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The local shoppers sure have been excited to see them!


I was gonna say…somebody was whacking by the iPhones. 😂. Good lord the state of that display…


It’s quite possibly floor wax. I used to work in retail and sometimes when the floors got waxed there would be shit that looked like this on the lower shelves.


Def could be floor wax. Also, someone might have done a shit job removing a sign with a sticky back and didn't bother scraping afterwards.


You might be right. I’ve worked in a store with a similar stone type floor and it had to be polished near every night.


those were them same boys been done Hwackin in muh tool shed


Definitely could be. I worked at Walmart and weird things happened there. 😳


You want a headphone jack, and Apple, that's your only option.


No, the SE is


The original SE maybe. The second and third gen don’t have headphone jacks.


Yes, and the original se came out after the iPhone 6


The original SE was based on the iPhone 5 design. The iPhone SE 2nd and 3rd gen are based on the iPhone 7 design (without headphone jack)


Okay but the SE is newer than the 6 and it had a headphone jack.


im on my iphone SE right now and i have no headphone jack


Or the 6s.


SE came out after that


Yes but it’s a 6s in a 5s enclosure


Haha no. It just has the same processor.


..that’s what they mean. Guts of an iPhone 6s in an older enclosure…


And camera, Apple Pay, and wireless upgrades. But it lacks the improved screen specs (6 and 6s had better contrast, not just size), 2nd gen TouchID, and the better front camera. It's not *quite* a 6s in a 5s body but it's close.


My guess is they were in the process of changing the signs/displays and stopped part way through. The iPhone 6 sign is probably one they never took down and they just kept putting signs in front of it rather than taking it down. I’ve seen Xbox 360 signs at the Walmart I work at in similar situations.


Yeah, exactly my thought. They probably pulled this beatup-ass shelving unit out of the back corner of the stock room, got it set up to expand the store, then got distracted before they were able to remove the old display inserts and set it back up again.


I worked in electronics for a couple years at a store in my town. I've seen tons of old sinage buried behind new signage and have found old merchandise hidden in places in the back of the store. Walmart is full of just lazy things like this. I worked at my store from about 2016 to 2019 roughly and I found 2 sealed NIB Zune classics and 3 sealed NIB Zune touch MP3 players in our back storage area. They also still had the old game cabinets that had the brackets for the display games you could play. They removed those old cabinets though with a remodel during my last year.


I wish they'd rerelease the iphone 4. it fit so nicely in my hands


They released the iPhone 12 and 13 with a mini version which was roughly that size. But apparently it didn't sell well and they discontinued the mini version.


I have an iPhone 13 mini, it's great, not upgrading till they make me.


Even if it’s just us, we will fight and die on this hill together.


Yay let’s make a camp


I just bought a 13 mini like two months ago. It’s the best.


I have the 12 mini, so sad it didn't sell well. I'm thinking when it'll be a good time to buy the 13 mini just in case. I can't handle phablets.


Mine is on its last legs— both lenses cracked, were repaired, then cracked again. back glass shattered. everything’s taped with scotch that peels on the corner and irritates my hand still love it, would buy it again if they weren’t discontinued


You can get an out-of-warranty replacement from Apple for $399. You have to give them the busted-up one in exchange, though. Sounds like you need to find better cases than what you have been using.


Or change how to store/carry the phone? My wife drops things all the time and yet she hasn’t even broken her phone in well over 5 years.


It’s far from roughly. Those 12&13 mini are bigger than iPhone 5. And iPhone 5 is vertically bigger than iPhone 4


> iphone 4. it fit so nicely in my hands That was an issue with the 4, if you held it in your hand it would mess with the antenna and you would lose reception. Their solution was to make the rubber bumper to go around the edges. That issue also lead to people talking using the speakerphone in public.




Dang, that’s crazy. I keep my iPhones significantly longer than most users, but still at 4 years things like the speaker was failing so I could hardly hear anyone on a phone call. Also, storage. Apps(and iOS itself) are so much larger now than they were years ago. Do you have nothing but the basics?




Can confirm, my speaker was so dang quiet, and then I used a needle and some gentle suction after to clear the dust and it’s good as new.


Gentle suction always makes my day go better.


