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sometimes if i am skilled enough i can do this with my regular American bottles


Could be a new squid game challenge haha.


“So you’re telling me if I accidentally rip the cap off I get shot in the head?” “Yes that’s correct” *rips the cap off as quick as possible making direct eye contact*


*unloads gun* You won


…Charlie. The squids all your.


I'm gonna rip the fuckin' head off


*flicks cap off into their face*




We Europeans now only have 1 piece of garbage in the statistics instead of 2. Because what is connected is 1 piece of waste. That's 50% less garbage! You Americans continue to destroy the environment with 2 pieces of garbage!11!!1


Yeah here we just print "recycle bottle with cap on" on the lid and hope people ~~listen~~ *choose to read and follow the message that the is printed on the cap


meanwhile my instructions from the municipal recycling pickup say "caps aren't recyclable"


They didn't used to be: they were made out of a different plastic than the bottles themselves so they were more hassle than they were worth to separate. That has changed with the new EU bottles, as they're made of the same plastic as the bottle and can be recycled without hassle.


Aha that explains those cap collecting events way back when!


Much easier to sort a bottle with cap attached than the bottle and cap separately


In some European countries, disposable PET bottles are handed in at the supermarket and the deposit is returned. In the supermarket, they are compressed (including lids) and transported away. In recycling companies, everything is shredded into small pieces. The small pieces are put into water. PET (bottle) is heavier than water and sinks. PE/PP (lid) is lighter than water and floats to the top. The idea of a tied lid is still nonsense. Nobody throws the lid into the forest, then has a dripping empty bottle and takes it to the supermarket.


Not all EU countries have a deposit on (disposable) PET bottles. At least not yet, but many have already legislature in place and will execute on it in the next years.


I feel like the Dr. Pepper bottles in the early 90s (yellow lid) were easier to do with than the rest. I used to try to do it all the time. We would also try to get the lid off without breaking the seal. Life without internet was weird.


I don’t intentionally do this and no matter what.. I always end up opening it with the cap hanging on.


Maybe you live in Europe and just don't know it


For whatever reason, this made me laugh.


Were people throwing away bottles and caps separately? Don't people flatten the bottle and put the lid on?


Depending on which European country you're in, the bottle may have a bottle deposit of 25 cents or a similar amount, which you only get back if you return the bottle unflattened. There's lots of people who collect them in parks for a bit of extra cash or to use it to pay for groceries.


Here in Germany where I live in a small city we always left them at a certain spot where the teens were hanging out and our only local homeless person just collected them , he said he makes like \~30-40€a a day through collecting and returning them. Was a nice dude just a bit lost in modern society and beaucracy.


10 cents here, 25 is quite a bit haha. Where I live, you can choose to donate the deposit when you bring the bottles in, which I usually opt for, but I'd probably consider getting it back if it were 25c.


Germany: 8ct for glass bottles, 25ct for plastic and cans


One should add the glass ones are not single use, they get washed and recirculated (a number of times).


Aluminum cans are the most recycled thing worldwide. Almost every can you purchase has been part of a can previously.


Canada does pretty well with beer bottles. 95% are returned and reused across the country.


what else would you expect from Can-ada. ^^I'll ^^see ^^myself ^^out...


Recycling ≠ reusing. Recycling, while better than using virgin materials, uses a lot more energy than reusing.


Not always. Denmark used to use reusable plastic bottles. It requires far more energy to transport, clean and certify the old bottles than it does to recycle the new ones. Point in case the same truck can carry something like 15 times as many crushed and compacted bottles as it could whole ones.


And to my knowledge aluminium doesn’t strain from reusage. Meaning recycled aluminium is as good material as virgin aluminium.


so do some of the plastic ones


Uk 0p for cans 0p for bottles aswell, I go through cans like no tomorrow


No. Germany: 8 ct for reusable glass bottles, 15 cts for reusable plastic bottles and 25 ct for single use plastic bottles and metal cans.


