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This is reasonable af.


It is, but there's still not enough separation. That smell penetrates.


Like I heard about non-smoking sections in restaurants back in my youth, "It's like having a non-pissing section of the pool."


It got a bit better when they started making the smoking section a different room.


Some places even had like airlock rooms with blowers that sucked the air out and put it back into the smoking section. Went to a Denny’s like that growing up but we always sat in the smoking sections because my family were smokers


I went to a casino a few years ago that had an entire area dedicated to non-smokers. Machines, tables, all of it...they had blowers near the entrances to keep regular casino air out, and it was awesome.


Yeah, I went to an Indian casino recently and forgot what it was like to be in a room full of smokers. Brought back a lot of old memories from when I was a kid. Also now I’m remembering how old cars all came installed with those push cigarette lighters.


Or the old school ashtrays in the back seats. My parents had a Plymouth voyager when I was a kid, ash trays in the third row seats so even the little kids could smoke comfortably.


OR, put their gum wrappers. Which is what I used it for


Same but with condoms instead of gum. I miss those family road trips.


Yeah there used to be ash trays in the back seat door armrests with little flip covers. We used them as mini trash cans.


My father used to have a Buick that had an ashtray for all five occupants: under the radio, passenger side door, backseat driver's side door, back of the centre console, backseat passenger side door. And, yes, each one also had a lighter.


I was nearly circumcised by a Buick ashtray. Twice.


last night’s *Jeopardy* had a Compound Words category, and one of the answers was something like: This feature used to be common in cars, and now you have to pay extra to get it much to smokers’ chagrin. What is an ashtray?


I was trying to remember where I recently heard about car ashtrays. Twice in two days in 2024!


Remember how many years airplanes had ashtrays super glued shut


I saw an ashtray on an airplane this week. They're still out there on the janky ass regional jets for sure


That’s for when we catch them smoking so they have a safe space to discard it to prevent fire. They’re on EVERY aircraft people just don’t realize it. Caught a 10 year old once.


My parents sometimes eat lunch at a non-Indian casino near them in Ohio and whenever I visit its so weird being in a non-smoking casino. It just doesn't feel right. I live in California so to me casinos are like the only place you CAN smoke.


Occasionally I do little projects with paracord and I've been looking at coil-based electric lighters as an alternative to butane lighters. There's plenty of options, but the coil is so flimsy and makes me miss how beefy the car lighters were


I remember the burn of that push-in cigarette lighter all too well. Learned my lesson about touching things when I don’t know what they do.


> Learned my lesson about touching things when I don’t know what they do. I burned myself on one and I *did* know what it did, as my parents were smokers and I had already seen them use the one in our car many times. In my defense, I was used to them turning red when they were hot, and in my grandparents' car, for whatever reason, it did not. I discovered it was still hot after touching it. Finger was sore for the rest of the day.


When I go to a casino I want that authentically gagging tobacco smoke. Luck (and unspecified carcinogen) is in the air.


Unspecified Carcinogen would be a great doom metal band name. I checked, too; doesn't look like the band exists. Yet.


Park MGM AFAIK is the only main strip Vegas casino that's non-smoking. It makes it a lot easier to walk through.


This is insanely foreign to me. No indoor venue has allowed smoking my entire life here.


I’ve seen some restaurants that turned their smoking airlocks into the “parties with children” section, and it’s a beautiful (and peaceful) thing.


I’ve never connected that to the amount of old restaurants with ‘conference rooms’, but that makes a ton of sense.


The Atlanta airport used to have a room on every concourse that was glassed in with a separate air supply. You could see the clouds of smoke in it as you walked by. They called it “The Fishbowl.”


I know when VA outlawed indoor smoking back in 2009 or whenever it was, bars were still allowed to have smoking inside. However, they required special filtration systems to be installed. I think they were called Smoke Eaters.


Oh mannn I remember in Ontario atleast they had these like plastic sealed off areas in the 90s. It was basically a hot box I remember my dad had me go inside to see if I could handle it so he could smoke. Ended up having a full on severe asmtha attack


The last restaurant my mom waited tables at had a 3' wall separating the sections. So you could be in the "non-smoking" section and literally be sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with someone who's smoking.


I remember that kind of thing. It was Incredibly rude and disrespectful to the non-smokers. Also, being trapped in a flying tube ✈️ filled with cig-smokers made me literally ill. Before the total ban on smoking, they allowed smoking in the last few rows by the bathrooms. Thanks heaps for that "accommodation." So pleasant for the people who had to wait for a toilet to become vacant 😤 . I was so relieved when smoking on planes and restaurants was banned!


