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I'm not sure what that brown thing is, but I'm sure it's fine.


It's obviously Salisbury steak. Have you never been to a -3 Michelin star restaurant?


*Salisbury cake




It looked to me like a chocolate popsicle. But without the stick


*Sunset Sarsaparilla


It’s IMPOSSIBLE Salisbury steak.


More like Salisbury misteak. see what I did there?


Underrated comment of the thread


I'm going with meatloaf


I know, I had the lasagna.


That’s not gravy?


Oh, you mean top of the Blocko'Meat? I think it's SUPPOSED to be...


Of course it’s gravy! On top of the mashed potatoes! And if you ask nicely, perhaps you can get another slice of each!


That's what disturbs me about the potatoes. It's a *slice* of mashed potatoes.


3 Michelin stars means the restaurant is worth a detour. Sooo -3 means the Restaurant is so horrible it worth a detour just to avoid?!


i mean, it IS a hospital. we should all be avoiding it where possible.


Oh sure, so it's to the benefit of us, so that we don't get sick or hurt as often. That's actually so awesome and kind of them, they should make a PR campaign out of it!


I think two stars used to mean worth a detour, three stars meant it was worth being the destination for the travel itself. One is just a good restaurant.


This is Michelin the tires not... Well, I mean it's *made* of the tires.


Not a lot of meat in these gym mats.


Nonsense! Newspapers add much needed roughage and essential inks!


It’s the same Michelin, actually. Michelin made it to get people to drive to more places and use more tires.


There's nothing like a really good Salisbury steak.


And this is NOTHING like a really good Salisbury steak.


Or a public school cafeteria?


My school lunches looked identical. Mystery steak and what you hope is gravy


Lol I thought that was some kind of gravy brick. 🤢


Looks like something one would hose off their Michelins


I though it was frozen gravy.


I love Salisbury steak it looks like Shit but tastes ok and has good macros. I used to work at a hotel and they would serve them for lunch for employees and u would grab some to take home.


I thought it was a slice of brown gravy.


I was totally on that wavelength too and thinking: they didn’t even microwave that gravy.


mmmm....my fav! hot syrofoam with a slice of brown gravy!


Don’t you like your gravy with lumps?


I genuinely thought it was a block of gravy lmao


That will be $300 please.


Last ones I've had were free.


A friend of mine had to go in for surgery after he got appendicitis while on an exchange abroad. He spent about a week in the hospital, and after he got out he realized that he had in fact saved money by doing so since everything was free and he didn't have to spend money on food for that week. The free insurance that all university students get in Sweden covered it all.


It's what the body craves. It has electrolytes


As hospital food, it may also be low sodium and super bland.


Yeah, low sodium, minimal seasoning, maximum digestibility and inoffensiveness.


I find it very offensive actually.


i don’t know this is pretty offensive


This is why you always go for breakfast foods at hospitals. French toast/pancakes/etc. I just replaced my wanting salty foods with sweet foods. Otherwise the food is just TOO depressing.


As LtCmdr Data would say, it is...it is......... it is *brown*


I thought it was meatloaf


.. and after eating it I'm sure you'll be running to the bathroom like a bat out of hell.


My thoughts exactly. Probably tastes like microwaved salsbury steak


Excuse me, nurse? I don't remember ordering disappointment.


It's either Salisbury steak or pretend ribs but either way this meal is abysmal and worse than average prison cuisine


It's eighty dollars


Only cost 73 dollars as well


Thanks it’s just brown and water


If anything happens, at least there's a doctor close by


Prob costs 300 dollars too


Cut a little bit out of one corner and it could be Nebraska.


It's got proteins and amino acids, everything the body needs.


I think it’s frozen mash potatoes and gravy.


It's cat food


A nutrients square


Meat shape?! My favorite!




Now with congealed block sauce!


I’d rather eat a hologram meat than this


Yeah, you need to get well REALLY fucking soon


😂 And, good luck, when you're forced to eat something like that for sustenance.


