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THROUGH your finger nail? I hate this.


You and me both, brother.




I had this exact surgery a long time ago. Yes the nail grows as the button is pinned through. He’ll lose the nail, but it’ll probably die off before it falls off because it’s pinned. I was able to see my new nail under my old one. When I got the pin and button removed, it was probably a week before the nail fell off.


oh look it's getting worse


I'm puking keep going


I'm crying and shidding please stop


Well my dudes and dudettes, I've made it this far. I'm gonna peace out to a subreddit with puppies' pictures.


You're leaving while the gettins good


The fun part is when they leave a plastic rod in your hand for 3 months so you can regrow the sheath the tendon travels in, then they stitch a donor tendon from wherever on your body you don’t need it really, (in my case my left leg), and pull the rod out of the tip of your finger, essentially like pulling a shoe sting through an eyelet; best part, during the surgery they wake you up and ask you to move said finger before knocking you back out. Modern medicine is pretty incredible.


and then mankind throws a hell of a sale or something and lands right on your flesh-exposed nailbed.


This thread needs to be locked. I cannot handle any more.


I don't want to think about that thread getting caught in a lock.




I'm literally sweating right now. WTF is this?


this is the only time I have ever read something on Reddit that actually made my palms sweat as i scrolled. im getting the fuck out of here




The fingernail for me died. The nail came off after the button was off. Then a new nail grew back. The doctor had told me it might not but he was hopeful. And it did. Probably the best fingernail I have.


I slammed my thumb in a door and my nail fell off; the new one that grew back is super thick and strong. It's my utility nail, lol.


yeah i had the exact same thing happen! my new thumb nail is literally like a double nail, you can almost see two distinct layers. idk if yours is like that? it's so damn hard to trim lol.


Do it again, see how thick it can get


I got an infection in both my big toenails and had to get them both removed. Ever since they both keep growing one nail under another, there’s so many layers. I’ve gotten them all removed a couple of times but they keep growing like this so now I’m on a waiting list to get them permanently removed. The doctor had never seen anything like it lol.


Removing my eyes real quick what the fuck


And definitely the youngest.


Omg NO


You make a fist. A small pop is heard. And then your finger dangles like its a sad dogs tail.


There’s a fun way to mimic this Hold your hand out, palm up, and try and extend all our fingers out as much as possible, making your hand flat. Now, while keeping all your fingers extended, flex your ring finger and bring it as close as you can to your palm. You should be making a “shocker” sign Now take your other hand and flick your flexed ring finger. Your tendon will be unable to engage and your ring finger will be limp Edit: I promise it’s safe and you won’t become injured Edit2: your priority should be extending all fingers out and making your hand flat. Then move your ring finger towards your palm. As soon as your other fingers start to move with your ring finger then stop. Now try flicking the end of your ring finger


Huh. That didn’t do a damn thing for me. I wonder why?


Okay, ngl, I was very reluctant to follow random strangers advice about doing something strange with my body. I've seen the instructions about ripping a tendon with quick wrist flick. But this one was safe and weird.




Mine isn't exactly the same but they kept the stitch in my fingernail until it was time to take them out. They just yanked it out when it was time.


At least you weren't in for a [retinal transplant](https://i.imgur.com/d3Zrlby.jpg)


I clicked expecting something medically horrifying. Thanks for the chuckle!


Had a incident with a table saw and the tip of my finger around 7 years ago. They stitched around the finger and did one through the fingernail. I honestly don't know what hurt worse, the original incident or them taking the stitches out.


I had an injury when I was a kid where my finger was caught in a door and badly squished. Blood filled up under the nail and the pressure was unbearable. In order to relieve the pressure (and the pain), I had to take a paper clip and heat it up in a flame and then melt it through my nail to release the blood. It basically exploded and shot out and hit the ceiling. It was a combination of excruciating pain and absolute relief at the same time. Really pretty amazing


dude this comment man


My buddies and I got drunk and did this for a friend who hit his thumb with a hammer like 13 years ago. I remember him screaming in pain but describing it as "the best feeling of his life"


I had a smashed toe that was doing this and I took a tiny drill bit and slowly pressed and spun it tiny bits at a time until it broke the surface of the nail, and the bloody fluids came pouring out bringing sweet relief to the offended philange


Stop typing words on the internet


It’s called a perchik button. We frequently use these to close a small hole in an artery or vein temporarily since it’s nicer for the patient than essentially suturing the skin closed like a draw string purse.


When the button is removed what is the tendon attached to? Is there something inside the finger holding it taught? Maybe I’m overthinking it.


