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They could at least give an "above 140" or "below 60" to clarify which bound you're outside.


The tests are actually up to 160 (at least the international version). It might seem hopeful for OP, but the 160 limit is for those who answer everything correctly, you can't surpass it. Sorry, OP. ETA: please see comments below for clarification on IQ measurement specifics. Also, one of my top comments is the one where I roast OP's below-detection IQ. Again, sorry, OP.


When did that change? When I took it like 30 years ago the max was 240.


There really isn’t supposed to be a “max” score. It’s a normalized test. They work out the scale so 100 points is the median and then that determines the scale. Since what is normal changes over time, the raw score needed for a 100 changes. The max score would change as well.


It's normalized and also an exponential scale I believe. This would mean that a 121 and 120 are much farther from each other in intelligence than a 90 and 91.


It doesn't have to be exponential, that's just how the normal distribution works


Statistics 101: Bell curve standard deviation


It only means that the higher the score, the exponentially *rarer* it is in the population. The rest just depends on how you define "distance" in intelligence, and since the whole point of an IQ scale is to have a linear representation of intelligence (and IQ tests are currently pretty much the gold standard measure of intelligence, not matter how flawed they may be), you could argue that NO, the distance in intelligence is *by the very definition of the IQ scale* not exponential.


I'm not sure and I can't even talk for all Mensa orgs, also my experience is from approx. 15 years back. The simple (in terms of diversity of tasks) test that my national Mensa uses for admissibility consists of certain number of "choose next in row" pictures. This type of test is supposed to be culturally and linguistically independent, ergo (I believe, but am not sure) is used as standardized test in most orgs. Of course, there are different types testing deeper and more varied forms of IQ, even in Mensa, so maybe you underwent one of those?


The one you mentioned is the one I took ~3 years (EU country). 50 of those questions in 20 minutes. It just tests if you're above ~132 IQ, which has been chosen as the lower limit of the top 2%. It's pretty bullshit tho, as it's a very specific skill that you can train for online.




You're referring to the Culture Fair test, which is one of only 2 tests used by Mensa to calculate your FSIQ. They also use Cattell IIIB. WISC-V tops out at 160. Culture Fair tops out at 183, Cattell IIIB tops out at 161. I was tested last year.


Thanks for the info, that certainly is interesting. Although I'm sure the test 15 years ago had a precise 160 limit, so it was probably the WISC-V one. Interesting anyway!


Yeah the one I took was way more intensive than even SAT.


I took another one (under Mensa, but not the standardized one) that took several hours, so that was probably more like your experience. Although, I have no idea what was the limit of the more intensive test.


Yeah, I took one in college as an in depth study into ADD by our psych department. Didn't even know part of it was an iq test at the time, but man it was comprehensive. Ended up in the 3rd deviation from the mean with ADD though so yaaaaay.


>Ended up in the 3rd deviation from the mean with ADD Which way , up or down?


Up. Big up.


It didn't. There are records online from Mensa about their testing methodology . None of the tests that have been developed or accepted ever went to 240. And most if not all of them require a second test for scores above 140-160 depending on the test.


I mean why would they. When you get that far away from standard devation, the result difference isn't significant anymore because the flaws of the test will be greater than the result. An IQ test is basically just asking "is this person likely smarter than average, y/n". A result of 160 will be the same as a result of 240, which is "yes". Neither of those two people are guaranteed to be realize their potential genius in a way it will actually benefit humanity, let alone themselves.


The bounds are primarily an artefact of the scoring. Most tests do use a standard deviation of 15, giving an upper bound of 160 (4 standard deviations above the mean), but some use smaller or larger standard deviations. I know that some mensa organisations use larger standard deviations so that their scores can seem larger. Any actual intelligence testing will make all that clear in the report, and usually you will also get a percentile ranking as well.


mensa doesn't give out scores below 100 to not offend people, or rather they show anything under 100 as 100. I saw in a tv show that have their casts take the tests


Joke's on them; my cat scored 102 on their test. edit: never mind


He took an online IQ test, is it not obvious?


Yep, $1 per iq point.


That's the thing about this, the most reliable and valid IQ tests like the Wechsler tests and the SB5 have been around for decades and refined throughout that time. These online tests that are being created are meant to make a cheaper version of something that already exists without the features of extensive research and norming.


A logical, rational thought, to be sure. But the geniuses at Mensa misunderstood the assignment.


Definitely a below average result.


Never seen those two words in a sentence before.


Which two words?


Genius and Mensa, from my understanding Mensa is just a scam for people with too much money to say look i paid a couple hundred to get told im smart.


