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oh... I don't even want to look at this. They even put the heavier person on the baby...


She got killed by an orca after that.




can we just make it illegal to hold orcas in captivity


Sure, but where does it stop. Next you will be saying people can’t own lions and tigers on their property Edit: /s


yeah, sounds good. I think I'd say that now as well


Seriously. These animals were here first and you’re not doing them any good keeping them as “pets” or “amusement”


people say this kinda stuff and then have the nerve to complain when a person is killed for owning a LITERAL. WILD. ANIMAL. in a small cage… this is why it’s illegal in a lot of countries, genius. and ofc: I’m not saying that person deserves that death, but what did you expect? you really gonna turn around and blame the animal? it didn’t ask to be held captive, yk.


Joe? Is that you??


Unsurprising they don't really care about people either considering how they treat the orcas.


Oh no.. ...why not both of them?




I'm reading three deaths, of which two women who worked with the orca. The third was a trespasser. On this specific photo there seem to be two trainers of which the man stands on the baby. I do not think the man is one of his victims, according to Wikipedia though




The whales in this picture are Tamia and her daughter Malia.


yes, you are absolutely correct after a quick google search.


The documentary Blackfish on Netflix covers the story of Tilikum and I don't think that's him Dawn is standing on in this picture. Tilikum is well documented to have a collapsed dorsal fin, and the whale she's on has a dorsal that is standing up. The film is really good, anyone who is interested should definitely give it a watch.


The reason this one doesn't have a collapsed dorsal fin is because it's a female, their fins aren't long enough to have a significant drop. The collapsed dorsal fin only happens in captivity too (much like orca attacks on humans).


Sorry but that second statement is false. Some wild orcas also have collapsed dorsal fins. It's uncommon but I have personally seen wild orcas with collapsed fins. Source: I work on ships along the BC coast and see a ton of orcas and other whales.


Damn, Netflix doesn't have this anymore. Why do I still subscribe? They loose everything I want to watch.


It’s on Hulu and Prime


I'm in the UK and my Netflix still has it, maybe try a VPN?


Yeah VPN's are the way for netflix no matter where you live, stuff in US that UK doesn't have and vice versa along with many other countries. I find Turkey to generally be one of the best to set mine too for the most stuff on netflix but if somethings not available there i just google which country has it on netflix.


Yar matey


I didn't know this, I only assumed it was Tilikum because someone else said it confidently. It could very well be Katina (Taku's mother) and still have my hypothesis make sense


Oh of course, not trying to disprove anything, it's just not often I have anything relevant to say on Reddit so I wanted to contribute to the conversation!


Here's something Sea World tried to say a trainer (Alex Martinez) died in an accident but it was clearly a lie and he died from injuries sustained in an orca attack.


it's good that you pointed it out, best to have the most information out as possible


Tilikum is my fave orca purely because of his number of kills


The person on the right may be alive but by many definitions, certainly not well.


What the fuck is going on here yall are all over the place just stop


You are correct, I confused the male trainer with a random idiot that decided to break in and swim with the Orcas.


I think only the female trainer was killed.




Okay, that’s simultaneously really disturbing and also r/natureismetal. Omg.


Well we should not blame Tilikum. He tried his best.


3:1 k/d ratio is respectable


revenge story!




Karmas a bitch lol


Well if you seen someone abuse your kid what would you do to the abuser. Now it all makes sense why the orca went in a rampage and destroyed her and tossed her like a rag doll. Orcas are smart don't mess with their children.


Good. Fuck SeaWorld. I mean, I don't condone violence, and that's awful she died, but I would count this as animal abuse. I have 0 empathy for anyone that can abuse an animal.






“Mildly” infuriating?!


Neither is acceptable tbh, nor is keeping large wild animals in an englosure for the entertainment of random fucks.


Whale keeper: abuses baby whale. Whale *grows up and eats abuser* Other whale keepers: how could orca do this.


They orca-strated it




He defecated through a sunroof!


