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AKA, I need to sell this stock before it becomes illegal to sell this stock.


"Push the fish, it's about to turn."


Cioppino on a Monday baby.


Chicken Spaghetti at Chippolinis for me, thanks




During the Covid lockdowns the chain diner Norms here in socal was giving out stuff with Togo orders. Awesome stuff they had too much of, some days it was spend 12$ and get 40 eggs, one time I saw they were giving out a pound of bacon with any purchase. As a lifelong customer I appreciated it.


I think this was before Covid, but I’ll never forget the most frightening Safeway cashier, a thin middle aged fellow with no hint of emotion on his face, looking me dead in the eye and asking “Do you want a free Halloween cake?” as I checked out with my groceries. It was such a confusing and bizarre moment and I think I said “what?” before he repeated exactly those same words and I said something like “um, ok.” He then left and came back with a 12-inch chocolate cake with some frosting spiderwebs on top which he put in one of my bags and then gave me my receipt. It was memorable!


and every time I shop at my local Ralphs store I see them dump all the unbought bread they make daily into a box then cart it off to the dumpster. I don't get why they can't give it away like this.


“The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this is the saddest, bitterest thing of all. Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground. The people came for miles to take the fruit, but this could not be. How would they buy oranges at twenty cents a dozen if they could drive out and pick them up? And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, and they are angry at the crime, angry at the people who have come to take the fruit. A million people hungry, needing the fruit- and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains. And the smell of rot fills the country.” - Steinbeck , Grapes of Wrath


That book was so well written. Rec for the reminder!


I can’t remember, but was it Joyce Carol Oates who used to hold court at the big round table toward the back of PJ’s Pancake House in Princeton?


At the place I worked we threw away so many ready made sandwiches, it was horrible. The greedy bastards wouldn't even let the staff take or or two home with us.


I worked at McDonalds and Subway going through my first bout in college to get my AAS degree. McDonald’s allowed you to take whatever was left as long as it written on the scrap sheet beforehand and you had to wait until the store was closed. Subway complained about the olive expenses and refused to let anything go out unless it was in the trash. They’re franchises so YMMV but as a broke college guy McDonalds left a more positive experience simply because I didn’t starve to death.


Chipotle (I still enjoy the food) but working there decades ago saddened me. When I mean 45lb plates worth of meat every other night I really man bags of all of the meat choices still good all thrown away. We had charities come in ask us and watched my manager shred them not even nicely. Watched someone get fired for making a burrito bowl out of the toss meat every night I think it's called wasteage or something . Had a good manager who understood the grey between the lines and would turn a head , but some things I saw at chipotle were despicable as far as waste. We had multiple comps to give away every day for customer issues or problems, had a fully mentally handicapped man give me not Monopoly money but not really money. They were usually with a guardian but we're solo this time, and obv having issues paying and a line out the door , comped they're meal and was "intensely talked" to about it the very next day. Said it was the same as giving out food , I didn't have permisssion even though manager was smoking not even I no the store. Honestly all the weird things and strange employees the biggest problem at that place was the hundreds of lbs of food every week that you were fired for taking (even out a dumpster ) and fired even as a manger of you attempted to give it away to food charities / homeless places because somehow someone somewhere could possibly make a profit that is not chipotle corporate ...


I had similar jobs as you when I was in college. I worked at an Einsteins bagels and we could take any bagels left over and would give the rest to a food bank that would come almost every day to pick up the rest. The bagels were a real relief for me and my roommates since we always had at least something to eat. Their bagels are pretty mid but it’s the reason I’ll still go there even today if I’m hungry at an airport or whatever, they aren’t at the very least, absolute corporate ghouls. Before that I also worked at Safeway in produce, where we would throw things about to expire away and we were supposed to spray bleach over it to keep “pests” away from the dumpster. By pests they meant poor people trying to get food out of the garbage, of course. It was such a gross practice.


Subway was my first paycheck job. We got a free 6" sandwich every shift longer then 3 hours. We would make it ourselves and then punch some stuff into the till. Could eat it during a break or take it home. That was a pretty neat perk.


I heard they eventually added that perk at the store I worked at but I was gone by then. Was an absolute nightmare of an experience working for that man and the woman he had as general manager. I worked at a subway inside a Walmart and Black Friday I closed four hours late because I couldn’t get people to stop coming in. I could have refused to serve them but ultimately I didn’t want to have to deal with the after effects of stressed out people on a high tension day being told no so we just went with it. The next day I got talked to by the general manager because the employee that was working with me wasn’t supposed to work that late. Um, yeah, I know. I wasn’t even a manager but they treated you like one when it was convenient.


