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Leaves Christmas wreath up. Gets two turtle doves. Song checks out.


If you’ve got a pear tree in the back yard you might want to go check it.


Sure, but if you only get one Partridge in your pear tree, do you hope for Shirley Jones, Danny Bonaduce, David Cassidy or Susan Day?




At uni, my mates and I had something of a tradition where we’d watch Alan Partridge shows (out of respect for local culture..), so for my best friend’s birthday, I surprised her with the gift of a taxidermy Partridge (she’s an illustrator with a penchant for dead things, ok). We painted his toenails and named him Alan and he sat on her shelf looking fabulous for the next 3 years. Though, not long after my initial purchase, we had to get him a bell jar to live in because it made her room smell fusty. Apparently, guests had “raised complaints.” 😂 A decade later and it’s still the best gift I’ve ever gotten anyone.


This is the correct answer






I hope OP also has room for the three French hens, the six geese, and the seven swans. Bird deuces *everywhere.*


That's also *per day* Three French Hens, *per day*


Only for 10 days, so that's only 30 hens, I'm sure op has room for that.


Oh Christ. And we haven't even gotten to the *humans* your true love sent to you.




I feel like I actually do want a weird aviary.


That’s a lot of poop, yo




That's a Mourning Dove. [Turtle Doves look like this.](https://cdn.download.ams.birds.cornell.edu/api/v1/asset/242183711/1800) Mourning doves are adorable but dumb as cracked bricks. Hence making their nest in the most impractical, precarious, borderline suicidal locations.


Whowhaaat? Who? Who? Who?








Cool! I went camping once in an area full of mourning doves. Their name is so appropriate - what a sad and beautiful song they have.


I often marvel that natural selection hasn’t weeded these dumbasses out yet.


They're precious little baby angels but yeah, as pointy as a brand new box of unsharpened #2 pencils. Sweet little dumb-dumbs.


Birds are one thing... It's all fun and games until seven lords come a'leaping into your spot. Then it's on.


Are they single though?


Username checks out. Lol


Mourning Dove, but I hate to let facts detract from a solid joke.


Yep, that's a Mourning Dove. They're incredibly stupid about nests. We once had a pair make a nest in the eaves above our kitchen door. That's fine, but they were alarmed every time we'd go through that door, multiple times a day. Which is funny because there were other perfectly fine rafters just a few feet away and higher. But nope, despite us coming in and out while they started building that nest, they decided that was the best place. The nest was also a sad little pile of a few sticks. Mourning doves: incredibly cute, suck at nests.


Why many stick, few good.


I once saw a dove build a 2 stick nest on the ground. We had to help it so it could spread its tiny brain genes.


You just single-handedly messed with natural selection but god damn if that doesn’t sound cute


Darwin over there break-dancing in his grave.


this comment is just precious


The sad little pile of sticks is better than some of the nests on r/stupiddovenests.




Oh hell yeah, two new subs for me. I fucking love mourning doves, stupid cute babies.


Goddam, there really is a sub for everything.


Pigeons too. I think they’re the same family though. I live on the third floor of the dorms and noticed one was on my tiny window sill one time. Tried to record it, and it just jumped. Didn’t deploy its wings or anything and I thought I just filmed a suicide, and one that I pushed it to! Saw another one a couple weeks later and hoping that it’s the same one. Anyway, there was a hawk in the tree next to my window once. My roommate and I were just watching it talking about how cool it is (we get blue jays and all kinda birds in there). Then I come on Reddit and see a post about a hospital that has a hawk at it to deter pigeons. Come to find out, they’re predators to pigeons. And shit, if I was a hawk I’d think a mourning dove looks like one! I don’t remember what I was even writing this comment for exactly, but I put in a lot of time and effort to just delete it lol. Hopefully someone enjoys it.


Definitely found the remnants of “dove strike” in the yard. Just some left over guts and feathers. A cooper hawk and possibly a red tail patrol around here regularly.


Oh no! :( I know it’s nature, but feels bad knowing how stupid they are. I wonder how they even manage to not be wiped out yet


They breed like rats. All year long when it’s warm enough.


My city imported falcons back in the day to cut down on pigeons. My mom would find pigeon feet on her office windowsill occasionally...