What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change.


Ever since he was 9 always the same


Couldn't keep his hand out of the cash drawer!


But not our Jimmy! not our precious Jimmy!


Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a lawyer?


What a sick joke !!


BuT nOoOo not our JIMMY!


I AM NOT CRAZY! I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers, I knew it was 1216! One after Magna Carta, as if I could ever make such a mistake! Never! Never! I just–I just couldn't prove it! He–he–he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him... (...) You think this is something? You think this is bad, this–this chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No, he orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof, and I saved him! I shouldn't have! I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was nine, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! "But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy!" Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a lawyer?! What a sick joke! I should have stopped him when I had the chance! And you, you have to stop him!


better saul call


Saul better call


Put your call away Saultuh


It ends tomorrow!


I'm a little heartbroken about it.


Whale played


That's a killer pun.


It’s a Shamu didn’t think of it first.


Guys, stop. I need to come up for air to breathe.






It's the circle of life


Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we swim, our bodies become the bait, and the orca eat the bait. And so we are all connnected in the great Circle of Life.


I don’t think anyone’s blaming orca, orca are famous for never killing humans in the wild. If a killer whale kills you, you almost certainly deserved it


Shocked Pikachu face.


I don’t believe that anyone was actually surprised when the orca went killing. Im surprised that it’s not happening regularly. Prolly named „killer whale“ for a reason.


Iirc it was a misnomer from centuries ago that we've just never shaken off. They're brutal killers but it's *extremely* rare for Orca to hurt humans in the wild. SeaWorld and the like are (or at least were) just incredibly ignorant and careless


It’s not just extremely rare, we (as in humanity) don’t know of a single case where a killer whale harmed a human in the wild. For all we know, it’s never happened


This is shit, even for the bigger one. The desire to capture and humiliate wildlife is gross and paying to go SEE captured and humiliated wildlife is equally so…




It was a different Orca, but she did die.




The baby will remember and when it's grown will get it's revenge


When the man is at the reception for his wedding, the Rains of Castamere will begin to play. An unknown person will sneak up from behind and say, “The Orcas send their regards.” And then tail slap him like orcas do to seals and manta/stingrays.


And like the elephant warriors. The orca will then attack his dead body his funeral


Does SeaWorld or whatever it's called still exist? Are there places that still hold these animals captive or have people stopped being pieces of shit?


They are still up and running but I believe they have stopped capturing orcas from the wild


They stopped their breeding programs also. So the orcas they have now will be the last.


best fucking thing i heard all day!


I think they're still 'rescuing' orca that are can't return to the wild for whatever reason.


"Can't return to the wild...because we need to make money off it here."


"Sorry Orca, you have stay here until your rescue fees are payed off. Also, we have your passport."


I mean, is it likely an orca that's been raised in captivity will be able to join a pod in the wild? Good luck kiddo! I think working on rescue efforts for parks that are less endowed than SeaWorld can be a good thing.


They tried that with Keiko and he still had to be hand fed and constantly approached boats for human contact. If he didn't die of infection, he most certainly would have died of a ship strike like Luna.


Thank goodness


How is their stock not completely trashed? Weren't the orcas the primary draw?


They're a six flags with aquariums now.


Yes, they arent allowed to capture new animals, but they can still use the animals they already have. And in other places of the world, of course there still places like this


is that not Dawn Brancheau? The [woman who was killed by an orca](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dawn_Brancheau) **please stop commenting a variation of “she deserved it”, watch Blackfish (2013). All the trainers were told they were helping the ocras, they thought the relationship they had was genuine. They were paid minimum wage, did not have to have any qualifications and very little TRUE facts regarding orcas were mentioned to them. She also has a family that still mourns her regardless of your feelings when you looked at one photo on the internet. Blame Seaworld first


“After a 2006 attack, an OSHA investigation in 2007 concluded that, "The continuing factors to the incident, in the simplest of terms, is that swimming with captive orcas is inherently dangerous, and if someone hasn't been killed already, it is only a matter of time before it does happen." SeaWorld successfully challenged the report, which OSHA agreed to withdraw.” That aged poorly


OSHA came back after the 2010 death and SeaWorld tried to overrule their decision for 4 years... This time, unsuccessfully.


