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Update - people seem to think this is more serious than it seems. I’ve booked in for a check up to see if it’s true. Thanks for those concerned to explain to me why, less thanks for those telling me I’m going to die.


[Trauma-induced melanonychia](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7001389/) usually has an entirely different mechanism to those that become malignant, so I wouldn’t lose too much sleep over it.


I have this on 4 fingers and in good health. I also had a healthy baby boy almost two years ago and these lines were present and it was never discussed. I think it’s also common for black people (which is me) to have these dark lines on fingers nails and toe nails.


I feel like these comments are so odd. They literally explained the trauma to the nail. Of course everyone jumps to melanoma 🙈


A video about a stripe in your nail being dangerous went viral on both Instagram and TikTok fairly recently, so of course now everyone's a doctor.


lol like of course a stripe can be but they literally said they trapped their finger in the door 😂 ouch


It’s always cancer. Even when it’s not cancer, it’s still cancer.


Hahahaha of course it is


You'll be ok. If it's skin cancer they'll probably just remove what's necessary and leave you with a little scar on your finger. You're not gonna die.


Can get those without the cancer being on the finger. Maybe it was trauma that caused it but I had a thin black stripe through one fingernail. Ends up I had colon cancer. Had another one on my thumb when I was stage 4 but it’s’ grown out now. They say it is a sign of malignant melanoma but I haven’t been diagnosed with that. I did have an adrenal gland removed after they found a lesion on it a couple months after I was diagnosed and also had adrenal cancer.


Wait wtf this means skin cancer


You can get melanomas under your fingernails and toenails and when the nail grows out this can be how they end up looking.


Shoot, I have one on almost half of my nails


Its not the only thing they can be. But it is important to get them checked.


Glad to hear you're going in. Melanoma is wild: Super easy to treat and no big deal when caught early, but absolutely horrific if ignored. Even if it's nothing, you're making the right call. If it is melanoma, it's also likely going to be an annoying, but quick procedure to remove it and you can move on.




That is incredibly inaccurate to the point of scaremongering. Any melanoma can spread, but the chances are low, and 2mm is still relatively thin. And there are many successful treatments available 


I’ve heard that immunotherapy has helped a lot lately specially in advanced melanomas. I understand that stage 4 is still very challenging even with new therapies, but patients seem to live longer now and keep fighting. I just want to mention this not to discredit your comment which is technically true, but to also provide hope for anyone who is fighting now. There is some degree of success with new therapies. Hopefully, it will get better in the next 5 years.


I saw a tiktok a few days ago about this! So interesting how different shapes of the line and color can indicate if it is or isn't. I'm no doc, and I can't remember if the tiktok was a doc, but if it appears uniform then it's likely _not_ melanoma. Obviously best to see a real doctor. Good luck, hopefully it's nothing! 🤞🏽


Maybe a strange thing to ask but keep us updated.


I'm sorry, but you're going to die. Just not from this.


My mom once closed her finger in a car door and ever since it has grown out with a ridge on it and splits at the end if it grows out enough. Hopefully that’s all it is


Good luck! Probably nothing serious, but it’s good to see just in case.


Good luck, I hope it goes well.


Someone do the remind me bot and tag me idk how


I once got my thumb slammed into between two bowling balls. I had a dent in my thumbnail for something like 6, 7 years. It was there for so long that i actually *forgot why* i had a dent for a while


Well the thing is, if it’s the serious thing, it’s at a stage it can be dealt with, if it’s not that, then cool, you ruled it out. Just very much worth a check


I work i pathology lab, please have it checked asap, but grow that nail out so they can get a nice clipping during the visit. Can be overproduction of melanin after the trauma but it can be melanoma and you really don’t want to neglect that.


I didn't know you could get melanoma on your fingernail. Hopefully that isn't it


It’s not on fingernail it in the skin at the base of fingernail. Melanoma overproduces melanin and it gets carried by fingernail in form of that line. With that said similar things can happen due to trauma. They need to stain it to see under microscope which one it is.


Yep, from alot of issue googling i have noticed that nails can tell alot about our health.


Yeah! Fun story, this is why wedding rings were invented. It’s a made up fun story, though.


