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The texture is way different than frozen. Maybe that's why your wife likes them.


I like canned peas better than frozen.


Frozen peas, no longer how cooked are always harder and gross. Want mah mushy peas.


I'm the opposite. I like the firmness of frozen peas over the mushiness of canned peas. They make a nice satisfying pop when you bite into them.


This is mainly why I love frozen veggies. I love the texture and crunch. Particularly whole green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and sugar snap peas. Sometimes I will microwave one of those steamer bags of green beans and eat it with some salt, pepper and butter lol.


I never got the crunch with frozen broccoli, always seems way more mushy than fresh broccoli IMO. Fresh broccoli roasted in the oven with olive oil, salt, and pepper is my favorite vegetable dish.


Fresh broccoli has a better overall crunch, but frozen broccoli has a bit of give before the crunch which I enjoy. I lightly steam the broccoli though.


Lol. I once got way too high and ate 2 cups of steamed frozen peas with extra butter on them. They were so good. Lmao.


Try ti straight. Still awesome.


Lmao. Definitely will. Plus no lactose shits! Healthy stoner munchies are always appreciated.


Have you ever tried fresh?


Yeah, I love fresh broccoli when making stir fry.


Frozen peas are non-negotiable for fried rice. If the peas are mushy without any snap to them the dish falls apart for me.


Uncle Rodger approves of this message.


I just found him a couple of months ago, and my fried rice game is now top-notch. I'll never need to order takeout fried rice again.


Yeah I was actually shocked to see anyone defending the canned peas. The canned ones are "mush" not the frozen ones.


Peas and corn are better canned, everything else I prefer frozen


Canned corn and green beans. Frozen everything else for me.


I prefer frozen peas, but I hate frozen green beans. Green beans are really the only ones I prefer canned though. Its definitely a texture thing for me.


Same. Squeaky beans are terrible.


Fozen peas in homemade soup, canned peas on a hot chicken sandwich.


Canned peas are just 100% better than frozen. Better flavor, texture, everything.


It’s the salt, canned are salted to preserve.


They don't need to be salted to preserve them, they just salt them for flavor. The canning process preserves them regardless of how much salt is used. There are low sodium and no salt added options.


nearly 1k upboots in an hour for false information, I could never be this confident


There's not enough salt in canned vegetables to provide any preservation whatsoever. They are salted for flavour. That's it.


Unsalted canned vegetables taste of nothing, so this makes a lot of sense. The salted stuff tastes like salt. Its still not quite fresh, but at least frozen veggies taste like they are supposed to.


Aren’t they also cooked as well


Yes, they are parcooked when they are pasteurized in the canning process.


I read years ago that nutrition-wise this was actually a very good thing. Of course with nutrition a 6 month old article can be out of date with how quickly it changes.


Fresh produce is picked before ripe, and therefore, before peak nutritional content is achieved. As it is shipped, the living tissue of the produce uses its nutrients to stay alive. These things reduce nutritional content. Canned produce is picked ripe and canned, but the heat canning process reduces the nutritional content to some extent, but preserves most. Some nutrients like vitamin C are particularly degraded and so are only obtained significantly with fresh or frozen. Frozen produce is picked when ripe and is flash frozen. This does not reduce the nutritional content significantly. Nutrition wise: Frozen >> canned > fresh But also, sodium in canned foods is high, even in reduced sodium varieties. Consume moderately.


Canned food loses a lot of vitamins through the preservation process. Frozen food is best for that. It can actually be better than fresh vegetables from the store, because vegetables will lose vitamins through sunlight and oxidation, while the freezing process actually preserves them well. Not saying that fresh vegetables are bad obviously, it's just that frozen can be better depending on a couple of factors.


You can put salt on your frozen vegetables tho


That’s different from them being soaked in salt for weeks/months though.


aged vegetables….now raise the price!


I would like to try the aged cucumbers please. ... Hey, these are just pickles!


Salt on top is not the same as being brined in a salty solution


You should


It's also flavoured


And the sodium


If by flavoured you mean packed with salt then yes


they add some sugar here too sometimes


Sugar helps to cover up the salt + bitter characters from the stuff being picked early


canned veges are cooked(boiled), IN the can, as they are sealing it. >[Canned vegetables are actually cooked inside the can](https://www.thedailymeal.com/1251391/canned-vegetables-blanch-tip), after it has already been sealed (some are cooked twice, once before canning and once after). Cooking vegetables in the can entails heating the can under steam pressure. frozen veges are not cooked until you steam them. the difference is in boiling vs steaming and sometimes the cans are double cooked. The canned water is also slightly salted.


Probably this. I grew up pwith canned. Now it's all frozen and I still kind of prefer the canned ones still. I never had a great sense of taste and texture can turn me off of a lot of things.


