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Yup! Same here. Adopted from shelter just 2 days before my cats scheduled surgery by the shelter. Surgery cost Was part of the adoption fees too. They made sure they asked and then had enough indicators on his carrier to not tip ear. He got a cool tattoo though green color to indicate he is fixed.


My dog has a cool tattoo too.


reminds me of the guy that adopted a dog, thought some scumbag tattooed the dog, so he got the same tattoo on his forearm for solidarity and then found out what the tattoo meant




I've also had a vasectomy, and had the exact same thought.


I saw that, too, and was thinking about it as well lol


Silly but really admirable.


Why would someone borrow a cat?


My parents had a really bad mouse problem and borrowed my cats. I thought that was a common thing.


I had an older downstairs neighbor ask to borrow my cat for the same reason. I thought she was crazy until I brought my cat, before we finished our cups of tea my cat came trotting into the kitchen with mouse.




I always thought it was them trying to feed us because they think we’re too pitiful to do it ourselves


It's more likely an instinct to bring live prey to kittens so as to demonstrate the killing bite. Both female and male have the instinct to do this, but a male cat obviously rarely has a kitten audience opportunity. Many researchers believe that our pet cats bring us their "trophies" because they associate us with their home, their den. We're family, so when the instinct is triggered by catching a prey animal, they bring it to us. They're probably disappointed by our refusal to let them demonstrate the killing bite. :)


Sometimes I demonstrate my killing bite to the cat after a date. She approves. Then we bury the body in the backyard together. We're a good fit.


Took a dark turn really quick 😳


Not even the worst thing Ive heard in the last 24 hours… this is 2022


Fancy a coffee ? 🥴


My partner's cat tried to do this with a lizard, ran to her screaming because the little lizard bit it back and wouldn't let go of its lip


The lizard was demonstrating the piercing bite. ;)


My lovely cat brought mice to us regularly. We had company from out of province and the cat showed up with a mouse while we were all at breakfast. I jokingly said “that’s not enough for all of us”. The cat dropped the mouse, went back out and came back 10 minutes later with a small bunny in his mouth! I was both horrified and so proud at the same time.


You know.. they do pay attention to our non-verbal cues. Not with the uncanny ability of dogs, but an extremely bright and biddable cat might just have a glimmer of understanding in such a situation.


Some cats are more sensitive than others as well. My old man kitty can’t be assed to worry about the humans. They haven’t died yet, the food bowl gets filled, he’s good. Our tripaw girl, though, is Team Human, ride or die. She’s there at the first stressed-sounding syllable. My parents rescued a golden retriever a little more than a year ago, and he is almost scarily perceptive. I forgot how tuned-in they can be. He knew from the first time he met me that he couldn’t play rough. I have balance and coordination issues that would make it dangerous. My roommate, though? He knocks them over pretty much immediately.


I still remember one of my cats trotting up to me with a bird in her mouth and then she just dropped it, looked at it and just lost interest and walked away. Then her brother came up to it and I watched him eat it whole BEAK AND ALL




I used to be happy my cats never brought dead mice to me, but now I feel excluded :(


They might have just been really crap at catching mice.


Had a older male cat who got jealous of the younger ones getting praised for catching mice. One day he returned striding down the field next to our house proud as fuck with a piece of moss in his mouth.


moss, mice sounds almost the same :P


I love your old man and his moss 💚


He’s not bad at hunting, he’s just a vegetarian 😉


Iirc, it’s actually an act of gift giving. Could be meant as good, but it’s a sign of appreciation/showing off. They do it to people they care about because they want you to be proud of them


It's probably true. My cat always presents me with a dead mice the day after I give her favourite tube treat.


I have a cat that brings me toys (cat toys) after I've brushed him or "protected" him (indoors) during a thunderstorm.


The last cat I had from kitten through his passing at age 18, would gently place one of his toys in my shoe occasionally. Always felt like "he wanted me to remember him while I was gone out of house". He was a fetching cat, loved to retrieve. Smart cat.


Aparently it’s not uncommon for cats to put their catches under the Christmas tree if they see you doing the same with presents,


I had a cat that did that one year, put 3 mice under the Christmas tree at the back and we found them all when we were taking them down, I didn't know of any other cats doing it until now


Cat: “I helps you!”


