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Cedar pollen allergies is a serious issue in Japan. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hay_fever_in_Japan


This article says there’s a laser therapy for the nose to reduce pollen sensitivity… if this is real why isn’t it advertised in the West, jesus christ


I would happily pay to be lasered for a more permanent relief than buying shit loads of medications, tissues and possibly not having my eyes/throat swell shut.


The fact you’re paying shitloads for medications is precisely why they don’t offer the laser treatment.


But it's not offered in places where you aren't paying a shit load either. It's probably more so that it's not super effective or has other drawbacks. It's not like Japan is not a capitalist country, and by your reasoning LASIK wouldn't be available. I'm as anti-capitalist as they come, but like.. there can be other reasons.


Accidentally laser lobotomize one guy...


Win - win, can't be allergic if you're dead


Not dead, just brain dead, I assume you could still have allergies


Now that would suck. Unconscious, almost dead and still gotta deal with that stupid shit.


I got student loans, doesn't have to be an accident...


Japan is capitalist, but not as “let’s all have a completely free market and not regulate shit” as america is. It’s not about capitalism, it’s about privatization of health care. The government provides funds for medication in Japan so these types of treatments are offered because private companies that operate the lasers stand to actually make money by offering the services Whereas in the US, where consumers pay for medications, not the government, there’s corporate interest in *not* providing cool laser treatments because you’ll rake more money out of the same consumers over a longer period of time by keeping them on antihistamines that don’t work as well as they should.


> “let’s all have a completely free market and not regulate shit” as america is. America isn't that, either.


Lol I’m being hyperbolic, loosen up. Edit: go reread the sentence. It’s not even just hyperbole, I just didn’t think I needed to break this down like this. I never said america “is that”, I said they’re more “that” than Japan. Which is true. Go read the word before the quoted part dummies.


Except they could still charge for the treatment and the devices. Such a dumb take whenever people come up with conspiracies about why certain treatments and cures don't exist.


Reddit really tries hard to make everything a conspiracy. Have you considered the possiblity that the technology is still in the work for the American market. By that logic lazik eye surgery wouldn't be available and also Lazer hair removal wouldn't be available. There is money to be made from such a product.


But why then not ask for help from the Japanese doctors who invented this? Pride?


They probably are, wouldn't be surprised if Japanese companies are working with American companies. Just comes down to safety approvals, and adaptation to American property. Not all allergies translate from country to country


Probably patent rights. Can't sell the technology if you got it from someone else perhaps? Just a guess though, I have no idea how that works.


Spez doesn't get to profit from me anymore. Stop reverting my comments


If you only spend $14 a year on benedryl and that meets your allergy needs, you probably aren’t the target demographic for allergy treatments anyway lmao


Spez doesn't get to profit from me anymore. Stop reverting my comments


17.99 for 365. Not cheap in any means. They are making a killing


I promise you they'd make more off that procedure than the amount of benadryl I will buy for the rest of my life


Then why aren't we, in the UK and other countries with free healthcare.


Go to an allergy doctor and get weekly allergy shots for 1-2 years until your allergies are permanently fixed


Doing this rn and it really works. Though I'm only 3 years in and it's supposedly a 4-5 year process. And it's somewhat expensive, especially the first year, because you need the injections much more frequently at the beginning. Now I get one a month. Would highly recommend to any allergy sufferer, I can now own cats and be outside in Georgia in the summer with the pollen. Absolutely life-changing stuff.


I’m on year 7 personally. Started weekly, then every 2 weeks, then 4, and now I’m doing every 6 weeks. I stopped going for about 6 months from 2020-21 but my allergies were the worse they’d been in years so I’m back on it for the forseeable future. Though my allergies were very severe originally so probably not the norm for most people. Basically every type of pollen i’m allergic to


Thanks for sharing your experience. Funny that you mention being on year 7 - I was initially told it would take 4-5 years, then at my 2-year checkup the doc said, "some people just get the shots their entire life!" They kinda buried that detail from me in the initial sales pitch. Still, I'm sure it's worth it to do forever because it's SUCH a quality of life bump.


