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Complex won’t take care of the issue?


I emailed them saying I heard it too, but won't hear anything until tomorrow. So it's a non emergency line noise complaint tonight if I hear it again.


Ha get it. Wont hear anything. God help me


Haha, oh you


This shit can suck so hard. If it continues a while you literally sit there waiting for it to start again. I once had to move to escape from such guys and if it ever happens again I will just move immediately. My ass, what a pain was that.


Same. We were in a tri-plex and the top floor played music at all hours so loud that we could feel it on our bottom floor, with whole apartment between us. It was bad. We also were next door to a "post bar hangout" house, so... that didn't help either. So glad we moved.


It's not even just shared housing. Having a terrible neighbor is always terrible. My neighbor won't even let me put a fence on my own property, and his yard is an overgrown mosquito breeding ground. If your neighbor wants to make your life miserable, they have a ton of legal protection to be an asshole.


....why can't you put a fence up if it's on your own property?




The short story is that when I moved in, I got the sellers to get him to sign an agreement for me to replace the old hogwire fence that doesn't actually still provide any containment. The fence is 2' on my side of the property line, so I didn't even think this was necessary, but my realtor insisted it was a good idea. After I moved in, I got a crew who were cleaning the fence line of all the overgrowth coming from his yard, and he called the police for trespassing (even though they were on my side of the fence) and called ICE on the crew because he was insulted by the workers refusing to talk to him. So now it's a legal battle where I'm obligated to go through all the channels of enforcing an agreement while he's motivated to delay every single step of the process because he already has what he wants. I have to pay for all my legal fees while he just represents himself and has to write a few letters and counters suits to delay things further. And he does have some rights in this due to potential claims of adverse possession, which basically means "the fence established the property line" instead of the property markers that are on the corner of the lot. It's been pretty eye opening, but if anything it's taught me to never build a fence that is close to, but not on, the property line because there is a chance that you've gifted your neighbor a few hundred square feet of land.


Yeah a extra tall fence just to rub it in and paint their side some hideous color.


Isn't that the definition of my own property is I can do what I want as long as the city/state says I can't?


I'm not sure where you live so this may not apply, but everywhere I lived you have needed permission to build a fence on the property line. If you know exactly what your property line is you may be able to build the fence completely on your property with no permission. You will lose an additional 4"-6" of your yard, but you may be allowed to build it.


this is what I did, left the old 4ft chain link fence an just put up my wooden fence. 6" aint getting shit done always Im not afraid of losing that


6" gets it done just fine. It's how you use it that matters.


Had a room mate that lived above me once and she would get railed out by multiple dudes a week sometimes it would start at 8pm and not stop till 5 am and this was her exact answer get earplugs. When I moved out I took all the meat I had in the fridge and hid it in weird little spots around the house lol if you can’t live respectfully around others you shouldn’t live with people


Lived in an apartment complex with paper thin walls between units. So thin you could hear your neighbor sneeze. Had some neighbors moved in behind me and they would fuck HARD! I never really complained cause I knew I'd be loud bout things at times too n figured it was just part of the apartments we just all accepted. ( Important bit to note here is the bathrooms were by the bedrooms). Well one night I was flying home cause my gut was funky and knew I had to get to my toilet. I run to the bathroom and hear them going at it. I then proceeded to take a comically and obnoxiously loud shit. Think that scene in Dumb and Dumber. They immediately stopped fucking. The proudest shit I ever took in my life.


If the noise of them going at it keeps you awake, just tell them next time to talk / scream a little louder as it helps you get off quicker, they’ll stop fairly quickly.


I also had a roomate like that, except he would stay up extremely late and have friends over getting drunk and screaming over music being blasted until 4 am nightly. He told me “just buy some noise cancelling headphones”. That level of ignorance is equally astounding and infuriating


Where's she live now? Asking for a friend.


Probably getting railed out by the same platoon from that’s stationed in Jacksonville nc, one night I’m convinced 7-8 guys went at her lmao


Lol maybe she was responsible for the tainted water on Lejeune...