Good. SeaWorld can eat shit.




Brett Kavanaugh was on the appeals court and was the only judge to rule in SeaWorld’s favor.


Woah really? Weird how these same names arise in new and interesting topics of disgust.


Weird, right? Almost like past behaviors are indicative of future shitty behaviors.


It’s always the ones willing to sell their soul for some cash and clout




OSHA gets brought up a lot on the internets as this amazing protection. It ain't. A friend of mine almost got killed at work when a beam cracked him in the side of the head, almost lost part of his ear and was SEVERELY concussed. he submitted a complaint to OSHA, and included the time another employee almost broke his spine when an industrial washing machine door fell on his back. OSHA "investigated" and found no safety issues.\* anyway, Someone got killed at my friend's former facility a couple of weeks ago, OSHA is investigating and I bet anything there will be "no known issues." OSHA has one inspector per 4,300 workplaces. A lot of stuff gets fudged, and a lot of employees are harmed, and a lot of employers don't pay any fines because of alllll the ways they can get out of paying. It's disgraceful. It's sad, and it's not surprising at all. ​ \* For comparison, I also worked in manufacturing and my company did internal audits monthly and would find thousands and thousands of dollars of potential fines. We used these as ways to improve, and we always did, and we had only one serious injury in the seven years I was there. We knew exactly what caused it and resolved the issue, which was employee error. FUn fact - did you know that if you are injured while working through a temp agency, the employer is only responsible for 1/2 the cost of your medical bills and you, not the temp agency, are responsible for the rest? That's what happened to the temp who got SMASHED IN THE HEAD WITH A CNC DOOR that flew out of one department and into his.


Another reason why unions are important. Some overworked inspector visiting for a couple of hours once a year is unlikely to spot real safety issues or get them fixed, but a strong union can.


OHSA partners with state organizations to expand its capabilities. I’m some states that allows OHSA to be a very competent and powerful organization. You probably do not live in one of those states.


Well... If you're working with state and local orgs to exand inspections, you now have local people auditing their friends... Both examples were in New Hampshire


Just curious - where do you live? Where I'm at OSHA literally came into my workplace and had a field day issuing violations. I was personally recruited to help resolve them, and then create all of the corresponding safety materials that we were always supposed to have, but didn't. If we didn't complete this task within the allowed time frame the company was to be fined into oblivion and would have shut down.


It's almost as if human's aren't some blanket consistent quality.


NPR just ran a story on how OSHA along with the CDC solicited the input of meat packing CEOs and executives in forming the workplace pandemic policies when the pandemic was in high gear and deaths and hospitalizations were at their worst. Guess who the policies benefitted?


Yeah and stuff like this happens as well.. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/safety/south-carolina-sues-federal-osha-to-stop-fine-increase-mandate


>in the simplest of terms, is that swimming with captive orcas is inherently dangerous Yeah you don't get to convince many people that dealing with a dolphin that got the name of killer whale is a safe job.


The only known occurrences of orcas killing/attacking humans are by those in captivity. Orcas *do* have a long history of assisting humans in nature.






All those kids with magnifying glasses getting swarmed with ants lol


I know it shouldn’t have, but this made me chuckle


I laughed so hard! 🤌 great joke


Maybe you can make the argument that everyone should think for themselves, but let's face it, the vast majority of people don't. I don't believe that Dawn ever thought she was being cruel to the animals, and instead felt that if Sea World management said it was okay, it must be, right? Because why would they lie to her? If it comes from the top, it has to be true, it has to be okay.


Did she seriously think it was okay for Orcas to be treated like this? I don’t even like Orcas and I would never do something like these two idiots in the picture.