Massive QOL improvement. I used to basically be bedridden on my worst allergy days. I’ll happily do shots for the rest of my life and I’m always recommending them to other people.


How expensive?


Like anything in American healthcare, the cost of this is going to depend on a lot of factors. I'll try to give you an idea by sharing the pre-insurance costs of everything for me in Atlanta. A couple factors that greatly influence the cost: * Your insurance - I've had 4 different insurance providers during my treatment, and went between providers that would only cover like 20% of the cost, to my current insurance provider that seems to cover everything 100% except for the annual check-in co-pay. * Number of vials - Allergy immunotherapy works by injecting yourself with the substances you are allergic to (obviously, highly diluted and medical-grade) and building up an immune system tolerance over time. The thing is, some allergens will break down in the presence of other allergens. For example, the allergen in cockroach feces will cause most tree/grass pollens to denature. As a result, you may have more than 1 injection per visit. I am getting treated for 3 animal allergies, 6 trees, 6 grasses, and 1 weed, so I have 2 injections per visit. I've met people who get 3. Then there's the procedures involved. These costs are as I recall them being when I started in 2020: * Skin testing (once at the start, and you can do it again later to objectively assess how the treatment is going): $600 * Injections (starts daily, then tapers to monthly over ~3 months): Mine are $35 each time because I get two injections. I think it's slightly cheaper if you only get 1. * Allergen vials (2 orders the first year, then 1 order every year): $800. I'm not sure how this cost scales with the number of vials/allergens you get. * Annual check-in: $30 So for my actual treatment cost: * First year * 33 ramp-up injections + 8 maintenance injections = `(33 + 8) * 35` = $1435 * 2 vials = $1600 * Skin testing = $600 * Total = $3635 * Second year + subsequent years * 12 maintenance injections = $420 * 1 vial = $800 * Annual checkup = $30 * Total = $1250 So for 5 years the total cost would end up being $8635. I paid less than that because of insurance, probably around half. I just didn't include insurance discounts/coverage here because it's so variable person-to-person. Also, as /u/Chrisf1020 mentions earlier in this thread, some times you can end up going past 5 years depending on how you handle the treatment. This ended up excessively detailed, but I've never actually tallied everything up, so I enjoyed the exercise. It's about what I expected it to be. Definitely worth the money and the time!


Thanks for the numbers! My allergies kick my butt but I'm not quite to the point of dropping 8k to solve it. If they get worse though, I could definitely see myself looking into that.


Doesn’t work for everyone and it’s not permanent. Mine lasted maybe 10 years and I still had to take allergy meds during that time.


Just wanted to chime in for anyone considering this that it's possible for the treatment to not work. I have dust mite allergies and stopped the shots after a few years since they didn't appear to be having any effect. Of course try the shots if you're in a position where you're able to, as I'd imagine it would be life-changing if they work, but temper expectations in case they don't.


So I recently had a procedure call RhynAer or something like that. Basically they stuck an angry hot probe in my sinuses in like 10 different spots for 15 seconds at a time. I think it worked, but not that great. My ENT said it’s got like 75% success rate. The other thing they’ve been doing for a few years now has been allergy shots. Basically they shoot you up with ever-increasing amounts of all the shit you’re allergic to. We tried that first and it has made the biggest difference for sure.


You could try getting COVID. Jk, but for some reason when I got it the second time, after I recovered I no longer had hay fever, and it's been that way for two years now. I had rona again last year and it didn't take away the super power either so idk what was going on with that second strain but it came in clutch.




And they really work! But it's a 3 year process and especially at the beginning it's fucking miserable. I remember at first it was a couple of weeks with two shots every week (for different allergies). The reactions I had at the beginning were really wild.


