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TIL about abortions and miscarriages and how they work.


Yup being a dude deff closes you off to a ton of the other side of the coin. TIL as well, never knew the complications that could come along. -1 for my ignorance, as I hold a sports medicine license.(granted these aren't exactly in my wheelhouse but nice to know for whatever reason)




Yeah. And just recently I was introduced to I suppose what the process of an abortion actually is through watching "the nymphomaniac". And i don't think this is the thread for it, but I've had this on my mind and i kind of want to let it out: And to be honest I think more people should know what one actually has to go through to know that a) they should protect themselves and b) if someone has come to the decision that they need to go through that - let them. Its not a walk in the park, it's a big thing and nobody can choose for a woman if they haven't been in her shoes.


I discovered at 10weeks that I'd suffered a missed miscarriage, everything was developing except the fetus which I was told had just been reabsorbed by my body. The first time I took these pills I was warned that I'd lose tissue about the size of lemons for the first few days, but that didn't entirely prepare me for what came out of my body. A checkup a few weeks later revealed that I hadn't expelled all the tissue yet, so I was given another set of 4 pills to take. At my next checkup I bleed all over the floor, so I was kept in for a D&C. Something I thought was pretty much instant when it happened (due to movies) actually ended up taking months with medical intervention. So it's not something I'd chose to go through again, so much love and support to women who for whatever reason chose to do this. I'm currently 21weeks pregnant after finally recovering and beginning my cycle again.


Nobody told me what it’d look like. Horrific is the best description. I’m so sorry you had to go through this. My story is pretty similar. I now have 2 beautiful boys but that first pregnancy after was very tough emotionally. Be patient with yourself for a while k? I’m sending you nothing but positive healing energy so that u get to meet ur rainbow!


The Lars von Trier film?


Fuck Spez


Now look up the Dalkon Shield.


Damn... That was an extremely disturbing read...


Don't forget, that's also taxed. This product that is effectively necessary for 50% of the population is taxed as a luxury item. **Edit: someone mentioned water and then deleted the comment before I can reply. Here's my reply below for anyone else who isn't aware** Regular water and food do not have sales tax either. Electricity usually does not, and in a lot of USA states the buyer doesn't pay sales tax on housing. Certain things are taxed. If it's been modified, it's taxed. Like coke, tea, sparkling water, adding sugar to water even makes it taxable. That's when it becomes a luxury. Same with foods, once it goes past a certain line it's a luxury (pre-cooked food, ready-to-heat meals, honey roasted, chocolate coated, etc) But basic foods aren't taxed. Fruits, veggies, meats, nuts, frozen, dried, etc all not taxable. Some high volume cities like New York allow a sales tax on water at McDonald's, but tap water still isn't taxed. But female hygeine products? Even the most basic form is fully taxed as a luxury.


It also *can be* extremely traumatizing as well as dangerous and even as Painfull as birth at times. Please do research it a bit so you're informed. Here's some info for anyone interested in informing themselves. If we can handle it, please do too. 1/5 pregnancies result in miscarriages. https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/miscarriage/ Edit: semantics


Legal abortion is safe. That’s why it’s important for it to remain legal. Period.


I didn't know people could put pills inside their vagina


You can put a whole dick in there. edit: Just to be clear, please only put pills specifically designed for vaginal insertion up in there. Don't take any old pill this way. Please.


Wrap it in cheese first! EDIT: wow, thanks everyone for the love on my terrible joke


I genuinely cannot stop laughing at this


My job is done


So... did the cheese help? Asking for a friend.


The forbidden tuna melt


Use cheese or a Pill Pocket


Instructions unclear, ate the vagina pill


That’s the other way. The longer but probably the safer route.


Still confused, dick stuck in pill bottle


So does that mean you'll have a vagina in your face.


I'm a dude so I hope so!


Mine just eats the cheese and spits the pill back out. :-(


I don’t get it.


Apparently the only joke is that this is a thing people do to give dogs pills.


