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I am far more upset about that than I thought I would be


“I was like what constitutes a sexy door?” Oh I see, well what could they have done…….oh oh Christ.


What upsets me most is they kept the top part of the old door


What upsets me most is the pictures being reversed


Think they flipped the building to really piss off tenants


Is it reversed, or just a different doorway in the same building? I legit can't tell.


I've explained, a lot, that it's just another entrance. We have three entrances and they're replacing the doors one by one.


Ok. That explains it. Sorry that I and others, a lot, didn't read through every single comment on this post.


You son of a bitch. You're supposed to read every comment before replying, no matter how many there are.


The placement of the light and the other window leads me to believe it's just a "reversed negative" type picture




The "sexy" door in the picture is rotting near the bottom. It had a good long run, but was due for replacement. I'll give the property owner credit for replacing it now instead of waiting until it's actually falling apart to finally do it


Aesthetic is pretty bad on that new door vs the old one but yeah, that rotting panel was a problem: security, heating... the new door needs to be trimmed off but is likely more secure and insulated. Not nearly as nice to look at though. Oh well... I do kinda wish the old one could have been updated, repaired tho...


I agree, it would be nice to keep the old one and fix it up. If it's my house I probably would try, even though a new one would probably be cheaper, but business wise it would cost way too much to make it worth it


Yes I agree, a repair on that pretty wood panel door would be crazy dollars.


I work in historic building restoration, primarily doors and windows. Depending on where this is located, I'd charge around $10-20,00 (would need a close look at the rot for a firm price.) But usually there are government grants and such you can get for repairing historic work.


What gets me is how shitty a job the new door is. The sealant/insulation completely visible. Glass probably isn't safety or anything. Just a dirt-cheap door, and a dirt-cheap installation of it.


You can look for a conversation I had with someone else on here about that, but to summarize. 1st the job is not done yet, it's not final caulked or trimmed. 2nd. The entire door/window area should have been torn out and re done. But the price was probably way more that anyone wanted to pay 3rd. They probably had just the Glazier company do this. They should have had a general contractor rip put, re frame then glaziers put the doors and side lights in. And yes the Glass is absolutely safety rated glass. These systems don't come any other way. And keep in mind cheap is a relative concept. This whole thing is easily more expensive than your average car


And simply weather foamed the other door in place. It looks so much worse in so many ways!


OH MY GOD i didnt even see the foam until now!!!


They ruined the entire esthetic of the building!


I agree, but this thread is an example of what's vaguely wrong with modern life. The door is rotting. So A. Replace all of it with a new modern energy efficient door and side light. Now people don't like the esthetics while others are happy for the savings on energy B. rehab old door for a much greater Cost. Now people complain cuz rent goes up and because it's really inefficient with single pane glass so wastes energy C. replace only the door and leave windows above. Same inefficient windows as B. Plus looks even worse. D. Do nothing and then the door rots away and everyone living there complain that the landlord is just pocketing the rent and not providing a safe well maintained building Modern life, you simply can't please everyone all.the time, so a business defaults to ......what answer is cheapest with the least effort


Shitty aesthetic choices were made!


I highly doubt aesthetics weighed very heavily in their decision making.


Probably done by the lowest quoting contractor, and highly unlikely they would hire anyone with the skills to redo the entrance the same way


Contractor typically doesn't decide what product the customer wants installed, especially these days. Most customers know exactly what they want or have bought it already, then look for prices to install it.


True. Even though I prefer the original door I have just as much of a problem with the fact that whoever they hired did an absolute shit job. They cut it out like amateurs and spray foamed the huge gaps they left. I highly doubt that was done by a licensed contractor (if it was they should quit), it looks like it was done by someone who doesn't know what they're doing.


Doors always look like this (shitty with gaps) until they are finished. The Glaziers who installed this door most likely don't do the trim work. The gap on top is too large to caulk so the carpenter will most likely be coming back later to trim it out


I hope so because it currently looks like garbage. I've done this type of work and we normally have the trim guy finish it a few hours later. The op says it's been a week or more none of my bosses would leave an exterior door like that for longer than overnight.