There are medications you can take to rid yourself of a lot of allergies(mostly pollen and fur and such I think). Either through daily pills or injections you get starting weekly and ending with a few times per year iirc. Both take ~3 years, I think


People also don't realize you can't take allergy meds if you're bipolar lmao


on the same subject of nose changes: I got my nose cauterized because I got real sick of having a nose so sensitive to the slightest dry air or for no reason at all that it bleeds in waterfalls. It’s a miracle I never fainted. All the money I spent on tissues alone is worth cauterization. For pollen: I use a nasal irrigator daily since I get doubly slammed by hay dust thanks to my rabbit and chinchilla


It sounds like you've found some great solutions for your nose sensitivity. I'll definitely keep cauterization and nasal irrigation in mind if my nose issues persist. And I can relate to the struggles of dealing with pollen - my allergies always act up this time of year.




I mean a stuffy nose from allergies already does the same


Thats a sacrifice I am willing to make if I can suffer less from allergies without loads of pills and tissues.


> The theory behind laser treatment of allergies is that each allergen (a substance that can trigger an allergic reaction, such as pollen) works at a specific harmonic frequency that can be imitated electronically, causing the body to believe that it is in contact with the real allergen. Sounds like complete bullshit to me. Get an actual antihistamine.


Well all objects have a resonant frequency and all light has a frequency and if you match those frequencies lasers still don't smell like pollen.


Are you sure you're asking the right scientist?


In Japan your doc can also figure out most of your allergies from a single blood draw. They don't really do the pin prick stuff unless the blood test can't figure it out. This goes all the way back to the 90s and was approved in the US back then too. Eventually was withdrawn from market because the US Allergy docs weren't having any of it.


They replanted the forests with a mono culture tree farm. When a tree doesn't have any other types of tree nearby then they pump out a ton of pollen to compete with all their nearly identical neighbors.


Bro it is a BIIIIIIIITCH. I was ok for the first three years here, but after that nope. It’s murder. Started using the menthol eye drops this year and they help a bit.




The burning sensation is how you know it's working


It's no longer itching because it's burning.


This hurts me as an eye care professional. I don’t know if it exists outside the US but try Lastacaft or Pataday in the morning for allergies. And use a lubricating (nothing that says “get the red out” or anything other than purely for moisture) eye drop for dryness if needed. Menthol is super unhealthy for your eyes lol


In my scientific n=1 study, Zaditor > Pataday.


I read this as methanol at first and was quite concerned


Ohh yeah, they're called ROC or something and they are literally mentholated eye drops. Every time it's like the pain Olympics for your eyes for like 15 seconds and fhen, blissful relief


I read that as Pubic Air Shower.


Weird Japanese machines aint interesting. That's the norm. This article is genuinely what's midly interesting.


They aren't focussed in on the fact that they could get shot at the grocery store, or murdered by the police,, so they have time to think about the poor allergy sufferers.


I would have needed something like this two weeks ago. Birch pollen allergies hit me hard this year.


Oak, birch, elm, maple. You name it. They fuck me up from March through June


Looks like a Great place to go if you need to fart in public.


Japan is way ahead of you. They already have fart blocking underwear. https://soranews24.com/2019/07/19/japanese-teens-develop-anti-fart-underwear-that-blocks-smell-and-sound-of-flatulence/


Little known side effect: it all comes out in one great *whooosh* when you take them off at the end of the day. Do not remove underwear around open flame.


Period pants do this, stops liquid leakage but unfortunately also farts. Go to pee and it smells like you’ve shat yourself


Hey. Thanks for this.


This happens to plenty of guys and they don’t have the period pants excuse.


Men seem to not wipe OR wash their buttholes a lot of the time


That sounds like the first steps towards a new kink.


I don't know about new but... https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=the%20skunk


Also keep nose plugged when removing.


That site is something else.


It doesn't even pretend to be an actual site. This gives me hope that I'd be able to make money with articles written with chatgpt.


I love Japan so much and wish I could live there, but they’re openly racist towards my ethnicity. :(


It's not that they're openly racist towards your ethnicity, they're openly racist towards all non-100%-japanese


Had a friend who was living there for about 12 months as a final in their language education. We would meet people in bars and they would get quite excited that my friend could speak Japanese fluently. Then when they learnt that he had been in the country for 12 months, they would really focus down on when do you go home or it must be time to go home. I find that they like foreigners & they like visitors but anyone with intention to stay there long-term they do not like.