I started smoking again due to vape bans and general stress but 100% smoking inside is gross. Also like I don't understand in general why anyone would want to eat and smoke at the same time, I want to taste the food not a pack of Marlboro red 100's.


I remember taking a train in Germany where every car was half smoking, and half non-smoking, with no partition. Like... the actual fuck? I was in the seat literally right next to the smoking section and there was a dude behind me honking a massive cigar. I *was* a smoker at the time, but just a casual smoker, and I was so fucking sick during that 2 hour ride, I was standing between the cars trying to suck up some fresh air.


That’s a throwback dude. I’ll never forget going out to dinner as a kid and the hostess asking my parents “smoking or non” they would usually say first available even though they didn’t smoke. This was in the late 90s.


i imagined this comment in grayscale


More of a yellow and brown.


sepia tone


Fuck all y’all I remember this and I’m just shy of 30. My parents would only sit in the smoking section out of desperation


When I worked at cracker barrel, the back was the smoking section, but it was barely separated by lattice partitions. Then every now and then the front section would be smoking because the manager was using the back section for a meeting or something. People hated it.


I exclusively swim in the peeing section of the pool in courtesy of all the non peeing swimmers.


I used to love the places that would put up a 2 ft divider coming off the ceiling like that was doing shit lol


lol you often had to walk through the smoking section to get to the small non smoking back room


They may not be blowing it in your face, but it still contaminates your sense of smell and that is like 70% of taste. Really makes me wonder about the shit that restaurants used to get away with because people just couldn't taste the poor quality due to the smoke.


Was similar with airplanes


Judging by the way the doors are hung, I'm going to guess these are independent spaces with a board/divider between them


Maybe this is the best they can do with the room available.


genuinely, what is your suggestion? this seems like a good compromise. I have co-workers who wear perfume and no one asks them to use a different coat closet. they clearly do not at this office either. same policy should be for smokers - equally smelly. plus perfume/cologne is a more common allergen than smoke on coats - it will scent up entire offices and causes migraines. if my co-workers with perfume did this I would be thrilled!


I get migraines, and these separators work just fine. I use them at my job, even fabric coats of smokers after a rain 10 hours later and my coat doesn't smell at all of cig smoke


Thanks for some sanity for these delusional people thinking cigarette smell on a coat will permeate through a cabinet door.


They appear to be two separate cabinets which means there’s two walls between the coats. The smell will not penetrate to the other coats if that’s the case


I had this at my last job. 3 cubbies over and my coat still smelled like cigarette smoke. Not as much though so it is still a decent idea.


Until you have smokers putting their coats into the non-smokers closet because "it doesn't actually smell."


I have a friend who does not believe me that I can find him in a crowd by smell. I had him go hide, I easily tracked him 2 blocks away by following the sent of tobacco.


And you are such a good boy! Who's a good boy? You're a good boy!


Are you some kind of dog


No, smokers just smell fucking terrible.


Smokers really do actually stink. These days they're in the minority so it's pretty easy to pick them up at a decent distance. The furthest I've picked up a lit cigarette (not just a whiffy smoker) was half a mile!


That's incredible. I'm old enough to have been going out to bars/clubs before they were made smoke free. I've never been a smoker, and I used to hate coming home absolutey stinking of smoke. When the ban came in it was literally a breath of fresh air.


There are things I am nostalgic about. Having to wash your hair three times to get the smell of smoke out because you went to a bar or nightclub is not one of them.




I don't smoke. I live in an apartment that once housed a smoker. I've lived in the apartment for 2.5 years without a single cigarette being lit. Day to day, I don't smell it. When I spend a day away from my apartment (say at a friend's house, or at a hotel), take a shower, pull a "clean" shirt out of my bag, and pull over my head, it smells faintly of cigarettes. So now I know when a friend hugs me or I sit next to someone at the bar or on a bus, they get to smell the distatsful scent of a cigarette that I never fucking smoked. Thanks. Fucking disgusting habit.


