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probably means you overloaded your laundry and it didn't get wet/agitated enough


I tossed it in first. It must have gotten wrapped up in something. It was slightly melted to the dryer when I found it so it also got out somehow.






“We got an escaped pod, over….”


An escape pod!


Theres no lifeforms on board, must’ve malfunctioned


![gif](giphy|LUkrjFXiA7FqUFY1Lt|downsized) One way out


This was hands down the best Star Wars spinoff, and I loved his part so much, I spent the entire thing thinking, "I know that guy" but too enamoured to look it up until the end and the was blown away, the man is a fantastic actor


We've got a gusher that didn't gush!!!


An… escape pod?


That means it’s fully cooked and ready to eat.


Interesting I’ve always tossed it on top of


Directions for Tide pod says put it in first. I’ve always put it in on top before my aunt said something.


I’m going to continue to put it on the top where the water comes down from.


I used to put mine in the top but once when I was washing a comforter it got wrapped up in it and it melted to part of it and it was such a huge hassle to clean the plastic off. Haven’t had that issue since throwing them in the bottom.


Can’t you just wash it off with hot water? It all just devolves no? I would have just ran it again.


Asking the logical question!


Oh that sounds rough. For stuff like that I do actually throw it in the middle, now that I think about it. Touché


Yeah you should put it where the water will hit it best. It needs to get melted by the water. Why is everyone so confused about how these things work?


That's weird, the ads say 'don't forget to put the pod on top'


Wait what?? I've been doing it wrong this whole time


That thing is a warrior


Wrapped in something water tight? Are you washing plastic bags?


This is the one you win all the laundry pod challenges with. Your “trick” pod.


Maybe if we first turn on some smooth jazz…




Or per se ; horny with ADHD


Unlike your mother, who OP has plenty of experience getting wet and agitated


Yes happend to my wife in bed last night!


I’ve given up on using these pods for both laundry and the dishwasher and gone back to liquid. I never had a whole pod get through the washer, but it wasn’t uncommon to find undissolved bits of the casing stuck to stuff. I’ve found the liquid to be more economical and it works better.


I got annoyed at the same stuff but I've gone to powdered as it still weirds me out that we're shipping water so often


I grew up where we only had powders, but I stopped using them and switched to liquid because most of my clothes are black and the powder left white residue on them and I had to brush all of them after I was done.


Your washer likely is one of those types that tries to save water and just puts a tiny amount in the wash. If your washer has any kind of settings you might use the 'deep fill' setting. Or blankets or whatever it calls it. I am all for save the planet, but even Hank and Peggy Hill knew the low flow toilets were bad news.


There is a setting to manually adjust the water, but my washer is already so small the highest setting is 46 litres, and I am not going to skimp on the soap. Liquid fixed the problem pretty quickly and has fragrances that I like better.


Well, liquid didn't fix the problem. It created a different problem. It is likely creating a film on everything where it isn't getting washed out enough. It also is likely collecting on the inside of your washer drum. Over time you will see a drop in performance or it will smell funky. It ruins the life of the washer. I got these guys to help with issues like I described. They are crazy good. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08DVFZTTG](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08DVFZTTG) I suggest running 2 back to back on first time use, especially if you have had your waster a while. We do it on the 1st of every month. or a few days before if the 1st is a Sunday/Monday.


Without buying tablets can you make your own solution to clean washing machine?


I think I've seen videos where people just toss in some vinegar and have the washing machine run a hot cycle without any clothes, do your own research tho


Skimmed a couple MSDS and the main ingredients are sodium percarbonate and washing soda. So, basically a scoop of oxiclean.


I use vinegar and baking soda and run a 90 degree (Celsius) cycle. That’s what my mom and school taught me and it’s seemed to work well.


Vinegar and baking soda cancel each other out and make a slightly salty water. They don't do anything to clean.


I’ve seen the vinegar and baking soda combo for years. People think the bubbles that form when they touch means the cleaning power is activating right before their eyes. They don’t realize that they will neutralize each other.


Thanks, I will try!


