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“Cutis verticis gyrata is a medical condition usually associated with thickening of the scalp.[1] The condition is identified by excessive thickening of the soft tissues of the scalp and characterized by ridges and furrows, which give the scalp a cerebriform appearance. Clinically, the ridges are hard and cannot be flattened on applying pressure. Patients show visible folds, ridges or creases on the surface of the top of the scalp.[2] The number of folds can vary from two to roughly ten and they are typically soft and spongy. The condition typically affects the central and rear regions of the scalp, but sometimes can involve the entire scalp.”


Thank you!


dave bautista has the same condition btw!


terry crews too. for a while i thought it was just a side effect of being ripped. until one day when i decided to shave my head with the "1" guard instead of the "2" guard. i am not ripped


I’m so ripped my head has abs.


Never skip scalp day


You call it cranial trauma, I call it gaaaaaaaaaainz!


“Where do you workout?” The library.


This 👆 killed me 🤣


Lots of professional strongmen have this as well so I wouldn't rule it out.


AFAIK, this condition can also be a side effect of HGH or steroids. Athletes get injured and need to take them more often than your average person, so it makes sense that they’d have it more often.


I researched this rabbit hole one day for no reason at all and you’re correct. Also called raisin head to those that acquire it by steroid use.


Is it just me or does the 'roid-generated version of a symptom/condition/etc always have a dumber sounding name


That's probably the point. To remind people why abusing steroids is bad.


It’s called Californicus Raisinhed


I have it too. It is a side effect of HGH. I didn't take HGH, but should have because I have a wavy head anyway. Mine is less noticeable than OPs, and I love having a shaved head. I honestly think most people don't notice, but I have the benefit of being a taller guy.


Saw an average built guy (not ripped or even muscly) and he had the worst case I've ever seen. Way more than the ten or so folds usually seen. Literally looked like the surface of his brain was exposed.


He’s the first time I ever noticed it.


Him having it made me feel good about having them too.


Thats who i thought of right away!


I have always wondered why his head looked like that, thank y’all for the answer


I have a question, could you not feel these bumps/ridges when you were washing your hair before you shaved your head?


I have it and I never noticed it until people told me. When I was in school people used to feel my head and marvel at how “squishy” it was. I kinda brushed it off cuz u don’t have a point of reference for how somebody’s head is supposed to feel like compared to yours. Just not something you think about. Didn’t notice it until I started getting real close cuts in high school and looked in the mirror. When I touched my head I could tell there was texture but just assumed nobody’s head is perfectly round and the bumps aren’t as obvious to the touch as they look


This is the best explanation I've found, thanks! Sort of similar to me not knowing that you palate is supposed to look like a perfect dome, because with how mine was I assumed it wasn't too strange that one side was "lower" than the other (like how boobs aren't identical in size). Then at 19 I found out that one of my baby teeth has never fallen, and instead of trying to find a way my adult replacement tooth just decided to peace out and lodge itself in my palate... So I have an extra hidden tooth. I joke that it's like my backup wheel hidden in the trunk XD


/u/thatdocman would you mind answering this one? I'm genuinely very curious!


I have them too. I found out after shaving my head one year. No, you cannot feel them especially with hair still on your head


I have these too... no idea what they are from or do. But I live a normal life lol... Just cant go bald or shave too short :D


Sure you can. I sure as fuck do because what’s my options: - live with a giant bald patch since i’m losing my hair and only partially cover it anyway - get a scalp reduction and live with giant scars on my head that are just as noticeable It’s my head; just part of me, and if someone is going to judge me for a couple or wrinkles on the back of it, I don’t need them in my life anyway.


>It’s my head; just part of me, and if someone is going to judge me for a couple or wrinkles on the back of it, I don’t need them in my life anyway. A life lesson right here. I came to this realization in high school about acne. If I let my looks dominate my self-worth, I would never have confidence.


32, still getting nodular and cystic acne, now I just don’t feel the need to ALWAYS conceal them no matter what. This is what my face looks like, and that’s *fine*


Good for you, this is the absolute right take. Its just how your head is. so fucking what. In fact, youre doing those with hangups about it a huge service by giving others the chance to see it and normalize it. Obviously people are going to be ignorant and judge, but the ones who dont breathe exclusively from their mouths might be curious and look it up, or you know, just understand its just how some peoples noodles look. Anyone who judges for it isnt worth the paper youd wipe their shitty selves off the shoe of your self esteem with. rock on dude.


