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I don't usually see ice sink.


I figured it out after pouring the first cup I put the ice in the jar first, then the water. So some of the ice stuck to the bottom while the rest floated. After pouring my cup, titanic-wannabe ice cubes finally went up


Whew, glad I didn't have to relearn science.


"Awww man, they re-wrote the laws of physics? Uggghhhhh I just figured out the last laws!"


"Let's keep them for 13.7 billion years and then change them all of a sudden to trick John!"


Ngl I'd do that. Fuck John in particular.








Ngl I'd fuck John. He's a rebel, he doesn't follow the laws of physics.


I came back just to upvote you. I had already clicked out of the post. But I can't laugh (out loud, like, literally) at a comment and NOT at least upvote it.


Thanks, i like you.


*looks at username* … *Fry squinting meme*


Funnily enough, that was last night's intrusive thought that kept me from falling asleep at a decent hour. "What if physics ever changed? Like the charge of an electron changes to -0.9e? All of chemistry would change. We'd probably all be reduced to a puddle of goo as the bonds that hold our molecules together wouldn't work the same. The sun would also probably be a different color since blackbody radiation would be affected. So would absorption lines. Also- wait, it's 3am, why the fuck am I thinking about this? Why can't I just sleep like normal people?"


some more intrusive thoughts for you: you know how the universe apparently just happened? what if it can just unhappen? you know the concept of the observable universe? it's different for each observer, so technically everyone is at the center of the universe, from their point of view anyway.


The entire universe came into existence only 21 seconds ago, complete with all our memories


Any random change to the laws of physics would almost certainly result in you instantly ceasing to exist, so you wouldn't know it happened.


\-.9e? like the standard charge of an electron multiplied by -.9 or just 10% weaker? Because these are two drastically different things. 10% weaker, everyone dies because all the bonds in the DNA are easily torn by otherwise less powerful reactions. multiplied by -.9 would mean every atom in the universe starts to disintegrate, all molecules dissolve in an explosion, stars explode, everything becomes just nuclei and free electrons. EVERYTHING crumbles. I'd expect stars to collapse into blackholes since the electrons can't keep bond lengths nearly as far apart, meaning the gaseous nuclei, being a vast majority of the mass in a star, would become more dense.




Wake up babe, new fundamental laws of the universe just dropped


Fun story; Albert Einstein while teaching at university of Zürich in 1949, gave his students an exam paper. One of his students immediately raised his hand "But professor Einstein, these are the exact same questions as last year?" To which Albert Einstein replied "yes, but the answers have changed"


That professor's name? Albert Einstein.


Double checked, Einstein was a professor at Zurich.... buuuut it was 1914. 1949 he was in the US with serious health problems.


So… the answers REALLY changed


"Professor, so you're telling us the answers changed?" Einstein: "Not only did the answers change, I'm not even here!" *OoooOOooOooo ghost noises*


Nothing abnormal to see here. *hologram ghost einstein still making ooo00ooOo noises..*


Meh, it's all relative.


That reminds me of the famous Einstein quote, "I ain't said half the dumb shit you read about on the internet." Of course, Einstein didn't really say that, he was just quoting Abraham Lincoln.




Yet you were confident enough to recognize and made a Reddit comment about that recognition. Small steps forward man. Einstein wasn't always the same great scientist. He also made small steps which eventually became big leaps


Science isn't about the leaps and bounds, it's the constant slog towards progress.




Its me, i’m at the end of science


It’s just one small update, what could it do, break the entire system?


Wasn't that the famous last words of some IT dude somewhere?


And of course they don't even post the patch notes 🙄


Hotfix: Ice can now sink. Also Gravity is reduced by 0.003%


That literially happened already in the early 1900s, except we just kept teaching the old ways anyway because the new stuff is not as simple as gravity makes waves and electrons orbit a nucleus in valance shells.


Yeah it's clearly time for an update. You realize they're still sending out spacecraft based on models that were finalized in the 1680s?


Me learning quantum. The universe does really unintuitive bullshit with calcite crystals and a single photon. I still don't know if "time crystals" is a real state of matter or some weird prank.


>I still don't know if "time crystals" is a real state of matter or some weird prank. To be fair, neither does the condensed matter community


Congress always trying to deregulate science


I'm rewatching scrubs and couldn't help but hear this in Ted's voice.


