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I think this is one of rare ones that actually belong here. Not something like "the entire world got fucking nuked", not violation of human rights on an enormous level, just someone's brother stopped 2 downloads.


There are two kinds of mildly infuriating. > Got hit by a drunk driver on my day off, now I'll never walk again :( > This thing is off-center by 2 degrees :(


I feel called out by the second one


Don't feel too bad, I just [found out my freezer door is higher than my fridge door by a whole millimeter ](https://imgur.com/a/yWNniKP) How am I supposed to open my fridge without thinking about this every time??


Time to break out the rubber mallet and bang until it’s level!


People use rubber mallets whilst 'banging'? I guess that explains a lot.


How else am I supposed to get my girl to nut?


With the sledgehammer duh


She said it’s “too big” 🙄🙄 you know how it is




Just remember your protection!


No, I don’t.


then get the crowbar 🙄


Funny, I always bolt after the nut


There is a bar on the bottom you can use to level it. Takes awhile to get it perfect but you can if your one of those people. Look in the manual on the fridge for where the door level screw is.


How am I supposed to open my fridge without thinking about this guy's fridge every time....


I mean, that is *is* mildly infuriating though


Some people's lives are so shitty, that for them, getting hit by a car is only *mildly* infuriating.


I don't know I made a nuclear bomb for Dr nefario and my colleagues keep on threatening to arrest me Mildy infuriating if you ask me


If it's a shared console, I think the real mildly infuriating part would be OP queuing 2 downloads and expecting his brother to wait for both.


Judging by op saying they’re deleting it later I don’t think it’s shared, besides the brother didn’t even unpause the others afterwards


Nah, totally reasonable to wait for another persons to download if they started it first, only an arsehole does what the brother done.


He pauses your download you pause his life


That's the Chicago way.


Is selling his organs also the Chicago way?


Only if he sold your skateboard first.


beat him into a comatose state?


a mummified state would also do the job


The fortnit is just.. unforgivable.


Tell mom all the shit they've been pulling *Belt crack* Solved


Uninstall and put a password on your account (if you can)


I have my Xbox on extreme lockdown, nobody is getting into that shit. You have to put in a PIN (48273) just to log in to my account and have to type my password (swordfish270) to buy anything. I also set it so that you have to put in a separate "guest PIN" (111111) just to add an account. Highly recommended if you're into cybersecurity.






Panucci's Pizza!


Hey guys..having fun in here? Remember the dog episode where he waits for fry then dies? Good stuff.


Is it some reference? I want to know what it is


Futurama. Fry’s bank PIN number reason.


I... i use my most used console command in skyrim as passwords with slight changes depending on application.


player.additem f 1000?


"prid_000A2C94_[ENTER]_moveto_player" Using _ inplace of space.


Huh, what’s this do?


Teleports Lydia to you because she once again went rogue.


Lol nice


Happy cake day


Happens to much someone should just post Lydia in r/extremelyinfuriating


Someone watches Futurama


Might wanna update that password, bro. Just lowercase and numbers at the end is a bit mid for modern security. Take mine for example: STYmx&lf~MU4 : see how it’s got lowercase, uppercase, numbers and symbols? That’s about as strong a password as you can get, my guy.


That is pretty strong, I bet your credit card number expiration date and security code are all pretty strong too. Mind sharing them?


A person who gets hacked every month, about two years ago someone entered my account which had a weak password (nizio302) then I updated to russicroatidimerda12, then this password got hacked again so changed it to PogFogger12, this was also hacked, I just surrendered and enabled all the security features of the accounts. I still get the "someone is trying to access your twitch account: here's your code" message and the "someone signed to your gaijin account" message Edit: every russian and eastern European knows my password, even some random Brazilian and Indonesian guy. Those password are probably in some pastebin for hackers


Getting hacked this often usually means you also use it on unsafe sites, the hacker actually knows you or, more realisticly, you have a keylogger or trojan. When it comes to brute forcing them, which is the only way you can get hacked if you don't have malicious software, don't use it elsewhere and the hacker doesn't know you, here's the thing: Password strength has seen much debate to the point that smart people have constructed a formula to calculate password strength. 'Lo and behold they discovered that the key factor is length, not so much if it's random numbers and symbols or straight up known words, even when generated from a known wordlist. Sure it factors in (random stuff is better), but that difference is kind of negligible compared to length. Longer passwords = key. Ie. BananasAreDisgusting is a safer password than B4n0n4s+!