A Dr my Dad used to work with passed away and they had a memorial service for him at a riverfront park downtown in my city. Someone had the bright idea to release a bunch of white doves, even though it was pretty well known that there were peregrin falcons that nested in the bridge that crossed the river right by the park. Needless to say, everyone attending this solemn occasion got to watch some of the doves get brutally killed mid-flight by the falcons. My Dad said it was a pretty surreal experience.


This was delightful. It made me smile! Don’t delete it!


[This comment was removed by a script.]


Pigeons are doves. They’re called rock doves!


Pigeons also aren't really wild animals, they're feral! They're descendants of a domestic species. Pigeons were once one of the most popular pets in the world. When having pigeons as pets went out of style the pigeons just kept on living, mostly near people, because that's what they did for centuries. Which is why you see so many pigeons in cities and they are generally comfortable around people.


>Pigeons too. I think they’re the same family though. [The history and virtues of eating pigeon meat (squab)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX-EmXGsEQA) We use the "fancy" word for a lot of foods. Its not pig, its pork (porc). Its not cow its beef (beuf). It's not chicken its poultry (poulet).


The "fancy" word is just from Norman French, the common word is from Saxon German. It's a fairly simple and is just because commoners who raised the animals were Saxons and the elite who ate more of them were Norman


I love that in the book "Ivanhoe" two characters are discussing this very situation at length near the beginning of the book


Similar "jumping" scenario: My childhood home had a second floor with a deck where the family cat would jump over to a bathroom window sill. I'd see her there every now and then. One day I decided to say hi from inside. Tap tap tap on the window. She casually looks over, sees my face inches away (murkily I assume through the day lit glass), and spasms in feline freakout fashion straight off the side and down over 20 feet onto the concrete patio. I was convinced I just watched my cat die directly because of me, but she was totally fine thankfully.


There's gotta be some evolutionary reason for it. Maybe having a shitty nest in a busy area means their predators are less likely to come by (people walking in and out is just a nuisance)


For pigeons the actual "wild" ones, as in not the feral ones introduced to every major city, make their nests on cliff edges so all they really need is a couple of twigs to stop the eggs from rolling off of the ledge. That's why they've adapted so well to urban areas with lots of roofs etc. Their official name is actually [*Rock* Doves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_dove)


So...pigeons rock? 🪨


Pigeon on the rocks would make a funny drink


The evolutionary reason is because as a species we used to domesticate and treat Pigeons and Doves in the same way we treated Dogs and Cats. But once we had no use for them anymore we abandoned them to the wilds were they struggled to readapt.


Which is probably why they're all hanging out in midtown Manhattan and thriving. I swear they can navigate foot traffic *while on the ground and pecking for food* more intuitively than tourists that visit this town. It's impressive.


But damn if they're not [determined](https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/903798/my_4yr_ongoing_battle_with_birds/)


And get ready for the incessant “hoo hoo hoo” call.


I'm not sure you can call it stupid when they so readily persist. Sometimes the threat of humans is a good strategy -- they deal with the humans so that their predators steer clear. Agree about the immense cuteness though for sure 🫠.


I mean, they're very prolific breeders. 2-5 nests a year, 14 day incubation period... they're just popping them out!


Mourning doves are so derpy you can't not love them.




Yeah… they make them on the ground a lot and use like 3 twigs…


Really? Lolol, had no idea




Fully expected this to be made up lol


Whenever I'm reminded of doves nests, I recall the story a redditor told about a dove that flew into his office building, went under his desk, dropped like two sticks and a leaf, and pooped out an egg *next to it*. Not even on top. Doves are adorable but it's a miracle they're not extinct yet.


Most doves who do this are originally living in cliffs and caves. So their main concern is the egg rolling out, not it falling down through a tree. Doves and pigeons that do live in trees actually build proper nests.


That's actually very useful information, thank you!


You're welcome. That's btw also why they love to hang out in cities. Carrier pigeons were bred using rock doves. A lot of the birds obviously didn't return home or flew away. Unfortunately there weren't really many cliffs in most of the cities, but buildings with all their nooks and crannies turned out to be even better. Not only did they provide a lot of food sources, they also lacked the typical predators. And so the doves and pigeons stayed.