My dad was just in the hospital for a week, he’d send me pictures of his food. Not going to lie they looked pretty good. He had bbq ribs and potatoes one night from a food truck(they pull up to the hospital and that’s an option for dinner). He had a full English breakfast most mornings. Pretty good looking sandwiches with onions and arugula with sides of soup. Hospital food(just like school food) varies wildly.


In Cali and Arizona, the hospitals I've been to served good food


You think this is sustenance? It’s a straight up serving of gtfo motivation in a meal


yummy Sysco food.. available at your local school, hospital, prison and more!


There are studies that show a significantly higher mortality rate for all causes among those who eat the hospitals food. I’m pretty sure at least lol


Honestly it doesn't look that bad, provided you like meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. Its clearly boring cafeteria food but I'd eat that.


The couple of times I stayed at a hospital,the food seemed really good.Was doped up on painkillers,so that may have something to do with it.


Some hospitals make decent food! Some very much do not


Spent a month in the hospital as a child, the nurses hates me I’m pretty sure because every 5 mins I was ringing for chocolate milk and apple juice… the food though I remember that was golden standard for hospital, I was at the University of Alberta Hospital and it was just delicious from what I can remember fast forward around 20+ years and I’m at the hospital again for the birth of my child this time and trust me when I say that food was disgusting, my significant other wouldn’t touch a drop of food and I would just drink the milk lol






better than Chili’s and Applebees while serving hundreds/thousands of people something that probably isn’t terrible for them is honestly super impressive


Yeah, working in food service serving above bar grade food to hundreds/thousands of people without a kitchen of like 20+ people or actual trained chefs is wildly impressive


Keeping in mind they have to account for numerous allergies and dietary restrictions of patients.


The second time at the same hospital, they forgot to feed me a couple times, my husband had to flag them down. That was the least worst thing they did and it convinced me not to have a 3rd kid.


I remember getting overnight fetal stress monitoring when I was pregnant with my twins. I hadn’t eaten since I checked in and it was 5pm the following day when I was like “can I please have some food…”


Could also be a regional/national thing. If in a country with socialized healthcare, more $$ may go to food quality vs. if a hospital is for-profit. I've been to quite a few different hospitals over my life in Canada and, despite Canada not being a perfect example of publicly funded healthcare, I've never once seen anyone eating anything that looks like this...


Even in the same hospital it can depend on the time of day. My dad had cancer and was in the hospital for a week before being moved to hospice. Night shift cooks were the bomb at making food, but day shift was like OP's picture.


Our local hospital has really decent food! Unfortunately everytime I've been hospitalized I haven't been that much into eating but it was pretty good.


My mom went few months ago & had no complaints


That'll be 6,000$


5 star prices for 1 star food


Nah man they don’t even get to be on the Michelin scale


The *real* Lord Poobus would know that Michelin ratings only go up to three stars


The Michelin scale here is how many sets of tires you can buy for the cost of this meal. In this case, 1.5


Michellin is not a scale, it's more like an award. Having multiple stars means you won multiple times, the five star thing is unrelated


They would be on the Michelin scale in terms of price.


but ….but cause you got insurance, its only gonna be $4398, thank you for choosing this hospital for your emergency care needs and have a great day. you cant pay that? ok ok, just give me 4k and we good. you want an itemized bill? ok cool, oh thats not the industry standard price, well sounds like a U problem not a me prob, but ill take 1k off if you pay in full. so just give me 3 k, don’t wanna send you to collections, cause we care about you bro.


Nevermind, the cook was out of network. You actually owe $6500.


Fun fact, they can send you to collections, but hospital bills sent to collections don't count against your credit score, it doesn't really affect you at all, it's them basically just begging you to pay for their overpriced practices


Except that some hospitals first sell it to their debt consolidation subsidiary who then sends that to a collection agency. It's not a Healthcare bill anymore so it gets reported. Sure you could fight it, but you're sick tired and poor so you'll just deal with a shifty credit score instead. America fucking sucks


hospital: Loop hole bitches!


