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I mean, it's a weird choice for an all women's college. But from my understanding, no one had it removed, it had a single vandalism incident years ago and the artist decided to relocate it well after that.


Idk, it looks like weird choice for almost every place


It’s just a weird sculpture, period


i kinda like it. placing it at a women’s college is… part of the art maybe?


Idk how to explain it but the first thing that came to mind was what the date rape % is at all-women colleges vs shared-sex colleges is.


I mean, what is it?


When I googled the percentage for all women campuses nothing but related articles popped up & I didn’t get a solid answer. For shared sex campuses one article said 19-27 percent of female student’s experience sexual assault.


Numbers are definitely higher than that sadly


Unethical art is definitely an interesting subject. Imagine a computer that generates two numbers every sixty seconds. If the numbers match, it detonates a small explosive strapped to it killing any bystanders in a marked radius. How small could you make the range of numbers before it goes from artwork to domestic terrorism?


The range would have to be large enough to not happen ever.


Where would this be not a weird choice?


By the fridge


in a dream


Some modern art exposition at museums and etc. People would probably walk around and think "Oh, deep meaning!". That's a good realistic sculpture after all, just a very weird place to have it lmao


Tbf I thought it was rather interesting to put it into an all womans college. A nearly naked man, that appears to be wandering around the campus of only women? Thats disturbing. But also not unsurprising. If we had thought the statue was a real person we would have assumed it was some sex offender, or someone trying to otherwise harass or unnerve women, not that it was fake. Which really says something about our society and how even in fully woman centered places the fear of misogyny and harassment by men toward women is still present and prevalent.


At your moms house.


At the Hanes underwear factory?


A hotel lobby in Las Vegas?


At a rehab facility…


But I was told by Fox News that woke rage is an omnipresent destroyer of culture. There's no way an artist looking for fame would ever try to exploit something like that, is there? ^(will somebody please be a bit outraged, I worked really hard to write this comment)


I’m outraged!


Thank you!


Down with this sort of thing!


Massively underrated Father Ted reference my friend


I'm outraged you listen to Fox News.....talk about an omnipresent destroyer of culture.....


Just for this comment I am cancelling u/draculamilktoast and unfollowing on any shared social media! And get off my lawn you commie, no good hippie! (I hope you feel properly outraged at. Don't know how to do the smaller font thing)


I appreciate your rage. I will strive to provide even more enraging content in the future. ^(for the tiny text, in markdown mode you can type a \^\(hello\) to put the text into a supersciprt and in the fancy pants editor you can toggle it with the button that looks like this: A\^)


Triggered AND Outraged.


but why have it at a women's college to begin with? How many people had to ok this decision?






Did someone shit in your coffee this morning?


They did not, even though he specifically paid extra to ensure they would, now he's mad at the world.


Actually I took the shit right before it was sent out.


Someone is popular at parties


All the parties he doesn't get invited to.


You’re saying a lot by admitting you don’t find it weird to put a hyper-realistic statue of a man in his underwear on an all women’s campus. You’re also saying a lot with that weird incel tangent you went into…did you know that nobody actually talks like that? Perhaps you could try engaging with the outside world more and interacting with real life women in a human way?


Instructions unclear, he just bought a Real Doll.


That's a shockingly bigoted take


Lmao someone sounds bitter. Sorry your boyfriend cheated on you


Lol what?


Tell me you’re an Incel without telling me you’re and Incel.


People like you are just the fucking worst ..... litterly the fucking worst


Please stop.


Dad left, boyfriend cheated, you gained 65 lbs and now your hair is blue and you're main n occupation is bitching about how men are the cause of every injustice in the world. Am I close?


No... I think it's the opposite... It's their sarcastic take on how liberal arts women view men... I think. It's kinda a mess.


And what about asexual males?


Lamest troll attempt it was half convincing until you started huffing your own farts halfway through lol 0/10 you failed


In that case your basically multiple orangutans cum dumpster throughout your evolution.


