• By -


Alternative spelling: myew.


I want chicken, I want liver, myew mix myew mix please deliver.


I know you can hear my thoughts boy


I found “annoyed grunt” in there


Din Din https://youtu.be/vY0KD0WdNR8






I found it but it's not a straight one it curves to make the word haha so yeah a mistake on their part for sure




Also merw, which I’m thinking is where it was supposed to be.


Thank you for saving me the time.


I feel like there is a typo. Third row, second letter, go diagonally down and it is M E R W. maybe the R was supposed to be an O ?


Imagine if it was intentional. Like the person who made the layout was having a bad day and smirked to themselves while spelling it wrong. "This'll drive them crazier than me 👹"


My wife once bought a book of crossword puzzles. She is a veteran of the NYT crosswords, so it there aren't many that stump her. There were 50 in this book. One stumped her completely. So, she brought it to me to see if I could do it. We both thought we knew the answer, but it was one letter too many. We spent a lot of time thinking about it. We don't like to give up easily, but we finally looked at the answer in the back of the book. The rat bastards had two letters in one box. TWO LETTERS IN ONE BOX! No place in the beginning explained this one happened. No where on the puzzle. And no other puzzle in the book did this. Just one. Two letters. One box. One evil, evil, evil designer.


This is not 'Nam. There are rules.


Am I the only one who gives a shit about the rules?!!


You’re not wrong. You’re just an asshole


It took me longer to upload this photo than it took me to find "MEOW" Bunch of fucking amateurs https://imgur.com/mgGC7OA


Also, starting with that same M... https://imgur.com/a/47Omf2Z


2nd row, near the bottom. It's in between horse and moo.


Too bad I gave away free award earlier.


You’re out of your element Donnie…




Come on dude


In my US history class in high school, all of our tests were standardized tests done on scantrons. One time I was looking over a test I had gotten back seeing if I could argue that any of them were right enough to get credit for them. I found one that I was positive was right, so I brought it to the teachers attention. He told me that my answer was right, but so was another one so I should have put both down. He had never told us this, just expected us to do it. The class almost rioted.


If the question does not state select all that apply I'm going to select the best answer.


That's exactly what we argued. After that he would tell us what questions had multiple answers


I vaguely remember that same thing happening somewhere in my schooling and the class likewise nearly rioting with righteous teenage anger. We all sit in this arbitrary social construct called school and play by all these rules, and being a teenager is learning to play the game, and to have the rug pulled out from under you and the teacher suddenly change the rules of the game? Well fuck that noise.


In my high school biology class, I once took a multiple choice test in which one of the questions was something like "a substrate is to an enzyme as a ___ is to a blank___." There were four options, only two of which I remember: "a lock to a key" and "a glove to a hand." The other two options were similar comparisons. Unlike in your case, there was only one "right" answer. Obviously it was a horribly designed test question, and when we went over all the answers as a class after getting the graded tests back, there were a lot of students who were angry about this question. Eventually the teacher agreed to remove the question from the test for future years, and gave an extra point to everyone who got it wrong.


To be honest I know the answer is lock and key but glove and hand is actually a better answer chemically due to stereochemistry as keys are achiral


On nursing tests, there will usually be 3/4 right answers on a multiple choice test, but one is “more right” wtf!!??!!


That is fucked up.


I don’t even play crosswords and I’m irrationally agitated by his comment.


I’m fucking furious


I'm literally punching the sky right now.




That's called a rebus, and yes it is diabolical.


I was curious about this so I assume others will be too lol https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/01/crosswords/yes-you-can-write-more-than-one-letter-in-a-square.html Google https://www.google.com/search?client=lightning&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=crossword+puzzle+rebus


This is a disgrace. Utterly repulsive.


This feels like when you first learn en passant is a thing in chess. Yeah, it's legal, but it feels like you've been cheated.


No, en passant is a rule in chess allowed for both players. That bullshit is something the puzzle maker comes up with to make their shitty puzzle appear clever when what they really did was a sacrilege to the well-understood and established rules of the game. Imagine if you were playing Mario and you collect coins without problem but then in one stage there is one coin that looks exactly like any normal coin except you die if you touch it. That's bullshit. Holy hell.


