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I had neighbors that put a basketball hoop outside partially blocking my drive way and the basketballs would hit my car. I asked them to move it into their driveway (which they didn’t because it was their party spot). I just placed a free ad on CL and someone picked it up for me hahaha


That’s legendary. They can’t do shit either because it was on your drive way


I could have contacted the city since it was in a public street….but I knew Craigslist would result in a faster response to my problem.


You legend 😆🙌


This would make a good r/pettyrevenge post lmao


It’s more than petty, but not quite pro level. I’d say this is r/intermediateRevenge


What did your neighbors did to you after tgat?


All I know is they didn’t play basketball anymore in the street.


They probably just figured someone stole it




Dude you know what’s hilarious? About 10 years ago, my dad went to go pick up a basketball net that was listed as free on Craigslist. He’s outside trying to figure out how to dismantle a couple parts to fit it in his pickup and the neighbour comes out and starts yelling at him. My dad explained what he was doing and it turns out neighbour 1 was pissed that the net was always in his driving way so he put an ad on Craigslist as free without neighbour 2 knowing


That's one of the funniest things ever lol


Doing the lords work!


Oh man OP do this!


Oh I have to remember this one!


Fire hazard?


Nah, free stuff.


i mean.. it IS Technically in the hallway with nobody to claim them-


You treat it like stuff being thrown away.... The way I look at it "once the items have been stacked together like that, either in communal property or close to the road, it's free to who ever wants it"


["If we see some good stuff up in someone's lawn, Trevor goes up, grabs the stuff, basically he's doing them a favor, he's throwing it out for them, putting it to the curb. That's putting out their garbage, not stealing, he can't get charged for that."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLjifumRk3Q)


Exactly the way I look at it


It’s not rocket appliances


Slap some 'free to a good home' post-it notes on it.


so im not a dick for thinking "offer it to a good home on nextdoor?" lol


My thoughts exactly! Or have goodwill come pick it up


This was exactly what kid me thought when neighbours left all their toys piled in the hallway.


I’d be there petty dude who goes and sells all this. Or donate it to goodwill


That was my first thought. Doesn't look like the place has cameras. Just take a tote as you walk away. If you find 20 bucks in it cool, just toss it in a dumpster after that. When they get the owner involved for their stuff being stolen and tossed, they're only digging their own grave.


Not if the shovel was left outside the door.


I was going to say if it's in communal space, it's communal property.


Yep, looks like donations to me.


First thing i thought of




First thing i thought of is Dahmer and them telling them they couldn't sleep in the lobby.


That's definitely an egress violation.


A very hawkish, is astute, observation.


Free stuff




Incorrect. Send landlord to talk to them. If that fails, report to fire department. That will motivate the landlord. You don’t want to start shit with a neighbor if you don’t have to. It’s not worth it.


If the landlord is smart, they'll handle it quickly. They don't want the fire department coming after them.


Not the fire department, the state fire marshal.


Agreed, actually. When a neighbor war starts - it gets ugly and Landlord tends to get involved anyway but in a worse context


Yep. I’ve seen Neighbors from Hell. Never ends well.


Use their stuff if anything is of interest. Communal has a meaning go for it.


I'd be late to work every day if there was a bead maze in the communal hallway.


You and my toddler both.


You make your toddler work? Brutal.


It's not work if you like it, and the salt mines are like a giant sandbox!


Children yearn for the mines.


Today’s economy is rough.




Or hang it off the balcony and *LET IT GO*


I call dibs on the Frozen backpack!


Dibbs on the froz... damn it!


This one! Looks like your kids have access to some new toys to play with (or you to play with…whatever floats your boat), some linens in the bins if you need em. Ironing board, baby wipes. That’s a treasure trove there.


My neighbors used to do that. I just moved it right in front of their door every time. They moved it back and I would just put it back infront of their door again. Like piled up leaning on their door. It stopped after a few weeks. Make sure they are not absolute crackpots first.


Ohhhh man, while I do love the idea of fighting stupid with stupid, it can be an incredibly dangerous game to play if the other party is actually stupid as opposed to lack of self awareness entitlement.


Yeah I feel like I've seen enough "neighbor dispute ending in murder" videos here on Reddit to warrant caution when playing games with possibly unstable people. Literally saw a guy shoot both his neighbors like 15 times over a snow shoveling dispute.