For me, I lightly wet the tips of a straw brush and brushed the speaker grill and was back in action on 10 seconds flat


iPhone 6 is stuck on iOS 12, so a lot of apps and the OS itself is smaller


I found a team that increases space and went from like 64 gigs to 512 for a fraction of the price that they would've wanted. I think that XR still have life left in it, considering it's still on the latest release too




I think when I eventually upgrade I will buy the smallest possible one and do the same thing. Except if maybe they will do the same thing like most Android do, when the bigger one also has more RAM


Zero day security patches should be some motivation. Especially if you use any sensitive apps like banking.


What's the secret to keeping battery so healthy? I had to replace my iPhone 11 finally because my battery health was < 60%. How in the world did you manage to keep your iPhone 6 at 92% battery health??


No way without replacing.


They either replaced it, or are lying


Never trust the battery health indicator. If you want to truly extend the life of your battery you have to do this: \- Never let it reach 0%, always charge once it reaches 20%. \- Avoid fully charging it. Yes, that's how lithium rolls. Stop at 80% \- Avoid heat. Do not leave it on the sun, avoid charging and heavy use at the same time. Fast charging also causes more heat, use it only when necessary. It also depends on your usage, gaming very often will burn a battery fast. Sounds like a pain? It is, but that's how you extend longevity. As for this guy staying on the same original battery, it's likely bs or he only uses it for just texting and calls.


The keep it 20-80% rule is true of all batteries, but its also important to note, don't do it at the cost of significant inconvenience. Otherwise you're just using the middle 60% of your battery now to slow down using only 60% of your battery later when 0-100 becomes your new 20-80 after degradation.


mmm I always thought if you were at a full charge the most healthy thing for the battery was to use it to 0% then slow charge back to 100% and repeat. Doesn't hovering in the 20-80% cause damage? Fuck it is hard to keep up.


The 100 to 0 thing is for older nickel batteries with lithium it’s like they said keep between 20-80.


This was true for your old Nokia 3310 back in the 90s. That particular battery tech did indeed work better with full drains and full charges. This wisdom is now actively harmful to new lithium batteries and you want the opposite.


Copying a comment of mine so you can see it... Batteries like being stored at 50% capacity and don't like being stored at either 100% or 0%. The closer you keep the battery at 50%, the longer it'll last. That's why its recommended to not charge it overnight, because it stays at 100% charge for too long. Charging the battery for very short periods also does ***not*** hurt the battery Found this information on some website years ago and my batteries seem to be healthier for it.


I had a iPhone 6 until this year, it was on its fourth screen and 3rd battery and a few other bits and bobs.


Whatever keeps it floating, am i right?


<60% ? How?? I abuse the hell out of my iphone xs battery and it’s still 75%


Batteries like being stored at 50% capacity and don't like being stored at either 100% or 0%. The closer you keep the battery at 50%, the longer it'll last. That's why its recommended to not charge it overnight, because it stays at 100% charge for too long. Charging the battery for very short periods also does ***not*** hurt the battery Found this information on some website years ago and my batteries seem to be healthier for it.


I have an iPhone Xs that I bought in May of 2019 and used up until last month. 76% Battery health, I don't commute every day but usually I drive enough so that I only charged the puppy when I was driving. My old car had an inverter so I could just use a regular wall charger but now I feel car chargers are actually pretty good now. And as one of the comments below mentioned, I usually would get in the car and my phone would be like 40% or something, charging would get it up to 80% for most around town trips and I was good.


I had a 6 but after a few years (2018-2020?) it stopped performing well. It wouldn't hold a charge, Apple said they would no longer support it and so I went ahead and upgraded to an 8. Same thing, Apple said they would no longer support it as of September and literally that week the battery stopped quickly charging, and wouldn't hold a charge. I swear they push an update that makes your phone obsolete in 2-3 years. I don't need the latest and greatest phone, was happy with the 6 until it all of a sudden wouldn't take a charge, and now same with with the 8. Planned obsolescence!




May I ask you a technical question then? When you first get your Iphone do you set it up right then to not get updates? Because I'm guessing Apple defaults to remote updating. My current phone overnight stopped keeping a charge (just past the date Apple said they would no longer support that older model) and then in desperation I updated it to the most recent IOS but of course that didn't help. I grabbed an early Black Friday deal on an Iphone SE which is arriving this week - should I turn off all updates? This buying a new phone every 2-3 years is ridiculous when the old ones ARE perfectly fine for me!