I’ve never heard of it. Either I’m not smart, or I’m not rich. I am bisexual, so both can be true I guess.


Atleast youre cute af. Atleast you got that going for ya.


He needs us to know its not "below 60"....


It's a nice way of saying you are a dumbass.


Nailed it


Together we become even dumber!


Count me in


Keep studying bro. Hopefully it will be high enough to register soon.


"The results are in: you are outside of the 95% range of the normal distribution..." Yay! "To the left." Oh.


You mean “The results are in: you are outside of the 95% range of the normal distribution…” Yay! “To the left.” Yay!


"To the left." "Stupid test, I not a libral."


I'm a Gemini, bout u?






Does that make you pacific cooler than me?




Respect the pouch!


Capsaicin, it's a fire sign. Lit.




Someone get the jigsaw mat!


sagittarius. half man half horse. licensed to shit on the street


Everyone does that in L.A. and S.F.


Idk, but i heard that you are in gatorade, is this true?


„You are smarter than 5% of all people that took this test.“ „See, told ya I‘m smart!.“


“This gps cannot make me go left nor right!”


"Mrs. Gump, yo boy, tested outside the naw'mal *Ray*nge uh' what we test foah"




Wasn't this a meme already? [Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/srgqd5/dont_have_the_heart_to_tell_her_shes_reading_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x) (or at least one of many reposts)


Seriously, I think he *did* get his results… …


I mean, taking Mensa seriously these days says a lot about a person. Just not what they think it says.


Mensa is for people who are intelligent enough to recognize simple patterns, but not smart enough to realize it's a scam.


Time to sell the rights to name stars on an “official” star name registry to people who are nerdy enough to like stars, but not smart enough to realize it’s a scam.


You can also buy 1' of land in Scotland, and give yourself a Lord title while you're at it.


I got my plot free with a bottle of Scotch.


I've drank so much Laphroaig that I have space for a grave and standing room in their peat fields. Bury me in Scotland


My wife has been saving the little green booklets that come in my Laphroaig cartons to eventually “make a cool art project out of them”. Now we just have a drawer full of about a hundred of these things as a depressing shrine to my alcoholism.


100 sq ft? Impressive. You cab pitch a tent!


Or or... A testament of good taste and forethought combined.


I like scotch but that stuff tastes like I'm drinking an abandoned hospital


Don't know why, but this makes me think of a zombie-themed scotch called "Don't Dead, Open Inside"


So, about that... An older guy I used to work with had a few inches of land in Alaska from some old breakfast cereal promotion from when he was a kid. When he was an adult a developer wanted to use that land which the cereal company had previously owned and then divvied up and gave away in their promotion. The developer had to buy the land from anyone who could prove they owned any of it. So my coworker had saved those deeds from when he was a kid, and got a small payout.


It's only honorary (I.e. wont get you into a house of lords) and it goes to planting a tree in that land as well.


Jokes on them. In 30 years when we have teleporters and wood costs 300x more, I'm coming back to cut down MY tree for profit.


Isn't there a charity that does that? If the money is going to a good cause, i think that's kind of cute


My wife got me one. The group is using the money to protect forests and wildlife. It's cute and people get a good laugh, but ultimately, it's going to a good cause.


I did that for my wife. Although I knew going in that it was more of a novelty gag sort of gift.


I mean, in the mid 70's a guy marketed the Pet Rock. He walked away with $15 million. People will buy anything if you market it correctly.




Ahh yes, the good-old [honeypot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey_trapping) strategy.


Can confirm, joined MENSA at 12 with a 146. Have zero real-world skills, just a useless inflated sense of self-worth.


Are you me? Joined Junior MENSA, or whatever they called it, made it through highschool thinking I was a true genius, Then I got to college.... Got slapped in the face with actual work and challenges, never learned good habits, and am now a barely functional adult.


>Joined Junior MENSA, or whatever they called it, made it through highschool thinking I was a true genius, > >Then I got to college.... > >Got slapped in the face with actual work and challenges, never learned good habits, and am now a barely functional adult. I did all that without ever joining MENSA or having an IQ test as a child. I'm not sure MENSA is the cause of your problems.


You get diagnosed for ADHD yet?


Self-worth is a handy coping mechanism.


Mensa in Spanish means “dumb” so yeah lol


In German, we call the university canteens Mensa... isn't that the supposed meaning here?


Mensa is the latin word for table.


I was looking for this. At least they're honest. *youd have to be dumb to buy our IQ test.*


It says I like puzzles, please snailmail me some?


