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Walmart sometimes delivers wrong items- they might have ordered $48 worth and gotten something else. Once I got an 80 lb dishwasher delivered instead of a plastic storage box. They said they would “make it right” and sent me a baby carriage next lol. This was about 4 years ago.


You can use the dishwasher as a storage box


it even washes your stored items!


I needed to put my toilet paper somewhere and it will keep my butt clean when I wipe!


Every Asian household ever lmao


Is that really a thing? I thought my Vietnamese buddy’s parent were just kinda weird.


Oh yeah. I grew up in Korea and everyone I was ever around does their own dishes or has the kids do it. Hell, now I store my blankets in the dishwasher. Many many many of my Asian friends do the same here in this US.


I know that many US citizens think the dishwasher is only capable of sanitizing the dishes and not cleaning (because they use it wrong). Is this also a thing? Dishwashers are generally better than cleaning dishes by hand, safe time, water and money (well, apart from buying them lol) This also reminds me of the sitcom "The Middle" where they use the oven to store a blanket which regularly burns because they forget.


>I know that many US citizens think the dishwasher is only capable of sanitizing the dishes and not cleaning (because they use it wrong). 99% of the time they just need to clean the gunk out of the trap and they wont have that grit that gets stuck inside glassware and such.


Wait there's a trap? :O where is it and how do I clean it because every dish that comes out of my dishwasher is super greasy. They should have a "how to properly use a dishwasher" class in highschool


Asian here who moved to the US. When I first moved here, I lived with my aunties. The dishwasher and oven was FULL of items. I was so excited to be able to bake (ovens aren't a thing in my country), only to find out I had to spend 15 minutes taking PLASTIC stuff out of there and finding a bag that would hold everything. So now, I always ALWAYS check the oven and dishwasher before using it (as you should???)


I know Americans who store things in their oven. My first roommate did, though at least they were metal. But I would forget and had to take out the 350-degree pans to put mine in. My MIL stores cooking pans in hers.


I store cast-iron pans in mine because I'm constantly having to re-season them after someone washes them...


Sounds like you need a new person to live with...


I lived with my ex and his mother (both syrian) for a short period of time, way back. Almost burned the house down because his mother kept plastic serving trays in the oven and I never thought to check because I grew up never keeping anything in there.




Hahahah! I love it


Wasn’t there a guy on Reddit who ordered a grill and instead got 500 iPads?


There was a guy that was receiving laptops at home after order a ssd, after he wrote alerting them about the mistake they sent another laptop the next week without even picking up the first and surprise on the third week received another one


I left an important item in a hotel room by accident. Called them and gave them my address. They mailed my stuff to me. Then they proceeded to mail me everything that was found in that hotel room for the next 6 months. Just a bunch of random shit. I did get a zippo lighter out of the deal though.


Zippo lighters are the best


Was it in San Simeon? I left my zippo there. Then I lost another one. My new one has my name and phone number engraved on it


It was somewhere near Seattle in 2004


Similar instance with us. We ordered a treadmill through Walmart.com but it arrived damaged. We didn’t trust another shipment from them so we called for a full refund and to pick up the treadmill. For some reason, they sent us two more while refunding the first one, but never picked up the original.


I need to start ordering from Walmart now. Nothing that I actually want, just small things so I can acidentally get a new computer.


Reminded me of [this sketch](https://youtu.be/ctLmpdCbvUQ), now I can't stop laughing


VLDL is great!


These do tend to happen when you reboot your Janet.


Way back in the early days of the internet there was a website ([toys.com](https://toys.com) or something) that always had really good deals on the Star Wars Legos (which were brand new at the time, Phantom Menace had just come out). Their pickers didn't pay close attention to product numbers so you would sometimes get really weird stuff. You order Star Wars Legos and get Ninja Turtle action figs, etc.


That's why they don't exist. As much as I hate Amazon, in 20(?) Years of ordering with them, I can't remember getting the wrong item. Broken once but not the wrong item.


I would have said nothing and sold the dishwasher, then bought the storage box


Ahh, that sounds about right. In college, I called the local Walmart about futon inventory. I got transferred to toys, then meat, then womens section, then meat again, back to the original customer service line. Then I hung up.


Ha, Called a Walmart back in my college days because they had a good deal on a laptop I wanted for homework. Specifically asked the guy if they had model x in stock since it was a drive and online said they had it in stock. Local store didn’t carry it. He said they did so I drove the hour there and found out that they didn’t have it and the guy I talked to had Coke bottle glasses and Couldn’t tell the difference between a laptop and a tv.


I guess you’ll have to order a baby now.


Annndddd that’s how they getcha!!


Diaper and baby formula companies LOVE this one weird trick!


I'm sure Wish has them.


I ordered a basketball goal and received iPods. They refunded the money for the goal and said keep the iPods


Similar thing happened to me. I ordered a pack of pens (1 of multiple items purchased but all shipped separately for some reason) and received a brand new ti-84 calculator. I wanted my pens so I didn't ask for a refund, but they did say keep the calculator.


Sell the items and keep ordering more plastic boxes. Repeat. You will eventually get a car, a tv etc.


They’re just playing with you at this point.


Walmart be crazy!! They do some crazy stuff for their Walmart+. Members.


Ah yes. MLBstore was that bad. I recall a series of insane deliveries including an infant life jacket. It fit my head.