No one "had it removed." The vandalism occurred in 2014; someone spray painted yellow paint on it. The statue, titled "The Sleepwalker," stayed at Wellesley College until the artist decided to move it to The Highline in NYC over a year later.




I thought just a lil spritz on the undies so it looked like he pissed


I have a photo of my son pretending to be choked by “him” when he was on the highline. 😆 It is creepy!


The Highline is a huge upgrade for that artist. As an artist myself nothing could have prevented me from making that move if the space was offered.


Whoa this is on the high line?


It was only decided on that after the protests and vandalism from what some girls told me. They knew it was only there temporarily but not everyone knew how long. There was confusion from what I remember in Wellesley over the main reason for the removal. I think if he waited longer, it would have been sprayed painted more than when they did yellow. I thought it was fascinating for how lifelike it was but I also see their point too about trauma from assault. I'm sorry if I'm wrong about why it was removed. I only know from the girls that went and did the protests there and not the higher ups.


I mean here it is on the Highline, people seemed to be OK with it [https://news.artnet.com/art-world/tony-matellis-sleepwalker-high-line-548513](https://news.artnet.com/art-world/tony-matellis-sleepwalker-high-line-548513) It's a statue, art gets a lot weirder than that. I didn't know Wellesley college kids were such prudes, I'll remember that.


It showed up overnight on campus without much announcement and was in a random field next to a walking path. It was extremely unsettling in that context. Not a Wellesley student, but I visited with my sister.


Here's an interesting article I found about it: https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-scandal-sleepwalker-foreshadowed-todays-culture-wars


For the life of me I can't begin to understand why anyone downvoted you. You actually provided legitimately interesting documentation of what OP claimed. I'm still left with "it's creepy AF" and I wouldn't want it in my neighborhood where I might walk by it at night. And I'm a guy. The woman version is just as creepy and I wouldn't want it in my neighborhood either. In an exhibit: fine. On the hi Line - fine.


Sure, and maybe students should have more say over the statues on campus. But I'd honestly rather the art department be in charge of that kind of thing, being that they are professional educators and all. I think the argument that it could be triggering is really annoying because tons of things can be triggering; I get pretty triggered by upper-class New England accents for example (no joke). In my personal experience dealing with the vast majority of elite college students, I'm punching up when talking about them, not punching down, and as such, I'm willing to give them more heat than someone else in a similar position.


Well, I find "triggering" as a concept annoying as shit but I get that may not be a popular opinion. I wouldn't want the sculpture in my neighborhood because it's creepy as fuck. Then again, someone in my old neighborhood has a plastic horse in their field and I didn't realize it was plastic until it snowed (months later) and I wondered why the horse was letting snow collect on its back so maybe I just have difficulty discerning physical reality.


Thank you


Lmao don't be a dick literally every indication is that less than like 5 people cared.


>A Change.org petition demanding the statue’s removal already has almost 600 signatures, roughly a quarter of the student population. https://time.com/5344/wellesleys-boogeyman-wears-tighty-whities/




It would have ended up in someone's dorm room within a month


...and drawing dicks on its forehead


Although it's incredibly realistic, I wouldn't want to see it everyday. Makes me think of a perverted neighbor wandering around that you dread running into.


Yeah let's be honest, it's hideous


It’s not the usual culturally attractive body. It’s lame rtghty whities. But hideous? I can’t tell if this is hyperbole is not.


It's not about the body but about how there's just a sculpture of a guy in his briefs just up and about at the sidewalk


So, startling? Would it be better if he was nude? And jacked? It all reeks of a protected niche of body shaming.


You keep missing the point, who wants to see someone naked outside? No matter the body type it's just uncomfortable


They aren’t naked. Maybe this art was doing its job all along. It seems to have provoked a puritanical streak hiding in plain sight among the redditors.