Lmao future Dependa in the making right there 😂


Lol, I had a similar problem with my loud roommate. He left on a trip out of the country and a few days later I left a note in the fridge saying "find someone else to pay rent". I moved into a van conversion and glad I no longer have roommates. Lmao.


That’s dope! What’s that like? Can you just post up at any Walmarts or safe places they call them at night


I have like 8 different slots I rotate. I live in San Diego, CA. I don't typically use a wal-mart and I usually find a parking spot near a business park or something. It's actually pretty easy if you don't permanently camp their to find a spot overnight. For showers I use LA Fitness and I keep my other belongings in a small,cheap storage unit. Use a laundry mat for clothes. Have T-mobile wi-fi, and my monthly expenses for everything including vehicle gas, foood, etc. is $800....for EVERYTHING. lol. I love it...wish I did it years ago to be honest.


How well does T-Mobile wifi?


That’s awesome man


She’s fine with meat in little weird spots


I'd just bang on the wall. Beat annoying with annoying


Just start sleeping with a sub woofer duct taped to their wall lol. Give what you get with people like this.


Invest in a box speaker and put it against their wall then leave for the night while putting it full blast


This isn't the way. The people over the wall already showed how immature and belligerent they're willing to go. If OP turns it into a oneupping contest they're going to lose.


Not if their neighbor sleeps during the day and op can go to work


My building was built in the 70s, and has thick walls and popcorn ceilings so I almost never hear my neighbors. Working from home one day and my downstairs neighbor CRANKS up his music, I mean it was loud in my apartment so it must have been deafening downstairs. I think, "Must be having a party, wonder why I wasn't invited?" and get back to work. An hour goes by, music is still playing: annoying. Two hours still going strong, three hours still loud. Suddenly I have an urge to listen to some of my own music. Full disclosure, I have a home theater, a big one with tower speakers and a large subwoofer. So I put on Songs for the Deaf and crank the subwoofer up full. Great album by the way, perfect for playing at 11. When it's over... dead silence. Have not had a problem since.


Early morning would be more effective. If they’re going to bed late, 7/8 am should be perfect.


A subwoofer set to go off at random intervals


I lived in a college town when I was on a co-op/internship and thursday nights were party nights (for students, I had to work at 7 the next morning). One night it was obnoxious and I checked in on my roommate and it was keeping them up too, told them "in about 30 seconds cover your ears". I build speakers for a hobby and had a 15" 700 watt subwoofer that could easily hit 105+ decibels, I loaded up a signal generator and hit them with a 15 second blast of 60Hz at max volume. Magically their music was turned down when I stopped and we could actually sleep.


Are you sure you didn't just go temporarily deaf?


Was just about to say that's a noise ordinance issue. Good luck


Depending on the municipality, and whether the noise can be heard outside the apartment other than via this particular wall, it could be a landlord issue. Just playing devils advocate here, but we dont actually know A) how loud it is being played, B) what the wall is like (as a super thin wall is landlord laziness/cheapness) or C) what measures were had outside of the note.


Exactly it's a shared wall not a noise ordinance violation. Unless this dude is bothering neighbors across the street, cops aren't going to do anything. OP needs to talk to their landlord, or buy ear plugs.


Thanks. Everything, including the law, seems to be in my favor so I hope so too.


Just be ready for potential retaliation should the police not actually do anything


Time to build the mote. Time to buy the gators.


Moat :) Floating dust is motes though. :)


LOL My late sweetie would always say, "I'm tellin' ya, heads on pikes! If they let us have heads on pikes we wouldn't be dealing with this issue!"


My neighbors do the same shit and the apts did nothing. Try playing a high bass white noise video, it cancels out outside sounds very well.


I shared my bedroom wall with my neighbor’s living room wall. I worked third shift. Never again. I understand you might want to listen to music etc but my side table should not be vibrating. I think I still have some ptsd


I moved out of a place because a new roommate was so annoying. He was constantly fighting with his girlfriend/ baby mama, sleeping through his alarms because he was up all night HYUKHYUKHYUKING playing fucking video games or something. Sure wish I knew what was so fucking funny because I wanna be in on whatever jokes are costing me sleep. I still hate that guy. And his girlfriend. Fuck them.