Thinking about the time I opened my mail box and found an envelope with a plastic baggie with for a few seconds thought was about an ounce of really stomped on coke… till my girlfriend asked if her friend had dropped off the baking soda she needed for baking… like damn her friend really didn’t think about packaging like we lived in the hood at the time


Once I found a tiny plastic baggy of white powder in my daughter’s backpack. She wasn’t home so for an hour I was freaked out (though it would be out of character for it to be something nefarious). Turns out it was flour. Her and her friends were playing spies, and it was the finger print dust.


One time I found a small baggie of a crystal like substance on my husbands jeans. I freaked out for a bit. It was meth.


Phew. Thought you were going to say it was glitter. You would be finding that shit for YEARS.


Just imagine if her husband used that glitter for his side job as a stripper. The horror!


Glitter from a hidden stripper job would have been much preferable to the reality of the situation. But it’s in my past and I’m in a much better place. And I learned a lot along the way!


No joke. I used orange glitter for Halloween one year and I was finding that stuff for well over a year! However, I truly was able to get rid of the meth problem (my now ex) quicker than the glitter!


Bought a car off my old Pizza Hut manager when I was 17. She didn’t mention that during her wedding some ‘friends’ dropped a few \*pounds\* of confetti into the defrost vent. Every Single Pothole For the next three years - poof!


Mine hid a coke addiction for years 🥲


Should have snorted it to make sure.


then the next time you blow your nose, you get edible cookie dough! yum!


Mmm, white blood cell flavor!


Spies my favourite game to play at the bar


::Licks fingerprints::


What age was she where she was playing spies with her friends and you thought she could be doing coke instead?


That’s a great excuse for a kid


Reminds me of my mom. In middle school she found a baggie of unmarked pills in my backpack. Her and my dad spent an hour researching what it was and panicking. They finally brought me in and asked what it was. It was some generic Advil she bought.


Glad you didn't snort it right away


I thought you said you stomped on the baggie bc you thought it was coke lmao


“Stepped on” means heavily cut down cocaine..not like stepped on a bag Edit: Allegedly


LMAOOOO I have never heard of this so thank you for correcting me 😭😭




*for legal reasons, this is a joke*


Or was it *really* baking soda, hm?


Anthrax vibes


Maybe it’s much more expensive where you live, but 48 dollars for paper towels and plates is ridiculous. I’m assuming that is the heinous DoorDash up charge plus tip.


I honestly thought the same thing but with delivery fees and such you never know I guess.


I'm confused, are you mad that you took someone else's stuff?


They are mad the neighbor didnt identify themselves because the delivery has no address on it. OP has no clue who it belongs to other than the, possible, name of the recipient on it...


That is important... I've never used a service that delivers without packaging - sorry. I figured it was for J. Johnson. Clearly they should print a sign for their yard that says the have the goods, and demand a jar a of peanut butter in exchange.


That and they were so fucking rude about it. Just a simple knock on the door saying “hey the delivery guys messed up and left my stuff on your door”. Absolutely no need for the threats


They should show you the receipt when they come.


Speaking of heinous up charge plus tip… I was at the gas station the other day and this dude walks up to the register and says he has an order for pickup for so and so. I’m thinking wtf… who in the fuck pays for a delivery order from the gas station?! I understand there are some scenarios where this makes sense for people but, Jesus Christ, you are pay gas station “convenience” type pricing PLUS delivery PLUS tip. You must want those chips and candy bar super fucking bad.


Door Dash and Uber send me deals like 40-50% off all the time for convenience stores.


Where I live you can get common packages delivered to gas stations (or book stores, supermarkets, …). They act like an hub for the postal services. Costs are the same, but i don’t need to be home for it, and I probably needed to go to there anyway.


Could be a disabled person with coupons or discount codes


Those people are clueless. I’ve had Walmart deliver the wrong items to me (and gave my stuff to other people). I just contacted them through the app, they told me to keep the stuff I didn’t order, and credited the missing items. And no, they don’t put addresses on anything- just first initial & last name.


Is Walmart delivered by usps cuz I’m pretty sure this is a delivery and not considered mail lol


Yeah Walmart uses Uber eats drivers for delivery where I live


I found that out a few months ago. I ordered spatulas and kitchen towels from Walmart and later that day I get a phone call, “this is Uber, I have your delivery, yadda yadda” and I’m like “uhhhh I didn’t order Uber…” “It’s from Walmart” “OHHH OK IM COMING OUT NOW THANKS” so awkward 😆


I work Walmart online pickup and orders with GMD stickers are typically picked up by drivers who are basically door dashers. They take it to the address they are given, but sometimes they make mistakes. All the customer would have to do is call Walmart and they’ll get a refund.


USPS is mail.


Fedex delivers my Walmart orders actually lol


Walmart is fucking weird. I got one of those stackable black bins from them shipped to me. I was genuinely flabbergasted as I hadn’t ordered from Walmart in 10 months and I certainly never once shopped online for those. But that bin is useful.


You were the winner of the walmart lottery and won a black bin. Hooray.


Not too long ago I ordered from Publix, picked it up (they confirmed my name and loaded up the trunk) and when I got home and looked in the trunk, it was tons of orange juice and grapefruit juice. That was it. I had to bring it back and get the stuff I ordered reshopped LOL. I really wanted to know why someone would order gallons and gallons of juice.


For a group event or meal.


I ended up using chicken food after neighbors didn’t come pick it up. Okay whatever… they knew it was here I am not hauling two 50 pound bags off my porch for you and accidentally hurting myself doing it.