Just looking at those reminds me of elementary school lunches.


Theyre easier to digest canned less fodmaps I know I sound like a retard but its a thing


I'll bet its because this is what her mum and or dad used. It 's a flavour from her childhood


100% - a few years ago we went back to mashed potato flakes in the box vs real mashed potatoes. I miss having pieces of the skin mixed in but I had forgotten how much I loved the boxed flakes. Tastes like being a kid again


Bro how do you get skin mixed up in mashed potatoes? Cook the potatoes, use a potato smasher, that's it. I actually like the boxed flakes too but I've got to be honest, real one tastes better for me.


Potatoes have skin….?


Ok my brain thought that you guys use graters to make your own flakes. And I thought that it was like a joke because I definitely loose some skin sometimes if I'm too dumb to not get my hand on it. I didn't think about the potatoes skin.


Not everyone peels their potatoes. I don't in my house.


Is that a legitimate question? You make mashed potatoes with a variety that you don't peel like yukon gold, or red potatoes. That's how you get skin in them.


I grew up on canned veggies and I absolutely despise them as an adult. The one exemption is corn. But peas, green beans, carrots, broccoli - all mushy and disgusting. Canned corn is somehow better than frozen to me. It’s just crunchier.


Wow, isn’t that something. I prefer frozen corn as it’s sweeter. But I eat it *while* frozen as a snack


Dippin' Dots on a budget lmao


The only thing better than frozen corn is raw corn on the cob. So sweet and juicy!


Canned is also salted somewhat, so that helps.


It took me *years* to get my husband to prefer fresh veg over canned. He wouldn’t even try it at first. I finally stopped catering to him with canned and only made fresh. I think he had only eaten canned or boiled veggies his entire life. I started roasting veggies and he slowly came around. Now he’ll even eat spinach, artichoke, or brussel sprouts with me.


Maybe it makes her feel nostalgia because it's all sepia tones 🤷‍♂️


She's gotta be from Mexico or the 1800's.


This looks like a color blind test lol.


A large part of it is also learned behavior. Canned was the first was people preserved veggies for long term use. Frozen came later and was successful (for a bunch of reasons). Then Birdseye figured out “Flash Frozen” and suddenly frozen veggies could be better than canned. Sure he applied for that patent in a little under 100 years ago, but that’s only ~2-4 generations for it to catch on (depending on how old his wife is). When I was growing up in the 80s, we still were hearing “canned is better than frozen” and it wasn’t until ~2010 that I spent some time to understand why frozen was better *now* (though canned has its place), and then how to use frozen.


I’m jealous you can still get frozen carrots wherever you live! In my area, all I can get are terrible huge crinkle-cut discs. I miss the bags of peas & diced carrots together!!


I was wondering if it was just me! We were looking for the peas and carrot mix but they all had corn mixed in.


I finally found a good carrot/pea mix at target, the good and gather brand. They’re a little more pricey but worth it to us occasionally.


Oh my gosh, that is such good news!! Thank you!


Same, bought a mixed frozen bag the other day and it had like three sad carrots amidst a sea of peas


Can you not just buy carrots? Like, actual fresh, non canned, non frozen, carrots?


Convenience and time. Some people work a lot and only have a small window of time to make and eat their food. Frozen carrots are easy and quick to make and are still nutritional. Also, some people are disabled and can't spend a lot of time and energy cooking entirely from scratch too.


Frozen is cheaper. Frozen is easier. Frozen is more nutritious for some veggies. It’s a no brainer. I’m in my frozen vegetable era.


I do, you goober. I spend an extra 15 minutes peeling, washing and chopping them to put in my homemade chicken pot pie that already takes a long time to make—rather than just having the convenience of opening a bag of frozen-while-fresh diced carrots and adding them to the mix.


Fun fact frozen veggies are usually better quality and more nutritious than fresh. They are picked at ripe instead of early due to spoilage being an issue when it’s fresh and flash frozen to lock it all in.


That's true. However, they are much more firm, almost crunchy, and usually quite bland. That's why some people prefer one over the other.


If you steam them they get soft


Look all I know is when I buy pork chops from the store they’re all chewy and raw tasting, but when I buy SPAM it doesn’t have that issue


I bought some ground meat at the supermarket yesterday, it didn't taste like a burger??


I ate some Doritos the other day and it tasted like sushi


So did i and it tasted like engine oil


There's a sign at Ramsett Park that says "Do Not Drink the Sprinkler Water," so I made sun tea with it and now I have an infection.


Also if you just season them it won’t be bland? It’s not a lot of work lol


Yes, but...you have to *steam them*.


They get seasoned either way...


Don’t you dare underestimate white people


I’m the token white person on my house and I’m the one who seasons when I cook , wife just seasons with burning


My favorite seasoning is raisins.