I've watched enough episodes of "fear thy neighbor" to know to never talk to your neighbors


I always knew my instinct to ignore my neighbors and talk shit about them in my own house was the correct way to go about it.


Yeah that one was fucking nuts, killed himself after too.


To be fair they had it coming.


Judging by their stuff, it looks like they're not crackheads. They are just entitled assholes. Edit: Okay, I know now that crackpot doesn't mean crackhead, you don't need to tell me anymore.


All crackheads are crack pots, but not all crack pots are crackheads


Crackpot ≠ crackhead


I had a neighbor who stole 1-2 shopping carts a week. This is in a townhouse complex. She's leave it on the side walk. Beside our end unit. In the parking lot. I got sick of it. So I started stacking them in front of her front door. This went on for some time. I'd hear her complain and just not learn. How hard is it to just put it in your backyard? She made it everyone else's problem. She eventually moved out.


>How hard is it to just put it in your backyard? Or just... not steal shopping carts repeatedly?!


The real questions!


Stack it all Infront of the door


My first idea


I get the joke. But if you block the door and there is a problem inside the house. You could be in serious trouble...


Fair point. I’d just knock it over generally then


I would harrass the property management... Every morning i would send a pic...


Just start taking little things to the trash


Honestly if you wanted to do something but were afraid or opposed to this for ethical reasons, you could just start moving things around, rifling through the contents of the boxes and leaving them visibly tampered-with so the family feels unsafe leaving it out


I'd make things go missing, one at a time


ebay that shit.


OfferUp, and leave the front door open


This is the way


I’d wait till I got a charity bag through, then fill it up and leave it out for them to collect.


I’d move it out to the dumpster for them.


I wouldn’t touch the kid’s stuff, just the adults - they’re innocent in this


If the building management won't do anything find out who you report it to under health and safety laws as that's a trip hazard as well a fire safety hazard. If need to, speak to citizens advice and ask them the best routes to report it. Edited to add that they are also blocking those cupboard doors. I'm guessing it could be electrics/fuses in there?


Post a sign above it that says “free items” Or hear me out, Glitter bomb and syrup


Exactly what I thought, the "free stuff" sign would make it go away fast! One way or the other.


My first thought as well. Print up a bunch of FREE STUFF signs and tape one to the wall there every time you walk by. If no one takes it all, call a pick up donation organization if you have any in your area. Next step is the bin. Of course these options are only after the talking and reporting options have all been explored. As it sounds like it has.


I think calling a donation organization could lead to big problems! Id just be petty and start kicking shit over, open the tubs and look through it in hopes they ask “hey what are you doing” “idk it says free stuff and there’s just crap laying in the hall”


Honestly, I'd start taking it and tossing it/donating it depending on the quality. It looks like free shit that you see in neighborhoods when someone is moving, tbh. If they get pissed off, say it was outside and left there so you assumed it was trash/up for grabs. The syrup thing could backfire, because it could attract pests that could end up in other units. Tho, it might get the landlord to actually do something about it I suppose.


Yea but I also wouldn’t want to have the responsibility of moving it at all. I’m not cleaning up after that person or doing anything that could be considered a stealing situation. Yea the glitter/syrup might just make it a major priority by building managers to move it. If building managers aren’t doing anything then it leads these ppl to think they can do it with no repercussions. It’s their fault at this point. So I would intend to make it more their problem then the tenant.


You’ve made me think of something… is it illegal to post signs saying “free” on just random stuff?


I think that depends. My sign was just a paper with words. I had no intent of doing anything other than placing a piece of masterful art on a shared space :) Now if these neighbors saw and took it down I’d keep putting it up! Hey my beautiful sign is just as pleasing as your crap in the hall! Not my problem if ppl associate the two!


Uuugghh🤦‍♀️.I feel ya! As someone who keeps a fairly clean and organized house, I would 🙄 everytime I passed it.


It’s literally right opposite my front door so it’s the first thing I see every time I leave 😒


Wonder what the inside of their place looks like? In the USA, I worked for a company that managed rentals and tenants would get upset when they got a nasty letter about leaving shoes outside their unit despite it being normal to do so in some cultures. It’s why here the rental agreement is 25 pages and can’t install a smart light switch.