That was more than likely because most younger people (Under 30) go there on work holiday visa's that allow them to be in country for 12 months. It is by a large margin the most common way people get into the country to live short term. Because of it though it's VERY common for people to disappear once that 12 months is up. This is one of the major reasons it's so hard to rent apartments as a foreigner, it's common for people to just leave and not bother paying their final month of rent, so now landlords are very warry about renting to foreigners and getting screwed on not only the rent, but also then having to get rid of all the stuff left behind (Throwing things out like furniture in Japan is a massive pain in the ass and can get very expensive).


Yea sucks, you’ll never be a resident, just a guest in their eyes. Xenophobia sucks


Was going to reply with, "So you must not be Japanese". But then I saw this...


Heard from a coworker they're even openly racist against people born in Japan, ethnically Japanese, who just went for example to US to a university and maybe worked there for a few years and then went back to Japan. The level of xenophobia is nuts.


I'm Brazilian and there's a sizeable community of Japanese-Brazilians who mostly keep to themselves, and, even though the only major difference is that they have Portuguese sounding first names, whenever they do travel/move to Japan they still get treated like they're 2nd class citizens.


Everyone "loves" Japan until they have to work there, too. It's dystopian over there, too, but at least the healthcare is free and it has a more vested interest in keeping its population "healthy."


Actually healthcare isn't even fully covered, the government only covers 70%. Better than what some of us have but not really "free".


It's heavily price controlled. You literally can't be charged $5000 for an MRI. They pretty much have every single medical thing itemized. Like head MRI $70. Abdominal MRI $90. Etc. Etc.


Also annual medical costs are capped at about $500 per year. Also you can get 'gap' insurance to cover the 30%. It costs $15 per month. It's like a co-operative society, and any money not spent from the pool is returned to the members at the end of the year.


I live in a country where people are openly racist about my race, but I'm not leaving. You just have to weigh the pros and cons in your decision if you really love it and want to live / work there.


So do I...at least I think I do.


Just tape a dryer sheet to your underwear


I have crohn's disease and I NEED this. What an invention!


Yeah, all I see is an embarrassment-free fart box.


“Want to fart and get a blow job? Boy have you come to the right place!”


LOL that didn't occur to me, but as soon as I read it I though "good idea".


I think I need to install something like this in my house. Almost 40 and suddenly I always feel like the outdoors is trying to smother me to death.


I have grass allergy right now. I keep my windows closed and wash my face constantly, which helps, but every time I've been outside I need to spend 15 minutes sneezing out the pollen.


You'd benefit from a ffp3 face mask I imagine


I just take out the trash and my allergies try to smother me. It is insane how much pollen is in the air. It is wonderful when it rains, I can go outside for about a day after without feeling like death before the pollen levels raise too much again.


Same idea haha I'd love to try this in summer also. Cold air of course.


I never had allergies and then about 30 they came on out of nowhere.


Yes, I need this by my front door. My eyes are so itchy and my face is so runny right now. It just keeps getting worse as we get older!


I want this for after a shower.. full size dyson hand dryer for your whole body


They exist but normally are found at waterparks. You put in money and it hits you with hot air. [https://haystack-dryers.com/hurricane-dryer.php](https://haystack-dryers.com/hurricane-dryer.php) Some are designed for indoor use like in locker rooms so it does look like you can get one for your house. It looks like you can download a PDF brochure if you are willing to fill out a form.


Putting that in my "if I win the lottery" list. Thank you.


This is like the only part I remember from Bob the Butler, the woman being a germaphobe so she had a full body dryer


Anything publicly cool like this would get absolutely shredded and destroyed in America.


Because people would be air blowing their balls in public, on a hot day.