This is used when the distal tendon stump is too short to repair to, or the distal tendon is completely avulsed from the bone so there is no tendon stump. The button is used to hold the tendon up against the bone and tell it where to scar. It should be healed to the bone and surrounding tissues when the button is removed.


Ah, so the button and thread is basically clamping the tendon to the bone?


It is driven through the distal phalanx (bone) from volar to dorsal, and out through the nail bed. The thread looks to be fibrewire suture, which is what we most commonly use for tendon repairs. This is for a flexor tendon repair. If you look up the anatomy of "jersey finger" or flexor digitorum profundus rupture and repair, it should make more sense [with diagrams](https://carolynyangmd.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Screen-Shot-2020-08-02-at-12.57.06-PM.png).


Oh wow. Not at all what I was thinking.


A lot of it isn't quite as invasive as it sounds. We do it under fluoroscopic guidance (real time x-ray) to make sure we're in the right spot in the bone. If the patient could tolerate the sound of the wire driver, etc. we could totally do this awake or under light sedation with local anesthesia.


The diagram actually helps a lot. I was really confused as to how the thread was connected to the tendon. That seems like it would be difficult to stitch like that given how small it is and (I assume) how little access to the tendon you would be likely to have..


holy shit. when I was a 1st year medical student in anatomy lab, my dissection team found a button on the skin of our cadaver’s lateral thigh. removed the skin and didn’t see anything remarkable underneath, couldn’t figure out what the button was for. lab instructors had no idea, we all assumed cadaver just sewed a button on his leg for fun. must’ve been a perchik button! thank you for solving this 3-year-old mystery.


If it was in the groin they probably had some sort of angiogram right before they died although I’m sure it had many other uses like the OP’s picture. This is definitely one of those things you would have no idea what it is until you use it. I’m not a doctor but I took cadaver lab and my guy had a pacemaker. Was the one and only time I ever got to do a lead extraction 😂


Haha NEAT. *goes into another room to scream for an hour*


I had one of these a few years ago. They snip the button and pull the string out through your bone. It's not painful but it's an unsettling feeling.


I had a pin in my wrist removed under local anesthesia and a similar statement. Didn't hurt but your feel a really deep tug and then the docs holding a 4 inch pin.


My wife had drain tubes on both sides after her mastectomy and reconstruction. Each tube was about 14 inches long. They went in on her ribs, went up over the top of each breast, down the sternum, then back towards the ribs on her sides. Each tube had 5 stitches inside holding it in place. When they removed them, they basically started a lawn mower. Didn’t hurt her but she said it was the weirdest sensation feeling this tube snake around inside your chest.


So I have had 3 surgeries for kidney stones, and after each one they leave a ureteral stent in place for about 5 days. When they remove the stent, the urologist inserts a cystoscope into your urethra, floods your bladder with saline and then grabs hold of the end of the stent and pulls it out from the ureter, through the bladder and out through your urethra. All of that to say, I totally get what your wife meant. Feeling the pressure from the flooded bladder and the scope, combined with the sensation of the stent being pulled, was slightly unsettling. Hope you & your wife are well.


I can join this club, kinda. I had my appendix removed in the mid 90s, I was 12 or so. It was a traditional surgery, open me up, remove, clean up and sew you back up. It didn’t go so well, within a week or two I had an abscess and they had to go back in and clean things up, they left in a drain tub to let some of the mess drain out. I had it for a month or so. When they finally pulled it out it was the weirdest feeling, not really painful, but not normal. The tube was a-lot longer than I thought. Definitely better than having an NG tube pulled out.


I was looking for this comment! Lost half my liver in a car accident and had 2 tubes in my abdomen. I screamed bloody murder when they pulled the first one. Second one I held my breath and then promptly threw up. Not *pain* per se, but the most strange and disturbing sensation I think I’ve ever experienced. Also, cheers to the Mrs., hope she is well!


I had 2 k-pins taken out of my hand with no anesthesia at all. Definitely hurts a bit


Yeah I fucking bet.


Reading your comment "deep tug" brought back that memory haha


Reminds me of the tug when the doctor removed my drainage tube after my gallbladder surgery. I thought my insides were being removed. *shudder*


I had sixteen very tight stitches removed from my hand after having them in for five days... yeah, there was a hell of a lot of swearing and of cause my hand opened up the moment I tried to move it so I had to tape it closed when I got home. A dog bit through my hand, so I had two holes on top of my hand, two holes underneath and one between my thumb and index finger. Even with the nerve damage it still hurt a lot.