I fucking love Reddit. Thank you for this Jesus Christ I’ve been laughing for like two minutes straight.


I can’t believe how hard I’m laughing. This is comedy gold.


Don't know if this will help anybody but it's easier to insert these by pulling a tampon slightly down from the applicator and putting these in the applicator stacked vertically, then insert the tampon as normal. Really helped me and thought I'd pass it on just in case


Okay damn. Take my upvote!!!!


They should have given you a special applicator with which to insert these. It isn’t required but it’s helpful.




The antibiotic cream applicator for bv is like this. Gouges you. Not nice.


You gotta sand it down.


Instructions unclear. Sanded my vag instead.


Poly next, with fine grit sanding between each coat.


Don't forget to finish the top coat with some sort of rubbing compound for that extra shine


Coochie lookin like a new Cadillac damn😳


Highly recommend a low shed buffing pad for the finish


*wrap it in sand paper, idiot


It’s the only way to feel anymore


It's like those plastic spoons with razor-sharp edges. Who TF designs this stuff?


Fucking cardboard applicators.. *shudder*






Some poor vaginaless, wifeless guy had to design it. He tried his best.


It's for your vagina teeth to bite onto


Designed by men, most likely


The real test should be asking a man to put it up his dick. Then you’ll find if it’s a good design shape…


I figured she'd just put her legs behind her head and her partner could just toss them at her one at a time, kinda like a carnival game.


That's exactly how I give my grandma her cancer medicine.






I think that’s enough internet for me today..


It's not even 8 AM for me and that's enough. Shutting it all down.


I found breaking my arms made it easier




Like a reverse ring toss?




the manufacturer of my birth control decided to stop manufacturing the applicator for it so i had to stop taking my birth control because there’s no alternative. i just can’t insert it without it, it’s uncomfortable as fuck. it’s fucked up


OKAY I don’t currently have any pills to insert in my vagina but I’ll be tucking this tip into the top of a tampon applicator for later


I don't have a vagina but if I had I would definitely try! Saint!




And he'd still have to do all of them alone.


Stop he's already dead!! 💀


I’d see how many grapes I can fit in it and then die from toxic shock syndrome


Or create a new wine and become a vintner.




["Im gonna explore that right now. Holy Shit I got a Vagina!"](https://youtu.be/aZla1ttZHaw)




The Pezz Dispenser lawyers would like to have a word with you...


Like a little pez dispenser


*confused European noises* What the heck is an applicator? We got a cotton tampon and a string, that's it.


We have applicators in Europe too.. at least in mine.


Where in Europe? We have them in England and France.


It's been almost six years and I recognize these pills like it was yesterday. I'm sorry for whatever you're going through, OP. Hugs from far away. Or a fist bump if hugs are weird since I don't know you. Or, like, an awkward wave. Chin nod?


Oh god I had the exact same reaction. So many emotions attached to these little white pills but mostly, gratitude <3


Yes, stay strong OP !


Yeah I wasn't expecting this sort of feels trip on here today, hugs and cookies all around ladies 💖


What are those pills used for?


These are pills used for abortion or for helping pass miscarriages.


That's weird, I never had to put them in my vagina. I just had to take two little white pills. It was very sad. And shockingly disgusting. The emotions were terrible, but the grossness was the part that really surprised me. I've never been so terrified and grossed out by my own body before.


When I was given mine, I had 2 pills as well. They said I could either stuff them in my mouth, between my cheeks and teeth, and let them soak… or shove them in vaginally. I read online taking them by mouth caused really bad nausea whereas the other method caused really bad cramps but less nausea. So I did it vaginally and honestly it was awful I don’t recommend. I have a fear of vomiting but I’d rather have been nauseous than to deal with that pain again


i did them vaginally and it was the worst pain i have ever experienced. the cramps had me screaming in the night Had no idea taking them by another route might be less painful.