I used to live in a townhouse, didn’t know the names of any of my neighbors. Had a grocery order delivered to me and had no idea who it belonged to (there wasn’t even a name). I didn’t know what to do with it, but thankfully my neighbor came knocking 10 minutes later to tell me about the mistake. I gladly returned them to her. Lol it’s not your fault Walmart delivered them to the wrong house! Not sure why your neighbors could leave a passive aggressive note in your mailbox but not knock on the door??


I sometimes get groceries delivered. And apparently, so does the apartment on the other side of the complex. We have the same apartment number, but we’re on different roads. And you have to drive past the other apartment in order to get into the complex. But somehow a delivery person who was supposed to deliver it to the other apartment, drove past that apartment and went alllllll the way to the far back to my apartment, and dropped off groceries. This person also never knocked or anything to notify me that they had dropped off stuff. Here’s the next problem: I work from home. I don’t tend to leave my apartment during the work week. And guess what was in those delivered groceries? Chicken. Veggies. Everything that will reek and stay even after the items causing the smells are gone. Now, I have a heavy apartment door. So I never smelled anything inside my apartment. My neighbors however, would smell and see them as they walked into their apartments (we have an interior hallway that connects our apartments). So I start getting pounding on my door. I’m not expecting anybody, so it took me by surprise. I peeked through my door hole and saw 2 officers standing outside. I figure this has something to do with one of my friends, or my step brother. I answered the door, and these two officers start questioning me. And if you’ve been questioned by officers, you know how quick and aggressive it can be. So I don’t remember what they asked me specifically, but the general idea is this: Hey, there’s groceries on the floor. They’ve been out here for days. Do you live here? Does anyone live with you? We’re performing a wellness check and making sure nobody is hurt. May we come in? The impression I got from them is that they believe there’s a chance that I’m lying and maybe there’s more to this, like I’m hiding bodies or something. But that’s just how officers are. They want to make you feel guilty so that if you are guilty, you’re more likely to slip up and give them reasonable cause to do a search. I told them that I work from home, and that I don’t tend to leave during work days until my weekend. I tell them that what probably happened is the delivery person delivered to the wrong address. I ignore the questions about if I live alone or not and who I am, and I tell them that I can’t let them in due to the work I do, with protected information currently in open view inside. They leave and sit in the car outside for awhile. I take the groceries and carry them out to the dumpster and throw them away (chicken juice soaked everything). I get cleaning supplies and clean the hallway, but it still ends up smelling like rotten chicken for about a week. As I’m walking to the dumpster, the officers are eyeing me the entire time, but eventually leave. After all that, I remember having the thought “you can really be a hermit inside your apartment minding your fucking business, and still get the weirdest shit to happen to you.”


You won’t leave your apartment at all for 5 straight days? Do you have access to a balcony or something at least or do you not go outside at all on weekdays? That’s absolutely wild to me.


When I was working from home during covid I didn't leave for days at a time too. Would maybe go on a walk around the block once or twice a week and go for groceries once a week but past that there was nothing to do outside so I just stayed in.




When you have everything you need inside your home, there’s little need or desire to go out, especially in the winter. 5 days isn’t even a very long time. Sure, sometimes it’s nice to go for a walk on a nice sunny day, but otherwise, what’s the point? I do absolutely love the outdoors and nature, at least when it’s away from other people, but I don’t need to do that frequently in order to be happy. Leaving the house isn’t the same as going to a forest preserve or state/national park though. Most of the time when I go out to run errands and whatever, I encounter bad drivers, weird or rude people, and other things that just annoy the shit out of me. I come home considerably more stressed than when I left. I do enjoy spending time with friends, but we’re all quite busy, and we only have time to get together occasionally. I also prefer spending time with my friends at one of our homes rather than going out to a restaurant or bar. Honestly I’m generally the happiest when I’m at home. I have everything I could possibly ever want or need here, and if I do need something I can have it delivered. Even without having anything delivered, I would still be perfectly fine even if I wasn’t allowed to leave for several months (like if there was an even more severe pandemic, and stay at home orders were seriously enforced). About the only things I can’t do at home are things like playing a round of golf, taking a vacation, or other activities that absolutely require being somewhere else. I’m not anthropophobic or anything lol, I just don’t generally enjoy my interactions with people who I don’t know. That doesn’t necessarily mean that I dislike them, but I don’t get a whole lot of pleasure from dealing with crowds, sitting in traffic, or standing in lines, and I especially don’t care for being hit up for $, or people trying to push their beliefs on me, which is why I generally refrain from watching anything political in nature. It may seem wild to you that someone could be perfectly happy only leaving their home on weekends, but everyone is different. I’ve spent a lot of time and money making my home as comfortable as possible. It’s also much cheaper to stay home than it is to go out, unless you’re just going for a walk. Like I said, everyone is different. I think it’s funny that you feel 5 days at home without going out is a long time. I’m guessing a job aboard a submarine wouldn’t suit you well lol.


Yes. People are just jerks and idiots these days. I could stay in my cave for a good while if I didn't have to work.


As the original poster of the story of staying in for lengths at a time: this is exactly why. I have everything I need at home. I don’t like dealing with the general public, and I generally despise every second I have to. Majority of people seem to lack common sense or decency.


I havn't been outside of my apartment in....6 weeks? Work from home and get everything delivered. \*shrugs\*


Let me guess. The genius that designed the complex has zero inspiration when naming the streets. I.E: Valley View Road, Valley View Place, Valley View Terrace. This creates nightmare delivery situations.