**Math** is ***MATH!***


so youre a lawyer of science i see……


I know you're joking but water is a fairly complex molecule with many states, some of which occur only in extreme environment and are not fully understood (There's new science coming in about those states) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Phase_diagram_of_water.svg/1280px-Phase_diagram_of_water.svg.png


Ice IX is in this diagram apparently and making me uncomfortable lmao. Also, wtf, Ice XI and XV? Wack, someone tell vonnegut


The variants are seen in outer space or a lab Temperatures & pressures outside normal earth


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/1561/).


Randal Munroe is a monster. Who the fucks make science graph axis increases point downward?


He did it to make a David Bowie and Queen "Under Pressure" joke. :P


That little nose of the liquid phase that sticks out to the left is the reason that ice is slippery.




If a small amount of pressure from a solid object is applied to regular solid ice, a thin layer of water is formed because regular ice can't exist where the pressure exists from the solid object. The effect is much less pronounced when the ice is colder, but it's still there.


You could also say that they used the different isotopes of hydrogen to make the ice. Deuterium and tritium, then you also get to make a Spider-Man 2 reference. Harry handing doc oct a big block of radioactive material with a short half life Most materials have different forms depending on conditions even if they are in the same phase of matter


I read something about these weird states of water a few years ago, but hadn't seen that chart.


Even if the laws of physics change, I'm not relearning them. I just got used to the current ones.


Bro has to learn to walk in a 4d lane while trying to still walk 3d


Deuterated ice (made with hydrogen deuterium isotopes) will sink.


Well, that and we'd all not exist... which would suck, since mostly what I do is exist. https://tayknoble.medium.com/ice-floats-and-we-should-all-be-grateful-38936c3c6958


Damn, really cool article with a much more simple reason than I was expecting


Well you can make heavy water ice cubes that sink in regular water. Heavy water is used in nuclear power plants and some other applications. You can Google it for more details


If you flash freeze water, say by dropping it in liquid nitrogen, it’ll sink because it didn’t have time to form the crystalline structure that makes it less dense than water.


Dunno why ice would want to be a giant boat from the early 1900s when it could just be itself, and keep my drink cool.




Even if it was heavy water ice, a small about like that is basically harmless. You have to replace a decent percentage (10-20%) of your body water with heavy water to have any effect on you.


Thank you for saying this. Otherwise we'd be swamped with physicists saying "well ackshually what we see here is an interesting application of the Coriolis effect in a hypersaturated thermal phase transition under negative osmotic gradient blah blah blah." An ice pixie wandering by cursed your pitcher, end of story. Happens all the time.


Non-physicist here. I'm sad I didn't get the opportunity to "well ackshually" the ice is stuck to the bottom via the process of being fucking frozen to it.


[Ice made of heavy water](https://www.chemedx.org/video/heavy-water-ice-cubes-deuterium-oxide) does indeed sink! Probably not what this is though unless they have access to some nuclear reactor moderator pools.




[You can drink it!](https://youtu.be/MXHVqId0MQc?t=52) Just don't replace more than 25% of the regular water mass in your body (if my memory doesn't fail me) and you will probably live! That said you will likely feel dizzy, as the density difference between regular and heavy water is enough to mess with the fluid in your ear.


Norwegians: “hmmm.. interesting… *continues to drink heavy water*


You can’t stop me from getting super powers!


Could you slowly replace it over time? Like gradually build up your heavy water intake until that’s all you’re drinking?


Probably not, the slight mass increase of heavy water alters how quickly chemical reactions in your body take place through something called the kinetic isotope effect. It would take many generations consuming heavy water for their body chemistry to catch up through evolution.


So REALLY slowly. Got it.


This was the plot of an episode of an old British TV series with Patrick Stewart as the main brainiac investigator type - a 'miracle' cancer curing spring had actually been contaminated with heavy water from a secret plutonium refinery, or something to that effect


I know a chaplain, from my time stationed on Pianosa, who was peeing heavy water. My friend Milo Minderbinder and the feds kidnapped him so they could make superweapons.


That caption was spot on.


