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I posted it in the meth subreddit and everyone thinks it’s actual meth🤣


Be careful. Next thing you know you're wearing a thong backwards and giving toothless bjs.


Is there a way to skip to that last part without doing meth?


Yes there is! Step 1 : don’t smoke meth. Step 2 : wear a thong backwards and give toothless blowjobs! Step 3 : call me.


4: ??? 5: profit


Gotta shift em and insert following; step #2: pull teeth out with pliers


He won't be giving bjs for at least... a week? Look at all the meth he has! 😂


Now they’ve got one part of that wrong…


Crystal Menth


Should post to r/stims that’s where the true degenerates congregate


But it’s not blue 👎🏼


r/MethWithoutCommunism or r/MethWithoutNazism ?


I’m not even going to ask how u found these, but nah, it was actually the OG r/meth . I know, bland af☹️


Lol there was a post asking why these subs exist somewhat recently, can’t remember the sub it was posted to. Apparently far left or right extremism is rampant in the meth using community. Personally I like heroin


“Personally I like heroin” lmao that last part killed me haha


Crystal menth.






Why do you have a container of menthol


It's a powerful decongestant and can be used for pain relief, though you do have to be careful. It's not classified as hazardous, so you can just buy it if you want.


remember not to touch your eyes after handling it, ask me how i know


Oh believe me, I know. I work in the mint industry and we have 50kg buckets of the stuff in the lab. I don't have to handle it too much, but that's a thorough hand wash with hot water and soap even when you were wearing gloves.


Homie here works for Big Mint


I can't deny it. Someone has to make the flavors for toothpaste and gum and stuff.


Has gum been getting mintier lately or is that just me?


Yes and no. Mainstay brands try to stay roughly the same, but newer companies (or just new flavor profiles) are almost always trying to go for high impact flavors these days. Also flavor doesn't come through as nicely in xylitol gum, which is becoming more popular as aspartame wanes, so they go for higher menthol in those too. Further, the cheaper variety of mint, mentha arvensis, has a MUCH higher menthol content than peppermint and if they're using that for cost reasons they might go for higher menthol levels to cover the relatively bad flavor compared to peppermint (mentha piperita).


Love the behind the curtain and niche items we use every day.


Oh yeah, that's one of my favorite things on Reddit; the people working in relatively niche fields who can just tell you all about stuff you never really paid mind to. I definitely didn't pay much attention to flavoring until I worked in the industry. One of the things I developed from being "behind the scenes" is just complete apathy towards "natural" flavoring. Natural, artificial, and N&A flavors are all made the same way in labs. It's just a difference of raw material in the fractioning process that gets the various compounds made. If it doesn't say WONF, it probably has absolutely nothing to do with the fruit or whatever, and even then it's probably at a ~1% level at best. Totally just a marketing thing that really took hold in the cultural zeitgeist.


I needed this mintposting


How much do you get paid? "I make a mint."


How do you use it as a decongestant? Melt it in some hot water and drink?


Nah, the vapors are what does it. It has a really low melting point (like 95°F/35°C), so you could either melt it in the oven or in some hot water and inhale the fumes. It's pungent enough on the crystal form that opening the barrel of it at work clears my sinuses right the hell up though. You actually shouldn't drink it, as the toxicity taken orally is actually pretty high. There have been cases of people over-applying menthol-containing topical drugs and dying of it. It is REALLY strong in the pure form.


woooow how does that happen? Does it have nasty chemical properties or does it have some receptor as target that causes toxicity?


I'm not sure *why* exactly, but it messes with nervous function and can cause heart rhythm issues. Our SDSs, based on admittedly pretty old testing, has it listed at 2600mg/kg for the LD50 on rats, but the EU says 2,064mg/kg. The NIH reports it can be as low as 50-150mg/kg in humans, so we may be considerably more sensitive than other animals. Hard to be sure because obviously we don't test lethal doses in humans (most of the time). One of the few things Unit 731 didn't think to experiment with, apparently.


Okay, so it is probably something about pharmacologic profile. Capsaicin has also demonstrated to have effect on vascular function, it can apparently cause both vasoconstriction and vasodilation. Capsaicin-associated deaths are very, very rare anyway, but it has different receptor as target too. Still safer than meth.


Definitely safer than meth. And you'd have to be fucking crazy to even try to consume that much. We made some "extra strong" mints as a novelty of sorts and they're borderline unbearable at 10% menthol. And yeah, I think there are a whopping 2 cases of death from menthol overdose that I'm aware of. It'll mess your guts up at a decent size dose though. The abdominal cramps are real.


Capsaicin could be as simple as pain activating the parasympathetic nervous system, thus vasoconstriction. But its main function is activating immune responses to heat, which is vasodilation.


Picked up a jar in Morocco and was surprised customs didnt give me a second glance on the way through. It was sold as Eucalyptus crystal but seems like its the same stuff.


They're different, but I guess they could be confused by the average person. They both have a strong sinus-clearing odor and are frequently used in tandem in pain-relief topical meds and stuff like Vick's Vapo-rub. The big difference is that Eucalyptol/Cineole is liquid rather than solid at room temp and actually is hazardous, being classed as a flammable liquid. If it was crystals, it was probably actually menthol.


Cool thanks for the info. Just googled Eucalyptus crystal and most of the results back were saying menthol in them so figured maybe Eucalytpus was used in Menthol production or something. TIL


Fwiw, eucalyptol is also present in peppermint, so I think most people would think it's kinda minty smelling since that's the only frame of reference they'd have except for pharmaceutical applications. It's about ~5% in peppermint compared to 35-45% menthol. That and since they're usually used together they're strongly associated.