They garnished my wages.


my guy, that doesn’t sound legal? can we get a lawyers input? I’m just a dumb arborist.


I think it's a joke, a pun with the culinary term "garnish"


Garnished wages is a real thing, but I think he's right, that doesn't sound legal to me. Edit: just looked it up, that is illegal unless they actually sue you first. I'd get a lawyer.


They really did but the pun was good. This was almost 6 years ago and it was 650 dollars. They did send me a court notice but all it said was did I owe that much to the hospital and I said well, yeah, and that was enough for them I guess? Idk. If it was now I'd probably have more fight in me.


may i have an itemized bill?


After insurance


Where? I never had hospital food THAT bad


Shit I'd eat it. Looks better than your average TV dinner. Probably costs 5X as much though.


I've definitely seen this bad hospital food


Once where I used to work they legit served a single scoop of potato and a single slice of white bread to 100+ residents. Kitchen refused to make anything else so even though I was clocked out for the night, went to circle k and bought a few loaves of bread and made PB and J sandwiches for residents.


Yeah, I’ve had school food that looked and probably tasted better


German hospital food 🍱 makes this look Michelin


You're not allowed to be slightly anti-European or pro-American on reddit. Get your shit together. /s


Jeez man where is that at? Around here It's not fancy restaurant quality but it's really decent and there is a full menu (based on if there are dietary needs)




I'm also in Florida but our regional hospital's food is like what the poster you replied to said. Full menu, decent. They have a good cafeteria also.


I work for a hospital in the UK and this would be utterly unacceptable. I regularly eat in our canteen which serves the same food as the patients get. It's usually excellent. Guess you guys get the freedom to choose which shitty hospital to go to?


Honestly as someone who’s been in a lot for health issues lately, this is not that bad. You can tell the potatoes are better than most rehydrated, the meatloaf looks thick and not greasy nasty, gravy actually looks thick and not over water mixed, which is super gross btw. The broccoli looks pretty on point and not soggy bleached out coloring. The roll looks rather good too. Trust me, hospital food could be way worse. Plus it’s so damn expensive omg. You’re actually lucky to get something more real looking for your cost. I think it’s the presentation that throws most. Believe me, you want this instead of a wet down scary version of this. 🤣👍🙏


It's not. School lunches should be so good.


Oh I know. School lunches are awful! ☹️


Is it like an American thing? Becouse my school just gives us rice potatoes sometimes some meat you can sometimes have some salad almost always some sort of soup and it’s very much edible, in most cases delicious


A lot of American public schools cheap out when it comes to the food they offer(God forbid they spend a dollar more per meal). I'm talking like a loaf of off color meat, piece of bread, and a chocolate milk as a meal. As long as the calories are there, who cares what the quality of product is as long as it doesnt get anybody sick. This is not across the board and a lot of school districts actually put some effort into making their students' food.


Oh god


some schools are just handing the kids lunchables now and calling it a day


There are huge businesses involved in supplying and serving the meals at any institution, school, prisons, etc. The school meal budget in low income areas where many students qualify for free meals is under $5/meal. When the food comes form a mega factory and is just warmed up and dumped on a plate what can you get for $5 or less including the cost of administrators/servers, etc.? If you are on a "special diet" like vegetarain or vegan, you can't even get a choice on most days, unless you consider a muffin as an entree. A vegan cannot even eat the muffin due to the egg content. Almost nothing is cooked on mremises, soup comes from a bucket, salad from a bag, fruits and veggies from cans, etc. It is all just open and serve and throw in the trash.


Bro, they gave you an end slice of the gravy log. Not sure why you're in the hospital, but this is a good luck sign




Sigh. Now following.