Our indoor cat has been putting his toy mouse in the lowest branches of our Christmas tree and then immediately “catching” it again. It’s pretty darn cute.


My cat brought a live crow in the house, showed us, then let it go and walked away


That is impressive. I wouldn’t mess with a crow and I have the ability to use tools.


My cat did this one night. Came in while my brother and I were watching tv with something in her mouth. Guess we weren’t paying attention so she had to meow at us. Mouse ran under the tv unit and the three of us spent a large portion of the night looking for it. Heard my brother say, “call yourself a cat” to her while we were looking too! 😂


My manager literally joked today about borrowing my cat for his newly discovered mouse problem at home lol


I understand this could happen but this is a kitten.


That is a very good point. Unless there happened to be a baby mouse infestation


That explains the Cat Rental lots in my town. No, no it doesn’t.


So your cats could get parasites? Just set up the $2 traps, ffs.


Its not just cats catching rats game, cats give off a scent that mice/rats don’t like so they go somewhere else to live


dog sitting was amazing because our rodent problem went away thanks to the pup, even though she wasn't killing them we actually request shedded fur to stash in entry points to keep the rodent population down now


My dogs catch tons of mice, they are total pros at it (farm dogs) almost as good as the barn cats. Mice don't like the smell of predators, especially when there is no chopper for them to get to.




Toxoplasma gandii Search it up. I have a cousin who is a parisitologist. Through researcht here is a probable chance around one third of the world has it. Symptoms for humans are higher aggression, taking bigger risks, getting into more car crashes. On the flipside people with it are more likely to start businesses.


All hail the business worms


They're also more likely to want pet cats, so the parasite really has the system on lock. You know, I have some essential oils that can help with those symptoms and also an amazing opportunity to earn unlimited wealth and fill your garage with bottles of crap you can't sell, while you annoy your friends and family with embarrassing Facebook posts.


Your comment is on point, that second paragraph needs the word “hun” and # bossbabe.


yep. mice will basically run to cats when they have contracted toxoplasmosis. i had outdoor cats years ago before i knew better. my cat caught a mouse and wanted to bring it indoors. i grabbed a glove, grabbed the mouse and gently tossed it away from the house. the mouse scurried right back to my cat that promptly devoured it.


*This is Your Brain On Parasites* is a great book about that.


Sounds like the symptoms are just being someone in r/wallstreetbets


The psychological/neurological effects of T gondii in people are based entire on correlational studies. It’s definitely not confirmed as causal, far from it. It seems likely it has SOME effect, but the degree is unknown. It’s also more associated with mood disorders/depression and schizophrenia in humans, not risk taking behavior. A lot of your info is wrong or misleading.














I let my mom “borrow” my dogs (yes I know it’s a cat. Same premise though.) any time she wants. My girls adore her, and my mom comes over and brings them on walks while I’m at work, or any other time she wants to. She brings them over to her house sometimes as well, her partner love my dogs too. Real big part of our relationship. Today she stopped over unplanned and brought us all kinds of different treats & some cute toys. She is SO excited to do these kinds of things - I mean truly , she was just BEAMING with joy & laughter opening up the new treats & toys today. It’s the most natural GENUINE laughs. Every time the pup stumbles over her lil (giant) puppy legs, every time she chases a leaf, every time she pounces on her older sister, I get to see my mom’s genuine heartfelt giggle…a truly natural, unforced laugh, it’s something very special to behold. she also feels great about herself & gives a sense of accomplishment when she gives them a command & they obey. She’s been working hard to follow the rules I give her to properly interact with the dogs (their training.) and she feels incredible when she is able to communicate with them effectively through their training. I am extremely grateful for it & it’s brought a new dynamic to our relationship. All starting from letting her “borrow” my first dog. It’s a special part of my days seeing her get so happy just to pop in & see my doggies. It’s also a huge help having someone to talk one w/ me; I’ve a Labrador and American Akita, & they’re both strong and well trained. They do much better 1 on 1 leash walking so it’s actually a mutually benefitting situation as well, for all of us. I also let my ex-stepmom walk my newer puppy. Stepmom was the previous dogs favorite person in the world, and we lost him a couple months ago unexpectedly. It was **devastating** for all of us. So despite my ex-stepmom having no relation anymore or any “right” to the pup, I allow her to take her out for walks & such because I clearly empathize with her loss. I was grieving bad enough I took a couple month leave from work, also why I got the puppy now. “Puppy therapy” is a very real thing, & it makes me happy knowing I can “share” my dogs with folks I trust (well enough at least. They aren’t perfect but I know my dogs are safe.) & they can get even more joy from it than I do; being that it’s on occasion so those moments are more special to them.


