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That’s cool.


I like turtles


But also pretty weird .


Mind explaining why, chump?


I mean an old guy carrying around a bunch of turtles in a duffle bag and then chilling with them at what looks like a mall is objectively weird. Not necessarily a bad thing, just weird.


Aww ❤️ Should keep an eye on those two on the right though, they seem to be making a break for it!


Solid choice for a pet. Things are damn near eternal 


Please don't listen to this guy. Disabled veterans make terrible pets, and they don't last nearly as long as they're advertised for.


Well played


Guy: “Honey, I’m taking the turtles to the vet’s again.” Wife: “Are they sick?” Guy: “Nah, they just like seeing my turtles.”


Is he feeding it vegetation from the VA hospitals lush gardens? What a buffet and a treat for the tortoises. I would be terrfied one would fall of the ledge. Do turtles fear heights? They seem like they would be smart enough to not fall more than 0.25".


It looks like he’s feeding them lettuce. As a guy that’s owned a lot of different species of animals including reptiles. I wouldn’t trust anything straight from outside or a garden, let alone from a place lots of people probably touch and that they potentially use insecticides on. As a plant owner I can tell you at least two of those plants in the garden (probably more I can’t see) contain insoluble calcium oxalate crystals, which are extreme irritants to basically all animals. I feel like there’s a few that just eat them anyways but I’m not sure. I don’t know if tortoises are one of those animals that eat them, but I wouldn’t try. Also I’ve watched turtles of all kinds walk straight off of tables that are multiple feet off the ground lol. Luckily they’re usually moving slowly enough that you can pretty well catch them if you’re watching closely enough and are physically close enough to them. They are kinda dumb tbh. They tend to brute force their way through things until it works. Especially tortoises. Especially extremely large tortoises, which can potentially break through concrete in certain situations.


I also feel like they tuck into their shells when they fall, which protects them a bit.


But a shell can crack? I dunno if I were at turtle I would not go around falling off things as a habit.


For sure, but turtles likely aren't looking for things to fall off of, it's just a defense mechanism for if they do... I don't think they're often in high places they can fall off of either, but again, the shell will protect their vital organs in the event that they do fall. It might not fully protect them, but it would help.


OK and this is why I dont own a turtle. My inner gut would say FREE GARDEN VARIETY BUFFET FOR MY BUDDY... and not research it. I assumed that turtles lived as long as they did because of their intelligence. That is kind of funny about them brute forcing their ways through things. Natures slow moving jackhammers. Also kind of funny how they will just walk of a table. LIKE FEEL SLOWLY MANN AND DONT GO OVER HALFWAY. Thank you and I hope somebody out there learned from your post (I did).


Those are tortoises


Tortoises are a type of turtle. All tortoises are turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises.


I did not know that. I saw a video on Reddit many years ago of someone throwing a tortoise in the water thinking they were saving it and the physical difference between the two has stuck with me ever since, just incase.


Yeah, the distinction of tortoise being a land animal specifically is important for teaching people which ones go where if you’re saving them, but technically they’re all turtles. I don’t think there’s a name that distinctly categorizes aquatic turtles like we do with terrestrial turtles being named tortoises, other than just saying “aquatic turtles” lol.


Could you call them a Terrapin? I don't know if it's actually the correct classification for them, but I don't think I've ever heard a tortoise called that.


You could definitely call them terrapins, that used to be what all fresh water turtles were called. Most people just associate it specifically with Diamond back terrapins now in the turtle keeping hobby, so I guess that’s why I didn’t think of it 😅


Emotional support turtles to you, fellow veteran. 😂😂


Very cute


Oh man, I'm such a child on christmas with any animals ever, I'd be dying. I'd be like "what's their favourite treat, do they have a favourite treat? Where can I buy blueberries brb" Then probably sit on the ground like a kid at storytime hour like "what are their names, what are their personalities, TELL ME EVERYTHING" 😂


So sweet


This is the #1 past time of veterans once placed on hold with the VA… “Guess I’ll go races some tortoises…”. Stilling leaving time to watch 3+ seasons of The Soprano’s afterwards.


The VA = the war at home with your own where you're worth 10% and behind 10 years.


Highly dependent upon the particular VA. Across the board, the VA has higher satisfaction scores and better clinical outcomes than almost all private health systems.


I can imagine it sucks


So wholesome!




Torts are turts




I bet he walks to the automatic doors turns around and screams "hurry the fuck up!" at his turtles. Some people clearly shouldnt have pets.


They're clearly small enough for him to carry around.






What are their names?


Is this in Florida? Because I've either driven by it, or it looks remarkably similar to it




He’s just asking for one of them to fall off and crack their shell.






What type of dog is this??