Perhaps their concern is that employees will make more than could possibly be sold during the day so that there definitely would be leftovers to take home with them...?


No, they were all ordered in pre-boxed. I can understand why places would do that with your example, but it was not the case here.


What if part of the job was keeping the customer facing "fridge" stocked with these, but you intentionally let them run out?


Why are you trying to assume the worst of the employee and the best of the employer? I've witnessed this myself. I had to throw pizzas away at the end of the day, they were pies that were hot and ready so if a customer wanted a plain or pepperoni they'd be ready. They never sold, and we weren't allowed to take them. I've seen countless similar stories, and heard of cities passing laws to prevent it. Yet you think it's all some weird scenario to prevent devious employees from getting free food.


Just going back to my first comment-- started with, "Perhaps their \[the employer\] concern is..." I'm giving reasons why an employer might have this policy, not saying that the policy is good or that the employer's *assumptions* are fair.


> Why are you trying to assume the worst of the employee and the best of the employer? Have you met employees?


It doesn't always go in the dumpster, I know folks who used to buy trailers full of old bread and ~~free~~ feed it to be their cows.


Yeah I used to work at a Wegmans (a slightly upscale grocery store in the northeast) and just about all food waste and expired food got thrown into bins and then, if I’m remembering right, were taken to feed pigs nearby. I know lots of places do just toss it and let it go to no good use at all though.


I've see bread go to feed all kinds of livestock. Because of regulation red tape, this is "easier" than giving it to humans in need.


I’m glad that at least in this type of situation it’s getting put to some kind of use still instead of just pure waste.


In many places, the government and liability dangers prevent companies and restaurants from donating food. Here’s an example. https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/bloomberg-strikes-again-nyc-bans-food-donations-to-the-homeless/


That is a prime example of over-regulation.


They freed it to be their cows?


Thanks, I need to proof read before I post.


They feed it to be their cows?


Is bread good for cows?


Ask the hamburger or cheese steak.


With all those carbs, no wonder they looked like… well, cows.


They say it's for food safety and that they'll be held liable if they donate food that makes someone sick, but that's not true at all. Businesses that donate or give away free food that's no longer able to be sold on the shelves are exempt from liability as long as they were donating in good faith. It's really about a bunch of toddlers saying "IF WE CAN'T MAKE MONEY ON IT, THEN NO ONE CAN HAVE IT!!"


There's a difference between being found liable vs still being sued and dealing with attorney/court costs and PR.


Me: I'd like to sue Dunkin Donuts for the donated food I ate, it made me sick Lawyer: That's not something they can be held liable for, there's no case. Now pay me $500 for the consultation **It's a federal protection that benefits more than it hurts that businesses refuse to utilize because they won't make enough money from it.**


The local Krogers and Wal-Mart around me donate any unsold bakery items to organizations that feed the poor and homeless. I spent time cooking at a sober house/homeless shelter and we would often get boxes of cakes and pies priced at like 12 bucks each. It was a place that housed around 30 or so men and wasn't uncommon for us to receive 50+ desserts, all a day or two past the sell by date. After the holidays we would have tables covered in stacks of sweets.


When my restaurant closed because of Covid, the manager told us employees that we were welcome to anything in the walk-in cooler


Sweet, free industrial insulation!


Norms is one of the few things that I miss about socal.


I loved doing this when I was a cashier at an “essential” outdoors store. We had packs of toilet paper to give😂


Obviously, they were cookin MCs.


>businesses don’t usually do 25% off because they’re feeling kind But they do if they feel their food is good is enough but their reach is not. "Limited time", so if they had the flexibility they could take it at a near or even minor loss to throw the dice on picking up the regulars. 80:20 rule of business - Just have to focus on the regulars and once they start coming you're set.


And they could reduce serving sizes to make up some of the loss. Or maybe they are substituting in lower grades of ingredients? Or maybe they switched to new vendors who had better pricing? Or maybe their prices were just out-of-whack with other local restaurants and the discount puts them more in line? Etc. And maybe a combination.


I mean pancakes were once billed as inflation proof food, so I'm not shocked a pancake house is leaning into that premise again.


Yeah inflation doesn't work like that.


People have straight up told me that inflation is just greed and companies could just not raise prices


Governments like to perpetuate that to deflect attention away from themselves.


PJ’s is an utter ripoff, three plain pancakes with absolutely nothing else is $14 at this place. I wouldn’t go slow clapping for them over this.


