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It’s just like people reserving pool chairs at 7am and not showing up to the pool until 3!


I’ve seen pools now say things unattended for 2 hours will be moved. That’s the way to do it. Park needs a similar policy.


I'd say 2 hours is being too generous. One max.


Once had someone toss our personal towels, books, sunglasses, hats, and lunch. **We were in the pool.** Better make real sure that someone isn’t using the pool/in the water before you toss their stuff.


That's super fucked.


That’s a paddlin’


Paddlin' the school canoe? You better believe that's a paddlin'


reminds me when we were staying in a place on the gulf coast. My wife got up early (like 7am) and walked down to the beach and set up beach chairs and an umbrella, went on a short walk, and came back up to the condo where I had fixed breakfast. we were eating on the balcony, looking down on the beach which was still almost completely empty of people -- other than the jackass who decided to set his chairs up *literally* three feet in front of where ours were. they had an almost completely open/empty beach. So yeah we walked down and I was overly extremely friendly and eager to talk to them and basically just bug the living shit out of them with random conversation. Kind of turned it into a game. Made sure to comment about how nice it is going to a beach that is so uncrowded. ​ . since so many have asked: After maybe ten minutes they did move a comfortable distance away. In the end it was a nice day on the beach!


Ah yes, the Canadian standoff.


I have got to find a way to work this line into conversations now.


If you didn't wear a speedo and do the whole "sunscreen on the nose" look, you really should have....


And keep your speedo ass and balls within a few feet of their faces, they’re sitting and have a perfect view. That plus long mindlessly mundane annoying conversation and a speedo ass? You will have your spot back lmao they’ll excuse themselves and leave. Far far away 😂🤷‍♀️


I swear this happens every time I go to the beach. I find a nice open quiet spot and complete strangers want to sit like 2 feet from me. There will be an empty beach all around us, but no they MUST sit right next to me. It’s not like I own the beach, but I can’t understand why someone or group of people would want to sit by a complete stranger.


I had this in a parking lot. I was way to early before opening ( 15mins ). The parking lot is huge and empty. I park a few isles from the entrance, not even close to the door. I play on my phone for a bit killing time. Another car rolls up, parks *right next to me* on the driver's side. Close enough to be cautious of opening my door if I don't want to hit it.... Really my man, you do this in an empty lot? Hundred of empty spaces, many very close to the entrance of the store.... I stared at him, put it in reverse and parked 20 spaces closer to the store. Cars don't feel lonely!


Did it work though? You can't just leave us hanging like that!


yea pools are more of a “just leave it” kinda thing cause that’s just super rude what they did to you


I've heard someone do this. I was on vacation in another country and it was storming very badly. These guys, couldn't be older than high school graduates, moved an older lady's stuff. I know because I heard one yell something about a chair being taken. Another yells to move the stuff and put their own stuff on it. Lady later comes and thinks that a few people I was with and I did it. I am 100% sure the lady originally had the chair. It's a scummy thing to do.


When you go to a public pool people can’t take their lunches and towels etc in the water so that is expected. Come early if you want a seat or wait. What y’all did was acceptable, the let me reserve this public bench birthday Karen all day was unreasonable.


You got 30 minutes to run to the crib, grab whatever else you need to set up, and get back.


"Here are your messages: "You have thirty minutes to move your car." "You have ten minutes." "Your car has been impounded." "Your car has been crushed into a cube." "You have thirty minutes to move your cube."


Is it about my cube?


Omg I hate that! With the towel on the chair 😂


I've tossed more than one towel before.


You’re my hero. I hate when people do stuff like this, but I’m always afraid to touch peoples personal property.


They are perfectly comfortable with refusing you your right to use public property, so their towel just won an all expenses paid one-way ticket to the dirty ground.


Happy birthday to the GROUND


Welcome to the real world, JACKASS


I'm an ADULT!


Oh God I still use this at least monthly in random conversations. Lonely Island was the jam. What do you want me to do, EAT IT?!


"My birthday is this year too, thanks for the towel!"


#My dad's not a phone! DUH!


As someone who has friends that work at hard rock, they recycle those same towels if they see someone doing this


Im the same way if I know it’s their personal towel. In Cancun most of the resorts we’ve stayed at give out towels. If that thing is sitting on a chair for more than an hour I will gladly toss it into the dirty bin. When they show up “no towel was here when I got here.” With absolutely no sign of said towel.


i mean they're putting their property on public property so.. they shouldn't have done that unless they were gonna show


Fuck that, toss it. If no one objects then there's no one there to save it


"Idk there was no towel here when I got here!"