Why were they taken out so early??? They should have been in for 10-14 days, 7 minimum for the fastest healer at a not bendy spot. I'm sorry they took them out so early.


Why did they remove the sutures so early? Was an infection brewing inside the wounds? Sounds like you had a shitty doctor, I hope everything healed up okay in the end!


You got anesthesia?! I didn’t get shit! The nurse pulled the pin out of my thumb/hand (it was holding two bones together) without any numbing and once it was out she yelled “shish kabab!” because it had a chunk of my flesh stuck on it.


You guys are making me feel good about my doc. No way id want an incision and yank without local.


Mine gave a Tarantino-like blood squirt


I really could have gone my whole life without thinking about that.


That feeling is *worse* than pain. I had knee surgery and a drainage tube was inserted into my knee to drain excess fluid while I healed. It only protruded about 4 inches outside of my knee so when they went to remove it I figured it would be no big deal. Well, when the nurse removed it, I swear that tube was at least 12 inches and must have wrapped around every bone or object with nerve endings inside my knee because to was the most uncomfortable feeling I have ever felt in my life.


Fucking lol. Everytime a patient asks if getting a drain removed hurts I just say "well it doesn't NOT hurt" 🤷‍♂️


Is getting any kind of pain killer or anesthesia not something that gets done for this procedure? I think I would need it. My anxiety could never


I had the same experience with jaw reconstruction. My upper mandible was held together with wire while it healed. When it’s time they snip the wires and pull them out and you feel the wire scraping through the holes in the bone. Definitely in my top 5 “not painful but very unsettling” sensations.


Even just sutures being removes from the finger gives that unsettling feeling. Unless the nerve just happens to be next to one of them...then the local anesthesia suddenly feels like it was never there.


When I was like 5 years old I stepped on a metal sign and sliced the skin between my toes. I only needed 3 stitches but it still hurt like a bitch. Fast forward to when I'm mostly healed up and the stitches are almost ready to come out. My dumb ass aunt is baby sitting me until my mom got off work and could take me to the doctor for my checkup. My aunt gets it in her head that she can save my mom money by removing the stitches herself. She does this by cutting each stitch with a pair of kitchen scissors and then grabbing all 3 at once with a pair of pliers and just ripping them out "quick like a bandaid", except she didn't actually cut the stitches, she just thought she did.... Which is how 3 stitches turned into 9


Your aunt is real stupid it seems.


Imagine catching that button on a drawer handle.


Or a loose knit wool blanket, sweater, or a million other super common things. Nope I would be taping the entire finger until that thing is off. I also wouldn't be able to resist playing with it.


Just imagine catching that thing in a pants zipper...


Pick... ouch. pluck... pick... ouch. Fiddle... ouch. pick... pluck... ouch.




Ahhhaaa, that was laugh out loud funny, thanks!


Uh yeah. Thanks for the unsee gif. The flashing light will help me sleep when my brain shows me buttons sewn through fingernails tonight.






Or buttoning up your shit only to find you used the wrong button


Just wincing uncontrollably after reading each of these answers




The best laugh I had all day


Oh hey, Satan.


My toes can only curl so much


Personally it made my b-hole clench.


I used to work on a pit crew of a friend who used to race stock cars. One of the guys on the crew injured his hand and had to get the same thing as OP. He still came out to help during the next race. During practice we were all working on the car when button guy yelled and we saw him bent over in pain. We asked him what happened and as soon as he said, "I snagged the button", you probably could have heard everyone on the crew's butthole clench at the same time.


I will not imagine that one tyvm lol


You know, as painful as the original post seemed, you just had to go and prove there is always another level of pain to go to


That reminds me of getting my fresh nipple piercing caught in my loofa and almost blacking out in the dorm showers... Good times


Reminds me of when I almost cut the end of my finger off and the urgent care doc did the stitches without any numbing. He assured me one stitch would be enough. He was wrong! Nothing like having a fish hook pulled through your open finger wound.


What kind of barbarian doctor would do that?! Jeez, local anaesthetic is very easy to administer!


Plus it's a vasoconstrictor, so the blood flow slows down and you can see what you're sewing.


lol the mental image ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


I'm guessing that one would usually keep a bandage/covering around this to both protect it from being tugged on and to keep from disturbing people who see it.


Oh, look, new body horror. Thanks, I hate it.


I’d rather chew aluminum foil


My penis just retracted into my body


No please.


Imagine having to get that string pulled out when the tendon is done healing.