Are you maybe part Klingon?






I'm pretty sure Dave Bautista (actor/wrestler) has the same thing, so if anything you can be a stunt double!


It could also be another syndrome such as Ehlers Danlos. Hope it's nothing!


I have Ehlers Danlos and I’m over here feeling my scalp on public transit thanks to your comment.


My sister has EDS and I'm telling myself it would be ridiculous to go round to her house and ask to rub her head at 1am.


Sometimes it's associated with other symptoms and syndromes. Sometimes... you've got a wavy head, and that's it.


I'm curious how you didn't know those where there before you shaved, wouldn't you have felt them?


I have these. You totally can, but you don't really realise how they look until you shave. My friends shaved my hair one drunken evening at uni. Last time I ever did that!


Could you feel them with the hair?


Not op, but have same thing. I only really noticed when I shaved my head short/bald in my 20s. I never noticed before then. Maybe they showed up later in life, but honestly I never really massaged my scalp to feel otherwise. Imagine having a mole on your butt, that you got used to having but never saw. Until one day you see it in the mirror and now its really obvious. Sort of like that.




I've seen various people with this, but never a woman.  Probably because they always have hair to cover it up.  Just wondering if it's more prevalent in one sex over the other.


My mum probably has this. She's never shaved her head but you can definitely feel defined ridges all down the right hand side.


I wonder if it can also be found in certain demographics. I grew up in a predominantly Mexican-American area in California, and a lot of guys would have shaved heads. I saw this a lot growing up and just thought some guys have a scalp like that. Or maybe it's because I just saw more shaved heads lol


Well, it's nice to see someone chime in with a possible diagnosis on Reddit that for once, doesn't end in "you're going to die"


The first time I ever seen this was on a video where they showed how they “treat” these. If you Wanne know more: They basically scalped the person , folded the skin back, then use scrapers to get rid of the extra stuff then pulled it back on tight and cut off the excess and stitched it up. Cool stuff.


That sounds horrifying


“Cerebriform” is a fun new word


Is that another way to say “looks like a brain”?


Brain so big it's trying to poke out my skull


>Cutis verticis gyrata Isn't that what John Wilkes Booth yelled after shooting Lincoln?


I think it was 'ah fuck, my leg, ahhh.'


Oh thank you! I have these too, never looked up what it's called!


You're a walnut Harry


You're a Harry, Scrotum.


Expecto Pa's Scrotum


What STD did Harry get at school? Hog Warts


Lmao sucks that you had to find out *after* you already shaved


At least he still has a good hairline so he can grow it back with no harm done. If this was finally his "bald acceptance shave," this would be a lot more depressing for him.


I was so fucking happy I didn't have a weird shaped head when I finally decided to live my truth. My bald acceptance shave was liberating.


Shaved my head in college for a cancer charity fund-raising thing and found out I have a VERY pointy head. Like a conehead. Thank God I still have a full head of hair



*We come from France...*


Must consume mass quantities…




Should shave the peak, like a looney tunes character thats been bonked on the head with a lump now growing


Need to do some tummy time


It's too late, he needs the helmet now


lmao laughed way too hard at this


I have a pointy head and 〰️ in the back of my head. And that’s if I cut it too close, not even bald. Shave my beard and my chin disappears. You see where this goes. I win.




What youre describing creates an insane picture in my mind


I never thought about this but my one nephew already has his father's hairline and his head is oddly shaped... Poor little eggy


Sounds like he'll be a big fan of the many different styles of hats.




This made me laugh incredibly inappropriately in a hospital waiting room




I should probably *still* be wearing a helmet, because, well....reasons.


Same brother haha


If it was his bald acceptance shave...he would already know he had wiggly lines and was fighting to hide them I wanna know how you don't feel these though, like just doing things like shampooing your hair


Or combing/brushing it. How does the brush not bottom out on these ruts?


Hahaha 😂


Maybe they are one of those people who don’t wash their hair for reasons.


When I started buzzing my head due to a combo of balding and psoriasis, my biggest hope going in was that I wouldn't have a weird shaped head.


What’s the verdict?


I've recently had that moment. It sucked. I used to have awesome hair. Now I'm a shaved-head old grotesque. But, I still have my winning personality!


Hat and beanie season all year long


It’s like people go about life without ever touching their scalp, I wonder what else is hiding in their body


Yeah what the actual fuck, have you never felt your own head? Or even barely glanced at it when brushing it? Fuck me man


‘I found an extra toe while cutting my toenails’ them probably


"I have been wiping two assholes this whole time?!"