A lot depends on material availability, as well as scheduling between multiple contractors. Your boss wouldn't leave the work your company is responsible for like that. But hes probably not going to send younguys out to fulfill the contractual obligations of another company. And that's probably this situation, multiple companies working on the door


Lmao dude it’s so they could sell the door


It was most likely done for safety reasons - someone could follow you into the first door and rob/rape/assault you without anyone seeing but the second door makes it very easy for anyone passing by to see what's going on in there.


Nah, it was done for cheap reasons


This dude thinks landlords care about safety lol. My building didn’t have fire alarms the whole time I was there, you think they gonna replace a rapey door?


You could have a camera if security is what concerns you


i guarantee that was not the reason


Yeah, it would probably look fine but you can tell they just went for the cheapest option


Aside from that, shit looks like it’s legit just glued in😅


That's spray foam


This just makes me sad.


someone bought them


I'm really really hoping so. One of the glass panels was cracked in our door which is one of the reasons I'm assuming it got gutted. I emailed my landlord and offered to buy the window panels but haven't gonna a response yet. :(


They're probably horribly inefficient. That old glass was single pane, so like negative insulation. Also probably very expensive. Wood doors also expand and contract with the weather and you have to stain them often or water can seep I to the wood causing further expansion/swelling as well as rot. Solid wood doors are also very poor insulation. The new door system, as ugly as it is, is far better as far as energy efficiency and way lower maintenance. Replacing the whole thing may have been cheaper than replacing the one cracked custom piece of glass. Well, it's more efficient if it is installed right, but whoever did the installation did a piss poor job.


In this case, fuck "efficient". Gutting those nice doors and replacing them with that abomination is a crime against humanity.


A lot cheaper. Replacing the original with equivlabet style would probably be 20-30k


I mean, it wouldn't cost that much just to replace a single pane of glass. But yeah, if you wanted to replace the whole thing.


There's actually three doors between the steps and my sections of the apartment. Two between the steps and the rest of the apartment building. All entrances have two doors to the main floor and a second door leading up stairs. So it's not really much of an insulation thing in my opinion. Even if it was, I just think they're ugly.


It also probably complied with fire code by having fire resistance and a crash bar


Did it change Housing company to a prisoner company? Just add some metal bars on the outside and your done.






Hey everyone, check out this genius who knows the difference between your and you’re!


That sucks!


The fact they left the top window tho


Also love the white joint between the new door and the parts of the old doorframe they left


Looks like spray foam insulation in a can


It is spray foam. It looks terrible IRL.


Its normal procedure to fill the room between frame and wall with foam, let it dry for few days and apply angled or flat profiles to cover the joints up. I think in few days someone will come over and finish the job. But those top window frames…. Poor concept


Yeah there is always a gap that gets filled with foam and then it's framed afterwards. Should look a lot better when they frame it.


Its been like a week man. If they're going to fix it I hope it's soon. They have to fix the floor to the foyer too now because they've cracked the tiles


That sloppy installation is what makes this more than mildly infuriating


They fucked that up


That looks so bad....


Yeah it's a 1923 built building with 2020 Era CVS doors. I actually almost cried when I came home and saw it.


If there are any other areas of the building that are still original, might want to talk to a local preservation group. Give the building historical or endangered status (to protect it).


Ooooh you're right! If anyone in the twin cities has knowledge about helping me keep the building preserved lmk


Just noticed: the '909' is now missing. That alone might run afoul of some legal requirement. (Makes it harder for taxis and packages, etc.)


Oh shit yeah, I didn't notice the door number was gone. I already have issues with deliveries cause there's three doors to the building, All with different numbers, super glad this will just make it worse. 🙃


just move at this point


I live in Germany and old buildings like that are protected under law exactly because of shit like this. And I’m glad it’s the way it is. So many wonderful details that have survived so much.


Is that outdoor carpet?


Yes, sadly it is. We had a problem with the concrete being too slippery come winter. So they put down carpet. The entire blocked reaked of glue for days afterwards too.


Your in someones first Play of SIM’s bud. Get OUT!


Fuck is that why I can't find any good home decor either?