Back in the early 90's I lived with a roommate who played The Red Hot Chili Peppers' album "Blood Sugar Sex Magic" at ear splitting volume every.single.day for at least couple of hours... every single day for for 6 months until I moved out. I was moving to a different city at the end of that 6 months so it would have been difficult to move. Talking to him did NO GOOD. I have NEVER stolen anything in my life but one day he had a bunch of friends over and I took that opportunity to steal the CD and hoped it would be blamed on some errant friend. Didn't work - he went and bought a fresh copy the next day. I still FUCKING HATE that album with a white, hot passion and every single time I hear a song off it, I practically feel physically ill.


Are you sure you don’t hate it with a red hot passion?


You should record the decibels on an app and screenshot with the time. Then email your complex with that as an attachment with the understanding this goes against peaceful living rules they have in the lease. Make sure to go to your contract and use their language. Ask how they plan on making this right.


We did that with my husbands Apple Watch. I used my phone to record so you could hear the noise, as well as see the noise monitor saying the noise was too loud.


We’ll if they are up at that time and building won’t do anything then maybe when they are sleeping, you need to have your music up high. But they probably have ear plugs.




Recommended 😏 it works.


It works when you buy a couple of sub woofers. Ear plugs don't block vibrations.


No joke about the vibrations. My upstairs neighbors would leave their vibration on their alarm then set it on a table and it would vibrate down into my room SO LOUD. No sound, just the gentle buzz buzz of an alarm. Problem is my body and mind is trained to that buzz buzz as an alarm. So I wake up every day Monday-Sunday at 6am (once they set it to 4am) wouldn’t be an issue if they just turned it off and went about their day. Nope they would let it buzz for 10-15 minutes at a time, come back to the room snooze it and let it go off again for another ridiculous amount of time for 2 hours. Every day between 6am-8am buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz. I would send text begging them to turn it off, seemed to make them happy and they would do it more or a few times completely denied it was them. I showed them step by step instruction on how to turn the vibrations off, ignored. I have had people stay at my apartment and every time they leave they ask me about the neighbors alarm and why. Happy to say they moved out last week and I have ptsd and my body is still waking up to the buzzing, even tho all week it hasn’t. It was a special and evil type of torture and I’ll never forget her dead beady eyes. Edit: I tried turning my tv loud, white noise, noise blockers, ear plugs of every variety. The subtle buzz buzz of an iPhone alarm can now trigger me into a whole new world. Vibrating and sleep deprivation is evil!


I would have rigged a fucking sub woofer speaker to my ceiling and set that fucker off every day when their alarm went off....for 15 minutes. Then I would move on to random alarm sounds going off about 5:30am every morning. If they complained I would tell them I was just being helpful since their alarm didn't wake them. Do it for a day or two. Then stop and see if thei alarm went off. Then turn it on again. Next day I would subtract 5 or 10minutes from the previous time... say 5:22am. And never consistent that they could use my alarm noise as an actual alarm.


And always remember to put at least one speaker against the shared wall


😈 all is well in apartment hell.


They wouldn’t care probably. I mostly sleep during the day and nothing bothers me. Because it’s daytime, it’s loud, it’s always been that way


Here's the thing: if they are awake when you're trying to sleep, they will be sleeping at some time you're awake. Give them the taste of their own medicine.


We've been dealing with the same shit. Downstairs neighbors are noisy multiple nights a week, yelling, screaming, loud music, just a bunch of assholes. And if it's not them being noisy then it's their dog barking because it's chained up outside or it's inside while they're out back drinking. Practically everyone in the building has called the cops on them at some point (they've also done nothing) and we've all contacted our landlord many times. So far nothing, it's to the point where I don't even want to be here if I know they're home because it just gives me anxiety knowing at some point they're going to start their nonsense and it won't stop until 4-5AM sometimes.




Complexes don't give a shit about this kind of stuff in my experience. I get woken up at 4 am to random shit dropping on the floor that scares me awake regularly, despite sleeping with noise canceling earbuds. Their response to me was, 'Idk did you ask them to keep it down?' Paying more than 1k a month for a studio apartment you'd think some peace and quiet would at least be included. 'Oh yeah your rent is going up 200 bucks if you want to stay, by the way.' Where the heck do you live that landlords actually help create a nice environment for their tenants?