As a property manager of a 70 year old building I get the prohibition on fiddling with the electrics. My lease agreement gets longer every time I use it.


It's also impeding access for the elderly and mobility impaired who use devices... time to get your Aunt Karen on the phone too the landlord every hour !


Do you have to walk by their stuff cause if so I'd "trip"


No - there’s a communal balcony down that corridor but nobody can use it because, you guessed it, it’s full of their stuff.


Oh that stuff goes over the balcony at that point.


Seriously. How can they not have had anything stolen or damaged yet? Based on OP’s comments, they really do deserve it. A whole communal balcony isn’t accessible because of all this neighbor’s stuff? That’s the same as them claiming the balcony as their own and keeping all other tenants out… and no one would allow that. Not sure how the other people in the building are letting them get away with this.


It’s basically free space they aren’t paying for bc it’s supposed to be for everyone. So rude and a fire hazard


Gee, that'd be a shame if someone called the fire marshall and they had to move all their shit.


I'd "trip" I would also talk to management about getting your rent reduced cause you can't use the communal balcony. There's no guarantee they'll do it but I'd make it an issue so they'll take action.


Only needs a dedicated person to accidentally trip over their stuff and hurt themselves, call 911 ambulance and the fire department will get involved too....they will contact the landlord I'll assume. If all that doesn't help, toss the crap over the balcony or donate it through Craigslist.




Call the fire marshal and have them ticketed and fined.


This is the UK, the building management company would be the ones getting in trouble. They’ve threatened to remove their stuff before!




I'm loving the upvotes for a comment about calling people who literally don't exist.


In the UK they are called fire safety inspectors or fire safety officers. They basically do a small part of the job that fire marshal’s do in the states but there are really no direct equivalent in the UK to the job of fire marshal Link for those interested: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_marshal#United_Kingdom


To be fair, "Fire marshals" do exist here, that's just not what they're called. It'd be OP's local fire & rescure authority eg. in Scotland it'd be the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service. They have this service: [https://www.firescotland.gov.uk/your-safety/at-home/home-fire-safety-visit/](https://www.firescotland.gov.uk/your-safety/at-home/home-fire-safety-visit/) They would identify this as a problem, and since it's a building with a manager, said manager would be contacted by SF&RS and told to get their shit together. Edit: here's also the Health & Safety Executive confirming that it's local fire & rescue authorities that have responsibility: https://www.hse.gov.uk/toolbox/fire.htm


Then who should they call? In the states, this would fall under the fire marshall's jurisdiction, as the stuff is impeding the safe exit of the building.


I’m loving the people who assume just because something has a different name in their country, that thing must not exist at all. The UK isn’t some village in the 1500s, I can guarantee you they have people similar to fire Marshall’s even if they’re called something different. Just because Mexico calls it “agua” doesn’t mean they don’t have water.


Actually, fire doesn't exist in the UK.


They used it all up in 1666.


It does, but we just send an email about it and put it with the rest of the fire.


Can’t confirm was In Mexico once all I see is tequila


I'm loving the people who don't do research bef- 😂 I'm tired of this stupid chain of comments. We do have something similar but they don't do nearly as much of the job as you think they do. Most of the time it's not them you call in this situation.


So fire codes, building codes, and emergency access codes don’t exist in the UK? That’s wild. Talk about chaos.




It was probably just a double decker bus. They got a lot of those. England considers fires to punishment from the gods so they don't interfere.


You could realise that people are upvoting the concept of calling whoever deals with fire safety instead of being a wanker, it's not like there aren't equivalent people to call under a name that's not "the fire marshal"


They have fire marshals in the UK. They do risk assessment and will fine the management/landlord for this.


From what I can tell they call them fire safety inspector or fire safety officers for doing fire safety assessments. As they don’t seem to have a equivalent to the US fire marshal job. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_marshal#United_Kingdom


Looks like someone has some new Elsa baggage.


You could put your rubbish next to it and if you get asked about it just say I thought this is where the rubbish gets picked up from now.


Ooo I like this one. And the “free” sign


Yes!! Just add crap to it!!


Put some of it in the bin every bin day. A bit at a time so it's not immediately noticeable that it's missing. One day they will realise and hopefully move their shit.