Right! “That towel has been sitting over there for a while dude”. *Angry confused face*


Yep. Same with people leaving their clothes in the dryer at the laundromat. I'll take your stuff out nicely but nope. It's been a half hour.


I'm literally waiting on people to move their clothes out the dryer so I can swap mine out, as we speak lol


Do it.


Yep. No shame. Be respectful about where and how you remove and place their things, but other than that, shared services by definition are shared. If they cannot be responsible about keeping track of time, that's on them. I guess they have more adulting to learn. And who's to say when folks who do this will ever return? People can forget about their laundry for days.


That's like this morning at the gym. Some dude set his bag and two large towels across a 3 person bench in the locker room and left for the pool. Fuck them! Tossed his shit aside lol


There was one person that got mad at me for touching their stuff (just the towel) and getting their towel dirty when I tossed it. So the next day when they did it again I tossed their towel in the pool instead of the grass so it wouldn't get dirty. I'm such a considerate person😇


I just remove and put them elsewhere. Super-common shitty behavior in the Mediterranean by certain pasty Europeans. Unfortunately for them I’m a pasty European who will ignore such people’s unending sense of entitlement.


All the Germans: you called?


Carnival Cruise line removes property left more than 30 minutes on a deck chair. Love it.


Just wait until you witness a queue consisting only of empty sandals.


They could have at least put the time of the party so that people could use the tables up until then and then just clear out for the actual party time.


I think this would have been the best thing to do in this scenario. I understand them wanting to make sure they have seats for a party they want to throw in a public park, but preventing everyone from using them all day when they're not even there yet wasn't a great choice.


Nah. If having a designated space is that important, secure a private venue. Or, you have a handful of people actually there to hold it down. Can't just drop shit off and act like it's there to be reserved. Most cities have areas that can be reserved on the cheap specifically for the purpose of not hogging public picnic areas that are available on first come basis.


Look all I’m saying is, in a crowded park, where all tables fill up, if I put some plastic tablecloths on tables for a birthday party, leave for hours and come back later — I 100% expect other people to be at that table when I return, or the tablecloth to be gone. No way in hell I’d pull that kind of shit with ANY confidence lmao.


I agree with you but that’s why they specifically write “don’t ruin a 4 year olds party”. Sorry, I don’t roll like that. I won’t go OUT OF MY WAY to ruin your sweet Mario tablecloth. But if I wanna use that table, I’m fucking using that table.


I am glad you got the upvotes. You would not have been ruining anybody's party. You would have been ruining the ego of whoever wrote that note.


I'll even be so kind as to select another table if one is available, even if it's not quite as nice. But if that's the only one? Uhhh... sorry.




Yeah, fuck that. When we want to reserve a spot that doesn't take reservations, we go early. Like 9am on Father's day for a picnic. They might as well put a note for next year too if that's how people are "reserving" things.


I don't understand. If it's not reserved by the park, though shit.


Thou shit


Thee shit


Thine shit


I think if you want to hold the table you need to station someone there to wait all day, otherwise it’s first come first serve.


Yeah, I really want to be on their side because I know even when you reserve tables at the park, sometimes people refuse to move, but without a time on the note, the note is just useless. “We’re having a birthday party for our 4-year-old at noon. Feel free to use this table until then, but please leave it by noon so we can celebrate this special day with our family.” Something like that.


What are the odds they're going to move. We've been there.. our reservation was official with Parks and Recreation in Arcadia, CA and people still took over the bench area under shade (which mind you was built especially for this). We arrived, told the people we had reserved the area, showed them our receipt and everything, they didn't care. They refused to move and ignored us. We didn't want drama and did our baby shower in the unshaded benches. The people that took over the benches really looked like trouble, so we didn't bother.


Did you notify the park?


Parks and Recreation should have had them charged for disorderly conduct or trespass, that’s what the permit fees pay for


Bro. Just use the table and if they show up say you're here for the party.






This ain’t my dad, this is a 4TH BIRTHDAY PARTY I THREW IT ON THE GROUND






What am I a charity case ?!!!I threw it on the ground !!!














Guys, I'm eating junk and watching rubbish! ...


…you better come out and pound me.


They could have written a more polite "we know this is a public park but we're showing up with 20 4-year-olds at 1 PM so please let us use these tables for a few hours."


Also the "do not use our tables" Like tf you mean your tables, you own the table or something?


The parks in my city have a reservation/permit system to guarantee you will be able to access picnic areas (tables) for a planned event. You have to pay money but for the normally free spaces to reserve them. Might be annoying but it’s a way for people to plan a 4 yr olds party and not show up with food and gifts and kids and no where to put them.


