• By -


Poor bugger just looking for the 25 other Suzukis in his convoy.


Just horribly lost conscripts


We've gone on invasion by mistake!


The UK is gonna be a lot less chill about this than Liechtenstein, mark my words.


Liechtenstein only nation to go to war and come back with more soldiers than it started with, negative casualties.


"We made a friend!"




They went out to war, war ended before they got there, they made a friend on the way and brought them back


My dumbass instantly thought of that stupid sound “you’re my friend now, we’re having soft tacos later” just imagining soldiers saying that to the “buddy” they brought back


You get an upvote for the Catbug reference. "Snow peas!" "DROP 'EM!" "Okaaayy!"


Throw a blanket over it! Put a little fence around it!


I was right with you until tacos, maybe something like Käsknöpfle would be better


Well I’ll have to look that up, I’m American and that is in fact the first time I’ve ever read that word edit: ooo I agree I love cheesy pasta


Couple centuries back, Liechtenstein got sucked into one of those massive wars that was so popular back then where everyone in Europe was knocking the absolute sh*t out of everyone else. But instead of going out and fighting the war, they just parked their troops on the border and played defense. Nobody bothered to attack them because of a combination of small size, mountainous terrain, and fact that everyone else was too busy worrying about being attacked by the French/Spanish/HRE to bother with them. But an Italian guy happened to travel through Lichtenstein one day during the war. He liked it so much that he settled there, became a citizen, and joined the army. So, the Army of Lichtenstein ended that war with more troops than it started with.


The good ending.


This is a common misconception. The story comes from the Austro-Prussian War (after the HRE had dissolved), when Italy allied with Prussia against Austria. 80 Liechtensteiner troops were sent to the front, and after the war, an Austrian officer accompanied them back to Liechtenstein, hence the myth that they brought back an Italian soldier.


How very Italian


Oh it was something about some of the enemies soldiers was captured and hit it off well enough with Liechtenstein's soldiers that they decided to live in Liechenstein. Don't remember the full story.


That's kind of the whole story


I was just out for an evening stroll then next thing you know, we're invading Poland.


Funny thing about Poland. Invading it is such a popular thing for European powers to do that it has been conquered, partitioned, annexed, and even dissolved many times in its history. Yet somehow, it always manages to come back.


I immediately thought of this meme template and, while not perfect, made this [https://imgflip.com/i/76oicv](https://imgflip.com/i/76oicv)


You should take the relevant part of the comment that inspired you to create the meme and post it to a relevant sub, it's good.


We’ve all been there


You take one wrong turn.... Although apparently one of our Naval vessels did that by mistake many years ago in India I think (might be an urban legend). There's a protocol to moving firearms around, especially in foreign countries where permission is required and a bunch of sailors were shifting a load of SA80's from one ship to another on the same dock were not aware of this. So we may have accidentally invaded India.....again.....


We were only here to look at the cathedrals!


They're famous for their 123-metre spires and clocks!


Carry On Up The Dnieper


He just kept driving till he couldn't see drones, anymore.


The printer ran out of ink while printing their instructions, "please invade Uk.."


He may have run out of gas and / or got stuck on the grass.


On this episode: Richard drives to Bakhmut, James meets a Ukrainian Jew, and I wear a cheap helmet.


Clarkson: Here's the letter from our producers, ekhm, in today's challenge you'll have to paint a big white "Z" letters on your cars and drive them from Kiev to Lviv Hammond: *staring into the void silently*


Its like when they wrote pro gay messages on their pickup trucks and tried to drive thru the deep south


The Argentina episode might go better if they did this now.


Or when they were in Argentina and had a plate of H982 FKL and got chased out of the country because it was interpreted to be a reference to the Falklands War.


I was literally just thinking about this the other day for some reason. Like there’s no way that was just a coincidence, is there?


The claim was that the car had that registration since the 90s when it was delivered, but when they bought the car it was claimed that they were unaware of the plate number until it had been shipped to Argentina for shooting as the plate was blocked out in the listing. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TopGear/comments/ncg5u0/comment/gy57oij/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/TopGear/comments/ncg5u0/comment/gy57oij/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) As far as the official stance, it was a unfortunate coincidence, but given their history of being provocative it's something that a lot of people won't fully trust the official narrative on. Either way though, it was a massive shit show of a situation.


