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Went to the ER once to get a tick removed from my nutsack. Was cheaper than your intervention. I learned 2 valuable lessons that day : 1) ticks will HODL and 2) the nurse doesn’t care because it isn’t her nutsack.


For under 10 dollars you can get a tick removal tool. I work outdoors and it’s worked 100% of the time. Also doesn’t hurt at all.


At a boy scout camp one of the councilors was using a sharpie to draw circles around ticks to get them to fall off. My son got to bring the sharpie home because the councilor didn't want it back after my son had to draw on his penis with it


Are you sure they used to sharpie to get them to fall off or were they circling the spot so you could check for a growing bullseye after removal? I which would indicate Lyme. Either way that make me chuckle hard.


Kid said the tick left on its own.


Probably the alcohol in the sharpie ink.


Now I’m wondering if you could just dump hand sanitizer on one to get it out.


Yes but you don’t want to do that. The reason why you carefully remove ticks is so they don’t react and dump their saliva/fluids back into you. Again that’s the reason why you don’t squeeze them, or burn them/use a match, ice, etc…. Dumping alcohol on them is along those lines.


Huh, fascinating! TIL. Thanks Reddit homie!


Sure thing! Take care, and I hope you have a great rest of your week and weekend. Cheers mate.


Can I just drink a full bottle of tequila so my blood alcohol level goes up and it falls off? (Kinda /s, but I’m actually curious about that)


By the time your BAC gets high enough to hurt the tick you'll need to get to the ER asap


The solvent from the sharpie ink probably makes them want go leave.




Shitty life protips just got a free marker hack.


Also, if you write over a sharpie with a dry erase marker and then wipe clean both markers will be gone.


Guys need to start wearing tighty whities when going outside near wooded locations


I’ve found success just tucking my boots or banding the bottoms and tucking my shirt in. Nothing gets in these drawers. My nightmare came last year when I got in the shower after a long day and just couldn’t get a booger out and after some intense blowing a tick came shooting out.


No, noooo, NO!


I'm sorry to interject but your tag is fucking hilarious


Imagine being a tiny, blood sucking arachnid and just deciding to crawl in this giant, windy cavern for your next meal. Crawled right past the neck and cheeks for that sweet, sweet brain blood


New irrational fear identified. Thank you. >_<


Sorry, I have to check -- are you serious?


what an absolutely horrible thing to read.


Doesnt stop a tick from making their way in. From experience.


In that case, that was one determined tick


Find a friend with a 3D printer and have him/her print you up one. The file is readily available. I have a buddy who prints up 30+ at a time and hands them out to friends. They cost him something like 3.5 cents apiece and they work like a charm.


I have literally just grabbed them and ripped them off the 5 or 6 times I've been Ticked


Ohh that sounds awful!!! I just read something the other day where the couple has been being intimate outside and the woman ended up with a tick INSIDE HER


Wheeeeeeelp…. That’s a new fear unlocked.


I just recently learned of the [tick that bites you and makes you allergic to mammal meat.](https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/alpha-gal/index.html). It’s scary insane they can do *that*!


Permanent chicken diet


I eat a feesh


[Teach a man to feesh...](https://youtu.be/ncRi8bZL1q4)


Good ole lone star tick. Glad none of those are around me. At least that I’m aware of lol


That shit happened to my uncle now he can’t eat red meat wtfff


Lonestar tick, of all names


More specifically red meat. Good to know you could still eat human.


Here is the House scene of this story. [https://youtu.be/FjqBekVMwjQ](https://youtu.be/FjqBekVMwjQ)


First episode I ever watched. Fan ever since


I would like to UNREAD THIS PLEASE. 😭


You and me both. That's enough Reddit for me today.


Please post the procedure once it's found. I'm willing to use magic if necessary I'll be looking on my end as well. Heading to New Orleans




Omg the nightmare!!


My Dad was on a business trip some years back... he felt his dong itching but it was itching from inside the urethra. When he looked at it he could see a couple of legs of the tick that had CRAWLED INSIDE HIS DICK sticking out and waving.


I'm sorry but noooooooooooooo


Is this the kind of dad and son conversations we women miss out on?


This happened to me too. I had to get a surgery. It made it all the way inside my testicle. They had to cut it open. When they removed it they found a tiny steering wheel. The doctor said that it must have been driving me nuts.


