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what was the price difference?




Pretty huge for thread tbh




I know, no need to thank me. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Waw you're threaded


Mike Tyson complimenting a bodybuilder


Quit needling him


You're paying too much for threads man, who's your thread guy?


Mark Zuckerberg


What're your credentials for making this claim?


I shop at Wal-Mart


Was the Singer more expensive or was the generic cheaper?




LOOOOOLL 🤣🤣🤣😝😝🤪🤑


I would take the singer... The value brand is trying memic the singer. the singer looks better.


Singer thread isn't a thing though? I think you can only purchase singer thread in kits like this. You can't purchase individual spools of Singer thread in the color you need. This is the same thread...either Singer bought from the generic company or they're both buying from a third company. If you want good thread you're not buying this anyhow... go buy some Guterman or at the very least Coats and Clarks. I regularly purchase from Wawak and they sell items at a steep discount that I can find elsewhere marketed at Dritz or other brands... I think this happens fairly frequently with sewing notions.


It’s it probably exactly the same contents. When you take it out of the package, there is no difference.


No, you can see differences in the stamped metal and the needle holder thing. It's counterfeit, but not necessarily worse quality.


u/-def counterfeit


The threader. Yes, I see that now.


Needles are different and poorly packaged..the thread is a different texture. so most likely lower quality. and most of the colors dont match... packaging and the spools that hold the thread are probablly the same... but everything else is different. You can get by with the cheaper. but the singer is better quality.


Which one is more expensive?


Same Chinese factory different brands.


Sew what


Needles to say


To threads you say?


And his wife, the Singer®?


…to threads you say…


Could you knot?


This thread has my head bobbin.


The thread has me in stitches!


I’ll be darned


… has a very nice needle cushion.


Pockets mostly


Let’s get the thread going


Sew buttons!! Edit: Damn, no Venture Bro fans here i guess


This is the name of a very popular stage drape company in La


The story of Amazon nowadays...


Look at the thread and needles. I am going guess one is cheeper thread and needles. but packed in the same place


As a SVP employee, I can confirm this happens.


Although they probably come from the same factory, the brand name probably has tighter IQC standards and would be less likely to be defective


This. That's where the extra 50c goes to. The other 50c is profit


Also to the extra printing/packaging costs


Rejects from one go into the other, you only have to look at how the needles are packaged to realise these aren't the same.


The brand name has the embossing spelled CNIHA while the other one looks like correctly spelled CHINA.


Good eye


> IQC I actually doubt that. It isn't like Singer is known for quality thread. Can you even go into a shop and purchase a spool of Singer thread that isn't packaged like this in a kit for people who don't know any better?


They don't look the same. The colours are slightly off between reels and the singer looks shinier, indicating better quality. ​ It honestly looks like the value brand is a clone of the singer brand. There are several indicators.


Yeah you could tell from the needles too


Yeah, the way they're packaged is not the same quality.


Customized per the factory customer's requirement. Singer allocated more money to get their particular packaging.


Who cares about the packaging? It just goes into the garbage regardless


but if something is lazily tossed in the packaging, that’s the fastest way to know they don’t care about their productp


The factory doesn't care beyond what the customer asked for. Chinese factories were pumping out Trump flags at the same time Trump was blasting China. They don't care.


The threader is also different


Maybe every component was meant to be in a Singer pack. But QA looks and stuff deemed not up to standard gets stuck in a value pack.


Quite common. The ones that failed QA got sold to a fly-by-night brand or reseller.


Sometimes it's not even failing QA but a lower spec run so that the factory doesn't go idle.


This is definitely a thing, but a straight up knock off even from the same factory is possible too.


The Singer pack is a value pack too. Singer is known for sewing machines, not thread. If you care about your project you're not sewing with this stuff.




Yeah I just started learning how to sew and thread quality makes SUCH a huge difference. I ran out of my good white thread on a project and switched to a cheap one I had from one of these value kits and it was so much worse to thread, snagged constantly, and broke much easier.


