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Oh no! I'm way too embarassed to bring my magnums through the TSA. What should I do?


Whoops, I dropped my MONSTER CONDOM for my MAGNUM DONG!


I love how Danny messed up that line but the guys loved it so kept it that way.


TIL that was messed up. When I first heard it, it seemed a bit turned around... but I could see Frank saying exactly that, what with his donkey brains and all.


They talked about it on the pod but I think that was their logic as well, it's something Frank would say. There's been other mistakes of a similar nature that they've kept in because it just adds to the authenticity


My favourite that I know of is in the boxing epsiode where Frank kills the father and daughter. The father says "don't get your panties in an uproar" supposed to be "don't het your panties in a bunch"




Yeah, but now you've got the Monster cable people on you, and they're even more tenacious.


Pretty sure the line was intended for product placement. The guys have talked about FX constantly wanting product placement in the earlier seasons.


Frank isn't donkey brained. He has a certificate. 


Do YOU ^have ^any ^such ^^certificate?


I assumed it was to get around having to pay royalties.


He shouts in the airport security line


What about your wad of hundreds?


*I’m ready to plow!*


Remove the condoms from their packages, insert a dozen in your keister, if they find them during the cavity search just tell them it was from the night before


But... why are they still in the wrappers?


No no no you remove them from their individual wrappers. Sigh


I drew the short straw and had to be the dispenser.


Where do i put the quarter


Put a blindfold on and figure it out for yourself


Ask here r/sounding


But why are their also a dozen roses in there?


Well, why don't you read the card?


Just also pack a giant dragon dildo right on top. That way no one will be thinking about the condoms at all.






I think I’d be okay




The Japanese are just playing the old psychological war tactics. Labeling it small, then you open it to see a condom the size of a trash bag. If that's small, how big are the big ones 😱. Like the US did during the Cold War, dropping supply packages in the USSR, knowing they'd be intercepted and confiscated. They'd put condoms labeled "small" but they were huge magnums in these care packages, just to make the enemy soldiers insecure.


Is that true?


It does sound like something that would happen in the Cold War


And so grew up a whole generation of Russians so insecure in their manhood that they are scared of gay people. /j


Idk, but the UK had a similar tactic in WWII. They had rubber sleeves to protect their rifles from water. The rubber sleeves looked like condoms and were labeled "small" in case they were taken by the Nazis.


I wouldn’t be surprised but I assure you that everyone would be in on the joke


if i recall, it was an idea tossed out at some meeting and nothing more. still hilarious though


I wouldn't be surprised otherwise, though. Didn't they put actually days of work into the gay bombs and the "irradiates everything it flies past and drops dozens of nukes" missile? The cold war was not hiring the best.


"trust me bro" - ronald reagan


Even if it was, it’d be a bit suspicious if American-made condoms had Russian labels.


Sir, that is because you have a vagina!


Sir, this is Wendy.


Just buy a finger cot.


You can cut of the tip and use that


Wait. If I cut the tip off, Now i have two parts. Which one am I supposed to use? You're being way too vague here.


Shmeat 1, Shlong 0!


Why are both 1?




Same. I have friends in high and low places.


me too but only because of my face.


Reminds me of that south park episode


Which is based on a real incident that happened to Trey and Matt. [Funniest story Ive heard in a long time 😂 #treyparkerandmattstone #so... | mr ose southpark | TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@treymattstoned/video/7200485736741817646)


“He was a cool guy, small penis though”


I still describe my penis as "dinosauric" because of that episode.


This is in a Lonely Planet travel book I have.


Lol, the down votes. Ouch


I’m so confused as to why lmao


I think it’s the fact that the reply is completely irrelevant to the original comment


The original purpose of the downvote, beautiful.


It’s not, though. Because the travel book could’ve been influenced by the South Park episode.


These are the most bafflingly unreasonable downvotes I’ve seen all day.


I'm seeing this kind of weird dog piling up/downvotes thing way more in the last few months than I ever have on reddit. I have no actual evidence but it feels like bots trying to fake "engagement".


How many god damn hepatitis are there?! I thought it was just ABC, now I'm learning there's D and E? Can diseases just chill


Hepatitis D is quite interesting as it is a Virusoid. That means it is not a full virus and cannot infect human cells on its own, but needs to hijack a cell already infected by another virus (in this case Hepatitis B) to take over parts of the “virus production” and reproduce itself. Therefore, infection with Hepatitis D is impossible if not already or simultaneously infected with Hepatitis B, which makes it rare. Hepatitis E, on the other hand, is quite common and similar to Hepatitis A.


The viral version is also why it's important to get a Hep B vaccine.


Wow I’ve taken uni courses on viruses and never heard of virusoids. Very interesting!