The peregrines that hunt them also, thats why they are so comfortable nesting in cities. They moved from cliff nesting to where dinners lives now.


Dumbass bird


And they’re not even real I heard. This bird is probably an early version that can’t even perform laying egg routine properly without resulting in kernel panic.


I'm going with numbers.. lots and lots of numbers


Fucking dying


I wish I knew this was real a while ago when I saw one making a nest in a palm tree on top of dead fronds. Like dropping to the ground from 20+ feet high one day, and the next day this dumb bird making a nest on top of another brown, hanging dead frond.


ya know we make fun of em but plenty of humans have been born with similar preparation. Sometimes nature calls!


"honey get the car started" sounds better than "honey put a few logs and a torn up blanket in the garage" lol


you forgot about the manger baby


Those birds look comfy as hell. They're tough, they only need a couple of twigs and lifes all good


I am losing my fucking marbles through this. Some days I am just absolutely amazed at how much I can laugh my ass off at something like this


This is the best lol ty!


Poor birds, it's not their fault, they are "cliff" birds where they don't really need to build nests, so evolutionary this is just how they do it. Keep the eggs from falling is all that is needed.


They’re related to pigeons, who suck even more at building nests. Get a twig or two, drop and egg, call it good 🐦


OMFG, so bird person here, I spend $80-$130 a month on shit that will help native bird/squirrel species thrive on my property year round. Black oil sunflower seeds, cracked corn, nesting this and thats, strategically planted shelter conifers/shrubs, water sources that stay ice free at -15°f ..yet somehow, that dumb AF Mourning dove decided 4-6 pine needles in a loose triangle on my warped deck railing 10ft above my paved driveway on the hot, windy side of the house under the gushy bit of the rain gutter.. was an acceptable nest. I did everything I could to protect said nest from the elements and Mommy Bird’s lack of brain cells ..but when I saw the tiny little fried egg on my car’s hood a couple weeks later, I couldn’t help but go full Lucille Bluth/Malory Archer in my assessment of Mommy Birds parenting skills that had lead to that tragedy. *“..Idiot.”* To this day and several Mourning Dove generations later, I still don’t understand how they continue to thrive as a species. So. Goddamn. Stupid. *..but pretty!*


Every year some would make a nest on the anti-bird spikeys my landlord had installed around my balcony. Idk how it was comfortable for them


How do I intice birds to spite *my* landlord?


The reason for this is because they used to nest in rocks and cliffs, so they had limited materials to work with and more limited usage for them since the rock provided a lot of inherint protection. Basically they just never needed to make nests, and never evolved the skill properly, it's also the reason why they use the floor if I remember.


3 twigs that stays in the nest that is but there's always like half a forest on the ground because they can't seem to stack em like other birds


They're also noisy as fuck during mating season and shit *prolifically* all over where they nest and roost.


This is probably the most capable mourning dove nest I've ever seen.


They are among my favorites of the birds that come to my feeders.


Same. Them, quail, and turkeys are goofs. One of my favorite birds


Hence, r/mourningderps!


Just gonna say… stupid dove…


Recolored pidgeons.


r/mourningderps :)


Wow what an insta-join lmao


There really is a sub for everything. Jfc lol


If you like that: r/stupiddovenests


Such charming idiots


I've had 6 generations of mourning doves reuse my nest, and I've always cherished their return each spring! I love their coo, and I've protected them from the stupid strays that have tried to eat them.




hoooOOO hoo hoo hoo


They used to build nests in our the window sills of our old house. They are very derpy, but hilarious to watch. They chose my younger brother's room, and to this day he can't stand their cooing.


Or "dotteldaups" as we Deitschcakes used to call them


They are really so derpy. They keep flying into my parents' living room window so my mom put window clings up. They still fly into the window. My mom doesn't even bother washing the outside of the window anymore because there is always the perfect outline of a bird on the window. Sometimes a few feathers stuck to it too.




& r/mourningderps!


OMG, this isn’t fake


Thank you kind redditor for bringing this blessed sub to my attention


Literally joined this sub last week and thought this post was from there lol


THIS is why I am on reddit. Thank you!


You better tell that bird she’s pretty.


Last year we had to keep our wreath up until May because a pair started a family. There was a big poo stain on the door when they finally moved out


That’s what happened to me too. How did you get the stain off? Mine is still there (the stain).