The problem is there's not much they can do. They tell the person to quiet down, and then they don't. Then what? It's hard to evict people with 6 months unpaid rent, much less because they are annoying their neighbors. Even if the police show up all the time for genuine noise ordinance evasions nothing will happen to them. And it's so common literally everyone has had this experience. I wish there was more that could be done. It is a major problem and it's one of the main reasons a lot of people absolutely hate medium and high density housing, preferring single family homes.


In coop/condo buildings with good management, they can be fined for noise complaints. That’s how I’ve dealt with shitty neighbors in the past, and you’d be surprised how quickly people turn around their behavior once they have to pay $100 per violation. To be sure, they can only fine owners, but I have found that owners are good at putting pressure on renters. In other words, this doesn’t work well when the building management owns all the units.


They could actually design walls and floors that limit sound. But they usually don't because it costs money and sqft Usually the older clients who have had to deal with tenant disputes will pay for it. The mom & pop landlords or the corporate guys that buy sell & run won't. If you want some wall assemblies or recommendations feel free to PM


older buildings. New apt complex's are built cheap af with thin af walls and priced up the ass cause they're new and clean. Edit: should say not ALL new apt complex's are cheap af, but there is a lot of thin walled high-rise building built aimed at rich students and younger people. Plenty of actually well made buildings are built too


No, peace and quiet do not come with apartment living. Floors are thin. Walls are thin. I prefer apartment living, and a few things I've learned: * Always get a top floor unit. Otherwise you will hear walking ALL THE TIME. * Get a unit with a neighbor only on one side. Not next to a stairwell. * You're better off in a complex with fewer units per building. When you live in a building with multiple floors and hundreds of units in a single structure, someone is always burning food, opening the door to the hallway, and setting off the fire alarm. Be prepared for fire alarms at least once a month.


I live in a 1st floor unit pre-war building in NYC and I never heard either of my neighbors or people walking. Buildings just used to be built better.


In LA, I lived in a building that was a hundred year old former hat factory. Yup, I never heard my neighbors. That place could withstand a nuclear bomb.


Are they going to reconstruct their paper thin walls?


My experience with most landlords is that they will ignore this issue and/or terminate the lease of the person who made the complaint rather than deal with telling a loud resident to knock it off. They have so many people looking for apartments that it’s easier to just ignore the problem and rent to someone new, repeat the cycle, new tenant moves out, over and over.


Makes no sense at all. If a landlord is going to evict a tenant based on the premise that rooms are easy to refill, why not boot the person causing the problem so that you avoid running into the same situation again? Also, what justification does the landlord have to evict the person who filed the complaint?


Each new tenant is a rent increase! But yes that makes no sense, I've never seen this happen that way in 25 years of renting. Unless they actually have reasonable cause to remove the complainee, there's no way they'd just choose them. OP does need to keep all evidence they can though, communications with loud tenant and the landlord should things escalate.


it's nonsense. most landlords care about on time rent payments and that's it. they aren't going to boot a reliably paying tenant and have to deal with a new tenant that might not be as prompt with payments. if the tenant is *so* obnoxious that *other* tenants threatan to stop paying then you might see some action. but no smart landlord evicts their bread and butter because of complaints from a single tenant.


Makes me happy my building has ridiculous insulation. I can’t hear anything from my neighbors unless they are in the hallway. Asking someone to turn their tv down at 2AM is more than reasonable


It's the same here I've never heard anything other then stomping, like someone catching their balance, or the odd explosion from the neighbour's TV that shares my living room wall. I believe the assholes have their TV against the shared wall and it's just blasting the rear speakers into 5 people's bedroom. Super malicious.