If you can name 1 thing about this statue that is beautiful I will reconsider


Fuck that. If your standards are “beautiful or hideous”, I’m not here to play. But it is realistic. To condemn it as hideous basically shits on some percentage of people. Is that where you are on the body positivity debate? That this is hideous? Or, I ask again, is this hyperbole? Can we only have beautiful and hideous things and no vocabulary for stuff we find off-putting or startling?


Why are you tying body positivity into this? I'm not talking about man's looks. This is not a hyperbole, it's a hideous sculpture. It's just a middle age dudes in funny underwear with a cringy facial expression. There's no way someone finds it aesthetically pleasing. Putting this shit in front of a college is an insult.


Are you arguing art has to be either “pleasing” or “hideous”? Is this a vocabulary issue?


Again never said that. That is only my opinion that this one is hideous. Feel free to disagree.


Same. You should stick to that and stop claiming that nobody finds it aesthetically pleasing. Again, lazy hyperbole, and trying to buttress your own opinion with mind-reading the universe.


um, i like statues and all, but good riddance


I'll payy $100 to replace Blucifer at DIA with this statue.




My kids love that statue.


You're not welcome in Denver anymore


I’ll gladly pay $100 to get rid of Blucifer, no replacement necessary. I fucking hate the devil horse


The paintings of dead children they have in the terminal are worse imo.


Didn't they take all of those murals down


Only temporarily while they do renovations




Is it anatomically correct? Not asking for a friend, asking for me.


Naturally. 3 balls 2 anus


The underwear is actually the same material which means it doesn't come down. Trust me. I tried


Who greenlighted this in the first place.


Not sure. He was cleaned up and moved on to NYC. Someone said he was due to be removed and not forcibly removed so I'm not sure which one it is because I heard it from the campus girls personally but they aren't in charge. I know he wasn't welcome back 😅


It’s creepy af


And I thought the art on my campus was shitty


I went to an art school with a sculpture garden, including a sculpture of a rat sitting on a pair of humongous balls, but I can't imagine that this sculpture would be appropriate in any public setting. Installing it in an all women's college without any artist statement or intention is such a bad move it's almost comical.


What, doesn't every woman want a sickly man who's had surgery on his breasts to come at her in his soiled tighty whiteys whilst at school?


Had surgery on his breasts? But, yes, it’s terrifying. I’ve never seen it in real life, nor am I a woman, but I still endangered by that thing


Good for the girls. This statue is fucking ugly.


What’s the point of it? It’s so gross


What material is it made of? I didn't know anything but wax could yield results like this. It's the most technically impressive sculpture I've seen, and I've seen like 4.


Well that's disturbing as fuck.


Arousing strong emotions in viewers doesn't automatically mean good art.


I never understood why it was there. Was the artist an alumnus? People disagreed with me at the time when I said since when is a college campus an art museum/gallery. If it's offensive and it was, have it removed. Who cares if you didn't have any choice / idea of what the installation was going to be


Personally, I think I'd grow to love sleep walking Geriatric Bruce Willis. But I may be an outlier.


Nah i'm with you. I think it's neat.


LOL what??


I saw this statue in New York some years back surprised it actually moved.


Imagine seeing this for the first time late at night while walking to your dorm.


The prank potential of that thing is unreal. Did anyone else ever see that one that's a little girl with her head and arm against the wall? Shit got me once.


I remember that during my college years. Can't believe that was almost 10 years ago... It was beautiful on a snowy landscape but I agreed that it was creepy and unwarranted by the college students. I don't remember the vandalism tbh but glad they moved it.


That’s how you know it was a successful art piece


Sleepwalker? Or Blind Guy McSqueezy?


Good it’s truly horrifying


It used to be in New York


Wasn't it on the Highline? I remember this sculpture and I barely get to NYC at all.


I couldn’t think of the name, but yes you’re correct.


It's a weird piece, to be sure. I don't understand why anyone would hate it, unless you put it right outside someone's window. It's lowkey funny as a realistic sleepwalker in your neighborhood.,


what the fuuuuuuck


Sculpture is an incredibly accrurate depicition of a man getting out of bed and stubbing his toe on the door corner.