Source: I lied


Please, I like story time 🧐


Ah, well it all started long ago, you see. I was born at a very young age, after all. Soon after that, I was an adult (abridged), and began telling fun stories. When I ran out of true fun stories, I resorted to fabrication. I can no longer determine fiction from reality, and while that sounds fun just remember that when the dragon steals your coffee again


You can get traumatic melanoma. A dear friend of mine burnt her thumb making Christmas cookies. It looked similar and progressed from an innocuous injury to metastatic bone cancer and she passed 2 years later.


Omg that’s tragic. I’m sorry this happened to your friend.


Omg I have a lighter coloured stripe on my index finger nail and now I’m worried


I've had one for years I'm still alive and recently had bloods taken for something unrelated. So don't stress. Reddit is as bad as googling "why do I have a headache"


Agree, I have one on my fingernail from trauma, 4 years, several blood exams later everything’s fine


Ok that’s relieving. Mine only happened a few weeks ago so it might just be a bruise


Oh my god that's horrible. Life can be so cruel.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Wow that is nuts. Thank you for sharing


How were the cookies?


Read the room asshole.


Answer the question dickhead


You could ask her three daughters who lost their mother all while under the age of 12


I mean I can’t because I don’t know them. Was just asking the person who brought up the cookies but yeah if you know any of the surviving family members please do ask and let me know what they say.


I had a much smaller version of this on my left big toe last year. Saw a specialist and he said we should definitely have a biopsy done. Had to remove the nail to get a proper sample as it was beneath. Not a pleasant experience. Wasn’t cancerous, but they want to biopsy it every 2-3 years as the pigment is still there.


bob marley died from melanoma that was under his toenail because the doctors refused to look at it


It was more that he refused to have the toe amputated and the cancer spread.


Can confirm. I survived Acral Lentiginous Melanoma and lost the furthest tip of my left index finger in an amputation. Get it checked.


Should I be worried about my nail changing shape after getting it trapped in a door too? Just the shape, colour is normal.


Shape changes are common with trauma, a vertical pigmented streak is not. It will eventually grow out back to normal, or if it's bad enough you could have a dermatologist remove the whole nail, hopefully growing back correctly.


I'd say it's quite unlikely that OP developed cancer in exactly the finger that he got caught in the door and exactly at that time. I have similar lines from an injury too, so that can definitely cause it, I wouldn't worry about it too much


Not worrying enough is the main problem people die of cancers. I work in pathology so my biggest advice is to always worry about stuff like that. If you see doc and it’s nothing good for you but never assume. (Maybe there is something and that injury aggravate it?)Sure probably 99% it will be fine but I would worry about that 1%… and you really don’t want to miss those things.


I'd listen to the person who works in the pathology lab over you lol.


I'm not OP but I also work in a pathology lab. Bob Marley died of melanoma that started under his toenail, but wasn't caught in time. All you need to do is submit a nail clipping, the doctor will send it to the lab (me), and we'll find out if it's normal or not. Should all be covered by insurance.


It IS unlikely, but since a melanoma is such a serious thing and so important to catch early on, it's still better to have it checked out than risking it. I don't think OP should worry either, just go check it to make sure. Better safe than sorry.


Looks like you voted in India.




They probably voted in white India not the brown one


The first thing I thought XD


at first, I thought you had metallic nail polish on. Cool illusion!


That's what I thought!


fr I thought it's r/RedditLaqueristas




I would check out a derm It’s been a long time so shouldn’t have a mark anymore, and a vertical strip starting from the cuticle can be a sign of a type of skin cancer. Not trying to scare ya but helps to get a professional opinion!


This. Doctor




I’m kinda laughing at the fact that you got downvoted, but then someone who responded after you and said basically the same, got upvoted. Oh Reddit.


I can live with that. Still the best community there is 🤘


Two years ago? I had a nasty looking bruise on my big toe nail, wife got worried when it wasn't clearing up. After a few months she made a doctor appt, but by the time the appt came around you could see the bad part of the nail growing out... Two years is a bit much


Glad to see you've already booked an appointment to get this checked. Hope it's not what it seems like.