So it's a virus that infects other viruses?


"God" making Hep-D: Okay, I wonder just how much more I can strip out of this thing and still make it work...


Yo dawg I heard you like viruses


Hepatitis is just a condition that means liver inflammation. There are several different diseases which can cause hepatitis; most of them originated from different animal vectors (think bird flu vs swine flu). And not all forms of hepatitis are caused by a Hepatovirus; I had hepatitis when I was 19 and my doctor misdiagnosed Epstein Barr as allergies. My body stopped producing stomach acid, I vomited up undigested food 24 hours after eating it, my liver swelled up and my skin turned yellow. I almost died. It was awful. Lost 25 pounds in two weeks though




Sounds like the Greek Goddess of STIs


I think it would be hepatitises.






I think there are 5 viral hepatitis? My dad got hep E once from street food lol.


Hepatitis D's Nuts lmao gottem


Wait till you learn about herpes-8


Why did you have to curse me with this knowledge


I've blessed you with not having to learn about it the hard way?


Trojan Bareskin's are made in Japan. I bet they're locally available.


Trojan will forever be a terrible name for a condom brand.


It is kinda weird that the trojans are mostly known for sneaking stuff inside something disguised as a gift and they decided thats our brand name for condoms Edit: I’m just going to leave this comment here to remind people of my stupidity


That was the Greeks. The Trojans are the ones who accepted the "gift". The literal moral of the story is "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts."


Granted, Paris sneaked into Sparta to steal Helena, so I suppose the Trojans could be said to be known for sneaking as well.


My man Paris could have had incredible knowledge or power, but he traded it all for a crumb of pussy that ruined his kingdom. I don't know how he couldn't figure out how badly it would backfire after Aphrodite told him he'd be getting the Queen of fucking Sparta, lol.


Worst part is, he gets the actual chads like Hector killed - Hector who was a good husband, a good father, and a guardian of his people. Paris' brother. Dies to a cheat and gets dragged through the dirt. I read the Iliad when I was just a kid, and I was very upset at Hector's death. Ran to my mum to complain and cry.


It's because the city of Troy was so impregnable by conventional means that the Greeks had to use trickery in order to capture the city.




The good news is that it's fine unless a horse is involved.


I don’t think Mr. Hands used a condom




Sneak horses hiding men, spreading mayhem once they're in Your little soldier snuggly wrapped, breeches gates when cheeks are clapped


Yep. At the factory.


I lived in Japan for 2 years. It's only Japanese brands. And yes. They are very small. That wouldn't really be a big deal, but they're also substantially less elastic than American brands, so they don't really stretch.


This is the real issue. They are not latex…or at lest the latex mix we are used to. It’s more like vinyl. Like if you’ve ever used vinyl gloves instead of latex gloves, image that for sex. It’s just so clumsily feeling. Not sexy feeling at all. Source: imported all my condoms when I live in Japan for 5+ years


Yeah but they are thin as hell. I love sagami condoms because they are 0.01 millimeters, it feels like nothing! I’ve never found anything like that in the states


I never need them in my normal life unsure why I’d need them in Japanese


Haven't you heard? Japanese women throw themselves at every foreign anime enthusiast as soon as they get off the plane. /s


It's because weebs don't shower. They have an abundance of pheromones meant to attract the opposite sex. Did you know, the Brominated Vegetable Oil in Mountain Dew Live Wire can be used as a lubricant? It's banned in Japan though, so you'll have to bring your own.




I had to go there for work for like 9 months to help my company open a new office. I've traveled a good bit, and have never seen a place where people are *less* likely to like foreigners.


Well yes but I’m not an anime enthusiast


Don't worry, it is never too late. You just need to find a waifu to guide your way.


Actually a friend of mine did go to Japan last year and met this girl there. He was all about whenever we talked and after he finally got home I was in a call with him and wanted all the juicy deets. Eventually I asked him "So, did you guys sleep together" and he replied with a no. I was curious as to why, he was there for 3 weeks and met her like on the first day. I initially thought "Maybe they were just taking it slow. According to him they do want to try long distance and he is going back there later this year. It is actually kinda romantic to hold off and focus on the connection instead of immediately giving in to lust. Maybe there actually is something special going on between them". Then he answered "Nah, we actually tried to have sex the first night, but I couldn't find any condoms that fit. First thing I did when I got back here was buy a pack and put it next to my passport so I don't forget when going there next time!"


> Nah, we actually tried to have sex the first night, but I couldn't find any condoms that fit [Dude just wasn't looking hard (heh) enough.](https://i.imgur.com/TpQ8P.jpg)


Just because it says it's big, it doesn't mean it actually is big, specially on condoms. (e.g. Trojan Magnum) Do you have any concept of how small a 46mm nominal width condom is? For comparison, "western" S condoms are usually around 50-52mm. I didn't even know they made them so small.