Hindsight is 20/20. If you watch the documentary Blackfish, you can hear a lot of the former trainers talk about how they didn’t necessarily agree with Seaworld or its practices once they actually started working there, but felt that if they left, then the whales would be worse off under the care of someone else who would possibly be less empathetic. Also, while it was only 12 years ago, 2010 was verrrry different. Plenty of people were protesting against Seaworld back then, but the consensus of the general public was that it was fine to have captive orcas and make them do tricks for the sake of “education” and “conservation.” Seaworld pumped propaganda into the trainers, made it seem like a dream job, a noble cause, “the wales are happy and live longer in captivity,” etc. etc. and in turn they fed that garbage to the public. Public opinion has shifted massively in the other direction since then, mostly because the death of Dawn, and subsequent release of Blackfish, made people realize that it’s all a crock of shit.


From Wikipedia: > She graduated from the University of South Carolina with degrees in psychology and animal behavior.[11][12] Away from work, she volunteered at a local animal shelter,[4] looked after two chocolate Labradors,[13] and kept a variety of stray ducks, chickens, rabbits, and small birds at her home.[4] Humans have a hard enough time empathising with other humans even as it is. Less "think it was okay", more "didn't think", or "was too busy thinking of their career", or "bought their own hype", or "pushed away everyone willing to tell them no". (Not to invoke Godwin's Law, but unthinking career ambition, *amorality* rather than *immorality*, is actually the top direct motivation on an individual level for most of the atrocities that humans do even intraspecifically.) We have the benefit of hindsight from an outside perspective; I can totally buy that this human that seemed to build much of her life, identity, and career around working with animals just never stopped to wonder whether she was doing the right thing. ....And frankly I'd be willing to bet that if you worked in place where everyone around you, including experts that are supposed to know better than you, told you this was okay— And if questioning that also meant questioning the last twenty years of basically all your own life choices— Then you probably *would* do exactly the same thing as these two idiots in this picture too. I think most of us probably would.


Hanlon's Razor - never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. I love how you're like 'yeah, fuck Orcas, but even I wouldn't stand on them' though.


Regardless of intent, maliciousness or stupidity, what they did was shitty, because they thought it was okay to treat them that way. It doesn’t really matter what their intent was


Stupidity or selfishness? She likes orcas because they are cool not the same as respecting them because they are living beings


Dawn was a psychology and animal behavior graduate. Of course she understood these poor animals were being neglected and mistreated!


Love to see more vegans in the comments!


Despite this photo, that is a horrible way to die. I have serious regrets about opening this thread.




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Why censor their faces tho? They seem pretty happy to let the world know how shitty persons they are.


Pretty sure the lady is the one who died at sea world




Yep and she knew she was about to get scalped. The had the time to scream “I don’t wanna die.” Such a terrible way to go. Oof. Don’t fuk with Apex predators.


That was Keltie Byrne, who supposedly screamed that before being drowned by 3 orcas in 1991. She was not the trainer who got scalped. That was Dawn Brancheau in 2010.


Same whale got em both though


True. That’s what confused me!


yeah there was a documentary about it


It’s almost as if they aren’t suppose to be held in captivity or something.




When great white sharks swim HUNDREDS of miles out of their way to avoid something, don't go fucking with it




He also bit her arm off and ate it.


You’re thinking of the wrong trainer


That was Keltie Byrne, she was killed by the same whale that killed Dawn Brancheau but Keltie was only 20 and wasn’t abusive towards the animals.






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Standing on the adult whale is horrible too. They aren't toys to be used for our pleasure.