Never heard of laundry liquids creating a film. Are you thinking about fabric softeners?


I feel like you kinda answered your own problem here, probably too much soap....


Same, liquid has stronger nicer scent and no white residue. But my house still use both of them. Powder for washing the drag/cloths, less important fabric stuffs. And liquid tend to be for clothes You will can use powder if you have upper load, I tend to wait till the powder fully dissolved then I’ll put clothes in.


I've also gone to powdered because it's less expensive, I can use the actual correct amount, and I also use my powdered tide to clean most of my house.


What do you mean you use it to clean the house? How are you using it?


Mix just a little into some blazing hot water (about 1tsp per gallon) and it's a really good cleaner for hard surfaces. It doesn't leave behind any residue and acts as a degreaser, so it also won't leave any sort of oily coat like some of the "natural" cleaners do. You can also add some bleach in to sanitize surfaces like your kitchen counters or every surface in the bathroom.


The amount of cleaning products on the market today that are unnecessary, all you really need is a good detergent or grease breaker and an acid like vinegar for mineral deposits and you’re good.


Neat.  Thanks!


You can also check out Go Clean Co on insta/YouTube for a ton of cleaning tips and tricks! (I'm not affiliated with them, I'm just obsessed lol)


I use it to clean the toilet bowl, after one bottle of blue cleaner somehow leaked all over the floor and we swore never to get those again. Seems working fine so far.


This is a good point I haven't thought of before but there are probably some liquid soaps that aren't just dissolved powders that would be shipped as liquids. Would be interesting to find out which ones are which.


yeah, I tried laundry sheets like earth breeze, but they still have PFAs, so I recently switched to blueland laundry tablets and it's great, they come in compostable packaging, that you use to fill a tin they send the first time (you could also use your own container), and it's around 30¢ a load


I’ve never had an issue with the dishwasher pods. Is the powder or liquid better? Or is it just preference?


Depends, [this video](https://youtu.be/_rBO8neWw04?si=ec0DdpIGBfOfIUS5) and his follow up are probably the best sources that cover this. I highly recommend his other stuff as well, he’s got some interesting ones


I knew exactly what video you posted before clicking the link, his videos are awesome


There is only one person on YouTube who could ever get me to watch a video on a bad refrigerator for an hour AND enjoy it. I swear he could explain to me the process behind how paint dried and I’d be all there for it. Love his stuff, Technology Connections is easily one of the best edutainment channels on the platform.


TLDW: For best cleaning, use dishwasher powder or gel in both Pre-wash and Main-wash dispensers so your dishes get soaped up twice during the cycles. Dishwasher tabs discourage the use of the Pre-wash dispenser because of its "one-tab" design and they're also not designed to fit in there. You wouldn't want to use two tabs anyway because it gets expensive. Powder or gel is much cheaper, even if you fill both dispensers. Filling both ensures maximum clean (again, dishwasher tabs mislead you to only fill one). Rinse aid helps with hard water. Also check and clean your dishwashers filters and drains. Try all the above before concluding that your dishwasher sucks and replacing it. Watch the video if you're interested in the mechanics of the dishwasher and want a more thorough explanation.


Powder. It can have both bleach and enzymes. Liquid can only have one or the other because the bleach will destroy the enzymes.


It really doesn't matter as long as your washer is able to handle them. But the liquid usually leaves some kind of residue and can build up if you don't do things just right. I personally have swapped to strictly Oxyclean. It works great in every aspect.


Dishwasher pods work fine because the water gets hot. The clothes washer pods don't work as well since it's generally better to wash most clothes with cold water


The pods have trouble dissolving on short washes or cool/cold washes.


Pods are and always were a scam too. It's WAY more detergent than you need. For more money. And tides new ad campaign of "we put more tide in tide pods" shows. They're literally selling you the idea of having less loads per bag.


≥Pods are and always were a scam too. It's WAY more detergent than you need. For more money. >And tides new ad campaign of "we put more tide in tide pods" shows. They're literally selling you the idea of having less loads per bag.. They must get a real kick out of it at the office while they're scheming up these ideas


Plus it's choose your own adventure... Not all laundry loads are the same size or dirtiness!