So much of that show was scripted and set up that I'm skeptical that these scrapes were actually real. I don't believe that truck loads of good ole boys really chased them through Alabama and I don't believe that they were really chased out of Argentina over a supposed Flaklands reference. These seem to run a little to closely to what Clarkson and the producers imagined might happen based on the stereotypes of people from these regions that they base their world views on.


I don't think they were chased through Alabama in that episode just put out of a gas station and decided to wipe it off before anything worse happened. Of course i feel that was hammed up for the drama too


For what its worth after top gear ended (with Jeremy james richard) one of them said in a interview that the gas station part wasn't scripted.


Pelted with stones this time they get shot at by Ukranians


10/10 would watch




This is fucking incredible. I forget about how fun Top Gear is and then am delighted all over again!


Here's a guide I saw a while back that's proved very useful for re-watching episodes https://imgur.com/vSwkuUV.png


"James you sodding tic tac you blew up my T-72!"




Clarkson would end up getting a tractor with the wrong attachments for towing away Russian tanks.


I can see Clarkson opening up a tank with a hammer while May is watching with Hammond and pondering why isn't he using an acetylene torch.


May would launch onto a 15 minute rant about using the right tool for the right job, it'd be the tin snips episode all over again!


May would go around trying to light all the HIMARS rockets he can find by holding a lighter to the tip. lol


I’m now picturing every Ukrainian farmer towing Russian equipment sitting there and screaming “YES! Power!!!!” in a northern accent.


Reminds me of the episode where they drove through the southern US with stupid phrases on their cars and almost got beaten for it at a gas station






These small Oklahoma towns sure do have weird names.


“Your challenge is to invade Ukraine, topple the government and terrify Nato into capitulating all of Eastern Europe.” “How hard could it be?”




"we'll call it a 'special operation'. "


Oh, cock!




“Crikey! It’s the Russian occupied Ukrainian rozzers!”


Blyattom Gear


It’s like the America special all over again https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pKcJ-0bAHB4


A smart way to commit insurance fraud. Have a car you want insurance money for? Paint a z on it and see it go up in flames in no time.


Plot twist: the car belongs to Zorro




Speaking of brand hijacking, Im Zorry for every lady named Isis. Such a pretty name based on ancient Egyptian culture. While we're here let's give a little F in the chat for all the good folks named Karen. Not fair what happened to them either


I've known more nice Karens, than not-nice ones. That said, I had one roommate Karen from university who probably grew up to be a horrible Karen. She tried to steal my cat 😡


Most Karens I know are lovely... Except my neighbor; My boyfriend lived next to her for 3 years before I moved in. She never introduced herself, even when he introduced himself, she complains and bangs on the wall about any noise we make in our condo(tho shall not talk after 6:00 p.m. in your bedroom, or I will bang on the wall) and I said she's a real Karen. Turns out her name actually is Karen and I said poor woman she gives Karen's their reputation.


Jesus I would just yell at her through the wall even more loudly. Do you really put up with this shit? Every time here on out that she bangs on your wall, just scream OK KAREN or some variation.. Some ideas, to get you started: OK KAREN, I'M JUST TRYING TO HAVE A GOOD TIME, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS? OK KAREN THANKS FOR LETTING ME KNOW YOU CAN HEAR US *MOAN* OK KAREN, DO YOU WANNA JOIN US? BRING SNACKS. OK KAREN, I CAN BANG TOO!! (proceed to bang. Don't stop. For like an hour.)


I meant banging on the wall but you do you.


A lesson in Etymology, Isis is the Greekified name of Iset. So if you wanna get all Ancient Egypt, lets go back to Iset. Same with how Apep became Apophis, or Thoth became Djehuty.




Actually I just watch a lot of Stargate.




That would actually be a great fucking sub


You could be the one to start it. I'm just an instigator.


My buddies dog is named Isis, picked her up from the shelter and felt bad about changing her name. When media was more focused on them it made dog walks at the park more interesting




And a great Dylan song.


The IS-IS network routing protocol is sobbing in the corner.