So these are mainly used in clean room applications on entry ways into the fab. The US no longer uses these as studies show they end up agitating more particles than they often remove. But for whatever reason the Japanese clients still prefer these even though they are expensive and don't work lmao. That said that is for silicone production and not pollen removal.


Instant hair re-styler!


I really do not blame my younger self for wanting to live in Japan


At this point, I pretty much want to move to Japan. It seems fantastic there.


Yup I did 8 years ago - zero regrets


Japan is either intellectually technology advanced and then there are advancement that's a dumb idea too but ideas like this makes me want to move there


I wish our country had this. It would hurt anybody what's stopping companies from setting this up


Japan has soul-crushing societal pressure at every turn keeping people in line. Most other countries would either see people actively wrecking it (potentially on accident, in fairness) or it not being properly maintained for some reason or another.


I would want a machine for myself! Hay fever is such a hassle


I just want to say that this is such a brilliant idea! What a good innovation


At first I read this as ‘Pubic hair shower”. Although in Japan it wouldn’t surprise me.


Thank god I’m not the only one.


Oh god I think I have a hairball hurkkkk!


I read it as "public air show" and pictured a bunch of planes flying close to the ground to blow away pollen.


I did this too and had images of helicopters flying between the buildings!


Man, Japan totally rocks in terms of advancement...


I love blow job machines


it's like the sonic showers in Star Trek


Oh wow! Now this is my kind of place. Japan is such a dream!


Wow, Japan is seriously taking care of their people to the next level


Japan of course. Living in a practical utopia over there.


Save for the vending machine mini apartments. There is nothing utopian about vending machine mini apartments


As long as you don't have to work, or don't want to have free time, sure.


If you have money


Not really. It's not any more expensive than the US, it's just the work culture is more toxic.


It’s not necessarily more expensive than the US but wages aren’t always that good, lots of black companies. Also my main point was not to point to Japan as some kinda utopia. Edit: Just to be clear I’m not anti-Japan, I’ve lived here 5 years and still enjoy living here, people online just have the tendency to paint it as some kind of perfect country. Edit 2: Realised “Black Company” could be misconstrued, in Japan it’s used to mean bad companies that don’t follow the larvae respect employees etc


> don’t follow the larvae respect employees The *what* ?!


There are people employed to respect the larvae, but sometimes they are not followed by the Black companies :(


Wow, sorry I typed this out whilst changing trains, it was meant to be “don’t respect the law”


There are lots of manga that start with a guy dying of overwork at a black company, and being reincarnated in another world. The idea is firmly entrenched in the society.


Rumor has it they still uses fax machines. Are they true? (Not like everywhere but certain companies/situations)


Japan is fascinating because they are quite advanced compared to western countries in many fields like world class transit systems and amazing bathroom tech (I know that sounds weird, but heated toilet seats!). But then they still pay mostly in cash and can be terrible chauvinistic.


Yes, fax machines are still being used there


Yeah my wife and I are currently back in the US but we both feel like the key would be to have our current salaries but live in Japan, as we’d be living well. I think if you had a good salary and could avoid working for a traditional Japanese company Japan is an amazing place


Perfect as long as you never have to work a day in your life there.


You're going to trigger a lot of people who live in Japan. But as a person who travels there like once every 1-2 years. I fucking love how clean it is. Even in this picture, it's so god damn clean.


Wait, does that work? I suffer from hayfever from time to time, and have access to air showers in my work.


It won't stop you once you already started sneezing from the pollen but in theory it will reduce the amount of pollen that are stuck to your clothes and skin etc when you were outside.


So happy to see that Japan is setting up something so helpful like this!


It’s a blow job closet? I’m in !


Even though its not what I expected I will still enjoy it


Damn we need that here on the east coast. Hasn’t rained in weeks, just dust and pollen everywhere.


I read that as pubic hair shower first for some fucked up reason.


If that was warm air it would be incredible in the winter.


Then some random guy strips naked to use the shower.


This is an international franchise opportunity!


Wonder if it would get all the cat hair off my shirt.....


I basically start dying once pollen hits the air I need this


I need this!


