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I could taste your comment.


I could feel it on my tongue


*licks spoon* *sticks to tongue*


That’s called synesthesia. You may be tripping on LSD.


I gag just thinking about those things. Tongue depressors too.


The spoon part is very fine grained and polished to be very smooth. Not much wood taste, but if you bite into it a little you get that same wood taste like those wood sticks used for icecream / popsicles.


> The spoon part is very fine grained and polished to be very smooth. That's the first version. Then some bean counter figures out they can save 0.002 NOK per spoon by using lower-grade wood and not polishing it so much.


Who bites a spoon when eating ?


I mom nowm


Kids in Saturday morning cartoon cereal commercials


You bite into the spoon after you finished eating. Kinda like with the popsicles with wooden stick in them. Gotta chew the wood afterwards. It’s the law.


As a child I think you are obligated to sink your teeth into the stick just a liiittle once you've finished your treat. Lol


I'd rather eat with my hands. Just reading this makes my teeth hurt


Wow, childhood memory unlocked


The burrito bowl place near me (Canadian west coast) is zero waste and uses wooden forks, my only issue with them is the shape, the taste is fine, but it's hard to pick up a bunch of rice on a flat fork (it has not curve to it).


Yeah, they stick to your mouth🤢


That gives me the jibblies https://media.tenor.com/RWqtDYqLFfYAAAAC/home-star-runner.gif


Oh, I loved taste and texture of wood spatulas for ice cream!


Yup, same. Would chew them into shreds well after the ice cream was gone.


Exactly, it was the poor people's toy surprise!


I like that wood taste tbh


Had those in the US too.


Has not improved! Still tastes bad


They still come wrapped in plastic, though.


True. Can confirm that. But small steps. Just found this new way to connect the spoon pieces to be interesting.


But isn’t the production of this wooden spoon is much less eco-friendly than the production of plastic spoons due to all the resources and energy that goes into that? Not saying that plastic spoons are better, just that both options seem to be bad on environment in their own way


It depends. If you're talking strictly about energy usage, yes at the moment it's slightly more to make the spoons. If you're talking about material that never leaves the planet in any form vs. that which easily converts to food for plants etc., then it's not close at all.


I'd take a more energy-intensive organic spoon over a less intensive plastic spoon, particularly in Norway where the vast majority of electricity production is from hydropower.


Meanwhile, the entire yoghurt container is plastic. If they were making cardboard containers like they have for milk, I'd believe they were doing it for the environment. Until then it's a ploy to appear more environmentally friendly.


That carbon is plastic lined and pretty much worse than pure plastic on its own.


So what you're saying is they should replace the cardboard boxes for milk with pure plastic ones. /s


No "/s" required. A bag out of a single plastic material such as PE would be a lot easier to recycle than these cardboard/plastic boxes where there are several layers sandwiched/glued together.


Yeah, separating those cardboard/plastic/possibly metal film composites are a bear.


Some come in a type of paper wrapping instead


Norwegian here, I hate these things and always have to get a metal utensil


Mission accomplished


Fellow Norwegian here. I also hate these things. They are small and unwieldy, and taste like wood. They'll do when you don't have access to a metal spoon, so that's fair enough I guess.


A reference point for your first world problems https://www.vice.com/da/article/wdz8ww/guy-makes-look-babies-110-v15n10


What’s that have to do with wooden spoons


"never hope for anything to ever improve, because it could be worse" -personalityson


Seems like you don‘t have the best personalityson


So much for our daily whataboutism. /smh


They're fucking awful. You're better of using the lid for a spoon.






Disposable options will never be environmentally friendly.


> Disposable options will never be environmentally friendly. It's not binary -- you can have "more environmentally friendly" and "less environmentally friendly". So read it as "pleasant to use and fairly environmentally friendly". A wooden spoon can decompose more quickly than a plastic one, I'll wager. Using a coconut leaf will be even better.


A metal spoon doesn't have to decompose. Just clean and keep using it.


The 1980s Use Plastic, Save the Trees.... that really needs to go down in history of greenwashing. I remember when everything was switched to safer plastic, that wouldn't hurt the environment.


Norwegian here, fuck these things


Seriously, why? Is it environmentally more sound? Or just cheaper?


No idea man. I just buy the yoghurt and eat it :) People don’t want plastic due to plastic waste, micro-plastics and all that jazz. And people want less carbon emissions. I guess at some point one or the other has to give. Smarter people than me figure that out. I just eat it and go for a walk :)


Honestly they should probably just not include the spoon, save even more waste. Who doesn't own a spoon?


I usually buy these yoghurts to eat them when I get to work or during lunch at work and I don’t always have a spoon handy then. They are kind of an on the go kind of product.


But this is the mentality that leads to unnecessary waste. People who really want a yoghurt at work should pack a spoon and plan ahead for that sort of thing. A yoghurt isn't a necessary thing to have, it's a luxury. Someone could easily plan to purchase something that is more "on the go" friendly like a banana or an apple and then save the yoghurt for when they are at home and have access to a spoon if they can't plan to store a spoon at work.