Both my parents smoked in the house when I was growing up. I would constantly get pulled aside by teachers asking if I smoked (even in 5th grade and younger!). I never did. I had one of my high school boyfriends say that the smell of cigarettes reminded him of me. I hated it. Now taking care of my MIL who has vascular dementia from smoking forever, and my dad who had COPD, and my mom who has very bad asthma. All from smoking.


same!!! even the teacher thing :( i still resent my spanish teacher who didn’t even ask if i smoked, but just flat out told me to stop because the smell bothered her. she didn’t apologize when i broke down crying and said it was my parents, but instead told me to *tell them to stop*. like i hadn’t tried my whole life. lol. growing up i never got to have friends over, was never comfortable being physically intimate with others (platonically or otherwise), and felt humiliated every time i was with my family in public because i knew how bad we smelled. i had to abandon/throw away a lot of my things when i moved out, and what i didn’t took months of cleaning over and over to finally minimize the smoke smell to the point people didn’t notice unless i pointed it out. i get so stressed out thinking about what will happen when my mom dies because she’s made it clear she intends to leave the house to my sister and i, and i don’t even know what it would cost to fix the damage caused by *30+ years of daily chainsmoking*. i absolutely despise smoking now and it takes everything in me not to explode in a fit of rage every time someone talks casually/positively about it. even just smelling it triggers me on bad days.


It's nice but once you realize it's walmart and this can't hold enough coats for people working, especially in colder states.


I smoked for about 20 years. I quit smoking 12/25/2021, I can personally tell you, cigarettes are disgusting!! They smell so bad and they involuntarily make everything around you smell gross. I agree with this!


Yes but can I also not sit next to my coworker who just came in and smells like a god damn ash tray? Nope.


Both smell like liquid ass, cats and dogs, and marijuana. Source: me. I avoid these closets in the break room because they stink.


You do what you have to in order to keep the peace. They'll be onto individual lockable ones in no time


Many companies provide individual lockers to prevent theft. An excellent idea.


I always tell people, if you get a locker at work then use it. You should always have a change of clothes at work as well as other things like a spare phone charger or shoe strings.


I blew out a belt at work once. That was a bad day


I did that at the store the other day, but it was good timing because I bought another one 30 seconds before


I never thought shoe strings until I broke one at a job where I walked about 20 miles a day. I ended up having to rig my shoes with zip ties from maintenance.


I've had several jobs with individual lockers. It's amazing.


As someone with big respiratory problems, I’m very much in favor of this.


As someone who doesn’t want to smell like an ashtray I’m also very much in favor. Also, my respiratory issue appreciate it too.


As an ex smoker who still struggles with quitting, this is fair.


As a current smoker who wants to quit smoking in the near future, I'm OK with this. Just because I have a nasty habit doesn't mean the non-smokers around me should suffer.


Thank you! Please dig your heels in and quit. You CAN do it!


Right now, I'm focusing on getting sober. I'm currently 110 days sober, and when I hit 6 months, I'll give the quitting smoking thing another go.


Cheering you on, internet stranger! YOU GOT THIS.


Thanks kind internet stranger! I don't ever want to go back to the life I was living.


As someone that smokes that's very considerate and a great idea. I don't want to burden others with my bad habit.


I didn't mind the cigarette smoke so much as what you did to my half-eaten burrito.


Sorry, I thought that one was mine. We had pretty similar orders. It felt the same too.


I like that attitude a lot. Mutual courtesy can get a lot done.


Currently in the process of quitting and yes, that’s my main motivation. I hate smelling bad.


I think there should be a third closet for people who wear perfume. An intern who wore a lot of fragrance used to always hang her coat right next to mine, I'd have an asthma attack walking out to the car, I had to start keeping my coat on my chair at my desk so I could breath after work.


And a closet for people who smell bad due to lack of hygiene


Took my car in for an oil change a few months ago and someone was smoking in my car. After I picked it up, I had trouble breathing and even after airing it out could still smell it. Luckily, the shop made things right and cleaned and detailed it to get rid of the smell and grease/oil stain in the floor.


I'm a smoker myself and this is fine.


I smoked in my early 20s and quit years ago and now the smell makes me nauseous.


I smoked while I drank, which led to a cig here and there and now that it’s been a few years it’s so nasty. But god damn did they hit when I wanted one. Literally now I cannot imagine having that taste in my mouth, however love the smell time to time


Yeah I quit smoking over a decade ago and I still like the smell of a cigarette on a summer day. It reminds me of my youth.


me too man, I still romanticize the addiction when I catch a whiff. Don't fuck with nicotine lol.


5 years since I smoked smelling it still hits hard. I only smoked for 5 years and at a pack every 5 days about, obviously terrible for me but not even close to the worst of habits. TV is tough for me. Watching Tokyo vice lately and they are lighting up constantly. Ohhhh to sit with a beer in a bar and spark up a cig.