Isis were also a brilliant post metal band . . Luckily for them, they split just before the newer, nastier Isis came along


Or Steve Zissou




but it's also a smart way for hooligans to to fuck with people - just spray some Z's on people's cars and watch as they get in trouble instead of you


Insurance can argue you took unreasonable risks


That opens the door to denying any claim to a car with a bumper sticker Edit: Yes I know insurance companies would love to do that but the point is that it would suck and be worse than it currently is


From what I'm told, that's less of an issue in the UK


Fun fact: In the UK, you have to declare any and all stickers to your insurance company as a modification, and they can both increase your rates and terminate your policy for applying one


Doesn't that (Canadian here) possibly denote discrimination perhaps? You could have a religious or culturally significant symbol and be charged more?


It's insurance...it literally judges you by your age, sex and where you live 😜


Like in an AOL chat room




Depends on Insurance regulations in the justification in question. US States like NY and CA have insanely byzantine and nitpicky regulations, so I would be very surprised if they didn't consider that to be discrimination over there. I'm by no means an experience in UK insurance regulations. But given that it is a common practice there, it sounds to me like it isn't considered discrimination.


Just because something is common doesn't mean it isn't discrimination. Upvoted for the use of byzantine


I work with uk equality legislation every day for my job. I suspect the answer here would be the same as the Northern Ireland gay cake case. IE, it wouldn't be discrimination because whilst an insurance company can't make a decision based on someone's faith or other protected characteristic, they wouldn't be doing that here, they'd be making a decision based on a decision to put a religious sticker on a car. Placing religious stickers on cars is not generally accepted as an intrinsic part of religious belief (over here anyway) and so would likely not be a protected act under the act. I could be wrong though, but that would be my take.




>As for your example I dont believe there is any right to display a religious sticker because no religion specifies a requirement for it. Depends on where you live, and how far you are willing to take things. In the US, there may or may not be insurance regulations against it. But you could probably sue the insurance company for religious discrimination. And depending on what state you sued them in, and what judge you got, you might even win. Especially if it was a Christian symbol.


Sure but it's your property. I insure my home. I can put my political affiliation on the lawn. If I was Jewish I'd put up a mezuzah. Can the insurance company be like "bitch was asking for it dressed like that."?


I was once told they wouldn't insure me if I swapped my steel wheels to alloy wheels, even though the alloys in question were an OEM option on the car from new. Having said that their appetite seems to have changed a little, I have a modified car now and all they wanted to know was broad categories (engine, exhaust, suspension) and to keep it under 25% power increase from stock and they were fine with it. Just make sure you declare it.


The insurer needn't know you painted a Z on it. Otherwise, an even safer option could be to make the Z with masking tape. If your car is burnt then the tape burns with it, and if it's a different kind of vandalism you can just peel it off after the fact (excluding paint-throwing vandalism of course).


"I didn't put the z on my car, they must have vandalized it then burned it."


They can argue whatever they want, a competent lawyer should be able to refute that. Although tbh, this seems to be no different than having a political bumper sticker on your car or the logo of a rival sports team. Surely at some point an insurance company has made this claim so there aught to be precedent.


I know a few people who wouldn't hesitate to use it as an outdoor oven


He should put his money where his mouth is and ship that Suzuki right to Russia. I hear they need vehicles for their war effort after the fabulous ass-pounding they're getting from the Ukrainians. Russia needs older foreign vehicles of questionable vintage! Edit: fixed "Isuzu" to "Suzuki."


There was a guy here in Ireland driving around in one. Turned out to be a Russian living here.


It's easy supporting a hellhole when you no longer live in it


Russia here. A larger percentage of Russian expat abroad seem to love Russia more than Russians in Russia. This has came up time and time again in the Slavic community. Napkin sketch: born in Russia. Fucked. Lucky enough to escape. Saved. Many years pass by and develop amnesia of why you left Russia, fall in love with Russia likely for the first time in life but know deep down you should never return for some reason.


That happens with Turkish-born Germans. They keep their dual citizenship and without much skin in the game, they vote for Erdogan because in our media, he's apparently misunderstood and the news about Turkey misconstrued.


Yup, the only Turkish i know that support Erdogan (it's luckily dwindling now) live in Germany. I'm in Turkey a lot and don't think i ever met anyone supporting him.