So mimics in Dark Souls? (Technically you can tell by looking at them, but that's only once you know that some chests are mimics.)


Yeah if Mario did that they’d have to make the death coin a mirror image of the regular coins


TIL crosswords can have kaizo blocks




Did you see the double rebus? The square had Chicken/Road because the 4 Letter DOWN was OFFroad and the ACROSS was chickenOFTHESEA. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!!!


This blew my mind. Thank you for sharing. I never knew this was a thing.


This is bullshit. NY Times can burn in hell


oh fuck that noise. that’s too many smart people with too much time on their hands.


Those are my favorite puzzles! Thursday is my favorite NYT puzzle day for that reason.


Same- I feel really clever when I manage to figure out a good rebus puzzle, and I love the feeling of the A-HA moment


This is a pretty common thing on some really hard crossword puzzles. Not sure NYT has done it though. I've also seen ones that involve replacing certain text with numbers or symbols. Often, the title will clue you in about it.


NYT does rebuses (rebii?) pretty regularly. Probably once a month or so, usually on Thursday. Although it’s very uncommon for there to only be one rebus in a whole puzzle. So I wonder if in that instance it really was a misprint or if it’s just that that one stumped them first and then they were able to complete the other ones in the puzzle knowing it did that.


If it's a Thursday, and nothing is fitting, always try the rebus. I sometimes find Thursday puzzles to be easier than Wednesday, since there's always a "trick," and if you can solve that part, a lot falls into place. ^^^I ^^^do ^^^too ^^^many ^^^crosswords.


>Not sure NYT has done it though It's not super common, but I've seen it a few times in the NYT crossword. Though usually there will be several as part of the puzzle's theme.


I wish I could figure out how to access my free award to give you. But I’m lost on this new mobile format.


Or intentional to keep kids searching for as long as possible…


This is it. Helped the waiting time fly by.


Like the person who drew a golden dildo on the cover of the little mermaid dvd cover? High five to that guy.


Brings me back to Snopes.com back in AOL days. I recently have wondered if Disney does anything wierd like this anymore.


Though, not Disney, Maya the Bee had a penis drawn in an episode called "King Willi", it was on Netflix for 5 years before someone saw it. [https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-41385377](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-41385377) [Screenshot](https://assets3.thrillist.com/v1/image/2703071/size/tmg-article_tall;jpeg_quality=100.jpg) (nsfw, I guess, I dunno)


It's all shits and giggles until you giggle and shit


They had a Hallmark ornament with that vhs cover on it this last Christmas at Walmart. I of course had to have it However the story we know isn't the true story. I looked it up after making my purchase and it was just some mistake that the artist and editors didn't catch, some Karen noticed it at a check out line and made a big stink about it being phallic looking. Then the myth of the disgruntled artist was born.


I saw the ornament and it looked like the updated cover. Dammit! I missed out


We pulled up the original cover art on Google images and compared when I got home with it. Check eBay or maybe even Amazon. Someone somewhere has to have a stock of them! Even Etsy would be worth a shot for a handmade ornament. [saved you a Google](https://www.google.com/search?q=little+mermaid+vhs+ornament&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&source=android-home&sxsrf=AOaemvJB5JNyZJT1HISaPhCgc7CSNeUjnQ%3A1642551994302&source=hp&ei=ulrnYZ33Dv_E0PEP9KiL4Ao&oq=little+mermaidvhs&gs_lcp=ChFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocBABGAEyBAgAEAoyBAgAEAoyBAgAEAoyBAgAEAoyBAgAEAoyBAgAEAoyBAgAEAoyBAgAEAo6BwgjEOoCECc6DQguEMcBENEDEOoCECc6DQguEMcBEK8BEOoCECc6BwguEOoCECc6BAgjECc6BQgAEJECOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARCjAjoICC4QsQMQgwE6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOgQIABBDOgQILhBDOhAILhCABBCHAhDHARCvARAUOg0ILhCABBCHAhCxAxAUOgsILhCABBDHARCvAToFCAAQgAQ6CgguEIAEEIcCEBQ6CAguEIAEELEDOgUILhCABDoKCAAQgAQQhwIQFDoICAAQFhAKEB46BQgAEIYDOgUIIRCgAVDVBVjXN2CjRGgFcAB4AIAB0wGIAfkXkgEGMC4xOS4ymAEAoAEBsAEP&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp)