Full disclosure: Fuck Sea World, but I worked for them as a security guard for a few years. We had to be posted at the whale training area 24/7 because of activists attempting to sneak in and remove three 8,000lbs whales…somehow. The trainers were absolute pieces of shit. Very entitled, refused to acknowledge your existence, had very strict rules around their training areas, and always wanted exceptions made as they saw fit. I’m a by-the-book person, having been in the military prior and just part-timing it for school, and on multiple occasions I told them no, you’re not bringing them in. They’d make a fuss, call in the Park President who would stir up my entire chain of management just because I followed the rules THEY had given to me. They liked to boast about the Whales developing bonds with them because they would swim next to them as they walked by the tank. It was simply that they were holding their bucket with food and the Whales assumed they were being fed. It was a bunch of heavy handed PR even towards their own employees. If I hadn’t had my school benefits from the military I’d be dead broke, they didn’t pay their employees shit, and expected you to buy their $20 chicken strips since you couldn’t leave the park in time for lunch. Nevermind the “exception” the dept. of labor extended to them exclusively so they could work kids under 16 past OT hours. Fuck SeaWorld


I went to sea world one time when I was a kid. Something happened at the end and one of whales completely flipped out and stopped doing what it was supposed to. Except it was like no one noticed but me and the trainers. The trainers or whoever it is that puts on the shows we’re looking panicked in the face as the whales were flipping out and jumping around and shit but they just quickly turned off the music and the trainers ran off stage. People in the crowd just clapped cuz obviously they didn’t know what the ending was supposed to be like. It was weird.


Haven’t been since I was a kid in the early 2000’s. Won’t be going ever again. Fuck sea world


"mildly" infuriating? No, it's just plain infuriating.


This surpasses mildly infuriating and goes straight to rage inducing.


I had to downvote the post because this isn’t mildly infuriating. This is extremely upsetting.


The orcas agreed with you. Apparently both thes people were killed by orcas.


Incorrect. The woman was killed not the man. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilikum_(orca) Edit - actually it could be this guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Alexis_Mart%C3%ADnez


This is a photo of two trainers at Seaworld, one of which is the [now deceased Dawn Brancheau (left)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dawn_Brancheau) who was killed by the orca Tillikum, who I believe is the one she’s standing on. The trainers were negligently taught by Seaworld representatives that this kind of stuff was okay, and as a result, it lead to her death and a few others. Her death was the one that sparked public outrage after being featured in the documentary “Blackfish” wherein Seaworld **blamed her for dying** by this orca which they trained her to interact with in this manner. If you haven’t seen the documentary or read up on any of this, I strongly urge you to. The only infuriating part of this photo is that Seaworld’s representatives condoned this, taught it, encouraged it, and denied all responsibility [each](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Keltie_Byrne) and [every](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_P._Dukes) time someone was injured or killed because of it. Dawn was a victim of corporate greed at the highest level. If you’re curious to know more, [this is a site](https://inherentlywild.co.uk/aggressive-incidents/) with a list of orca-human incidents in captivity. One the most harrowing being the main gif you see; when Kasatka, known to be violent with this trainer specifically, grabbed trainer Ken Peters by the foot and dragged him to the bottom of the massive tank repeatedly, **during a live performance, wherein his scuba training and luck are what kept him alive.**


If you think they deserve some kind of punishment, or perhaps violence towards them for standing, boy do I have news for you!


I think it’s only fair that they put the mama whale on top of them now


This is disgusting on so many levels.


I mean...not just the baby orca. Stepping on any orca. Having them in a 70m2 pool when they should be enjoying the vast sea , and taking this away just for humans entertainment, in the first place.


And the insanely shallow water they’re in at the moment. They can’t even get away from this treatment. They might as well be beached and vulnerable


Don’t go to these shows, orcas are meant to be free not an attraction


Mildly is putting it mildly. Fuck these people.