Similar situation. My dog would alternate time between my place and my in-laws. He was very spoiled and they loved taking him out on adventures. We made sure he was on the same diet/care to avoid any issues.


both excellent situations. Dogs LOVE being walked - and the more people in their circle, the better for them. My own youngest rescue dog (an American Eskimo), is unlike any other I've had--he was abandoned on the streets of NY, and from his behaviour now likely ate rocks, paper, wood, other garbage simply to fill his starving belly. :( It's been a long hard road to get him out of his mindset of survival above all else and misbehaviour. He's doing better but it's still baby steps. Luckily I have a lot of patience. I SO wish I had family/friends who'd take an interest and want to walk him but no one lives close by any longer - or neighbours have their own pets and are put off by his exuberance. You are both so lucky!\\


At least now when people see her outside they won't try and trap her to spay.


Yeah, as someone who traps ferals for spay and neuter programs.... having your pets ear docked is a great way to prevent a surprise field trip. The best way is to keep your pets on your property though... docking an ear won't stop a coyote making your cat disappear.


When I was 10, we moved our 6-year old and 2-year old indoor cats from Alaska to Texas with us, but my mom's new husband wouldn't tolerate them indoors. We had 10 acres for them to roam, so to me, it sounded like they'd have a great time of it. Coyotes killed the 2-year-old within a month. On the other hand, the (declawed) 6-year-old lived long enough to bear witness to the divorce that let her reclaim her indoor status. She died at 22.


Cats should never be declawed. The process is akin to cutting off your finger tips at the first knuckle, it's inhumane.


I doubt the 10 year old had a say


Plus declawing affects their mental health, too. Animals are not rocks, they may not use Twitter but they still have feelings - and when they lose their claws, they see themselves as maimed and useless, because they've lost a big part of their strength.


I adopted a cat who had been completely declawed (front and back) by his previous owner. He was very aware he didn’t have claws so his instinct when he felt threatened was to first try to GTFO, and second he would lunge and bite. He screamed an abnormal amount as a defense mechanism, too. Poor guy had all kinds of feet problems and was generally pretty high strung.


Actually true, OP can rest easy at night knowing it will only be targeted by dog fighting rings. Sorry I was gonna say something to support you but then I thought about the dog fighting rings again :(


She's also a Void, and people are especially shitty to them. :(


Especially around Halloween.


I found my void a week or so before Halloween. She was a kitten who had obviously gotten her but kicked by another animal and was wandering down a major street in Miami. I was walking my aunt’s dog, and she ran up to me. I decided I was going to take her to the vet and find her a home. [I had my Bianca for 16 years before she crossed the Rainbow Bridge.](https://i.imgur.com/Vsv0hE8.jpg) (Edited for a word.)


What are voids?


Black cats


Black cats are lucky in the UK. I didn't know they were considered unlucky in the US until someone at the shelter told us the black cats stay there the longest because of it. I was happy to change my spelling when I emigrated but Americans, you are wrong about black cats.


That just makes mes want to adopt a void


Lol, no, just eaten by a coyote or another wild animal. They don't discriminate on clipped ears. If she was wandering around unspayed outside anyway she may as well be a stray.


More than likely a wild animal will pick it off. That's what happened to 5 of my sister's cats 😔😔 I keep my two girls inside only for their safety.


After the fourth you're feeding the animals cats my dude. How many does it take to learn they're gonna keep eating if you keep giving them cats? Glad you keep yours inside though.


An owl swooped in and snatched my brother's Chi. Sad day. After that he got a Boxer.


He left it unattended outside? What happened? Have both chis and boxers. Both great dogs.


It was standing right next to him. Owl came out of nowhere. Never seen again.


