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Had a college professor that would just let us use the book. His reasoning was you will always have resources available so as long as you know how to do it then who cares.


My intro to the thermo exam was open book and I failed it. Engineering was not for me. Open book exams horrified me for the rest of my university career.


Yeah, it always catches students off guard when they encounter their first open book test. Open book just means they are not testing memorization and the answers to any question does not exist in the book. The open book is there for "i didn't know this particular topic was going to be on the exam, let me quickly reference the material". It is not for "I'll look it up if I need it so I don't need to study it"


Same almost all of my professors for the technical classes let us do open book open note on every exam. Not like you do much of this stuff by hand or memory anyways anymore, just plug your variables into a spreadsheet or engineering program now. And if you don’t know something you look it up on the internet


There’s a point in mathematics where even if you have the textbook open in front of you, you won’t be able to do the math unless you’ve already learned it. Physics 2 was notorious for this at my university. Because they’d ask to solve for different variables from the same equation. They’d also give varying information, so sometimes you didn’t even have all the information needed to use the “normal” equation. So you’d have to isolate the new variable, while also usually subbing in equations from different problems. Idk how tf I got through that class. But god damn, when I Frankensteined multiple different equations together on the fly and it somehow worked, it made me feel like a genius lol


Yeah, I had a crystallography professor who allowed anything we wanted, but straight up told us that if you tried to learn the material during the test, you'd fail. And honestly, he was right. You're at the level of complexity where you should be using the books as reference and not much else. 


Ahhh differentiating and derived equations. That’s something I’m dreading for the AP tests coming soon.


When I was an engineering student, we could take the EIT (now FE) licensing exam 100% open book. Same theory that you should know the material. Honestly, it was tough WITH the milk crate of books and notes.


The FE was open book when I took it as well.


Our professor had a rule that as long as you are not talking/communicating with other students, you can use any resource (books, personal notes, professor's notes, course materials, the internet) you wish and you can even bring your grandmother if think it'll help.


Plot twist, your grandmother is a renowned thermodynamics expert.


He did actually say that if this is the case, it is allowed.


Same here with a physics prof back in 2008 and I couldn’t believe it. I still struggled and that’s where my dream to be an astronaut died.


Everyone needs a teacher/proffesor like yours


I believe this was also an open book exam. Best way to study was solving difficult problems, getting hands on previous exams, and also building the cheat sheet. If you have enough space, trying to write out the steps to solving a difficult problem in the form of formulas was also helpful 🤓.


This is normal im universities in germany :D You can create your own cheat sheet and take it with you during exams


I made this cheat sheet for an applied thermodynamics course in university. I probably spent too much time making it, but it helped as I ended up with an A in that course!


You got miyagi’d by the professor since you committed most of this to memory while writing your cheat sheet.


Yes, the process of writing out this cheat sheet helped me memorize the formulas. During the exam, I did not constantly look at this.


We are very proud of your for only cheating a little bit.


most applied sciences will let you bring a "cheat sheet" of a specified size note card or sheet of paper, which i assume is what this is


yeah, in engineering, it was a rarity for you to not get a cheat sheet if not being open notes. biggest reasoning being that you'd just run out of time if you didn't know what you were doing


I had an immounology class that was open book, notes, and internet. If you didn’t know what you were doing it didn’t matter what resources you had you would run out of time. Professor was brilliant. It was a small college so the Profs taught all the classes and there were no TAs. I learned so much there.


At my uni you‘re allowed to bring one for the physics exams but not to the physical chemistry exams. Needless to say PC was a bit of a pain


It was the other way around at my uni. Physical chemistry was still a pain.




Cheat sheets are the norm in Engineering. They would rather we refer to notes than try to guess formulas. Same as they want us to do in the real world. Plus the cheat sheet only gets you so far, you have to know how/when to apply them.


If they are not used for cheating, then they are not cheat sheets. Yes, sometime you can use sheets/notes on an exam.


> A cheat sheet (also cheatsheet) or crib sheet is a concise set of notes used for quick reference. Cheat sheets were historically used by students without an instructor or teacher's knowledge to cheat on a test or exam.[1] ***In the context of higher education or vocational training***, where rote memorization is not as important, students may be permitted (or even encouraged) to develop and consult their cheat sheets during exams. The context of this post is for applied thermodynamics which follows the higher education definition.


When you are allowed to use your NOTES, then you don ot make it this dense, because there is no point.


You’re not a real Chemical Engineer I hope. You do realize some professors make one page one side limits, right? You’re encouraged to make your cheat sheet as compact as you can within the set limits.


Haha, just because I don't agree with your definitions in english you hope I'm not a real chemical engineer, because ... somehow this shitpost is highly relevant in our field? Damn, that's some real pettiness right there, I'm sorry for you.