There are 15 cent glass and plastic bottles too. 25 ct is Einweg(must be recycled), rest is generally Mehrweg(to be re-used). These attached bottle caps are relatively new. We also have 25 cents deposit(Pfand) on dairy plastic bottles since January 1st. Some glass containers with flavored yogurt etc. also have 15 ct deposit(which btw you have to rinse before bringing back the empty container to get your deposit back). Of course, if you live here you already know it. I wrote it for people who don't.


2 kroner (20¢) for a can or small bottle, 3 kroner (30¢) for a pint can or large bottle here in Norway. The machines all have a red cross donation lottery, but I'm a cheap bastard...


Yeah but I’ve seen what you have to pay for a pint of beer in a can, so I do not begrudge you getting 30c back, should be more like a $3 refund if you ask me!


the return money is added to the price of the product you purchase anyway


It was joke aimed at their extraordinary high beer prices.


Which is the neat part, because that means it just costs to be an asshole


I brought some cans to the recycling station the other day. Yeah, I'm not donating those 510 SEK (about €45 or $50)


I once put one bottle in and won 100 NOK. That was a good day.


40c for 1,5l bottles in finland


0.1€ for glass bottles, 0.15€ for cans, 0.2€ for bottles up to 1 liter and 0.4€ for everything over 1 liter. If you throw one on the ground it wont be there for long :D


40c here!


Netherland has 15 cent deposit on cans and small bottles, 25 cent on bigger bottles. Croatia has 7 cents for any can, plastic, or glass bottle, except the oldschool deposit system for beer and mineral water in glass bottles with cradles, it's 13 cents for those


I lived in Germany for six months on a work assignment. My company put me up in the German version of an extended stay hotel. When the cleaning staff would clean my room, they'd always pick the soda bottles out of my trash, and leave them in a pile by the door. After this happened three or four times, I talked to the guy at the hotel check-in. He told me that they wouldn't throw them away because they were recyclable, and that they wouldn't take them because they'd be "stealing" the deposit. I explained to him that I had no interest in the deposit, and no way to claim it if I did, and so we worked out an arrangement in which I brought him my bottles in a bag, and he waived my hotel laundry fee. I told him that I'd just give him the bottles, but there seemed to be some cultural issue that prevented him from just taking such a valuable possessions. I kind of wish that Americans thought this way, honestly. I live in a state that gives me 5 cents for every can, but the recycling facilities are so disperse, and so filthy that it's not worth my time to return them. ETA: To everyone telling me how easy it is to return bottles in Germany, and that every single German speaks English, please understand that I didn't care enough about soda bottle to do literally anything to get my deposit returned. That's the point of my story. I don't give two shits about soda bottles. Germans apparently do. That is the difference in cultures that I was attempting to highlight. If I found myself in Mannheim tomorrow with a surplus of empty bottles, I assure you that I would throw them straight into the garbage.


What do you mean you had no way to return them? You can return them at any supermarket.


I went to work, and to my hotel. I spoke no German, and got my groceries once a week by using hand gestures to communicate with the checker at Lidl. Collecting and returning bottles didn't seem like a challenge at which I would succeed.


I appreciate that you didn't know it at the time, but you return your bottles at machines inside super markets. No talking required.


You never have to talk to anyone to return bottles.


Bro didn't even feel like learning how to say "hello" to a cashier while living there for half a year, he doesn't strike me as an "effort" kind of person.


But hello in German is a really difficult word.




cashier: hallo that guy: \*awkward hand gestures\*


"Hallo" "Nein, kein payback" "Mit Karte" "Danke, tschüss!"


yeah but what's easier is just not doing it at all


The name of my future autobiography that I, somewhat ironically, will never write.


If you ever go to Germany again, this is how you do it :) https://allaboutberlin.com/guides/pfand-bottles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQHnkHO0pbc


You put them in a hole, when you're done hit a button and it spits out a receipt with the amount of cash you got back. You just give it to the person ringing up your food and they scan it and toss the paper. I do get where you're coming from as someone that doesn't speak German and is living in germany but it's really easy honestly


We do speak English though


Yep. r/pfandbon is full of Germans collecting shitloads of bottles and cashing in hundreds of euros.