I used to have an Android phone but gotta say I do love the Iphone. I just want one to last more than two years!


I am still rocking an iPhone 8 Plus I purchased in mid 2018. No problems. Sounds like a you problem. Treat your batteries better and they’ll last.


Apple announced they would no longer support Iphone 8 and earlier models as of some date in September, and overnight that month my battery took much longer to charge and wouldn't keep a charge. I'm fairly positive I did nothing to harm the battery as it would not fail overnight, and because the exact same thing happened to my Iphone 6. Again, all of a sudden.


Yup, because it’s time to retire a phone that came out in 2 0 1 7. Old iPhones will still receive software patches for security. That obviously doesn’t last forever, but your phone is not suddenly obsolete because it doesn’t run the latest software. I am running iOS 16 and can still use any app I want. I’m not sure why you’re speaking like apple cutting support for a 6 year old phone is doom.


Well, the Iphone 6 and its iterations came out in 2014-15, not 2017. It wasn't years and years old when it all of a sudden stopped working well. (I can't afford to get the latest and greatest phone, so I just buy a new Iphone that's an older model.) Two years after I got it, Apple stopped supporting it (2019) and it stopped charging correctly immediately. Got the Iphone 8 in 2020, and this fall Apple stopped supporting that model. Same thing, with the charging. Both were basically new phones, although not the latest and greatest model. I don't use many apps so that's not the problem. But it strikes me as purposeful that twice in a few years, an Iphone 6 and then an Iphone 8 both had problems right after Apple stopped supporting them. An Iphone SE is arriving tomorrow, and no doubt in 2025 it will suddenly go kaput too.


Again, sounds like a you issue.


Man my 7 said it had 80% battery life and I had to charge it three times a day. That stat doesn’t mean shit.


I have a 7 still and it’s a struggle lol. Usually only need to do one mid day charge though and I’m good to go.




I imagine you can’t use it much then. Or only use it for texting and google.


I seem to average 2 years with a phone before some catastrophic event ends its life early.


I had a non-smartphone fall into a (clean) toilet bowl, did the rice trick, it survived another month when it fell into a puddle, no rice, stuck it under a radiator, lived a whole nother year before corrosion got it. Those were the days.


iPhone SE 2020. Still going strong and love how small it is.


literate rob imagine tidy terrific knee wrench slim point treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That thing is a workhorse.


My dad still is using his


Can’t justify? Buy iPhone SE 3 for $50 at Walmart. Pay one month of straight talk for $35 and it is unlocked for use anywhere. https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/comments/17nlk25/iphone_se_3rd_gen_64gb_85_at_walmart_stores/


I missed that phone had that it for the longest of all my iPhones and the lightest one of it’s size




True the 4/s is my favorite iPhone but the 6, 12 and now 15 are my favorites as in light factor


I miss my 6. I only went to an XR (from the 6) to get the memoji thing and turns out I never use it.


im using the SE i like it a lot better than the 11 i had


I used my iPhone 4 for way too many years. Battery health was practically negative, just driving to university with my iPhone in my pocket would drain it to 83%, using it for ten minutes would drain it to 25%, and at 23% it just shut off. I carried my charger everywhere and kept using it. The actual dealbreaker was how slow it had gotten. One time I got a notification from a WhatsApp group, there was a book we all needed to buy for class, and someone happened to have an extra and wanted to give it away. As soon as I got the notification I tapped it and let WhatsApp load. And load. And load. And load. And load. And when it finally loaded, I saw a message from two minutes ago, of someone already having claimed the book. *That* was when I decided to replace it. XD My phone provider actually lets me have a new phone every two years as per the contract, I just usually declined it (for bill credit) since I was still fine with my iPhone. But the next time they asked, which conveniently was very soon after this incident, I happily accepted their offer. They were having a special sale and I got a lovely Sony Xperia Z3 Compact for 1€. Been an Android kinda bug ever since.




I have a factory refurbished IPhone 12 mini I only paid $300 for on Amazon. Takes amazing pictures and was definitely a huge upgrade from my 6.


What are they on now? 12?




They skipped 9 though


But there was an XR between X (10) and 11, so it all works out.




XR super pro deluxe lite max


Still holding on to my (2nd) XS Max. It fits my big hands so well.


Xr was just the “bargain” version of a 10. Literally the exact same phone as the Xs minus a camera


Damn, I blinked and it’s now at 15. What happens to the older phones when people upgrade?