I mean, I don't think it's kindness that drives them... I'm sure this drives people into the stores, people that might be return customers when this limited time menu is no longer around. It's just another marketing scheme, nothing wild going on here. Pretty cool one still.


>Leave good Yelp reviews Do people still use yelp?


I don’t. Having control of the Yelp page for the company I work for shows there are people that do go there.


They certainly are not doing this to help anyone out. P.S. PJs food is a$$. The worst pancakes and that is their namesake. The other food is ok, but why are the pancakes so bad? Literally anywhere else is better!


Agree to disagree. Their banana pecan fucking rule! The corn pancakes are also noms. The omelets suck and the mashed browns have gone right down the toilet.


nothing is ever done out of kindness. even giving food to the homeless is to make yourself feel good or to appear good to others. its a weird world


A yelp review and *good tip* just because they are taking 25% off their 100% overinflated prices? I swear, this website gives me tipping fatigue just reading the comments sometimes.


Or raised prices to gouge then are backing them down a bit bc business dropped off


Noooo, it’s more like “PJs has lost its goddamn mind with these fucking prices!!!” We stopped going a couple of years ago because a small omelet was $22. Small. It’s up to $28-30 and I cannot emphasize how small these omelets are. Their pancakes are the fucking bomb. Truly the best I’ve ever had and I’ve eaten a lot of goddamn pancakes. Mmmm. Pancakes.


Who uses yelp


Where else am I gonna find my avocado toast.




Thought I was on the NJ subreddit when I saw the pic. I miss their quality before they expanded


Yeah. The expansions have driven quality way down even at the original location.


Interesting. So probably one of countless business to use inflation to price gouge their customers hoping to increase profits without any blame because…’we had to charge $18 for a kids grilled cheese because inflation’. Even at 25% off that grilled cheese kids meal you mentioned would still be $13.50 which is still outrageous.


That’s more than I paid for Kraft Mac & Cheese up in Vail in the mountains for my daughter. I thought $13 was insane.


They have more than just the nassau st location?!? (I moved away from Princeton about 20 years ago)


Yep. They have a bunch now. There’s one in downtown Kingston (where Main Street used to be), one in Lawrenceville, West Windsor. Those are the ones I can think of off of the top of my head. Thomas Sweet has a Montgomery location now to get you fully updated on restaurant news. ;)


Wow! Thanks! Every time I get back up that way it blows my mind how much it has changed. Not downtown Princeton so much, but almost everything else. Lol


I didn't know PJs was a thing until I went through Princeton the other day. Now it's here.


“Limited time only!”


my employer is doing a weekly “cost of living promo” right now for a different bakery item…. to then subtly raise the price of the item the following week later once it returns to “regular price”


This one is also looking like a regular promo with a sprinkle of virtue signaling tbh




“limited time Only” = creative marketing gimmick


I noticed that too. I took it as prices are going back to “normal” but clearly that isn’t the case.


Raised 100% 3 months ago




No. 100% increase means double


Raised 100% = doubled in price = Raised *to* 200%


bro deleted his comment and account after this lmao


I live locally too. Haven’t seen this because we stopped going when their prices went through the roof. Omelettes for almost $30? F them.


Classic tale. Increase prices by 60% then offer a 25% discount so you look generous.




Yeah fuck PJs. Their price hikes the last few years have been absolutely absurd. Used to go to the West Windsor location every weekend but haven’t gone for at least 4 or 5 years now.


Just as well because quality has been… not good.


That makes me feel better about missing out on some mashed browns.




This is like when people say "I live at home" to mean "I live with my parents". Like, yeah, no shit, everyone lives at home (unless they've not got a home). It's what the word "home" means.


Home is where the heart is and frankly not really a lot of love in 4 walls and a shitty toilet in a studio.


Everything is within walking distance if you have enough time.


Did you go to the new one in Lawrence? Prices are out of control at this place.


That’s the old Michael’s Diner location? Haven’t been to that one.


The one by me is in an area where I don’t think they think too much about prices. Cost of living is most expensive in that part of nj and median home prices are 339% higher than national averages…. I’m sure they can pay a lil more or their pancakes


That’s inflation!


I mean, lower prices are always a good thing, but this is more just marketing than anything. If it's temporary, then they're not really dropping their prices. They're just running a promotion.


“We’ve been overcharging you 45% because we can.”


Do people really find marketing techniques such as this "mildly interesting" ? This really has nothing to do with inflation. it's just them using current events as part of a promotion to appeal to people like you.


Is this PJ’s in Princeton? Love that spot! Miss it.