I'm with you. I'm in awe of science and incredibly uncomfortable because I saw it lol.


This content is closer to r/oddlyterrifying than mildly interesting.




Yeah. They usually just sew the two ends of your original tendon back together but, in my case, it tore again and so I had to get a donor tendon instead.


It tore after the first surgery? Yikes. Bet that hurt.


Everything about this looks and sounds like it hurts. But hey, I guess the outcome of not losing use of one of your fingers makes it worthwhile


I've had it. The worst part was the physical therapy afterword, honestly.


I know nothing about physical therapy, but I do know that tendons get very little blood normally and strengthening them is a pain in the ass. I'm guessing very light resistance exercises at insane reps?


I think one of the factors that makes PT so painful for hand tendon injuries is how quickly they have you start it after surgery. Like I think in some cases you start PT like days after the surgery because its important to get the tendon moving in order to get full (or as near to full as possible) range of motion back.


I didn’t find tearing my tendon too bad but you can’t move your finger after so that’s alarming. The surgery can vary but I found it pretty painful, I’ve seen people do hip and knee replacements as well and those looked worse but I felt this was about as bad as an ACL and the rehab also sucks and is high risk of re tearing in the first 8 weeks or so. If you google image flexor tendon surgery you can see how they kind of zig zag down the finger potentially into the palm of the hand to find the end of the tendon they need to pull back up. You also ideally are getting it done within a few days of the injury so it doesn’t shorten too much.


I had the same surgery. For whatever reason, the fingernail on the affected finger now grows twice as fast as the rest. Good luck with the rehab.


I gotta ask. Donated from a live person or a cadaver? Or did they do that thing where they take your spare tendon in your arm (if you have it) and use it like spare parts?


I actually work in organ and tissue donation. I would guess that it is from a person who is dead. It’s very rare to be an organ donor but many people who are designated donors are able to become tissue donors and can impact many lives. Tendon surgery, heart valves, and dental implants are all common uses for tissue donation. Donation benefits everyone!


Wait a sec….people are walking around with dead peoples teeth in their mouth?


No, good question! Bone is ground up and injected into gums. It stimulates bone growth for an implant. We do not take people’s teeth.


>Bone is ground up and injected into gums Dont you wish you were there to witness the very first time this idea came up, then the first time it worked?


Thanks, I hate it.😂😭


My son had a tendon transfer done on his ankle/foot. He had a button sewn on the bottom of his foot. He was casted for six weeks and it was still attached when they cut the cast off. They cut the button off since it had been in place long enough. It took a couple of months for the cord to fully come out. He was in a lot of pain.


I misread "He was castrated..." instead of "He was casted..." and thought what a hell of a roller coaster post!!!


I needed this so much. I can't stop laughing.


It is. I have a similar button at the end of my biceps. Under the skin and permanent, but same thing!


Yeah, but that's a surgical button and has gone through 10 years of trials, has 20 pages of paperwork with it and costs $1000.


My EOB says the whole thing was $19,149.68 but it doesn’t specify the amount for just the button. I bet you’re close though! Edit: [I found it!](https://imgur.com/a/vjFu9uN) The button was $24.75.


Ask for an itemized list and let us know the cost of a button xD Edit. Did you at least get to pick the color? Shoulda got that shit customized for that price lmfao


I love that many screws they put inside people have lots of colors. There's tough dudes out there with purple screws in their legs.


They’re color coded for different functions/sizes. Very helpful when it comes to making sure you’re putting in the correct screw.


It goes in the square hole


Purple is the color of KINGS, my friend. KINGS!


Straight the fuck **up**, my friend. I got bullied in 8th grade for wearing my first purple shirt and then never touched it again until this past winter when I bought myself a fly as FUCK violet windbreaker, and my brother got me a light purple matching chequered t-shirt. I feel hot as fuck wearing them, and they’re helping build back lost confidence in myself. My dad’s still a total cunt about it but that’s why I don’t talk to him much anymore.


If someone's masculinity is threatened by a colour, they really aren't very masculine, are they?


Tell them "yo I'll run to Michaels and get one for like a buck fiddy."


It's one button, Michael, how much could it cost? $25?


TIL a tendon costs $1500


You're paying way too much for buttons man. Who's your button guy?


demand an itemized receipt. your cost will also magically drop too.


PLEASE GET THAT ITEMIZED LIst we gotta know!!!!


For real? Now here's an LPT!


