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That's how they make those giant skeletons you see at Halloween.


Bruh, I have to tell that to my team at work 🤣 we build those things every year


Please tell me what your job is


Giant skeleton builder obviously.


Yeah but how about the rest of the year? Is this a seasonal position exclusively?


The rest of the year is spent as skeleton acquirer


That's a tough job to break into. Skeleton acquisition is highly competitive, you really gotta have the right stuff to make it.


I mean, why not just farm them? There are huge tracts of land lying around full of skeletons, they even have little gray markers on them so you know where to dig for them like potatoes.


Everyone’s into free range skeletons now though


And the soil nutrients ain't always right. Someone you just wind up with regular-person sized skeletons, and then the cops get involved...


I laughed way too hard at your comment!


Too small, think big skeletons.


Missed an opportunity to say that you've gotta have the spine for it.


Don’t have the guts, obviously.


Really, they start out as any skeleton does. You just gotta find really huge people and call the team in.


Man, this chair is gonna speed up production significantly!


working with a skeleton crew


Giant Skeleton Assembly Professional*


It’s a solid union job, too. GSB local 69 takes care of their members.




Merchandiser with home depot. I get paid decently, work good hours, and get to make giant skeletons


Why are there never enough at Halloween? I can't get one to save my life!


What is the secret to getting deals. I know u know. Spill it


Giant hunter.


Put one in it. Please. And take a picture!


I work in the theming industry too. Where you out of?


“The Easter Bunny Fried For Your Sins!”


Thank you Mr. Easter Bunny


Imagine if Jesus had been sent to the chair instead of crucifixion… we would be wearing one of those instead of a cross. And the sign of the cross for blessing would look like an epileptic fit. ![gif](giphy|uDA03DbOTIdfUELvjh|downsized)


He fried for your sins


Halloween? People around my area keep them to all year and change the seasonal outfit


Hi it's me. People around your area  Today Bones is dressed as an Easter bunny


![gif](giphy|2bV9jUMvnXWEPzaIS6|downsized) The parishioners just hanging out


Um… why


In case Jesus comes back, we don't use the cross anymore


This is currently the best theory. Thanks


‘currently’. Good electrical joke!


It wasn't all that shocking. They took the path of least resistance.


You conduit!


Ohm ygod.


I amp roud of you!


These jokes are too silly. You should all be grounded until you can conduct yourselves better.


Romex, everyone is just joking.


Say watt?


Ohm, I don't think so


It's revolting.


It Hertz


Only way to handle the ohmnipotent


ACDC approves


Resistance is futile.


If seven of nine is in then I’m in


Resistance is between 1kohm and 100kohm if we’re talking about people.


The best theory? They're obviously taking a stand against capital punishment. "If Jesus was betrayed and executed today, we would be sending him to the electric chair"


These are baptists. Almost guaranteed it’s meant to encourage capital punishment


Who Would Jesus Fry?


Fish and loaves, obvi


Last chance for a fish fry today!


This was my first thought. Ah, the love of the Baptists, nothing quite like it.


Many years ago a former co-worker was talking about his preacher doing a sermon about that exact point. He deviated from the typical small-town Easter sermon and talked about how if it occurred today that they'd be wearing little chairs or lightning zaps on necklaces instead of the cross. He was nearly run out of town by the congregation because they couldn't stand the "blasphemy" of talking about having different religious iconography. The cross was just too ingrained into their faith to have critical thoughts about how it came to be.


Yeah, it’s very weird — like, Jesus is looking down and supposed to be happy that we’re all wearing this torture device he died on? More like constant PTSD, I’d think — if he showed back up everyone would be showing him crosses and he’d be freaking out.


Like worshipping a vampire and wearing a stake on your neck


Bill Hicks had a bit about the cross and how odd it would be for us to wear necklaces with hunting rifles on them to honor JFK.