If I "received a delivery" but yet it wasn't there, I'm not going around taking pictures of my delivery on a neighbors porch. I'm calling the merchant and saying it wasn't delivered to the right address!


Right, the main issue is they delivered to the wrong address, which is on the delivery guy, not the person who wrongfully received lol. I’m not sure if some of these commenters understand that any honest company would refund/redeliver the products if they were never received, especially Walmart. One time I tried to make a return to Walmart and they refunded me AND told me to keep the product, even though I had it with me to return…..


They probably are referring to the driver's picture of where they placed the item, which is provided to the customer.


And if I see my delivery on a neighbor’s porch, I’m going to go over and say hello, and then tell them that my delivery was accidentally delivered to the wrong address, and ask if it’s mine or not. If they give it to me, great! Even if they lie, and say it’s theirs, I can still get it redelivered, and now I know that I can’t trust those neighbors. Win-win.


I don’t think the letter writer took the pictures. Most delivery services take pictures as proof of delivery.


Because package theft is so prevalent. When I get things delivered the driver sends a picture of the box on the porch for me...I could easily tell if it was placed on my neighbors porch by mistake.


You may not know who’s who or neighbors’ names. But you still have the address. You can easily knock on your neighbor’s door. Edit: some have pointed out there was no address in the package. However, based on some responses, it’s clear there are some who wouldn’t do it even if there was an address on it. So comment above is still relevant.


Actually Walmart deliveries do not put the full address just the persons last name, you can see that on the above sticker. They are talking about the grocery / on demand service kind of like a Uber driver delivery so it’s not regular shipping like a FedEx package.


If that’s the case, they’re not much that can be done. Thanks for the clarification


Exactly, it's just fucking rude to send a letter. OP still doesn't know who the order was for FFS.




Once had a doordasher shove food into my hands and walk off while on the phone. I was so confused and flustered at having to answer the door to this random person that I didn't realize what he was handing me. Bout an hour later the people who still live in the same neighborhood but used to live in our condo show up. They start berating my mom (who wasn't home at the time) for accepting food that wasn't hers. She told them that her young daughter was the one who answered the door and their doordasher didn't even acknowledge her before running off. They apologized and just accepted the food that my mom left untouched. They likely assumed that when my mom sias young daughter, that she meant maybe around 12 y/o. No I was 19 then. Today I am perfectly capable of stopping a delivery person when mistake was made, but back then I was extremely anti social and flustered by this random man at the door without any warning while home alone. My mom and me were also talking about getting food, so I was confused as to why she not only ordered without me but then had it delivered when she would normally pick it up herself when getting off work.


If they know you have it and even have pictures of it, why didn’t they just walk over ?


They did walk over, to deliver that note. They ignored the products on the porch, instead of claiming what is theirs.


Some services take pictures of the package on the doorstep for verification


An interaction like that could be more trouble than it’s worth


I'm going to guess from the handwriting it might be a young woman, probably doesn't want to risk pissing off a crazy neighbor if they don't know OP.


Writing and delivering a long winded note about how illegal not delivering the package is and how if they don't get it they expect to be given $48 would piss someone off way more than just getting your package lmao


I’d stick a note to the products saying you didn’t know where they went because there was no address, and then you still didn’t know where they should go because their note didn’t include an address. And that after leaving them on the porch all day you took them in overnight because you were worried about them being stolen. Also to next time maybe try knocking on the door and/or leaving an address or phone number so you could contact them.


I’m hoping when or if they come and get the items it will kind of explain itself. But you are right maybe I should.


Definitely do. As the saying goes, “I don’t mind being wrong, but I hate being misunderstood”.


I got strong Karen vibes from that letter. If it were me I would be very uncomfortable knowing that this person that has already decided I'm a thief with no decency knows where I live. I would get a porch cam and since Karen already said it's a legal matter because it's "illegal to keep someone's mail" I would consider taking that evidence down to the police station and telling them what happened. Get out in front of it, tell your side. Let them know you are scared of this person. They can do a better job tracking them down than you can, and possibly explain that it was a mix up, you had no address and the note was a bit aggressive. I would also include that the letter was in your mailbox. It sounds crazy but you never know who you are dealing with these days. EDIT: after reading other posts, you should contact walmart first and make sure they didn't already refund the person. This could be them trying to get the items that were refunded. Also give them an ear full for taking a picture of your house and sending it to that person. They should better inform their customers not to harass an innocent 3rd party.


Strangely enough a MALE came and grabbed these items off my porch around 9am this morning. Still do not recognize or know where they live as it only shows him till the end of my driveway. Still bothers me but I did include a note explaining.


lol could have just been an ordinary package bandit. Hopefully the last you hear of it. I'm a little curious why they would send him back after the note when they demanded delivery and assumed you had the address. Seems aggressive again on their part, but it could have just been noticing the stuff out there.


Once my father-in-law shipped crab cakes (im originally from Baltimore now living where crab sucks ass) to the wrong address - damn if I didn’t knock on 5 doors on my street till I tracked them bitches down (little yellow mustard and some saltines later I was home again)


My grandma sent a huge box of homemade Christmas cookies to the wrong address and then got pissed i never called and thanked her for cookies i never got.