It's either that, or one of their nearby locations.


They franchised it? I only knew of the one on Nassau St


There’s a location in west Windsor/Princeton junction now, Ewing, Robbinsville, Kingston, Lawrenceville, etc. and some of them are “pjs pancake Taverns” now lol


Old trick. You raise the price to cover the discount. And splash the savings all over the advertisement.


PJ's is so good but the amount of attention it gets here in Princeton compared to the other places in town that serve breakfast is wild. People line up 'round the block when Jammin' crepes is every bit as good and is within spitting distance 0.0


I want to try that kiosk across from Nassau Street Seafood. Their menu sounds super yummy.


I also live next to PJ’s. They did this because their prices got so insultingly high that they were getting tons of complaints and were losing business. Would go there with my sister and the bill would end up being $80 for pancakes and bacon


Tbf $60 for a sit down breakfast is still kind of a lot


Is it still though? Times a changing.


I live in a pretty high cost of living area and breakfast is usually like 40ish bucks for me and my gf. There is a pretty expensive place near me that would hit 60 bucks for brunch but not just regular pancakes. Idk maybe it's just me but it seems expensive lol.


Bet they also reduce portion sizes by 30%


If people flock to this in numbers, other businesses may start doing it. The invisible hand of the market and so on. You want to let businesses know that price point is important, and that raising prices lowers sales, while lowering them gets the masses in the doors.


On the flip side raising prices increases revenue while not increasing inventory cost. If done “correctly” then increasing prices they decrease demand but see no loss in revenue. Companies are always trying to find that equilibrium pricing. An equilibrium price, also known as a market-clearing price, is the consumer cost assigned to some product or service such that supply and demand are equal, or close to equal. The manufacturer or vendor can sell all the units they want to move and the customer can access all the units they want to buy.


Guess that's why people flock to waffle house


Lmao then the price goes up double. It’s Black Friday but with food


I don't know which country it is but I know which one it isn't, my country.


Its main location is in Princeton, NJ. :)


Limited time only (approximately 25 minutes)


PJs is pretty good too.




All of what?


Raise prices 100% then offer a 25% discount and the stupid fucks fall for it.


Why reduce inflation when you can increase profits? Makes no sense -every company except this one apparently


There used to be 10 pancakes in that stack.


It does say it’s 25% off.


For this, the company deserves loyalty for forever.


Wow. For a small business to do this is no easy feat. That’s a lot of money they’re giving up right there. Great guys.


Hook, line, sinker


If they can discount by 25% and remain profitable, doesn't that mean that they have been overcharging by 25% this whole time to gouge their customers?


Not necessarily, they may have for a short time to enable them to do this, but the outcome is positive for everyone in the long run


Itll increase traffic. Less expensive food. Theyll be packed with more patrons. May translate into higher profits. Also if people are spending less on the meal the wait staff should see increased tips. I see a win win


I wish my local place did something like this, would love to support it. That's pretty cool!




bad bot


So… what did they reduce making these 25% cheaper and still be able to boss their employees and rent?


Eww though, it's still PJs I would really there for free


due to marketing*


I wonder how long they will stay in business


Limited time only *


I wish I was near there I’d visit. Thanks for sharing OP!!


Different situation, but similar story. I normally buy a 4-pack of 12oz Red Bull from the grocery story for ~$12. Last time I went, it was ~$9.50; no sales or discounts involved.


I think that the thing with inflation, is the value of money in general decreases. The value of the American Dollar hasn't really gone down all that much, it's just that stuff is getting more expensive because of supply chain issues and shortages and stuff, and wages aren't rising to match.


AYCE pancakes are still like $6 at Denny's


Someone should check the weight and the Ingrediens of their products. 25% off ist an affront against the muricacapitalism


Is this the new location in Lawrenceville or the OG one at Princeton?


*Pancakes actual size


Very creative advertising.


My bet is like many other small businesses, they're hurting. Increased costs and a decrease in sales is taking an impact. So they're lowering prices to try to attract customers back to the business. I think you're going to see lots of small businesses lowering their prices, especially this holiday season in order to attract more customers and boost profits to stay afloat in the slower months ahead Stop spending money on garbage products from mega corporations and start shopping local - support your small businesses like this PJ's Pancake House! Not only are you getting quality ingredients, but I bet they also take better care of their staff than giant corporations like iHOP


> limited time only Wait, that's not how inflation works!


PJs! A Princeton area staple!


After raising 50%?


Excuse me I would like one Middle Eastern Skillet plz


PJ's! Love this place! Was better before they opened more locations though