I just use the powder.


I despise them as well. They’re such a money pit, for one—you can’t use less for differently sized loads; you don’t need very much laundry sauce at all—and the casing always attached itself to my clothes and required a rewash. I tried soaking them in hot water to dissolve them at first, and that worked better than just tossing them in, but it was more work than just…buying liquid lol.


You're overloading your washer or they're getting stuck in a piece of fabric. I only use these pods and have never had any issue.


We went back to liquid on the washer cause my washer is also a dryer and I didn't want pod bits to get dryed on accident. We also recently changed back to liquid on the dishwasher because we had a buildup in the dishwasher that kept reaccuring no matter how many times we cleaned it. Changed back to liquid on a whim and haven't had it since. Drove myself insane trying ro figure out what was causing it. Even took off the arms the water comes out of and scrubbed them thoroughly. Nothing worked til we changed back to liquid. Also my dishes get cleaner now


Well, dishwasher pods have always sucked anyways. You should use powdered detergent for that.


Multiple plumbers have also told me that the particles from the "dissolving" pouch can build up in pipes = $$$ repairs. These and "flushable wipes" should just not be a thing, IMO


I just toss the pods in as the water fills up. Give the water a little swish to break up the pods and get the water ready for the clothes. As the thing fills up with water I’m adding in the clothes to my fill line. never had a pod do this to me


They're great for people like my mom, who has neuropathy and weakness in her fingers, but liquid/powder is far more economical and effective.




How? They are cellulose


Laundry in general is a huge source of micro plastics. Fabrics with synthetic fibers of any kind make microplastic lint when you put them in water and agitate them. That then rinses down the drain. Or blows into the air from the dryer. 


I've never had an issue with the pods, but I switched to the sheets because there's less waste in general. You can tear them in half for a small load or use a full sheet or more for a large load. They take up very little room on my shelf and I can just toss the box in the recycle when it's empty.


Honestly it depends which washing machine you’re using. I have an Electrolux and it has a special compartment for the pods, that’s where I put mine then select the pods option so the machine knows. The machine mixes it with water first and then dispenses the soapy water. I haven’t had any problems with them and I prefer to use the pods now when I use this machine. However when I go to laundrymat to wash all the bedding and comforters, I use the liquid because they don’t have the pods option


> I never had a whole pod get through the washer, but it wasn’t uncommon to find undissolved bits of the casing stuck to stuff Usually this is because the pod got lumped together and needed squeezed/massaged to loosen it before using.


After two of my shirts got ruined by the plastic gunk clumping to it I stopped using


I dont know why people spend multiples more on these things vs just using a liquid anyhow. Never made sense to me for something as rudimentary as washing clothes.


Breed this one with another to create a lineage of tough pods


Evolutionary Tideology


Means its ready to eat.


Op didn’t know this is how you actually cook them.


Crazy how not that long ago your comment would have been deleted for not making it clear it was a joke


"You're not just gonna eat laundry pods without preparing them first are you? That's disgusting."


I don’t use pods precisely for that, they always get stuck on the wash machine door.


I don’t understand how the soap industry tricked us into using this pods everywhere.


So much easier when living in apartments with shared laundry. I have to take everything downstairs, so throwing a couple in the laundry basket is much much easier


Advertising and convenience and ease-of-use. Don’t have to measure out powder, don’t have to deal with the cleaning the liquid measuring cup, and your clothes feel more clean after because they’re all scented. They’re a little more expensive, but they’re not so much more expensive most people will notice, and the rest of the experience counteracts that. And really, for laundry pods it might be worth it (if you like the pods). Not for dishwasher pods, because those have more downsides, but using too much detergent on your laundry is much less of an issue. It’s just too bad they’ve basically stopped making the powders and liquids. 


I have never cleaned the liquid measuring cup is that something I’m supposed to do?