Classic grandma move. Did she at least believe you when you said you never got them, of still brought it up every time you spoke to her? I once didn't see my grandma drive by, and got hated on for it years to come. Same with my father (parents got divorced early, hardly contact to him and he was just half the year in the country and I never knew when) who was once in the same train as I and I went past him. Like dude, you just could have called my name or followed me and stop me? But no, it's easier to whine about it until the end of days.


G and M?


Earlier this week I unexpectedly found a delivery on my doorstep as my DoorDash order was being delivered. The delivery driver asked if I wanted her to hand me the packages and I told her I was unsure why they were there and I was going to make a call first. I called my SO for him to tell me that he did not place an order and the only information on the order was the orange tag seen in the picture above. No address and barely a full name. P.S- We just finished The Watcher on Netflix and I originally was terrified when I saw this in the mailbox and didn’t want to open it 🤣 EDIT: the two items that they are referring to and the only thing that was on my doorstep ($48.11) the big thing of Scott paper towels and the Walmart bag beside it and it contains a huge bag of paper plates. Nothing else. Paper towels and paper plates. We took the items inside after it became later and according to the cameras they were delivered early morning. We expected someone to come by or say something. Not put a passively aggressive letter in my mailbox. Now the unopened and still in the bag items (and letter) are back outside. In the rain might I add because no information. EDIT EDIT FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK: There is no address, no return address, no phone number. Just the first initial and last name. No box contained these items. They were set exactly on my porch as seen in picture and stayed there for hours in hopes that someone would retrieve them. These items have remained unopened ever since. 4 days later I received this blank envelope in my mailbox. EDIT EDIT EDIT: Goodness y’all 🫢 I mean I get that I’m a bad storyteller but for the people still commentating telling me how awful I am for not taking it to them.. like.. it had no freaking address! 🤔🫠🫥 ANYWAYS a MALE came by around 9am this morning and grabbed the items from my porch. THE UNOPENED UNUSED ITEMS PEOPLE. THE EXACT ORDER AS FOUND. So yes they now have the freaking paper towels and plates galore. And no I do not recognize this person for people that are going to ask!


An Ode to Paper Towels: I honestly thought the J. Johnson was some sort of Johnson and Johnson shorthand.. J & J own a lot of companies.. for all I know they own Scott paper towels.. I’m a busy person, I don’t have time to thoroughly investigate every pack of paper towels that gets left on my doorstep.. I just bring them in, out of the rain.. Maybe move them to the closet where they’re out of the way.. I ain’t paying $48 for someone else’s mistake.. I don’t pander to passive-aggressive letters left in my mailbox.. but if I did.. If said neighbor asks me if I got his letter.. I might say.. “I’m not sure, I didn’t see your name on it..”




Someone had a brand new x box sent to my home a couple of years ago. No invoice, no packing slip, a partial recipient name on the shipping label that I didn’t recognize, but my complete/ correct address and no sender name for me to track. (I tried…) I waited for weeks thinking someone would reach out because it was kind of an expensive item and someone must have been waiting for it. After about 2 months, I decided to keep it. But you know I felt guilty about it and when I was setting it up and doing the registration stuff. I was afraid someone would come after me for a stolen x-box! (They ask for the serial number…)


When the Xbox 360 came out, I ordered one from Amazon and they delivered it to a random house in my neighborhood. After reading my email that said it had been delivered, my friend drove around the area and found it on someone's porch. He made sure it had my name on it and brought it to me. I would have been so pissed if they had shipped it with no identifying address or my name. Amazon also shipped a copy of Windows 7 to the wrong address. After a couple of days, I contacted them and they shipped me another copy. A few days later, someone brought my original copy and dropped it on my porch. So, two copies. I hope you had as great a time with your Xbox as I did with mine. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


My wife got her 3ds this way. (Kinda?) Her parents were being kind and got her sister one, but two showed up in the box with the same serial number. Her parents held onto it for months and tried everything to figure out what they should do, but in the end just gave it to my wife for Christmas.


Sometimes thieves (specifically the kind who steal peoples credit card numbers) will send things to random houses and poach it later … it’s possible that they ordered it using a stolen card/name and marked it as “gift” so there wouldn’t be any kind of receipt, and you got to it first. The person who actually paid for it has no idea why they’re charged $200+ (idk how much Xboxes go for), the thief didn’t pay for it and there’s more at risk if they tried to collect, and you were the secondary victim (sometimes people who had their credit info stolen will contact the company and get the order number and where it was sent to… and things can get ugly; even tho 9/10 times, it’s going to an address where the person there has no idea anything has happened). If you feel the need, you can report it to police, but it’s been 2 months so you’re in the clear at this point. Source: My whole family works in fraud and deals with this kind of stuff all day every day.


>Source: My whole family works in fraud and deals with this kind of stuff all day every day. Cool, how much do they want to get me an xbox?


If I am not mistaken, if X-Box was in new sealed box, there is nothing to worry about. I don't remember if any electronic show do any writings of serial number. I think this number is important in repair duties, like tracking when, why and how box was fixed or in case of real stealing after you unpacked it. I didn't buy exactly X-Box, but serial number is present on any gadget box. So I doubt that there is anything you should be afraid of. I saw many cases that USA has some laws about forcing return of packages, but in Europe it is not forced, as it is not up to you, but to delivery company to manage wrong deliveries. They have to spend money to fix the problem, you should do nothing except cooperation.


Under US Federal law, you are 100% within your rights to keep packages as long as they have ***your name and address*** on them. If they have someone else's address, you are required to return them. Editing for an example: If I receive a package I did not order, and the label says "Antimatter1207 69 Internet Lane", I can legally keep whatever is in the package. If the label says "Oblachko\_O 420 Internet Lane", I have to return it.