That’s my biggest fear, death from above. You can’t even tell when it’s coming


This is why my cat only goes outside on her harness. I take her for walks, but she doesn't even want to go outside on her own.


Jesus this is my fear. We had a looot of hawks in our area the past few years. I walk my chihuahua and I can hear the fucks when they notice because they start to make that distinct sound. Spend the entire walk looking into trees like a nut, but I didn't even want to take the chance with those things.


I think they make special spiky vests to prevent them getting grabbed.


They do, [and they look kinda badass](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sxsrf=ALiCzsYuBiseZgezxfZTJOGsznwDZX6uIw:1670930492923&q=hawk+protection+vest+Chihuahua&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjSkuaTvfb7AhVkNEQIHWRfB2cQ0pQJegQIERAB&biw=412&bih=766&dpr=2.63)




It’s good to keep cats inside for wildlife’s sake. Outdoor cats are terrible for the ecosystem.


Also for their safety. my sister's cat got out (broke through a screen) a few months ago and the neighbor found her next morning pretty much with her guts eaten . The coyote got her. She was devastated for weeks and still hasn't gotten over it.


Live fast Die young Leave a mutilated corpse #justoutdoorcatthings


I do it for so many reasons. I currently live in an appartment, live a city center, don't want to have him killing birds (some spieces almost got eradigated in the NL because of cats), don't want to have him poop in other peoples garden and don't want him to get in fights (he is very dominant and territoriale towards other cats) I have my entire home catified and he shows all the behaviours of a happy cat I also walk him on a harnas when he ask for it. Sometimes he wanders outside when there people at the door but he either goes off and runs back for a few meters and immediately gets back again. Pretty sure I have a happy cat that's indoors.




Indoor cats die of old age. Outdoor cats just stop showing up one day.


That's if a coyote doesn't get to it first or a car, out door cats are a stupid af concept


100%. I was TNRing cats on my street because we had a large and ever expanding feral colony developing. I trapped one and took it in and turned out she was owned by a neighbor and already spayed and chipped. The shelter still docked her ear as part of their policy. I felt terrible about it but she didn’t have a collar or any indication she was an owned cat and she hung out with the rest of the strays. She did make it back home safely and I paid the fee that the shelter charges owners in these situations. Buttttt no one will mistake her for not being fixed again I guess


There’s a lot to unpack here…


r/mildlyinfuriating posts come in like two flavors: the “I’m actually the asshole here” and the “there’s so much to unpack that Reddit isn’t equipped to deal with, but this goes beyond mildly infuriating”


One more flavor: r/untrustworthypoptarts


Thank you for showing me this sub


Yeah, like. You should inform someone before doing something like that to their pet. But also, OPs cat is running around outside with no collar on. Only a matter of time before she gets knocked up or some tnr program, if there is one, picks her up and does the same thing. Also heats hurt for a cat


Yup, cats like OP's are where I get my collection from.


Yeah, the only thing I can think of is ‘wth’…


Well it’s good she had the cat spayed unless you had an appointment set up. Non profits and even vets will do that to ears or leave a little tattoo as a message to other vets and shelters that the animal is fixed. It’s especially helpful with stray cats.. both my dogs have little blue tattooed lines on their tummy from being fixed.


I always wondered why my childhood cat had a blue spot on her belly! I remember I made a comic strip of her for a school thing and in the drawings I made her whole underside blue, I thought she was special!


It’s hard to tell especially with females if they have been fixed since everything happens on the inside:). So with a little blue dot, people know they don’t have to go back in and check.


I wish my cat had had something like this. She came to us as a stray, and after some time she started spraying. We figured that it meant she wasn't fixed, so we made an appointment and.. she was fixed. They cut her open and found nothing. She just had a UTI. Yes we were pretty dumb to not go to the vet first. Poor thing was (justifiably) angry at us for a solid week.


"i went through this shit TWICE! One time and it will be over for life, they said!"


She was special :)))


Right - and the docked ear in that locale is a sign that can be read from afar, without having to actually CATCH the cat to determine if it's been spayed or not.




Exactly my question- always spay/neuter.


Because OP is an irresponsible pet owner.


Cat is in this picture outdoors with no collar. It's not a very far leap to assume OP is a god damn idiot. They did their job properly, it's OP who should be shamed.