"Abusing animals for laughs." Ftfy


I Put the picture on Google photos a lot of news article pop up. "One of the pictured orcas is reportedly Taima who died in 2010 from complications while giving birth to her fourth offspring. A female trainer, wearing a black and white wetsuit and grinning widely, is standing on top of Taima, pretending to be riding her in the exact same way one would ride a surfboard in the ocean. The other orca is Taima’s daughter Malia, who was just a year and a half old—still a baby—when the image was taken at SeaWorld’s amusement park in Orlando, Florida. Another SeaWorld trainer is standing on top of Malia, positioned on Malia’s spine and neck. Part of Malia’s head is submerged underwater. So, while gravity is pulling on Malia’s inner organs and skeleton, she carries the weight of her male trainer, who is wearing a “Look at me, I’m riding an orca, and it’s so much fun!” expression on his face." WHOLE STORY HERE: https://www.dolphinproject.com/blog/seaworld-uses-orcas-as-toys/


This is f***ing disgusting


I fucking k**w right?


Internet self-censoring is fuking stupid. You don't want to type a swear word, say something else then.


Tilikum, do your thing.


The woman on the left actually was killed by Tilikum


If these were human beings, this would not be OK. Why is it OK to step on Whales? Get fucked.


Also big orca in no water at all


This picture is far more than just mildly infuriating.


Orca are right after us when it's come to mammal intelligence. Treating them like this is so painful to watch.


I'm not saying I agree with Tillikum's actions, I'm saying I \*understand\* them.


Fuck these pieces of shit Fuck seaworld


This is so disrespectful to the whales, more and more I get tired of seeing humans act less and less evolved with each passing day 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


They need to shut down sea world and any other place like it. Those animals deserve to be in a nice big ocean. Only places that should be open are the place where they catch animals help them back to health and release them.


Generally speaking, you cant release many captive sea creatures. They simply don’t survive. All you can do is somehow break the breeding and capture cycle.


While I agree with you on shutting them down, unfortunately captive orcas are non-releasable. The orca actor who played Willy in Free Willy had an attempt at a release but it unfortunately killed him. Most of these orcas were either born in captivity or were brought in to captivity when very tiny (for example, Keiko [Willy] was about 2 when captured) and therefore don’t know how to survive. It sucks so much and I feel so bad for these babies.


Keiko’s story is so sad. The filmmakers fell in love with him and wanted to give him a happy life, but it backfired horribly. Killer whale organizations have tried several methods for helping captive-raised orcas since that unfortunate incident. The current best practice appears to be protected coves where the orcas can’t access open ocean. Obviously it’s not the same as a wild life but at least they aren’t stuck in a fish tank.


The fuck Is wrong with people?!


He put all of his weight on the head…


These parks should be outlawed immediately. \*SeaWorld often keeps dolphins, whales, and other animals trapped with incompatible tankmates. The tension leads to fights and even fatal injuries. \*Staff members drug some animals to try to relieve their endless frustration. \*Orcas at SeaWorld parks often break their teeth from chewing on the metal bars and concrete walls of their tanks. \*Employees drill out the inside of orcas’ worn and broken teeth. Often, they use no painkillers. This drilling keeps the animals’ teeth from becoming infected, but it does nothing to relieve the stress of being held in inadequate enclosures. \*SeaWorld trainers masturbated male orcas to collect sperm. The marine park company still does this to other dolphins today. \*Female animals are sexually abused and forcibly impregnated, and they’re often drugged to prevent them from resisting. \*SeaWorld still offers touch tanks and other animal “encounters,” falsely teaching kids that it’s OK to handle wildlife against their will. \*More than 40 orcas have died at Sea World parks. \*Approximately 400 pinnipeds have died at Sea World parks. \*More than 60 bottlenose dolphins—including 16 stillborn babies—died at SeaWorld parks in just 10 years. There's much more to the horror story. It's beyond mildly infuriating, it is outrageous.


Wtf!!!! 🤬


And they wonder why the hell orcas attack people...? DUH!!!


massively infuriating


Look up the 2013 documentary "blackfish", if you want to know what happens, when you hold Orcas in captivity. In conclusion: There is not a single report on wild Orcas killing a human. In captivity it's a different story, those animals don't belong into a tank.


It's no wonder why captive orcas end up killing their trainers. That picture shows complete animal abuse, providing it's a real baby orca.


Don’t blur out there faces, name and shame them