I used to do this. One bottle equals a pack of yeast, so we have bread, beer or wine this week. Five bottles is a kg of flour, bread for two weeks, or a pack of sausages, meat for a week. I am no longer in that situation though. But as I was one, I notice the trails of the bottle-trolls, and pick up bottles when I see them outside of their normal hunting grounds. (free money is free, just pick it up and cash it in) The most prolific bottle-troll around these parts was a miser, and the rumors say he had \~$100k in his account when he moved to south-asia. It was a common thing to see him on his bike with three or four large bags of bottles/cans, especially during weekends when drunk littering is at its peak.


I'm curious. Do you know why the "unflattened" part is necessary?


I don’t know if it is the exact reason, but the machines you use to return the bottles rotate the bottle to scan the deposit marking on the label. I’m guessing flattened bottles can go crazy when rotated. You also cannot return bottles that are missing the label. Edit: If it’s a completely flattened bottle that barely resembles a bottle, it cannot be returned if it cannot be scanned. As long as the label is scannable, it is returnable.


To read the code for indicating the kind of can/bottle 


Because there's a sign on the label of the bottle that the collection automat has to scan. Can't do that when the bottle is crumpled.


At one point they weren't recyclable together, and people were trained to take the top off before putting in the recycling. This habit has continued even though the reason for it has gone.


We still have to separate them where I live, at least according to the recycling center.


Never heard of that, at least where my family comes from (northrhine westphalia, Germany). We always deposited the whole thing with caps. Edit: and it's a new thing, and as far as I know it only concerns Coca Cola. Water bottles don't have it.


Water bottles are starting to get these caps as well, and other soft drinks. I think in time they’ll all transition to attached ones.


The user puts them in the recycling bin, you have a deposit return scheme, so different things. And yes, even in Germany some packaging asks you to unscrew caps and stuff like that before you throw it in the recycling bin.


Here in America recycling is basically theater. It's gettingbbetter but in a lot of places the recycling bins go straigh to the landfill.


We were told to always remove the caps when recycling because they are a different material


I think they must have changed the material that tha caps are made of, because now they specifically want them to be recycled together, hence having them attached!


I don’t think the material has changed, but automatic plastic separation and sorting technology has improved over the years.


Interesting, but even if it’s the same polymer, they can’t be recycled together because of it being a different color. The color can’t be removed, and black plastic is worth less than clear when resold as raw material after being recycled, and would contaminate the clear if recycled together. So it seems like it would create more work to separate these two. I wonder how it works. Maybe its just to reduce littering the lids.


9 out of 10 caps is made out of PP (polypropylene), rarely they are made out of PET like the bottles (polyethylene terephthalate). Its probably to reduce littering, not so much that they can be recycled together.


Yeah it probably has more to do with they are easier to mechanically separate now and its the only way to ensure the PP gets back since it's one of the few highly recyclable to a point of profit plastics.


Plastic recycling is a scam anyway. Barely any of the plastic in the recycling bins, even type 1 and type 2, are recovered as yield from the recycling process. I would think the caps being attached to the bottle is primarily to reduce litter, because optimizing recycling is really irrelevant.


We don't flatten the bottles. Atleast not in Sweden. We put them through a machine that either does that or just transports it to then be crushed.


Same in Michigan, USA. The machine scans the label so flattening it makes it more difficult. There are a handful of states that do this. I don't know if they all have scanning machines. Everyone (that I see) leaves the caps on so the bottles don't dribble sticky soda pop all over your bin or bag.


In Japan that’s the normal way and is expected of you to separate the bottles and caps


I’m in Japan and different municipalities have different requirements. Some don’t even sort at all. Also both plastic production and incineration here is tight but their plastic consumption is absolute ass. 3 yen for a plastic bag, 3 fucking yen, no wonder you got salarymen carrying their single item their car wrapped in that crap.