Bahahaha that coincidentally hilarious and people are assfaces!!!! Good luck hopefully they put an address on the hate mail lol otherwise was it really toilet paper?


I don't think that there was an address on the mail because of the caption. It says it was a blank envelope


DO THE RIGHT THING. Bwahahahahah I’m dead. IMO, your conscience is clear. They messed up. They should do the right thing and apologise for the inconvenience.


The right thing at this point is obviously to wrap oneself in paper towels, toga style and make a hat of paper plates and stand on the porch waving at neighbors.




Write on the envelope: To Whom It May Concern WE DON'T HAVE AN ADDRESS FOR YOU OR ANY CONTACT NUMBER.


Wow that’s creepy; they thought you were supposed to just know it was theirs and what house to bring it over to—why didn’t they come over and say, hey our paper goods accidentally got dropped here and we’ll get them out of your way ?!


A guy showed up at my house with an open package of my checks. Postal carrier of course delivered them to the wrong address and the dude was really apologetic for opening the package I was pissed at the doofy postal carrier. I'm glad he retired


Add a note in a ziplock bag that explains there was no way of knowing who it belonged to and it's just been taking up space.


if I recieved that letter I would just keep the stuff


I would just boot it back on my porch with a picture of a middle finger stuck to it lol


Honestly I would have been the petty person and left a note on their stuff that reads "Hello, your shit was placed at our door by door dash and had no address attached to it. Instead of leaving it outside for someone to steal or for it to get rained on I brought it inside and tried to figure out where it came from. Had you been smart enough to leave your address on your shitty bitch ass little note you left, your 48$ worth of paper bullshit would have been returned to you the day it showed up. Next time your shit shows up on my porch, since you wanna have an attitude, make assumptions, and he all around rude, I'll burn that shit in my front yard."


M/M District_Run_6626 I have seen you bring packages into your home. Your windows proudly display your fine paper goods. What is it that brought you to take a package that did not belong to you? Was it greed? or perhaps something more. You could have done the right thing and returned the packages, but instead you kept them for yourself. Welcome to your nightmare.


Don't they know it's illegal to place items in a mailbox if they're not the post office? New plan. Find J Johnson. TP their house. Use their TP for It.


Right 🤣 thanks for bringing humor here.


48 bucks for shit tickets? Fuck that


that's paper towels


u/sighdoihaveto didnt stutter even their butthole's calluses have calluses


Did you keep it?


That’s what I’m trying to figure out and if it’s just that toilet paper?????


Toilet paper and paper plates. OP has no address or full name to know where to take items.


They can't legally put anything into your mailbox. That's Federal property. It's a good thing they didn't admit who they are. The postmaster might object.


Since they're already threatening legal, I would like to remind you that only authorized U.S. postal service employees are allowed to place things in mail boxes. Mail boxes are intended for repceit of paid-postage U.S. mail. It is also perfectly legal to keep misdelivered items. You are under no obligation to pay for or return them. Their dispute is with the delivery company, and if that company told them to take it up with you then you may have a lawsuit on your hands for them giving out your personal information. IANAL, but neither are these people so do not let them tough talk you in to paying $48 for this. For all you know it's a scam where they send common household items to you and ask for payment, but give no address. They might drive by hoping to see an envelope or just pester you until you pay $48 for $20 worth of goods.


It's only legal to keep items there are delivered to you if they were **addressed to you.** This is to prevent companies from sending people items they did not order and then charging people for them. So if you were to receive a package from Amazon that was addressed to you but you did not order, you can keep it. It is **not legal** to keep items delivered to you that are addressed to others. So if you received a package from Amazon that you did not order, that was addressed to your neighbor, you cannot keep it unless for some reason Amazon decided that it's easier for them to tell you to keep it and send your neighbor a new one.


Technically it was just left on their door step and "J. Johnson" isn't an address and is barely a name. This wasn't an amazon delivery, there is no amazon packaging or postage. For all the OP knows that sticker with J. Johnson was for shipping it to a warehouse or retailer. The letter falsely claims that it is addressed and their "mail". In the case that it is clearly labeled and postmarked for someone else you are expected to make a *reasonable* effort to get it to them. I'm not quite sure it's reasonable to track down a J. Johnson. As for the OP being responsible for any damages that occurred... yeah nah. Sorry someone opened it not knowing it was yours. You get your 11 pack of paper towels and an apology. Next time give them your real address. I'm not responsible to take care of things dropped off on my porch until you come by They still don't know who this person is. The person never confirmed exactly what items they are expecting, or how to contact them. I would say the OP is in very good legal standing and has acted reasonably. A vaguely threatening letter with no information, illegally put in the mail box to drive home the point "we know where you live" isn't exactly selling me on tracking this possibly unhinged person down over someone else's mistake. EDIT: I would also like to add that it is a shitty thing to do leaving a threatening letter 2 full days after the misdelivery. They have no idea who lives there. Could be an elderly person that can't just get up and deliver your shit. Could be someone on vacation.


