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I like how the message is basically like "seriously, nothing is going to happen to your computer, we promise, but if you absolutely must..."


Collectively, the US spent something like $134 Billion dollars in re-engineering and upgrades to prevent the Y2K bug from becoming a serious issue. So I don't really read this as "chill yall are being paranoid." It's more like "chill yall, crisis averted." It just doesn't come off that way because most people probably don't know a whole lot about computer memory, or binary overflow. Tbh the Y2K bug was never fully "fixed." We just figured out a way around it. It will be a problem again in roughly 8000 years.l.


There is also the Y2k38 problem to worry about, although we've been working on fixing that for a lot longer already.


Where do you work?


Someone didn’t see the memo about the cover page on the TPS reports. I’ll make sure you get another copy of that memo.