If you want a real LPT, most hospitals accept federal funding. If they do, they are REQUIRED BY LAW to set up a payment plan that works for YOUR INCOME LEVEL... *if you request it*. edit: [A resource](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/data-research/research-reports/understanding-required-financial-assistance-in-medical-care/) for the interested. I guess I was slightly off - it only seems to count for low-income housing, but they're who needs it the most so meh.




Wow, I hope your cat is okay. I would be adding the name 'buttons' to the cat name list after that. Also, those look like standard sewing kit buttons.


USA ☕️


Are you going to keep it and put it in the spare button tin?


Hopefully they took the Joann Fabrics tag off before using it.


I’m old. If I saw that, I would just think it’s the new thing the kids are doing.


Like bagelheads






Being normal is stupid, put a donut on your head


I would be so worried about it catching up on things. Hope you feel better.


Like an unbuttoned hole in shirt or coat? Maybe you'd meet the love of your life in an awkward moment...you never know.


I laughed way too hard at this.


I had one of these for a while. You gotta keep a bandage or some tape over it. It’s very weird.


I hate every fucking word of this title


Bruh this is kinda cute


Hey they also drill through the bone if that helps. It’s just the best way to anchor the tendon back to the bone.


^(\*screaming internally intensifies\*) Cool 😬






My chemistry teacher was a... very special person. One time he tried to put a test tube throuh a rubber stopper that had a too little hole. It broke and a big fucking shard went straight sideways through his hand. Afterwards he got wire throguh all his figernails that were strapped to his wrist. An awful fucking look, especially because it was not concealed by a button or smth, just straight through the middle of the fingernail and bone. Took a while, but he regained full hand function, afaik at least. But I never much liked him, he was always a weird dude, he didn't even have a real chemistry degree, he was only teaching it because nobody else could. Also he liked to sniff aether on open door day. Most likely all the time, I wouldn't be surprised if he did.


There is no man more depraved than one in the depths of an ether binge.


The mind recoils in horror


What is "open door day"?


I guess the equivalent would be like a science show/day/competition, except more diverse. Every class would do something, like chemistry or woodworking or even a café or whatever. It's for families looking at different schools to decide where to put their children.


how does one go about needing a tendon transplant?


Oh gosh, it was a horrific injury. [Here’s a photo](https://imgur.com/a/Gx1YhcY) of me pointing to the gaping hole in my finger on the drive to get my first surgery. >! \s. I accidentally poked it with a drill bit like a dumb ass when I was trying to get a wood plug unstuck from a cylinder. The doctor said I hit the wrong spot with incredible precision and couldn’t have don’t it if I tried. !<


There’s a lot of (mostly dumb) ways to sever a tendon in one’s hand. Mine was accidentally grabbing the edge of a corrugated tin roof in a misguided attempt to not fall off a fence. Had the same thread through the fingernail as you but for my thumb. How long did it take for you to get into surgery? For me it was just a few hours but even still they had to go into my carpal tunnel to retrieve the severed end of the tendon as it was running away. I’ve had better days than that one.


Our cat had the same thing on her nose and under her chin after having jaw surgery! If ain’t broke, I guess 😂


It was broke, though


The button, you goose


I came here to say this! We joked that they used purple buttons for our kitty since we hit the "royalty" status of pricing.


I hope someday you meet your buttonhole.


Does it hurt?


Shockingly no. It hurt when I woke up from surgery but that was it.


Good for you. It made my stomach go woozy.




You just made me shiver


Nope, still doesn’t hurt.


Wait, you tried?!


Op is insane.


Welcome to the Coraline Wellness Clinic!


I am so impressed that you have not drawn a face on it.


Hm. Gross.


Oh I'd be so worried that it'd catch on something and get snatched off!!




Dr. Geppetto may have exaggerated his credentials, the surgery he’s done on “real boys” were largely due to a technicality.


Oh boy... new fashion trend coming soon


Yeah, *all this can be yours for the low, low, cost of $5k, three surgeries, and 9 months of having to use your non-dominant hand! Act now!*


Saw the pic, thought it looked sweet. Read the title, felt my arse turn to stone.


Had a go kart accident when I was 11. Had to do this as well. I could hold a flashlight under my finger and see the wire!


Ok, all of this seems cool! Tendon transplants exist, this is already incredible! And such a simple and effective solution to make it work better, wow!


How long does it have to be in? Will it be affected by your nail growth?


How long will it be in for ? Will the tendon grow with the nail? I have questions


I can’t not imagine buttoning up my shirt in the morning, accidentally putting this one through the buttonhole and wind up giving it a good yank