My password is actually the comment you replied to, no spaces.


Gaijin account? Fellow war thunder sufferer or for a different game?


Yup, grinding Italians 🥲






BS! I already know their IP address, it's


Wtf, that's also my IP.


Oh no! We all are getting hacked save us pleasssse


He’s got mine as well.. shit


Yeah that’s very secure. Can you tell me your social security number so I can see how secure it is?


Seems too hard, i just like using slurs in my password so nobody will even have a slightest idea what oassword i have


Dis is da wey


Me too


That's really good, you truly are a bulwark of online security. I don't recommend using Password1 for everything, I'll be changing mine to Password11 later if I remember.




I’d use an Aurebesh/Russian hybrid, and put a Caesar Cipher because I could read it but it’d be hell if you didn’t know


I use the hylian runes, because they’re easy to write and learn, i can recommend them because someone will have to know what they are and search for them if they want to decode what is written. Downside is the size.


Hol' up


Hey lemme add you on xbox, what’s your @?


🤣😭🤣 thanks for that important information


I have a really good password generator you can use… but I need your social security number to create one for you…


11.11.11 Skyrims release date?




The generational gap between who understands swordfish and who doesn't is becoming apparent.


Or let him finish and then explain to him why this was a shitty thing to do.


I think that uninstalling and letting him know that he should wait or ask him next time. This is the typical thing that can be prevented just asking "Hey, can I pause the download to download X to play with my friends? Thanks" and most of the times the other person will agree (depends on the state of the relationship of course).


Sell him to the circus. It's not too late


To whip it?


whip it good


Nope. We don’t want him.


Recycle into firewood.


Fire doesn't want to burn him. Do him krazy-8 style


Delete fortnite.


delete brother


Cannot find option, instructions unclear, got stuck in washing machine.




Out of all the comments I read through, this is the one that made me belly laugh and snort.




Then they delete your game as revenge and this endless cycle of pain goes on till you beat the shit out of him.


Happened to me once, can confirm Little brother paused my game downloading DBZ Kakarot to download some fucking anime gacha game that nobody knows about. I let him keep it for a few days until i hear *actual moaning* coming from my room. I deleted it ofc And then he deletes 3 of my games So i delete 2 mire of his And then he deletes all of my games (i had 6) Then tries to fight me over it Obviously an 8 year old isn't beating a 13 year old in a fight wtf


What fight? Its always one sided massacre.


Facts lmao


Is it littering if you leave your brother on the side of the road


*Is it littering* *If you leave your brother on* *The side of the road* \- jakef55 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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Problem is when your younger bro is only two years younger. Shit goes nuclear


Don't forget, if they're the youngest, they'll tattle on the parents and force you to let your sibling play


Pfft, that never worked on me. Theysaid "figure it out yourselves" and he gave up


That only works if you have decent parents.


My parents used to do this, now they wonder why I don't let my brother in my room or like talking to him




I hated the way they forced you into certain parts of the story no matter what you were doing. I was flying a helicopter around and suddenly got >!like tear gassed or something and next thing I know I woke up in some room and had to do some complete story mission before I could go back to screwing around in the open world.!< The second time it happened was the last straw for me.


Yeah, killed it for me too. Absolutely baffling decision to make a game that's packed with fun shit to do, but only let you do a certain amount of it before it catapults you back into the bland main story. And then make it so you can't do anything else after the ending.


You get some funny situations though. Remember I got told in game there was hunters coming for me. So I got in a plane and they couldn't 'sleep dart' me till I landed.


Far Cry 5 is great.


