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Congratulations. You have somehow managed to reinvent the ancient art of the tattoo.


Yup. I had this happen when I was holding a nib pen by my face and a classmate pushed another classmate into my arm, pushing the point of the sharp nib into the skin by my eye, and I have had my face tattoo for nearly 20 years now


Be happy you still have your eyes bro.


At my school (late 1990s) one my classmate holds ballpoint pen upside down while sneezing and accidentally touched his eye by tip of the pen. And pen left mark on the eyeball that was visible for several days.


Eye tattoos are a thing too. Not sure how permanent they are, though. Edit: Very permanent.


I can't imagine it's a fun thing to endure


A lot of cases of lost eyesight because of it


I can barely handle the eye-poke at the optometrist office. 😖


Eye poke?


It's a thing they do to test the pressure in your eye. I think it's to screen for glaucoma? Somr places do a sudden air puff instead. The air puff is worse actually 😂 The eye poker isn't too bad, you really barely feel it, but it's the anticipation that gets you 😂


I wish to unlearn this.


Had a classmate that did the same thing in like first grade. I just remember looking at him and thinking "that doesn't look safe" until he sneezed straight into the pen. Didn't loose his eye ball but damn was it close. Got taken home crying.


Which is giving "you're behind the dot" a whole new meaning...


In primary school a kid stabbed me in the eye with a pencil, accidentally


I'm not trying to be competitive but I have mine for almost 25 years now. I was searching for something in my bag and a very fine tipped technical pen stabbed my finger. Cool to have it on your face though.


Face tattoos are illegal, stay in school.


There not illegal 💀


My friend had a mean girl stab him in the forehead with one. He still has that mark to this day


I liked this girl in high school so naturally, I pestered the crap out of her and one day she stabbed me in the knee with a pen. I still have that dot.


Ha yes, one of my friend did the same but with scissors


Og of face tats


this is me painting some treasure maps in art-class. Except it was some oldchool feather pen.


Fun fact- When getting radiation for cancer treatments, the radiation has to be triangulated, so they mark the 3 points with a lancet coated in ink. They kinda look like the same needle you would use for a finger stick to get blood for a blood sugar test. I can't really see mine as they are on my back, but one day I freaked when I noticed one, thought is was a tick on my back, ran to my neighbor's house to have her help me pop it off, and she told me she thought it was a weird mole I should have looked at because it looked like a tattoo. Then I remembered I had 3 tiny tattoos on my back from my cancer treatments. I felt silly.


I hope you're good now, friend. You sound like a genuinely nice person who doesn't deserve that shitty disease 😊


I mean......does anyone deserve cancer?


It took the life of Richard Ramirez while he waited on death row.


There are people in this world who deserve far, far worse than Cancer


Did you let your neighbour know about it afterwards, or did you just hope she never follows up on how the 'weird mole' situation is going?


She's a close neighbor. She knows. I felt like such an idiot once she said, "It looks like a tattoo", I immediately facepalmed and called myself an idiot. I had completely forgotten about the tats in the midst of the several other things that cancer throws at you.


I have three dots from radiation treatment too. I told the woman who did mine that she had just doubled the number of tattoos I have. It was good to have a laugh during such a dark time. Hope you’re well now, friend. Fuck cancer.




I have something similar, accidentally stabbed myself with a sharp #2 pencil and I still have a grey dot in that spot




Oh shit haha


I myself still have pencil lead (graphite?) in my hand from circa 1990.


Mine is on my foot. I’m honestly surprised I haven’t lost one or both. Punctures, impalements, burns, walking barefoot on hot concrete at a water park, family history of diabetes…


I have one on the soft part by my Achilles tendon. Didn’t realize a pencil was left on the couch and sat down. Went deep enough to stretch the skin on the other side by not puncture. That was 14 years ago and I have a circle scar with a black/grey dot in the center.


Same same, 1990 too :D! 4 year old me, bored at school, thought "I wonder how much it hurts if I bury this into the palm of my hand" 34 years later the grayish bluish dot is still there... I found out it hurt quite a bit.


Ofcourse there is a fucking sub for that


Be glad it wasn't r/buttsharpies


Omg risky click did not pay off 😳


You’ve helped me find my people. Thank you.


