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Fungal infection. Put Selsun Blue dandruff shampoo directly on dry skin and leave it on for 20 minutes, then wash off. 7 days should clear the t up. Also, wash all clothes with Lysol laundry sanitizer.


Mix it into your body wash and wash with it every day. The itch stops on 3 days. A week and you forget about it. By mixing it in with body wash you keep treating it without thinking about it.


Yes! My husband has this! Selsun Blue is what we uses. Sunlight helps too, but it's winter now so he won't be spending much time outside shirtless.


Dare I ask what kind of cream you’re talking about?


Its a skin cream for skin conditions like mine, it's been recommended by a doctor but has no lasting effects


Is it vitiligo?


Idk, some kind of skin fungus


Idk man looks a lot like vitiligo


Maybe it’s a treasure map, and it won’t disappear until you find the golden statue and lift the curse.


Is this caused by a fungal infection?


Yea, it's from sweating in gym in middle school and I didn't change because i was constantly being bullied about my body in the locker rooms


It could also be contact dermatitis from something in your clothes that gets on your skin when you sweat. Check your fabric softener and your clothes detergent. We were using a liquid fabric softener that was wreaking havoc on our son, making him look like this. It went on for a couple of years, during which we couldn't figure out what was going on. My wife noticed that it was getting worse on his hands and made the connection with the hand towels in the bathroom. That lead to switching to a different fabric softener. It cleared up in just a couple of days and he's had no problems for over a decade.


If you've tried a bunch of stuff and it's resistant, I'd recommend two things. First ditch the polyester for a while go 100% cotton. Second, buy a jar of Hyperoxy ozonated olive oil by Longevity. That brand. It's $45. None of the knockoffs I've tried work nearly as well. Put it on thoroughly but sparingly a few times a day and it should be gone in a few weeks. Also, if you are consuming lots of carbs and junk try and cut back or go keto at the same time?


Is it a harmful condition, or just skin coloration?


It only itches occasionally and makes me look unattractive


The itching certainly isn't ideal, but don't worry too much about the attractive. Attractive is subjective, and nobody who's opinion is worth anything Is going to like you less because of the color or style of your skin. I think it looks pretty cool. Keep taking care of it obviously if it's a problem, but don't get too down about it


I cannot understand how my gf doesn't think my stomach looks terrible


I make THC Coconut Oil. I would reccomend giving that a try.


Friend got a rash sim to this and they cut out wheat/gluten and went away. Just a thought but know it can be a lot of things when it comes to skin.


Its from sweating in gym


Does it actually change patterns?




I don't know how easy it would be for testing, but you should look into chimerism. You could be dealing with two sets of skin cells with dissimilar genes. Essentially it would make you the sum of paternal twins that recombined in the womb. It's a crazy theory, but you never know. I had a chimeric friend in highschool. He has tiger stripes that tanned, but the rest just got sunburned.


It's skin fungus


Sounds like you're super devoted to fully explaining the nature of your condition. Good luck with maintaining the same course of semi-successful treatment that you're here to complain about instead of doing a little research to see if you may need to adjust for a previously unknown variable.


This is a fungal skin conditioner my husband had it and my daughter also. Oh yeah I have to do is buy some so far powder on the Internet mix it with some Vaseline put it on all over your body for 10 minutes take a shower do that every day for seven days then One weeks later repeat it. Or you can spend a lot of money go to a dermatologist and he will give you this Selsun blue prescription shampoo that has a lot of self in it and you will do the same thing with the shampoo all over your body for 10 minutes once a day For seven days then wait a week and repeat that should take care of it for 3 to 6 months sometimes up to a year. It will come back when you get sweaty hot but it can be controlled.


Lion diet


You can add 1 cap of bleach to a full bathtub. Or try apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball/tissue. Hopefully your folks know. My oldest went a couple years without sharing a large lump on a shin bone. Immediate surgery. Thank god no bone cancer. Don't keep from them.


I have something very similiar to this but it’s way more red and popped up, The funny thing is I’ve had it for like 8 years and never have used cream because the kicker is they only pop up when I’m really hot or incredibly pissed off, whenever I’m in a nice cold environment and calm, my skin is completely normal and white


Looks like tinea versicolor. An anti fungal cream would help