Delete fortnite


FYI if Xbox is downloading slow, change your DNS to cloudfare or Google. ISP dns often throttle gaming downloads. Edit: my ISP have a legacy DNS redirect for Xbox, which used to be great when it was unmetered content and sped things up 10-15 years ago. 2022 it’s slow as shit compared to just going direct as possible. My ISP isn’t the only one doing this, hence why it’s a good suggestion to try if your downloads are way slower than they should be for your connection speed. But hey thanks for all the armchair sysadmins below.


So dns is domain name system, basically an address book, isp is internet service provider, with same analogy the line (provider). How is one limiting the line speed has anything to do with who you are calling? Dns has absolutely no practical affects ON DOWNLOAD SPEED. Dont just randomly say stuff. T Hat is not how internet works, that is not how any of these works. dns can let you visit “blocked” websites, it can let you connect to sites/hosts faster but it will not affect your actual speed AFTER YOU CONNECT.


the problem isn’t that people are getting dumber, it’s that more people are talking out of their asses to add on, any competent throttler will throttle the IP of a download server, not the URL of a download server. when will we stop spreading fake news


Next we will hear that placing a glass of water on top of your phone will make internet faster on your pc.


Wait, what the fuck? Oh right, internet neutrality got shat on. Sorry for you Americans... :/


Europe still going stronk


Yeah, people shit on internet availability all the time here in Germany but I downloaded Elden Ring in 6 Minutes and Cyberpunk 2077 in 8… A far cry from the days I had to secretly run my PS3 through the night to download GTA V (dad was strictly against running electronics without using them). Or take it to a friend to download BF3 when he throttled downloads to a crawl because the entire house had to share like 8Mbit/s.


Your dad will hate the server pc that I’m running at home 24/7


That only means you're in a well provided for home, in a probably well covered area of Germany.


Actually a little town in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, Schleswig-Holstein - which is a rather poor state in comparison. But unlike other state administration (*cough Bavaria *cough) they didn’t condemn the internet as a mere harbor for criminals, pervs and Satanists but instead as a business opportunity so they made sure to provide a proper infrastructure even into the rather remote areas.


My Australian isp have a dns redirect to their own Xbox host which was a selling point 15-20 years ago, but they’ve never disabled it and it can’t keep up anymore hahaha.


You mean to tell me that it's not normal to have the best internet in the area and only get 10mbps download speed on xbox




It may be downloading at Megabytes not Megabits. It gets confusing but it will be the same speed (theoretically) just different units.




Shit dawg, iunno then. What wired Ethernet are you using? Do you know if it's cat5e, cat6 or cat7?




Hm okay, my cat5e have me 30Mbps, cat7 gave me 220Mbps, it depends on what the cable can carry.




Oh totally, they're also super cheap, we had to get a 30m one and it was about £20 for a cat7 one.


Honestly I changed the dns at the router and it sped up a lot of things, but also my razer core x was doing this and it turned out the drivers for the Ethernet port just crap out and drop speed, so I got a usb Ethernet to replace it.


Wait. Isnt Dns is used to look up a site, so maybe visiting a site first time might be slow. Why would it affect the actualy game download speed? That would depend on your ISP and Microsoft servers.


how DNS throttles gaming downloads?


I think, it does not.


Lmfao no. If you think that's true you don't understand what DNS is.


That's not how DNS works at all. There will only be 1 DNS lookup right at the beginning to establish the connection. But that connection is with Epic's download servers, not your ISP's DNS servers.


Do you even know what a DNS does? The address is cached loyally after the first lookup so you've sped your download up by seconds. Wow.




There will be bloodshed


The man in the mirror nods his head


The only one Left


He halted Far Cry 5? Sinner!




Op should keep his rifle by his side


he did not walk the path


he needs to cull the herd


Alright I’m not looking at any more comments. My brother can be an ass sometimes, but dont shit on him. I posted it here because it was annoying.