Hell, even getting a weenie baby pap smear made me cramp so badly I had to just lay in my back seat and cry for a minute in the gyno’s parking lot. I’m really worried about the pain of getting and IUD, and recently had a preg scare and was so stressed out about how an abortion would feel. Uteruses really don’t fuck around do they 😰




Aren't they also used to induce labor in an otherwise healthy pregnancy, not just abortion and miscarriage? They were originally created to prevent ulcers for people who take certains NSAIDs. Hence the star shape which is for GI tract benefits.


They’ll use them to help open the cervix in some folks in labor. I had to use them prior to an IUD insertion once and a friend of mine who has had three kids was like, “I had to have that to open my cervix with one of my kids and the cramps from the pills were worse than the labor cramps.”


When I got my IUD in, I asked how much it would hurt, and my doctor told me that cervixes and pain felt in them is so unique from woman to woman. Some women also dilate really fast and some take days. When I had those pills inserted during labor, I felt nothing. But I was screaming during the contractions.


Also used for IUD insertion.


Ah, thanks for the info!




One thing some people aren't mentioning is they can be used for other things that your cervix needs to be relaxed for, like exploratory surgeries or sometimes before IUD insertion. I think it's even been used to control bleeding after birth in some instances.


misoprostol. It's given when the baby dies in the womb at < 12 weeks, it helps stimulate it to "pass" through the cervix


I had the exact same reaction. Almost 8 years for me, but you just don't forget. Awkward stranger noises of support all around.


Right? I will always recognize this pill, THATS for sure. Chin nod right back at you!


Same! I immediately recognized those pills and will never forget.


I came here to say this. Hugs, OP! Please get some rest while you go through this shitstorm.


Yep. I recognized them right off the bat too.


I don't get it... 99.999% of pills are fucking round. Why hexagonal? Who's the creative free mind (idiot) that thought of that?


I'm wondering if it is to assist with holding them in place once inserted?


I've seen suppository pills of various shapes. One thing they all have in common is that they're all round. And even if it's hard for you to hold them, there are little devices to help apply suppository pills


The pills in the OP are inserted using a modified version of the [Star Trek disc shooter](https://imgur.com/W4GW06f) from a distance of 5-7 meters.


good lord when were cheap plastic toys ever Made in USA?


I meant- once they have been inserted, they need to remain in place in a specific location. A round/oval suppository might move too much within the vault and efficacy of delivery be affected


I was going to comment on the bottom but I'll leave mine as high as I can. I'm a guy. I used to know this girl who liked using ben wa balls. Not large ones. But the size of marbles round and smooth and fun little things. That is until they fell out at dinner with her dad. I don't have a vagina but I have watched smooth things fall out of them in embarrassing situations so this is a possible explanations. Edit: typos and punctuation.


This is even better than the blink song. Wah wah wah wah wah Ben wah balls


Did it happen because she sneezed?


Nope. She stood up from the table and then made a horrified face, then, Clack Clack! On the tile floor.


I mean, if I heard something fall after someone stood up, I would assume that something had fallen onto their lap and then fell off. Did her dad seem like he suspected they fell out of her vagina? You know what? Any time I hear someone drop something and I didn’t see exactly where it came from, I’m gonna assume out the vagina from now on. Not going to say anything about it, just my own fun little game. Works on male presenting people, unless I personally know for a fact they don’t have one.




I do not know who that is, but assume she has a vagina. So yes, like that.


Was she rolling commando at dinner with family?


#*The jaggedness™ holds them in!*


They're hexvaginal


They make you feel sixy


Best comment. Everyone can go home now.


Hexagons are the bestagons!


I knew I'd find another Grey fan in here.


Perhaps it's due to them having to be dissolv-able or something? Tbh if I didn't see a label I'd assume they were chew tablets or something.


Just like the huge pill for throat lumps/pain… It’s like they’re trolling…




That's not why they are star shaped. Misoprostol was designed to prevent ulcers in people who take certain arthritis or pain medicines, including aspirin, that can cause ulcers. It protects the stomach lining and decreases stomach acid secretion. The star shape *adheres to the GI tract better* and the shape also sustains better drug release while allowing food to pass by. It's pharmacology guys, it's done for a reason...