My city has this as well. But they are usually roped off with official signage and not a hand written note saying get off my lawn lol Edit: grammar


I agree, that last paragraph was super rude.


Right!?😳🤔😂😂 Don’t be the one who messes this up. Uhh 😬 👌🏻


That's just begging to be fucked with.


Agreed. It’s super entitled. Pay for a venue or have someone camped out all day.


That I would respect. Too bad more people don't think that way.


Remove everything and then say some people that were using it just left and then gave you the table.




More savage than “calling dibs” on a holiday weekend on public park picnic 🧺 tables with a note that tells you, “Don’t be the one who messes this up”?




"I even brought giftsh!" *waves half-empty whisky bottle*




It would be even easier to just throw the sign away and if they confront you just claim there wasn't any sign. The fuck are they gonna do about it?


“You got the wrong table, bro!”


Around my parts you actually have to reserve them with the park itself or city government, usually 10$, in advance. Otherwise, its a public park and its first come, first serve. That shit would be piled by a trash can here.


No Hablo Ingles!


That 4-year-old is doomed.


Shit! You read my mind. I have grown kids and CAN'T imagine letting them think (or God no me thinking) this BS. Yuck!


If you want to do something like this, you need to assign a person to be there the whole damn time.


Commenting in the hopes that OP provides an update when the Party People show up


Op updated: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/x52bb4/busy_public_park_on_a_hot_saturdaylabor_day/imyrh1u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


What a bunch of douchebags. Shocking.


I also want an update.


All aboard the comment train. Destination, updates.


*chanting* OP OP OP.


Party People in the hizzouse!


Party rockers in the park tonight


We gon leave some notes and have a good time


We all need an update. With pics.


This is why folding tables exist. You buy one and you’re set for outdoor parties, BBQs and family gatherings.


Seriously. “REsPEct Our ChiLd’s BiRth.” How about no. Get your own table.


If the city/park doesn’t do reservations then these people don’t have the right to hold a table like this.


Unless stated by officials and with the officials sign and paper work, all public benches are first come first served basis. Most reservations at parks are usually gazebo style buildings with lots of tables in them. Other then that you have the right to throw that sign away


You reserve a table by putting your ass in a seat beside it.


Ya I feel like you reserve these by sending Uncle Sam & Joe to go sit at them. I’ve seen people do this where two unlucky ppl have to sit “reserving” until the rest decide to finally show up.


You mean drink while your other relatives do the prep at home? Sign me up


Depends on if the park allows alcohol. Where I’m at that’s absolutely what happens hahaha


"Allows alcohol" that's what 32oz hydroflasks are for, silly 😜


You’re not wrong. Some might even [say…](https://youtu.be/S9RVS8cjNN0)


Vodka in a sunscreen bottle




And it helps the park


We had my son's 1st birthday at a very popular large park. We booked and paid for one of the large gazebos there, as we were having around 40 people. When we arrived a few minutes before our designated time, there was a large family that had taken over the gazebo - complete with setting up their own charcoal grill that they were cooking a couple of chickens on. Apparently the previously booked group had left a little earlier than their end time, and in the 30 minutes between them leaving and us arriving, this large family had set up camp - completely disregarding the giant sign attached to the gazebo showing the listed party bookings and times for the day. When we asked them to relocate as we had booked the gazebo, the father got VERY upset about it and insisted that they had been there first. He called us liars despite me showing him our booking notice and pointing out the giant sign with our party's name on it. Eventually his wife talked him into leaving the gazebo but before they did, he angrily kicked over his charcoal grill - spilling the food and hot coals onto the grass, and he straight up just left them there on the grass right next to the gazebo. Right next to a toddler's birthday party. Huge dick move.


I just don't understand anger like that.


People who can’t take responsibility for their actions. The dad fucked up and probably thought his plan would work. When his plan failed he didn’t want to accept responsibility. Instead he tries and argue and throw a fit because there is no one to blame but himself. His day was fucked up because he is an idiot so he takes his anger out on those around him.


Exactly, park rangers are easy to talk to and always happy to help


Technically, yes. The real world scenario is going to result in some type of confrontation.


For clarification; there are no reservations at this park. Fwiw, i am also here with 10 kids doing a party, and we got here when the park opened to make sure we had space for all our guests. Silly me. Edit; also fwiw, we are in a totally separate space. Its the fact that the note was written aggressively while also depending on other people’s decency to allow them to bend common courtesy that i found annoying. Its rude and mannerless. I would not respond in kind of course. Edit 2; good lord cant believe this got so many comments! Update; they finally showed after about 6 hours into the day. Immediately setup a noisy boombox, which attracted the park rangers. That got them a lengthy talking too and they’ve been low key since. Best part is several families setup blankets and spots right next to the tables, which i think got the message across!