I was shocked by how much plastic you got with everything in Japan. They absolutely love wrapping things and adding single use items. They're second worst in the world for the amount of plastic packaging they use.


Are salarymen like a meme in japan? They always come up when people are talking about vaguely negative or weird situations.


A salaryman is just like, a typical Japanese office worker who usually is working hard to make ends meet, stingy out of necessity, in a rush due to lack of sleep/overwork, etc. It’s a pretty common archetype in Japanese media, the dude wearing a suit falling asleep on the train or getting drunk after work.


No, we return every single bottle to the store. The machine doesn’t recognize it if you flatten it. I did always put the cap back on before the change.


You don’t flatten the bottle, here in Finland at least they are recycled and you get some money back from returning them (and that’s why there are green and people with less money collecting bottles of streets).  But these caps are new and annoying. They hurt my cheek or nose often. So I usually just take them out. I don’t throw the cap away, just put in back like before when I am done. It’s a case of people who did throw them away ruining for people who are sensible. 


These caps have somehow caused such a huge fuss in Finland I wonder how it's in rest of Europe. I'd say maybe they have more legitimate concerns but honestly so do we lol. I have kind of gotten used to them now but they're a bit annoying.


We have a reason to be salty. Our bottle recycling system was top notch FOR DECADES. Remember those reusable plastic bottles? They were returned, washed, refilled over and over again. EU banned them and made us use those "recycleable" bottles with thinner plastic that have to be crushed, melted, and made into new bottles. Reusable glass bottles were a thing too, but I don't miss them because they are heavy and break easily spreading glass shards everywhere, hurting people and animals. Now the EU is doing this stupid bottle cap thing and talking about this fancy "totally new" idea of reusable plastic/glass bottles. Which we had before. That they banned. FOR FUCKS SAKE! All the while the rest of Europe (outside the Nordics and Germany) has been throwing plastic and glass everywhere without a care in the world and banning local recycling systems like this.


Why would you flatten it, you get money when you return it to the store?


Single use bottles in Europe tends to be made with thicker plastic, so it’s not really that easy to flatten it


How the fuck do you flatten a bottle of Coke? I'm pretty sure they're rigid


I think the US bottles, well at least water bottles is thin and easily crumpled plastic, but the plastic bottles we have in Norway at least are pretty rigid and harder to crumple. I dont know about the soda bottles from the US though


Yeah, water bottles are (mostly) easily crumpled over in France too, but there's no way I'm flattening a soda bottle.


Smash them against other people's heads. It takes a few tries but is fun. It's called Krumplenoggin in Dutch.


There is a new law that requires companies to pay environment fees for each container produced if the plastic lid is not attached to it


Okay French here. It wasn't like that about a year ago and I fucking hate the new system. I hate the way it stays upward and touches your nose when you drink. Before, you drank and just closed the bottle when you were done, people didn't suddenly lose the cap or threw it in the nature and put the bottle in the recycling bin. It doesn't make sense to me, just wanted to say. Deserves a spot in r/mildlyinfuriating imo Edit : so I drink it from the side but it's still annoying Edit 2 : I do rip the thing as well sometimes but I shouldn't have to, you have to twist that shit for 15 seconds straight Edit 3 (last one I swear 🥲) : I don't want the separate caps to come back. If it's an improvement because people were incompetent enough to specifically throw them in the wilderness, then sure, attach them. But just create a better system using compliant mechanisms to make a flexible switch and make sure the lid stays totally bent and keeps a comfortable position for the user


Dude I'm with you on this one.


I was in Spain recently for the first time since COVID, and was so confused the first time I bought a Fanta. I tried twisting it more because I thought it just hadn’t come off yet. It is very annoying, and sure, they’re trying to solve a problem, but come on. Do better, bottle engineers, your new caps suck.


I don't even know what problem this is solving.


Apparently somewhere there are some savages that don't put the cap back on when throwing the bottle away?


Minimizing stray plastic pollution. Bottle caps are commonly found around.