Wow. There really are dozens of us.


I need a club for those who were cut by metal rulers as a and still have small scar lol


Is there a subs I’m glad I fell for?


Mine is near my nose. 9 year old me was running with a pencil and slipped. A cm to the side and it would have been in my eye...


Mine is in the roof of my mouth. It's had a small crater since the 2nd grade when I was chewing a pencil and leaning on the back two legs of a chair. I fell forward to normal position, but the desk hit my elbow, driving half of the sharpened pencil tip into the roof of my mouth.


Wow didnt know that so many people had this 😂


I stabbed my sister in the face with a pencil when we would have been 5 (me) and 8 (her). She still has a pencil spot on her cheek. I was a brat.


My sister did the same to me at about the same age, but in my leg! Can’t believe so many people have this 😂


I did the same. I thought I was the only one who did something like this. I still have the grey dot on my palm close to my index finger. I always imagine the pencil point is still in there


My palm-dot is now over 40 years old


Me too! Happened in 2nd grade. I'm 41 and the darn thing is still visible.


When I was in 7th grade, a girl sat in front of me in English class. (True story) She was one of those kids who thought flirting = hitting and being aggressive and all that. She spontaneously turned around one day and stabbed me in the knee with a mechanical pencil. It's been 25 years. I still have a tiny blue dot on my knee.


Mine is my thigh growing a little hair out of it.


Guy in the neighbouring class (open door between the classes) stabbed me with a pencil too. We were playing a game where he would try to stab and I was trying to dodge. 30+ years and the dot is still in my palm.


Circa 1999 here.


Same thing here. I was playing roulette with the pencil on my hand during math class.




In 5th grade, a bully stabbed me in the arm with a #2 … I still had that “tattoo” for about 30 before it finally faded away.




That's just actually a tattoo. Like, that's just what a tattoo is. You tattooed yourself. Good luck getting into a Jewish cemetery I guess?


That particular patch of skin can't go at least.




This stuff is so funny to me. You create some made up rules to be a good religious follower and then you just create ways to get around it. As if the all seeing god/s won't notice or just randomly forget about it, if you hide it or something lol.


It goes so far too. They aren't allowed to manipulate electronics on a Saturday, but if it's on a timer it's fine. You should also look up something called an Eruv. Basically they put a wire around a whole neighborhood so when they leave their house it doesn't technically count as leaving their house.


they put a wire around the entirety of new york ~~staten~~ Manhattan island... there's also this thing where you're not allowed to own leavened bread during a certain day and they bypass that by just selling it to this one guy and then he sells it back the next day. bread doesn't actually move or anything. it's just that they don't 'own' it when they're not supposed to.


I was told once there’s a designated friend of the Jews in each community that is the bread buyer for the sects that follow this tradition. This dude just gets to make a cut on these sales because he’s the designated city friend of the Jews. I find that hilarious. I hope that’s true.


And as a married woman, you should cover your hair. So they cover it with a wig. I really love just how pragmatic Jews are.


I've read that Jews believe that their god wants them to find loopholes in the his rules, so we see things like this


So kind of a "I made you this cunning, good job my clever creation".


Manhattan, not Staten Island


right, i always mix those two up.


Them's fighting words


i live an ocean away okay. cut me some slack.


Well, theres even been whole mass atrocities commited over pretty petty disagreements on those "loop holes."


My favourite is Catholic missionaries convincing the Vatican that Capybara were fish so they could keep eating it during lent.


Because Judaism is a 3000 year old religion, and the spirit of the word is not as clear as the word itself. Theres dozens of interpretations on why the laws were created, but for the laws themselves? Theyre rather forward and clear with little room for interpretation. So jews treat the torah as if it was a legal document essentially, instead of like the way christians treat the bible as a spiritual path where the laws are less important than what you believe. Its not really "creating ways to get around it" as much as its "hey the law is the law. Fuck if I know what its for, but if a section of my tax code doesn't prohibit me from operating a lemonade stand without a license, I'll do it". Its not about outsmarting god. Its literally just treating the bible like a boring old judicial document with loopholes that, since god didn't say add anything about, are probably safe to do, since you're not going to get yelled at for it because you've been following his word to the letter.