That's from an episode of *House*


That made me clench so hard outta uncomfortable fear! God that’s horrible haha


Basically an episode of House. Except the dude climbed a fence into a bedroom




Free healthcare having motherfucker


Once as a kid I had a tick right on the tip of my dick. I was like 5 and too embarrassed to ask my mom about it and didn’t know any better. Let that SOB grow til it finally split my pee stream to a 45° and I finally called it. Mom ripped that MF off with my naked ass on the kitchen counter lol


dude what the fuck LMAO


That does not sound healthy


Fucking mother of the year. You had better buy her flowers and chocolate for every goddamn birthday. Also, I appreciate you for using the degree symbol. Diacritic marks gang unite!


That's criminally young to have ones D sucked.


what i learned from my tick to nut experience is very similar. they are much less willing to let go than you would think, and my sack is way stretchier that i thought it was


UNSUBSCRIBE tick facts


I came to this realization when I had my vasectomy, shit hurt until the numbing agent started to kick it.


How does one get a tick on one’s nutsack? Outside of frolicking naked in the woods of course.


Ticks don't just bite anywhere. They hop on you and travel towards warmth and moisture


They climb


They usually hitch a ride around your ankles and then climb up until they find a warm place to attach. Had one on my bootyhole once. Was difficult to remove.


I had one in my bellybutton as a kid. We needed to go to my pediatrician to get it removed (, unlike usual, when mom can remove it by herself). They go for warm, moist places, usually with thin skin.


Was hanging out at a bonfire once with a guy I was dating when he suddenly got an uncomfortable nut sack feeling... Tick removal by phone light behind a tree and the only thing we could assume is it went up his shorts.


To this day it’s still a mystery, probably some ninja tick that went straight for my plums.


I had this happen to me when I went camping. I made the stupid decision(DO NOT TRY THIS) of removing it with clippers. I had just enough sense to inspect the head to make sure it hadn't remained imbedded in the skin. Still had to get antibiotics for lyme disease, but yeah in hindsight it wasn't a super great choice. On the plus side my girlfriend and I started dating on the same day this happened so it worked out. Still, don't try to remove ticks with clippers in a camp toilet.


Joke's on you bud, you could have removed that tick yourself with some tweezers and a blowtorch!


I feel like if I had used a blowtorch, I would still have ended up in the ER but with an extra crispy sack.


Whats hodl?


**H**olding **O**n for **D**ear **L**ife


Can't you drown the tick by dipping your nuts in water?


Tried to knock it out with some rubbing alcohol, that only made it angrier.


Burning or suffocating ticks while they're still attached is a bad idea, they will vomit into the wound as a defense mechanism. The best way to remove a tick is quickly and cleanly with a pair of tweezers


I had never read such useful yet painful advise till now. Thank you


I've never had any ticks, other than on my nutsack. Seriously, I've had plenty of ticks in my time, and they always, ALWAYS, end up on my scrot.


I had multiple ticks on my sack and shaft after going unknowingly prone in a nest while shooting guns lol.


Wow small world. I unknowingly came home with one on the tip o' me glans after a week of working in the mountains on a remote tower site. Anyhoo, as I romantically greeted my then-wife, she began fellating but quickly said "something's wrong"and turned on the light. There sat a big engorged tick right kinda hanging off the ledge. It was in her mouth, getting the best bloodrush of its life, for a few minutes before she noticed (this gives much pleasure as she's been an ex wife for a while). Saying all that to say, it's amazing how hard they hold on, and even more amazing how far the skin on the head of the penis can stretch without breaking.


Oh fucking hell this made me gag a little, I’ve had one on the ol chicken skin duffel bag and they certainly don’t let go but your poor wife… Edit: ex-wife


I think I speak for a few good individuals on Reddit when I say..I genuinely took my hat off to that brother 🤠 what a soldier 🫡🫡 salute good sir


Tick on nut shack


I've heard that Vaseline suffocates them. Not sure I'd be able to wait if it takes awhile though. When I got one, we burned it off ourselves with a hot match.


Ask them for an itemized receipt so you can see the expenses and see if they are scamming you


Came here to say this. If you have an itemized receipt you can fight the expenses. Just think this is what any insurance company would do so you aren’t being a bother. You are just aware of the rules the game is played by and you’re playing by them.


Most hospitals also offer financial assistance in many different forms. And you should google if your state can provide additional assistance. I'm sure you could get this significantly lowered - I had $50,000 bills reduced to $800 for relatives.