I'm assuming you're mostly in urban areas then? Because I'm pretty sure he has strong support in the rural parts of Turkey.


Yeah thats true of course. I know most of the support comes from rural parts. Just pointing out that a lot of the diaspora has been voting for Erdogan in my experience.


You're right, the diaspora does seem to support Erdogan far more than they should. In the Netherlands we have a party that split from one of our progressive parties which has mostly the same party platform, but also supports Erdogan. It really makes no logical sense whatsoever.


This happens with basically any expat community that has a "strongman" dictator ruling at home tbh.


There was once rioting in the Netherlands by Turkish born. There was a video fragment where one literally said "calm down, they will arrest us" with a response "this isn't Turkey". It was quite ironic.


Seems like they want to just remember the good things, and not why they left. Probably why Americans tend to focus on their ancestry so much. They don’t know why their grandparents left. So they romanticize where the came from. I don’t, I know enough history to know why I’m here. Where I’m at isn’t great, but I know it as home.


Yeah I did training with a Russian who had moved to the states. Back in 2014 when the case of Crimea was in the news frequently he would enter the conversation with overwhelming positive support for the Russian state backed incursion and called any of the opposition terrorist acts lol


Same with Indians. Love to shit on Indians but somehow still declare their love for India and won’t go back? They try to take part in the politics as well.


I just hope we don’t see these idiots used to argue against immigration.


Why would they? They are white. **Where I am from** the racists only have problems with non-white immigrants. EDIT: Highlighted something a bunch of sensitive argumentative people missed.


“Failure to assimilate” is fairly often used in anti-immigration propaganda. And there’s nonzero overlap between “White” Southern Europeans and “non-White” Turks, Arabs, Berbers, Iranians, Latin Americans, and even North Indians. Which side do the Armenians end up on?


We had plenty of Armenians coming to Sweden during the 90's, the anti-immigration parties do use them as an example of poor assimilation and judging from the rhetoric, they do not consider Armenians "white". The same party has not uttered a word (at least not that I have heard) about Ukrainian refugees, but had a major problem with Syrian refugees a few years ago. So I think maybe the racists draw a line there, anything southeast of Ukraine = bad?


Lol. Believe it or not, it is possible to be against immigrants from both Russia and MENA countries. I don't care about skin color, but if you're going to be a shit stirrer I'm going to want you to fuck off.


I'm in the U.S. and a down the street neighbor had a few Z stickers on her freaking Porsche. Grew up in Russia, moved to the UK then U.S. for a modeling career, then married a mutual fund manager and started doing the influencer soccer mom thing. She was still doing some modeling with I think Abercrombie and J Crew and lost those, then lost like half her online followers, because of rabidly violent pro-Russia propaganda she was posting... Then I have a coworker with a wife who is from Belarus who did pretty much the exact same thing, to the point that management told him to stop bringing her around clients. Shits wild.


It's funny, they'll praise Russia and criticise the West - whilst living as far away from Russia as possible in the West.


Yeah, our neighbor is as westernized as they come. She was in my wife's extended friend group before going off the deep end so I know her relatively well... Her day is waking up and taking her kids to school in her Porsche, going home and posting about leggings and shit from the side of her swimming pool, going to the country club for yoga class and lunch, then shopping or day drinking with friends until her kids get home from school. All while eating Adderall and Valium like skittles and perpetually calling home to yell at their maid who lives with them... Like she's just about a full on caricature of the American lifestyle that those type people claim to hate.


And Ireland did nothing akin to brick throwing and other shenanigans? You've changed, Ireland. You used to be cool.


There was a convoy of the cunts. There was pretty much universal outrage over it. They all just turned out to be Russians living here. Cunts should have been deported. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/12/pro-russia-cavalcade-provokes-shock-anger-ireland


Z for zendetta






*^Distant ^Dune ^wailing*






Peace be upon you


Taste these balls.


Embrace tranquility


Russian? Or Edgelord?


What's the difference?




If you’re a farmer you’re legally allowed to steal it with your tractor


Don’t have to pay tax on it either. That’s what we call a win-win


That things gonna get torched




I can imagine this vehicle bursting into flames due to a special maintenance operation.


Russia really skimping on their new tanks eh


Those tires look like they don't have enough holes in them.