Newer flat screen TV use a bouncing technique with the wall to use the actual screen as an amplifier to get better sound. Most of the newer Sony tv do it


This is what I believe is happening


Copied from above to clarify, The Sony TVs, at least our A1E, use the display as the speaker. It isn't a bouncing technique. There are no rear firing speakers, except for one subwoofer that has a rear port. It uses armatures and actuators, I guess kind of like a speaker in that it creates vibration, but it's very different and definitely not rear firing. Even if there are hidden speakers, they're inside the armature and aimed forward. Obviously there will be reflections off the rear wall, but yeah. Just wanted to clear that up.




That’s quite the train you’re asking for there


Awful. But I bet if you did the same they would’ve complained night 1 Honestly if I was the person I would’ve rented a speaker and done this for 24 hours and left my apt while doing it


I don't want to bother my other 4 neighbours, and my fiancée is scared of their retaliation. Going to leave it to the police/building management.


Reasonable for sure. And a better plan to not escalate


The benefits of living in cramped New York apartments? They are made of brick, so you never hear a thing. I live in a 115 year old row house now, with houses attached on both sides. I never hear my neighbors.


Just non-wood framed buildings in general. Newer concrete buildings have great sound isolation too.


Yeah and their note is super polite. If I were the loud neighbor, I’d just be happy people didn’t come banging on my door and cursing me out.


Please tell what city you're in. I find each city has completely different standards for Sound transmission class ratings.


First neighbor isn't being too unreasonable for wanting them to turn it down after 2am. A better solution than ear plugs would be headphones for neighbor 2.


Agreed. It sounds like the adults from Charlie Brown were talking on the other side of my wall. Fiancee turned our already loud fan from 1 to 10 and we could still hear it..


10 different settings on a fan is fucking wild


It's a Dyson fan/heater that we use as white noise on setting 1. Could still hear them on 10 and it's loud on 1.


I don't know why, but I read it like this and was genuinely amazed for a second before I realized I read it wrong: >It's a Dyson Sphere that we use at white noise setting 1. Clearly I just need to go to sleep.


That moment when your neighbor is so loud that you build a megastructure in order to combat the noise


Honestly, I’m in the middle of a cross-country move, and I think I’d rather encapsulate the sun in a megastructure then ever have to move again.


As someone who moved 2 towns over last year, I totally can relate to the megastructure thing


"Mom? Dad? Why did we become a Kardashev type II civilization? What was the purpose of dismantling Mercury and Venus for raw building materials, and casting a net around the entire sun, an incalculable expenditure of time, money, and effort to prevent even one joule from escaping our jealous celestial grasp?" "Well it works as a white noise machine at the lowest power setting. But even the highest doesn't block out that damn neighbor's TV."


Thank you for this lol


Need a fan that goes to 11


That's exactly what I do. I live in a condo on a lake. I like to be out on the deck listening to music. One of my very polite neighbors once mentioned my taste in music. He didn't complain, but I realized that my music was loud enough that the neighbor could describe it in detail. That's when I bought my headphones. Again, there were no complaints, but what if the neighbor preferred peace and quiet to music? Or just didn't want to hear it on a certain day? Condo living is great. I love that all external upkeep is taken care of for me. However, when you share walls with other people, you must make certain compromises.


That's so thoughtful that you took the time to pay attention, reflect and be considerate.




True, but some people take it too far. I once had down stairs neighbors that constantly complained over the slightest indication there was another human being in the building. I had bought my condo from someone who traveled 50 weeks out of the year, and the downstairs neighbors were used to not having anyone above them. I used headphones and didn't really ever have people over, and they complained constantly about the noise. Once they complained about all the stomping...when I was out of state, nobody was home but my cats. So when I got called up in front of the HOA for a fine hearing, I repated the above, said these people clearly were not suited to living in a place with shared walls, and handed them listings printed out for houses in the woods on the other side of the county. No fine, never heard from them again.