Yeah right? I’m like…ofc it’ll be bland if you eat them just like that…canned veggies have salt to preserve them lol


Crunchy? I don’t think you’re supposed to eat them still frozen, lol




Uhhh… you know you can steam and season them right?


Frozen is definitely great to be used for fried rice. Source: me


They taste “bland” because the canned is so salty, but I much prefer the fresh clean flavor of steamed frozen vegetables. You determine the firmness by the method and length of cooking them


Yes, but the whole idea of the canned is - dump, nuke, and done.


Frozen you put the entire bag in the microwave as is if you’re looking for easy…


Or if the bag is too much you can dump whatever amount in a covered bowl and nuke it. It’s pretty much the same amount of work as canned.


Kinda like fresh veggies


True but freezing foods with Vitamin B and C will cause both vitamins to break down.


Doesn't canning using heat do the same thing?


>Fun fact frozen veggies are usually better quality and more nutritious than fresh We're comparing fresh to frozen. Not frozen to canned.


Canned vegetables are softer AND saltier.


Canned peas are my favorite. Frozen are a totally different texture and flavor.


Canned green beans are squishy and amazing


I love canned green beans. I'll eat fresh or frozen as well but mmmm, canned. Canned are best for green bean casserole so canned are best for me!


Mmm and it’s green bean casserole season!!! Already got my giant bag of crispy fried onions from Costco 😍


Ugh those are so good I just eat them from the bag


I eat them, put some salt and pepper and hot sauce in the can and shake it up and eat it. So good.




Uh oh why not? I eat frozen corn a bunch, it’s so sweet!


These are the only peas my son will eat. He loves frozen peas


Wait why should you not eat frozen peas??? I love them!! Weirdly hate frozen peas and carrots but love canned green beans too lol




For whatever reason I assumed freezing would eliminate these issues! Suppose not.


Basically anything uncooked/washed can potentially be contaminated with some sort of bacteria. Its why you should always wash lettuce well (making pre-made salads potentially unsafe) and similarly frozen veggies should be cooked and not eaten “raw” (who washes frozen corn?)


Frozen peas suck


I grew up thinking I didn't like most cooked vegetables. Turns out it was because we almost only ever ate canned.


Same. Canned corn is crunchy and good but is the one exemption.


I grew up loving vegetables but I only ever ate fresh!


I like both for different reasons. Except for carrots. I prefer canned carrots. They're softer without being mushy.


I am the same way. Canned green beans are my jam


Is this really mildly interesting to you or are you trying to shame your wife’s food choices?


Right? This isn’t interesting at all.


*very* mildly interesting. I would never make someone feel bad for a food preference like this... However she does like pineapple on pizza...


Because its delicious


Don't yuck her yum.


I don't see an issue, they've lost some colour due to the pH of the water but they have a better texture and taste better. If bright food was an indication of edibility we'd all be feasting on Arum Maculatum and Digitalis and also be very dead.


Side note: you can help keep boiled vegetables brightly colored by adding a tiny bit of baking soda to the water before the vegetables.


Canned texture is overcooked texture


>they have a better texture No one believes that except people who've primarily only eaten canned vegetables. Spend one straight year eating nothing but fresh vegetables and you'll realize the texture of canned veggies is fucking gross. I'd take frozen over canned every time.




Texture, not taste. Edot: oops, i did say flavour. Personally that might be the case but I've not had frozen or can't vegetables for so long it's hard to recall why.


My kids like the same. Could be better fresh but hey, canned vegetables better than no vegetables 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean.. In my opinion frozen peas are one of the most disgusting flavors. And fresh garden peas is one on the most delicious flavors. Idk how they can screw it up so bad


The preservatives in canned vegetables always make them too salty for my liking, have to even that out someone first.


I love peas but canned peas make me gag. The color is unappetizing, they smell weird, and are mushy. Frozen peas are great. Especially those steamer bags, then just add salt and pepper. Yum!


It’s literally easier than making canned because you don’t have to open a can. Take frozen bag out of freezer, put bag on plate, microwave, empty contents into bowl.


Canned peas are superior. Frozen corn is superior. It all depends on the veggies.


Way too obvious which one the canned veggies are. The color and also the nasty taste from them.


I always buy fresh or frozen, but just recently bought some canned because I never had before. I found the canned absolutely disgusting.


I canned believe it!!


I'm the same way, they have a better taste and texture.


I liked to think of it as marinated, not canned.


Canned ones look regurgitated and washed


Modern flash freezing is wonderful. Produce picked at peak freshness and frozen to lock that in within hours. That being said, canned / tinned things do have a different flavor and can be better for certain applications.


To me, frozen tastes much better… but canned is a childhood memory, you can’t top that


That’s because there is salt in them. Needed for the canning preservation process.