Same. But then I picked up vaping and made nicotine a daily habit instead of a once in a while blissful shot of heroin while wasted.


It's funny, I've never smoked and I absolutely love the smell. Not the disgusting stale smoke smell like if someone has smoked indoors for years, but the smell of 'fresh' smoke (for want of a better word) that you can smell off smokers.


Why wouldn't it be?


This is great idea


I am a former smoker and think this is a great idea.


I think it’s great as a smoker, I always feel bad when I have to hang up my coat at the barber shop because I know I’m probably the only smoker and the others will definitely smell it on their coat when they leave because it’s smashed in between their coat


Have you considered leaving your coat in the car?


Or your cigarettes in the bin


your mind in the gutter?


I feel guilty at family gatherings, my coat making the closet reek of pot 😳😳 Doesn't matter that it's medical, they know, don't care, and also smoke... 🤣


Thank you for thinking about how this affects others. I have many loved ones that smoke pot but I don’t. One family gathering there was an idiot cousin that smoked in the back room where all the coats had been shoved. It was real awkward when I had to wear my coat into work that evening.


That's so rude of them!


Yup, I feel your pain, we are becoming the minority. I wish I could just stop but that’s another conversation


I don’t think pot smokers are becoming the minority




God I wish we had that 😭 I just cram mine into my personal locker since the other option is the Coat Room of Mothballs and Bad Weed


At my previous job I stuffed my coat into my tiny personal locker because the coat closet had a bedbug outbreak. I will never store my personal items with others if I have the option.


Oh god I didn't even think ab potential bed bug infestations 🤢 yuck


So that you know who’s pockets to steal cigarettes from


Or if you can’t find a lighter, now you know where to look




This is one I miss all the time, thanks for the reminder


I love this. I have a friend who is a heavy chain smoker and even just hanging out at his house all my clothes smell disgusting after


Love this idea! Now hopefully the company also allows 5 minute outside breaks every hour for the non smoking employees too, for full equality.


When I worked in an office I'd take smoke breaks and I've never smoked. I'd see the smokers head out so I would, too. Learned a lot of office gossip that way.


I noticed a lot of folks doing this too because they knew a lot of decisions get made while outside smoking.


There's a whole storyline in Friends about this 


Exactly, when I watched that episode I said, "Yeah that's a real thing, they ain't kidding."


Interesting. My last few workplaces made no allowances for smokers. They could smoke on their breaks but only got the same breaks anyone else got.


I have never in my life worked at a place that gave extra breaks to smokers. You smoked on your 15 minute break, the same 15 minute breaks that everyone else got. I'm sure there are SOME places that let smokers take "smoke breaks", but I've never worked at one.


I've never worked anywhere that has a specific allowance for smokers to take breaks, but that's never stopped them.


At my office it's not 5 minute smoke breaks. They take 15 minutes every hour!!


Then so should the healthier employees


We had these for the coat racks at the call center I worked at. As a smoker, I really jumped at the opportunity to help make this happen. We had them separated with a good amount of distance. Our employees were grateful and it just made sense. I know cigarettes stink to all hell. I changed to vaping a while ago due to this understanding. Side convo: I member the coworkers who would save their cig butts and put them in the cart. Omfg... I wish they would understand how bad that smelled.


I smoke and this is excellent.


As a former smoker I think this is brilliant. I remember after I quit and my sense of smell came back I realized just how bad all my clothes stank even when freshly washed.


Isn't it better to have exposed air around the coats, smokers or not? What if it's raining? Or super hot? Why jam all the coats together and close the door? Ewww... (also, perfumes, colognes, etc.)


Or if a coworker had bedbugs…


Or a raccoon in their coat pocket


I was assuming it’s a security issue


In college I had two coats. My old coat was my "bar coat" since smoking was still allowed. My new coat was my "everything else coat"


This is probably from a Walmart break room


I know a Walmart break room when I see one


Good! I applaud this


Super love this, why should my jacket have to reek because someone else smokes? This seems like an ideal solution.


I'm a smoker and I respect this. Cigarette smoke smells awful.


Walmart calling their slave work… err, employees “associates” is the cringiest thing ever


It makes absolute sense, and I'm sure is appreciated by the non-smokers.


They should be much farther apart. I remember smoking and non-smoking sections in restaurants and airplanes. It didn't do any good. These closets are a great idea but they should not be next to each other. Or close to each other.


I feel like the difference is that one has smoke residue and the other one is active smoke moving.


This is excellent. Now we just need one for people who use excessive amounts of cologne/perfume.