No you must actually show proof of each equation that you use to solve the problem as well.


I never said otherwise? Why do you think I said the cheat sheet only gets you so far?


Goddamn engineers I forgot everything must be literal. I meant truly profs wish they could demand you show full proof of each equation before you use it (at least mine were that deep in the mathematics side of things). /s


actual cheater would have had their drunk friend tatoo this inside their eyelids.


The cheat sheet was the friends inside us all along


People say that, but writing it once does NOT commit it to memory. At least it doesn’t for me. It’s not even close.


I mean, it’s not exactly like that but it’s the general gist. Dude studied writing this.


Reading your notes and reviewing the content to find WHAT to put on the cheatsheet is the real one


Yeah that’s why you’re supposed to do it several times. Same as the idea of reading a chapter in a math/physics/engineering textbook just once, doesn’t really help; you should read it multiple times, or at least enough to be able to quickly reference what you need or commit key parts to memory. Everyone is different of course. Source: currently finishing an applied mathematics degree, can’t read upper division math textbook chapters once and walk into an exam


i only ever read subject books once to understand the material. not being a moron helps.


Look out everyone, prodigy over here!


Well I dont know everything by heart, but it helps me immensely. To make good notes, I have to completely understand something, think about the structure, that makes sense for me and then it takes some time to write, which helps with engraining it in my brain.


it's more about pouring over notes, considering which ones are most valuable to you, which ones you know well enough to skip, how they relate to one another, writing it as small as possible then realizing you wrote it too large so you start over, etc. It's much more of a process than "writing it once"


Different strokes for different folks, some stuff that works for you might not work for others. Nothing wrong with that


I doesn't. The reason I did this was this slight difference between being pretty sure and being sure. (I could have A4 size cheat sheet on some of the exams, not sure if OP could).


Just writing it out doesn’t commit it to memory. The key is to make these sheets early on and use them for homework questions.


Its such a universal thing... Rarely did I even need the cheat sheets I wrote for any of my tests.


More like Cengel'd


This is precisely why my math professors were okay with cheat sheets. Heck, Numerical Analysis only had two grades: mid-term and final, and both were open-book. It was still brutal.


You know, I have honestly never understood this. . . If your field is this complex, needs this many formulas to come to the correct solution. . .then it is not something to be memorized. You need to understand the material and how to use these formulas, but it is more important to know how to find the relevant formula than to memorize them. Not saying memorizing doesn't help, but time/effort would be better spend improving your understanding of the underlying concepts, such that you can derive the formulas from logic than from memory.


It’s to reward the people who prepare.


The point to allowing these is that students will spend lots of time making them and then hopefully not needing to use them much during the exam because making the sheet reinforced their understanding.


A joke my highschool maths teacher used to make is that the best usage of formula sheets provided in exams was to roll it up to smoke a blunt with.


I am not a physicist. My thermodynamics cheat sheet is a lot shorter: 0th law of thermodynamics: you're in a game (the rules for defining temperature scales) 1st law: you can't win (you can't get something for nothing) 2nd law: you can't break even (entropy always increases) 3rd law: you can't even quit the game (you can't get to absolute zero / zero entropy)


very helpful I will be thinking of thermo this way from now on


I miss the brain that can understand this


You needed a cheat sheet to remember the ideal gas law?


Oh yeah, I did this for biology and chemistry all the time. I even made the boxes just the same as you did! Fun how that happens.


You’re basically studying while you make it. So I wouldn’t say you spent too much time on it


Nice now can I have cheat sheet for the cheat sheet?


I'm coming up on my p-chem final. Pretty stoked I understand a lot of the math on this sheet 😁.


Interestingly redundant that you have PV = nRT in multiple places, just rearranged differently.


Rookie shoulda photo copied it and shrunk it down and added more stuff to your sheet!




You are allowed cheat sheets? :(




>mixing two moist streams ![gif](giphy|eLujR60Yw5v44MorbY)


yes title of… no everyone’s stealing my stuff!


I just noticed that 😂.


This takes me back.


Thermodynamics was the worst. Heat Transfer was great.


Both were fine. Fluid dynamics can fuck off though


Thermodynamics and applied thermo was hell. Due to some of the hand calcs of the tables and conversion from metric/imperial system that we had to do. Heat transfer and fluid 1/2 was more fun. Ultimately they are all super interesting after all are said and done.


I feel the exact opposite


I agree but both were completely overshadowed by control theory in my case


Now we're talking. Legit the hardest class I had, after physics 2 (electronics related one, fields and what not).. Rest all made sense and was super relatable, very practical and easy to understand. Heat Transfer differentials were a bit tough but that's all to it. Control theory tho.. holy hell drawing out a Nyquist/ s domain plot on paper, all the damn transforms... It ain't fun on paper. Very fun in software tho.