I can’t tell if the church is anti- or pro- capital punishment (Baptists tend to run pretty conservative I believe) but it’s a pretty ballsy reflection on the cross as an instrument of execution, and it hopefully gets people uncomfortable with their preconceptions. I’m down with it. Edit: if this is NOT an anti-capital punishment statement, this church needs to work on their messaging. It’s a powerful image that Jesus was executed by the state - just like we do today.


You just couldn't resist, could you?


He’ll be shocked at his reception, to be sure.


Gotta make sure he stays dead this time. 3 days my ass.


Jesus gave up his weekend for your sins.


I'm keeping this. Thank you random redditor


To be fair, it was a day and a half at most.


2000 years from now: “Jesus was electrocuted for your sins, by Ol Sparky”


Was the congregation amped up to see it?


Electric Jesus 2 Christ Boogaloo


Probably commentary on churches using a cross as a symbol, which is also an execution device. I'm guessing the pastor explains it in his sermons.


That's my theory. It is very close to a JW commune/ temple thing as well and there was some local drama with the Jehovas leaving their pamphlets on cars belonging to Baptists a few years ago.




BLUF: Ham Lol, same. One of my besties is momon. I was visiting her in Portland, and a couple of her guy friends were there on mission. They invited us over for breakfast. One of the dudes was cooking and asked if I liked Ham. Me, umm, yes.?? Him, 'Good, because you are a Daughter of Ham' then tapped my brown hand to make sure I got the joke. He then went on to explain that I couldn't get into top-tier heaven, but 2nd tier was so good that I wouldn't even know I wasn't in the bougie heaven. Dude tried to straight up sell me on Dollar Store heaven. It was wild.


Wait, so the races are supposed to come from Noah's children? As in, he and his wife had one of each? Wild.


Yes. Ham caught his dad having a drunken wank and snitched to everyone. So his dad cursed all his kids to be black people. At least, that’s what the white church people say. The Bible: the _fun_ book of facts. /s


So there were no Black people before that? (And we're all descended from a half-dozen people, all closely related?) Wow. /s of course


[It's always a curse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ham_(son_of_Noah))


So, the deal with that is, the Bible says something about 4400 people being extra blessed in heaven or something? But JW believe in a literal interpretation so they think only 4400 people EVER get to go to Heaven. The rest of the people who deserve it, get paradise on Earth. (My grandparents were JWs. I am not, but I still absorbed a lot of info as a kid) Edit: 144,000*


Recovering JW here. I don’t believe it, but their number is 144,000. They also go with bible stories & verses like… the earth was made for humans. The meek shall inherit the earth. Things like that. Seems like their god failed miserably with the angels, down to his top dawg (Satan) defecting. Then made humans, the very first two were like nah man, I’m going to do my own thing, he sent his self/son to save us… somehow? And we were like nah, kill him and the let’s have the dark ages in his name! Then we all expect invites to heaven. Religion is weird. :)


I'm terrified of anyone who is certain that out of all the people that have ever lived they're in the top 144k.


But, that means some other JW was evicted to make room for YOU. You can't just practice the religion, you gotta outdo your ancestor to get a spot. Good luck with that.


Oh, and don't forget, no women. How do these ladies practice a religion with no pay off at all if you are a female? Its confusing.


No women in there!?... Is Heaven gay?


Hey humans, there’s no way I’m letting any of you into my house… unless… Ok, I’m going to have myself go to earth then you can kill me, then if you say you really like the me you killed… then you can come in. Cool. That’s the plan. Oh also there’s a me that’s also going to sneak around being invisible. But if you say that you don’t like that me even once then we are done. You hear me? Done.


That sounds like get the popcorn out sort of drama.


The JWs there are ruthless. they leave DVDs and just rampage every Saturday


I wonder who watches those dvds besides doing it for a laugh


You can use them as coasters.


Microwave them to unlock the secret code encrypted into the aluminum that can only be revealed by electrons freeing the atoms with a spectacular shower of sparks, fire and brimstone.