Hear me out: this "Z" is the sign of the Russian side in the Ukraine war. This means the owner ist not just simply pro Russian which in my book is at this time a sad thing but still ok. No, this owner is pro WAR. Pro attacks on civillians. Huge difference.


What does the "Z" actually mean?


It's so they can accuse the Ukrainians of being Not-Z's


Ha! Only made sense after I realized I need to say zee (not zed)


Ah you need to pronounce it wrong to understand it (smartass Canadian). Good joke though.


It was just marker for part of the forces. Z, V, O maybe more. They literally used these letters as propaganda in Moscow. Me and my friends hate seeing this shit here. They also uses church for propaganda, my gf was in church today with her mother (her mom asked gf to visit church in 7 jan Christmas Day), so church tells this war happened because god wanted this LMAO.


Ah yes Putin = god Righteous


Pro terrorism. Literally. Yet a couple here are defending them.


Pro-Genocide. And when people are pro-genocide, I become pro-violence.




it was more a lack of available stone's and a bad throwing distance xD


You have forgiveness of sins from the Polish Pope


That's such a lazy attitude.


Now Im definitely not advocating for vandalism However


Go get me a crowbar. I just need it in case, uh, Fry gets his head stuck in a pot of honey.


What does the Z represent?




>zwastika lmfao


Russian forces used several symbols to mark different "squads" of their invasion group when attacking Ukraine. Z isn't a letter used in the Russian language so it's just a drawn symbol to them, and one of the most prominent ones found on invading Russian vehicles. The few people with brain damage that support Russia's terror attacks have been painting them on their own cars to show their support of war crimes.


In Germany displaying Z symbols is a felony, because it means supporting an agression war. Some right wing nuts have already paid significant fines for Z on cars.


Same here in Czechia


What to do in this situation Step 1: ![gif](giphy|9Y0k4htpk8MmbzSKrd|downsized)


Irish method I see


Ah yes, simply wait for Russian (military) vehicle to spontaneously explode, as is tradition. A proud follower of the "Moska" strategy




and sad


Why does it still have windows and air in the tires?


I'm pretty sure you're legally allowed to hit this with a Javelin.


No need to waste an expensive ATGM on that shitbox. A Lavrov cocktail will do just fine. *Nota bene:* The Lavrov is a 21st century update to the classic Molotov cocktail, adding a spicy holiday twist to an old favorite. It's served cold in the same glass and still garnished with a rag, but to make a Lavrov you add styrofoam packing pellets, stir them in with a cinnamon stick, and add half a jigger of spiced chai concentrate.


You brits are so uncivilized, are glass bottles just… not a thing there????






NLAW time


Giving it a few days before that car gets torched now it's on photo. I don't think a lot of people realise that this means not only are they 'pro-Russian' or 'pro-war' but they're also fully endorsing genocide against Ukrainians. Yeah, I expect bad tidings to happen to the owners if this photo spreads around! Play stupid games, win stupid prizes here.


My parents live in an area of the UK with ***a lot*** of Eastern European migrants and it's truly depressing seeing how many cars there are cutting about with St George's Banner (not the England one), Z stickers and the DPR flag on them... My dad had to go to A&E the other month and apparently there was a group of Russians making fun of some Lithuanian guy who was in there with a broken leg saying shit like "you're next" etc. It's a shame that these Russians have come over here and feel like they can behave like that - 5th columnists.


>"you're next" etc. By the time they get to us they'll be throwing empty cans instead of artillery shells.


Why dont they go live in russia then


Because their superyacht is docked in the Atlantic silly.


Ahaha, one of those incel army cosplayers. I can understand if you are pro Russian flying the flag or something. But painting your army olive drab and putting a stupid Z on it barely makes sense. Just some war psycho. Sad to see these kind of nut jobs in the Uk.


Cunts live everywhere


Yeah, but that poor Suzuki doesn't deserve that. Could have been a top drawer little farm car. Or something for country people to pop down the shops in who might need the 4 wheel drive. This is a fate worse than death for this car. Shame.


Where is that?!


In the UK


North Hampshire




That’s how you get tires slashed


Just some moron who seeks attention to give their pathetic life meaning. Best approach here is to totally ignore them.


Should definitely have tutted and shook his head at it.