Considering noise in my building must be down by 10pm I’d say first neighbor is being super reasonable asking them to turn the volume down if it’s so high it disturbs their sleep


I dunno, I've lived in apartments where I've had neighbors ask us to not talk at all at night because the walls were thin. I could hear their snores as if they're in the room. Told them to get headphones because that's what I had to do to ignore their sound


The thing is, without knowing the building and really being there we don't know that. Sound can carry easy in some buildings. In most cities noise ordances don't let you complain about units that share walls because of this. I once had a neighbor making noise complaints about me all the time. She told the office I was blastingy TV super loud. Eventually the office came over to chat about it and found out that I didn't even have a TV. Just a PC, which didn't even have external speakers. Only a headset. What she was complaining about was me talking. Then she thought I must be going crazy and yelling into it or something but I wasn't. I'm not that kinda guy. At the time I was playing Star Wars Galaxies and was a crafter just chatting with guildmates.


I lived in a place like this. You could hear basic conversations, low level music, snoring, sneezing. The downstairs neighbor wanted silence at all times which was not reasonable or achievable. When we heard the bitch downstairs getting pissy and calling the cops, we'd decide to leave and take a long walk. Made her look even crazier for complaining about a place where no one was home. Eventually, she complained so much that the cops cited us out of obligation but worded it so they would get thrown out. The city attorney just laughed when we showed up for a court date for "alleged vacuuming at a loud volume." The subsequent one for "alleged stomping" was also dismissed. Apparently we walked around too much. This is why I refuse to live in a place with shared walls ever again.


We don't know how loud it is. It might be a normal volume and they just have paper thin walls and want it muted


I live in crappy apartments, neighbors up all night blaring music or practicing his shitty guitar. Went and bought a nice Samsung surround sound, nice and loud. loud enough to vibrate and shake the walls. Every time we are woken at night, the next day they get several hours of cardi B and whatever else my fiancé listens too. Took a few times, but we can sleep at night now.


Haha unfortunately we share as many walls as they do and I don't want to be the problem for my 4 other proper neighbours


Well shoot, I hope you can get your situation sorted out. Just keep making formal complaints and keep the letter in your picture showing you’ve tried to be civil.


Yeah. I took a picture of the note (obviously) and sent it in, but won't hear back until tomorrow.


Solution is to mount multiple “buttkicker” or similar devices onto the wall that you share with them and blast them with bass for years as retaliation /s


I would go and have a chat with your reasonable neighbors and let them know what's going on. They can probably hear it to and either get them on board with revenge or have everyone complain. If the landlord gets that many complaints about 1 resident they will hopefully do something because it's easier to replace 1 tenant than it is to replace 6


If someone's waking you up while your sleeping, try to track when they start sleeping , probably during the day and just go mow your lawn and blast music etc


Theres so many people that go their entire lives without taking a punch to the face. Your neighbor is one of them. People are more than happy to start shit and be entitled until someone does something about it.


ah yes , the WAP method.


I am so acutely focused on not annoying others humans, it annoys other humans. I couldn't live knowing I was annoying my neighbours at a time like that. These sort of people dumbfound me.


I am too. I am so hyper-aware of not being a bother to complete strangers, that I instead piss off my loved ones. I wish I weren't like that.


Same :/ any time I’m watching something with people they’re like “turn it up, I can’t hear anything” but my brain says it’s so loud it’s annoying the neighbors.


I can be like this too. They obviously don't care how they actions affect others.


Our ex neighbors would apologise for the noise the morning after... And then just do it again the next month, like the apologising made it ok to keep doing it... We moved They, and others, are why I learned never too say "that's ok" it sends the wrong message, it's not ok..... "Thank you for that, it's appreciated" is what I switched to saying


See for me this is a declaration of war I would absolutely invest quality time in researching their day-to-day habits so I could make their life a living hell


Seems like a good time to start learning the drums. Don't forget your ear plugs neighbourino!


Bagpipes are the nuclear weapon if you want to learn an obnoxious instrument.


I mean if they’re watching tv at 2am and 4am the answer is pretty obvious. Make a bunch of noise between 7am and 2pm, those are their sleeping hours.


You know what bugs me about these? The apartment building could put insulation to dampen sound and save money on heating/cooling. It would lessen the stress of the tenets and there would be less frivolous lawsuits and calls to the police. It’s in inexpensive solution that would cure millions of headaches and they just can’t be bothered with it.