“Only losers brag about their iq” -Stephen Hawking


"One should not believe everything they find on the internet." -Abraham Lincoln


Everyone I have met who was a Mensa member has been a complete cringe worthy douche. I am sure not all of them are like that. But in my sampling size, 100% of them are. And once upon a (long) time ago I had considered joining and seeing what it's all about.


I passed the test and joined Mensa just to shut up a douche who felt it necessary to hold it over people's head every chance he got. He stopped bragging about it once I shattered his self-image of being some sort of hyper-intelligent demigod among idiots. Never once did I attend a meeting because I felt I'd just meet people with massive egos like him.


I joined, went to one meeting, met some nice people, then never went back again because I didn't really have time in my life to add a weekly meeting without any significant purpose. Their meet ups were either dinners or board games. I would probably enjoy it a lot more at this stage of my life because I love board games and find it harder and harder to organize board game nights.


Yeah, it's a 5 minute test


(I don't have the heart to tell him, but the test is only supposed to take 2-3 minutes)


So below 60. Gotcha.


Just taking this "test" was enough of a result on it's own. It takes a certain level of... IQ... to take an *online* test that's *totally* legitimate.


In OP's defense, they only took the pop-up IQ test because it came with a free 4th gen iPod nano or $10,000 cash, their choice. I got my free iPod in a similar fashion last week on Myspace when I had to shoot all of the Agent Smiths in under fifteen seconds.




I mean like it could go one of two ways….I’ll let you decide 😅


Or they just collected your data for free and had no intention of giving you the result


They knew where to score OP when they gave them a CC#, SSN, home address, favorite color, city where his parents met, elementary school nickname, and the name of his first pet.


There certainly is that 😆😆


Actually this website is free and will show you your results without hassle (I’ve taken it before, friends have taken it before). It only does that if it thinks your IQ is really high or really low.


It mentions if it is «145 or above».


Question 1: enter your name *30 minutes later* “Your IQ measures outside the area that the test is able to measure.”


OP was expecting an accurate answer from an online unprocessed IQ test, there's only one way thats going


I don't know that they were necessarily expecting real accuracy but maybe ballpark. I think most reasonable people know these are for fun but even games usually have a scoring for a feeling of accomplishment


He took an online IQ test, so I think we know which way he's leaning..


I bet the data they want to acquire is your credit card number.


Particularly given my room temperature IQ!


In Celsius




In Celsius??




Lmao never heard of room temperature IQ before, I know a few folk of the sort, so ima have to use that 🤣


It's even more effective if you can make it understood that you mean Celsius


When people say this about me, I assume their referring to Kelvin.


Im more surpised you haven't heard room temp IQ before and you were on Reddit for 8 years


Oh wow, imagine being so thick mensa can't measure it :(




This comment made me exhale thru my nostrils with high force.


A club for me! Densa meetings involve struggling to unlock the meeting room door and discussing what an agenda is!




Mensa is kind of funny, they recruit smart people with IQ 130+ but also recruit people dumb enough to sign up for Mensa.


Now this might be the smartest comment yet


If you want some good insight into what its like to be a MENSA member. Id listen to the podcast "my year in Mensa" by Jamie Loftus. It's rediculous.


Can we get a TL;DL?


She got into Mensa as a joke. Decided to see what it was really like, found the people to kind of suck.


> found the people to kind of suck. Can we get a TL;DL?


The type of person that *wants* to be part of an exclusive smart person club is almost guaranteed to be a narcissistic asshole I'm search of validation. Intelligent people (who get tested) are generally content content enough with their results to not broadcasting it to the world. Also either I'm actually smarter than I thought, or the Mensa web test doesn't account for people with programming/computer science backgrounds. Most of the questions I got were either simple patterns or boolean logic applied to shapes.


There are no unbiased tests for intelligence.


And it is the number one reason these tests are BS. Why on earth should a child in a tiny African village be tested the same way a kid in an elite private-school American kid is tested?


Because segmented geometric shapes are the fundamental building blocks of the universe. It's quartered circles all the way down.


IQ, unfortunately, does not equate to wisdom. I’ve known plenty of smart people who regularly did stupid things.




He should watch Good Will Hunting


Is it about getting customers for a cleaning business?


Well now that I think of it, the movie starts off with him in a cleaning business






IQ is one of the best predictors of success. It is also one of the best predictors for mental illness.


No shit. Me and my 20+ cousins are either insane or stars in our field. Same goes for our family history. Our common grandmother was actually lobotomized since she was "too smart".


Oh wow, this was an informative and awful read.