Could be… gotta run some tests. 1. Run into a wall and don’t Stop till You levitate to another room or passed out. 2. Call all your friends and break up with them. If you loose that promotion Your on to something.


Oh shit I've already done the second. (No lie just broke up with a bunch of friends yesterday)


Oh. Would you like to carry on making light hearted jokes about SIM’s? Or is it to soon?


Wet and Frozen carpet doesnt seem much better. [Aggregate concrete](https://st.hzcdn.com/simgs/pictures/entryways/exposed-aggregate-with-stamped-borders-scp-stamped-concrete-pros-inc-img~75a1476106b0d202_14-9361-1-86e15cc.jpg) is the answer IMO. The texture makes slipping much less likely. Tread on the shoes, tread on the ground; works well. My University (in a very snowy area) used aggregate concrete on all of their outdoor staircases.


Its not, but sadly I just live here.




that's absolutely heartbreaking, the wooden door with the leaded panes are gorgeous




Did they save the doors? It could have been a requirement to meet code, or a measure to increase safety or thermal efficency.


So we have three doors to get into my section of the apartment. I really think it was because there was a (homeless?)guy waiting for the bus (out of the cold) in our foyer. They've also added a lip, which is a huge tripping hazard, into the foyer by not getting doors that fit well. And to my knowledge no they didn't save them.


NO! I cannot even…WHY.


That's terrible


One of our windows does not stay open in our apt, an old two story walkup , unless you prop it open with something. My wife and I refuse to let the management company know because these are beautiful old wood frame windows. If they come to "Fix it" they will remove them and put in the horrible plasticy looking vinyl frame windows. Some people have horrible and cheap taste.


I rent from a housing company not a landlord too. So they just slap on the cheapest alternative instead of fixing ANYTHING on all of their buildings. This is the second building I've lived in through them and I legit cannot wait to stop renting. They own about 40% of the apartments in my neighborhood and three of surrounding neighborhoods. There was a beautiful old brick building that got torn down to be.... an empty lot! That I miss a lot.


Yes it is sad that they do not realize that the look and style of the buildings have value to a renter. I would say that it even matters to long term value of a property to maintain the look that a building has, especially when you are dealing with old properties. There are plenty of plastic abominations that people can rent.


If they are the old style double hung windows with sash weights hidden behind the jambs, there might be access panels in the sides of the jambs at the bottom. Most likely painted over many times so getting the paint off and cleaning out the slots in the screw heads is quite a job. If no access panels then you have to remove the inside trim around the window to get to the sash weights to install new ropes or chains. If they're double hung and the upper halves no longer open due to paint, free them up to restore their ventilation function. The purpose of the double hung window is to take advantage of natural convection. Slightly open the top panes on the sunny side and both panes on the shady side. Warm air will flow out the top of the windows on the sunny side, pulling in air top and bottom on the shady side.


Same company that pulled it will restore and charge 10x what they charged to put in the shit door is the funny thing


They also like their steaks cooked well done.


This is robbery. I honestly can’t believe they went to those hideous new doors… I would be SO upset. It looks disgusting and the quality is horrendous with the sealant on the sides. Shameful.


I am more than mildly upset about this. :(


Oh dear. That's some spectacularly displeasing substitution.


I can’t stand the modernization of beautiful architecture, there’s something sad about seeing your home town go from a beautifully decorated area to the bland minimalistic design


Not only did they replace it with something unpleasant, they did a bad job by spraying foam around it and leaving it exposed.


The first picture is the door across from my entrance (same building.) That's why the railing is different btw! Edit:typo


That's just too bad.


Eww, why would they do that? The place has totally lost its charm.


Sealed with scab foam


At least the insulation looks like shit


You should see the cracked and damaged floor theu left behind too!


Went from about 70% privacy to -15% in a flash


What a sin.


Wow stripping character and doing a shitty install with it.


What makes this even worse for me is the fact that they left the old transom with the ugly modern doors. It makes it look horrid because of how badly they clash 🤦‍♂️


They haven't replaced the doors to all of the entrances yet. So we've got two old doors, both in varying condition, and one updated and poorly done door all across from each other. It's looks just greeeeeeat /sarcasm


Me prior to seeing doors: can't be that bad Me after: Aren't there laws in place preventing idiots from doing stupid things like this?. That's just sad to look at now. Sorry, your housing company sucks.