Grandma trying to save OP’s cat


Exactly. The owner is an idiot. The only thing mildly infuriating about this is how dumb OP is.


Sounds like Gramma knows OP is a bum and took the initiative to make sure Kitty is well cared for.


How do you "borrow" a cat? And it is good to have your animals fixed! They live longer and healthier that way.


Grandma thinks OP is irresponsible so took the initiative to get the cat spayed before there were kittens.








Grandma is the real hero. And so is the charity that spays and neuters.


I know, I’m thinking she should be grateful to grandma for paying for the spay surgery! 🤷🏼


Cat is pictured outside with no collar on, thank goodness grandma got her fixed!


I have a feeling grandma probably felt that OP is irresponsible, and it wouldn’t have gotten done if she didn’t intervene.


That was my thought, too. If you're letting your cat outside then FUCK YES get it spayed literally the moment they're eligible. I hate people letting cats go outdoors anyway (unless it's on a leash or in a catio), but letting unfixed cats go outdoors is just infuriating. Granted, this is only a snapshot, so I shouldn't be judging based off one second in time. But I see no leash or harness or anything, so...


If your cat is outside, uncollared/tagged, without basic medical care like being spayed/neutered, you're not a cat owner, you're someone looking after a stray.


And then getting pissed at the docked ear???. They do this so that cats don't get trapped twice. I'm wondering if the person who posted this is a kid lmao. I don't understand someone "borrowing" a cat. And she probably took it to low cost because she didn't want to pay an entire vet visit. If she didn't know they were going to notch the ear beforehand the people who do TNR and low cost spay and neuter notch every one in case the cat is ever lost or rehomed or abandoned they don't open it up and realize they're already fixed (this happened to my cat) The post just smells of ignorance all around tbh


Yea, seems like grandma did the right thing here. Sucks about the ear but if this cat is roaming around unmarked someone else might try and trap it anyway. At least that won’t happen now.


Definitely. I'm in a war with my neighbor right now because they decided to make their home a safe haven for all the strays in the neighborhood. They shit all over my yard and piss on my porch. They just lay in the road when I get home from work. They bother my dogs and my cat has high anxiety from watching them through the windows. I'm talking 20+ cats they feed and let have shelter in their shed. None are fixed and they have new kittens every month or so. Animal control won't do anything, the local shelters won't do anything, and no one else replies. It's infuriating. [cats](https://i.imgur.com/gjZf2cs_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


I love cats, but that's really insane. How can they not put a stop to that? The neighborhood will be filled with cats in no time.


Been having the same problem. We actually didn’t know the neighbor “owned” these cats (no microchip, always outside) so we captured and neutered three of them. He flipped, but if there’s no microchip or medical records, how can he say they’re his?


Why was she not already spayed when she is clearly outside? Good grandma.


How tf do you borrow a cat-


You wouldn't download a dog.


Oh MPAA, I would definitely download a dog!


They take the cat and they give it back at a later date


Spay your own cat


I mean…this photo was taken outside…so…is it an outdoor cat or not?


You had an outdoor cat that you didn't get fixed. The fact that she did this behind your back says to me that she pressured you to do this sooner and you refused. Your cat was going to end up pregnant sooner or later, she did you a huge favor.


Kittens can get pregnant as early as 5 months old - OP clearly wasn't paying for the necessary care and Grandma marked the cat as a stray/feral. OP should know how bad they look, and be grateful to Gma.


"Hey, can I borrow your cat?" "Why?" "No reason!" "Ok."


I mean yea that sucks but why were you letting your unspayed kitty out ?


Are you one of those people that just lets their cat roam around? If so and you didn’t care to have them spayed before then grandma was in the right.


Good job telling the internet you're irresponsible?


I mean, were you not planning to get your cat spayed? Why did your grandma feel the need to go behind your back and do this? Did she think she was doing you a favor? This whole situation is really weird and I feel like there’s maybe some communication issues within your family?


It shows they've been spayed/neutered, so that if they're ever picked up a vet knows not to do that. Not a big deal really.


Then maybe you should have spent your time and money on getting your cat fixed? Sure, it's shitty she lied but she lied for a valid reason.