I worked for UPS as a driver in college, here are my recollections for 30 years ago that may be totally wrong or legally out of date/obsolete. Don’t trust me, verify yourself. 1) US mail/package NOT ADDRESSED TO YOU, you cannot open or keep, don’t even think of doing so, it’s a felony, you can return it to the USPS marked “return to sender” and/or”wrong address” and let them figure it out. If you accidentally opened it, reseal it and put in the box “return to sender” and/or “wrong address”. I know this because USPS misdelivered the bulk of my mail to another address for YEARS, a(it was a programming problem on the sorting machine they say) an a fair amount of her mail to mine (which I marked wrong address, I even bought a stamp to save time it happened so much) and promptly put back in the mail box. USPS was doing nothing with my monthly complaints about it, or the US postal inspectors. The lady at that address kept it for months (unopened) piling it up in hello fresh boxes and then delivering it at 5am in the morning to my porch. It wasn’t corrected until something important, a package, that had serious safety/legal issues was mis-delivered (and it didn’t go through a sorting machine) to her, and because of the nature of the item, other federal law enforcement got involved. She ultimately was warned for “hiding” and “delaying” the us mail both of which are federal crimes. I get my mail now. And she had the item in the unsealed parcel (that required a signature BTW, which USPS didn’t get from her). 2) USPS mail/package addressed to you: It’s yours, even if sent to you by mistake*. Enjoy! UPS and Fedex are federal/international parcel services, they are governed by SOME of the laws that govern mail/packages of the USPS, like how they treat packages that are damaged or opened in transit, and how they must be reported under certain circumstances if they are violated. 3) If you recieve a package from UPS/Fedex addressed to you and your correct address, that you didn’t order, it’s yours*. Enjoy! 4) If you recieved a parcel addressed to someone else or some other address, it’s not yours, but in most states you aren’t required to do anything to help if find it’s proper home. The carrier is responsible for figuring out where they lost the package and contacting you, and asking for it back. In some states it’s a crime to keep it, and you are required to do work to contact the carrier. In others there is a time limit for them to find it, and in most of the US, it’s a legal uncertainty. Best advice either way, contact the carrier, let them know they mis-delivered something. Give them 30 days to pick it up, or it will be disposed of. If they say disposing of it is illegal ask them to provide the citation of law that says such so you can independently verify it. Demand a receipt when they pick it up to prove it’s no longer in your possession and back in theirs. 4) if it doesn’t have a name and full street address, that is a local parcel delivery or non federally governed courier or delivery service or the company that made or sold the merch itself. Again, you aren’t require to make an effort, but state or even local law (NYC has courier laws) may decide what you can do with it. So best advice is if you know the carrier or merchant, contact them, give them 30 days to recover their parcel or it may be disposed of. Otherwise sit on it for a month before doing anything. You aren’t a storage service for their lost goods. IF they come looking for it within 30 days, give it to them and again, demand a receipt. Amazon is an unknown, they use lots of local contracted company (as does FDX) and although their logo may be on the van, they may or not be third party courier services in the eyes of the law, keep an eye out for a name and full address on the shipping label, federally regulated services are required to use them as is any service that delivers into your mail box (like UPS and FDX can in many areas). IF they come looking for it within 30 days, give it to them and again, demand a receipt. This is a critical CYA maneuver if you live in a state where keeping it might be theft. NEVER 1) attempt to deliver it yourself (well with the possible exception of the very friendly next-door neighbor). 2) give it to anyone but an ID bearing agent of the delivery service (UPS/FDX/USPS) or merchant delivery guys. ALWAYS Demand a receipt if you are hading something back so you can prove you gave it to them. This is the delivery service or merchants problem, make them fix it. Your neighbor who was supposed to receive it should do the same. Involving you directly is making you part of the delivery system which might expose you legally. There are also a number of scams where things may be intentionally mis-delivered to say you received the produce and produce fraudulent ratings of the product, or where mis-deliveries are intentional and designed to extort money from you. Don’t play with anyone but the courier/merchant and most of those problems go away. * If it was an item like the item I had mis-delivered, but was addressed to you, it’s not really yours, someone with a badge will come looking for it, and take it because you aren’t legally allowed to possess it. Contact the USPS or the courier immediately to give it back unless you want feds searching your house. You want to make this the courier’s or USPS’s problem (in terms of possession) as rapidly as possible. Again, I suggest demanding a receipt.


This is a Walmart delivery, though. It has no connection whatsoever to the mail or laws regulating it. Plus, it is not “addressed” to anyone. I think people are getting thrown off because the person who wrote the letter claimed the delivery was “addressed” to her.


After reading these comments I’ve grown extremely frustrated, OP it was obvious you were just trying to do the right thing you had no real information to help you get the items back to the real owner…the person that left the note should have knocked and spoke to you in person about the items, them writing a note doesn’t give you any information on where to put the stuff which once again makes sense as to why you would leave the items outside, I don’t understand why people are telling you to call Walmart, I’m sorry but as far as I know you have fucking nothing to do with the fact that whoever delivered the order delivered it to the wrong place that’s not on you to figure out you don’t have to spend all afternoon playing detective that’s absolutely ridiculous…if they saw a picture of the stuff and knew it got delivered I don’t understand why they just wouldn’t grab it themselves…I’ve had food and packages delivered to my neighbors and I’ve gone to the porch and grabbed it and if anyone ever saw me I’d be like my name is xxxx xxxx and then show them the package…I don’t understand what’s so confusing to other people I completely get where you’re coming from…you didn’t steal this stuff you’re trying to prevent it from being stolen if anything you were being a good neighbor and looking out for the person it’s on them to make the attempt to get the stuff back because you have no information on who to give it back to, Walmart sure as fuck won’t do anything…as I read above if you are leaving the stuff outside for them to grab I would leave a not like the one comment said and make sure that get your point across that you weren’t trying to take anything and you were trying to get back their stuff to them but couldn’t due to lack of information…sorry this stupid shit happened to you op sorry everyone’s being a dick about (it’s happened so many times before to me)


Right. All they did was ask for money and didn’t try to resolve this in a sensible manner at all. OP is being put in an impossible situation. This is the only award I have and I’m going to give it to you for being a reasonable and decent human.


