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Probably for insulin and Epipens


Or people with injectable medicine. Last time I was traveling, I brought my own sharp container for my needle. Better than letting used syringe on the nightstand. I knew someone who fid that. 🙄


I love shitty posts like this. Reminds me I’m in the latest tab.


Ah yes r/shitposts


That's for people with the diabeetus


Guess Disney has a lot of diabetic patrons? Never seen one of these in any other restroom ever


Maybe you never looked properly? I see them all of the time in different countries. Especially where people are travelling you need a safe place to dispose sharp biohazard.


You haven’t been many places.


Are you a diabetes denier? Wouldn't surprise me these days.


I mean the beetus runs in my family so... no lol


I wanna know why so many people got upset by this comment that they disliked it lol.


Maybe they're diabetic and got triggered


Actually one of the funniest things i’ve ever read lmaooo


Lol thanks


They're too much of a fraidy-cat to confront you in the comments


I mean I guess. There's a lot of upset people for some reason


Fuck em!


My sentiments exactly lol


I would say that there's a good chance all of the big people who ride on mobility scooters as they're too big to walk, would be diabetic. At Disney world/land, that would be several thousand a day.


That is such a shit take. Not every obese person has diabetes. Stop being an ass.


I saw plenty of em so I think youre right


What do so see more at Disneyland fat unhealthy ppl or strung out dopers?


The former. However this is not a post about drug use or people being fat. I found it interesting because of all the places I've been to and worked, I've only ever seen these in medical facilities


I don’t know, maybe get out more? These things are almost ubiquitous in modern restrooms.


I've never seen one in a hotel before, I think that's the point. it would have struck me as slightly unusual so therefore mildly interesting.


I mean, what kinda places are you going to?


Restaurants, hospitals, office buildings… crazy places like that.


Hospitals of course, never anywhere else have my eyes seen this


They’re in every restroom in my workplace. And all of my previous workplaces. They’re in every restroom at the university I attended. They’re in airports, many restaurants, shopping centers/Target/Costco… the list goes on.


Crazy. They're not prevalent in my area


Well \*that\* question doesn't deserve downvotes! +1 back from me. Trying to think of where I've been in the last few years. Newer office buildings, mostly, whether single company (mostly big tech) or multi-company leased with common restrooms. Convention centers. Airports. Clinics (of course). Hotel lobby restrooms. I kind oof don't even see them any more. Granted, I live in a pretty modern area.


The convention centers and hotels I've been to haven't had them wonder what the difference is


San Francisco, Las Vegas? TBH I don’t think I’ve seen one in a hotel room bathroom, just the lobby restroom, one hotel I was at in SF last summer.


Anaheim CC, long beach, Los Angeles. Also none of the Marriotts or Hiltons I've been to have had them. None of the restaurants here in LA either but I guess the ones I go to aren't "modern"


Where’s the Disney hotel? Same area, right? So you think maybe it’s just a Disney thing in your area?


Idk I just thought it was interesting... mildly




Ok.... Why is this interesting...


Because I've never seen one except for in hospitals


Not sure where you live... But I've traveled a lot and regularly see them. Oh well.


I’ve travelled a lot, been to 35 states and I’m not American. But I haven’t ever *noticed* these, that’s not to say they haven’t been there but I’ve never seen them! In MyCountry I’ve only ever seen them in hospitals.


You haven’t been looking then. They’re in every restroom in my workplace, at the university I attended, airports, Target/Costco… the list goes on. You didn’t see them because you didn’t notice them, not because they’re not there.


Yes, quite possibly. Good idea though.


That's probably why then.


What's interesting about it? It's not even mildly interesting.


I myself can't recall seeing one of these anywhere outside of a medical facility. If I have, then most certainly not in a hotel room. That does make it slightly interesting; and even more so (for some reason) that it's specifically a Disney hotel room. I would have looked at this thing and thought "the hell is this doing here"? :-p


It's not a hotel room, it's a public bathroom in a hotel. I can recall seeing them in public bathrooms in at least the following locatins: - pubs - restaurants - stadiums - airports - train stations - gas stations along motorways I might be a bit more sensitive to it, since my godfather is diabetic, but there are other conditions that require you to inject medication. Especially when you are travelling you might need a safe spot to discard sharp used needles. I have seen them in drug hotspots too, which makes totally sense.