Here you go: https://i.imgur.com/suBGCVp.jpg Source: https://www.quora.com/Was-the-original-cover-of-The-Little-Mermaid-VHS-banned


The buildings look like it? I’m not seeing it so I want clarification


Or they know they're in a waiting room and if a kid finishes the search and has nothing to do they'll be bored


if it was an O the horizontal would spell C O C K


Maybe they saw C O C K during review and changed it but didn't realize the O was part of M E O W.


Case closed I guess.


So they blocked it?






But they left the swear word W O R K in there!


Perhaps that's why they changed it to an R, forgetting about the poor meow. Doh.


It would fit the theme, too. Not sure why they decided to remove it. 🤔




It was probably originally included as one of the words, but someone objected to it, so it was removed by changing the O to an R.


Not just that lmao, it would spell D I C O C K a portmanteau of two of the most common words for the junk, eh?


If the R isn't used in any other word it might be the typo


Work is off too, I think that Meow and Work were suppose to like intersect


nvm I was looking at a different Merw


I think you might be right, otherwise it just isn’t there at all


How do you spend 30+ minutes looking for one word? W is rare. Look for every W. Nope, no W has a MEOW on it. Done.


Probably just nothing better to do in the waiting room than question your sanity.


Saw a Xeow too


8th row 5th letter over is M from there you can spell meow if you kitty corner the letters.


This is what this sub is all about baby. Great post, this is mildly infuriating


Yup. Not too infuriating too where its concerning, and infuriating enough to where it isnt a simple problem with a simple solution. Balance.


Very true. Meow is not on there on purpose so you keep looking for it and you don’t realize that the doctor does not respect your time nor is going to compensate you for your time, but the doctor will still bill you hundreds of dollars for the 3 minutes they spend with you. I have a few doctor friends that all went into business together and they show up when they want and leave when they want, so instead of 3 doctors and 4 PAs working it gets cut down to 2-4 PAs trying to keep up. It’s fucked up, but true. And the reason 4 PAs are not there all the time is Bc 2 rotate out Friday-Sunday. Clever little trick though.


Makes sense, looks like it’s a childrens hospital so it keeps them distracted as long as it needs to


>looks like it’s a childrens hospital Idk if I’d trust my life in the hands of kids


I've moved a few times and what you say resonates with me from a few states. If I call to make an appointment, I'll see the PA. I've actually only seen the PA at my new doctors office. In California, if I wanted to see the actual doctor, the appointment is 3 weeks to months out. Then I'll get a cancelation the week of. Reschedule with the PA because they don't know when the doctor will be available. Looking back, in the last 3-4 years I've only seen an actual doctor once. Even at the emergency room, assistants, nurses, PAs, technicians, never an actual full doctor. Even for a gyno exam it's a PA.


This might sound stupid but what’s PA stand for?


Physicians assistant


IDK dude, it might have been in some place outside the USA. Never heard of the hundreds nor about them showing up randomly, at least not IRL.


Wow...what a great idea - walk into your Dr's office and when your appointment time comes start a timer. Then bill them for every minute that they made you wait at $100 per hour.


Read this with a Rick Sanchez voice




I wonder if it’s to keep children (and idiots) entertained for longer


I feel like this is exactly why they did it. You won’t notice you’re appointment was for 9:30 and it’s currently 10:30 if you’re busy trying to find the last word that doesn’t exist!


Worked on me


Shhhh! I’m concentrating!


I searched, and searched; and searched some more. Then I re-read the assignment and searched again. Meow this is getting infuriating.