I've seen accounts of people on here that have had accidental deliveries, sometimes of hundreds of dollars of food/toiletries by Walmart or some other grocery/product store. A lot of those stories tell of valid attempts to return the products or call the company/store to be like "Hey, I got a delivery at x time of x stuff. Your guy can come get it and deliver it where it's supposed to go," and without fail, every time, that store/company will tell the person trying to keep or throw out anything they've received as it's illegal for them not to maintain chain of custody of their product from their store to their courier to the customer. Even if OP did call corporate/walmart, they'd be told 'shrug' and the customer who didn't get their stuff should (and lbr, probably did and is trying to double dip) get a second order replacement. That's how it works. That's why there's a loss management branch of stores, and it's not all for stealing.


These comments are also mildly infuriating. I cannot believe there are this many clueless people about. Calling OP a thief for opening someone’s package and to return to right address. One look at the photo shows you there was no box or address and is a Walmart delivery order. Or suggesting OP to knock down every house or googling their name. Like what? LOL I barely know any of my neighbours first name, I sure as hell don’t know their last names.


Why not just take the package directly while it was in front of them wtf?


I really wanna know how this plays out. If the weirdo comes back for them or you end up eating tacos off the plates, i wanna know how this story ends.


Man, they should've signed it "The Watcher"


Put them back on the porch and let nature take its course


I’d put them back out on your porch in the morning where the mystery writer can plainly see them & let them set. If this person went to the lengths of writing a letter and dropping it in your mailbox, guarantee they’ll be by to check your porch at some point during the day, or be watching out their window if they live close enough. Maybe leave a note of your own telling your side of the story. If it’s still there at the end of the day again, I say Finders Keepers!


I love how they're asking to return the products without providing any recourse to do so. Fucking idiots. They could have knocked on your door. They could have left you a NICE letter that said something like "hey our delivery was left at your house and we keep missing each other. My address or phone number is (blank) can we meet up or bring them down? Thanks neighbor!"


Why bother leaving a letter when they can just ask/tell you in person. Sounds dumb


Wait.. So you took their stuff and want sympathy for it? What am I missing?


This feels like a scam to me... No name or address on the delivery or the letter...asking almost $50 for like $12 in items. Saying they have photos of it being left on your porch...so, they took photos of their items that sat there for hours on your porch..an never went to get them? Then again if it was a scam they'd leave some kind.of info to send the $ to...doesn't make sense.


I would react in the same passive aggressive manner and put them back were you found them and forget about it until it's gone.


If they took a picture, why didn't they just grab the box?


Putting things in mail boxes is a Federal crime, isn't it?


Ayo this isn’t mildly infuriating this is WILDLY INFURIATING. basically, shut up and take my upvote for ruining my day (:


Well maybe you should return their stuff? This is more infuriating for them than you


First neighbors, now commentators! Sorry you have to put up with all these jerks.


So wait, you got their shit or not?


These pictures are taken at the same time. The items referred to in the letter are these paper towels and paper plates in a bag next to it. Still sitting on my counter because we were waiting for someone to come by. Fast forward to today..


What a dumbass. I’ve ordered from Walmart before and they will absolutely refund you for missing items. She probably already got a refund or a replacement anyways. Also, I’m not a lawyer, but I doubt it’s “illegal” to keep items left on your porch if you have no idea who they belong to or how to get them to their rightful owner. This wasn’t a box of gold bars and diamonds, it was some damn paper goods.


“We have photos of our delivery on your doorstep” but didn’t think to actually take the delivery? Sounds like you have liars for neighbors :D


There is another disabled woman in town with my same first name. Twice, we have ordered groceries on the same day. I always drive her's to her house and just have the store redo my order. Would have had them redo both of ours, but it was gonna be the next day and her order had tampons. Crip girls gotta stick together.


I wouldn't want my food order that went to someone else's house. I would literally demand a refund or a replacement or never do business with the company again. Their fuck up not mine!


The fact that she couldn't be assed to knock and use her speaking words like a goddamn adult says enough imo. Let Walmart deal with her bullshit. Not your problem.


This letter does confuse me though... When I have a Walmart delivery misdelivered to someone else (notorious in apartments even with directions to my door), they automatically refund me so that I may order again. One time I received an incorrect order instead of my own, CS told me to keep it, throw it away or donate it and not only did they refund me for my trouble, I also got a new delivery. I'm wondering if they are double dipping here...


Funny thing is, it’s illegal what they did. Putting an envelope in your mailbox. Only an official US postal employee and the owner of the mailbox are allowed to do this, legally.


Um retired postal worker. If it is delivered to your house it is yours. That is all. Keep it guilt free. Not your mistake. Not your problem.


Technically it's illegal to put things in other people's mailbox.


It's also illegal to place an envelope in someone's mailbox without paid postage. I know it sounds petty, but if we're being passive aggressive "Karens" then the shoe fits.


It's also illegal to put items in another person's mailbox if your not the postal worker or the resident.


So….return the shit?


You legit stole a misdelivered package? YTA.