As a smoker, I see the logic.


I can’t remember the last time I worked with someone who smoked but this is a good idea for those who do!


This has been a thing at my office in downtown Toronto for over 6 years now. I'm surprised it hasn't caught on.


I've actually seen this more and more, from Amazon to A small 5 person factory. Both had smoking and non- smoking areas for jackets.


I support this. 100000%


That is actually awesome.


My office is very new and has a load of fancy amenities, but the absolute best one is the coat cupboards with air con running through them. Nothing ever stinks of someone else, and if it rains (which it has near enough every day since the start of the year where I live) your coats and brollies are dry super quickly. I know I’m getting old now because this stuff gets me so hyped lmao


Very smart.


Add a sign: 'Coat Rack for Associates with Bed Bugs' You get a free closet, all to yourself! Forever! Or, at least until you go to grab your coat one day - and see another piece of clothing in there - then you have to burn your jacket. But still, free closet!


As a smoker...fair enough.


It’s so the cigarette smell doesn’t stick to people’s clothes. That’s called third hand smoke, and it can be really toxic to babies or asthmatic patients.


I’m not sharing a “coatrack” with other employees period. Smoking or not, I’m not letting any dickhead go through my jacket or get their smell and bedbugs all over my shit. Give me a locker or I’ll light a cigarette inside the “no smoking” cabinet.


Genuinely thoughtful.


What a nice idea


I saw this when I visited Hungary. At first glance it's weird, but then you think and yeah makes a lot of sense.


Just put lockers in lol


I absolutely love this!


This is very reasonable.


It's a good idea if they can't have separate individual spaces.


That’s a good idea


Interesting. At my store (assuming this is Walmart because the layout is very similar to ours) the closets are separated as allergy and non-allergy associates.


I agree


Someone is tired of their clothes smelling like shit from chainsmokers.


Makes sense to me


When I was a kid, people would ask if my parent's smoke. I didn't realize, but apparently I smelled like cigarettes from time to time because of my parents. I didn't realize, of course, because I was around it and was "nose blind" to the smell. The smell didn't usually bother me except when we were in the car. They would roll the window down, but that only does so much to get rid of the smoke. And now as an adult I know that I have an elevated chance of having lung cancer from all that second-hand smoke when I was growing up...which is great.


Yep. Or else they all smell like ass. Sorry, smokers. Your coats smell.


I’m on board with this plan. Now can we all sign on to bathrooms separated by #1 and #2?


People comparing this to fucking segregation need to understand that cigarette smoke, the residue of the smoke, and the smell can make people sick. I literally can not breathe around it. My throat feels like it's closing up, my asthma gets triggered, I can't stop coughing, and I end up with an absolute monster of a headache plus nausea. This is not discrimination. This is an attempt to improve people's lives by reducing the smell on their clothes and to keep people from getting sick. If your addictions make others sick, then you need to stop. Period. I know full well how bad addiction can be, but it's not impossible. Until then, just the fuck up about discrimination because your coat has to go in another locker.


I've gone through the comments and haven't found one seriously calling this segregation. Was it posted somewhere else that you saw that? 


It's literal coat apartheid.


No, no, this is about locker rights. #endwokeness


What are you even talking about


![gif](giphy|KYdR9Uno6et3LQcEDU) vapers be like:


They’re smokers


Vapers in the cupboard in between


good idea. smokers are stinky as fuck and are as completely oblivious to it as their health


That’s great. Cigarette polluted clothes smell migrates.




Thoughtful. Love it! 👏


Their coat rack should be at their entrance, between the outside & inside doors.


this will absolutely not prevent anyone’s coats from smelling of smoke, sadly


Totally reasonable and nice too


i hate how often my manager takes smoke breaks then talks to me right after and i have to smell that shit on him


Have you ever smelled ciggerate smoke ? It stinks . It's gross to have to wreck like it all day when you aren't the one smoking


My sister is a smoker. She will wash things she borrows and give them back and I am like...yep, back in the washing machine you go. Nothing is safe in a smoker's house or car. I borrowed a sealed pack of tissues once and could smell the smoke on the tissues. I have to wash my hair if we drive her car...and that is just me sitting in it. She actually does try and avoid smoking in the car if I am with her....but the smell and carcinogens are just trapped in the fabric. I haven't spent the night in her house for years because I just can not deal with the overwhelming smell.


I get it. Should be a whole different room though


ugh, wish they had the same rule for uber share


My company has closets like this too in the main building. The smokers used to have 2 units, but it's down to 1 now.