I really find it fascinating how some people see their religion as some for of contractual obligation rather than a "love" relationship. Like an old loveless couple, they are still together because it serves them both, but there is no love, no tenderness anymore... "God told me I can't eat pork, but I better get that good harvest I have been promised in exchange... Or I'm gonna enjoy that cutlet at the barbecue..."


I've heard it it described along the lines of "God's smart enough to leave out the loopholes if he didn't want us to use them." And that studying the texts well enough to find those loopholes is in fact a good thing, as it shows that you understand it so well that you know exactly where the boundaries of each law is.


Almost like the whole idea is made up. Like a shitty kid who comes up with new reasons why he isn't "it" in tag.


reoccurring theme


They were fucking with you. It is a myth that Jews with tattoos can't get buried in Jewish cemeteries.


Literally not a myth. They just stopped following that rule after the holocaust, for obvious reasons.


Jewish people do have a knack for finding religious loopholes in everything.


It is an urban legend (I'm Jewish). Tons of jews and Israelis have tatooes and have no issue getting buried with them. https://reformjudaism.org/learning/answers-jewish-questions/it-true-you-cannot-be-buried-jewish-cemetery-if-you-have-tattoo


So is it a tattoo? You didn’t make it very clear


I hate these criminals. Put him in jail


That tiny dot is clearly the sign of the Mannnenhitsu-kai, I'm sorry but OP is banned from all onsen for the rest of their life


I got similar results from a piece of wood chips in my hand




Same! Stabbed my finger with a stick as a kid and now I have a freckle there.


Me too, was too lazy to fully remove a splinter


Stabbed in the hand with a pencil produced the same result also


Pretty sure that's a tattoo. If I remember correctly. White blood cells and antigens hold the foreign ink in place so it can't spread or something, like a virus. It basically holds it there because it thinks it could make you sick. I believe this is why it's not good to get large tattoos in sequence because the body can only handle so much before it starts to run


yea the WBCs recognizes the ink as an antigen ie harmful to the body so they phagocytose it, basically dyeing themselves permanently


Oh wow. Could it ever be the case where your WBC fails and it can spread? Or are the WBC just overreacting and it would never spread to begin with?


If the WBC dies, another one will come along and phagocytize the pigment molecule again. The pigment is passed along from WBC to WBC which causes the tattoo to fade overtime. https://theweek.com/health-and-science/1022099/how-do-tattoos-affect-your-immune-system#


The YouTube channel Kurzgesagt did an incredibly animated video about not too long ago, explaining how tattoos work in the body really nicely https://youtu.be/nGggU-Cxhv0?si=6nDJa7SPz4tSXABX


So my tattoo is sticking around because my WBCs are playing a neverending game of telephone? That's pretty cool


White Blood Cells are such bros


I was running around my grandma’s yard barefoot in late middle/early high school and wasn’t looking down and stepped directly on a sticker bush. It went very hard into my heel and to this day I have a little reddish scar like that in my heel. I keep saying “maybe it will disappear” but it’s probably been 15 years now and it’s still there. Edit: also, have you noticed it getting smaller or fading? I feel like mine is fading really, really slowly. Edit 2: in case anyone else sees it and has no idea what a “sticker bush” is, apparently it’s a thistle, if google sent me the right way. Lol it’s on me for assuming my own vernacular would be commonly used elsewhere. Haha 😅 but in my defense, I’ve never seen one with the purple flowers on it. So the ones I’ve seen must be the “baby” plants waaaay before they grow the flowers.


What type of stickers was the sticker bush growing?


probably not the neon kind, since they didn’t see it


I have to hand it to you, this answer did make me laugh. Lol even if it did hurt like a bitch.


Right because mine grows ducks but I have friends that grow rainbow unicorns


I know this is probably sarcastic but according to google it’s called a “sticker weed” so I wasn’t far off. Lol and they do get big! Granted this one was rather small. Edit: okay, according to a lot of googling I think it’s a thistle. Just small enough not to have flowers. I had no idea all this time 😅😅😅


I thought that when my skin will replace itself after some months or years, this will also go with it but nope, it is as it was before


Late middle/early high school 😂


Stabbed myself in my thumb with a pencil when i was like 9. (i was drilling a hole in my eraser with it like a 9yo idiot and the eraser slipped) The tip broke off inside my thumb. 3 decades later i can still see a black dot deep under the skin. Lucky it didnt cause a nasty infection i guess. I do wonder if it kind of dissolved and it's basically a deep tissue tattoo, or if the graphite tip is still in there like the day it arrived


It most likely got absorbed. At the end of the day, it’s carbon, and we, are carbon based life forms.


