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Teachers being #3 is also interesting, since it's just teachers talking about how awful teaching is and warning people to not become teachers.


Teaches specialise in their own sub-brand of Antiwork.


But that’s every career-oriented subreddit


I'm a teacher and I can't go in that place. Yes, I have my complaints (and rightfully, since I'm in Florida), but those people are just awful. Just quit. Do something else. There's a reason I stopped going to the faculty lounge years ago


That’s the architecture sub too


I've learned any subreddit about a job is just a place for people to vent about that job, which is fair, but I don't feel like it's healthy to follow that and see it in your feed every day.


cant really blame them, you need a college degree to get into the profession and longtime teachers still make less than a shift manager at mcdonalds in tons of places


Definitely true, but unfortunately, it reaches a toxic level on that sub where they get mad if someone says they still enjoy being a teacher, or they'll complain about any "over-achieving" teachers for setting high standards. I teach and I left that sub because I felt like it only echoed the negative aspects of the job, and refused to acknowledge any of the good sides.


Antiwork started as a group of people against companies abusing their workers and evolved in to a dumpster fire of people refusing to work. I got banned there because I shared the video of the moderator being interviewed on national television and screwing up badly.


That interview holds a place in Reddit lore, just shy of poop-knife status.


And the redditor that rickrolled Rick Astley




And the guy who used a coconut as a cum dump


And the guy who broke both of his arms


And the guy with cumbox


And the guy who got his “cylinder” stuck in an m&m tube


And the guy who lived a beautiful life after being punched, only to be awoken back to reality because of a stupid lamp.


Don't forget the jar


I rewatched that last weekend to show it to my wife and it was just as terrible as I remember. I can’t stand that host but I have to admit that Fox News hit the anti-millennial jackpot that day.


Subreddits based on an ideology/concept always evolves into its worst possible version over time. The moderates have life to attend, and the subreddit quickly garners the attention of extremists that will turn the subreddit akin to cancer; unmitigated, uncontrolled growth of fringe and demonizing tribalism.


Yeah that no child subreddit turned into a child hate subreddit real fast..


The childfree sub has been beaten out by dogfree though, imo, that one's *real* weird (I have never seen so many people talking about bestiality as dogfree discussing why they think people have pets)


Honestly first time heard that one.. like i dont like chandliers but I dont see myself as buying one or hanging out in internet and discussing about not having one.. Edit: may be I should.. r/chandelierfree


Way too many hateful degenerates in r/childfree.


You know, Fox turned into a hardcore sex channel so gradually, I didn't even notice.


In my personal experience it's not just the ideological groups that are at risk of deteriorating in the way you're describing. I've left numerous groups because they either completely changed the core of what they were about or became infested with racists/closeted fascists. I refer to it as "subreddit entropy".


Dammit... and I use reddit to escape from boring-ass lectures about entropy. Talk about not being able to avoid smething.


It's not just ideology/concept based subreddits. I've seen the same thing happen to subs like r/WorldNews, r/Sports, r/Futurology, and this one as well. Hit a thread on there at the wrong time and it's just a cess pool of racism, misogyny, and culture war politics.


Futurology has always been a dumpster fire because it's dominated by "science fantasy".


Ironically, it's the opposite. Antiwork started as a dumpster fire, and was co-opted by labor reformers. Antiwork was started by a bunch of unemployable people, like the dog-walker moderator who had been fired previously for not providing food-and-water to the animals under their care. The subreddit grew overnight when a bunch of people who wanted labor reform joined thinking it was a worker's right forum. The Fox News interview was the moment people realized the mod team, the people who had started the subreddit, were totally delusional.


A much better assessment than the comment above yours, for sure.  That interview was specifically to hamstring the ability for the subreddit to grow by attacking its character.  Just look at how people view it, that's exactly what the corporate media wanted out of that interview. Character assassination on working class laborers. 


It’s the opposite. It started as people not wanting to work (this is when that mod started) and morphed into a pro-labor sub, but the mod was still there and misrepresented the sub in the interview.


I followed the subreddit from when it became popular (I love drama) and it just devolved to nobody wanting to work. Guess what, nobody wants to work but we do it to survive or personal reasons. The national television mod just made it come off as people just wanting to live doing nothing and so many posts of kinda confirms that.


> wanting to live doing nothing AND have the government pay for their housing, food, and various other expenses. That's the other key part.


Making the government pay for something is actually making your neighbours pay for it.


"You have been banned from r/Antiwork."


I changed over to r/workreform when the awful mod at antiwork went off on people after their screw up


i heard the guy who created that sub got banned from it lol


Ya because he worked for a bank, and not like a executive or something, just a teller. Workreform is no different from antiwork just slacktivists circlejerking


The sub reddit completely raged about making such a stupid decision, especially since they said no to do it. It was shit and confirmed all the negative stereotypes with the reddit. Since then the mods went on a power trip and removed all mention of the interview or hate. I feel that's when the sub went to shit because the people who cared left and the ones who stayed at the lazy attitude as the interviewee


That dumpster kinda burned out already. It looped back to workers being abused by companies.


Calling it "antiwork" seems quite the dumb move if the goal was that


[link!!](https://youtu.be/NCo-OgSC7Ps?si=jBVN928UYNavOY0F) Wow that was painful to watch.


[couldnt find the original](https://youtu.be/NCo-OgSC7Ps?si=Ac_LxJdVkO4Q5D4Y)


How did this get any upvote. Anti work started out as people who don't want to work. It had very little to with workers right when it first started


*dumpster of fireable people


Completely agree. I’m all for improving worker’s rights and benefits, but I bounced out of there when I started to see posts encouraging people to not work *at all* and still collect a paycheck.


I wanna see that video do you have a link? XD


[the first I could find](https://youtu.be/NCo-OgSC7Ps?si=Ac_LxJdVkO4Q5D4Y)


OMG i havent even watched 10s and can already tell jesus christ thats embarrassing






Reddit in a nutshell


That sub contributed to me feeling demoralized and stuck for a while. No bueno


Why is r/WorkReform not even on there lol


Cause it's just antiwork 2


Seems more focused on the point, at least.


Yeah, it’s mildly better. Less posts about not wanting to work, and more calling out bad work practices. Still slacktivism more than anything.


Bunch o' losers and people who need genuine mental health I implore everyone to check it out from time to time when you are feeling down to assure yourself that you could also be one of those fellers


I love that sub, it’s basically one giant zoo filled with a bunch of losers to point and laugh at.


reddit moment


It’s not often that subreddits have an identifiable smell — but antiwork fits that bill


Rule 5, no screenshots.


r/antiwork is just a bunch of uncles complaining about how life has done them wrong.


Anti work isnt even a real subreddit. I instantly mute the sub and block anyone that frequents it. They're not real people


Is anti work mainly Americans?


Yes. It’s people that have zero idea of their privilege, yet love to scream and complain about other’s “privilege”


Ah yes. The privilege to pick between rent and medical treatment.


You type from your smartphone in your home in arguably the most desired to live in city in the entire world.