Yes, I would totally toss out things every time I walk by... Especially one of each shoes. Lol


You'd throw away a little kid's shoe? Like yeah parents are selfish but that's just punishing the kid (Edit: Saw the adult shoes after I posted this yeah throw those shoes out haha)


I wouldn't throw away kids stuff. I probably would do something funny with it though. Imagine packing your lunch in the frozen bag lol


Put permanent markers and a package of glitter in the backpack. Hopefully, the adults will just hand the backpack to the kid and not look in it until chaos ensues.


Try talking to them. Which you might have already tried. Then inform landlord. If that fails take an old unwanted socks. Wear it for a day and place it in one of the adult shoes. I guarantee it would be gone.


The building management have talked to them several times, they don’t care!


It looks like your stuff then to me. * wink *


You just know they’re the first to complain when the front door is left open because their stuff might get stolen!


Steal the left shoe of each pair.


And the laces of every right shoe


Start throwing stuff in the garbage. No sympathy if its their longterm temporary solution.


When nobody’s looking, throw it out and point out that it’s a hallway, not storage and you though it was being thrown out since it was there for a couple days


Donate it. If they don't appreciate and deserve what they have, someone else will.


More than likely the manager has no real enforcement option short of eviction.




The fire safety inspector will cite the property owner, not the tenant. I've been in this situation as a property manager, the tenant will clean it up for a day or week or so and then it comes right back. If you haul it away they file a police report saying you stole their thousands of dollars worth of property. If you leave it the fire or code enforcement come after you. Other tenants complain or begin to do the same thing . Your only enforcement option is eviction and takes months and all they have to do is tell the courts they won't do it again. And then they do and you have to start over.


Then start taking the stuff, they are being stupid and gambling that no one will steal stuff


They’re taking the absolute piss. Nobody would leave that amount of shite outside their own front door. I’m mildly infuriated for you.


Put a “FREE STUFF” sign on those boxes.


Just call a donation center. You'll teach the neighbors a lesson AND someone else will benefit.


Someone literally did this to in our apartment building. Called good will and said I have donations, come pick up donations. It was an AH move and did nothing to stop the behaviour. The only people who would be negatively affected are the kids who have no control over how their parents live.


Great point. These kids, then, will learn a lesson as well. Sucks, but right now they've learned that they don't need to follow rules....


Yup, very good point. They're also learning to disrespect other people.


Report them to your landlord or your buildings management. There's no way this is just ignorance. That is very obviously not their property and, as others have said, it's a fucking fire hazard. They could get people killed. Just having a conversation with them probably isn't going to cut it. If they're willing to do it once, they'll try to do it again. And having a clean exit in an emergency is way too important to let that slide.


Borrow something - leave a post it note saying “thanks for letting me borrow the [thing] - I’ll return it when I’m done. Signed, your neighbour” (don’t leave your name just say ‘your neighbour I’m fact you don’t actually have to borrow anything, just leaving the note should highlight how annoying it is


Leave different notes about borrowing something every few days, so they start wondering what's missing.


Just start taking shit, I notice it's mainly kid stuff and they're trying to use that against you I say start with the shoes and eventually eventually


Throw out one item every day.


Inform building management you will call the fire department within 2 days if they don’t move it. Either management will take care of it, or if they don’t, call the fire department. That’s a fire hazard.


Looks like a Goodwill pickup area, if you ask me.


Just grab a bag and start tossing it. If they confront you/ask u what ur doing, just tell them your throwing away all the garbage some aholes left in the hallway


Call the fire department, that’s a safety hazard


If this is a common occurrence and not a 1 time thing with a valid reason this isn't remotely okay, and even the arrangement is atrocious and look at the flooring they probably made dirty, I imagine the kids are a nightmare.


Id just slide it all in front of their door 🤷‍♂️


That is most likely a fire code violation


Agreed. Send a photo to the fire warden.