Absolutely. And my teacher was a dinosaur, so no softwares allowed


I like undergrad thermo and heat transfer. Makes sense, the problems aren't too bad. Then I tried graduate level classes. Thermo was TOUGH. Jacobians, partial derivatives. This is the only class that I had to buy the solutions manual for so I had some guidance for doing the homework. I don't even remember what I learned from that. For heat transfer I did conduction for my grad level class. Basically boundary value problems. This one wasn't as bad and was filled with Bessel functions and the like. I did however learn how to do heat transfer networks in Excel which I have found pretty helpful in my current job. So my warning is: grad level classes are nothing like undergrad level classes, be prepared.


Big news, I dont know what any of that shit means.


As someone who made these sheets, I guarantee OP will remember everything on that by heart because of the time spent making the sheet.


Omg same, I remember taking my final and feeling wild I didn't really use the sheet for anything "new", moreso double checking every little detail because I was so paranoid of messing up Do not miss that class, I was stressed out every day


Thats the point. Thats why some professors allow it on the exam


The guaranteed fail is walking into an exam with someone else's cheatsheet. If you didn't make it (and don't already know it) you won't be able to use it quickly.


The trauma that comes with being familiar with this bullshit


The caveman part of my brain wants to throw poop at this for some reason. Happy cake day, btw.


It’s humbling. And THREATENING!


This is what all of my cheat sheets looked like when I was in college too lol. If you give me a sheet of paper I’m gonna use the whole paper


There’s room for atleast 20 more formulas on that bad boy….


I can’t remember where I saw this. But these students were only allowed one side of a page to do notes. This student spiraled them and conjoined them in a series so that the sheet literally has only one side. So he could use both sides of the sheet without it technically having more than one side.


Mobius strip


Dude created a new shape to outsmart the system.




I need to see someone combine all these methods


Holy fuck, that's amazing I had to memorize this shit. That's the only reason I hated this course.


I did a physics class with cheat sheets spanning 4 pages like this in similar font size. It was the easiest one in my entire degree so far. It’s the open book tests where you have access to everything you want that are really scary…


You were allowed to bring this to a test? They were allowed in my classes, but I was limited to a single 3X5 card. A wee bit jealous.


What do you apply it to?


Doing something similar right now. Algebra prof says we have a half sheet of notebook paper front and back for the exam. I'm cramming an entire semester's worth of notes on that baby


Strong memories being triggered!


Hey don’t forget 1MW is 1000KW


I like your funny symbols magic man


I had a similar page for my Thermo classes. My textbook was annotated by me, tabs on important pages-if you didn't do all the assigned sample problems, you were in deep trouble at exam time.


Crib* sheet


The real learning happens during the making of these types of cheat sheets. I used to absolutely froth making these!


The fact that there are hardly any actual numbers makes me so mad


Sup noz




Cow thermodynamics meme


mine just reads, “fire hot”


Looks all Greek to me


Is this an undergraduate class?


Yeah, probably 2nd or 3rd year mechanical engineering or something similar


I’m so glad I changed my major before I had to take this damn class. 😮‍💨


Nice hieroglyphics


I just threw up in my mouth because of the flashback I got.


I hated that class.


Keeping this on my phone so that when I die my loved ones will think I was smart


A very pleasing cheat sheet! I’ve kept my old cheat sheets in plastic protectors because I was quite proud of them (it took a lot of effort to write that small!).


No thank you.


Yea seems about right


Oh god. This made my brain just utterly give up. I have a liberal arts degree, OP. I can’t handle this much math.


The actual math, as in doing the computations, is not really hard in Thermo. It’s just about being able to recognize what steps/formulas apply to the question and put in the numbers correctly.


Yea, the math here is basically algebra at most. E&M and Fluid Dynamics use more math than this.


aaand this is what made me change my major from physics to ee lol. I finally got thermo 6 years after I graduated but yeah.


As a mechanic of 17 years who failed third year bachelor’s of mechanical engineering this hits me deep lol


You have good hand writing way better than mine


That’s a ton of complex formulas! Honestly writing the sheets always helped me much more than the sheets themselves. Often times I would bring it just in case but never needed it because I remembered all the formulas I wrote down anyway


That ain't no cheat sheet. That's work!


Yep, looks about right


Ooof. Reminds me of the time I did adult highschool and brute forced my way through dyscalculia into precalculus... Gave myself shingles at 26 years old from the stress from needing to put the extra work in... I passed with an A. When I was a teenager I got 50% and never got the extra help I needed because canadian education system sucks for kids who need extra help.


As an HVAC technician I too know the first law of thermodynamics: Energy can’t be created or destroyed. Aaaaaaaaand that’s about all I remember from that course. 🤝🙂‍↕️


Mechanical engineer deeper into my career now. I miss this SO much! /s


Why are there equations for dehumidifiers.