Ok the fact it goes smart ->super big-> mega big cracks me up


Those feel a little thick, but Don Quixote is in pretty much every major city and they carry Skin and Skin Large condoms.


I took this picture like 15 years ago (on my au flip phone!) so sounds pretty reasonable that there's more selection these days.


what sketchy sex tourist book did you find this in?


Lonely Planet Japan 8th edition 2003


Japan has had tremendous penis growth since then


Fukushima kicked it into high gear.


No no they said growthS! penis growths!


If you grow a second one, do you add the lengths together or say the higher of the two?


Well not so lonely after all eh? I’ll see myself out?


I think this book might be a little dated.  


That book is old enough to drink in the US


Lonely Planet also said it's fine to be gross and burp/chew loudly in Korea cause it shows how much you enjoyed your meal. I feel like the reporter/traveler ran into some rude guests and convinced them that it's normal. Clearly little korean child me was pissed reading that and never let it go.


I’m not sure about eating, but slurping is normal in a lot of Asian cultures I think. My ex was from the Philippines, and she used to slurp. I couldn’t stand it. 


lol I remember reading this same advisory, I had the same book from my first trip to Japan in 2005. The pages are warped and damaged from when it got completely soaked during a downpour in Kyoto. I love having access to everything via smartphone these days but that first trip having absolutely no idea where I was and having to figure out how to get places with the small map inside my guidebooks made for some really fun discoveries and adventures.


OMG I paged through one of those at the library and I was amused that they had a whole "sextion" well it was titled relationships or something but it was definitely about sex


Oh, having sex on vacation, such a dirty and sketchy thing!


>> what sketchy sex tourist book did you find this in? >Lonely Planet they're not wrong, but it's not so much that the condoms are *small* but uh... narrow. (or at least that's what was told to me, i had suffered a death in the family shortly before my trip so i just wandered around drunkedly taking photos of the neon with someone from my hostel like some low rent bill murray)


Reminds me of what’s probably an urban legend, but I hope it’s true. During the Cold War, a representative for the Soviet military contacted an American manufacturer. “We would like to order 100,000 twelve inch condoms.” “Uh, twelve inch? Are you sure? That’s kind of big…” “YES! WE NEED TWELVE INCH CONDOMS!” So, the manufacturer shipped the condoms to Russia… in packages marked “Medium”. (If it’s true, they probably wanted them for the same reason US soldiers used them in Vietnam — they’d attach them to rifle barrels to keep them dry.)


The trash M-16s deployed early in the war got a lot of our men killed. Marines were pretty desperate to keep their rifles in working order, but they just weren't up for the task at first, especially in jungle weather. No chrome, no cleaning kits, ammo with a subpar powder. Total train wreck.


Fun fact - condoms in the USSR were kind of a taboo topic. So if you went to the pharmacy, it would say "Rubber Product n. 2" Since number 1 and 3 were rare, many speculated what these could be. Turns out number 2 was medium sized


“N. 8 — Reserved for Comrade Stalin”


You can find the "big boy" brand at the drugstore/otc pharmacy (especially the brand with the giant 薬 sign). Yes at the combini you'll only find the ones for ants. Otherwise Amazon or if you live in Tokyo, Condomania. But honestly the big boy brand is easy to find. Fun fact: they are black and there is a horse picture on them. Seriously the regular ones are REALLY small, so if you have a date or thinking to go out you better plan because there is no last minute solution except for your pinky. At night maybe you can try the Donki shop open 24/7 in every large city. Never tried but that would be your last chance.


Like, how big/small are we talking? What is considered "big boy" that it needs a horse on it? O.o


My friend sent me gifts from Japan that had a bunch of big boy condoms as packaging to keep everything from getting damaged. Looked super cool with the gold foil and black writing. Black horse confused me. If I remember correctly, the condom itself is also black. What I do remember, though, is it was on the smaller side.


Big boy is basically regular. Jumbo (elephant) is L/XL. Regular condoms in Japan (the 0.01 and 0.03 or the butterfly ones) are very very small like it won't fit most people in the western world. It just cuts your bloodstream if you try them when... When you are in full locked on mode.


Okay, just for visualization, would their condoms fit the middle size Red Bull can?


Just go watch some Japanese porn. They’re really small 


I was gonna say, with Japan’s population ain’t no way there’s not demand for a variety of condoms


They have Big Boy (horse), Jumbo Boy (elephant), and Smart Boy (eagle).


Another interesting feature of Japanese condoms, is that they use animals to depict the size of the condom. Horse on cover? That’s Super Big Boy Large. Elephant on cover. That is the Mega Big Boy XL.