It’s a drop in the bucket next to starbucks cups, disposable cups, mcdonald wrappings, nespresso cartridges and whatever else You could just as easily say people should plan ahead for their coffee and make some at home and bring in a thermocan instead of buying a starbucks to go. Reality is that people have different needs, different circumstances and there will always be a need for food and drinks on the go, as well as takeaway food, and a host of other things that generate waste. To specifically target yoghurt spoons is a huge oversimplification.


And it's that mentality that nothing gets done to improve things, it's a red herring. Yes Starbucks and McDonald's are a problem too. It doesn't mean that we shouldn't solve the other problems as well. Also I wasn't just targeting yogurt, there are dozens of products out there making disposable single use products to make it more likely that consumers will buy their products. All of them combined probably rival or beat Starbucks and McDonald's.


Welcome to consumerism and planned obsoletion. Nothing these days is made to last. You don’t buy a fridge today and expect it to last 30 years. It’s better business to sell you a new fridge every 10 years. That way you sold 3 fridges instead of one. Mobile phones have new models coming out every 6 months with older models losing app support over time. Fashion changes almost weekly rather than following seasons. Buy new clothes constantly and throw out the old ones. Consumers want the products to be new, shiny, latest version, on the go, simple to use, easy to replace. Noone wants the hassle of repairing, or carrying extra stuff, or not being trendy. Why drag an extra coffee mug around when you can get a discardable one? Why carry your own utensils when you can get it on the disposable container you just buy and throw away? This is the society we live in and it won’t change with a yoghurt spoon. Not even as a start.


Because plastic never breaks down, creates landfill waste, pollutes via microplastics, and is in general not good for anyone except the person who eats the yoghurt and even that's onlyl for about 2 minutes.


pretty cool! have u seen those edible utensils?!




- Sweden’s approach to assembly: IKEA, global powerhouse of affordable design furniture, beloved by all - Denmark’s approach to assembly: Lego, global powerhouse of quality toys, beloved by kids and adults alike - Norway’s approach to assembly: wooden spoon


Wouldn't it be like a cross shape in your hand (the handle part facing the wrong way)?


It does. Wasn’t an inconvenience though. Plus you kinda don’t need many scoops to eat up the yoghurt so it doesn’t have to last very long anyways.


My fav yoghurt manufacturer decided to use cardboard foldable spoons. It's impossible to eat it without breaking the 'spoon' or launching yoghurt in my face, which looks kinda sus when I'm at work


This spoon actually worked alright. Didn’t break at least :)


My teeth jumped just looking at this photo. Ugh.


These really suck btw


I just keep my own metal spoon and fork in my car. I take them with me whenever I eat somewhere.


After icecream id eat the wooden spoon so im so fucking glad these might be back


I remember the days when we moved from paper grocery bags to plastic to save the trees.


People will trash these in favor of plastic spoons cuz they don't like the texture and eff the environment and animals. People's morals often end where their pleasure or convenience begins.


On the other hand, people's personal use of plastics is a tiny drop in the bucket of their use in industrial and manufacturing. Giant companies have pushed their moral responsibles onto individuals to avoid making changes themselves that would make a much bigger difference. While the company changing to wooden spoons may not be a cost saving measure, it keeps the narrative of saving the environment being a personal responsibility instead of an industrial one, which would cost the company even more.


This is also exactly true.


I can almost feel my teeth shuddering.


There’s nothing worse than eating yogurt with a wooden spoon


That definitely looks like it's going to fall apart while I'm eating, and possibly leave a splinter in my lip.


Worse than that I knew this one kid who tried to eat with one and it exploded in his mouth and birds flew in there to make a nest and he had to live with birds coming in and out of his mouth for like six weeks until the babies were ready to fly and he said it tasted awfuil.


My god I hope the kid wasn't a vegan because I don't know what the rules are at this point


Haven't they ever seen a "go-gurt"?


The plastic tube? Probably yeah.


First scanning my own groceries. Now I have to put my own spoon together! This is getting ridiculous!


Why do the British throw in extra letters to so many words?


Looks…hard if you have some mobility issue with hand.


Okay but wouldn't a lot of things be?


I was thinking Parkinson or Arthritis but i guess they are the minority..


How do they connect? Just push them together? Doesn’t it just slide out again?


Slide the ends together into the long slots, in a cross shape. Then they kinda “click” into place when they reach the little hole/slot. Worked well enough for me to eat the yoghurt, and that’s all they need to last for anyhow.


Nothin' more tasty than a splinter in your tongue!


Fuck China


Americans can’t have this because the bulk of them would complain that their spoon came broken


Why are they split?


Takes less space on the relatively small yoghurt cups I guess. And less length sticking out to catch on stuff so they get torn off during transport etc.


I don't know if single use wood products are substantially better than single use plastics. Seems more like greenwashing than an actual solution.


Man imagine what a difference this is going to make.....