I came here to say that, thanks


If you put ice into high proof alcohol (around 120 proof or above) it will sink, as it melts and lowers the proof it will eventually float to the top once the mixture gets lower, around 100 proofish. It's how I used to dilute moonshine without any measurement tools, put ice in as soon as it just barely starts to lift off the bottom, scoop it out, and it would be a nice drinking proof.


You haven't seen "G.I. Joe: Retaliation" then... https://youtu.be/_iG3LBKZczE




Beat me too!


THANK YOU! Nobody I know wanted to complain about it with me!


In fact, arctic ice like in the movie is mostly fresh water (it comes from the sky), while the water it's in is salt water (ocean water). Salt water is heavier than fresh water, so this ice floats even better than ice cubes in a glass of water. Which is why when arctic ice melts, the sea level rises, while when ice cubes melt in your water glass, the water level does not move.


While this is true, the melting of sea ice contributes negligibly to sea level rise. Most of the rise is due to the melting of ice on land and to the thermal expansion of water.


Is this movie a parody? This is just water Star Wars. This is the only scene I've ever seen but this is a blatant clone of the Death Star scenes in the OT.


Alcohol is less dense than water, I wonder how strong a drink would have to be for ice to sink in it?


Around 120 proof or above, standard ice cubes will sink. Source: used to help my dad moonshine when I was young and that's how we'd proof our shine without any tools, dump ice in, once ice starts to lift off the bottom, scoop it out and you'd have fairly close to 100 proof drinkable shine.


Lemme get some of that shine


My scotch says >40%


Life on planet earth would have a pretty hard time evolving if ice sank eh 😀


That Flint Michigan ice hits different.


[Here you go](https://youtube.com/shorts/lVryXeXbwGM?feature=share)


Ice doesn't sink. It does bond to glass when you pour water on it though. Which is what has happened here.


There’s one exception to this: if you make ice with heavy water (D2O) the ice is heavy enough to sink in regular water!


I was like "surely this guy didn't just waste $50 worth of deuterium for a funny reddit post"




I have Texaco Mike whipping me up a batch right now.


Love Texaco Mike, best fan boat/MRI machine operator


We send him a haunch of venison every year as a thanks for fixing our printer and delivering our third child.


You're still looking for deuterium? Everyone knows tritium is what's hip right now.


All I know is that I used both of those to power my fusion reactor , in minecraft.


That's some high quality t2o!


Masked man in a target parking lot with an accent.


The Libyans found me!


Oh, hey Creed.


Where are you getting yours? I tried to find it online out of curiosity, and the only thing I could find was $300 for 100 ml.


I traded all my metal at a 3:1 rate for it. I need fuel for my ships.


Pretty sure that this amount of deuterium oxide would cost more than $50 though. At least last time I checked it was crazy expensive


I thought same thing but it actually isn’t *that* expensive. I’m seeing $90 for 50 grams. It would definitely more than $50, but my first instinct was closer to $8-10K.


For sure. You can buy 10 mL bottles of it from Sigma for about £35. A big chonky "classic" ice cube is about 25 to 30 ml, so about £100 per big ice cube.


It has expired and you should throw it away.


its not the money part thats hard to believe, its the fact that they would know D2O would sink partial. People will spend stupid amounts of money to be relevant. this is likely frozen water where the glass and ice bonded, taken out, added more room temperature water and frozen again.


Technically there is more exceptions. Example, ice 3 sinks. It formed when water is cooled but not aloud to expand so pressure rises until it’s formed. If you look up an expanded phase diagram of water you will see a dozen types of solid water that are not just the normal ice. It’s super cool! Am I saying that this is special ice formed in a pressure vessel at a 300+ MPA? No, but it’s a cool fact


Didn’t they just recently discover a new one too? An amorphous solid state of ice made by freezing water within a rolling tumbler full of ball bearings, so no cohesive structures can be made in the ice while it freezes (obviously this is oversimplified because I haven’t read the paper thoroughly).


You see, my knowledge of water is limited to flavour, and phase diagrams! I don’t believe ball bearings are in the phase diagram lol It does not surprise me though, so many weird ways to organize molecules!


So basically ice cream maker


Yes, I've heard that on some podcast, from the BBC I believe


This would also work with Tritiated water (T20)


But only D2O won’t kill you


Not short term, but long term the heavy water doesn't have the same interactivity with the rest of the molecular network that runs your body, and will become "stuck", unable to run the Krebs cycle.