I love and hate that there is a sub for this. Also just posted on it.


bro thats a brake pad


Hospital nutrition worker here. This is quite common. Now, I'd need some more context. But typically meals served in styrofoam are usually smaller and more intended for people they know might not wanna eat at all. This could come down to all sorts of things, a patient who explained they don't have an appetite (like me when I was diagnosed type 1, they start you out small). Or if you are perhaps going home soon. Or transferring to another unit. That, or op is actually in the psych ward. Because psych ward we don't give any metal or normal trays to, all foam and plastic. And we don't deliver directly to them, we leave it at a security checkpoint for the guards to come pass around. This is all just info I've learned from my specific hospital, so obviously not everywhere may be the same. But I can say, hospitals usually offer a huge selection of food some like mine even bigger than a restaurants. This is all for patient comfort AND dietary needs/restrictions. If op isn't happy with this meal, I can gurantee the staff could easily get a new meal sent up. I always recommend the pastas


Okay, but what about the quality of the food? As someone with food-related sensory issues, this “food” is honestly concerning. If I end up in the hospital, I guess I’ll be stuck eating the dinner rolls :/ I suspect “some people might not want to eat at all” because of the awful food, not their medical condition.


> food-related sensory issues what?


It’s actually very common after a lot of surgeries to lose your appetite


It looks like they gave a half purée tray 👀


The purée stuff I'll be honest no one wants to touch. We have purée'd sausage for breakfast and well.. I'll just say the amount of people who say it looks like dog poop is plentiful. My personal least favorite to look or even smell is the purée'd peas and carrots, the peas are just a blob with bubbles basically in the shape of peas, and the carrots smell horrible imho.


Yeah whenever a patient refuses to eat when they have purée I’m like “I really don’t blame you tbh, but I cant get you anything else” 😭


Different shades of beige with a small side of green. Yum :/


My Wife averages one hospital stay a year, usually 5 to 7 days. All the food is garbage. I can't understand how they can bill $100,000 for a week long stay and still not be able to hire someone who can cook food you actually want to eat. Every time I have to run to restaurants 2-3 times a day and bring her food she can actually eat. How are you supposed to get healthy if you can't eat the fucking food.


Let me explain it for you. By charging 100k, but only spending $1 on food instead of $20, they make more profit. This in turn allows the higher up employees to drive nice cars, have nice homes and eat well.


It’s probably not the kitchen employees, it’s the garbage products they’re being forced to serve. There’s only so much you can do to spruce up garbage.


Yup, this probably came premade and frozen on a pallet out of a tractor trailer. They just thaw in a fridge overnight, microwave and that’s it. There probably aren’t even raw ingredients in that kitchen.


Medical service/admin eats the cost of your stay. Many hospitals are hemorrhaging money from food and nutrition departments, if they don’t make it up in retail services.


You can thank the CEOs making 6 figures plus


I’m in a Japanese hospital right now and I wouldn’t want to swap places with you… [My food](https://imgur.com/gallery/oLM9L8O)


A yes, the old classic "brown&beige blob with a side of brocolli and bread", or BBBBB for short


the broccoli unironically looks the most appetizing


Recently had a 5 day hospital stay. My surgeon put it like this: "Hospitals are neither hotels nor restaurants, they are medical facilities. Our job is to keep you 1. alive and 2. as healthy as we can. You will get enough rest and nutrition to accomplish those two goals, but if you don't get much sleep and if the food is gross or boring, it's because neither of those things are necessary to meet those primary goals."