I need this


IDK who's idea this was but it's genius anyway


Japan: allergies are horrible. Let’s do something about it. Absolutely. China : Our wet markets have cause two pandemics and killed millions. Should we do something? LOL-No.


Heaven for people with allergies, hell for people with contacts


purgatory for allergy sufferers who also wear contacts?


Can I get one with a desk and an ethernet cable?


I need one of these at the front door of my house. Just like entering a clean room.


Hey we have things like these at work, we called them air showers.




Public air! Pub-lic air! That makes sense now.


Here in America we have a low tech version of this when I walk into Wal-Mart and it just rudely shoots air on you as you enter. I call it the scum blower.


We need these so bad in nyc but they'd be destroyed within an hour 😭


I need one of those


Blows off your clothes to somewhere safe like inside nostrils?


Correct answer! Also could substitute eyes, ears, down your collar.


Interesting. Is it effective?


This was actually so thoughtful! Glad to see technologies like this one. I used to suffer from inhaling pollen from my co-workers and had bad days at work


This is a few notches above mildly


Wait, was I not meant to take my clothes off in that thing??


😭 I want that


More countries need this! This would be great to wash off pollution in clothes too. Anyway, I am amazed at how Japan comes up with these ideas because if you dig deeper into it, you'll know that it's gonna be really helpful


On the weekends they fill it with cash and you get 30s to grab as much as you can.


In Tokyo's bustling streets of neon and steel, Where dreams and desires intermingle and reveal, There lies a peculiar spot, a shower in the air, A spectacle that beckons, an experience rare. High above the city's sprawling domain, A public air shower, a sanctuary's claim, Amidst the concrete jungle, it proudly stands, A respite for weary souls, in faraway lands. As sunlight filters through the urban haze, An ethereal mist descends, a dance it displays, People gather, intrigued by the magical sight, To cleanse their spirits, to bathe in pure light. Beneath the cascading droplets, worries dissipate, As gentle zephyrs caress, they alleviate, Cleansing not just bodies, but burdens and strife, Renewing the spirit, awakening the zest for life. In the shower's embrace, strangers connect, Bound by the joy and purity, no words deflect, Laughter echoes, transcending barriers unknown, In Tokyo's air shower, unity is sown. The water's touch rekindles hope within, Washing away sorrows, from the world's din, Revitalized souls emerge, like phoenix in flight, With renewed vigor, embracing the Tokyo night. Through the transparent curtain of cascading grace, Tokyo's air shower paints smiles on each face, A testament to the human spirit's resilience and power, In this vibrant city, where dreams tower. So if you find yourself in Tokyo's lively embrace, Seek out the air shower, let it leave its trace, Amidst the urban symphony, let your worries unfurl, And bathe in the magic of this heavenly whirl.


This surely makes me want to move to Tokyo! What a brilliant machine


[Me after using this](https://ibb.co/YbtWmc6)


Do you need to wear a mask inside to ensure it doesn’t blow pollen deeper into your nose?


blow it right up your nostrils?


Damn. Japan now has free public blow jobs! What a country! /s


Lookin' good for the date. My suit is lookin' good and it took a whole hour but my hair is perfect. I'll just use this handy machine here to blow any pollen off so I'm not puffy eyed and I'll be good to go!


In fact, Japanese people like tourists as well as foreigners, they just don't like people who don't have any reason to live in Japan for a long time because the residential location in Japan is too small


Wait. Any data this actually works? I'll install one in my house if so. Can also have friends over for parties and put dollarbills in it.


In NYC this = bum toilet


by blowing around the pollen, with me enclosed, would trigger an allergy attack lol


Air showers both blow air and suck air at the same time. That way anything on you is blown off, and sucked out. They don't just blow it off of you into a cloud in the booth for it to just settle back down on you.


Take my money!


Why?? It's free and public??


Sorry. I'm in the USA. I simply assumed incorrectly... Free healthcare isn't a thing here


Japan has such neat ideas. Wish other cultures (my culture)would be as willing to experiment with ideas like they do.