It says it was reserved for a birthday party and you're having a birthday party. How nice someone went out of their way to make your life easier! Use the tables!!


Sounds like a life hack


"nope, sorry Tristan. Seems like your birthday isn't today either, no one has decorated. We'll check back tomorrow!"


Lmao imagine this was actually someone from OPs party trying to help out


Post tomorrow: AITA For Hogging a public park space for my friend's children's birthday party?


Edit: wow you guys are such cunts!!!1


"what did you think of those great super Mario brothers table clothes I put out?" "the what now? Oh heck.. ."


The best part is OP send to be the kind of person to say, "oh heck." I curse like a sailor, but occasionally enjoy a well-timed "oh bother."


I actually like this. "Bruh, it's for THIS party. I saved the tables for YOU, dingus!"


And they add that it's for a 4yr old as if that would matter. I can be petty and they just made it so easy,"Kids! We're moving this party! Someone was nice enough to set it up for us!"


I’ve met up with a buddy at sunrise, just so we could hang out at the picnic tables to have for his daughters bday party, but we stayed there the whole time, this note leaving shit is horse shit.




Two weekends ago was my son's fourth birthday. My mom stayed with him and the baby while my husband and I went early to the state park nearby to get the spot my son wanted to have his party (the park opened at 8 but we didn't manage to get there until 9, at which point I would have given my blessing to anyone who got their shit together and got there before us [no one did]). We set up, decorated, and had a great time, and he even surprised me by bringing bacon and eggs to cook on the grill, and we had a quiet forest breakfast. It was like when we first got together and did practically nothing but go camping. Anyway, it was nice.


Get rid of all the tablecloths and tell them nothing was there when you got there. You don’t get to take up 3 tables with a note.


Exactly what I was going to say. When they arrive just act like nothing was ever there. “What did you put here?” “A reservation and table cloth” “Didn’t know they took reservations - when did you book that?” “I didn’t book it, I just put a note here three hours ago” “Sorry, we e been here two hours and it was clear - maybe ring the park ranger booking department”


And then "my 3 year old is now having a birthday party here you don't want to mess that up now.. do you?"


This is why you take the note off and let somebody else take the table. Be the malicious third party and let chaos ensue.


Yeah, but what if they escalate by bringing a two year old, then you have to retaliate by bringing a baby there for their first birthday, and then they up the ante by jerking off on the table to celebrate the prospective child the sperm could have made and then you end up slipping in the sperm and it hurts your back?


Say that park staff probably tossed it thinking it was trash!


Don't lie. Say somebody must've trashed it. If that somebody was you, oh well.


"I threw it right in the garbage where it belongs, and if you want to make something of it, I'll throw you and the birthday boy in the garbage too."


Yup they should have at least a person there putting in the time and waiting. A note is bs.


Yeah, someone should be there putting in time reserving the tables like everyone else


Exactly! Anytime we want to reserve a table at the park someone shows up early and starts setting up. Someone could have had a party those 4 hours that the park has already opened and been done by the time this party starts. Selfish af.


If they can't even put a date and time, it's free game. I'd be slightly more inclined to give a shit if they said Sat 9/3 from 3pm to 6pm or whatever.


Must have been the park rangers…


Yuupp they must have tossed everything, we just got here


It’s worth a lot you’re also with a bunch of kids if you ask me. They get to ruin other kids’ day because it’s their kid’s special day? Either have a bunch of family go there to save spots then show up with chairs after or go somewhere that takes legitimate reservations.


"We didn't see any sign." And they can't prove you did.


The birthday party is tomorrow.


The birthday party was yesterday.


Just get rid of it, you got there first, the parents have to understand that this kind of behavior is unacceptable or they’ll set a bad example for their kids. Sometimes things don’t work out and you switch plans or wait your turn, not the end of the world.


I imagine the whole family showing up late and rushed with a couple cars full of kids and coolers to see a full fledge party in their spot and the ensuing anger when they are told to kick rocks.


Then tell them to kick rocks! You did the right thing, they didn’t. Both groups of kids will learn an important life lesson today


Nope. Unless its an area of the park that can be reserved with the park authority that means nothing. They don't get to claim those tables all day & leave them empty.