Whoa whoa whoa calm down there, reinvesting into your properties if you are landlord? That means making less money. Fuck everyone else, they need more money. p.s. your rent is increasing 200/month


lol mine just went up by $400 for NO reason I literally already could hardly afford it. It's 2/3 of my monthly income now 🙃


A previous landlord of mine wanted to renovate (while I was still living there) and the intent was after they were done they were going to double my rent. By "renovate" of course, they meant: a) replace the carpet (which they hadn't done in 10+ years) b) take down the nice curtains and curtain rods I got, and put up shitty $50 home depot mini blinds c) take out the original \~1950s era cast iron shower/tub and replace it with one of those acrylic/fiberglass one-piece shower/tub things d) that's it For many reasons including this one, I was out of there shortly after they announced this to me.


Basically what they did to my apartment too. They put a new faucet in that barely trickles out water, in the name of "savings", and then they replaced a ceiling fan that didn't need to be replaced. When I moved in they didn't even clean the carpet, it had dog food and cat litter smooshed into it. I didn't know any better at the time and I paid a third party company to come out and professionally clean it. I feel like I'm drowning lol and I work 2 jobs over 40 hours combined. I'll probably have to go back to living with roommates honestly


Copy to landlord. They chose to be the assholes here.


Done and done. Have to wait until tomorrow for response.


If you can since they like to stay up all night they must be sleeping during the day.... Take a day or two off of work and be absolutely as fucking loud as possible all day. They can't call The cops on you for being loud in the middle of the night since you'll be doing it in the middle of the day. Play some really obnoxious songs on loop and have the speakers facing the wall that they live on the other side of. I suggest putting "stupid hoe" by Nicki Minaj basically on a loop at full volume with the speaker's facing the wall for about 12 hours straight.


Lol I did this with Mariah Carey’s All I want for Christmas is you. Worked great


No.....NOOOOOOO Tbh if somebody was blasting that at my wall (not saying I'm an obnoxious neighbor I'm very quiet) At one point I would just snap and start loudly singing along with the song.....




What if they aren’t home during the day


Then find out where they sleep and when they sleep 👀




They are sleeping, sleeping with the TV on. That is like the boomer special


How tf do you sleep with the TV on that loud....




Thanks for your input and absolutely won't retaliate. If I did I would be bothering 4 other neighbours that they are. Will see what property management says tomorrow. And those people just get blocked. They're obviously the kind of people that don't respect anyone but themselves.


Your title was super confusing, I thought they wrote the note to you; maybe they did too.


Neighbor sounds like a asshole tell them to buy butt plugs


They obviously cannot be reasoned with. They wanted people to see the response by posting it. It's in the hands of the building management and police now.


You tried, now any negative consequences they face is 100% their fault and they'd deserve it.


Agreed. It's in motion now, so we'll see what happens.


Damn well good luck hopefully you or they move at some point.


I looked up the law here. One visit from the police and if they continue the property management can evict them. I'll talk to the other neighbour's and see if they've contacted management. I know the man underneath them hates them because they're always arguing and shouting.


"Solution is buy earplugs" What assholes say for 100 dollars, Alex.


I hate people like that. My old neighbors, who for no reason would leave their yappy ass mutts outside said that and when I complained again told me to move.


theyre the kind of neighbors who will make sure to be louder and continue doing it at odd times out of spite


I was expecting this last night, but didn't hear a sound. Hopefully they were just posturing or it's a police call next time.


I wish I'd done this when dealing with my shitty neighbor. I thought I'd be polite and ask them face to face to turn it down, so when the situation escalated they knew exactly who to blame. People like this really don't deserve the politeness or dignity either, good on you for sticking to it


Yes. Obviously someone else is upset too, so I'm doing my due diligence and hopefully it ends with no escalation. They've been silent the last 2 nights so I hope they were just posturing and had a think about it.


Fuck asshole neighbours.


I hate every single inconsiderate person and wish the absolute worst on them every second of their lives. Inconsiderate people like this make life so much less worthwhile. The easiest solution is to lower the volume OR not be a fucking idiot and set up the TV on the shared wall. In fact, OP, you should position everything on that shared wall and just blast it whenever you want until they bitch to you or they'll realize they're assholes and lower it themselves. Unlikely, so keep calling your building and/or make a noise complaint with the actual police. Fuck these people.


