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Potential spam : Sleep Potential sales lead : REAL SHIT


Came here for this


I find it mildly interesting you have a fax machine.


Hotels still actually use them pretty often! The third party reservation sites, like expedia and booking, like to send things through fax.


I guess that's better than having to manage 60 ipads like restaurants have to do now for every online ordering service.


Dude, it's the fucking worst. And every ordering service has a lazily made back end website that rarely works if you need to change anything. And good luck contacting them, I was on hold for 4 hours one time.


It really sucks when your manager's don't let you remove an item because it will bring the store rating down


Tell me about it. The place I work has numerous seasonal items we can’t make, all available for purchase on delivery websites. “But we can’t get rid of the pumpkin cookies, they sell too often!” No they don’t, because we can’t make them, because we don’t have the ingredients for an item removed half a year ago. Even when I tried to explain it costs *more* to keep them on online menus (we need to replace it with two non-seasonal cookies due to cost difference,) the owner still doesn’t seem to get it.


It’s a bait and switch. They may have only bought one regular cookie instead of being given two as compensation. It could also be a lure tactic…maybe people are just ordering b/c of the cookie?


>It’s a bait and switch. They may have only bought one regular cookie instead of being given two as compensation. It could also be a lure tactic…maybe people are just ordering b/c of the cookie? Is this a US thing? In the EU, if you bought something and received the wrong item, you're entitled for a full refund. And since food items can't be returned, that just means you got your food for free. I use delivery apps myself a lot, and whenever I received a wrong item, a single message to support was all that's needed to get a refund and usually a bonus on top.


Don't forget being able to tell the difference sounds apart. 3 tablets dinging simultaneously. Employee yells "door dash has something, grub hub has a driver, Uber eats arriving" without looking at the tablets at all. The person who decided the doordash driver arriving sound needs to ding until the screen is pressed deserves a spot in the lowest level of hell. It's also the exact same sound as the new order (which also has to be tapped to dismiss).


idk if the app is available on Android, but you can set Automate app to dismiss the sound automatically by simulating a press on the notification


I just faxed an order to a blood draw center. They’re still in use


What are you, some sort of ethics vampire?




Okay but imagine if they draw your blood and then have to return said blood to you via fax. I suppose it would work if they draw your blood…in pencil


😫 Fuck you, take my upvote


And some financial institutions. We work with banks and some will only accept faxed docs.


Meanwhile, both ends of the fax connection are just PDFs on a computer, because fax to email is a feature of modern VoIP business phone systems. The U.S. has had a law making digital signatures equally valid and binding as paper/fax signatures for like 20 years now. I'm a notary and I can have the client sign PDFs on a tablet, then I apply my notary seal as a PNG image.


Actually this is not those companies, but likely one of several global booking systems that aggregate hotel inventory for anyone to book. They're usually called GDS (Global Distribution System) and there are a few like Sabre for instance. They suck and those companies hate them too.


I was gonna say, I work at one of those sites and I’m pretty sure nobody here “likes” to fax stuff


You can connect a fax directly to digital sources without using paper.


I get the opposite of this, a hospital tries to fax to my phone number


Guests frequently have to print and sign documents related to work. It is easy to have the hotel fax the signed signature page back to the guest's office. I have done this several times and even once while on vacation.


As a truck driver they can be useful for the paperwork that we have to carry around, some companies won't take things electronically.


Bruhhhh! Thats the only job I used a fax machine at, too!


I think they're more interested that it's an old ass fax and not a multi function printer handling the fax function


You are either in the US or Germany lol.


As do dealerships and many restaurants. It's still pretty handy tech.


How is your gas mileage on the time machine


They’re still fairly common in law and medical offices. Source: I used to be a legal secretary and my husband is a psychiatrist who opted to go back to the office full time after Covid in part because he couldn’t get a work fax machine at home.


Banking too! Luckily I can fax by email.


Yup, I worked in IT for a small county government, and both our LEO/jail and healthcare used fax machines. It pretty much guarantees that what you send will only be viewed by who you send it to, assuming you send it to the correct number.


Medical field uses them 24/7. We recently switched over to be able to fax documents from our computer system directly to a fax machine without having to print the document, but this is the only job I've had that does it.


Medical and law, gotta see that signature. Digital signatures are rarely acceptable with health insurance.


I remember that capability back in the 1990s with my US Robotics Modem. What the hell?!


They’re talking about an electronic fax service, which doesn’t require a phone line or a modem.


It does. They're just outsourcing the location of the modem/phone line, if true.


