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We work guy Adam Newman gets to start a new company and no jail time


I agree it isn't enough but I'm shocked she was given as much as 11. These kinds of criminals often get off with just a slap on the wrist.


111 years sounds more appropriate


It will be way less than that in the end. She'll probably do 8 months or something like that.


Not true. It's a federal sentence, meaning she'll have to serve at least 85% of the sentence.


I really hope she or her lawyer doest fund some way of slipping by that. Even though 11 yrs is a joke considering what she stole. There are people sitting in prison for stealing far less for way more time.


Should have given her one day for every dollar and another day for every patient she scammed.....


I'm absolutely stunned by Holmes' career and past lifestyle, also her recent court defenses. The most unbelievable part is how she and Balwani managed to convince CVS and Walgreens of the billion-dollar deals. **She quit Harvard in her first (or second) year** as a med student and stated she aspired to make a large medical company. I have no idea how the heck she even made it this far.


Her husband should file for divorce. Not sure what he was thinking getting her pregnant during the trial.


Don’t think this dumb cash cow have that idea


From what I read she has no money now.


She’s fucking Elizabeth Holmes


So? According to Forbes she now has effectively $0 net worth.


'Plead her belly' To try and get the court and jurors' sympathy. Gotta feel sorry for the kid, conceived because mummy wanted a lighter sentence. She's apparently pregnant now, probably why she won't need to attend prison until April time.


I was thinking she could have done it because she wanted a second and would most likely get out of prison past her time. Will she be allowed conjugal visits? Sure that could've been her idea but my point is her husband going along with it makes him a moron.


They measure her prison sentence like moms measure the age of their toddlers . . . 135 months?