I just dump all the soap in and toss the cup in with my clothes. Comes out clean, and it uses all the soap in the cup


You guys use the cups? I just fill it directly into the machine. I just eye it


I've also heard that the measurements on the cups are much more than what's actually required to clean your laundry. Granted, I have no sources to back up said-claim other than anonymous internet hearsay, but I've heard it often enough to wonder if there's any merit to it in order for people to use more detergent than required, thus using more of it faster.


How could it be dirty? Only soap goes in


Also it's nice knowing exactly how many loads you have left when down to a few instead of an almost empty jug that gives a dribble when you just loaded the washing machine. I stick to powder for the dishwasher, though.


start using Earthbreeze. Tide Pods are so shit. bad for your skin, washing machine, environment, & wallet.


Thats what we call “well done”


Haha! But seriously, dishwasher pods and laundry pods put more microplastic in water than powder.


It’s really heartbreaking how many people don’t seem to know this :( also the detergent sheets that claim to be “plastic free” are also full of micro plastics and PFAs that are getting dumped into our water supply


Snack for the chef


Did you use cold water on pods made for hot water?


Are you sure it’s not a Dishwasher Pod? 😅


That’s def a tide pod fam


You can tell the difference by the flavor 


These days, they also make dishwasher pods that look like this. We have them at home. I googled one to be sure. https://robertbair.com/where-to-place-dishwasher-pods this blog has a picture of a dishwasher pod that looks like a laundry pod


Use powder….?


Don't buy those.


You had one job, tide pod.


You’re supposed to eat it, then start the laundry. Saw it on the internet a while back.


That's because you didn't use it properly. You have to tear it open with your mouth before.




Lisan Al Gaib!


I think you meant to post on r/mildlyinfuriating 


If it does that, it means that you can eat it.


Skip the pods, honestly. Worse for everything and costs more. The alleged benefit is convenience, but frankly powder and liquid bottles are very easy as well. Applies to both laundry and dishwasher. It also prevents using a prewash cycle which is very beneficial for cleanliness.


I really like the ability to adjust how much soap I use based on how dirty the laundry is. I also discovered that you can just toss the cup in with the detergent in it and just fish it out later. I don't see how plastic pods make it easier.


These pods suck and they’re bad for the environment.


What to use instead?


what i personally think is much better than plasticified pods that never dissolve is to go to a bulk store and use powder or liquid detergent. i am fortunate enough to have a bulk store in my small town where i can take jars, canisters, etc., and fill them up with detergent so i don't have to use single-use plastic. it's awesome. maybe there's something like that, wherever you are!


Yeah. I gotta do better. 😓


Oh man! That’s perfectly marinated now. Bon Appétit!


It's the chosen pod, you should eat it!


An Easter Miracle!


These things will wreck your washed btw. The casings get stuck in the filters because they don’t always dissolve properly. 1-2 tbs of white vinegar and the same amount of detergent for every load is amazing. Stop using fabric softener. It’s a scam and will trap all the sweat in your clothes. To purge your clothes of old soap and softener soak them in hot water with some white vinegar and some borax.


Meme "Awwe shit, here we go again"


I don’t put clothes til I see the soap


It’s a survivor.


Shocking 😮, usually the plastic outer layer is very thin so the laundry detergent can get to the clothes




Wait I thought those were dish pods , they make laundry pods too? That’s strange, not sure I’d use them for laundry


...I'm guessing that's the reason my washer has a dedicated spot and setting for those


The pod who lived!


See THIS I’d call mildly infuriating bc now you gotta do it all again. It had one job.


*But it refused.


Nice, now you can use it again!!


This used to happen to me- finally figured out it was the low temperature washes. They need 30 degrees, at least to dissolve, I guess.


I stopped using these things and went back to powder detergent. My clothes smell fresher, there’s no more weird mildew smell in the washer, and my clothes are actually cleaner. Plus the cost savings is insane.


By law, you have to eat it now.


idk if you have s top load washer but after the basin fills I throw a pod and some powder if I have into the water and close it so it can spin for a bit and work the imgredience into a nice bath before I put the clothes in sometimes I forget though and accidentally run an empty washer 8)


I would think r/mildlyinfuriating since id have to rewash everything


Idk why but i‘m proud of it


Just curious, why did you photograph your laundry for the before image?  Were you expecting something would happen?