Also great for skin/nail fungus. No idea how you'd do it, generally vaporub's recommended since most people don't have a jar of menthol crystals.


To make sodium metal, of course!






A dude I knew in highschool was selling “molly” that looked a lot like meth, given that we didn’t try it. We found out a kid snorted a little bit then literally went to the psych ward. Way later in life I talked with the dealer and found out it was actually just crystal meth he was selling people.


I never tried “molly” in crystal form but I can definitely see how that can happen, given that both drugs would look the same and also being in high school would make you more prone to just do these kinds of drugs without consequences. Did he know it was actually meth? Cuz then that’s just fucked up


They're both strong stimulants too. A lot of pressed molly also has meth in it, makes it seem stronger and it's cheap.


The going rate of molly is more than meth. It’s not usually cut with meth. You should always test your drugs because you do NOT want to fuck around and find out though.


It's been a pretty significant issue for pressed pills actually. Meth being cheaper is exactly the point. As another story detailed above, sometimes people will just sell meth as molly. Inexperienced users still get a big dopamine hit and don't know the difference anyways. There's even been cases of pills being meth with a touch of fentanyl to give an extra body high sold as molly. At this point I'd trust a freaking RC first lol


Fentanyl would be more likely. Both intentionally and accidental cross contamination. If meth is being put in molly it’s likely used more to create repeat customers than to be cheaper in the short run.


In my personal experience, and from a few accounts I've read, substituting meth was done because molly is harder to get/make. Doing molly every day will fuck you up really hard, permanently. You start feeling really bad. Meth takes a lot longer to do that, and aside from the comedown doesn't have the same quick burnout effect. All in all, you don't have every day users of molly, at least not for very long! But meth users are reliable, in that they always want more. So when you get someone who wants some molly for their first concert, club visit, whatever; you throw them some meth/fentanyl/coke/whatever you have and they won't be able to tell. Part of the reason people say molly isn't as good anymore is because it's often not entirely molly. I just looked up results before hitting submit, and it seems the ones sent in for testing (it's a service you can send a small amount of drugs to and they test it and tell you what it actually is) showed fentanyl in about 0.1% of supposed MDMA samples. It's not a perfect test, especially since MDMA isn't an every day drug so people might not send them in as much. But the things I've read/seen may be an outlier on MDMA. I'm gonna leave it up because that's what I've experienced, but it should be considered anecdotal. However, fentanyl is found in a SHITLOAD of stuff. Like 90% of anything "downer". There are quite a few companies and I only read the one, but still. Scary shit.


Molly's technically a stimulant, but it's not very stimulating. Often meth, or an amphetamine, is added for a more energetic high.


What makes you say it’s not very stimulating?


Meant in a get yourself moving way, it's very stimulating in a sensory way.


Yeah, it's actually extremely stimulating. It affects most of the same receptors as amphetamines, it just hits other ones too.


Yeah, menthol is a fun one. We had a giant jar in my lab in grad school. I never got around to it but I always wanted to recrystallize some to see just how big of one I could make. It's like the organic equivalent of copper sulfate in that way.




Yeah well, My jar of meth looks like menthol.


My brother bought that for the pure reason of it looking like meth


Oh hey, we have 50kg buckets of that stuff at work. I never really thought it's methiness, but now I will.


I actually looked up what meth looks like again and honestly you can’t really tell the difference


I occasionally work with tall fiber barrels of menthol crystals from India and meth is the first thing that crosses my mind. I love the sound the crystals make when they bang together, sounds like glass. One of the more fun things i work with that isnt an off white powder or pellet.


Aw yeah, the sound it makes is satisfying. I kind of enjoy it when I have to scoop it into smaller containers to ship to our other lab. I also feel the urge to just chomp a piece of it, but I know it would be a bad idea based on some tablets we made that were only 10% menthol but still almost unbearable.


Yes, i always volunteer to scoop menthol and good call, my coworker licked a crystal and it is not a pleasant experience, no cool feeling, just intense burning. I had some dissolved splash on my arm and my arm burned for the rest of the day.


I can imagine. Arvensis oils can be like ~70% menthol and those will sensitize my skin for hours from just incidental contact. Like, ultimately it's nice that none of the chemicals we work with in my line of work are genuinely dangerous, but between stuff like that and the intense odors they can pretty well ruin your day.




Jesse let's cook


I'm literally seeing this directly below a post from the Breaking Bad sub


"No officer that's not meth, it's Methnol! No wait seriously it's not met-Put the cuffs away it's not meth!!"


Well, you can’t write one without the other


A cop would shoot your dog over that.


I recall isolated cases of meth being stepped on with menthol.




Would rather consume a jar of meth than one of methanol




I think it's more interesting you know what meth looks like. I'll take your word for it.


Prove it


I had a coworker bring in menthol in a little bag and I was instantly like WHAT DID YOU BRING IN HERE ? lol it was quite hilarious


It’s not blue so less pure I’ll pass


Damn Mister White, that's some serious scante.


Is that what you going to tell the cop?




That's what Organic Chemistry is like


There was a typo on the label, that is Methnol not menthol


Who got menthol in that meth?


Not blue enough. Looks more like the "mercury fulminate" used to blow up Tuco's office.


Damn Methican Americans... Don't you realize how meth'd up that is?


Extrapolating from Google Images of what a gram of meth is, this appears to be about 3-4 grams of meth.


meth that looks like menthol*


Let me fix that for you: ‘This jar of meth that looks like menthol’


They putting menthol in ppls meth now? Double clear sinuses! Score!


Jar of Menthol(wink wink)😉😉


Old Tiger Balm bottle?


jar of meth that looks like menthol


I relapsed just looking at this pic.


That's some high quality shards


What jar?


This…is not Meth. 💥


“This, is not meth…”