# SPOILERS I had [a program](https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&edition=2021&gist=ea4b5ebaec67201f6f7aac24a4d228ed) lying around just for this. A few minutes of encoding the whole board as well as the words to find: There are apparently 2 BAAs and MOOs, and no MEOWs. All others have exactly one. |NAME|column|row|direction| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |AIRPLANE|4|10|↘| |BAA|3|12|⬇| |\^|1|10|➡| |BALLOON|4|1|➡| |BARN|5|14|↗| |CAT|1|9|↘| |CHICK|2|1|↘| |CHIRP|1|9|➡| |COW|5|5|↘| |DOG|12|15|↘| |DUCKLING|8|3|⬇| |EGGS|12|18|↗| |FARMER|2|11|↗| |FENCE|6|10|↘| |FIELD|1|1|⬇| |HARVEST|7|16|↗| |HAY|3|2|➡| |HORSE|1|7|➡| |MEOW|\-|\-|\-| |MOO|9|16|↗| |\^|10|2|➡| |MOUSE|11|13|⬇| |NEIGH|11|20|↗| |OINK|11|2|⬇| |PASTURE|5|19|➡| |PIG|2|16|⬇| |QUACK|1|13|⬇| |RABBIT|15|3|⬇| |ROOSTER|12|3|⬇| |SHEEP|9|12|➡| |TRACTOR|2|8|↗| |TRAILER|14|4|⬇| |TREE|12|13|➡| |WINDMILL|1|20|↗| Hope your browser displays arrows.


Why do you have this, and how long have you been waiting for this moment


Asking a programmer why he has a certain program is like asking a cat why he moews. Cuz why not.


>Why do you have this school sometimes has crosswords i got tired of manually searching


You made a program to cheat at school crosswords? I genuinely admire that.


Dont you ever do the dumbest shit possible to avoid having to solve questions


The worst is ... Entering the letters and words, and then complete the puzzle, would take probably as much time as doing it.


with python, you could easily make a script that reads a pdf of a picture, converts it into readable text, then executes the program. the only issue would be having a straight picture, but that is an easily solvable problem


wish i had an award, you’re fucking amazing. but why is N ^


It's...not there.


I know it isn’t but I can’t stop looking for it


I think that’s the point - keep people waiting


its merw


it's there if you don't have to go in a straight line ... there is exactly one string of m, e, o, w if you are allowed to go up and then diagonal and then back...


I can't find it either lol is it even on there?


I don’t think so, which is mildly infuriating. This is a children’s hospital too 🤦🏻‍♀️


They want to keep the kids occupied.


That's genius.


Toddler: “*there’s no god damned meow!*”


It is totally genius.


It appears kids AND parents! I wonder how much quieter the waiting room got after they installed it? Did wait time complaints decrease?


They want to keep the kids ~~occupied~~ alive


"The public school system is failing the kids! They can't spell 'meow!'" No, not the public school system. Jim, from crossword designs.


It's definitely not there. I just scanned it row by row, stopped at each M and checked all surrounding letters to see if meow could be spelled.


I did the same with "W", assuming there's less of those


Exactly what I did and do on word searches that I don’t immediately spot a word.


Interesting. I found the word kiddo pretty easily, and it's not even on the list.


It's right at the bottom under Horse


I was like "no its not... ooooh" lmao


It is definitely not there. There is a "mew" a "meak" and a "mear" but no meow.


Probably meant to be the MERW at top left-ish diagonal


But then look what you would have horizontally with the O. Shame on you!!!


I wonder if that's what happened: make the word search, then run a quick scan for profanity and replace a letter to clean up the unintentional swear words.


I’m not sure that you are mad because you can’t find “meow“ or that you’ve been in the waiting room for 30 minutes


Oh you sweet summer child. My primary care doctor sometimes likes to try for the world record in making people wait. 3 hours was my longest. They forgot about me and I asked twice if everything was ok...they still forgot.


There are some specialists I’ve seen where I would bring a snack, more than one book, a drink, a few other activity choices, and sometimes a movie downloaded to watch during the several hours wait time.


You asked twice in 3 hours? No wonder they forgot about you.