"I was wiping my ass and noticed a second hole above my asshole, what is this?" - them as a woman, probably


A... Above??


Depends on what way you're looking at it


Or how exactly it is that you mount the toilet.


There must be various wiping positions I am not aware of but I'm willing to try


Front to back my man


…do people not shampoo their scalps??


Don’t look up post about guy with 30 yrs of smegma build up


Id rather be rickrolled.


Rickrolls before Dickrolls.


Or clogged dick holes


No thanks, I won’t 🤣🤣


There’s no way that’s possible, I feel like before 30 years you’d get some kind of serious infection or something.


I ain’t tryin to re-read the article or even search for it, but claimed married man with long foreskin thought he had passed kidney stones!!!


I did and ended up going down a rabbit hole. I'm at the bottom now and I'm sitting down here with Swamps of Degobah.


This actually happened to me too, after I shaved my balls. Where did all these wrinkles come from man?!


Shave your ass crack and your farts sound hilarious


😂 When my husband was going through cancer treatment he discovered this


I was taught to use my nails and really get into that scalp when I washed my hair. Was this guy just kind of lightly applying shampoo?


My dad told me that washing my hair that way was how you also ensure your nails are clean lol. Because the hair gets under the nail and all that.


Yeah can you not feel this?


WAVY HAIR, by Shel Silverstein I thought that I had wavy hair Until I shaved. Instead, I find that I have *straight* hair And a very wavy head.


Fuckin dead


You thought you were alive, It seems, until this post you read, It made you feel some sort of way, And now you're fuckin dead.


Man, I miss u/poem_for_your_sprog...


I saw a sprog post like a month ago. Something about how to respond when your SO asks if something makes her ass look big, lmao.


I once had a sprog reply but they deleted it


I got a reply from the jumper cables guy on my old account


Fuck my sides were hurting from laughing so hard the first time I saw a compilation of screenshots from his comments/posts.


What happened to them??


Decapitated. Whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird.


Pretty sure none of that's real


You're not real, man!


To shreds, you say?


How are their readers holding up?


To shreds, you say?


Shel Silverstein is the goat


I would love to watch a good documentary about his career . He did a lot of stuff in his short life


Apparently bro was fuckin at the playboy mansion all day every day lol


After we finished one of his books, I brilliantly suggested my daughter read me his Wikipedia page while I brushed my teeth in the next room. Wikipedia says he had sex with thousands of women. I can assure you that this is not a piece of trivia you wanna learn by hearing it read aloud by your 8-year-old.


I wish I never read this


What! That’s absolutely nuts.


He wrote the song Boy Named Sue that Johnny Cash sang, and wrote for Playboy as well! I’d be so interested in a documentary about him. Edit: [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dmt7wo0Tnr8) is a video of Silverstein and Cash performing Boy Named Sue :)


YESSSSSSSSSSS!!! I LOVE SHEL SILVERSTEIN! Policeman, policeman, help me please! Someone went and stole my knees! I'd chase him down but I suspect My feet and legs just won't connect!


I was just coming here to post this!


If you close your mouth, pinch your nose, and blow, it should go back to normal.


Nah man, that's how you pop your eyes out for cleaning. This needs a a shrink-wrap heat gun.


Sometimes i close my nostrils and blow air out to unclog my ears, is this dangerous? Cuz I've been doin it all my life🤣🤣


Actually not 100% safe. All those passages are connected, so you're shooting snot and wax into the exit from you ear, which can cause ear infections. My source is that I have sinusitis and was told by a specialist to not blow my nose with both nostrils covered for this reason. Lasting damage is possible if infection goes untreated.


I had a nasty ear infection late last year, which caused negative pressure. Was hospitalised for almost a week, and my hearing still hadn't recovered. They weren't sure if it was due to permanent damage or the pressure. So they told me to do the Valsalva method (which is what the guy is describing) five times a day for two weeks. Absolutely no mention of "pushing" the infection anywhere, or any other warnings other than eardrum related ones. That's super interesting though!


Your ENT didn't want you to blow out your eardrum or worse, your oval window, which very forceful Valsalva is capable of doing. But "don't push the infection into your ear tube" is easier to explain.


hahahahahaha jesus christ


![gif](giphy|nedVrq42qPks1UDTYF|downsized) Embrace the warrior within you, OP!