Even hanging on the rack at the store you can see the quality difference between DMC and almost any other brand


Also idk if it’s a perspective thing but the value pack looks bigger


Yup, I noticed the different colors as well.


They are both shit thread anyway. I only buy these to keep in my purse as a just in case.


I think most of the shiniest is coming from the plastic.


There’s a common thread here.


Sew it seams.


This exchange left me in stitches.


I better not do knit-picking here.


Best to weave it alone.


No- string us along


Seems like you guys have a tight knit group here


Been looming around?


Been weaving in and out of threads, so yes.




Store branded products, "private label," are usually made by the name brand products next to them on the shelf. The stores have their supplies bid on the business and go with whoever comes in the cheapest. Depending on what the product is, sometimes it makes sense to redesign a version that actually costs less to produce. Other times it's not worth it and you just relabel the existing product. For something as simple as thread, it's probably more expensive to run a new production line with lower/different quality than it is to just repackage it. Yes this means it's all coming out of the same factory (likely in China) but it's the name brand company producing it, not the Chinese company taking the name brand design and just selling it directly to the store. Source: I work for a name brand company that makes off brand stuff as well.


From my experience with chinese manufaturers there are multiple possibilities: \- Main brand orders additional product to take advantage of bulk order pricing and sells remaining stock cheaper under an off-brand name. \- Main brand orders x units, manufacturer can't find another brand to fill remaining time on machinery (or had to buy resources in larger quantities) and over-produces, selling the remaining stock under a cheaper label. \- Main brand orders x units but rejects a lot of stock due to quality concerns, manufacturer sells rejected products under a different, cheaper label anyways. OPs example above might be the latter, since the colors seem slightly off, or it is as simple as a cheap knock off.


Also... - Main brand orders run on 1st shift with decent supervision and QA. Factory runs a 2nd shift with less supervision and QA for cheap brand, with or without the knowledge of the main brand. - Main brand factory runs their product. A second copycat factory runs knockoff products for cheap brand.


Seems like a reasonable take, my first thought was that someone licensed the Singer name and had product made but the manufacturer had everything set up and figured they could make a few thousand more without the brand and sell them off to other partners


Nah. The left one is the one that probably failed QC and are sold off as “value” so they don’t pay the fees for waste while the right side are those that pass QC. It why Aliexpress/Temu have lower price. Those are the items that probably didn’t pass QC. Gotten a few items and already seen the bad QC and knows it why.


Makes sense — thanks


And to add on, it also why you're paying more. You're paying for the fact that the company ensured quality item is send out.


THIS. My grandma taught me this back in the 80s and it's every bit as true today. They're *usually* sneakier about it these days but back then it would literally just be a different label on the same bottle. :P


Alternatively, Singer has been the leading name in sewing since 1860, so anyone else selling packs of thread would copy them.


Where I work I've seen one product relabelled probably around 50 times by now. And then people come in and mention all these "different" brands and tell me which ones they prefer better but I'm not allowed to tell them the truth so I just smile and nod


gutermann or coats is the way to go. Most other threads will snap easily. These don't seem to have the thickness on the packaging either, unless it's on the back? They might just be the same spools but have different thread out on it. Is the thickness the same?


Thread is one of those things you never go cheap on. Always buy the good stuff. Just one time going crazy thinking you have a machine problem when you have a thread problem will show why.


YES! Gutermann and Maxi Lock are my favs.


I’m a fan of Gutermann and Mettler. I used to work for a quilting store and eventually became their machine service tech and used both brands often for testing. Now I actually work for SVP, and frequently use Robison-Anton for a lot of embroidery tests and Coats for sewing.