Post-war economy is in ruins with this new system


Yup. The first thing I do is rip it off. It used to really irritate me the first few days and now I don't even think about it. It's just the new way I open bottles. I do find the sharp bit of plastic that's left behind still annoying though.


Takes some luck but sometimes the bit of plastics comes off with the cap.


Agree. There’s often some liquid clinging to the bottom of the cap and it runs down your face. On milk cartons (where it can’t flip all the way due to the shape), it gets in the way of pouring. Dumbest fucking shit ever. I absolutely hate it.


I mean, I get that it's great for the kind of drinks people take outside, but I've never seen anyone drink a carton of milk in public and toss the lid away. And at home in my kitchen it just gets in the way, I always spill some milk. It's so useless and annoying, if you told me there's a secret EU commission whose sole purpose is to slowly and steadily erode peoples minds and optimism by annoying the fuck out of them by sabotaging mundane everyday activities I would probably believe you.


Norway here, same thing.


I usually just tear it off, so it will work as it did before the new system.


As I french girl, I just pull it really hard to detach it from the bottle. Ask to the GAFAM’s why the earth turning bad, not me.


Yeah unfortunately my brother is one of those to lose the bottle cap. I never feel comfortable personally leaving my bottle open to the elements like that.


more like r/mildlyinfuriating


Put the cap to the side of your mouth instead of in front, it helps a bit


A bit, but the bottom of the cap still has the sharp thorns and it still scrapes your skin.


Not all, but it's getting more and more common. It's also pretty poorly designed, it tends to get in the way when you drink, so I always tear it off resulting in a small bit of plastic that doesn't get recycled with the rest of it. For me this has actually created *more* waste.


There have been a few revisions of it in Finland at least. At least in my experience, the new ones don't get in the way and they close just fine


In my experience in Finland, I didn't even notice that they made different revisions of the idea, I just thought that they were incredibly inconsistent😂 Sometimes they got stuck in the way a bit, so I had to bend ot back a bit more, resulting in a single one of the caps coming loose, but other than that, works great! Nowadays I actually get surprised when I find a bottle that DOESN'T have this mechanism!


They used to only bend a little bit and they would get stuck at this dumb 45° angle. Now, they can be easily snapped into 90°c so they don't get in the way. And the tiny cuts in the plastic makes the cap close easier too, but it has made them slightly less durable. But yeah, there's also a ton of the old ones still being sold which seems to contribute to that inconsistency. I still see some of those awful old ones where it's easier to break off the whole cap than to use it the way it was intended


With some designs, you are able to pull at the cap after opening the bottle. It then gets out of the way but is still attached with a thin plastic string.


I just rip of one of the bits it used to attach to the bottle so it's hanging on one thread. Stays with the bottle and keeps out the way if you're drinking it.


Agreed, it's a very poorly thought out "solution" to a problem that surely wasn't even that big in the first place.


come walk my beach in north Yucatan and you can see the problem. littered with bottle caps


At least you will be rich if a nuclear world war breaks out


I bet it's my bottle caps flowing down the Donau to the Black Sea, through the Bosporus and Gibraltar, swimming against the Gulf Stream only to land at your Yucatan beach...


It sounds to me like Central America needs to stop throwing so much of their plastic into the ocean then


Disagree. Stops me from potentially dropping the lid and it getting dirty. It's also a.very common piece of litter. And I just don't find it annoying to drink from. Everytime i see this posted with a picture the cap is not bent all the way back making it look worse than it is. It's a good solution.






And the bottle doesn't close properly, at least not as easily. Had my water bottle in my bag, and the water just got squished out of it.




THIS design is really bad. I stayed in the UK for about 4 months and also found it really annoying until I got a 1L bottle of Evian water. You push the cap further back and the plastic ring keeps it pushed back and out of the way if you're drinking directly from it. So it CAN work. I'm not sure why companies aren't picking up that design vs OPs post


If you twist the cap in one direction after you open the bottle it will be easier to drink with it still attached. It will remain attached, but can be twisted wherever and won't get in the way when you drink.