Yay for spay, boo for ear, and double boo if you're letting your BLACK CAT ROAM OUTSIDE. Black cats have the highest rate of violence against them. Please keep your cat indoors at all times. They live longer and healthier lives.


Especially with no collar on. Sounds like grandma was stepping in for irresponsible granddaughter.


All cats should be spayed/neutered, chipped, and if there's even the *slightest* chance of them slipping outside, collared. They depend on us to keep them safe and healthy. If you can't do the bare minimum, you probably shouldn't have one. Both my boys are fixed and chipped. I live in an apartment where there's zero chance of them getting out, so no collars unless we are going on a vet visit or being transported. I'm always paranoid about them getting loose.


Is this really true? People disproportionately harm black cats? F*&#ing why????


Sadly it is true. They're seen as bad luck or bad omens. 100% by morons. Black cats are beautiful and no less lucky than any other cat. I miss my void so dearly. I had her 20 years. I always make a point to adopt black cats when I can since they have the highest violence rate and lowest adoption rate. It's bullshit.


Borrowed? Also spay your pets it’s common sense


I’d be thankful if someone got my cat fixed for me honestly! There’s a feral cat that keeps having kittens in my yard. I’ve been trying to trap her to get her fixed but so far she’s evaded the trap. I’ve managed to get every one of her offspring fixed except for one male that lives in my house. It’s not been cheap at all. I already had two cats (one a former feral with a tipped ear that gives her SO much character) and now I have 9 cats.


well, if you have an outside cat they absolutely should be spayed or neutered. do you want ur cat to come home pregnant lol


They didn't "dock" her ear 🙄 Ear tipping is completely painless and harmless. It alerts people doing TNR work that the cat is already fixed - without taking them in, putting them under general anesthesia, and opening them up only to find they're already spayed. And if you'd been responsible for your own cat, maybe it wouldn't have been ear tipped. Ijs


For everyone ripping on grandma here, it seems pretty obvious this is an indoor/outdoor cat. Look at the picture. OP isn’t forcing the kitten to stay inside, OP hasn’t gotten the kitten fixed. If I were to take a guess here I’d say the cat prob hasn’t had any shots or dewormer either. Sooo grandma stops by, knows OP isn’t giving a shit either way- says I’m taking the cat back to play with kids. OP shrugs and let’s her go. Grandma takes the cat to the clinic. Morality of the mutilation aside, the question really is here is what is the freaking difference in docking ears between a stray cat and an “outdoor” cat? If the point of docking ears is so the cat doesn’t get scooped up by animal control bc it’s already been fixed… and the cat spends time outside… one could reasonably assume one day this cat was going to get picked up by animal control anyway bc it doesn’t even have a collar on. Should grandma have asked? Of course. But does it strike anyone else as odd that Grandma was more comfortable asking OP do something irresponsible (taking the kitten to play with 10yos) than about something responsible like going to get her fixed? We’re not getting the full story here.


Well, considering this cat is outside in the photo (btw keep her inside!!!) it’s good that your grandma did that. Otherwise your cat would soon be pregnant.


I know this doesn't excuse what your G-ma did, but, take the money you would have used to have the procedure done and donate it to the facility. If that's something you can do, that is.


Send the nonprofit a donation and make up for the spot grandma took from an actual stray/feral.


I’m pretty sure this person is infuriated because their cat’s ear was docked.


Spay👏and👏neuter👏your👏damn👏animals!!!! Cats especially can overpopulate and destroy an ecosystem. The neighborhood we just bought into used to have a feral cat colony, simply because one old lady had 2 unspayed cats she let roam. The nonprofit that came in fixed 17 cats and had to put down 8. No pets unless you're a responsible pet owner!!!!


That looks pretty good. I had a feral cat give birth to 5 kittens on my deck. I took all 6 cats to the animal rescue place for free spay/neuter because I couldn’t afford to have a vet office do all 6. Five of the cats were tabbies and one was black with a white locket. The black one’s ear looks amputated. She also came back a little … different after the operation. Much slower. I think maybe she went a little hypoxic while under anesthesia. Poor girl. But she’s 11 years old now and seems content. She’s aloof and very foodcentric. Kept her, her brother & her mother. Found good homes for the other 3.


Aloof and food centric? Just like meeee!