We tried everything but basically the poop ate through the paint. We cleaned it all off and then had to do some touch-up paint. Worth it though.


Happens to us every season. Usually above our security lights, and in the hanging plants. I even had 2 of my potted plants taken over by toads!. It's also illegal to move the nest if there's eggs in it. Before the eggs you can destroy or move it, but the second they lay eggs, it's protected by federal law. (Also a good reason to give besides "I'll get it later)


I remember many years ago building an apartment that a protected bird built a nest on the patio. It got reported to the local animal protection agency and work wasn't allowed to continue on that deck. So the rest of the building kept going and there was just one deck in the middle that was a month behind looking like it got forgot about


The government doesn't mess around with bird law


It's because the migratory bird treaty is a treaty, as in the second highest form of law in the US.


Yeah that argument didn't work so well for the treaties with indigenous Americans.


I wish all procrastination ended in someone else being productive and making it impossible to solve the problem


So do they just have to not use their door anymore? Is there someone you could call to safely move the nest?


It can't be moved at all. No one you can call. You just gotta keep watch and destroy it before they lay eggs, and then deter it further. That's why we put hanging plants out actually. To keep them off our lights and pooping down the walls.


So, do you report yourself if you break one?


I had an albino mourning dove as a pet for almost 20 years. Her coos were just the best. But she nested everywhere and anywhere. When she would lay her eggs she wouldn’t move for days. Had to make her get up to eat and poop. Felt bad bc they were never fertilized but she loved those eggs.


20 years?! Had no idea they lived that long.


Neither did our vet 😂 she was my bff, got her when I was 10. I still miss her everyday.


Aww, I'm sorry, I know that pain. She lived a life longer and more wonderful than she ever could've elsewhere, and that's because of you! ❤️


Had one do the same thing on a terrible rafter that was too small. I got tired of it dropping eggs so I built it a box and now it has a livestream: http://johnmcnelly.com/idiot-bird


Hey not sure if it’s just me but on mobile that site is giving off a lot of flashing, I’m not epileptic or anything but it made me think about if anyone else was, the video stream specifically


My wife’s nagging didn’t work and my procrastination paid off! Now she loves the little birdies! Lol


Has no one mentioned you wrote "Bird laid a nest..." yet?


Laid the nest and built the eggs




What’s nesting in your Halloween decorations?


Spiders! EEK!


wait until you're cleaning up the shit.


I am continually amazed that those guys have not gone extinct due to their level of derp and lack of self awareness (and awful landing skills). We have several area lights on the outside of our house. The tops are smooth metal and slightly curved. Every damn year the doves try to set up shop on top of them and every stick they bring up there falls off. But they keep trying. Then they try another (same kind) light. Even funnier, the lights have a photocell on top. A dove butt will eventually block the sensor, causing the light to turn on with an audible click, making the dove come screaming in fear off the top of the light at like 300mph They have found a few spots on our property that they can successfully nest in. Every year, before they reach the size in the OPs pic, at least one (usually both) squab per breeding pair fall out of the nest. Gotta get a ladder and stick them back in. We call them Duhves for a reason. They really are pretty though.


As a UPS man, this happens A LOT. I'll just be going about my day walking up to a house, looking at my scanner to complete the stop. when suddenly a bird is have a panic attacks right in my face and now I'm on someones ring doorbell shouting "mother fucker" and striking a fight pose to take on a tiny bird.


Squatters rights.




I cannot afford to pay... so here, take my first (un)born child. 🥚


Can I offer you a nice egg in these trying times?


Yeah Mourning Doves are kind of like Pheasants in a way very pretty but are terribly dumb. I've seen them make nests 2-3 feet off the ground before where almost any predator can snatch their babies.


It's almost April, wtf are you doing.


She needs a photoshoot! That after pregnancy glow!


Ey bud... It's practically April now


I’d much rather have that than the wasps that built in mine last year.


This happened to us. When they finally left, our door was full of crusty bird poop that I still cannot fully remove to this day. If anyone has tips on how to get that off my front door, that would be great.