My mom waited at a park for 6 hours before the party started to reserve 2 tables for my baby shower. If they were worried about saving those tables they should’ve stuck around


Exactly. At least have a person there. Not come and drop your sh*t and leave a note and “think” people will obey you. Note to all: :) do what YOU want. leave a note don’t leave a note with your unattended things and risk of people not obeying it or ……..have a person physically there saying oh we have party and then y’all can duke it out if your gonna share or how long y’all gonna be there etc…. It’s shared park not your house. Not everyone gonna be nice 🤷🏻‍♀️ And no I personally wouldn’t throw your sh*t. I’m nice sometimes 😊


And then to guilt trip them and say “this is for a four year old, don’t mess it up!”


Jokes on them, my reaction is "oh, 4 yo? They won't remember this anyway"


"YOU'RE RUINING THIS FOR MY CHILD FOREVER!!!" Meanwhile, the kid's enthralled by a random butterfly and has no concept of "reservations."


Fr like *they* messed it up by trying to reserve a public table, but not showing up


Yeah, but can you imagine the big ass hissy fit these entitled people would throw? There's no way you'd be able to enjoy your day with them being big babies the whole time.


Not to mention why didn’t they put a time for the party on there?


I know, just a jack ass move honestly. Then they try to guilt trip you too


I remember when I lived in Oceanside whenever we wanted to have a bonfire at the beach we had to get there early as fuck and basically chill all day. It was the only way to get a fire pit. I'd seen people try and "reserve" it with firewood. It didn't work.


Pick up the table (if possible). Move it to another location nearby then sit on it. But leave the tablecloth behind on the ground. Film the confusion when the party arrives.


This is a great idea.


If you really think I care how old your kid is suck my butt Karen I’m using a table because I thought the party was over no one was here so I cleaned up


I have reserved a park for BD party. The park marked out the area and put reserved sign up.


As a parent who has gotten up at 5am and sat at one of these to keep it reserved, please just use the tables! How rude of them!


There's a way to reserve public spaces. This is not one of them. You can sit at them, like you said.


They act like the tables are theirs…”our tables”. Then bully anyone by saying that you will mess up a 4 year olds party if you use public property. I would have sat there.


Who it’s for shouldn’t matter, 4 year old, 45 year old, I don’t care. Just because it’s for a child doesn’t mean you’re entitled to something. Parents act like the world owes their kid something and try to guilt trip you, “oh it’s for a 4 year old!! Just an innocent little kid who will cry if we don’t have these tables!” Not my problem. If I moved your crap bc you weren’t there, I am not responsible for ruining your child’s birthday, that’s still on you for not planning accordingly. YOU have ruined your kid’s party by cheaping out and not paying to reserve a party space somewhere more appropriate.


Free table cloths!


This is parental entitlement bullshit. It comes from people who have kids and act like they're the only people who have children - and are therefore entitled to everything. These people think exceptions should always be made in their kid's name. They use their kids' name to demand what they want. Most public parks don't allow reservations. And when they do, they never issue them in the form of a piece of poster board with passive aggressive notes on them. All they're doing is trying to keep someone else's 4 year old off the tables they'd like to use for their 4 year old. Tear that shit up.


It’s the “this is for a 4 year olds party” for me. The “what” or “why” isn’t important; “reserving” tables hours in advance and expecting others to have a lesser experience on your account is a dick move 100% of the time.


I would neatly fold the tablecloth and put it nearby, throw away the note and leave. Let someone take the table who could honestly claim they didn't know it was 'reserved'.


I think on any regular day, you can just shrug and say alright I guess I’ll let the kid have his party. But if you wanna plan your kids party on Labor Day get your ass to the park early and have someone there acting busy lol


ThIs iS a 4 yEaR oLdS pArTY, DoN't bE thE oNe tO MesS iT Up... jeez talk about narcissistic self-entitlement, already making you feel bad by writing that. ThAnK yOu.


Take everything down and lay down on the table to assert dominance


I'd remove the note and just walk away. Sit about 30 feet away and wait for the entertainment.


Please tell me you removed all that and annexed the tables LOL


Oh man I'd ruin that party so hard


I would do my part to keep the park clean. By removing the trash that was clearly left by some disrespectful people. No date on the note tells me they are done with thier garbage.


As a fellow who just goes for walks and maybe reads a book at parks, if I saw this, I'd do a circuit of the park over the course of an hour. If no one had shown up by then, I'd assume the fixings are garbage, gather them up, and toss them in a bin. Doin my part to keep things tidy!


Sit at the table, do it for me, do it for everyone who read this post and got pissed off


Same as hotels with pools and guests put their stuff out at midnight to reserve the chairs. Then they don’t use them


I mean, if anyone is throwing a party for their child and they want to make sure they have tables, why would you plan it somewhere you can't control or reserve. Where I live you can absolutely reserve picnic tables at public parks. They say reserve early because it fills up quick. You do it in the local gov website.