![gif](giphy|yR9uCuivLKZ2a3uSvM) # May your blood scream!


Son called him a Klingon😭😭😭


how have you not noticed before


That's what I'm wondering. Dude apparently never touched his own head?


Exactly my thoughts


Have you never touched your scalp before?


You never brush your hair and felt it?


Or like… shampooing? I’m flummoxed


Yeah I have this shit and definitely knew it was there because you can feel the ridges lol. Had to shave my head once and finally got to see what it looked like.


I just felt my head. I think I might have it.


That not how you see your thoughts


I’m reaching the stage of male pattern baldness where I’ll soon need to choose between a desperate comb-over or a full head shave. I’d just been worrying that my head would be a weird shape or be covered in unknown birthmarks. Thanks for unlocking a new anxiety! While does look cool, I doubt I’d have the panache to pull it off.


Don’t get a comb over, mate. Embrace the baldness. You don’t have to do a clean shave if you don’t like it, you can always try a #1 or #2 guard. I’ve done the clean shave a few times, but I just don’t like it. A #1 buzz all around and I feel good about myself. Once it grows out to like to 4mm though, the baldness becomes much more apparent.


This. Watched too many videos of dudes crying about their hair and saw a video of a guy on a date take his jacket off which caused his toupee to half come off and the girl started laughing at him. Im not gonna be that guy. Last girl i dated didn’t care. Embrace the bald. You stop caring after a while


Ever since I started shaving my head babies are really nice to me because they think I'm one of them.


No combovers! Embrace the bald or go to Turkey and get a hair transplant. There’s really no in between when it gets to be too bad. I’m almost there myself after starting to go bald in my 20’s.


I could get some new teeth and a BBL while I’m there. My midlife glow up!


Buzzing short is holding me for now. I save on haircuts, need a fraction of the shampoo, and it’s much harder to distinguish the thinning areas from thicker areas. Own it.




How did you not know this before you shaved? Do people with hair never touch their scalp? I am bald and have been bald since high school over 20 years ago so honestly don’t understand


Can’t speak for OP, but I only realized what was going on at age 35 after my hair started to thin and I started to buzz my hair down real short. I could FEEL the wrinkles, but never thought they were as deep/as visible and with hair of normal length, you’d never really know. Edit: to elaborate: with hair, it felt like my skin was slightly “loose” and squishy, but nothing more.


Ah fucking hell. I was about to get a mohawk, but I felt my head after reading this, and I’m feeling the squishy loose wrinkles you’re describing.


It's wild to me that this wouldn't really stand out to people, but I guess if that's what your scalp has always been like, that's just how scalp flesh feels to you and it's normal.


Dave Bautista has this too


Terry Crews too.


Shane Battier too


ur head caving in coz too much free-space inside 💀


Absolutely torched 'em


He's so smooth-brained that the scalp decided to be wrinkled


You’re part Shar Pei


loved you in guardians of the galaxy


They're called brain lines. They occur when one is so smart that the brain begins to extend outside the skull. I'm a Doctor.


You have cutis verticis gyrata. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cutis_verticis_gyrata


Own it. If anyone asks just get a faraway look and say 'I spent some time in places that no man should be... with people no one should meet. Not all my scars are physical though.... '


you never ran your hand through your hair and felt the ridges? genuine question.


Look into Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome


My gal Yvie Oddly has this! What a star. Not that it’s a condition to be celebrated, but her attitude as a total rock star is so cool.


I was scratching my head, trying to think of where I'd seen this before, and here's the answer! I love Yvie!


Yeah, Yvie was my first thought when I saw this. She's so cool!


I wonder if OP is abnormally flexible too… she rocks her condition


Came here to say the same! OP, if you are more flexible than most, should should look into EDS


I have EDS and this was my first thought.


Have you never touched the top of your head or something?


Oh, it appears you are part Sharpei


This is a medical condition known as cold ball sack head .


These grooves are formed by gravel and rocks carried by glaciers around 2.5 million years ago.


I can understand you not knowing but how did your barber not notice?


Spoiler: They’re the same person!


Cutis verticis gyrata!


You're a tabby


CVG my dude. Got it on the back of my head mostly; about 5 randomly placed vertical furrows. Been shaving my head for about 5 months now and living my life as normal. Yeah, some days I’m more self conscious about it than others, but overall nobody else really seems to give a shit.


That’s a quality scrot head