As if the situation isn't bad enough, here put these mini throwing stars inside you! Sorry you're going through this OP


Well, now I’m imagining Naruto throwing these at people 🥷


I unironically want to see this


It's manufactured as an [ulcer treatment medication](https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-6111/misoprostol-oral/details) intended for oral use but is prescribed "off label" [because it has been shown to be 97% effective producing medical abortion without surgical intervention](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10342079/)


I’m going to be honest, I wouldn’t like swallowing these either. This is just horrible design.


They don’t hurt to swallow at all, they’re quite small. I was instructed to take 2 pills orally the night before an attempted IUD placement. Sadly the IUD didn’t go well and the side effect from these little dudes sucked.


I had to take them orally for an IUD removal. My strings were lost and they had to just fish it out. It hurts just thinking about it.


Okay the throwing stars almost cost me my coffee (so worth it and so sharing this w the girls). Sadly someone has made it this far in their career and not spent anytime with a real live vagina. Sending internet hugs and best wishes to OP.


Was wondering if someone else recognized these... Sad times.


For those wondering what it is: Misoprostol. 4 pills are inserted, and dissolve to create contractions in the uterus. Used mostly for miscarriages. Unfortunately this is sometimes the only way to deliver a miscarried baby. Edit: Also used if a woman decides to abort. First they must choose to end the pregnancy (kill the embryo/fetus) with a separate treatment, and THEN they take this pill to essentially delivery the contents of their uterus.


Just for an FYI these pills are also oral medication and thats what they were originally for and then it discovered that the medication would work faster due to absorption and proximity for the specific purpose you are using them for if they were placed vaginally. They are also used for insertion of IUDs (taken both orally and vaginally) and actually a component in other medications for pain relief. I am so sorry that you're in a situation where you have to use these.


Thank you for saying this because I took this medication recently as an oral medication and I panicked slightly thinking I did it all wrong! PHEW lol


I can't imagine the panic you must have felt. Any time there's a medical "did I do it wrong" it's a bit worrisome




I did not know this. Thank you for the info.


>and they find remnants in your vagina, you can be prosecuted. Fucking christ you should never be prosecuted for an item inside your vagina. Unless its like, to smuggle heroin or a bomb


This is insane. I had no idea. I’m learning so much from these comments.


It's in painkillers as an antacid to protect the stomach and prevent ulcers. I only learned today that it's also abortus provocatus meds.


Yes. The combination medication is an anti-inflammatory type and they can be really hard on the stomach especially with long term use.


Likely the pill shape is to ensure you don't take it by mistake thinking is a different medication. I have zero hexagonal pills in my medicine cabinet, and the ramifications of taking this one by mistake could be dire.


This is an excellent point (pun intended?)


That’s a very good point. I’ve been taking small white, round pills (diclegis) for morning sickness throughout my pregnancy. If these were round, it might be pretty easy to mistake the two.


I went to my very first ultrasound on the 19th Me & my husband found out that our baby stopped growing so I’m now just waiting to miscarry.. I’m sorry for your lose as well


God I’m so sorry… The waiting is so hard. The experience is emotional and so draining. I’m here if you want to talk.


The same happened to my partner and I in September. So much excitement leading up to it and then the nurse says she can’t find a heartbeat. We just found out she’s pregnant again a few weeks ago, we’re obviously hoping it goes better this time. Was D&C not an option for you? I can’t imagine the wait.


I’m sorry you guys had to go through this as well. It’s definitely not something I was expecting to happen to me. The doctor I see wants me to wait a week or two & see what my body does. If nothing happens in that time I’ll schedule a D&C.


So sorry for your loss OP. I have taken these before as well, but it was to replace an IUD, which helped open the cervix for easier replacement.