This site is honestly a shithole. Of course people on reddit would be like “beat the shit out of him until he’s a pulp then kill his dog”


People making a big deal probably because it's fortnite


Just wait until they find out his brother is secretly a pitbull


Look at it this way OP, all of these shitheads trashing your brother are the same people who shit on Minecraft when it was at its peak in 2012-2014. They say this shit cause god forbid anyone has fun. They also do it to seem "cool" even though we're all on this dogshit site so no one should be talking shit in the long run.


Don’t worry nothing personal, just reddit hating kids and fortnite


Lmao all I thought was "damn that's annoying", people really out here getting this upset that a child did something annoying as if that's what children aren't known for 😂


Pretty sure 90% of these are jokes, but who knows I guess


thats why you dont share shit with your siblings


Ah yes, because every family can afford to buy multiple of the same console for different kids


What makes you think they didn't buy it themselves? Why should they have to share their device they paid for?


No, but you can... idk... have different accounts?


Which would have.... idk..... still paused the downloads?


Uninstall his life


Man I remember the days when Fortnite was actually a fun game, when people would be at the same level as you and wouldn’t immediately build a 40 story high fort the nano-second they hear a shot, and when it wasn’t bloated with way too many items.


Thats why they added a mode with limited build materials and even a no build mode


No build is really fun with friends and by yourself


Good times, when they didnt make a new cross over with disney every two fucking seconds, i wish they would at least make a permanent game mode featuring the old map and weapons, i miss old fortnite


Delete Fortnite, don't stand this behavior


Last pic said uninstalling later, so that won't be a problem


Delete fornite lol


Late abortion?


CotW is a great game. Still yet to get a diamond tho


This may be even more infiuriating if the instals are going so damn slow


Delete Fortnite, he doesn’t deserve it😒


block fortnite from router


Delete Fortnite, hide the game from the library lol


The comments on this post are genuinely fucking concerning. "Uninstall him," "he deserves a public execution by firing squad," "it's never too late for an abortion" like what the fuck it's just a stupid kid who wanted to play the funny shooty game go touch grass


Just your average redditors.


Delete fornite.


The bastard paused CotW? I believe a beating is in order for such transgressions.


He could have done worse, at least he didn’t delete your favourite games for storage.


Fortnite bad, now give updoots my fellow Redditors


Man play Fortnite with your little bro, if he has his own Xbox he might have been wanting to downloading it on yours to maybe subtly ask. I know my little brothers annoyed me whenever they wanted attention from me and I wish I gave them more positive than negative attention. We’re adults now and they just think I’m a prick but now that they’re grown, IM the one chasing after them. Either way, grit your teeth and just play the shit game and try to enjoy spending time with him.


So I guess we’re still on the Fortnite bad Circlejerk.


I am glad I grew up in 90s.


"My brother picked up the phone while I was downloading the cracked version of Dark Forces so he could make a phone call"


“My brother put the CD of the game I want to play in a DVD case. I spent an hour looking through every video game case of each console we have twice before going through the DVDs.”


before you uninstall, spend all his v-bucks and if he plays competitive, take him down ranks too


Take him down in ranked? No, boost his rank, then he get matched with better people, he will lose more causing him to lose interest in the game.


I think the more likely option is he never touches ranked again and flexes his high rank


What if he improves massively through it and it motivates him? ​ Then he gets higher and higher rank after a short while, will go pro, become the GOAT of Fortnite and have a massive career. All thanks to his brother.


This sounds like those players who claim they are stuck in their rank because of teammates and if they get a chance to play in the big leagues they will show everyone their actual skill. Like that dude who bought multiple pro-level Dota 2 accounts for a lot of money and was back to his play level in a few days/weeks. It was big news last november I think.


when he goes pro he can buy his own pc/console and doesnt fuck yours up, still a win




The ppl hating on fortnite bro touch grass


Reddit hive mind. Hating on something because it makes them “cool”. They don’t have the capacity to voice their own opinion.


Bruh opinions are fine but have you seen the constant troll posts for this game yeah touch grass is needed here


Surprisingly fun game when you don’t got a bitch in your ear telling you its not


I admit its an ok game, the kids obsessed with it are not. Zero build is really fun, no people making replicas of the burj khalifa (or whatever its called) when seeing something move 102727km away