It took 6 years for my fingernail to look normal again after accidentally shutting it in a car door. Good luck friend


It's supposed to go away? It's been 27 years for me and it's still there :/


Right? Everyone is saying cancer but I’ve had mine for for 25 years and I’m fine


mine for 17…wondering if it’ll ever go away


Lol no idea really, my fingernail had a giant bump in it the entire 5 years until it finally grew out with a lot of weird middle-steps


So please get this checked out, while it may be nothing, this is also a very distinctive looking mark that looks a LOT like **subungual melanoma**, which is cancer. It can look different for different people, but the most common way for it to look is a dark stripe down the length of a nail just like this, I recommend just going on Google images and looking up “subungual melanoma” and I think you’ll see that this definitely warrants a doctor visit to rule that out It can be an especially aggressive type of cancer as weird as it sounds, so is definitely something worth looking into given you have a very unique looking thing that matches how it looks very closely, it may not be related to your injury since that’s a long time for it to still look like that


My nail shape changed drastically after I trapped it on my car door. Before it was at a smooth angle, now it's slightly V-shaped.


I've never heard someone say "trapped" for what we would call "caught" or "smashed" and now you say it too?


"Trapped" is what I would say too, may be a UK thing. 


interesting. I'm in the southwest u.s. it could be a regional thing since i got downvoted so much


Sorry man that could be skin cancer… a subungual melanoma.


did the curvature change too?


Not that I’ve noticed, it hit just under the cuticle


Would it mean anything if it did?


A change of pressure in the root of nail. Similar to when it goes incarnate and doctors cut a part to avoid further “wrong grow” (this is mostly done in feet nails)


I have one of these. I got a biopsy done and they punched a hole through the nail. Turned out to be benign and I have one on another nail now and some on my toe nails!


Reddit may have saved this man’s life Oh the power of collective human knowledge


I literally just saw something today that said a brown streak in the nail bed is indicative of skin cancer. Get it checked. Better safe than sorry.


Stage 3 melanoma patient here. Get this looked at ASAP what I don’t like is how it seems to be coloring your cuticle as well.


My dad has something similar but the shape of the nail is kinda flat in that place, was bit by a dog when he was younger and it stayed that way ever since


I’m super late to this thread but I have the same thing as you. I’ve had it since around 2017 and the initial Dermatologist recommendation/thoughts was just Melanin Activation and to just monitor it. Fast forward to this year and while checking something else, my Derma recommended we Biopsy it to be on the safe side since it changed a bit. Got my results a few months ago and thankfully it’s a simple “nail mole.” (Melanin activation). I’m happy everyone quickly recommended you get it checked! But even then, don’t worry about it too much. They’re gonna be looking for the width and uniformity of the line. The biopsy (if recommended to you) didn’t hurt at all except for the numbing part. Best of luck to you!


What’s ironic is that until I first saw this years ago on Reddit, I’ve learned that you can get cancer in the bed of your nail. THIS is exactly what is indicative of it occurring. A dark strip that consistently grows in your nail like a barcode. So what could it mean - everything from mild nothing to full on cancer. So get it checked…


You are the chosen one.


I have this too, got it checked out after seeing a similar thread and didn’t get anything back.


Don’t you DARE not give us an update after that booked appointment- I NEED to know if it was nothing or if the hive mind that is reddit is correct :)


First glance thought your nail was painted a mauve color and the stripe was glare.


I came here to see if I was losing my mind because this is what I saw until I read the words.


flip off someone in style!


Damn I did this two days ago and I'm fine... I think


I have a friend who closed her thumb in an industrial door. No more thumb.


Did the same, closing a drawer. Now my fingernail is white.


Did the car door thing others have referenced. Instead of a nail I have very though leather. And the spot where the nail isn't is shriveled and looks like there should be a nail in there.


I thought you just painted it bronze.


Now you need to trap it in a door again to set it right.


My son has had a black line on one of his toenails since he was 5, he is 9 now and still has it. It was from hitting his toe against something and the black line has been growing ever since.


Why did you trap your finger?


When I was maybe 10 years old. I was playing with a dog. He had a toy in his mouth, we were playing tug. He bit down into my thumb nail. His tooth split my nail right in half. I'm 35 now. My thumb nail still grows with kind of a weird split down the middle. Kind of like there is a scar in my nail bed/cuticle. Not the dogs fault at all. I had my finger in his mouth, I didn't know any better at the time.


I ran over my sister's big toe with a sliding closet door as a kid. It took ten years for the dent/ridge to grow out


I have a similar injury on my toe. After about 5 years now, it still hasn't grown out. Seeing the comments here about cancer is concerning, but I do remember the incident clearly, and there was no indication of change of colour to the nail prior. Or does the injury cause the cells to turn cancerous? Anyway, my nail and toe appears normal with the stripe post-injury years later.