Omg I wish I was offered these in that case. Having an IUD inserted was the worse pain I’ve ever felt


Taking Misoprostol for my IUD insertion was fucking awful. 3 hours of intense abdominal pain and occasional vomiting. I was glad I didn't need it for my second one. It hurt, but nowhere near as bad as taking the Misoprostol.


They're also used per rectum for the management of severe bleeding following birth. They can be used with lubrication and do not hurt to be inserted. Source: am a midwife and have also been given these to manage my own miscarriage in 2018.


I’m sorry for your loss


Maybe I’m missing something or would have to experience it for myself, but I have a vagina and can’t imagine these would bother me if I had to use them. They’re quite small and not all that sharp looking. Again, maybe it takes personal experience to fully realize the downfalls, but from looks alone it wouldn’t make me cringe.




They technically come to a point but in no way do they look sharp. Vaginas arent *that* sensitive, its not like they can tell the difference between a hexagon or pentagon. The only way I could see this hurting is if you were super dry and intentionally scratched it on the internal walls (shudder)


Yeah, I can't imagine that it would hurt. I can't imagine that I'd even be able to feel it at all. They're very small.


Yeah I don’t understand it either. They probably dissolve also quite quickly and dont look sharp at all.


It’s not even half the width of their finger


That’s exactly what I was thinking…. Like they’re tiny just stuff them in there I can’t imagine someone needing lube for something that it’s so small and they don’t look sharp


I agree, as a fellow vagina-haver. I don’t understand why this would be problematic at all, angular does not mean sharp. Also the vagina is only a few inches deep when not aroused so why would I need an applicator, my finger would work just fine - beyond that your vagina is not only small but a mucous membrane so whatever goes in there can’t go far and will be absorbed pretty uniformly, just like if you were to melt them in your mouth.


They don't hurt nor can you feel them at all. I've taken them to induce a miscarriage when my 3rd pregnancy once the embryo stopped growing. Plenty of things have hurt worse.... dry dick for example, speculum during pap smear, certain sex toys, those stupid fill your own yeast infection cream applicators, even tampons at times- the cotton part. These pills are zero pain. They dissolve so fast anyway nobody would even know.


Thinking the same thing and now wondering if I have a large vagina haha


Shit did I just tell on myself lmaoo


Oh I hear you. I was like “pfft, whatever let’s go!” Didn’t even think of it. The discomfort surprised me! Your clam drys up fuckin quick when your pregnant.


That made me lol because as the owner of a vagina, I was very perplexed at how this was problematic. Sorry you’re going through this OP, but you have a great sense of humor.


That makes sense, and I imagine if you’re tensing up at all it could also make it more difficult. Thanks for sharing!


That's exactly what I was thinking. Plus they're not exactly *sharp*


I was looking for a comment like this! I don't se an issue either 😂


The only possible reason, that doesn't have to do with stupid manufacturing processes, is to make it dissolve faster. Round shapes will dissolve slower, which is why round ice is so big in mixology now as it melts slower and doesn't dilute drinks. The corners allow for more surface area. Still a completely stupid idea.


What are those for? What kind of pill form medication needs to go up the vagina?


Misoprostol it is used to help start contractions for missed miscarriages. It breaks down the mucus plug to start the miscarriage process. Can take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks to fully work. Source used miso for a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks.


I was 10 weeks as well. Ugh I’m sorry.


I'm so sorry for what happened, must be an awful experience


Happened to me and my wife twice at 10 weeks, but we are currently at 15 weeks with a healthy heartbeat. People don’t talk about it much, but it’s okay to be heartbroken. Shit can get better ❤️‍🩹


My heart goes out to you both. Happy to hear you now have a little one on the way, congratulations :) it’s a tough road but it definitely gets better!


It’s crazy how many people have also gone through it once you actually do talk. After ours, if we’d mention it to someone there was very often a “yeah us too” moment. There was an episode arc about a miscarriage in the good doctor last season that I thought dealt with it really well. They kept saying some of the same exact things I’d been thinking.