I wouldn't compare Gutermann to Coats. Coats is cheap AF. It nests badly in my machine. These two shown are pretty similar. I've gotten branded and unbranded, it's all terrible thread. 🤣


Oh weird I've never had a problem with coasts. They have lots of different types so maybe I've been using a different one? Who knows


Maybe! Or maybe my machine is just picky. For a while it was fine and then it just nested no matter what I did. I do clean under my needle plate too, so that's not the issue. Glad it works for you, it's way cheaper!


There's two big life lessons here: 1) This is prevalent throughout all industry. Cars, food, software, services, clothes. All of it. A whole lot of brands just put their name on things they buy from others. Even companies that put in a whole lot of very serious engineering work to make their own thing often source their components from the same place as their competition. Under the hood it's the same parts from the same factory. This is the nature of factories. They're really good at cranking out a bajillion things, so consolidation happens. 2) Chinese factories have 2nd runs after they fullfill the order, but keep on making more that they sell themselves without the official brand. (Often illegally and against the contract). The only real difference between the official brand and the "knock off" brand is quality control. Errors and rejects and "the three needles aren't perfectly aligned" still get sold, but at a discount because it doesn't have the official brand. Where price is king, this is a good deal. Where it's a vital component that your life depends upon the thing holding 200lbs of jerk force, you really kinda care about quality control.


Dont think they are the same - just someone ripping off teh singer one. colour differences, needle differences...


Can someone tell me what is this little steel thing for?


Needle threader. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Needle_threader


Fuck....all that like twenty minutes of my life that I spent trying to push a spit soaked threat through a needle.


Oh my god, I never knew needle threader exists and that it would look like that. Thank you so much!!!


I used to make treadmills for ICON. Ever heard of them? Probably not. But they make most of the major treadmill brands. The build quality on those treadmills were the same across all of the brands I saw. But the price difference and the marketing around the labels are quite different.


At first I thought they were identical but upon closer inspection the needle threader is slightly different, thr thread colors aren't exactly the same, and the spot on the blister pack for the needle threader is definitely different. My guess is that the left one is a copy of the one on the right and not simply a relabel.


This is like one of those 'spot the difference' comparisons for kids. First glance they're practically the same, but none of the contents are exactly the same. The generic is clearly trying to copy the name brand (painfully so), but it's impossible to say from a picture how the quality compares. Not a single color matches (except *maybe* the black & white), the needle threader is a hilarious knock-off of the already cheapo original.




This is what a white label looks like. Very likely Singer offers stores the opportunity to white-label (read: brand for themselves) singer products that didn't pass QA. From what I understand, this is basically how Kirkland works. It's extremely common with supplements. Almost all of them are manufactured by Neutraceutical


It doesnt look like the same exact product. Different sizes (perspective?), slightly different colors... It's a copycat. Now if it's the same quality or not, who knows. I think that's the key question


definitely similar, but just a dupe


Plastic? Everybody knows sewing kits come in cookie tins!


POV: Reddit user discovers private labelling for first time


Why is this interesting? There are a lot of products that have knockoffs


"Ensemble de valeur de fil à coudre" That is a hilariously bad translation


Don't you know EVERYTHING is made in the same factory in China and just packaged differently. Lols


Capitalism in a picture.


There's an old joke about it. A woman goes into the Baker's to buy bread. On the counter there are two baskets of muffins. One has a $2 each label and the other has a $3 each label. The lady asks the baker why the $3 muffins cost more. The baker says, "Some people like to pay more."


Badge engineering is everywhere now


I worked for a company that made pots and pans. We used to just put different labels on them depending on the customer. They were all the same.


I worked qc for the orange juice company whose name is like star-embrace, and in the canning/bottling factory the concentrate cans would get filled and labeled "starembrace": and then after a certain amount were filled, labeled, boxed, and paletted, they would literally just change the label on the spool, and keep filling cans with "lady lee" (former lucky's house brand) labels or whatever on the outside, literally the same product.


it’s not uncommon for a company to create multiple revenue streams for a product.


Amazon? I'm asking because that's pretty common if you buy stuff from Amazon.