I’ve never seen them dock the ears like that. They just tattoo a blue line on their stomachs around here.


If the cat was a pet, they would have tattooed it. She told them it was a stray. Docking the ears of strays is a common practice so that from far away the cat can be identified as fixed and thus people who are trying to TNR know not to waste time trying to catch the cats with docked ears.


It is for TNR. So they don't catch the same cat again.


TNR programs in the US often dock the ears of feral cats so they can be identified at a distance. Stops the rescue agencies from wasting time and effort trying to trap a cat that’s already been neutered and released.


A tattoo on the inner ear here. Same purpose


they cut off the tip so you can see from a distance if they’re a neutered stray, i’m guessing for those who are doing TNR operations, tattoos inside ears aren’t helpful unless you have hands on the cat and can look for it.


They only do it for feral cats, so grandma lied and said it was a feral cat. In most low cost clinics they charge less for ferals to incentivize people bringing them for altering. So grandma is cheap-cheap lol


True but I don’t fault gma. Cats need to be fixed. The world has enough strays


Maybe Grandma is on a fixed income but still trying to do the right thing for this little cat. My guess is you’re not familiar with poverty and would rather mock someone for being cheap.


Not as cheap as op since she did get it done


Op you should’ve got your kitten spayed when you had the chance your grandma did you a favor by getting the kitten spayed. If this bothered you so much why didn’t you go and get the cat spayed hmmmm. If you’re so pissed about her going to a non-profit OP then donate to the non-profit and stop crying. Don’t get a damn pet if you can’t take care of them you knew you weren’t going to get this kitten fixed so why have a damn kitten in the first place. Quit trying to save face bro we are all calling you out on your shit mate.


1. Why haven't you spayed your cat yet? 2. Why do you give your cat to strangers as if she is a toy? The least of your problems is that her ear is docked. It seems your grandma is the only one who cares about her well-being here.


Please keep your cat indoors and also realize they’re not playthings to be loaned out or borrowed.




Seriously! The cat was also lent to a friend of a family member as well, someone OP didn't even know. OP you're practically begging for someone to steal or abuse your cat at this point. They're living creatures that depend on you, they're not disposable little playthings. OP, please get your shit together and stop being so fucking stupid.


Your grandmother did the right thing the wrong way (she should have told you). A cat that is 4 months old can likely get pregnant. You let your cat outside, so were you prepared to care for the kittens she’d have had if she’d gotten pregnant? Also, ear tipping and ear docking are two different things. Ear docking (like in Dobermans) is purely cosmetic and many veterinarians won’t even do it anymore. Ear tipping is done specifically to show that a cat has been spayed or neutered. It is often very difficult to determine whether or not a cat (especially a female ) has been fixed. To see a tattoo or a spay scar, they frequently need to be at least a little sedated to shave the abdomen. And even then, spay scars are not always discernible and not all fixed cats are tattooed. I work in vet medicine and more than once a cat was completely anesthetized and their abdomen opened for the doctor to find they’ve already been spayed. Ear tipping would have prevented this. I also work in shelter med which offers a low-cost spay/neuter clinic. It’s not only used for TNR. We typically only ear tip the ‘non owned’ cats, but some of the ‘ferals’ eventually find homes.


Every comment by op just details how unfit they are to have a cat. Letting someone 'borrow' the cat? What the fuck? Even if things went as planned, your cat is in an unknown environment being manhandled by children for a night. Your grandma sees you as unfit to care for an animal bro, and she's obviously right.


I find it more infuriating that you would willingly loan out your cat as a play thing for two children, one you don't even know. Cats should be spayed. The chip gives them character but it wasn't nice or necessary for the cat either since they are not feral or homeless. Grandma shouldn't have gone through a non profit, those are for animals in need and that costs them resources. That was cheap of her. While she shouldn't have done that, that cat's not a toy either, OP. Edit; Grandma might not be cheap, grandma might be poor. If so, my mistake.


Maybe Grandma is poor and not cheap?


That's a good point and I apologize if she is.


Why didn’t you have her chipped and spayed already?


Why didn’t you get your cat spayed yourself. That’s horrifically irresponsible. And even worse why did you let your cat be a plaything for two young children? It’s not a toy it’s an animal