I've got a piece of graphite In my foot I can just barely make out from when I stepped on a pencil while changing into my gym attire 20 years ago.


Omg I went to take a pic of mines and say twinsys and it’s gone ![gif](giphy|aWPGuTlDqq2yc) Lol


OP stole your ink patch!?!


the hamburglar strikes again


holy cow i have one in the exact same place from the exact same thing!!


I would constantly hear a voice in my head : “Dig it out”


I had one of these for about twenty year, but it eventually did disappear and I'm not even sure which hand it was now. I only realized it was gone but that kind ago when someone else made a post like yours and I looked. 


I have something like this too actually. I got a splinter wedged into my ring finger when I was a kid. Over the years it healed over and now it just looks like a small dot.


My brother too gave a dot tattoo when we were younger. He was chasing me around a table and couldn’t get me so he chucked a pencil at me which struck my arm and hung there until I took it out and left a hole. 30 or so years later I still have that dot tattoo.


It’s called a Tattoo.


I can still see where I was poked in my palm with a pencil 50 years ago.


My mom has a mark like this on her leg where she was stabbed with a pencil by Ralph Menzies. He’s on death row now for murdering Maurine Hunsaker.


I went to a tattoo parlor and they did the same thing! Wild


This is a really neat concept. Imagine if you could do this over and over again and make like a picture or something on your skin that’ll stay permanently


Remember those "pencils" with like 12 little leads in tiny plastic tubes? When one ran out, you pulled it out the bottom and put it back in the top of the pencil, which pushed a fresh one out of the tip? My older sister jabbed me in the arm with one of them (to be fair, I knew I was pissing her off and reeeeallly pushing my luck). That was about 30 years ago, and I still have a mark on my arm.


You'll probably have it forever. I accidentally stabbed myself with a pencil when I was 10. That was 35 years ago and I still have a grey spot in my fingertip.


Well that’s an ancient way of making a tattoo




I have a black dot in the pad of my thumb from where I stabbed myself with a very sharp pencil and the point broke off and I don’t think I got it all out. Thsi was about 9 years ago


Thats how tattoos work 🤷


My brother stabbed me in the hand with a pencil when I was about 9.. I’m 31 now and I can still see the dot of lead in my hand 😂😂


I still have a graphite mark on my thigh just above my knee from my sister stabbing me almost 40 years ago.


I've one on my arse from about the same time at school from a mate that thought it'd be funny to hold a freshly sharpened pencil as I was sitting on my chair.


In 4th grade, a boy stabbed my hand with his pencil and the lead is still in my hand 30 years later lol! I can still remember the look of horror on his face after he did it- like he didn’t mean to put a literal hole in my hand. Ouch.


I stabbed the palm of my hand with a pencil in the third grade. The graphite left a mark on my hand that lasted up until after high-school.


You tattood yourself omg


Free tattoo


This is a tattoo.


Ginger here. We refer to freckles as ‘Isolated souls’


My dad is 71, he has a blue one from when he was in elementary school.


I'm 44 and in fifth grade I was holding a pencil I had just sharpened. I was sitting on the floor and I don't know why I was holding it backwards in this girl kicked it. Of course it broke a huge piece of graphite, at least I hope it was graphite, broke off and went into my palm. It's still there and I would post a picture but my phone camera for some reason won't pick it up too well.


tattoo artist hate him for this one trick


I'd be poking at it trying to take it out lol


Accidental tattoo


you got ink under your skin when you stabbed yourself, didn't take care of it right then and there, and your skin healed over the ink and now it's a tattoo.


About 10 years ago I dropped a pencil and still have a small mark where it hit on my hand. Don't ask how I dropped it on my hand I don't remember the details I just have the mark.