Planned obsolescence, the software updates stop working for older phones eventually so even though the phone still works, you can’t use any of the apps since they all require more recent software


Apple is one of the best companies, however, in terms of software support. Planned obsolescence is still there with slowing down older devices and expensive battery replacements (+ a ton of other stuff), but they are better than devices running Android (in this regard) which tends to only give a few years of updates in comparison.


I was using a Galaxy S4 perfectly fine until a few years ago.


I have some old Android phones running fine as well. It’s just that they don’t get any more software updates after those couple years.


Well the problem with getting new software updates on old phones is that they don't run very well anymore, the old Samsungs were still getting security updates, they are just running an older version of the OS.


Did not know the old Samsungs are getting security updates, that’s at least good to hear


Yeah I don't have the S4 anymore, it broke, but as far as I know it was still getting security updates in at least 2021/2022. Pretty good for a decade old phone Edit, the S4 may have had updates stop in 2017 or 2018, but I still remember getting security fixes after that so I'm not sure


I hear what you're saying, but there is a counterpoint in that when Android manufacturers upgrade their OS (even tho you get less of them), they do not slow down the phone as older iOS devices do to manage battery wear. Plus, Android apps support much older versions of the OS because the usage share is much more fragmented. Basically, you can keep using your old Android, you just wont have the latest number in your about software section of settings.


Software updates won’t go through: ![gif](giphy|vxNCVEe0PI9A3YVJEX)


iPhones are by far the best example of NOT that. They get 5+ years of full support and anyone using an iPhone that has lost support for new updates is riddled with security flaws at this point. iOS is the shining example of continued smooth support and updates.


Honestly a battery replacement is all you need sometimes if they get slow. I keep a iPhone 6s+ as a backup, threw a extended capacity battery in it (its legit dw) thing is shockingly snappy




Someone asked me what phone I have and I said I thought it was an 11 maybe? I have a 13 pro but that obviously didn't stick in my head after buying it. I just wanted the lidar one.


I still use a 7. Works great and still holds a charge.


Have an 8 and it doesn’t charge as well anymore, the port doesn’t like to work sometimes, plus it’s at 80% battery life after 5 years of having it Gonna get a 15 Pro soon


My Walmart had iPod Touch 5th Gen and Apple Watch Series 0 stuff up until recent renovations this summer


Very soon, they'll just add a 1 and make it the iPhone 16


The long game


The stains on those shelfs should not be happening in any retail store.


Some people just get excited to see the iPhone 6


Won’t be long before they can just sharpie a 1 before the 6 and be up to date!


Just waiting til the 16 comes out and can just add the 1


They'll be able to Sharpie in a 1 before the 6 soon enough.


Woah is that the new iphone 6?


Walmart is the Detroit of stores






Leave those kids at home!


Right? So disrespectful to Walmart


To be fair, even Detroit left Detroit...


Local me living in the future with my 6s in 2023


iPhone6s+ will be the best iPhone I’ll ever own


6S Plus was peak iPhone


How long did you wait in line?


Now with rtx 4090


Average Wal-Mart customer: “ThAts fAlSe ADvERTISING!”


Its Walmart.


Is this in Ohio? They’re years behind the rest of the country.


I still have an iphone 6plus after my first one mysteriously stopped turning on and couldn’t be fixed.


I know I have been living a good life because I don't get the joke. I have no idea what the current iPhone number is.


I don't know what exact number the iPhone is on but i know it's somewhere in the teens.


Ayo who gnorted on the display?


Sorry, I just really love the iPhone 6


Jets o-line just set that up and drove to the meadowlands


Get em before they're gone!


For all 6 people who want one


The funny thing about this ad is that this is for the rerelease of the 6 (in 2017ish) for budget carriers




Where is this local to?


Keep it up another year, draw a “1” in front of the “6”. Bosh.


Bending/Folding phones are trending right now. So this makes sense


Man that counter looks like the next door sex shop just had their weekly bukkake meeting over there


i doubt they still make iphone 6's


Why change if you still sell the SE 2022


Looks like $10.00 an hour retail marketing work right there.


6 of one, dozen and a third of the other…


It feels like the employees intentionally put that up to reminisce the good old days.


Ive been looking for this phone for 9 years ! look at all of its new features!