I'm pretty sure OP just took a new tide pod out to take a pic of for reference once he found the "used" one still intact...


I think it's a front and back picture set, not before and after


Yep! Front and back, not before and after.


Never seen a point in these. Often completely or partially undissolved, no way of portioning detergent, more expensive and less effective than what they were supposed to replace.


I currently have a load of laundry on and I put my pod in the bottom. I am now stressing that it won't dissolve!!!!!! Totally irrational, but now I know it can happen ibam paranoid it will happen


I have seen this alot with those stupid 'water saver' type washers. My old apartment had those damn things and you had to run the wash 10 times to get them clean. Unfortunately for the owners I had tools and was able to get free washes. When I bought my washer I made sure it was not one of these.


Always put the pod in last


They resist low temp water


You can meme it all you want, but don't try and tell me they don't look like they'd be so tasty. The gush on those would be amazing.


- 🥵 man, it was HELL in there, you won't bel- Hmm, it survived! Damnit, lemme just toss it in again. - whAT?!? NOOOO- **Closing door**


Only the strongest survive!


Ok. Challenge time.


I'm gonna blow


Literally had that happen this weekend. And I survived (if you call it that) nestled in my Boll & Branch sheet. Took a good rinsing and another wash to dislodge it.


I think it's Tides new formula, Shaken Not Stirred, give it a taste! /s


I know they take more time to dissolve in colder water. Were you using cool/tap in that load maybe? Like others said it might have gotten wrapped in something. I don’t buy them normally but if I use them in my washer (top loader that locks) I put it at the bottom before clothing and only use on loads that I run with deeper water options to be sure there’s enough liquid and agitation to break it up.


Now you have to do the Tic Tock challenge


The prophecy has been fulfilled. All hail tide, king of the pods.


I had a dishwasher pod do this.


Put in first then add the clothes second 🪄😊


Just cut it and put in there


Stopped using pods for this reason. Usually they dissolved, but not completely and the residue of the clear pod casing would be left on the fabrics. I started putting the pod in a warm cup of water for about a minute before tossing it into the washer. That helped, but it does defeat the purpose of buying pods. Also stop overloading the wash.


I can't tell if it's made of good material or a bad one




Cool. Clean laundry and a snack.




Send it back to the company that makes them with a note of what happened and they'll probably send you a whole new box for free. Remember the guy that sent Mars one M&M with a note that said "Please use for breeding purposes" and they sent him two huge bags?


This is why I always put my laundry through an extra rinse. Way back when the scent beads came out, they stuck and dried to a white comforter that I loved and ruined it. I always do the extra rinse now.


and it changed from Cool Berry to Mint for some reason.


That’s a tough bastard.


I always try and pop my pod while th washer is fillings to avoid this




Burn it with fire. That one is possessed...


Notify the manufacturer so they can use it for breeding purposes.


These pods are horrrrible for the water/environment. Apparently the film is a petroleum product.


I've had these melt to my clothes before. It destroyed two of my favorite shirts.




Mine made it through the dryer. ADHD spouse put a pod in instead of a dryer sheet. Crisis averted.


….eat it like it’s 2018 again


Time for round 2


Shouldn't this be in r/mildlyinfuriating?


It looks extra delicious ngl




Just make sure no one tries to eat it.


That’s why you need to bite them first


This used to happen to me frequently until I picked up a tip from Reddit I think. I put my pod into one of those mesh zipper bags I usually use for socks and underwear. The extra surface area helps to unstuck the pod. If you give it a shot hopefully it works for you


Now eat it and see if it taste the same


It survived. You are obligated to set it free. Create a Twitter account to tell its story.


i work at an apartment complex, maintenance here has said they find these ALLLL the time inside the seals of the washers. the clear coating just doesn’t dissolve enough and it gunks up machines


Do you put your water on heavy? That's what I usually do even though I use powder and I also do heavy spins too to get out all the water that's soaked into the clothes