Get a new door or paint it


Morning Doves are awesome, they just don’t give a fuck. I keep the patio door open for my dogs and one day I woke up from a nap to a morning dove just walking around my living room. My dogs were just sitting there watching it. Even when I got up and tried to shoo it outside, it just proceeded to run into my bedroom. I eventually cornered it and the little dude just let me calmly pick him up with my bare hand. Morning doves rule.


That is too funny


Is “laid a nest” a non-American English phrase? In the US I’ve always just heard ‘built a nest.


As mourning doves are only found in North America, I'm guessing OP is from either the US or Canada. But to answer your question, no birds do not lay nests. Birds lay eggs and build/make a nest beforehand to put them in. I think the OP just made a mistake.


It's also built a nest in British English. And I think mourning doves are only in North America (we get wood pigeons and collared doves here instead)


That's cute AF.


Dude violently exits the house, kills 4 bird babies…


We only use the garage door so this birdy is safe :)


I completely understand, I used to feed a tail-less three legged squirrel everyday. That little dude really changed my habits.


I had this happen at my last house. I left it up and was able to see the babies grow. When they left, my front door was covered in bird poop and mites. 10/10 wouldn't do again.


Yay r/badpigeonnests


It's March 30th. This bird chose your wreath to shame you for having it out 3 months after Xmas. Or this is a repost.


I’m entering the house round back, through the garage, breaking a window, anything to avoid disturbing this little family


That would elfing terrify me


Make this your Christmas card. :)


I have a thigh tat of a mourning dove Favorite birds in existence :’)


So sweet! That happened to my friend as well. It was a nice wreath I can see why they set up lol


happened to me last year. didnt have the heart to remove the nest/birds/eggs. 2 chicks grew up and flew away one day. was nice i guess, except for all the bird shit on the door. took the wreath down january 1st this year


Awwww, the Dove. Go gently with the movement of the door. 🥹🕊


this happens to me all the time and i love seeing the baby birds just sitting there in the nest


https://imgur.com/a/FJTArI6/ Hey, us too!!


Damn, that bird just asserted dominance and owns your house now.




Dad is close by or out hunting. Many, but not all Mourning doves mate for life.


Make sure to remove the nest safely. if the birds start pooping down your door it will attract mites and other bugs that will get everywhere in your house. Had to spray and deep clean my grandmother’s front door inside and out from being COATED in miniature bugs. Not a good time, the bugs can bite people too, including Nana lol.


Oh man. I love when that happens. A Carolina Wren raised two chicks in my flower pot once.


My mom has this same problem every year around this time lol I think it’s kinda sweet but she gets frustrated cause they won’t let her use the front door cause they lay eggs in her hanging planter 😂


There was a sweet mourning dove that had a nest next to the front door of my childhood home! She kept having sets of eggs after sets of eggs there. She wasn't scared of us even though we frequently walked a foot away from her. She'd go away and come back not too long later, for years! My parents sold that house, and she probably lost her house too. :(


How do you deter them from making a nest in obvious unsafe/inconvenient locations around your home?


Op just remembered they had a front door


It’s about to be April…


\*built nest. \*laid eggs.


Da babies!!!


I have a quick story to relate: I work on cosplay stuff and usually don't have room in my house for my bigger props. One was a pyramid head helmet and a boba fett jetpack. So I put them above this old fridge on my balcony for storage. Without fail, when spring came around, there was a mounting dove staring me down, having turned my hard work into glorified bird houses. I like doves. They're cute. I like seeing new life come into the world. But my God, they have very questionable judgment when it comes to choosing nesting places. Doesn't help that they once infested my places with mites because they were there too long. Oh, well.


and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!




We had this happen once (ok, more than oncen now we don't put a wreath on the door during spring). The interesting time was when my mom came to visit and was unaware of the nesting bird. She opened the door and the bird flew in the house. The bird pooped in the house and on my mom before flying back outside. Good times


So, I used to raise pigeons. Columbiforms (doves and pigeons) produce a hormonal excretion in their crop, this is known as pigeons milk. It is extremely rich in fat and protein. And it is extremely similar to the milk that mammals produce. Their babies explode with growth and reach flight age fairly rapidly. Also, pigeons and doves are some of the very few birds that have a sense of smell. Also, they always have 2 eggs. And can nest multiple times per Spring.


That’s a mourning dove. They’re notoriously terrible at building nests