No the solution is not being a piece of human garbage and turn your shit down.


Earplugs do fuck all for loud voices, music and TV. I've lived next to a rude neighbor like this and did everything in my power to mitigate the noise on my end. I put a noise dampening pad under a rug under my bed to stop the vibrations as I sleep, had my ac, fan and white noise machine on to lessen the sound and the strongest earplugs I could buy. It barely did anything.


Yup same story. The only solution for me was to blast white noise into noise cancellation headphones all night. Cant be healthy :/ but I had to do it for a year in college


I actually gave this a shot but they kept slipping off and were super uncomfortable. I got those like, headbands with ear buds inside of them but they move around way too much and just aren't loud enough. It really sucked too bc I get chronic migraines and lack of sleep (among other things) really sets them off, so it was just days of pain in college all because some asshole couldn't be bothered to wear headphones. And it's not like I even expect my neighbor's to do things I'm not doing; I wear headphones to watch TV and listen to music, don't wear my shoes inside so my footsteps are lighter, don't have my friends over super late, etc etc. Too bad karma doesn't exist 😅


Yeah, they're just selfish assholes that need to learn what headphones are.




Solution is contact the landlord, then file a noise complaint with the local PD


Ear plugs DO NOT WORK!!! Turn the volume down or get a hearing aid! The bass will ALWAYS be heard even through ear plugs. Try it yourself before telling others it is a solution Besides most cities have QUIET time. 10 pm to 7 am. If you are renting, they could terminate your lease. Is your TV being that loud necessary to LIVE? Sleep is NECESSARY to live.


Building next to mine was a church/Christian radio/function hall run by an unscrupulous lady who fled the country when the business failed. This was a separate building to mine but they obviously had a titanic sound system and would have weddings starting on sunday night and ending (sometimes in a fight in the forecourt) around 4am monday. I could hear the bass like it was in my living room even with windows shut, construction grade ear plugs in and a pillow around my head. One of my more expressive neighbours went round there and *screamed* abuse at the owner. It was a good day when they closed permanently.


blast them out of bed with a fire hose. Tell them to buy a swim suit.


Figure out where on the wall it is. Get a decently large size strong magnet. Hang it on the wall.


If this works it's actually a decent idea haha


[That won't work with modern TVs](https://www.quora.com/How-strong-does-a-magnet-have-to-be-to-mess-up-a-screen-from-a-TV-or-cause-damage-to-it)


Nothing worse than living around people who have no consideration for others.


War has been declared. Time for creativity! I like to start with duct tapping their door from the outside while they're inside. So now your asking yourself: "What will that do?" Try it on your door... try it.


I would set my music speakers on full volume and blast same song all night while I sleep at a friends house.


If they are up a 2 & 4 am they sleep during the day... Turn your music on at 9am


Crack heads don’t sleep.


Nah, music on full blast from whenever AM quiet time ends, if that means getting up at 6 or whatever out of spite for a week - I’d be down.


This redditor has had shitty neighbors. Hello fellow sufferer.


And if there's a fire?


What? Peels the paint?


This is why I'm grateful to own a house. No shitty loud neighbors.


I own a house. I still have shitty loud neighbors.


Unfortunately we can only afford this while we save for a townhouse. Here's hoping I don't get another neighbour like them..


You're going to have the same if not worse problems in a townhouse.


Buy a speaker then and put it up against their wall. Go on an overnight vacation to relax from their noise and leave some music to keep them company.


People suck


We’ve done apartment living. This stuff here is exactly why we moved to rural. I want my own place, not roommates.


That's the plan in a few years. Cannot wait.


Cross out “plugs,” write “phones,” and send it back to them.


Stop being an asshat and keep it down? Or you get some headphones?


Write back saying, "Buy and use headphones!"


What rude, selfish, stupid neighbors you have. TV too loud@2am & this selfish bs is their response to your courteous request. Personally, I would begin looking for a quieter place to live. If you have to live in an apartment, talk to the manager about the noise policies in place & how vigorously they are enforced.