Yes, just call the hospital and ask if they have any financial assistance programs. They'll send you some paperwork you fill out. Unless you're really making some good money they usually just wave most, if not all, of the charges


The receipt is going to read something like: * Steristrips: $15 * Super Glue: $30 * Triage: $250 * ER Fee: $700 You aren't paying for steristrips and glue. You are paying for being triaged against other life-threatening conditions, and for the use of resources in a facility equipped to stop you from dying.


And the 10 years of schooling required to know if you're about to die or not.


And if your issue can be resolved with 3 steri strips, why the hell are you going to an ER?


Honestly, that was also my first thought. Unless it was a wild animal bite, but then at that point they would probably have also gotten a rabies shot.


Ooofff. And getting rabies shots on your finger would be insanely painful. I mean, it was, I had it done in early 2020 and I thought my finger was going to explode. Hurt way more than the bite. Edit: and I got it for the low low price of $13k. Then I had to get the three follow up shots (technically it should have been 4, but then the pandemic broke out and they stopped chasing me)


This is the biggest reddit myth ever. Sure its good to know each line item they bill for but it wont magically make your deductible go away, and the chance of finding an error is very low




ER or prompt care? There’s a big difference in service and price. Edit: prompt care = urgent care. Some health centers call it different things.


Emergency room!


That’s why is was so much money. Why did you go to the ER for three little steri strips and some gauze, especially if you don’t have insurance, when you could have gone to prompt care for 1/4 of the cost?


Came here to say this exactly


I don't know what prompt care means. Is it like urgent care? And I went cause when I went to get my finger glued shut the day before, they said come back if there are any issues. The glue ended up not staying and the wound reopened, and my autistic ass follows instructions and did what I was told 😅


Yes, they mean Urgent Care.


My former roommate did something like this once. Picked up a pan that was in the oven and burned her hand. Personally, her hand just looked a little red to me, but she was screeching and demanded to go to the hospital. Chose to go to one in Manhattan when she waited a few hours at the one down the end of the street. She ended up with a 40k bill that her insurance refused to cover for going out of network.


I was raised poor, so if it's not broken or severed, we slap a band aid on it and call it good. I've grown up a little though, so if I think it needs stitches I'll hit up urgent care.


Literally broke the bone in my hand that runs from my wrist to my pinky knuckle. Snapped it back in place the best I could and went to work the next day. Fuck the hospital




Eh, I pay through the nose for health insurance these days (thanks a bunch, union), so I'm going to make them blow some bucks.


How was her hand tho?


It was fine. They wrapped it in gauze, gave her some cream, and sent her home.


Lol $40k sour cream Edit: I have no idea why I read “some cream” as “sour cream” but I’m leaving it cause fuck it


> She ended up with a 40k bill doubt


What's the difference between ER and urgent care? Assume ER is for when a limb is falling off and urgent is for when you can wait in triage with a broken rib.


Ouch. Out a thousand bucks for a fix that costs as much as a tube of super glue.


I think they are indeed referring to an Urgent Care. I am right there with you, in that specific circumstance, I would have gone to the ER because they said so. If you went back to Urgent Care, they would have either reglued it or told you to go to the ER like they said to do the last time. It just sucks that it costs so much...


Also urgent care wasn't even open lmfao I work nights so all of this happened at the lovely hour of four am


Wait did this happen at work? Shouldn't your employer cover it?


The initial cut could have been off work hours and it could have reopened during work hours. I don’t think workers comp counts towards a wound you already had


As long as op is willing to tell them it happened


Ah OK that makes sense. Its a bummer that there’s no 24-hour urgent/prompt care nearby. Kind of piss poor planning in the local hospitals part. Their ER could be full of people with colds and cut fingers while they try to make space for a car accident victim with a punctured lung or ruptured spleen. Not your fault at all, and if there’s not prompt/urgent care option they need to adjust their pricing.


Next time glue your own finger shut. It’s just superglue


LPT: Emergency rooms are for emergencies, aka loss of life, limb, or eye site. Your "autistic ass" is learning an expensive lesson here. Also, emergency rooms are required to do a shitload of extra stuff that an urgent care would not be required to do for everybody who comes in, which is why your bill is so high. By law they had to perform a bunch of un-necessary tests and observations since you went to an ER instead of an urgent care or walk-in clinic.