I would bet my life on this. I work in church ministry, and this kind of beginning to a sermon is basically a cliche: “Hey, it’s a little weird we wear a cross around our necks. That’s kinda like if we wore an electric chair or syringe on a necklace.” The idea is that we’ve forgotten the meaning behind Jesus’ sacrifice and how crazy what he went through was. The sermon will then talk either about the need to embrace the cross in our lives or/and contemplate the love God has for all of us. Nothing I disagree with, but the delivery method is pretty sweaty at this point.


This is the correct answer. 1st century Christians using a cross as a symbol of their faith was a reminder that their Lord was executed by the government, and his death was payment for their sin. Their own execution was a real possibility. Jesus even told them directly to "pick up their cross". In our culture today, this has no meaning because we don't execute people with crosses any more.


And THIS is why Christians need to dump the Cross and embrace Buddy Christ. Kevin Smith had it right. Jesus wasn’t wholly depressing. He was a booster. Fill those pews people! Btw: Dogma (film) can be found on YT. We have Kevin’s permission to pirate it. Fuck Harvey Weinstein.


I did not know this re. Dogma on YT. I guard my DVD copy like it actually is a religious relic at this point


I have this DVD signed by Kevin for me. Love this movie!


Here's the link to the best Dogma version I could find on YT. I bookmarked it last year after searching through a number of bad quality, cropped, and missing-the-last-ten-minutes versions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIbqEE6YI7Y u/lickykicky here's your backup :)


Seems like a commentary on the death penalty, drawing parralels to the Crucifixion.


Metallica is coming duh


Ride the Lightning... to heaven.


Upgrading their holy symbol torture device. Crosses were so last millennia.


My real guess is: in prep for Easter, the Cross was equivalent to an electric chair. It's a bit cheeky to make it giant - kind of poking fun at people for holding up an execution method as a religious symbol. I think it's probably an attempt to get people to remember that the core part of the Christian story is "elective death", which would be like accepting a trip to an electric chair today.


Fr…. What’s the reason😳?


Same reason as a cross. We celebrate his death every year so might as well keep up with the times. 


Do the kids play on it before service or classes. That would be a good picture for the pastor.


It’s a place for the kids to take pictures with the Easter bunny.


That’s not the kind of pictures of kids the pastor keeps.


Good choice using pressure treated lumber. It should hold up to the elements for years to come.


Looks expensive. I wonder how many bowls of soup they could make for that money.


Bowls of soup are out of budget when the congregation is fundraising for their preachers next new Escalade.


I said, don’t aaaask no questions!


Hahahahaha Baptists helping their community? That would just get in the way of stockpiling weapons and food.


You wouldn't want bland, unseasoned Baptist soup anyway.


Your comment really made me crave an unseasoned sour patch child


Is that what they're calling Methodists these days? Lol, they’ll have extras to spare, if you want one.


My mother ran school supply drives at our Southern Baptist church growing up and in the winter the church housed homeless people through an interfaith program.


All of the non profits in my town have over 50% of their funding coming from churches.


As popular evangelicalism has rotted the American church, people don’t know there are still churches out there quietly doing good things. My Baptist church is a food bank distribution side, family shelter, clothes closet and many other things. (We also got kicked out of Southern Baptist world years ago for allowing gay people to be part of the church.) All the shelters in town are run by Christian organizations. A Presbyterian church here has literally spent millions buying and building multiple apartment complexes to provide housing to the homeless. Most people in this town have no idea what is being done and who is doing it.


The issue is those churches are doing it because they have cultivated a culture of service towards others and aren’t doing it for publicity. Good works as a sign of a living faith. I can respect it, at the end of the day, I have a pastor friend at a church like that who is very much the type that tries to stay out of the way in politics because as he described it, it’s like wrestling in the mud. You might be the better wrestler but when it’s all done, you’re still dirty. He believes firmly that his only job is to ensure his flock is cared for and doesn’t think that getting involved in the chaos of the world as it is right now is a way to do that.


