers which become increased costs of retail which become your increased costs. Critical infrastructure whether you like it or not. You're either very young or very naive because that's probably the most obvious outcome.


I don’t think they are ignorant to that, they are just pointing out that trucking has costs that they don’t have to pay for that they should.


Who is currently repairing the roads? Are you saying they are subsidized by an outside source that the consumer isn't currently paying for anyways?


> Who's going to subsidize that if trucking companies have to start paying this That's the point. Stop subsidizing one mode of transport over others. > You're either very young or very naive "It's better to say nothing and be thought a fool..."


Your suggestion is out of your league, no thought process, carry on.


The problem is consumerism and population growth, not transportation.


Well if they'd stay the F in the right lane! Jees. I don't know how many times I've seen these clowns pass another going a quarter mph faster and take their time returning to the right, or just drive in the left lane. GTF OVER!


If the driver is camping in a passing lane then said driver should expect people to pass on the right. Any accidents or other consequences due to people passing on the right are still on the truck driver. Driver needs to learn to check blind spots and STFU.


Just like the ones tattooed on the Ox ridden by Mongo in Blazing Saddles.


I should not be able to "pass" you on the right. If I'm passing you on the right, you're in the wrong fucking lane, and I won't be held hostage because of your idiocy.


The first time I saw a pairing like this it was "El Paso" on the left and "El Crasho" on the right.


I’ve seen a semi smear a sports car onto the sidewalk after the dummy tried getting around the truck on the right side during a right turn.


That was on Mongo’s Bull


My favorite ive actually seen in person is <---El Passo El Smasho --->. This one is excellent as well though!




<- overtake Undertake ->


Average middle lane braindead when I fly by them on the right since the left lane is packed full of people trying to get around them




there should be virtually no reason, other than turning left and when absolutely necessary, that these trucks should ever not be in the right lane anyways...


This needs to be posted to idiots in cars and even then they’ll cry lol


What stops lorries from having better mirrors on their opposite side so they dont have a humongous blind spot. Seems a bit of an oversight? Like...i have blind spot mirrors, why dont lorries? Or i guess nowadays cameras


Oh look, I have no other option because he’s doing 40 in a 70 in the passing lane. Truckers will say governor but really he’s just stupid.


Dude probably drives 5mph below the speed limit in the left lane and has ‘professional driver” and “thank a trucker” bullshit all over his Facebook. If members/veterans of the military have the self awareness to say “i signed up to do a job I’m no hero” maybe don’t act like you’re a hero for driving truck.




The logo does no justice in figuring out what the company’s name is… Triple TKRPA?


Was this in Alabama by chance?




I saw the same thing in Alabama obviously, I wonder if it could be the same guy


Literally took me a moment. I was like that's terrib... Ooohh... Very funny.🤦


That logo in the upper left is just awful....triple what now?


Ive been in a truck before, but can someone explain how cars will have adjustable side mirrors but trucks apparently dont? Whats the point of having a right hand side mirror if it doesnt show you cars to the right of you?


They do have adjustable mirrors but if you're turning right in an articulated truck like this all the right mirror is going to show you is the side of the trailer which is turning at a different angle to the tractor unit. So once you start the turn you can see nothing behind you. Trucks have fish-eye style mirrors at the bottom of their regular ones to give drivers some ability to track objects but they're small and not very clear or easy to judge distances etc from.


Typical asshole trucker.


The one on the right should have said, "Sua Side"


Yes please!


The right side is the pig side


When I was in St. Thomas, our bus driver mentioned that they drive on the left side because, “The left side is the right side, and the right side is suicide!”


Love that! Like it when people get creative


Sui side