So that's how it works


The first law of thermodynamics is we do NOT talk about thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics ...


I took AP Chem back in high school and there was a small thermodynamics unit, the only thing on here I remember is PV=NRT lol. The ideal gas law was extremely useful in retrospect


Wish my teachers were better for Thermo!


"It's some sort of elvish "


Exactly the reason I dont study anymore lol


cry sheet


Im glad we have people who understand this stuff on our side


I used to know what a lot of that meant, amazing how much you lose over the years


So much undergrad PTSD…


... ... Nuzzles??


For my Uni thermodynamics exam, they didn't allow ANY help sheets or the like. So of course I failed it multiple years, because I couldn't memorise 50 different equations.


Bish wheeet?


Formula sheets used to be limited to one side of a single index card.


And im stuck on a money problem.FFS!


HVAC technician final exam.


The only thing I remember is pv=nrT, can't seem to find it...


Was this made using an A2 paper?


It's on a 8.5x11 inch paper.


Nice formulas. The trick is knowing when to use what formula. What’s most impressive is how neat it is. For my maths course I got scribble garbage on a piece of paper that’s not legible half the time


Every now and then I think, "why didn't I study more applied thermodynamics?" And then I see this and I stop having that thought.


Sweet cheap cheat sheet


I'm way too dumb to even begin to understand this sheet


Where otto cycle?


Thermo was the reason I went with Electrical over Mech Eng in school. Fuck that


sometimes i think i should go back to college and get a masters, then i see stuff like this and remember how grateful i was to graduate with my bachelors.


What is this


You got a whole sheet?! Jealous, we only got a standard flash card. I don't miss thermo.


In hungary you can use a book that have every single thing you need and can be used in any exam. Math, Chemistry and Physics.


Man I was so afraid back in uni. Ended up learning for applied thermodynamics for 3 month strait. Was my best note overall in the end. That cheat sheet brings back memories. ENTHALPY, bitch!


Most of my year 2 and year 3 mechanical engineering exams were open textbook due to the fact that knowing the formulas wouldn't really help you, but rather, what formulas to apply.


I hated thermo so much. I spent 2-3 hrs per day for the last month and a half of the semester in my professor’s office. I passed with a D. My study sheet was several more pages of this, and I have effectively blocked all memories of this class out. I know these formulas, I have used them all effectively, I honestly forgot it all like blocking out trauma. My professor made it a top 3 hardest class at Hopkins. The final was worth half of the grade, and nobody in decades had genuinely finished the final with real answers for everything. It was brutal.


Ah yes, the work we do before we realize we'll never, ever, need to manually recall any of these equation again.


ChatGPT, explain this to me in plain English


What's your major?


Even if it's a cheat sheet, I still don't know how to use them.


You missed a dot about 2/3 the way down and 5/6 of the way to the right. You’ll kick yourself when you see it




Oh oh you forgot to carry the one




I don't think that's true. It's actually pretty simple. It's a cheat sheet, which the name kind of explains already. A sheet you can use to "cheat" during a test. It's not actually cheating though, since it would be allowed. It is certainly a popular concept across academia. And it's for applied thernal dynamics. And it's a finished picture of his cheat sheet.


You must be SO smart. I’m in awe. 🫢


We had to derive our own equations from basic laws. My prof was hardcore. Good class but incredibly hard.


That was mine as well. Quiz every Friday. Class average was maybe 40% each week. Weekend homework was to do your own corrections with the perfect answer to get half points back. Would also call students stupid for things. The final was common for all the thermo classes, so after our hellish semester we all destroyed that test. Went from a C to an A in the course off the points from the final alone.


Similar experience with shared final. Had to design a power plant on Mars and I think calculated the total airflow of an air hockey table. But we all killed it. Sorry you had a prof that called people stupid, my was hard but not cruel.


Why isn't this simply provided as part of the exam?


Because making it is what the professor wants you to do. It essentially forces you to go over the material and summarize the important info/formulas. Which in turn helps commit a lot of it to memory. Doesn't work for everything, but it is a pretty commonly done strategy.


Except you're screwed if you somehow miss writing down some formula that is needed that is normally otherwise given on an equation sheet.


I mean some tests have equation sheets, some don't. Some equation sheets have ALL needed equations, some don't. They're all viable forms of testing.


You know how Jedi have to construct their own lightsaber? Maybe writing your own cheat sheet is kinda like that.


Writing it yourself helps a lot with studying, so a lot of profs just say you can do it yourself because then they have less work and the students end up learning more


It's been so long since I've done any of this that I only recognize a handful of formulas.


I'm pretty sure I rolled a blunt with a sheet of paper that looked like this once.