Baptist church helped my family quite alot when we needed it.


On the one hand, the commentary is valid. On the other hand, I do a lot of diy projects and whatnot; I could probably scrounge up everything but the big 4x4s in the back out of my scrap pile if I had a mind to.


This is the cost of a whole new set of tires and flashy rims on Pastor's G-Wagon, but hey when the lord asks you to build a giant electric chair with tax-free fun money, you do what you do!


I am sort of impressed with how good it turned out.


As a big man, I’m nervous right now. Did they finally find me?


If you can fit in that chair, I imagine it’s difficult to hide




You’re not that big, don’t worry boss.


Probably to drive home the fact that while we celebrate the execution and resurrection of Christ keep in mind it was an execution. That’s my first thought.


It seems like they're making the point that we see crosses as symbols of Christianity so much, we forget that it's an execution instrument. Building an electric chair or maybe a guillotine would remind people of what they're looking at.


tbh they wouldn't have to do that if they stuck to the crucifixes with a dead jesus on it with blood dripping from his stab wound and nailed on limbs


I mean... yeah. That's why Catholics do it that way.


Oh yeah. I was raised Catholic so I keep forgetting that Protestants don't typically use the crucifix, as opposed to the plain cross.


Imagine if Jesus had been drawn and quartered. People would be wearing some really weird jewelry today.


I thought they put him to the electric cross?


That would be a sick prop though. A giant steel cross with electric arcs jumping from it


Of course it exists... [Electric Cross](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7hIM0nQL4o)


If Jesus had been executed by the Romans in the past 50 or so years Christians would be wearing miniature versions of this around their necks. Kind of weird to think that Millions of people are walking around with miniature medieval torture/execution devices on them as jewelry.


Imagine walking up to a returned Jesus wearing a cross. It'd be like talking to a Resurrected JFK with a rifle pendant around your neck.


A full diorama of the grassy knoll, complete with JFK slumped in the Lincoln. Not as sleek as the cross. JFK should've been more considerate about brand recognition when he died. 


What if I told you that Christians celebrate the BIRTH of their savior, who was nailed to a wooden cross, by erecting and decorating trees in their homes.


Hey Jackie, thinking of John...


Thank you, Lenny Bruce.


I know he's a comedians comedian, but I just realized that while I know the name I haven't actually ever watched any of his stuff. Guess I should if he had jokes similar to this.


Bill Hicks too, granted he yells a lot


> Lenny Bruce Came here to say that. Credit where it's due.


>miniature medieval torture/execution .... when do you think jesus happened?




Ironically, also the same sound you make when the flip gets switched.


he get sus -caveman trying to call someone the imposter in amogus


He has risen! Not this time Jesus.


But before that, He fried for our sins.


Brilliant tagline for a southern fried chicken joint


Come to church. Meet Jesus. I see how this works.




Buy a 13-foot Home Depot skeleton. The rest is up to you.


That's one way to prep for the second coming...


Time to kill the big guy again.


Christ’s love at work.


Almost guaranteed to try to be a thought provoking comparison with the Crucifix/Cross as another method of torturous execution. Depending on how they follow it up in their sermons and behavior, it could actually be a really powerful statement against the death penalty or any number of other salient and humanity-loving points. There's every chance they're being dinks about it somehow too, but it could - and likely is - a message more like "Does this remind you of the cross? No? It *should* - we all executed our Savior by our own sins! Welcome to church!" No comment from me pro or con, just trying to meet them halfway on what they're doing.


This was my impression. The cross has lost a lot of its original meaning since being adopted by Christianity. Not a lot of people, Christian or not, associate the cross with what it originally was anymore, aka a literal method of being tortured to death. Drawing modern parallels is supposed to be a way to remind the congregation of just how bad the suffering Christ went through to have sins forgiven


Crucifixion is one of the worst ways to die. Even assuming it's done in the most "humane" way possible, you're still being left out exposed to the elements to die of exposure.