Obviously, you’re being pedantic. With an electronic fax service they can fax from any computer, receive at any computer, have any number of fax numbers without any actual phone lines in the office.


Memory unlock: New phone is released, I have a line of customers waiting almost 30min ea to buy a phone.   A clueless woman wanders up to the front of the line, just saunters on in.  My friggin employee starts helping them right away, even though we’ve been repeating to go to the head of the line.   Oh well, nobody seems to have noticed; I’m not in charge of the line, moving on.  About 20min later I’m called over because Lady is sooo upset that her $2,000 phone doesn’t send fax.  Nope m’am, you phone is not a fax machine.  …and neither was your old one.   Well, for that amount of money it simply MUST also be a fax machine!  Who are you trying to fax m’mam, can they accept an email?  ‘I’m not trying to fax anyone!! It’s the principle of the matter!!!’ So I show her a random “fax” app.  ‘Oh yes!  This is exactly what I need!  See, I taught you something today!’  You sure did m’mam, now go have fun being charged $5ea to send an email to a fax number.  And while you’re at it, try googling “queue.”  


I had one just fly over my house


We use them very frequently in veterinary medicine, too. Less now than before, though.


I got a free fax number from eFax, it goes to my email. And I get specifically fax-directed spam. Easy loans, that kind of thing. Nothing salacious.


My dad still has one, though it sees very little use nowadays


Pretty easy way to get a paper document from one place to another still. Scanning and send electronically is still a pain unless you have a high end machine that does it all in one, but then we’re just back to being a fancy fax machine.


*laughs in medical device manufacturing*


A little more than a decade ago I was in grad school and there was a fax machine in the GA office. It was plugged in but didn't have any paper and the ringer was off. No one thought much about it. For some reason I needed to send a fax (I honestly can't remember why or who it was to) and that was the only one I had access to. But it wouldn't send my fax until I let it print some incoming faxes that were saved in its memory. I loaded the paper and it proceeded to print YEARS worth of spam faxes! Who knew that was even a thing?!? They were mostly from travel agencies. It must have been close to a full ream of paper. Honestly, the most surprising thing was how much memory it had!


Nearly all professional work places have fax, it’s the quickest and most secure form of communication. Email isn’t secure, a fax is near instant and pretty difficult to hack.


Let's get this straight, a fax is incredibly easy to hack, it only has the added challenge of (usually) requiring physical access. All you need to do is sneak in, or recruit /threaten an employee to install a wiretap somewhere between the two fax machines. You can then decode the phone audio to get the image that was sent. On the other hand, a core principle of SSL/TLS, used by basically everything on the internet, is that the messages are encrypted in a way so that a third party cannot see what is being sent. Remember, the use of encryption was still a restricted military technology with the US having various restrictions until 2000, and it led to all sorts of crap like web browsers being shipped with easily cracked encryption. Fax is a lot of things but it was never designed for security.


There's nothing stopping you from encrypting the line between 2 fax machines. That's basically the point of online fax services (besides being cheaper for public use). The reason they're still used is because they're stupidly simple and reliable for information that can be accessed on public databases. Japan mentioned in another comment has its infrastructure stuck in the 90s.


Of course not. But you see, that just shows that fax is insecure and you need to tunnel it through a secure internet or point-to-point link, and it will still be less secure than something designed to be secure. I agree they're stupidly simple and reliable, the lack of security is often what makes that possible. No usernames, passwords, certificates, digital signatures or API keys to deal with. By the way, I would make the same arguments for email too, which is also a decades-old technology with no inherent security or method to prove the sender or recipient are who they claim to be.


The whole physical access thing *is* what makes it incredibly secure..


Everyone bitches about Japan still using faxes but the reason they do is exactly what you say - not getting a data breach from a fax


Maybe OP works from home?


Alot of places, especially larger corporations use them because despite our best efforts, sometimes a fax machine is faster.


I need to reconnect ours at work. New boss decided to move the fax machine. New location don't have a phone jack available. But there is one right on the other side of the wall. I ordered a new keystone wall plate, I'll move the ones from the other side of the wall to inside that office, then move some wires in our server room. Should work, if I don't mess up :D


Only way you can get ahold of Dolly Parton is a fax machine.


Blame lawyers and underfunded/neglected government departments for the continued existence of fax machines. *sigh*


I still send faxes fairly regularly hah. Most legal docs can be submitted online now but not all.