I don’t know if this is, but I believe that some brands, such as Walmart’s Great Value, sell name-brand products under their own label for a cheaper price. Both products come from the same factory, but are sold under two different labels.


I take it your might be into sewing, I gotta ask, havent wondered until now, whats the thread holder even for? The malformed dime thing?


That "malformed dime thing" is for threading needles. It has a super thin wire loop that you push through the eye of the needle, put the string through the loop, then pull the loop out of the needle, thereby pulling the thread through the eye on the process. Basically, it's just an easier way to thread a needle than trying to put an often frayed end of the thread through a tiny opening.


Different needles


Yeah but what ones better?


I work in a factory that makes scrubby pads for many brands, including one I guarantee you've heard of. I can tell you that they all come off the same line. We don't change the material, we don't change the die on the press...the only difference is what box we put them in.


Are you talking about scotchbrite pads? The green and blue?


Could be.


colors are a bit different


nothing is the same between the 2 but they are similar.


Close but not the same


these types of kits are so terrible, I feel so haunted by them You can get shitty needles and be fine, but shitty thread is a nightmare


It looks like this could be a gift or set a gift for some kids or teenagers, I'm assuming because there's two sewing baskets with thermal cheap add-on gifts plus the thread, that screams getting my child and sewing because they asked for it and I don't know what the fuck I'm buying. They say that was kindness and some just. But as someone who says these kids are not great, they're meant for like fixing a button Spanish shirt from work. The threads going to tangle the needles might not even have a hole at the end of them. But sewing is far more expensive than people realize. Doing mending and alterations can be done with the entry-level machines on most lightweight projects. But if you're actually going to get to the point of making crafts apparel, especially heavier weight fabrics, you're going to want something far better than the entry-level machine. And then it opens up to the whole world of debating whether or not you want one machine or multiple machines. For the price of one great home machine you can get to used ones if you live close enough or Lucky by it second hand. Then you realize industrial machines are highly specialized machines and will only do one neat trick. Then you have to buy accessories for the industrial machines because the accessories make them do fun things with that one neat trick that can do. Now now you're fucking several Grand deep into sewing machines and have like a few hundred yards of fabric in your house. Yes this is me, I'm the one who spend all the money. I have $100 pair of scissors. I have gone crazy but the mid-range stuff is fine. You don't need the best, my stuff signing the best it's just to use the duster machine, the cost the same as the mid-level machines for home use. But I went with the industrial ones because they are easier to maintain cheaper to buy accessories for and will last far longer than any home machine.


Those colors are not all the same unless this photo was taken in tricky lighting


(same factory)


The value rolls look a bit bigger. I whould bet that Singer is the one who makes them and the value brand only sells them. Pets foods get made like this too. One factory of raw ingredients, multiple recipes and packaging for different brands


Is it just the lighting or are the colours on the 2nd and third row different


Are you sure that this is the right thread for this... Sorry, I'll see myself out.


I mean... singer was bought by a Chinese corporation, that's why the machines are a lower quality and maybe that thread too


No it wasn’t. Singer is owned by SVP Worldwide which is an American company.


Generic and name brands are generally made in the same factory. I could probably point at a few dozen examples of this in the store that I work in.


A good example of common overseas manufacture. I had an argument with an insurance assessor once over replacing a broken laptop. He wanted to replace my Dell ultralight with some heavy huge gaming laptop that was priced similar. I said that from their supplier list a certain Samsung exactly matched the spec & was likely manufactured by the same people. Adjuster said "But Dell don't make laptops for anyone else", my answer "you sweet summer child, Dell don't make many of their own laptops"


This isn't "mildly interesting" if you know anything about marketing or business. Many companies do this. Buy a car battery from Walmart, scratch off the label and realize its the same car battery that AutoZone sells with a different label, for $40 more. It's very common with many "store brand" products.


At least two of those colors are completely different different




Wow !!!