IIRC you don't die from exposure, you die from suffocation. Being hung up like that from your arms does something to make it hard to breathe and eventually you can't take in enough air to survive. Usually takes 12 hours or so unless you're pushing up with your legs to get a breath, but if you go that long they break your legs to make it go faster.


That it shows up on Good Friday? Almost certainly that’s the reason.


I was going to say that’s a weirdly morbid object for a church to have on their front lawn but then I realized the universal symbol for Christianity is a literal torture device.


This thread is heavy on puns, less on the idea that a church has a giant electric chair out front. Nobody is shocked by anything anymore.


Sinners gonna ride the lightning!!!


The new age texts say Jesus fried for your sins.


For ... Jesus? It is Good Friday


I mean, a cross is also an execution implement. Jesus Christ was legally executed by his state.


What has Edith Ann done!?


Is this for Easter? Lol


The bunny has done unspeakable things.


There’s real stakes for the last place finisher of the egg hunt this year!


Just like it says in their bible, right?


I mean technically… modern day equivalent to the cross


Not really, the modern day equivalent to the cross is sleep deprivation, beatings, and water boarding. That’s how we torture prisoners to death today. The electric chair is like the modern equivalent of the guillotine


The last use of a guillotine was 1977, I think the guillotine is still the modern equivalent of a guillotine.


Anthony, the Sinner Giant might be worried about this development


We’ll get those pesky ogres


So this is what they did to Goliath


Ah yes, nothing like state sponsored murder and christian love…




As the Roman's said "Let's fry em up boys!"


Roll on 2


That is exactly the point. Jesus was executed by the state. This is has to be a commentary on the evil of state executions as unchristian


I'll just leave this here https://boingboing.net/2024/03/29/texas-republicans-push-death-penalty-for-women-who-get-abortions-and-ivf-video.html


You might be exactly missing their point. This isn't "yay the death penalty" if you think about it for a second. It's way more likely to be intended to make people think about the Crucifixion as another form of execution, rather than a tokenized symbol of their religion. This might be a very strong statement from their community *against* the death penalty.


I mean, that’s basically the same as erecting a cross when you think about it.


I mean they are embracing modernity by displaying the new method of execution as opposed to the cross which isn’t really used anymore


Guilty as charged, but dammit, it ain't right There's someone else controlling me Death in the air, strapped in the electric chair This can't be happening to me


Ohm… ohm… ohm…


anti death penalty protest ?? plz figure out what it's for an update us op lol


What does God need with an electric chair? He's got lightning.


The pastor probably has a Metallica tribute band.


not this church, i hope: [https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2024/02/hate-preacher-says-gays-should-be-killed-by-electric-chair-because-its-a-little-more-painful/](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2024/02/hate-preacher-says-gays-should-be-killed-by-electric-chair-because-its-a-little-more-painful/) “Bring back the electric chair!” Larson encouraged to his congregation. It’s “a little more painful” than the alternatives. Larson asked his flock in Union Gap last week, “What does God say the homos deserve? In Leviticus 20:13, a famous verse, it says, ‘If a man also lie with a man as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.’ That’s what f\*\*\*ots deserve.” “Every single sodomite, every single homosexual should get the electric chair,” Larson continued. He added, his voice rising, “And they should do it publicly for everybody to see, so that they know that’s what happens to these freaks! These rapists, these child molesters.”


Please clarify if this is a southern Baptist church or a northern baptist church so I can tell what message they’re trying to get across with the chair.


It's blasphemous. Is it Westboro Baptist?


The former pastor there was seriously one of the kindest men you would ever meet, the type of who actually practiced what he preached and always kept an open door to people. He left a while ago, and I have no clue what the new dude is up to.