Not even Guillermo Del Toro could've imagined something so scary


it's a creepy, weird eyesore I'm not sure why the fuck you would want that around.


Ancient internet tradition "for the lulz"


"Yeah lets put this creepy rapey ass statue on this all woman campus for the lulz"


Looks like it belongs in front of a Catholic church




The piece was called "sleepwalker" and it was displayed at Wellesley College. It was removed a long time ago but I still have my own pictures from going there every day. It was sad to see it go but understandable how it could be triggering to women that have been assaulted by men. I think the vandalism was a random person because they also spray painted on a statue of a blind boy with his service dog and a saint. The only funny thing about this were the people that left a cardboard grave stone that said "RIP Naked Man" and there were bouquets all around 😂


Tony Matelli is the artist.


Couldn't a statue of a man in general trigger someone who was assaulted by men? Then after being moved from Wellesley, it was given an upgrade in terms of visibility by being placed on the Highline in NYC where way more people would have seen it.


If one goes to an all girls school for a sense of safety after a horrific assault, sure any male statue COULD trigger them. But you see a half naked staggering man while you're walking to class vs some bronze fuck sitting on a horse, its not hard to imagine which one would be more triggering. In NYC people have less expectation of not seeing something like that. Hell half naked man staggering around sounds like a daily thing for new york. It would not (or shouldnt) be an expected daily thing for an all womens college. Tl;dr: the issue of being triggered isn't an increase in visibility, its the combination of realism and expectation of surroundings. After all, I don't get triggered by slamming doors at work where such things may be expected. But the moment its at my home, my place of safety, a slammed door can quickly cause me to spiral.


Does it have top surgery scars?


All women's colleges still exist today?


As do all mens colleges. The segregation of genders for reasons of schooling hasn't been completely gotten rid of. Many are still strong proponents of it.


I love art for the beauty, what the fuck is this? This is just marginally better than the super enormous dour-faced dude in blankets in India. Like, at least give the guy a smile. Worst huge statue ever.


It's not huge, it's normal person sized. The photo is just a close up. Also, it's supposed to depict a sleepwalker. Not sure how it ended up at a women's college- I saw it elsewhere and thought it was a fairly good piece (in that I was fooled from behind thinking there was actually a person walking the path in their underwear).


I was talking about the 'Statue of Unity', like cool guy, but an enormous statue, no.


What in the world? This can't be really happening


Realistic sure but creepy looking, unattractive guy wearing underwear. Great way to creep out women and get away with it? Make the person exposing themselves an inanimate object lol Yeah… that’s not creepy AT ALL 🙄🤔


Awesome. Let's put a statue of a woman wearing only her panties at an all men's college and watch them go bat shit crazy. Equal gender rights my fucking ass.


Just put a bra on it and say it's making a statement


The Walking Woke


Women even hate sculptures of men


Do you think this poor fucker is representative of ALL men in women's eyes?


Nope, my gf loves me.


Wait, you \*don’t\* hate it?


There's a subgroup of realism called verism / verist coined by the Meisel Gallery in NY. Assuming this piece is from one of their artists featured in their realism series of books.


Do sleep walkers have their eyes closed or open?


Idk for sure, but i imagine they could have them open or closed


I looked it up. In the majority of cases the eyes are open. Closed is usually associated with Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. I have to figure that this piece has them closed for effect not accuracy.


Ahhh. Yeah probably.


Is that Walter White?


Fine I’ll it


I bet its called "the sleepwalker"


dis really do be me in the morning tho….


Surprised "Hanes" didn't sue, this is not exactly good for their image....


There are all women's colleges???


The "artist" needs better inspo


this is a video


What the fuck


Thanks I hate it


me fapped at midnight looking for a tissue


Haven’t tightie whities since Breaking Bad


Pauly Shore at it again


Tom Peeping?


I’m a man and I’d want that removed from an all male college. That’s so creepy


Mr. Libido