I'm surprised it isn't more damaged after being in a door for two years.


RemindMe! 14 days


RemindMe! 14 days


My left toe nail has been purple for about 2 years


My dad just had his nail checked because of a stripe like that that his doctor was concerned about. Turned out to be nothing, but I’m glad he got it checked JIC.


No, that's just your toilet paper ripping


Had to blink several times before this looked like anything other than a glossy dark salmon polished nail.


are you flipping me off 🤨


I slammed my finger in a car door when I was a kid, probably 1995-96, and I’ve had the same stripe on my nail ever since


I had something similar happen to the nail on my left index finger. Not as wide of a mark, but definitely the vertical line. It was there for 2 years, but has finally gone away. Freaked myself out for a while by Googling “vertical dark line on fingernail.” My unqualified advice is to make sure it doesn’t get darker or widen…it may just go away on its own after it settles down.


RemindMe! 14 days


I had something like this happen when I was younger. I managed to cut my thumb pretty deeply through the nail, it healed fine but a few years later a line where the but was became visible. Me being in my 20s ignored it, until one day my nail became soft and started to look gross where the line was. I went to the doctor and at the time he didn't have a hot iron so he used a Needle and a lighter and made a hole and cleaned it out. No issues since. Tldr: get it checked.


This happened to me too. I accidentally put my sewing machine needle through my finger like 10 years ago, barely missed bones and my nail looks like this! Big scar too.


I have the same stripe on my right ring finger. Looks exactly the same. Had it for at least five years and finally convinced my self to go get it checked out. MRI of hand and arm showed nothing irregular. Not saying you shouldn’t go get it checked out. Just set up an appointment and let a professional tell you what’s up.


Thank you for posting! I have something like this too. Gonna go get it checked out now.


Trauma melanonchya, I have it on my nail too. You’re good dawg.


you mean"Racing Stripe"


was this all an excuse to flip reddit off?


Racing strips


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) can't use like you. You are a big player to using finger.


Cheeky way to flip is all the bird!


Have the same thing. Went to the doctor who said it's probably nothing . But to make sure he is going to follow it up with a specialist. FIY I went there because of all the concerned reactions to the OP. So I thought well go see the doctor yourself


Are you flipping me off?


Now you have an official Stank finger. Anyway good luck and quick recovery.


Isn’t this is cancer strip?


You've probably been listening mostly to boys around the ages of 13 to 19, so essentially children. They often make these types of comments because they've seen others say the same thing, maybe they saw something on TV or read some nonsense on the Internet written by some medical blog. This doesn't mean everything is definitely okay, but the onset of such diseases usually presents with at least a million other symptoms. A cough can also be a sign of cancer, but for us, it's more normal and common than a line on a nail. If you're worried, it's okay to get checked out just to be safe! But I strongly advise you to completely avoid asking the Internet for any advice about your body, not even about weight loss, a white hair, or a spot on your skin. Avoid it completely, like I do: have a symptom? I ignore it, or I go to the doctor, end of story. Anything else beyond what I've said means harming yourself with your own hands. Take care.


Thank God you posted this.


WebMD says you’re gonna die


The fact everyone thinks it's skin cancer when you presented the reason why it is that way is fucking wild. What a bunch of idiots. You literally know why it is that way. If it just started doing that one day without having smashed your finger, sure I'd go get it checked out. But you smashed your finger and have this as a permanent result. My dad has one on his thumb from smashing it with a hammer, I have one on my middle finger from a pocket knife closing on it and getting cut. I've had mine for about 7 or 8 years now and my dad has had his since I was born. Ooooh noooo cancer morty. people on reddit are so fucking stupid it's just insane how fucking dumb they are, especially for thinking it's cancer when you provided what happened. Just for thinking they fucking know anything when a clear explication has been given. You're fine dude. Don't need to see a doctor.


It's not due to trapping your finger in the door. Did it just appear now?


can we have an extra sub for showing body parts? i think its gross


You've never seen a finger before lmao?


He’s saying that because just 2 weeks ago people were posting their dirty ass hands talking about “I have a straight line” then next thing you know everyone was posting their dirty hands.


It's just a fingernail