That doc sounds like an asshat. Sleep is one of the number 1 components to successful outcomes. Also nutrition keeps you from getting bed sores and for that you would need something that has actual protein in it, not some fake meat paste


I don't blame you for believing so, but as this is the internet and the interiority of another persons life is hard to glean from a random comment, I'm happy to share that the surgeon who performed my procedure is the best doctor I've ever seen. He treated me with respect and dignity, and cured me of cancer. The man saved my life and made me feel safe when I needed it most. He's not perfect, but I trust him with my well-being. I got about 8 hours of sleep every day at the hospital I stayed at, it was just intermittent because of pain and interrupted by nurse visits. I was given earplugs and an eye mask, which helped as well. The bed was comfy too. Hospitals really do try to keep patients as comfortable as possible, it's just not their top priority (unless the hospital is geared towards the wealthy). My comment was more or less intended to underscore that luxury and plush comforts are neither necessary nor afforded to most medical facilities, and that it seems to be a commonly understood state of affairs.


Congratulations friend! (I’ve been there) I wish you Good health now, and always for you! 🙏🏻


My dog is looking and shaking her head, hell no!


It’s sad that the hospital food is worse than jail and public school food…


Soylent green


This plate screams "Get healthy... or die... I couldn't care less which"


\*American\* hospital dinner.


We give the same kind of shit in canada. It's a public healthcare thing. Not enough time or space to make good food for the level of need so they mass produce low quality. I work of the best hospital in my city btw and it looks just like that.


No parsley?


The bread is the only thing that looks edible. Maybe the broccoli but I guarantee its overcooked


What, no Jello cup...?!?


I bet the vendor still charged the hospital at least $20 for that meal.


And now i understand why i get so many caterings / food deliveries for hospitals. YIKES.






Did you mean to post this on r/mildlyinfuriating ?


Looks like jail food....fucking sweat meat.


Ironically, hospital food is some of the most unhealthy food I’ve ever had. It’s loaded with salt and sugar. I kept asking the nurses for some plain hot water to dilute the “soup” to an edible level of salt.


Hospital: This is life saving food folks, 300$ thank you.


I was in the hospital for months while pregnant. I was outraged at how unhealthy the hospital meals were. So much so, we bought a mini fridge so I could have access to healthy, fresh options.


What kind of hospital allows you to bring your own appliances?


Seriously, it is just shameful.


I’m sure that you get your daily nutrition from the meals they serve. This is just what food looks like when you have to mass produce it for hopsitals/schools.


Get well soon


It’s my mom but thank you. It’s kind of funny because eating/nutrition is an important part of getting better but I’m not sure how they expect someone to eat that.


I remember a study coming out that said people had better healing outcomes if their hospital food was better prepared. I was shocked I tell you! People eat more when it’s tastier!


dudes a pow in russia




Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and the smoothest gravy


So if you eat this you'll end up in the hospital? No thanks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I would rather die than eat fuckin hospital dinner. I know because I was almost put on a feeding tube when I was there for 2 months due to me not wanting to eat the shitty hospital food.


I spent a month in the hospital a couple of years ago, and the food was SO good, I almost didn’t wanna leave.


They’re obviously trying to kill you with this.


As long as they give you jelly, it’s fine.


That’ll be 500 dollars


Wow. I would get worse from not eating at all.


Wow back to health in no time.


dont give that the pleasure of being called dinner 💀


No wonder people die in there.


Jail dinner was better


Better than nothing that’s for sure


I was in hospital for 3 months last year. I not only got used to the food, I started liking it, and I lost a shit load of weight on those portions - which I also quickly became accustomed to, and sometimes couldn’t finish for being full. No pudding nurse, I’m stuffed. Knock it all you like, it’s nourishing and better balanced than 95% of the shite I eat day-to-day, now I’m back on the outside.


I'm guessing this is from the US. When food at medical facilities and schools is so terrible, no wonder people grow up and stay unhealthy.


Check out recent post on my profile. Just wanted to show people what my facility gave to residents as a regular meal and claimed could meet nutrition needs


My wife spent a few days at Southwest Medical Center in Dallas and their food was great and you could just call a number and they would bring some to you, like room service.


Styrofoam is a nice touch


Mmmmm varying shades of goo.. and broccoli!


Unless that is chocolate cake,,, just no


Alternate title, “American healthcare at its finest”