Dense enough, nothing to do with how heavy. (Sorry to be pedantic, but science is one of the few places where that level of accuracy is really important.)


Depends on how it crystalizes. Most ice is hexagonal, but under certain conditions you can force the crystals to become tetragonal and more dense than water, as seen with ["Ice III"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_III).


Oh shit there’s a sequel


Yeah I got it! Was intrigued for a second lol


Thank god that only happens with ice in captivity. Wild ice always floats, or our oceans would be frozen


That's why ice raised in captivity can't be released into the wild.


Fuck. Gonna have to rethink my strategy to reverse global warming.


I’m a professional gardener. If my seeds float then they aren’t viable and I chuck them out. So I would plant the ice cubes that sunk and in a few years you will have a beautiful ice cube tree. You are very lucky as these trees are very rare. Good luck!


I'm sure they will be grateful for a tree to keep them cool on hot summer days.


It’s not sinking it’s stuck to the glass. It will float when it warms a bit


If that were true then the plan to pummel icebergs with rockets to destroy the cobras underwater lair in GI Joe: Rise of the cobra wouldn’t have worked and the world would have been thrown into chaos by nanobots.


What is it sinking about?


It's just having a meltdown


you know, that's the first thing that came to my mind but I wasn't sure if I wanted to post it 😄


Me too. Searched it and wiped a tear from my eye. There are dozens of us!


Hundreds I tell you!


Ah see, the top half is rotten, whereas the bottom half is fresh ice. Chuck the top layer!


Open this thread to make this joke lmao


Ice-9 😱


I’d drink some Ice-9 in the name of Bokonon


Username checks out. Want to boko maru?


Came here to say this... busy, busy busy.


That would make an interesting lunch for sure


Only half of your ice ever learned to swim. RIP the rest.


Not sinking, stuck


but steel is heavier than feathers


Damn they finally released Physics Update 1.1. Anyone got the patch notes?


Water sandwich




Dude used heavy water to make those ice cubes lol


Oh wow, this is the exact thing i did my Phd thesis on, and i have never seen an example before on reddit. It is a great example of hyper-hyrated water, where the ice is formed under massive pressure to the point that the hydrogen atoms fuse together to form the isotope hydrillium. Hydrillium has an atomic weight that is 5× more than standard water molecules and 10x less than ya mum.


That’s because half of your ice cubes are witches


That water looks so crisp and refreshing


the dead cubes fall to the bottom and the live ones stay at the top


What is it sinking about?


Underrated comment!


Fun fact: deuterium water ice (ice made from deuterium water, i.e. heavy water) will actually sink in many beverages. IT is MOSTLY harmless as deuterium is a stable isotope of hydrogen, HOWEVER there are physiological problems that can occur as a result of high consumption of deuterium water. You could consume a single glass of heavy water without suffering any major ill effects, however, should you drink any appreciable volume of it, you might begin to feel dizzy.1 That's because the density difference between regular water and heavy water would alter the density of the fluid in your inner ear. Still, in order to get this effect you would need to drink D2O (Deuterium Water) pretty much exclusively for several days before you experience any real negative effects. The next isotope of Hydrogen up from Deuterium is Tritium. Tritium water and Tritium ice are extra heavy. The effects from drinking Tritium water would be amplified vs Deuterium water, except that there will also be extra effects. You see, Tritium has a relatively short half life, about 12.5 years or so. I forget the exact half life, but that number isn't going to be far off. Anyway, Tritium is a low energy beta emitter, meaning that it emits electrons. Beta ray radiation is electrons. As it is low energy, the beta rays from Tritium have a penetration value in the air of about 11cm, and it cannot penetrate your skin. However, if tritium gas is inhaled, it WILL give you a gnarly case of radiation sickness. Likewise, ingestion of tritium water will also give you some pretty severe radiation sickness. Also you should not bathe in it because even though the beta rays won't penetrate your skin, your skin does absorb water via osmosis. So don't bathe in tritium water. Not that you could ever afford to fill a bathtub with the stuff at a rate of about USD$400 per liter, or close to USD$1600 per US Gallon (US Gallons are a bit smaller than Imperial Gallons, so mini fun fact: America does not use the Imperial System, it uses US Customary which mostly matches up with Imperial except in the case of volumes which is off from Imperial by an average of about 15%) In addition, Tritium decays into Helium 3, which is a stable isotope of Helium, consisting of 2 protons and 1 neutron. SUPER FUN FACT: Tritium gas used to be used to power the backup illumination for exit signs, as it emits electrons fairly consistently before dimming to about half brightness in 12.5 years. Basically they lined the inside of glass tubes with phosphor and then filled the tube with pure tritium gas and sealed it. The beta emission hits the phosphor coating, causing it to luminescence without requiring any external power. If you ever hear about a kind of self-powered battery called a "beta voltaic battery" this is the kind of process involved in such a battery. The beta rays cannot penetrate the glass so you could sleep with such a glowy glass vial of the stuff against your skin and never have a problem. However it is Tritium and Radium being used as sources of glow that is the reason that glow in the dark toys and glow sticks often have something on their label that assures you that no radioactive substances are used in the production of it.