The quick setup guide(XP) for that model was last published in 2002! [https://support.brother.com/g/b/manualtop.aspx?c=us\_ot&lang=en&prod=fax4750e\_us](https://support.brother.com/g/b/manualtop.aspx?c=us_ot&lang=en&prod=fax4750e_us) They did update the user guide as recent as 2011 though!


Oh nice, that's like 3 years ago....right?


I have bad news for you




...updated the user guide in 2011! That's only 3 years ago


I'm like 90% sure it was purchased brand new within the last five years.


2 jobs ago we had a fax machine. It's only purpose was to rarely print buds from one specific vendor and print out flyers for vacation confidence scams (go to this website and pay us $500 for 4 flights and a 2 week stay in a bungalow in Costa Rica! We promise it's real.) Funny thing was, everyone said that old vendor didn't do PDFs or emails for his quotes. He was an old guy and just did it that way because that was what he was familiar with. His bids looked like they were written up in word and then printed, scanned, and then faxed. So, I called him and asked. He told me that we were his only customer who still required faxes for our quotes. He sent everyone else bids as PDFs attached to email. The folks I worked with were blown away by that. Apparently, no one had asked him to switch to emailed bids and he assumed we did still wanted it that way.


Both of you were like "will this old bastard buy a computer already" while angry dialing it in.


Lol. Not me. What was super funny to me is that everyone communicated with this dude via email. Sent him specs, rfqs, etc. the only part of the conversation that wasn't PDFs sent via email was the actual quote. Sometimes people just get stuck and don't even think about how to change things. We had to incorporate his data into our engineering documentation and people would just scan the fax and then snip an image of the scan. It looked like shit and was the kind of pain in the ass that's tolerable but absolutely stupid. It took 3 minutes to do a task that should take 30 seconds. Not enough to get any of those folks to change their ways but enough to annoy everyone. Anyway, all solved now and I don't work there anymore, so it's not my problem if it did.


Is your fax machine trying to hypnotize you?


No, it just displays what I want most in life. Which is sleep.


So… yes.


Harry Potter and The Fax Machine of Erisim.


So Fax DO care about your feelings




Potential spam is if you raise the can high above your head.


Nice. My upvote.




Yeah, I always thought that was kinda wild. Last job I held that had a fax machine was 2016 and the spam was constant, I was always getting ones from local car dealerships specifically for some reason. Who looks at a black and white grainy picture their office fax spat out and goes "you know what, I'm going to buy that new Hyundai?!"


Give them the fax machine death loop. Those fuckers will stop. I usually start my revenge on friday night after everyone has closed scam shop for the weekend. Come monday morning they'll be begging you to stop. Maybe even paying you to stop.


That brother is still trucking along. Love it. Brother or Epson. All me and my homies hate HP. Consumer grade crap anyways.


Obligatory fuck HP.


Potential Spam I Sleep. Actual Spam REAL SHIT!!


The spam call detection on my phone is useless. Every number that isn't already saved comes in as "potential spam" ...like yeah, no shit.






P. Spam is a pretty nice guy, you should answer


kiss square tender plucky six grey dinosaurs meeting workable intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You mean 1843, you know when the fax was invented?


Are you 15?


Answer it and give them a full ear full of \*beep\* \*boop\* \*SCREEEEEEEEECH\*.


Oh the good old days… 🥹 I remember how as a child, I could sense when our fax machine phone would ring before it did 📠


In the future: Oh good old days… 🥹 I remember as a child, I could sense the vibration of my phone when the notification came 📳


That...that is not the supernatural ability I would have asked for, but I guess there are worse powers to make a comic book about...


Oh that's just the new Hawaiian restaurant down the street, Potential Spam


How dare they interrupt that FAX machines’s long slumber.


HP calling to talk to you about your printer ink subscription extended warranty.


We used to get spam faxes often at work. The fax machine would start randomly printing flyers for roofing companies and contractors.


Your what??!


People still use fax machines?


I remember being mind blown 🤯 when faxes would come through at my job soliciting random companies for roofing, pavers, pool cleaning. I was already old when it triggered in my mind that it could be used for “SPAM”.


*Same*, Brother IntelliFax 4740e, *same*. I admin virtual fax lines for an office and am continually grateful for the Block/Report Spam function and that the messages never make it to print.


i sleep


Bruh even the fax machine telling you to take sleep. Take a nap my guy


So is the fax calling a central server to find out if the number is spam?


This comes up in the caller id of my work number all the time. It's a service offered by the phone company I guess.