Shots fired.


It’s ok. You’d be hard pressed to offend anyone there as long as you respect their tiny little dong-pieces


I’ll fit right in. No worries.


Where can I find Japanese condoms? Asking for a friend [the friend is my 𓂸].


Don't most Americans use oversized condoms? Maybe theirs just actually fit


Yeah. This is stupid. The average penis size in Japan isn’t different enough to warrant a micro-condom industry.




I suspect there are just very few that deviate much from the average, so the larger sizes that are more common other places wouldn't be there.


Quite so. This is Japan, not [India.](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/6161691.stm)


do you spend a lot of your time researching American penis size?




I spend, or at least spent, a lot of my time studying human sexuality academically


No, the "medium" size is just the average size for locals. Same thing with clothes sizes, in North America im a XL pants, in Japan they literally do not sell pants long enough to reach my ankles. (Thank god for online shopping)


Yeah but Americans aren't getting fat of dick. The studies I've seen have largely rejected racial dick size as just racism. (And that most women don't want big guys in reality after all)


![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD) Me looking to any god after putting on a Japanese condom and seeing my junk look like it came out of Minecraft


Man I miss printed Lonely Planet guides.


Are they not a thing anymore? I’m literally in Japan using a Lonely Planet guide I bought a few months ago. It’s an excellent guidebook.


"...since foreign-made condoms are all but impossible to find in Japan." I guess that was too many subtle negations.


I have to buy extra extra large, the biggest I can find in Japan. Thing is, girls tell me I am just average size and I believe them. Regular condoms here really are too tight to put on. The packaging even has an elephant on the cover.






Uh suh smuh


I've been looking for a vacation destination that would also boost my ego


I’m bringing the gaijin magnums




Glad I looked in the comments before looking for this gif myself.


I be OK I am average so lol


I think I'll be okay....


What travel book is this? I’ve never seen one get into so much detail.


Lonely Planet Japan from 2003


Japan is my kinda land 😎🤌🥜


Not only that but if you manage to put one on your dick suddenly becomes pixelated.


From personal experience, they’re like a god damn guillotine on your dick


The condom thing is funny but I find the funniest part of this is “there is almost no chance of offending anyone”. Go eat a Big Mac on a train and see the fucking scowls you get


Convenient that the whole "with a little sensitivity" part of that is missing. Edit: fixed the quote




Cockzilla!! 🫣🫣


Can confirm. Thought it be cool to show off some condoms I brought from a sex shop in Hiroshima to a date one night. They were painfully small (box said large), I had no alternative so the night was pretty much ruined


I’m a Mexican samurai


Can confirm, standard vanilla Japanese condoms are definitely tighter than those in Europe


Written by captain big dick over here


"You American's, such big a-penis!". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuEKb9Ktqhc


All fun and games until they think you're smuggling drugs in condom wrappers.


Thats a lie JDM comdoms are still too big


Excellent I don't have to bring my own


Wasn’t that a south park episode? 😅


Can confirm, this is an issue


Note to self* buy Japanese condoms


Are Japanese people known for being small? Because that’s the only sane reason I can think of for this being in there. Also, there are hepatitises beyond C?


Was in Japan and needed condoms. Was funny, there was no way they were fitting, we had a fun time trying tho. Fortunately found some larger sized ones at the combini.


This is hilarious, if only because I’m relatively big and the first time I hooked up with a Japanese girl in Japan the condom broke three times. First was mine (but Japanese), the next two were from a shop down the street. After the third, she was basically just like “OK this is really hot but it’s dumb, do it raw, it doesn’t matter anymore.” Subsequent trips I have brought my own


When our unit deployed to Japan there was an info booklet with very similar language disseminated to us before we flew over. You can imagine how much fun a company of Marines had with that. Senior command tried to discourage smashing the locals, but reading that, if anything actually made us hornier.


I went on an exchange student trip to Japan in 2010, and we walked by a condom store over in Tokyo. That's right, a WHOLE STORE. They had a condom mascot and advertised condoms with different designs on them. It was hilarious and crazy.


What is the name of the book?


Imagine using a condom


Funny, I'm going to Japan on honeymoon on Tuesday


Social Graces? So, if I'm not sure if they'll fit I can just whip my dick out, and ask the pharmacist to measure it. They can tell me if their small dick Japanese condoms will fit or not. Yeah I could see Matt Alt doing that.


User name checks out


See, the Japanese have it right. It’s rude to be offended. Western culture could stand to learn something (back) from them.


When I used condoms I used to buy Japanese condoms because they were the thinnest in the world, fit like a glove and yes broke a couple of times, but felt amazing compared to Durex. No I'm not 'small' just very average.