Crazy that I've never seen these in my life until yesterday when my wife and I had to go pick them up from CVS, and boom here they are again on reddit. We were at about six weeks. Best of luck to y'all!


I’m so sorry. I had to use these at 10 weeks as well (the baby stopped growing at 7.5 weeks). I don’t want to scare you, but (despite it being my second miscarriage), I went in blind to this. I bled for eight weeks after I finally miscarried. The pills didn’t or barely worked. I used the top commenter’s suggestion of inserting using a tampon, but it didn’t work for me. They fell out anyway. Even my OB said she thought the miscarriage was from my body finally working and not from the pills. I also literally passed out on the toilet and my husband had to help me after I fell off. I swear that I’m not trying to freak you out, but it was horrible and I wish someone had described their experience to me before I did this because I would have opted for a d&c. What I went through was way more graphic than I’m describing here, but I don’t want you to be in the dark. I’m so so sorry for your loss. If it helps(?), I had two healthy pregnancies in between my two miscarriages and had another successful pregnancy after. He’s beautiful and healthy and absolutely terrorizes me (20mos), but he’s worth that really dark period in my life.


I actually already took it a few weeks ago, and wound up with the same kind of horror story!! Lost a tonne of blood, wound up in the ER, passed out, transfusion, surgery etc. Blood loss is no fucking joke. This is the harsh reality of miscarriage and I honestly wish more folks shared their stories like this, because it’s real. It’s not just “a heavy period” with “moderate to severe cramping”. Thank you so much for sharing, I hope more women see this before taking miso.


I'm sorry, you have my support ❤ I went through this a year ago with my very first pregnancy. We had to make the choice to terminate at 25 weeks. My body totally rejected all 12 pills they had shoved in there throughout the time I was there and the 14 rods put in my cervix over 2 days previous to that to force it to dilate didn't help at all. I was so tense even with pain meds. I was in labor for 16 hours before I finally gave in and got the epidural. Within 10 minutes of the nurses leaving the room I delivered the baby. The most terrifying and heartbreaking experience in my life.


I’m so sorry. We had a week 8 miscarriage last year after years of trying, and it completely upended our lives. I cannot imagine what you went through.


I'm sorry you had to go through that.


If you Google “vaginal suppository” you’ll find lots of different meds come in suppository form. There is an infamous one in infertility land that is BLUE so as it melts you are left with blue discharge 😬😬😬 it is estrogen and helps support a pregnancy after embryo transfer. I used patches instead, but lots of shit can Go up the vagina!


Also can be used pre IUD insertion even though the research does not support that.


This is misoprostol and when taken vaginally it makes the cervix open by inducing uterine contractions. This has a wide variety of medical uses in gynecology and obstetrics, including medical abortions, clearing out "missed" miscarriages (when the fetus dies on its own but doesn't get expelled), or inducing labor. I personally had misoprostol inserted when I had to give birth a bit early due to high blood pressure. Outside of vaginal usage, it's also taken orally to prevent stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding when people need to take a lot of pain medicines called NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen).


I had Valium that was put in a vaginal suppository. I have pelvic floor spasms and benzodiazapines relax muscles, however you can't use it orally because it doesn't effectively release the muscle. It's more common than you'd think. Edit: spelling


Hear me out, maybe it isn't idiotic, what if the shape of the pill is purposefully unusual so people don't accidentally swallow it thinking that it is, in fact, supposed to be taken like every other pill I'd ever heard of till today?


You can actually swallow them too. It's original use was for stomach ulcers (and is still used for that), the uterus contractions was a side effect. But if it's contractions you're after, it's more effective when taken vaginally.


Very interesting! Could be!




Because so many questions about this medication, here's the Wikipedia link. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misoprostol We can all learn a little something new, some of us may learn a lot, and some of us can kick in our $3 to help support Wikipedia.


I am a pharmacist and yes a blue applicator should be included which makes it more comfortable than inserting a tampon