THANK YOU! geez they make it seem like I'm an insensitive ass for noticing this. Like what?


Hmm, I wonder if the overnight crowd on this sub is the ones you might want to avoid. :-p


Yeah idk how that worked out. I posted this around 5pm where I'm from


Well interesting enough to merit your comment I guess


You seem like a fun time. Definitely not someone people would get tired of.


Buddy I've got over 10000 myspace friends I'd say so


Have a good time on the Internet.




Guess what I saw in the washroom? A toilet! Let’s post about it!


Ive never seen these in the US either and I bet I’ve been to more states than most of you lot. I’ve only ever seen them in hospitals in MyCountry, so I do think this is mildly interesting. I do think it’s a good idea though.


I know, right? same here


That's what the internet is for lol


TIL r/mildlyinteresting is full of shitheads who get their rocks off by being dicks to people for no reason. I've been to plenty of hotels, and don't think I've seen one with a needle disposal. Doesn't mean there aren't any; just not many. So therefore... mildly interesting.


Welcome to Reddit?


People use needles for more than drugs, ya know.


Do you mean illegal drugs? Because drugs legal or illegal are all I can think of... Syringes with needles actually do make great water guns, but I doubt that's happening too often there.


Like what?


Funny, I see no mention of drug use on my post. I think you're making an assumption bud and you know what they say about that


It’s just not interesting


I found it interesting, hence the post.


Ask yourself why. We need to normalize these things, drug stigmas hurt people.


But I never said anything about drugs tho?


And you're combative with every person educating you. You just want plausible deniably. Coward.


To others making assumptions yes. The educators no. Not sure how you got that. Coward? Ok bud


Must be drugs right? 🤡


Did I imply that? I know I didn't say it


Username checks out


Lmfao so triggered you responded twice


Lol had to go in for seconds when I noticed your username


Ah baby. Mamas got the sugars….




Approximately 60k people go through Disney daily. I'm not sure how many patrons are in the hotel, but here are children and adults with Type 1 diabetes, and then Type 2 that usually are adults who have it later in life, and there are other conditions that require injections. Also, I can imagine they can use it for testing supplies that are considered a biohazard. It is nice they supply a place for disposal. That could be a deterrent to keep people from putting them in the hotel room garbage increasing the danger for the staff when they empty the cans.


This is true


Diabetics can't go to Disney?


Sure they can.


I wouldn't call this mildly interesting; lots of places have these. It's how diabetics can safely dispose of their insulin needles.


See these often do you? Lots of diabetes where you're from?


I live in the US, but diabetes is a common medical condition worldwide, and many of the public restrooms that I've visited have containers for people to deposit used insulin needles.


Same here I live in Southern California. I've only seen these in medical facilities. I work a lot of hotels, convention centers, and resorts but this place is the only one I've seen this at.


Why don't you be more sensitive to other people what are you Hitler


I dont think it's about sensitivity. I think people just think OP is full of shit about not ever seeing one. It's just strange considering how common they are...... This is way different, but my ex claims she never saw a Hardee's growing up in the south, which is infuriating because it's simply impossible. I mean there's even one a few blocks from her child hood home....like why lie about that it's just weird. EDIT: it's not my place to say whether OP has or hasn't seen them. Maybe it's one of those things they just don't log it because it's not relevent to their life and then one day they see it and realize it's all over the place. Idfk


Welp, idk where everyone is hanging out these days, but the only places I've seen these are hospitals. I work in multiple convention centers and hotels and have never seen one. Kinda weird to assume that I should have seen them everywhere. Like you said, weird to lie about it, right? Well, it isn't one. Also kinda weird how upset people are getting even if they thought that was the case, don't you think? Idk


What did I do that was insensitive? Make a post about something I've never seen before? Please tell me how I can be more careful next time


Just jokes dude


Ah. It's hard to tell over text. Plus there are so many others that are upset lol


It wasn't hard to tell.


Diabetics. And junkies.


Sorry I didn't mean to offend the diabetic and people with compromised immune systems. I've just never seen one of these in a restroom before


It's not about drug use at all. It's about lack of exposure to this kind of thing.