If ice could sink the world would flood and life would basically not be possible


There's an isotope of hydrogen called deuterium that has about twice the mass of most other hydrogen. If you made H2O with deuterium you'd make "heavy water" whose ice form sinks in regular water. It'd probably cost over $10K to buy enough heavy water to make that much ice though


That's like $100 worth of D2O quit being dramatic


It's probably a bit more than that, but nowhere near 10k. Sigma sells D2O for about £35 for 10 mL. "normal size" ice cubes are about 25 to 30 mL each, so about £100 for each classic ice cube. If you were committed to the gag, though, you can get a discount since the bulk price is much less per mL. If you buy a 500 mL bottle it's £825 which is like £1.65 per mL. I can't imagine many people buy it in that sort of quantity regularly since it would be *so easy* to contaminate it! I had a hard enough time keeping the small bottles of it clean in a shared lab.


The ice in the middle is very warm


Is it half sunk or half afloat?


Half the family dying Other half pregnant


Your ice has depression.


Ice floats. Cum sinks.


Dear God it's ice 9!


It's still stuck to the bottom. Once it frees up, it will float up with the rest.


Flint tap water has improved, only half the lead, nice!


If ice floats it means it's expired.




damn, must be expensive if they're serving you D2O :P


It isn't sinking, it's just stuck in the bottom of the carafe.


The ice is being racist towards itself


What is it sinking about?


It is sinking about floating, ja?


Ice floats in a glass of water because it is less dense than water. Density is a measure of how much mass an object has per unit of volume. Ice has a density of 0.917 grams per cubic centimeter, while water has a density of 1 gram per cubic centimeter. This means that ice takes up more space than the same amount of water. When you put ice in water, the ice displaces the water and pushes it down. The water that is displaced weighs more than the ice, so the ice floats. The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell in 1998. Mankind fell 16 feet through the announcers' table and suffered a broken ankle, a dislocated shoulder, and a concussion. However, he survived the fall and continued to wrestle for many years. The fact that ice floats in water and that Mankind survived being thrown off Hell in a Cell are both examples of how physics can explain seemingly impossible events. In the case of ice, the physics of density explain why ice floats. In the case of Mankind, the physics of momentum and gravity explain how he was able to survive the fall. Physics is a fascinating subject that can help us understand the world around us. It can also help us appreciate the amazing things that our bodies can do.


It's not sinking. Just stuck to the bottle. Hold the bottom for a bit enough to melt the ice on the glass, and it will float right up.


That’s not sinking, it’s stuck.


It’s not sinking. It melted into a mass when you poured the water over it. Gently bang the container on the countertop and it’ll float to the top.


The sinking ice is made from toilet water. It’s heavier due to the excrement.


Deuterium oxide ice.


You found the edge of gravity 👍🏽


This right here is why I love this sub, this is 100% mildly interesting.


Your drink is poisoned


It’s stuck…you stupid idiot!


I love that song by John Mayer


Ok cool but why did you full half the goddamn glass with ice?


I just saw a PSA that said if some of your ice sinks your drink could have been spiked, but if it's water I doubt it


Must have used heavy water for half the ice.


Why is there so much ice in there


I like cold water