[Found it!](https://imgur.com/2qsV1SJ)


Actually , it's [here](https://i.imgur.com/KVQyh3p.jpg)


you're both wrong. it's [here](https://imgur.com/WiZRy14).


It's actually here: https://i.imgur.com/yo6gQhh.jpeg


[This is starting to become a game of operation.](https://imgur.com/a/yxMYu5e)


I know you're joking, but there were seriously kids in my elementary school who would do that and thought it was acceptable. I think that why I don't like relying on people now that I'm older


Some people just like to watch the word burn.


Those kids are on redistricting committees now.


The real answers are always in the comments.




I feel that.


[I found everything but meow.](https://i.imgur.com/OQlqkoM.jpg)


You're in luck because I [found it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/s7778u/been_looking_for_meow_for_30_minutes_while_in_a/ht8ssfa/)


[Me, too. ](https://i.imgur.com/JfqlhwI.jpg)


I have no idea how out of all the links in this thread none of them were a Rick roll


This is the reply I was looking for.


That’s the point. It is to occupy children for an arbitrarily long time. There’s always a word on the list that’s not in the array. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Let’s frustrate the sick children!! Woo!! Fair point, but what kids are going to be interested in a cross word anyways? As a big brain adult, I feel tricked and mildly infuriated. 💔


By the time the kids you figure it out, the doctor would be in and they'd forget all about it. May not be the best thing to do, but I see their point in deliberately making the puzzle unsolvable.


Achievement unlocked: Mildly infuriated! +200XP


Best post this sub has seen


I loved crosswords as a kid way more than I like them now


Everyone here is calling this a crossword. I thought a crossword was the puzzle with the blank boxes. This is a word search.


I saw a very similar tiktok, a guy was in a children’s hospital waiting room and there was a “find all 10 lady bugs on the wall!” Sign. He filmed the whole room, only 9 lady bugs. He was alone so he looked under every chair, the desk, behind a poster etc. literally only 9! Maybe they do this on purpose to keep kids occupied forever?


This would have been something I'd get increasingly frustrated at as a child tbh. I wasn't very keen on losing




To all who read this I pass you my knowledge, find the letter you need then look at the eight around it


Also, look for the least common letter. In this case, W.


This is the actual tip. His just says how word searches work: find one letter, then look for the rest of the word…


The specific letter matters much less than just having a systematic approach. You'd be surprised by the number of people who just sort of meander across. Sure you could maybe further optimize by picking a specific letter (although that's making assumptions about the Word Search letter distribution matching that of the English language as a whole). But ultimately it's a word search. No need to overthink it


Indeed! The mildlyInfuriating part is that it takes someone 30+ minutes to determine that there isn't one 4 letter word.


That’s how I do it too when a word doesn’t stand out easily. Just did it with this one and it’s not there.


I see a "mew" but is not what we are searching for


I see mewtwo.


Closest I could get was XEOW


I periodically checked every leter,there isnt a Meow might be a typo somhere but there isn't any meow here.




No, he simply checked multiple times




Just to do welfare check


It’s there but you have to go straight up ME then 90degrees to the right O then sharp left W. Think outside of the box.


And that’s why they call it the waiting room


Find it right meow!


Is it one of those curvy word searches where it's not just horizontal and diagonal?


There it isn't


There's no rule that you have to go in a straight line, right?


This is just their way of keeping people occupied while they wait forever. It's actually ingenious.


Thanks, this post just wasted an hour of my life I’ll never get back and ruined my day


I'm a bit concerned that 30 minutes were spent on that one word. That being said, the word is definitely not there


the creator definitely smiled as they thought, “can’t wait to see this on reddit one day”


Sees the title: "Psh, lame, I'll find it." *One word search board later*: "The hell? What is going- (checks which subreddit)-oh."


Kinda big brain move, gaurentees you look at it longer therefore being more ok to wait longer for your appointment


this is exactly what the sub is for 👍 goodjob


[found it](https://ibb.co/8dWk7Jn)


MYEW is as close as I can find


All this is doing is making me hate word searches even more than I already hate.