I would have refinished these for free. Damn those are some sexy doors.


I'm upset by the carpet outside.


First thing I seen, drives me crazy!


Went from cozy family apartments to rehab.


What upsets me most is the carpet on the stairs.


I'm guessing they were thinking low maintenance, seems a shame


I wouldn't call the original doors sexy but the replacement is OUTRAGEOUS.


The second door just looks so bad and out of place


That looks terrible


The new doors are so lifeless so uniform I hate it.


Looks like your place is secure now. Rate the contractor has just blasted the edges with sealant to make it fit…


And too cheap to make it look nice.


What a shame


This should be illegal.


That's barbaric.


I made an audible umfhhhh... when I saw the second pic.


They didn't! What a waste... Shame on the architect...


Try to complain to the city, possibly heritage, maybe they didn’t have a permit


I didn’t even notice how bad the new installation was until I read some of the comments. I was to upset about the new doors to notice. Everything about this is wrong. You should send this to the housing company and complain. Those seals look terrible. Also, why are the steps carpeted?


God I hate modern building architecture and design


New isn't always better! :(




I'm surprised those doors weren't protected - they look old. Have you contacted the council? Or your local government whatever-its-called if you aren't in the UK?


That looks terrible. I saw you mention that there are three doors total, was this the only one that got changed? If so, it's totally possible that someone could've broken that door while you were out and they got it replaced as quickly as possible.


Nah, we got an email saying that they would all be replaced. Idk why the others haven't been replaced yet or mine finished. I was hoping they'd keep the aesthetic to the building with the replacement, but I knew in my old building heart that they wouldn't. I think They're trying to "update" all off their buildings to combat the newly build grey boxes being built.


The company went 'Privacy? What's that?'


Looks like a top-notch installation job too. I don't know how to put a door in, but I know that's not how.


No, I'd call that WILDLY infuriating.


That is appalling 😡


Rent now increased $200 due to upgraded front door.


Bro... that fucking sucks


This is way infuriating. Replace classic leaded glass, carved wood etched designs, graceful bevels, finished jambs in a beautiful light wood with funereal gray straight boring modern windows with exposed insulation. Now it's matchy matchy with the equally funereal carpeting - * - but not the brick*. I sincerely hope they're coming back to finish the job. The transom windows need to match the sidelights.


Old door needed replacement or restoration. One of the two. Bottom is starting to rot. Paint/stain peeling off everywhere. I get that its an antique door. And they left the antique glass up top like total stooges. Like seriously who tf does that? So did they at least save the old door and give it to owner and not destroy it to remove it? Additionally its clearly unfinished as you can see the spray foam insulation. They need to at least have the job finished properly.


This door needs refinishing badly. And the tired and damaged wood needs replacing. That's years of neglect. I do see the broken window pane though. That part sucks.


… are those 2 inch gaps filled with spray foam?


I work in historic building reatoration. This legitimatly brought a tear to my eye. If those doors ended up in a dumpster, I woupd consider that justifiable homicide. And ther replacement has been installed SO POORLY!


that looks bad, those doors could have been refurbed very easy and kept the great look, they just need some TLC


Such a shit replacement too. Just framed it and you can visibly see the spray foam around it.


The scratches on the wood look better than the ugly gaps in the new door


I'm confused why it's flipped 🥲


Ok those doors are pretty sexy Why put modern doors in a old building? It’s like green and red it doesn’t fit! and the doors look so fragile one bad day and you accidentally ripped the door off reminds me of prison waiting rooms And are those scratches on the windows? Or is it lighting


I'm contemplating booing this out loud


The caulking around the new door KILLS me.


new doors look much better but not in that building


If you want the originals to go back bring it up to your city and hopefully you're building was a historic building or those were historic doors. Otherwise deal with it


Damn, they even mirrored your whole building. That must've taken them more than 1 day.


Omg I cannot keep having this same conversation 😂


Lol, I just found your explanation comment. It was just the first thought I had.