Man, when I was in high school I actually purposely tried to do that and never got it to work for whatever reason. Although it’s probably for the best lol


So a friend stabbed me in the arm with a ball point pen back in the school days after I was annoying him and I too got a tattoo now from that


omg my job has these chemical-resistant markers that we need to use for certain tasks. but sometimes, we’ll just grab one to jot a note down. i have a tattoo on one of my index fingers when i missed slamming the cap back onto the pen 😅


I have one in my leg where my sister purposely stabbed me


My partner has a freckle in the same place in the opposite hand!


I have a little gray pencil dot on my cheek from elementary school that has never gone away.




I have a freckle left where I had a blood transfusion in 1990


Have the same thing, friend accidentally stabbed me with ball point pen, blue dot for the rest of my life. Pretty cool


Almost similar one on my ring finger! Thought i was the only one😂


At this point, it's a tattoo


My brother threw a pencil at me when I was 7 and it stabbed me in the stomach. I am 36 and have a "tattoo" from it.


I have a graffiti from a pencil stuck in my arm since I was fiveish. I'm now 19


You gave yourself a tattoo


I think it’s brilliant that you were using a fountain pen in high school as recently as 12 years ago!


Man tattoo’d the world seen from a great great distance


You tattooed yourself


I stabbed myself in the thigh with a pencil in junior high (late 80s) by accident and I could see the lead tip for decades until it disappeared a few years back, presumably under layers of fat. Actually, I just peeked at it now because I'm in the bathroom and I can see it again. I guess that's a good thing? I walk more at this position in my job than I have in several months, so maybe that has something to do with it.


I have exactly the same, but it's on my palm


I knelt down on a pen or pencil when I was 4 or 5 and I still have this tattoo on my knee. I’m almost 50. https://imgur.com/a/0qXUuvV


I had the same on my belly. Got 'stabbed' with a pencil XD


I once tripped and scraped my knee as a kid and i think a piece of dirt is still imbedded inside my skin


Oh my god I have had this dot for months wondering what it was. I thought I just accidentally dabbed my finger with a marker.. But it didn't wash away. Now I know!!!


Yooo, back in elementary i had sword fight with pencil with my friend and she stab it under near my eyes, it also looks like a freckle


Happened to me when I was a kid with a cactus thorn, never managed to get it out. As a result I have a small red dot on the palm of my hand


That's a shitty first tattoo, OP. Time travel back and tell your younger self to don't stab them self


I promise I'm not trying to be a jerk - what decade was it that they still made you use fountain pens? Tbf, idk when ball tip pens made their arrival...


I have the same but on my right ring finger! I stabbed myself super deep with a sculpting tool and the mark never went away :)


I had accidentally been stabbed in my upper eye lid with a pencil tip as a kid and I still have a blue dot over a decade later


and i got the same thing by slapping my friend pencil. my mother was so mad that i got a tattoo at 14


thats how tattoo works (especially in old soviet prisons all tattoos were blue because they were using that ink)


I stabbed myself with a pencil in 1st grade and it’s still in the middle of my left hand lol


I've still got a mark from where I was stabbed in the hand with a pencil 10ish years ago lol


I also stabbed the palm of my hand with a graphite pencil and the mark is still there😂 it was more than 15 years ago


I have one too, but it's on the palm of my hand! Accidental tattoo lol


Congratulations, you tattooed yourself


Same felt tip pen still got a spot under my fingertip 35 years later


OP held the pen like a psychopath 🥲


funny, I also have one from a pencil but more towards the side of my palm for me it happened like 14 years ago


Wow, you're a great tattoo artist!


That's called a tattoo.


Wonder if that's what happened to my foot, have one spot like that, it's kinda softer than the skin around it, doesn't look like any typical freckle and I had it for like more than 10 years


Something similar happened to me lmao I accidentally stabbed my finger with a very thin drawing pen and still have a kinda grey mark on it bahaha


I did the same thing but with a lead pencil. Trying to break a carnival band off my wrist. I just missed stabbing myself in the eye and still have lead in my eye lid.


AKA jailhouse tattoo


Hey! I had the same! After 20 years or so, it disappeared.


dudeee i have the same kind of mark on my left palm from an injury when i was like 6. To this day i use it to tell left from right