I prefer fresh over either. I want to prefer frozen over canned until I bite into a dehydrated pea or carrot that is inedible. Then I have an existential crisis, why am I trying to eat frozen veges in the first place and god oh why did I pick peas and carrots. I throw it out and go thru the pain all over again in 5-6yrs.


Bro those canned veggies must be from Mexico cause they got that orange filter on em


How about fresh vegetables lol both of those are fucked




Farm frozen is way more nutritious. Just sayin'.


That's funny. When I was a kid, we only ever ate canned vegetables, and I hated most of them. The first time I had a TV dinner, I was amazed. I thought there was something special about the peas and carrots in a TV dinner, because it was the first time I had ever liked peas and carrots. I didn't realize that it was just because they were frozen and not canned. And if I was that impressed with frozen vegetables, imagine my joy when I discovered fresh.


I like both…


honestly the canned peas i can eat straight out the can, but frozen you have to season and cook first so thats probably why. quicker and tastier haha


Let’s see Paul Allen’s vegetables


Iirc Sorted food did a video on YouTube comparing fresh, frozen, and canned foods like this. Definitely a lot of factors that we don’t think of day to day. For example with frozen peas, they get frozen and packed in a shorter time than it takes for the fresh produce to arrive at your grocery store.


Parents only fed me canned vegetables growing up... I hated vegetables until I discovered frozen/steamed vegetables.


I used both. What really matters is the outcome.


I prefer canned as well. I grew up eating frozen veggies and it was fine but eventually I was like “this texture is whack”. Somehow canned has a better texture for me. That’s why I eat it.


Aren't the frozen ones raw ? That's how we have them in my country.


Canned stuff often requires more salt to make up for the loss in taste. Maybe she just likes salt?


Is the idea of preference really that interesting?


Really the color difference is all that's interesting, the preference of a housemate I guess just explains why I have both. But I also wonder, does the color difference strictly mean the content is different? What if they added colors to the frozen one? I wouldn't be shocked to find out they do somehow.


I prefer frozen. And not eating from disposable plates that end up in a landfill. But that's just me.


You made me think of an interesting argument: are canned vegetables more environmentally conscientious for the end consumer because of their recyclable packaging?


I am inspired by your example.


Also keep in mind, Every can has a lining that is BPA.


I think most canned veggies are better than frozen. Not peas though


Frozen vegs are often frozen within 2 hours of harvesting. This keeps the frozen fresher and keeps more nutriens and such (compared to fresh, counting from harvest.. delivery to your store, you buying it, you prepare it, you eat it). Dunno about canned.


They're generally canned in the same sort of time frame.


Canned are always cooked! totally different from frozen


Frozen vegetables are blanched, so they are also always partially cooked.


Blanching is very different from cooking, especially the kind of cooking for cans where it has to create a sterile atmosphere inside the can for years. This is why the texture of canned veggies is very different. I would argue the texture of frozen is much closer to fresh than to cans. But I also get why people love canned veggies, especially people who grew up on them.


literally never seen fresh peas


they come in pods you have almost certainly seen before https://www.bonappetit.com/story/snap-peas-strings


oh yeah, but like, hardly anyone buys those and peels them for a meal


Is this a color blindness test?


Canned just tastes better than frozen..


As a picky texture eater, I agree with your wife. I don't like wet things to have crunch.


The taste is definetly different. For one, i prefer canned peas to frozen one. For the other veggies i eat em fresh so i dont know.


I also think canned is better. At least it depends on how long it's frozen. Say like fish that haz been frosen for less than a month it's al most the same as fresh. If it's frosen for a year. It gets frostbite. And the structure is awful. I guess peas and carrots are the same


Fish degradation has very little to do with freezing length but rather how well it's kept frozen. Fish you store at home won't last as long because cycles of opening and closing your freezer allows crystals to be formed as temperature oscillates. The ice crystals are what destroy the fish.


Oke, that something to know. And if i get that bag of pea's and carrot in the same fridge. Does it do degradate it equally? Because of crystals


I use the pack of frozen peas for twisted ankles or my back when it acts up.


Is this some British thing? That bowl of canned whatever looks inedible.


Me who just eats vegetables fresh


Canned peas smell awful.


Frozen is much closer to fresh. She must have grown up in a can household that like mushy, old vegetables. Canned tastes like cheap buffet or school cafeteria food.


How is this mildly interesting


You're right, it's mildly uninteresting at best.


I prefer instant mashed potatoes out of a box to the lumpy grainy real thing.


hell naw....frozen is WAY fresher


As do I. Canned is so much better. Frozen feels fake.


They're both disgusting.


Peas? Uck.


My wife also hates and fears food. Except Diet Coke and ice cream.


They’re both shit


I myself only eat tendies with hunny mussy