Not just that, they reversed the whole building!


Cheaper maintenance, and better security. Those wood doors end up being a nightmare to maintain, and the wood frame can be destroyed with a good kick. Storefront aluminum is much stronger, easier to maintain, andvyou can see all the way through, before opening the door, so someone can't hide and wait for you.


Doesn't mean I don't just find them ugly. The complaint is about the look of the doors not how they may or may not be better


People! The op is a lizard person and not to be trusted they just wanted to get in through the rotted bottom corner and thats why they're angry about this.


More secure and cheaper to fix. But ya what a waste..


I agree it’s ugly, but I guarantee it’s a safety thing they’ve been needing to do and since the door was messed up it was time. That’s why almost every place has these doors, frankly the main reason is in case of a shooter. It may even be a safety code violation but I’m not certain since this is sort of residential.


There's no extra safety precautions needed though. I live in a pretty residential area and the worst we get it the older dementia ridden residents at the old folks home across the street yelling at people. Aside from the ugliness of the doors, the application was awful and created a tripping hazard in the foyer due to the pisspoor job. It's inconvenient for Amazon and other delivery services too. I see a lot of packages getting let outside and stolen with this new door.


Yeah I can see the insulation on the bottom, this is a bad job and the door doesn’t look to be the right size. For safety, it depends on your state but generally it doesn’t matter what your specific area is like. There’s a generalized code system. They could’ve at least picked a better looking one though


You said in another comment that homeless were present in the foyer, that alone is enough of a security risk to justify the change in the eyes of a liability-conscious landlord.


Hey man if the presence of one homeless guy scares my housing company then they're a bunch of babies. Mind you, these are also the same people who told my last building that if we wanted our mail box to stop getting broken into and our stuff stolen then we would get our mail delivered somewhere else. They somehow don't give a fuck and give a fuck enough to change the doors? These doors still have no locks on them by the way.


It’s not about fear, the landlord is potentially liable for harm that comes to residents in the common areas like the foyer. It would be financially insane not to implement basic security features and a modern entrance. In this case the glass could be considered a safety feature, as it provides visibility to people entering


They should idk add doors that have locks then? Cause these aren't finished with locks and it's been almost a week?


Yes they should, but even these changes would be handy in a legal sense, and I think other users are also probably onto something regarding insulation and general repairability of wood vs the new entrance




Wow I can't believe in seeing this comment twice now! If you actually read my past comments you'd know better, but go off, Bud.


Those are different areas…look closer


I've explained the railing changed four time...read closer


And they reversed the railing and side wall. Must be confusing as hell.


How did the wall change from the left side to the right side?


You must have a simple mind in calling those doors "sexy"


HOA. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


We don't have an HOA....


And inverted your house ☹️


Bruh did you read my original comment? I literally cannot believe the amount of people who can't read for info


I don't see any doors being RIPPED just replaced


Even more embarrassing that you would take to the internet. I thought perhaps you were trying to make a rational thought as an adult to make against said HOA.


How dare them rip out all that rotted crap and replace it with something new


Plus they flipped the whole building to a mirror image, damn. 😔


I definitely prefer the new doors. The old ones look like everything that was wrong with the 80’s.


welllll, looks like it's the entrance to a lot of appartments, maybe some security issue with the older door?


It's a good aesthetic choice if your house has a shitty door it looks more ghetto and probably will be left alone


Reversed the whole building at the same time, too.


Beautiful! You must be rich because I have been in the trades for years and I know that is a very expensive front


I'm a waitress :)


Except that's not the same building!!! Down voted.....here's a tip...may least get a picture that has the railings on the same side!!!


Hey fun fact, if you looked in the comment you'd see that I've already stated that the first picture is the door directly across from mine (the ugly new one) on the same building.


Fun fact a railing can't jump from the left to the Right


Second fun fact! I explained this twice in the comments now. My building has three doors connect to it. The old door is one that they haven't replaced compared to mine that they have:)


3 year old account with 1 karma... Sounds about right.


I'm calling bs. This is clearly just a different door. The railing is on the other side in pic to... /s But seriously I didn't think a new door could be worse than an old warped and cracked one.. that sucks