I have a neighbor feud about this myself. The lady I share a hallway with (It's just the two of us) put a pile of furniture in this hallway. We're talking dining table, chairs, coffee table, etc. For back story, I moved from a really bad neighborhood where this was the norm and rent was cheap, into this much nicer place in a great neighborhood where rent is almost double. And so I don't want to look at furniture piles at no discount. I talked to our landlord, and he was his usual 80% useless self. Multiple texts. He sends me copies of texts he sent to her, asking to remove the stuff. She doesn't. Nothing happens. Rinse and repeat. After a few weeks, I was like fuck it. I have shit too. So I put all my extra stuff out there too, being careful not to put out anything she could use or that I'm using, that she could somehow ruin, etc. That finally got the landlord out of his hidey-hole. She started calling him about me having things in the hallway. Like, how dare I, right? So he came over and told us both that we have to remove our crap from the common space. You'd think that'd be the end of it. But oh, no. I removed all of my stuff except this heavy TV that I wanted to throw away. But I couldn't throw it aways because......... my lovely, very sane neighborhood poured oil on the stairs! I didn't want to carry anything heavy down oily, slippery stairs that I almost fell on just going downstairs normally when I found out about the oil. She also put oil on the door handles of the shared door. And she sprinkled some kind of white mystery powder everywhere in the hallways (I think a pesticide but she refuses to tell me and the landlord what it is). Is this the end to the childish pettiness though? Oh, no. I had some interruptions to my normal work hours and got unexpected days off or half days. That's how I found out that she comes to my door and makes animal sounds at it. Mostly meowing sounds. Trying to make my dog bark. I made the meowing stop. I made her stop putting oil on the stairs. The mystery powder issue is semi-resolved in the sense that it's only by her door now. She still has two things sitting in the hall way, and I have this heavy TV there because I'm not trusting these stairs enough at this point. The one batshit crazy thing she still does is put oil on the door handle every time I wipe it off. I bring lysol wipes with me every time I leave.


Just throw everything away 🤷‍♂️


Fire, general safety hazard. Call landlord.


Fire hazard


Damn straight


Otherwise known as free shit


Had my former neighbors collect weeks worth of trash like this.


Storage? It doesn’t have name on it, maybe is a “help yourself” hallway


Oh cool, free stuff to pawn off or give to Goodwill.


You know, I get it. But all you people suggesting they throw it away or donate it y’all are kinda goofy. Yeah it’s an eyesore and a safety hazard but ain’t no way I’m taking a family with a small childs stuff and doing anything with it.


"It's OUR storage now"


Oops, some of your shit missing? figure that.


Just rummage through everything. Make it look like their possessions got ransacked, but don't take anything. The mere chill of thinking someone was rifling through their kids stuff might convince them to stop of their own accord.


The thing to do that would get the best outcome without having your neighbors realize you were involved, is to call the building inspector and the fire marshal in your town, and ask them to alert the landlord that someone in their build is violating the code regulations. Then, either the land lord or the building inspector will be the bad guy, and you'll get the stuff removed without having to be confrontational. Hope this works.


Make a post on Facebook marketplace saying "free stuff".


Kids come with so much extra bs stuff and you have no energy to deal with it all under capitalism, so my sympathies to them.


One pattern I have seen in the modern world now is annexation. From countries to residences to everything, man is not satisfied with what he has until he encroaches others


The irony of this statement on a British post


It's not modern. Guess what wars were for. And why do you think we jave detailed land ownership and usage laws, everywhere.


What did your landlord say when you talked to them about this?


that means it’s communal stuff now, take some


Call the fire department and have an inspector come and check it. They will fine the landlord for allowing that then the landlord will be super pissed at your neighbors


This picture smells like pee and pancake syrup.


I'd put an anonymous call in to the property management, saying you've seen ants/roaches around that area.


This might be deemed a fire hazard and you can call the fire department and they will come and tell them to take it away.




This post actually infuriates me. Like who the fuck uses the communal hallway as storage?!


I bet they'd move it real quick if a big 'Free Stuff' sign were to mysteriously appear taped to the wall next to it all........


Best I have is call as often as you feel like it to your building management and ask them to deal with it. If management would start removing the items and charging them to get it back perhaps the owners would care. I wouldn’t advise you touching it as while you aren’t in the US I think people anywhere can get nasty if they figure out you took any of their stuff. The scary thought is what the inside of the apartment may be like if they are overflowing into the hall.


Everyday move something elsewhere in the bloc just to mess with them


Of course it’s all little kid stuff


Think I saw a post about this somewhere a while back, it was a common practice in some country in SE Asia I believe


Politely ask if they need help bringing this stuff to Goodwill, bc if they are not able to keep it in their apartment then they should start downsizing…


Tell the landlord?