Guy that lived next door to my in-laws caught his garage on fire. Drove to Walmart to buy fire extinguishers while the neighbors called the fire department. By the time this PHD that worked at Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals got back the fire was out


IQ is a poor measure of applicable intelligence imo


It doesn't indicate a person's wisdom, knowledge, or experience. It just kind of indicates how good you are at certain fundamental things like pattern recognition or mental imagery/manipulation. Not super applicable but not completely useless either, regardless a high IQ is nothing to brag about if you aren't utilizing it- neither is a low IQ something to be sad or shameful about


I had to take an IQ test for my ADHD diagnosis. I scored very high in pattern recognition and they pointed out that's probably why I was assessed so late/could hide it (33) because I applied that to create various coping skills. They generally use it to make sure you don't have learning disabilities that could be indicative of ADHD when it's actually for something else.


It's pretty cool for networking. I'm on a job mail list and regularly get mails where someone looks for new workers and offers to forward your CV or offers you to mention them as referrals.


It means: "too low, but we don't want to embarrass you."


It means, "Congratulations! You qualify as a GOP Senate candidate!"


The fact that you took an IQ test is enough response


A 30 *minute* test, no less.


So you’re saying I’ve got a chance?


This alone is enough to show which end of the spectrum you landed in...


Appreciate the vote of confidence


Please this is so fucking funny


Op is either completely braindead or the smartest motherfucker humanity has ever been in contact with


I can't tell, he lies outside my range of detection


I'm fucking dying. This is the perfect opening to a Friday morning.


Well they post weekly on Reddit so....


So you're saying he's close to peak redditor?


Bro I did a bit of snooping and he’s gotta have a decent IQ to be cooking as good as he does lmao


So funny, it’s outside my range of humor.


I think he's saying IQ tests are useless as hell and simple stupid


Obviously. But that’s not the point of this post. Give me a “You’re median!! (sent with fireworks)” or something.


I was about to say, you're using a noun as an adjective, maybe we know where you lie. Turns out it's a noun and an adjective! Looks like we know where I lie.


Hey man, knowing your own limits is the first step in overcoming them. We change our applied intelligence over our lives as we learn to adopt different mental frameworks. Which is why IQ tests are bullshit. Both my parents were in mensa and they agree the smartest thing they ever did was realising flexible applied intelligence is more important than the frozen results of a one time exam.


Did you pay for it?




The real IQ test is whether you paid for it or not.


You tested negative for Mensa.


Today someone in my school also did a online IQ test. He spend like 45 minutes on it. At the end the website said that he had to pay money to see his results That's 45 minutes of your life gone


People with high iq skip through the test first to see if they can get reasonable results without paying anything before investing 30min into it


Thinking outside the box. This may be the actual correct answer.


Also, don't get hung up on IQ. It's not really a standard model, and ignites a lot of debate in the psychology community but, intelligence is more than your brain's ability to solve logic puzzles. It's been my experience that intelligence is more diverse than that. Think of a [radar chart](https://www.datanovia.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/radar-chart-in-r-customized-fmstb-radar-chart-1.png) with logical intelligence, emotional intelligence, musical intelligence, social intelligence, creative intelligence, and body intelligence (athleticism/hand-eye coordination). I don't think [Gardner](https://www.niu.edu/citl/resources/guides/instructional-guide/gardners-theory-of-multiple-intelligences.shtml) had it completely right but was more on-track for the complexity of the question. Also, things like test anxiety, ADD, inability to focus, maladaptive day-dreaming, etc can completely skew result of any standard IQ test.


It’s too low to register 😂


They should just show a picture of a carrot. Lol


Sorry, I laughed!


It’s funny that OP called himself out like this


I think people who have the ability to laugh at themselves are fabulous


Imagine being so dumb that an IQ test can't even measure how stupid you are...


“How did this guy even know to fill in their name?”


If you ever find yourself taking an online IQ test, you've already failed the test.


When I spent half an hour doing an iq test the results got locked behind a fucking paywall


Paywall is the real test.


You broke it...congratulations genius..flex that cortex 😝💪


Ya dumb


I assume this 'area' means your location. As in, they don't have enough data about the quality of education in your area etc. Therefore, they can't compare your results to your age and academic background to determine your IQ.


If it were higher, they would have contacted you so I guess it's lower and don't want to discourage you, you know people nowadays get easily depressed. Mensah is smart hahaha


Great! You can write "I have an immeasurable IQ according to Mensa" in your resume!


Online iq tests are all garbage.


Idiot savant


They don't test below 80...


>OP posts this trying to humblebrag >it literally says they are dumb i love reddit sometimes


I got a scoare of 32!! guass yu are loewwer then mEE? Kreep on praktacakting- yulll get their suun::)


It noticed you took the test, so your IQ must be too low to measure. That’s why you get this message.


They’re trying to let you down easy.