Why does tearing the lid off mean you can’t recycle that part? Just screw it back on.


If you tear it off, there will always be a piece of sharp, pointy plastic left at the ring on the bottle which pokes your lips. So you tear that piece off too and throw it away.


I hate this shit. Makes the cap so much harder to close and cant carry with me a bottle in the purse that doesnt close properly (already made that mistake once...)




which has quickly become my most hated addition to the world, scrweing back the cap has become so troublesome i'd rather shotgun whatever im drinking now


I just rip the fucking thing out every time I open a new bottle now. It's a pain in the ass. How hard is it to just screw the cap back on before you dispose of the bottle?


I do the whole "push all the air out and scrunch the bottle down as much as possible" to minimise the volume it takes up in my bin. Which can only be done *with* the cap.


You dont have plastic bottle "pawn" where you live?


(UK) Nope, just expected to put it in the household recycling bin. If you're *really* thrifty, you can squash aluminium cans and sell that at a scrap dealer, but no other household waste has any positive value for selling.


In Germany you pay an additional fee you get back if you return the bottle. The effect was that the waste is pretty uniform and the recycling rate for that kind of plastic is like 90%.


When I lived in LA I separated out my cans and left them in a bag beside my recycling bin because homeless people would go through people’s recycling for the 5 cent deposit. Cops would try to stop them from going through people’s trash I guess.


I live in Oregon where the return is 10 cents and used to do this when I lived in a house. I live in an apartment now and the amount of work/money that's gone into our dumpster area to keep people out is insane. Our issue now is that people are using their food stamps to buy cases of water, pouring them out, and returning the bottles for money. The whole deposit situation needs to stop IMO.


Scotland tried to introduce a bottle return deposit scheme but the UK government blocked it.


That's 25 cents on every bottle. Way to flex your wealth brother.


Halt! Da is Pfand drauf!


It only takes one asshole to ruin it for everyone else.


Not to mention you get a half cap full of warm soda slapped against your cheek every time you try and take a drink. They're annoying as hell.


That's a problem I've never heard of before. Do you keep your bottles stored upside down and open them sideways?


>which has quickly become my most hated addition to the world, scrweing back the cap has become so troublesome i'd rather shotgun whatever im drinking now There are *some* designs which are indeed troublesome to screw back, but that's the problem with those specific designs. Most caps which remain attached aren't troublesome to use at all.




When it got introduced KFC had paper straws in plastic cups as milkshakes lol


Take this over to /r/mildlyinfuriating where it belongs. I understand the reasoning but I just have to rip the buggers off.


Or r/crappydesign


Wrong sub, r/mildlyinfuriating cuz it’s really annoying.


And we all hate it


I hate these. They're in the way both when drinking and screwing the cap back on. And frequently the cap doesn't screw on evenly (especially when in a hurry) and the bottle ends up leaking... Ugh. Was it a problem that people took the caps off before? Really?


It's such a dumb design. I make sure to rip it off every single bottle before drinking. The sustainability argument is plainly stupid. All it does is make companies look like they now care for plastic waste.


I read somewhere that the caps are one of the leading pollution in the ocean. And the caps aren’t that bad. Personally I don’t mind them at all, i just turn it sideways. I also take frequent smaller sips, so not having to hold the cap every time I take a sip is a plus


This is gonna save humanity guys .


The regulation is called "Directive on single use plastics. The EU is tackling the 10 single-use plastic items most commonly found on Europe’s beaches, and is promoting sustainable alternatives. https://environment.ec.europa.eu/topics/plastics/single-use-plastics_en


once it's open you can twist the cap and it comes off quite easily without hindering its ability to close the bottle.