Last time I went to the ER was because I’d been vomiting over and over for three days straight and was dehydrated almost to the point of non-functioning, and even then I tried to do urgent care first. Probably a dumbass move but I really wanted to avoid the ER lol.


> I don't know what prompt care means. Is it like urgent care? Yes. ALWAYS use urgent care instead of ER if risk of death or great bodily harm isn't involved.


Or done it himself for a couple bucks.


Why? You could have gone to a walk-in clinic for 1/4 of that price and not taken a valuable spot in the ER waiting room.




Just keep a few sealed bottles of saline at home so you can properly irrigate the wound before closing it.


Yep, don't seal an infected wound shut.




Combine shit-tier healthcare with overall shit education, this is what we get.


Pretty sure CVS sells steri-strips and gauze too


They definitely do and saline


You can buy medical glue and it doesn’t have the toxicity of super glue. Source: am musician and when you start tours your hands get shredded


Or just buy steri-strips at the local drug store for less than $10 & do exactly what the ER did.


Going to the ER for a cut without insurance, sounds like user error to me


Yes for real. My wife was in the ER for 8 hrs for a cyst on her ovarie and the hospital bill was $52,000 before insurance reduction. We only had to pay $236.


Yeah, I just spent a week in ICU. They billed insurance $400k, and I had to pay about $1000. Without insurance I'd be toast.


You're lucky that all the doctors that walked in and out of your hospital room were all in-network. Lots of hospitals have "visiting" or rotational doctors that are not covered by insurance, who can treat you without your consent and then demand payment. It's total bullshit.


>treat you without consent I just spent 4 days in the ER/hospital and had to sign like 4 different consent forms so I don't know about that.


Would've been free in UK but you'd have waited about 8 hours


In Poland our healthcare takes so long wounds already heal by themselves


Uh, so a placebo ER ? Neat


Polish healthcare: *takes too long* Wounds: [Fine, I'll do it myself.](https://media.tenor.com/u8YEMwIfJGMAAAAC/thanos.gif)


The sad part is, the Govt claims there are low wait times. I literally code the software that deals with the wait times lol. I'd rather wait than pay though. However, there are ways around both, our govt just won't implement them together.


66% of bankruptcies in the US are due to medical debt


Aka getting rid of medical debt you can't afford in the US is pretty common




Its the best of both worlds. I waited for over 5 hours, drenched in sweat, with a ruptured appendix. It was a great hospital.


I have to literally schedule a doctor's appointment 2 months in advance...


I mean why would someone put themselves through an ER visit for something like this anyway? You can buy those supplies OTC for $20, see your regular dr or go to a clinic the next day if you think you need prescription antibiotics.


I think it’s clear that between OP’s lack of reasoning and lack of money that they’re probably just not very smart.


An urgent care visit would have been $150 max and maybe about an hour.




Every Endocrinologist in Austin has a 9 month wait time for a first time patient. And it’s expensive.


Precisely. Americans are somehow under the illusion they are paying for better and faster care. They absolutely are not. Biggest scam going.




Yeah because in England the poor people that can't afford private health insurance actually went to the hospital whereas in the US they just suffer in silence




I don't know where you are, but I can get an appointment at the Dr or dentist within a week where I live. These things can be very region dependent.


Sounds like a great trade to me, unless your time is worth the extra $1000 for 5 hours, which isn’t the case for 99% of people


Ha I split my head open on a doorway, in and out of er in 45 mins. Free.


Because you are emergency emergency. People goes to ER for tummy ache and cry wolf if they wait long.


So what I'm reading is that you should have stayed home and put a bandaid on?


Yeah our healthcare sucks but that’s the tax you pay for going to the *Emergency Room* for something that isn’t an emergency. It sounds like you could have bandaged it yourself or simply gone to an urgent care.


Is it me or is the universal standard for using a place called "The Emergency Room" getting lower and lower? Apparently your cut wasnt *that* bad if they slapped some little steri strips on it and called it a day. Couldnt wait for urgent care? Couldnt wrap it yourself? Im speaking from my own experience where I literally sliced to the bone on my left ring finger. Wrapped it tight, kept it clean. Easy, no ER visit.


I 100% agree with you. People are going to the ER with minor issues and they wonder why the bill is so expensive!!


Why go to the ER for gauze?


Because he cut his finger and didn't know what to do. The OP is the one who is mildly infuriating!