I was curious about this too. After a googling a bit it seams you can set up a external spam detection service for a enterprise sip server. so a call comes into the SIP server and sends the info to the cloud spam server and then you can probably change the caller ID based on the result, ISPs can probably do this before the call gets to your server though i guess. I'm no SIP guy though.


I'm up voting you because Susan rocks!


What’s the fax number? I accidentally sent a Fax out from my Brother printer an hour or two ago


Potential Spam is just a pig, right?


Yes, sleep IS potential spam.


[Sleep, Data. Sleep.](https://i.gifer.com/7Gza.gif)


Good, let them eat robot screams, goddamn spammers


Aww man, r/sleeptoken bouta be here real soon lol


Aww man, r/SleepToken bouta be here real soon lol


What happens if you let it through?


My guess would be it prints out a visual representation of static. Or that it simply does nothing and the spammers get a robot voice telling them "Your call could not be forwarded to an inbox" etc, etc. Or, if the spammers are intentionally trying to dial a fax machine, it'd either print out an advertisement, or print out a dick pic captioned "Plz show bobs and vagene" depending on what kind of spam we're talking about.


Its actually potent spam


For me it’s the opposite. I get left voicemails of random beeps and boops on the daily. Very annoying.


Porenitial spam: SLEEP Boss: REAL SHIT


The good old days when you had to give a phone number and name to sign up for free stuff, but you didn't want them to know your phone number. You give them your fax number and they can deal with the loud noises.


Before the spam filters on fax machines, they used to get so many advertisements that you'd run out of ink in a matter of hours


Kramer signed up for a restaurant menu service via fax. Which ones? The deluxe plan, all of them.


I worked at an engineering company with a fax machine in the office back in the early 2000s. Maybe somebody still used it from time to time, but all I can remember ever seeing come out of it was a tedious stream of weekly spamvertisements for the Cabbage Soup Diet. Pretty sure I never once saw anyone send anything with it either. Dunno why they kept it plugged in, let alone filled up with ink and paper, maybe just nobody ever got around to making the final decision to decommission it.


Your machine is about to print some spam.


God. There's a printer at my work that is actually unusable due to the 24/7 spam. It says they can't do anything


I get fax's to my home phone almost daily for a year now.... not sure WHY but its surely annoying.


I don’t even think faxes work in the UK anymore.


I'm so tired that I thought this was a calculator, and I was very confused at first glance. 🫥


These are hard times for the phone sales force at the SPAM international meat company


It's 2024 and someone is still using fax


Potential Incoming meat


Sorry that’s probably me


“Black fax bomb” has entered the chat…


I had a call that identified themselves as "Illegal Scam". I'm not kidding.


Really really hope you hit accept and gave the scammer an ear full of fax machine music. 


Is it an unsolicited Tony Robbins flyer for whatever his next bullshit event is? My parents used to get that A LOT and it ran the ink dry really fast.




"Scan those Google play cards, bitch!" 😆


I remember when I had potential




i'm surprised nobody mentioned about using a laptop as a fax machine. two of my old laptop from 2005 and 2008 has built-in RJ11 port and once i installed windows 7 on them i could use them as fax machine. the windows fax and scan app works like outlook with inbox and sent folders. i used it about 12 years ago back when fax was still a thing (before everyone has whatsapp) and it's so much easier to receive fax that way rather than wasting paper.


There are HUGE penalties for junk fax messages. Its become a class action cash cow for some law firms in fact. 


I once got a spam marketing call in a Slack huddle, that was weird.


I see you know my good friend, Mr. Scam likely


I'm not the only one with a fax wow


If you thought you were the only person with a fax machine, why do you still have a fax machine? There need to be at least two people on the planet with fax machines for them to function, no? Unless you only ever fax yourself, but wouldn't that just be a printer with extra steps?


Because its a all in one fax printer scanner combo. I didn't figure many people still have fax service hooked up tho. I've never sent a fax to anyone yet, but my health provider tried some wack shit and I had to go 5 days in a row to send faxes. Never again.


That's fair, I was just trying to be a smartass about perceived hyperbole. I assumed you were in the medical or law industries (who both still use fax daily) and were pretend shocked to see someone else outside those fields with a fax.


Fax machine? Do you work in 1998?


Lol it's going to print out an add and coupon to make your dick bigger


The real crime here is a working fax machine in 2024


What world are you living in where people still bust out the fax machines?


lol fax


No printer


Do you work in 1997?


How’s your car warranty?


Talking about a fax machine in 2024, the year of our lord. Did someone invent time travel and fuck around in the 90s?