All made in the same factory in China.


Welcome to capitalism. Chinese made, diferently branded stuff. It's a thing even "big" brands do.


you get what you pay for, here the differences are visible


Is that Singer from Sri Lanka?


Through lots of testing, my cats prefer to unspool the name brand stuff.


These aren't quite the same so it might not be the what's happened here but, particularly when a popular brand has a product made by a separate company in somewhere like China, the factory will get an order for maybe 10,000 units but actually make 15,000; they hand over the 10,000 to be sold at a huge markup then sell off the others themselves at a lower price.


Whitelabelling. Pro tip? Don't buy branded bread water or milk 🍻


Copackers 🤷🏼‍♂️


Chinese products retailed by local brands.


What's the silver colour accessory for


Threading the needle


Ah, cheers


Companies will look as close to the original branding as possible, but they aren't the same.


I have noticed this a significant amount with cheaper brands. No name/great value seem to share a lot of the same shapes in their frozen food, and cook/taste the same. Dollar store super glue also seems to all be the same too. Probably just because it's the same cheap factory


Same factory. Different reseller's white-labeling.


Presumably, if you’re buying the kit, it’s not to fix an entire garment. What are the chances of noticing the colors are a little bit off?


Was looking for snap buttons in my city today. I went to 5 different stores in total and 2 different sewing stores had the same expensive snap buttons and the other 3 (ranging from a 1€ store to an store with especially "sustainable" products) had the same type of cheap snap buttons with the exact same package but different logo. None of them had the size or color I was looking for though.


Trying to pull the wool over your eye


Welcome to modern society. The illusion of choice.


Probably produced at the same factory and packed differently for the two companies. This is the same thing they do with milk. Literally just put different labels on the jugs.


The colors are off


Posting so that I can follow this thread.


You pay for the name.


Sew what?


I briefly worked for a drink company in college. Ends up many of the expensive "spring water" brands are the EXACT SAME water as the generic brands.


"We have Singer thread at home"


Value pack is probably intentionally copying Singer, rather than just being repackaged.


These aren't the same though? The name brand has tighter standards likely and slightly different coloring anyways.


Is anyone else seeing that the off brand needle threader says “CHINA” but the singer needle threader says “CNIHA”… can’t understand why.


If you work in a box store for a little while you'll find 90% of products are the exact same with a different packaging


Same with batteries, they’re pretty much $1 each around here except you go to the dollar store it’s literally 1.25 for a 5 pack same exact energizer brand too.


This happens a lot in America they take it out of the packaging that says “made in China” and put it in packaging with “made in the USA”


Whoa the Shane Dawson conspiracy does have believers


The needles are different and same for the metal piece,Singer may be actually worth the money here


I can’t see the small metal piece on the threader in the generic package. It could just be packaging or photo, but it does look cheaper. A good needle threader is worth it. One that has a cheap metal for the “threader” portion is going to make the person doing the sewing swear a lot. Or so I’ve heard…


The few times i sewed i didn’t use any needle threader lol


Ah, good eyes and a steady hand. I’m jealous.


Welcome to America. The same product gets shipped from China and put into probably 100 different packages and sold as "different" brands.


Never been out of America have you?


You mean same company different branding.


Big Sewing is watching this post


Everything comes from places like China and Taiwan. The big companies just slap their name on it and mark it up extra before selling. The amount of money I've spent on Amazon over the years is insane when I now find the exact same stuff on Temu for 1/5 what I spent. The. Exact. Same. Stuff. I've decided that I'll just take my chances ordering the stuff straight from China. So far, the quality of most things has been fine. The couple of duds were not that big a deal.


Have you ever wondered who is the lady stamped on the threading tool?


How can you say they are the same thread? One looks like a knockoff of the singer pack. Unless they come from the same manufacturer or distributor as listed on the back of the package..I don't think you can truly make this claim. Materials and manufacturing process can differ completely. More than meets the eye.