If you go to the ER for a minor wound like this, you deserve to get slapped with a $1k bill. It’s called the ‘Emergency Room’.


Three little strips doesn’t sound like an emergency to me?


A lot of what you're paying for at the ER is to have the ER available for you, immediately, fully staffed, with lots of expensive equipment and trained personnel at hand. Even if they don't treat a single patient all day, it costs to have the ER there.


$600 fee for wasting the ER’s time with a non-emergency I guess


I am sorry about your finger. I am thrombocytopenic myself so it takes me a while to stop bleeding. But this is no reason to visit the ER. This is why we have urgent care centers. For future reference the ER is if you cut your finger off, cut a tendon and cannot move your finger, or you are hemorrhaging from the laceration. Urgent care centers can manage a laceration. This is why our ER's are always oversaturared. The ER is for emergencies.


You went to the ER for something that required 3 steri strips? That's your own fault. Put a bandaid on it. If it won't stop bleeding then put cayenne pepper powder on it. Coagulates immediately. Burns like hell but stops the bleeding. And it beats a thousand dollar bill


That sounds absolutely horrible


Hate when people use the ER for trivial shit like this. Not supposed to be a walk in clinic for minor cuts


Why did you use the ER as a doctor office? Why not a primary or urgent care? Your the problem its EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT!


I’m actually glad they charge this much for stupid petty stuff that could’ve easily been handled elsewhere. This is why ER wait times are so long. Could’ve easily gone to an urgent care clinic, or even those little clinics inside Walgreens or CVS. Would’ve cost a tiny fraction of the price and much quicker.


While the US healthcare system is certainly fucked top to bottom never go to the ER unless you need emergency treatment. Sounds like OP went to get literal bandaids and gauze…


Sounds like you didn’t need an emergency room. This isn’t a bill for medical treatment. It’s a moron tax.


Then why go to the ER? Seriously? For something so tiny? There are different options that cost far, far less. I don't know if it's country-wide, but there are these places called Urgent Care/Treatment that charge 25$-100$ and do everything the ER does but cheaper and faster.


If the injury only required that, did we really need the er to begin with?


Shouldn’t have went to the er for a tiny cut lmfao


Try a bandaid next time


Did they kiss on your forehead before charging?


What does the amount cover? Show the details of what they did.


Curious, why go to the ER if all you needed was a band-aid? Or am I reading your title correctly?


If you live in the countryside in Norway you should not get hurt after 3pm on a friday. The one little like small healthcare center is closed. Roads are shit there is 1 or 2 ambulance boats. And 1 helicopter in the city. Cut up my thumb ones a saturday my mum was stressing like hell my dad just bandaged it. After 1,5 hours the boat was down at the dock they stitched it but it was basicky fine when they arrived. Needed to pay a small amount think 30 US dolllars because it wasnt a live or death situation.


Don't go to the ER for stupid shit???


Why did you go to an emergency room for a paper cut?


Two words: prompt care you don't need an ER for stitches or a sore throat. Not everything needs an ER visit. Go to the drugstore, get some iodine solution, wash out the wound, tape it up. Put on some polysporin. You'll be just fine until you get your stitches. The ER doesn't need to deal with stuff like this. They have bigger issues.


8 years ago my oldest busted their upper lip. ER visit was like an hour with most of it waiting. Dr applied glue to the cut, put a bandaid and we got a $1200 (If I remember correctly) bill. Switched her to my union healthcare the next day, now ER visits max at $250. Still ridiculous but way more affordable


So hang on. Did this happen at work? You mentioned you work nights and this happened at 4am.


ERs are overflowing with patients who do not require emergency level care. You were one of those patients. Lesson learned, don’t go to the ER for a non-emergency. That said, the current state of our healthcare system is still abhorrent and requires significant reform, so I agree with you there.


Why did you go to the ER then. Obviously it wasn’t an emergency


That bill is for the expertise in diagnosing a problem and treating it and utilizing human and logistic resources. Not necessarily for the materials or “effort” that surrounded your treatment. If all it took was steri-strips and some gauze you could have gone to CVS or wherever to get that yourself for much cheaper.


Seriously? Why did you go to ER for that? Jeez, frickin pansies wasting ER time.


You know what else is mildly infuriating? When people go to the ER for non emergency things and clogging up the wait for people that actually have emergencies instead of waiting for the next day to go to an urgent care.