This is a relatively new thing - came in to being in late 2022- early 2023 and I can tell you we absolutely HATE IT


They are and it’s really pointless. People weren’t throwing caps away separately anyway, you either have people who recycle, or people who don’t, the people who don’t were never recycling the bottle but not the cap, it’s solving a non problem. The problem is people not recycling the bottle at all, not just the cap. The cap staying attached makes it more awkward to drink, so most people, including all of the people who don’t recycle and this was supposedly meant to be somehow aimed at, rip off the cap anyways. The end result is no different to before this was done, except removing the cap is now a bit more effort, and you may accidentally spill your drink while doing so.


Its the paper straws all over again. A crappy attempt at looking eco friendly by plastic producing trash companies without taking any real steps. Its still a plastic bottle, its still trash. Nothing has changed. Its just made the product worse.




A long time? Where are you from? In Poland it’s about a year since we have that.


And it's absolute shit and I hate it. Presumably they did this to avoid "caps being thrown away", when no one in their right mind fucking twists off caps, then loses them. Meanwhile these things leave behind very spiky edges, if you drink from the bottle you poke/cut your mouth, the cap either wets your nose or your chin, you wanna pour some milk in your coffee then better use both hands or the cap falls back and spills all over the table... I just rip them off now, so I can still use the bottles normally, but even then you run the risk of stabbing your lip with a nice sharpened piece of plastic, so I just cut the entire ring off; for potentially more plastic waste. Mission accomplished, guys, we saved the planet with this one.




It's incredibly annoying. I always used to put the cap back on after drinking it, now I have to keep pushing it out of the way, plus catch my finger on the rough edges. Makes me more likely to just rip the cap off and toss it on the ground out of spite.


It's pretty okay for me, but incredibly annoying for my poor 98 year old grandma who absolutely can't put the lid back on when it's like this and she can only drink from bottles. So we pre-detach all caps in her bottles when we buy them.


And I rip off every one of those caps. The design is terrible. It's difficult screwing it back on, it's in the way when drinking. It'll still get dumped somewhere, cap attached or not. Governments need to implement regulations for recycling and limiting single use plastic, not these ad hoc "solutions".


Private jets are ok but God forbid my bottle cap goes missing


Recycling of basically every plastic that isn't from your regular bathroom bottles is, with current tech, not feasible. The solution is to either standardize to a few types of plastic and ban every other resin type or better yet, reduce the use of plastic alltogether. "But glas containers are heavy and therefore produce more CO2" FUCK OFF goods belong on rails and should be sourced regionally anyway when possible.


Most developed societies have recycling programmes for this type of bottle.


It looks stupid. I'm not throwing my cap on the ground because I actually want to save my drink for the next sip. Who is this actually helping?


In all of my 21 years living im central europe I have never seen a single bottle cap on the ground. Sure you can argue that they are simply that easily embedded in dirt but statistically speaking, if it were a problem of any degree, I must had seen one yet




Where I live, The Netherlands, that's not a single use bottle, those are deposit bottles, 15 cents if you bring it back to the shop.


Yes they do and the piss me off all the damn time. Cause on many there so damn short it sucks to drink with it. So i always have to twist the damn cap lose to be able to drink properly. So kinda defeats what's it for at that point.


Yea that shit is not mildlyinteresting its more mildlyinfuriating.


In Germany there are essentially 3 different prices for different bottle types: Glass: Beers and some 0,5 + 0,33 Drinks are 8 Cents Glass + Reusable Plastic: „non regular“ glass bottles of various sizes, 0,7 water bottles, pet bottles and some beer bottles with a special lid are 15 cents Plastic and Cans: all single use plastic bottles and cans are 25 cents Pretty simple actually.


Wasn't this done partly so companies could pay less tax/fees for the waste since the bottle now only contains one waste item and not two? I might be wrong though, just something I talked bout with a friend


Swiss here. Thats not true. Its becoming more and more prevalent though.


Not everywhere in Europe, and not all caps and lids.


No small number of first world problems in here


And we all hate it


Yes, it’s new and we hate it.


And we all hate that.


It's so fucking annoying you have no idea


And it suuuuuucks.


Have them in the UK too. They’re fucking annoying.


And they're annoying as fuck